Strictly Fresh Oysters every day at tho Serious KiiJiinvny. Fresh Oysters by the can or dish at th Cily Baltery, Warranted, * City Bakery, * About 7 o'clock Monday evening last, Ford's Bazaar The game of base ball at i^ailsville last During the chilly winds of March, six Henry Peters started wilh his team and years ago, John H, Martin totik unto him Friday, between tho Mason and Dansville wagon for his slnucrhter house in the south• self a wife nailied Helen A,, nt Sidney, clubs, resulted in a victory lor tho Mason ern pari of Uio city. He was accompanied Montcalm county. They lived togothi boys, the score staiidlnfr S'l to M, by Claud VanDeusen and Geo, Smith, two Farmers, we want your Choice nearly two years, when tho unfaithful hus A strange''freak, of nature" was shown young lads. When they reached EUn band left his wife and child at lier father' Butter for our rapidly in• us last Saturday by ]), D, Lindsay, in tho street, going south on C street, tho bolt Our Entire Stock of house in Whito Oak, and went "where th shape of a small snapping turtle, with two fastening ono end of the pole to tho nxlo creasing Retail Trade. woodbine twineth." Helen wants the cir heads and two tails, but otherwise perfectly cnmo out. The pole dropping down fright cuit court to decree her a free womnn, nnd formed, enod his spirited team and they were soon this week files her bill of complaint with dashing along nt fearful speed. At tho Fred W, Fry, a former Leslie boy, was that prayer. Remember n lead the town in crossing of Cherry street young VanDeusen ii adrallted to practice in the supremo court threw himself froln the wagon, thereby of California tho other day. Ho used to On tho first day of March, 1881, Danio Prices. escaping injury,other than a few revolutions, peddlo washing macbiiles through this D.Lewis and Cora E. TenEyck, both Mr, Peters succoedod in keeping the team Lansing, came to Rov. Wm, Doust, then Will be offered at a Great Discount for the section, in tho road until thoy reached the anglo pastor of the M, E, church in this cily, and We keep a Full Line of Groceries Agent M, J. Murray has been selling and started up Barnes street, when, not next 17 Days, commencing Saturday, eaoh took tho other lor better or worse half-fare tickets to Lansing since Tuesday being able to turn quick enough, the wagoh Tho latter part ol June, 1885, they were in addition to onr Mani- morning, for those wishing to attend the Aug. ISth, 1887, at passed ovor a short post, wheel striking living at Chelsea, Wis,, when Cora deserted soldiers' reunion at Ionia. To-day is tho solidly against the sidewalk running oast motli Stock. Dan and fails to return, llonco ho asks tho aat day. * nnd west across the rond. This demolished circuit judge to untie the knot calninitoualy We are in receipt of tho August number the wheel nnd it is supposed broko tho manacled, by filing his bill of complaint of Wood's Onicial Railway Guide of Mich• reaeh, throwing tho wagon, tho occupants Six Tlioiisand Pounds English E. M. SLAYTON'S praying for a decree for divorce. igan, containing much valuable informa• and a rack containing two sheep into tho tion , aside from the corrucled tilne tables air and causing a complete wreck, the Great "NVUtl West Show. Crockery just received, at of tho diirerent roads, hoi-sos rushing on, carrying only the pole Great Bargain Dry Goods Store. and remnants of front wheels, Mr, Peters J, H, Sullivan, as Broncho John, wi It is said that the walor in Grand River and the hoy were found lying in the middle give a wild west show on the fair ground FORD'S BAZAAR, Two doors south of Postollico. is so low al pl'esent that folks have to lot of the road, yet free from tho wreck—both Friday and Saturday evenings, of this week tho fish play in their cisterns several hours unconscious, A crowd soon gathered upoi True pictures of lifo in the wild west POlili s iwx, Prms, a day in ordor to keep Ihem from getting the scene and when Dr, ,1, B, Dodge arrived Practical illustrations of handling the lasso LOCAL AIVD GEIVEUAL WEWS- sick and discouraged. Ingham Countg Democrat he pronounced no bones broken, Mr, and bull whips 25 feet long, how to rido llev. A, A, l^nappen, formerly M, E, Peters was soon able to ride home nnd what lo do in case ol saddle turning, to Read G. W. Glynn's advortisolnont. Published every Thursday pastor in this city, now lho reliriiig presid• young Smith was carried to his mother'a slop a runaway in case of reins breaking ny Fresh Oysters received daily at the City ing elder in the Albion district, has been homo which was near, where he is now to mount, etc. D. 1'. W II IT MOKE, Bahery. * presented with a handsome gold watch by improving slowly. The next morning All genuine princes of the prairies, giv. mSON, MIOUIOAN. When will Mason catch llie craze and hia ministerial associates. Peters had regained consciousness, but is ing full and graphic descriptiona of adven bore for gas 'i' injured internally, though it is thought not lures, dancers in crossing countries, expos PRICES : Dan, McTaggart of St, .Johns, has ac• seriously, Consldering the completeness ure lo gri-at cyclones, cloud-bursts, Indian One Voar, $1.50 t Six tnonthi, 75 centi; Three School house to hiiild, Road notico iti cepted the ohalloiige seal out by Geo, Soarle of the wreck, it seelns almost a miracle raida, horse Iheives, road agents, etc. montlii,40 conta. local colilnin, of this city, for a wrestling match, catoh- that there wero no fatal results. Admission 25e ; children 15o, ns catch-can, best three in live. Tho match Call nt tho City IBahery and i:;ot a con of nnslnoss Directory. takes place in St. .Johns Saturday evening, Muzzle Your Dog. those large, fresh oysters. * For tho past ten days two persons havo Mr, and Mrs, Elmer III, Wood, west Elm boon from house to house in this city, attorneys. Christopher Brott waa firantod an in At the council meeting Monday evening 0>;0,M. riUNTlNUTON. H. P IlKNUKaSoN. street, mourn the loss of their youngest selling rugs and clocks upon the install crciise of pension last Satlifday. the city marshal was, by a unanimous vote TTUNTtNaT0N.t [JEKDERSON, Altortneys and child, little Kittie, who died of spinal feyer inclit plan without paying tho requisite city VA10)ERCOOK directed to enforce Ordinance No, 2,'!, which n OouuBolurs at Law. Ollico ovor ICirst Nalional Tho lllto rain-fall hits brightened up tho ast Saturday. Funeral services were hold lank. Mason. Mich. 'iyl license. Coniplniat was made on Monday reads as follows: appearance of potatoos and corn, at the house Sunday afternoon, oonduoted to City Marshall Williams, who collared PHYSICIANS. SKCTioy 1, fWio Ciiij of Mnson Ondiiin; Tlintauy perHa• s a NEW BRAND Mr, and Mra, John Welding of Alaiedon, by Rev, DeLamarter, tho offenders for violation of the oity ordi son or persons having, owning or kooping, or who 11. OULVEIl, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, nance. Prosecution was deferred by giving shall havo, own or keep any dog within tho limits s, Olhce ovur Howard 4 Son's Orocery, Mason, M rejoice over llle advent ol a son last Sunday, Last week Louisa Carr ot Williamslon said olty, shall, from aud after tho first day of May OP ThiA, and to intro• ,OOTOU A. JI. OAiMi'in-nib.Phyflicittii, Surgnon the marshal security that the SIO license Onicenver II. H. WIlIiimrHilrugHtoro,RlftBon, Bello McKenzie has boon furnished filed her bill of complaint in the circuit until Uie Ilrst day of Doconibor, in eacli yoar, cvcopt would be paid this week. We are glnd to whon such dog shall bo in tho enclosure of its owner o Iransportalion to Watrousville, whero her court, asking the court to grant her freedom see the raarslml enforce thls particular keoper,havoand keep such dog aocuroly inu7.i'.lod,and duce it he will give a J. row block. Jlesidenco corner A anil Oak .Sts, father lives, from her husband, Cyras T, Carr, now of ordinance in regard to hucksters. shall placo, or causo to bo placed, and koop ahont th A, LOCICE, H, n,, llomeopalhist, Oillco ovor neck of such dog ii collar of leatlior,b™88or olhor suit D. Farmers'Hank. Olllce hours from 10 to 12 a Quito a Inrtio ilmnber froln Ihis locality Arkansas, upon the grounds of cruelly and >n„ 2 to 4 and 7 lo 11 p, in, failill'o to support hor and their five The teachers of Ingham county are to able material, having the name of lho owner of such pound of Good Baking attended the camp meeting al Ilafllett Park- dog legibly written or printed Ihoroon. children. have added attractions nt the coming insti• UNDERTAKING, last Sunday, Seo, 2, Any violation of the provisions of section P, STROUD, Undertaker, ttrst door west of tho Farmers, don't forget lo save 12 ears of tute at Lansing, Aug. 29. Besides the ono of this orJlnauco shall bo punlsliod hy a fine of Powder with every Win, Ganzen of Lansing, is sorvinjf a . DKMOOiiAT ollico, Mason, Mich. Two lirst'Clai not less thuu two nor moro than ton dollars and costs Shoarsiis and hotter facilities than evor before, Oltf each of your varieties of corn, and a peck servico of throe ellioient instructors, several len days sentence at the county jail for aad in tho imposition of nny such iluo nnd costs, the of your other grains to show at the county Lansing teachers have consented to present DENTISTS. drunlteancss^ court may make a further sontenco thnt tho offendo pound of Tea sold. fair. Many prominent men from abroad some classes in kindergarten wol'k, sand, bo Imprisoned In tho connty jail until tho payment R. MOKPETT, DENTIST, Oillco ovor Ilolinos The stato military board meets tolnor D it Oo,^H store, Jlason, Mich, Teeth extracted including Gov, Luee, will be in attendance table work, map-drawing, &c. It will bo tlicroof, provided liowovor, that such Iniprlsonniont without imlu hy lho uso ef Vitalized Air. Artillclal row, when the pay rolls of tho Island Lake worth a great deal to every teacher to see shall not exceed tho term of flftooii days, teolh without platos, Allwork warranted. nnd il is desirable to show ihem speoimons heroes will be audited. Sf:o,,'J, It shall bo tho duty of the city marshal, in of what the farmol's raise in Ingham county these actual class exercises. Board and P. VANDUSKN.DKNTIBT, Oniceiu Darrow cnso nny dog shall bo found going at large within tlio A block. Mason, Mich, DuBois & Earle sell a bread toaster for a rooms can be hnd at 75 cents per day, so limits of said city, out of the enclosuro of, and not Who says there is no power in poetry ? gasoline stove that works to perfection. If none need stay away. For further infor• under tho imniodiato control of the owner or koejier For July and August Delivery at Lowest SURVEYING. Last week os iMiltot: Ryan was noticing the of such dog, and not provided with luur/.lo nml collar you like toast, try one, * mation address II, R, Pnttengill, Lansing, Living Prices.' S, A, Paddook. P, DRAKE, Deputy County Surveyor, Mason as described In soctiou ono of this ordinance, to kill • Mich, Drain work a specialty. efl'ect of the drouth, he was inspired with Mich. ______or cauao such dog to bo killed, nnd its body to bo ro- Notice. A The Detroit Eveninr/ Naus has just the thought that a few lines might perhaps movod to n siiitnbio i>lace nnd biiriod. We have made arrangements whereby we Whereas, my wife, Elizabeth D. Cook, FINANCIAL. learned that a Bunkerhill man is engaged bring the needed rain, and accordingly Seo. 4. Tills ordinnnco shnll tako olfooton tho ICth having left my bed and board without just are enabled to furnish the De.mocrat and lay of Juno, A. 0.1870. M. DRESSER, Insurance, Loan and Oolleotlon in raising peppermint. wrote, and even before the production was cause or provocation, I hereby forbid any J, Agent. Allbusluesspromptlyatteuded to. Of• the Detroit Free Press, each four months, Passed May 2Glh, 1879. Approved May 27tli, 1870. person harboring or trusting her on ray fice lu Farmers'llank, Maion, printed a refreshing shower had been The Maple street bridge over the Syca for 50 cents. The Demociiat we aim to account, as I shall pay uo debts of her received. Headache, costiveneas and piles are thor• INSURANCE. more presents the appearance of a recent make the best local paper in the county, contracting after this date. oughly cured by a judicious use of Ayer's 32w2p ' Jacor Cook, Delhi. ABMER3 MUTUAL FIKE INSURANCE OOM. cyclone in that locality. Last week Wm. Herrick of Aurelius, and tho Free Press is generally conceded Pills. pany of Ingham county . Safest, cheapest, best, was arrested upon the charge of bastardy, to be the best family newspaper in the state. Aiiples •Wanted, ToFr information write to O, F, Miller, secretary, For first.clasa horse-shoeing and general Mason, Geo, W, Pholns, president, Okomos, under the complaint of Amelia Hawkins, It hns lately beon enlarged to ten pages, We want your apples, and will pay you blaoksniithing, call on Horning & Wells, IiUglU6§8 liOCalS. in cash aa much as nny one. We will take then of Ingham, Billy came before Justice making it the largest weekly published in JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, near Donnelly House barn, * nny or nil you have got—cider applea ©r Barnes to answer to the accusation, and to tho norlh-weat. One of the new and here• Scliool House to Build. paring apples. We nre ready for them now. A, HARNKS, Justice of thoPonco, Insurance and Pnddoclc & Beech's new block on Maple J.Collection Agent, Olllce up stairs, over Fanners' make all mattera lovely he joined hands after complete and prominent features of Sealed bids will he received by Building Neely & Huntinoton, Mason. llnnk, 60 street will present the handsomest front of Committee of district No. 1, in Stockbridge, with the girl on Saturday and Judge Barnes the paper will be an ngricultural depart• Money Wanted. to build and furniah all material of ono nny business place in the city, ment. Remember, both these papers four All parties indebted to the Into firm of REAL ESTATE AGENT tied the knot. atory, three room, bl'ick-yenperod school Witbeek & Yocura or to C. A. Yocum, will AIlSilALL it OaSTBRLIN, Loan, Collection, One week from next Sunday the last months for .'50 cents, *tf house, to be finished Deo. 1, 1887. Plans The Lansinit Slate llepnhlican goes for confer a favor by calling and settling the M Iusuranco nnd Real Kstate Brokers, Olhce over and specifications can be seen at the office Stroud it Co.'s Furniture Store, Mason, Mich. quarterly meeting of this eonferenoe yoar Another attempt has been made to wreck same at once. I need the monoy. tho gambling houses of tliat city in grand of Dr. Williams, in Stockbridge, on and will be held al the M, E, church. Respectfully, ohn DUNSRAOK, RooI Ustato and Loan Agent stylo, mentions the number and Kinds of D,, L, (fc N. pasaenger trains, A heavy after Aug. 24th. All bids lo be in by 10 C, A. YocuM. J Main Btreot. soiitit of poBtoitico, Mason, It is stated that the good citizens of North tables in each place, and says: "In no other spike with an enormous flange was driven o'clock a. m., Sept, 10,1887. The commit• tee reserves the right to reject nny or all Opposite Firat National Bank. Lansing are organizing lo cleanse that yir cily in Michigan of the same size is the in between the ends of two rails on the up• bids. L C. WILLIAMS, Aloney to Loan, tuous locality of some pretty tough dives. pernicious practice of gambling so preva• grade beyond Portland in such a way that ,/WlGHI6ANfTENTRAL See'y Building Com. lent," The "local" must have "set in" and ad the spike boon struck by an engine Inquire of Ldciev Reed. Second Lient. W. L, Simpson of the 24th Stockbridge, Aug. 16th, 1887. 33w2 came out with a "bob," coming down grade it would inevitably On and after August Ist we sell for cnah infantry, has been detailed as professor of laUo Wiirninj;. nnd caah only. W, have derailed the entire train and hurled it G, VanHorn. military science at the Agricultural College. In speaking of the salvation army picnic I hereby forbid any and all persons in• Work Horse for Sale. down the steep embankment. Fortunately at Lansing this week, the IlepuUkan aays: debted to the firm of Petty in Fryer, black• Big bargain. Inquire of Joe P. Smith hns the contract for a west-bound train first passed over the "Delegates from all the local armies in the smiths, paying any money to A. M. Petty, A. L. Vandercook. furnishing and putting in the plumbing road after the spike was driven, and the as he has no authority to collect tho same, state aro expected to be present, and it ia Overalls and JumporH necessary for S, J, P, Sinend's new residence. obatruction was reported at the .nB,vt station .S3(vlp J. D. Fryer. expected that every sinner in Lansing will At C. F. Brown's. ItoouiH to Kent Pratt & Burnham have leased the new na a broken rad. An investigation revealed The J^iagara Falls (Route. become a howling swell wilh a red shirt on An IClosant Line tho narrow escape of the train,—Journal. Over Howard's Grocery. No one who can• Paddock store, and will open a Iresh stock before the end of the week. In the mean- Of new Flouncings and Laces in Two Tone not pay need apply. Mrs. M. A. Sweet. BOUTHWAIID, 9:32 p,m. of groceries therein ns soon as completed. lime Satan is so mad he juat paws wilh his County Clerk John W. Whnllon has this Cream and White, jnsl received at Arrive Jackson,, 11:20.1 m. 10:311 p,m. . Marcus .Gregoh's. hoofs and plows hell with his horns." week received the necessary blank affidavits TOT Sato or ExcUiingo. Arrivo Kaliiniazoo, „ 1:60 p. ni. l:lCa,m, G. W. VanHorn, the Maple street grocer, A ohoiOe farm of 97 acres for sale at a Overalls with a patent fly and diamond ' 3:05 n,ra. has bought his brother Cornelius' stock at whichproapeetive benedicts Will be required Chicago ,„ 6vlOp, ni. 7:00 a. ni. A. I, Barber has a large flock of sheep bargain, or will exchange for a smaller stay, at C. F. Brown's. Okemos, and removed the same to this city. to fill out and verify afler next week Friday, Arrive Grand Rapids „„ ,„, 3:00 p,ni. 5:00 a, Di, pasturing upon John McRobert's farm in farm. Enquire on the premises, 2;} miles A New Line which is the time the new marriage license „ 6:30 p,ni. 4:36 a, ni' Vevay. On Sunday last three dogs pro• north'west of Mason. Of Lawns, Organdies and Sateens in plain Buder & Child have dissolved partnership law goes into effect. He has also received "psilanti 5;45 p.m. 4:62 a, ni' ceeded to prey upon the flock and succeeded 32w2p Henry Jacobds. nnd figured, just received al Rotroit 0:16 p,m, 6:00 a, m' in the livery business nnd divided the stock. the blanks necessary to authorize the per• St, Tliomaa , 11:10 p,m, iJ:Sn a. ni' in killing or badly mutilating some ten or All persons indebted to me please call Marcus GnEaoit's. Buffalo 4;36 n,m, 3;66 p. m' Mr. Butler will continue the business as son who can legally solemnize marriages to NoninwABD. ' twelve. Two of the dogs belonged to John and settle at once and oblige Money to Lioan before. perform the same. In making the affidavit Leavo Jackson „„, 7:00 a, m. 4:30 p. m. G. W. VanHobn. On real estate, at the Parmer'a Bnnk, Ma• Mason,,,, 7..J5 ». m- 6'24 p. m, Wheeler of Vevay, and have, been shot. C. M. Marshall has atlded to the safely the affiant must give his full name and the son, Mich. lylp Arrive Lnnslng 8:20 a. m, 6:48 p, m. The other canine escaped and is without a Jaolcsou Stono Drain Tile OwoBSo 0:22 ^.m. 7:13 p, ni, name of the prospective bride, color, age at Saginaw Olty „„,10:SO a, ni. 8:36 p, ni, of the traveling public by building a new known owner. . There is certainly need And Sewer Pipe of all a\m on hand nnd A Large Lino Day oity i„,ll:'15u,m, 0:30 p, m, sidewalk in front of his pleasant home on last birthday, birthplace, residence, occupa• for sale by J. W. CnAPitr, Of White and Croam India Linens, Striped MttOklnow oity 8:60 p, m, 6:30 n, m. enough of a dog law rigidly enforced. tion, parents' names and the number of and Checked in Whito and Eeruo, to, bo M, J,MciinAY, O.W, nuaoiHs, ^ °''*®'''' • 31w'lp Eden, Mich. Ticket Agent, Qon'l Pass, nnd Ticket Agt, limes previously married must be stated, if found at. ' Marcds Gbegor's. Mnson, OhicaKO, Horace Jump'of .Henrietta, was jailed Oxon JTor Solo. Charley Leek and Jane. Vinegar were A Now Brunch Added. last week fot: bastardy, upon complaint of any. The permit is then. issued by the I haye a good pair of working cattle for married in Leslie on Aug. 4. If that Leek CP. Brown has put in n line of Overalls county clerk, and nt the bottom of. the per• sale. Enquire on premises, five miles east is not pickled we'd like to know the reason. Miss Josie Chase, an adopted daughter of with the IntBHl improvement. Call and aoe mit is a certificate of the person solemniz• of Mnson, Levi Swan. PATEPfS! —Slockbridge Sun. ' John 0. Chase '.ot Bunkerhill. Josie was thom. • •••• r • •. ing the marriage, stating that so and so At .Webb's Shoo store Obtnlnod, nnd all othor .builnoBii in tho TJ, S. Patent in the city Saturday and refuaed the loving Don't ITorgot Ed. Frazel has repaired the house on Ollico Bttondod to for.MODlC BATE-FEES, •- hand of Horacejwhiolv bo offered in an were joined in marriage by him at a certain That account you owe. Please call and That the best place in the city to buy Our oillco is oppoaito'thoiO; 8,Pa^nt Ollloo, and wo Main street, recently purchased of the G»n obtain patonta in lens timo tlmn those romotofrom affectionate manner by proxy, a la Nina time and place and tho names of two wit• settle nt once. Trunks and Traveling Bags ia at •WASUINGTON, , :i ..; McKenian boys, so that it is about ns good nesses tvho were present., This 'with: tho Bond MODEL bi- DRAWING, Wo n'dvlso ns to pat. VanZandt. His e.Kamination is fixed for Xho tiargost Uao C, F. Brown's. cntabillty. froo'of charge; and wo mako NO OUARQli as new. A good inveatment. original permit is roturneii to the clerk by. . ', • • , ...DonUiitry." UNLESS WE obtain PATENT. • ne.\t week Wednesday, before Justice Of Gloves and Silk Mitts in the oity at the clergyman or magistrate, who retains a Beat Teeth, $7.50; Filling, 50 cents np; \Yi) pofor horo, to tho Poatmastor, tho Supt, of Mon• A Genesee county Bohemian oats agent Hammond.Last Monday ^Mr. Jump gave - , Marous Gregor's. ey Order Blv,, und to; olllolttlu) of tho U. 8, Patent Extraotingj 25 cents. Teeth extracted with-.', bail for his appearance, with Wm..Stowell duplicate for his own uso or convenience. •Ollloo, Korolrculiip.advlco.to'rmu nud loforoncos to has eOnie to griet, being arrested for selling For Sale. out pain by the uao of Nitroua Oxide Gaa. Rotual oUontB In yourown stato or county, write to - Who will be the first applicant under this and was unable to furniah bail, hence he and Rarisoin Jump as sureties. Will there ' Improved city property and vacant lots. A. P. VanDeusen, vc.A. si¥oW::V&;:co.,;.,.' new law ?•,/.;^'v:^i;;;:v^:: • 1 Oppoalto Patonl Omcij^yiliiiUlugtoiiiD. O. languishes in jail at Caro, Midi. be a little Jump, now 1 • Marshall & .CAWaiN.' Darrow block. ^ s^,.:: Maaon, Mich. sots slightly is excess of tho latter amount. ot corn. Thoro will bo a full crop of tico from Tennossoo; Maryland and tho District MICHIGAN AFFAIRS. Bulls and boars seemed oveijoyod at tha and sorghum sugar cnuo, and potatoes of Columbia, 10 each; Massachnsotts, Ken- THL LONG- mi SPELL. Le HOWS, believing that tho stock market would promise woll. Corn prospects iu Dakota lucky, Iowa, Arkausas, Missouri, Virginia, —A large court-house is being erected Inghani Co, Democra and Wisconsin, 7 onch; Mississippi, Mich• show nn immodiato improvomout. aud Minnesota aro oxcellont. Its Disastrous Effects V\)(}n Uio Crops at Rogers City. A riBE, origiufttiug iu Mnsonio Eull, PoREST firoa nre ngain raging in Nortli- igan, Alabama, and Texas, G ench, MASON, MIOH. iu Sonio of llio Wostern —Morenoi complains of a lack of rent• Pittsburgh, destroyed that and a mitiiber orn Michigan and •Wisconsin, says a Chi• SEVENTy-Eianx Virginia Bepublionns, of whom only two woro colored, hnd a Stiites. able rosidouoeD, », V. wnrruoEE, of other bnildings. Tho Ions will roach cago speoinl. A vnst nmoimt of timber couferouoo at Senator Mahono's houso in huudrods of thousands of dolloi'S. and other property hns boon conauinod, - A site for JIuskogou's public library is and mauy towns and villages aro in daii- Petersbui'B lo arrange a jirogrnmnio forthe Indiana and Illinois tke Worst Suf- being hunted up by tho diroctors, WEST. Ror of dostruction. 'Thousands of men aro fall campaign. It wns decided to hold uo THE WIDE WORLD. lighting tho llniueH, Unless rain soou State Oonvoulion. A committoo was ap- ferens—Iowa and Nebraska —Tho Stato School for tho Blind at Lan- A CmoAGO dispatch o£ Tuesday says; poiuted to prepare nn address to tho lie- siug will roopou for tho roooptiou of pupils falls, tho losses will reach an appalling ag• More i'ortunate. "Tho W. 0. Tyler Paper Compnuy, No, gregate. publican voters of tho Stato. Senator on Weduosday, Sept, M. 1G9 Adams street, fniled yestortliiy with lin- Mahono made a speech iu which ho urged A Calalogiie of (lio Week's Iinpor- Tjin couvictod Cook County Coinmis- bilitios ostimiitod at i?y50,000. Tho nom• further attompts to ell'eot a compromise [Ohlongo spoolal,] —It required 58,758,350 gallons of water, siouers woro taken iuto court nt Chicago la,ut Occurrences Concisely inal asBets are reported to about equal with the foreign oroditors of Virginia. Tho TimcK of this city gives reports from besides that tirawn from ]n-iviito wells, to on Thursday, and Jlessri. McClaughroy, tho liabililios, bul, na n largo propor- various points iu the Wostern States show- Oliver, Cassolman, Goils, McCarthy, supply Jackson duriug July, Siiinraarized fiou ot tho nssolH ooiisists of book RAILWAYS, ing tho coiidiliou of tho crops, which is debts nud doubtful paper, tbo crod- Klohm, nnd Lynn woro sentenced. Mc- thus summarized: —lUchard Crouch, of Jnclcson County, itors will probably bo glail lo sottlo Clnughroy was soutoncod lo two yoars iu A Salt Lake (Utah) special says: "J. 'Tliodroiii;lit has liooinmoimiiuonly sovoro in is tho owner of a suow-whito inassnsanga. tho Peuilentiary at Joliel, tho others being most ot the territory covorod by those udvicos, Iiitellifreiieo by Electric Wire from nt ."iO lo GO cents ou tho dollar, Tho only D. NegUB, tho rnliug spirit iu tho proposed Tho snake has soveu rattles and is qnito lined if'liOflO' aud costs each. Mc- nnd the siiui ot tho iuforiiintioii obtniuotl is local creditor, so fur as is kiiowii, is tho Utah & Wyoming Eastern Bailway, which not fnvornhUi. Whllo somo Ktatoa liiiTo oo- Every Qiinrter of tho Civil- tame. Union National .Hank, wilh whom tbo com• Clnnghrey was taken to .loliet. Boodlor has boon ready for grading for throo years, cnped with littlo loss, others have siill'orod very izcil World. pany had its account, aud it was tho action Klohm wojit copiously when arraigned. left Ogden reooutly with two four-horse aorioiiBly, In Illinois tlio "dry apeli" hna beou —During the mouth of .luly the engines Ho road a writlon Blalomout lo the court oapecliilly dlBiiatroiis. 'Tlio yield ol hay lina of tho bank in ontoriug up a confession of teams, pro])osiug to drive tlirough to Sioux boon light, tlio crop of oats ia ooiisldored be. nt tho East Sngiunw Water-works mado iudgiuoiit for i?;i8,.|',)7 that precipitated inaU iu which herohoareed cortain.imporfant ser• City ovor his projected road, lie was ac- low tlio averngc, while tbo prosiiocts lor corn GG0,17!i rovolutious puuipiug 7S,h'S0,0;!3 THE TORY LATEST BY KlLEGEAPlL tors and caused Iho lirm lo make au assigii- vices ho bad roudorod tbo public in his ca• couipiiniod by a direttor ot tho lUiuoia nro dooidodly iliacoiiriigliig. Ei-om prosont ad• mont, Tha assiguoo is .Tamos L, Itubol, pacity of a County Comiuissiouer, and vices it ia roiiaoiiablo to stato that about half gallons of water. Central and an oxpcrioucod surveyor, A tho UBiiiil yiohlwill ho obtained, jMaiiy coun• tbo 'rroasuror of tho ooinpnuy nnd one of iiskod to bo dealt wilh as mercifully as big deal ia uudoubtedly bouig arranged, ties report proapocts for eouaidornbly loan tliau —'J'ho funeral of ox-Aldorman Goo. W. tho oliiof Bloc.klioldors." possible. State's Attorney Grinuell spoke ^tissaidon good mithority that tho Bur• halt'11 crop, while only a ^'0l•y linv oapoolally TriE Rroat fu'o in Pittubm'Rh wns not favored luoidiciea^ rejiovt un avcrago, .-Vbout.'j.l Morick, of Adriim, who diod ou Sunday, a good word for Klohm, iii view of Ibu as- lington A Jlissonri will roach Ogden and gotten midor contn)! nntll 3:;i(l Snndny DuRiNCi tho month of ')l)O,0illl, woll •TAMhiii ItEV.xOMXS, a tramp who ns- nro alnindoning Uioir rnuchos, and con- Gill., put his ahnro ot tho Contrnl Pncilic the corn crop is n total failure, arid in uo la.rLiou one of the bridges a fow weeks since in oovorftd l-i.y iiisiiriiiieo. .iobn K'ooi'e, of siiultod a woman nonrLoou, lowu, was pur- Ktorniitiou prevails. Ju a brush botwoen of tbo Statu is tlie ordinary ylold o.vpootod. linos down at $13,000,000. .From oiie-tliinl to ono-fourth of a crop is tin Adrian when iho horse slopiiod upon a Alloylioiiy, M'lin wiik iissi.'itliiL; llio iirorapn, Buod by 11 ]5iirty of niuiod men for two days. tho Sherill' of Garfiold Comity and the toiior ol tlic repovts from this State. Hay is bu pliiuk which llow up aud dosoended upon foil Irnin a iioif,'hborin(; rociC and wn.i Ho was captured near l^iocatiir City und rods, occasioiiod by an atlempt to arrest Pipe losses in the Unilod States .and a poor crdji, niui oats aro abort of tlio uanal pro• falally iiijiiri'il. lyachod, alter coutossiug the criuio. Miss two indicted bucks, ono Indian was shot, Canada during July aggrogatod $1-1,020,- duction, in Wiscinisin tho drouglit seoiiis to .Ijiiy's bend, iullictiiig cunsidoralile injury. Conger wiis mot by a trump, who mado in• f>00, double the average loss for July in have lieeu loss do;itructivo Some locnlitiea re- A (lA.s'd ol' nnirdorcrs who nro Knid to '.i'he Governor hns boon tolograpbed to for jiorfc a falling off in corn, but tlio crop in most He has jmst sued tho city, layhig his diim- havo hilled si.vly jiorKoiis during tliu pasi sulting proposals, nt tho same timo draw• nssistanco, and tho atloulion of tbo War tho past twelve yoars. 'The total loss for Hcotioiis of till) iStiitii aoiiins likely to bo an avor ngoB at 10,00(1, ing a revolver, '.i'ho frightouod girl sliirlod two yoar.-i liuB just boon lirohoii up at Department has boon called to the out• tho past seven months is f7(),028,100, ago, while the oat crop is fair, 'i'liu siuiio hooii to run, but was knocked innousible by tbo against .SCI),1)00,000 for tho lirst sovou tu be true ot illiehlgnn aud Oiilo. —Extensive preparations aro being mntlo ]'i(K0t, Hervin. Tlio miEureiintR aro in break, West 1)1 tho M isaissippi tlio advlcon are niuc tramp, and aflBnnUod, A mob of Illil) nion mouths of ISSO. to welcome (he G. A, B. Association of lirinon, and iiii iillicinl coiiiinittni) of iminiry 'J.'jiF, wheat crop ot Dakota will ruu ovor moro encouraging, rieiitiftil iv.iiia have falh^ Btiirlod from Dociilur and Union Counties recently iii lewfi, K'niisiis, aud Nobraslcii, wliic lias boon Hoiil lu I'iurot rroui Ivulgradc. It is stated Hint at a coiiforeuco held on .Suutlicru Micliignii to Adrian in Soptem- in pursuit, 'Tho villain was corralled in •10,000,000 bushels; tho coru crop, liO.DOO,- liavo been of iiulohl bein-iil lo the t^orii. Tlio board tho Uuitod States llngshipliichmond, 'I'llKiiK arc only sixty Tndians "ou llic tho bush iioar .'Vflon. 'This is Iho third 000, double iho yield of 1S8G... .Three Secretary of tlio Iowa .\t.:riciiltnnil Soeietv re ber. 'Tho Common Council has accoptod viirpalh" ill Goloriido, ljut llioy wiUdoubt- men were killed and throo others fatally at Halifa.x, N. S,, Mr, Poster, tho Cana• jiorta a iirobable corn yield uf ii(ili,UO,),000 busiiel.i onfio of the kiud iu Decatur County within wliith is Boum :in,i,liij,uuo 111 excoas ot the uhur au invitation to iiarlioipalo in tlio grand injured by falling 1100 foot into tho shaft of dian Miuistor of Pisberios, declared it to loss load nil tbo I'liilod Stiilos nrmy tliat a short timo, nnd Ibo people ot that county oroj) of last year. pnriido Sept. 1. I'oruiissiou has been cnn 1)0 spurod from llio lijisleni wiiliM'inf,'- tho Clovolaud Mine nt iKhpemiug, Mich. bo tbo intention of tho Gnnadiiui Govern• woro oxas]ieriilod to tiio higbesl pitub. grniited to erect docoriitious iu tho streets pIiicoK ll lively daiK'o for tliu iio.'ct i'ou' ... .Near 'i'ucsoii, A. T., tlio San Prnucis- ment lo capture the Anioricau aohooiioi-s Bkownsvilli; (Nob.) lolograiu: "IKram wook.s. 00 west-bound express was ditched nud Argonaut and Prencb wherever found. To THE OHIO CAMPAIGN. ou the oiicasiou. Schoouovcr abot Jlrs. Sloss, bis mother- the oxprosa car robbed by four mon. 'i'ho this Hoar Admiral Lnco and C!ousaI Gen• U.viTiD SrATKS ,Si;n-at'ok :Kn)i.)Li::- —Harry Disbeo, a Ind aged l-X yonr.^, wns in-law, doud the othor uight while sho was eral I'hohin dissonlod, emphatically stating ]iKH(ii:ii, wlio wiiH sent lo jail at 'W'ood- taking corn from him without leave, and SherilV is ou their trail Pleiiro-puou- FornJier niiil rtnvell, llio Ojipo.'.iiig drowned iu Whito Luko while bnthiiig. Ho niouia has boeu discovered at King's cat• tho United Slates would novor permit sloolc, Vn., '{''ridiiy, for ooiitoiiipl, of Court, was wilh a compiuiion, but as neither hnr, boon hold iu tho sum of .$1,000 for thoso vessels to bo taken outside ol Cnua- G11 l)(!i' n il I or i III Cii ii il iilii I cs. wns rulunsiod tlio Kiiiiio by a luob of tlo yards, -Dotroit, M!ioh., ovor a dozou trial on tbo charge of manslnugbtor. Ho onsos ovistiug nt present. Quariiu- diau torriiorial waters. conld swim tho young man, getting into bis friends. says ho mistook iMrs. Sloss for aiwlocnt." tino will bo instituted iniuiodiatoly.... Llovi) 'Teyis, President of tho Wolls- doe|) wator, was drowned, with no one that 'J'wo iNi^rKSTS liuvo boon hcild on tlm The oxnct loss of lifo by tho railway A gang of hoodlums boarded tho oxoiirBion Fargo Express Oompnny, iosliliod boforo Hon. Joseph B, Foriikcr, who has boon could go to his ri.'liof. Ho wns tho sou of body of livB. Kli/a .1. .loliiisoii, wbo wan steamer -Maska ou its rotiirn trip from Put• the Pacilic Commission, nt San Frimcisco, nominated by tho Ohio Bo)iublicnu con disaster at Cbatsworth, 111., is still in doubt. Mr, liisboo, tbo Ludingtou jeweler. 'The found lumping from a Irco on lior liiifi- It is ]irobiiblo that iho number of killed in-Bay to Dotroit, and ]:iliindorod aud beat that by the terms of tho confiolidiitiou of voiiiition for a socoiid torm as Clovcrnor of family wore spending the summer at tho baiid'H farm iitiiir lloloit, Kim., on tho'2d nnd filially injured will roach ouo hundred. tlio pnssengei-s nt their sweet will. Upon Iho oxpross companies Iho Central I'acilio the liuckoyo Stnto, is a native of Highland inst. 'Tlin lirsl. rosiiUod iu ii verdiot ot Moro thiiu Hint number woro seriously the Alaska's arrival ut Detroit olovon ot Company rocoivod no cousidoration, but Conuly, Ohio, und is 51 yoars old, Al tli •\Vhite Lako resort. ago of 1(1 ho enlisted in tho Eighty-ninth snieido, Ibo fiocoiid in n verdict that slio hull, nud many more sustained slight in• tlio gang wero tiikon into custody l''rod one-third of the Wells I'nrgo slock was Ifopt, alias Woleoiiio, was shot to death in trausfeiTod lo Stiinlord, H. 1^. Bacou, Ohio Infiiutry, serving until .Iuho, 18Gr —Jakio, (he little 5-ycar-old sou of Dr. wna miirdonid by borlinsliiuid, who is licld juries. Sovoral of tho doiui nro alill uii- idoutiliod. .'Vll of Iho woundt'd who woro tbo yard of tho penitentiary, near Salt Liiko Cbnrlos Crocker, liopkiiis, Huntington aud taking pnrt iu mnay etigngoinenls .1). B. Meengs, of iMuskegou, told his for o.viiiiiinalion on tlmt cbar;,'0, Ho was ra))idly promoted, was brcvetted able to travel havo been roniovod from Cily, for tho murder of -lohn P. Turner at aud liimself. 'Povis also slateil that mothor that he was going to soo bis grand• l/llEii ]X)U(ii,AS,'i, who bus just rotiiniod Cajitain for bravery oa the liekl, aud whon Ohntswortb, Pijior City, and Porost'to Pe• T'nrk Oily, seven yours ago. lie sal in a since tho coiiKolidaliou tho Wells Pargo from an oxtonsivo tour in iMiropo, rcport.s pa ill HoUaud. and trun to his word ho got oria orto their homos.' Tbobodio.soC tho chair suioking n cigar wliilo live of the company had tho exclusive express busi- that ho wns overywboro Iroutcd with din- on tho train for that cily and went through killed woro also tnkou to X'oorin, and such sheriff's dopulios discharged iheir rilles at uess over the Central Pacilic. Tevis ad- without his parents ever snspecliug that tingnisliod con.sidtiratioii, iiotwithotiiiidiiifj ns had not boon chiiiued by rola- him. Death was insinutnuoous. milled lhat ho was asked lo take slock iu tho Central Paci^c and iu tho Contract niui bis couiploxiou. livos woro int^irrod by tho couijinny he would do as he snid. T'hoy woro great• -Piuniico Company, but declined, "Why iU.SKOi' f'i.'.UKY.oC Iowa, hnsbccii clionen in thnt city. 'The Coroner began SOUTH. ly concoruod on missing liiiu aud thought did you not accept?" was asked, "I look• mi iiKjiuist ou Friday. The Stale Board ho was lost in Muskegon and wero uot sat• to llio vnriuU hisbojiric of Nova Scolia. A ni.ir.vrcir from Lexington, Ky,, saya: ed at it from a business point of view," of Hiiilway Commissionors nlso bogau nu il' Iho .I'ojio will coiiHOiit to nccopt, tliora "John Cbiy, the only remaining sou of said ho, "bocauso I Ibonght it would lend islicd unlil a leU'grani from "grandpa" nu- iii\-eatigatiou. Tho theory that Iho bridge bo will reooivo costly jubiloo