Pioneer of Hematopoietic Colony-Stimulating Factors: Leo Sachs
RETROSPECTIVE Pioneer of hematopoietic colony-stimulating factors: Leo Sachs (1924–2013) Michael Selaa,1 and Yoram Gronerb,1 aDepartment of Immunology and bDepartment of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76001, Israel Itiswithgreatsorrowthatwewriteaboutthe cells that produce them (5–7); he also de- demise of Leo Sachs, the Otto Meyerhof termined that there is a continued require- Professor of Molecular Biology, friend, col- ment for these proteins for cell viability, league and brilliant scientist. Leo was born in growth, and differentiation (9–12). Leo Leipzig, Germany in 1924, emigrated with his then showed that CSFs and IL-6 can induce familyfromNaziGermanytoEnglandin granulocyte differentiation and that mye- 1933, and reached Israel in 1952. He began loid leukemic cells can be induced to dif- studying agricultural botany at the University ferentiate to mature nondividing cells that of Wales, became fascinated by genetics and are no more malignant (13–17). These find- development, and ended up completing a ings showed that cancer cells, which are ge- doctorate in genetics in 1951 at Cambridge netically abnormal, can be epigenetically University. Upon arrival in Israel, he joined reprogrammed, and thereby created the the Weizmann Institute of Science as a genet- basis for the clinical use of differentiation icist. One of us (M.S.) was already at the therapy (18–21). Indeed, one of these CSF Institute and remembers well the arrival of proteins, G-CSF, is now used worldwide in this impressive gentleman with a huge height, a variety of clinical procedures, including deep conviction, and a blessed capacity to boosting the production of infection-fight- express himself clearly on the subject of his ing white blood cells in cancer patients un- deep scientific interests.
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