E1456 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 27, 2001 of public authorities in Romania should be al- JOSEPH ‘‘RED’’ JONES HONORED 26 OF JULY MOVEMENT together ended. It is time—and past time—for these simple steps to be taken. HON. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART As Chairman-in-Office, Minister Geoana has HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI OF FLORIDA repeatedly expressed his concern about the OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trafficking of human beings into forced pros- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES titution and other forms of slavery in the Friday, July 27, 2001 OSCE region. The OSCE has proven to be an Friday, July 27, 2001 Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. Speaker, yesterday effective forum for addressing this particular Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today marked another anniversary of the tragic human rights violation, and I commend Min- to call the attention of the House of Rep- events of July 26, 1953, when , ister Geoana for maintaining the OSCE’s resentatives to the long history of service to along with a band of supporters, attacked a focus on the issue. the community by my good friend, Joseph military barracks in eastern in order to Domestically, Romania is also in a position ‘‘Red’’ Jones of Luzerne County, Pennsyl- make a name for himself, causing the deaths to lead by example in combating trafficking. of dozens of Cubans in what will doubtless be Notwithstanding that the State Department’s vania. Red will be honored with a tribute on August 17, 2001, the 50th anniversary of his considered as a national day of mourning in first annual Trafficking in Persons report char- Cuban history. acterizes Romania as a ‘‘Tier 3’’ country in the calling square dances, which he has done ex- clusively for charity for the past 20 years. An acute observer of 20th century Cuban fight against human trafficking—that is, a history, long-time journalist and writer Jack Red first started calling square dances at country which does not meet minimum stand- Skelly, has written a very interesting account the age of 13, and is considered to be among ards for the elimination of trafficking and is not of some of the tragic circumstances sur- the best callers in eastern Pennsylvania. As making significant efforts to bring itself into rounding the 26th of July, 1953, and the so befits his spirit of service, the event being held compliance with those standards—it is clear called ‘‘26 of July Movement’’ . It was pub- to honor him will raise money for several local the Government of Romania is moving in a lished in yesterday’s Miami Herald and I sub- positive direction to address the trafficking of charities supported by the Volunteers of Amer- mit it for the record for the benefit of my col- human beings from and through its territory. ica, including the Caring Alternatives Pantry, leagues and the American people. For example, the Ministry of Justice is actively The Hartman Home and Dial-A-Driver. working on a new anti-trafficking law. The gov- Red has used this talent to benefit countless THE MEN WHO LEFT THE ernment is also cooperating closely with the community organizations, school groups and Regional Center for Combating Trans-Border booster clubs, church organizations, volunteer (by Jack Skelly) Crime, created under the auspices of the fire companies, little leagues and youth clubs, One more 26th of July—count them. It has Southeast European Cooperative Initiative and Habitat for Humanity, Valley Santa and termi- been 48 years since Fidel Castro, his brother Rau´ l, 17 men and two women attacked located in Bucharest, and in particular, with nally ill individuals. He has donated numerous the Center’s anti-human trafficking task force. Moncada, the Cuban army barracks in hours of his time so that these organizations Santiago de Cuba. I encourage the Govenmient of Romania to and good causes could generate more rev- continue with these efforts and to undertake Twenty soldiers were killed. Fidel Castro enue and build their capacity to serve others. and five others escaped to the nearby hills, additional initiatives. For example, law en- where they soon were captured, tried and forcement officers in Romania, as in many In addition to helping countless community causes by calling square dances for them, sentenced to 15 years each. other OSCE States, are still in need of thor- However, in May 1955, they were freed in a ough training on how to investigate and pros- Red has been a weekly volunteer for the past general amnesty by the Cuban Congress. Cas- ecute cases of suspected human trafficking. 17 years at Mercy Center, a Sisters of Mercy tro then went to Mexico to prepare for the Training which reinforces the principle that sponsored nursing home in Dallas, Pennsyl- Dec. 2, 1956, invasion of Cuba with 81 men. trafficked persons deserve a compassionate vania, where he spends a great deal of time Now once more Castro will be in the center response from law enforcement—as they are comforting and helping the residents. where he will recount in a three -or four- Red’s charitable works are only part of his hour speech (if he can endure that long) the victims of crime themselves, not criminals—is glories of that 26th of July and the events necessary. When such training leads to more long history of service to the community. He that led up to the great victory on Jan. 1, arrests of traffickers and more compassion to- has served the nation as a Marine in the late 1959, when the revolution took over from the ward trafficking victims, Romania will be a re- 1950s and for most of the 1960s. He also Batista regime. gional leader in the fight against this modem served his neighbors for four years as a Sadly, Castro will not be able to tell his slavery. Luzerne County Commissioner and for 14 audience that most of the leaders of the 26th Finally, Mr. Speaker, I would like to say a years as a member of the Lake-Lehman of July movement ‘‘are at my side today.’’ few words about the Romani minority in Ro- School Board. He served twice as president of The original 26th of July movement dis- mania. Romania may have as many as 2 mil- appeared almost immediately after Castro the school board, and during his tenure the sold out to the Soviet Union and the Cuban lion Roma, and certainly has the largest num- district showed tremendous improvement in Communist Party. ber of Roma of any OSCE country. Like else- academic performance and participation in The democratic members of the movement where in the region, they face discrimination in athletic and extracurricular programs. who fought side by side with him in the Si- labor, public places, education, and housing. I Mr. Speaker, I can tell you from personal erra Maestra mountains and were in the un- am especially concerned about persistent and experience that he worked well as a county derground in the cities and towns are dead, credible reports that Roma are subjected to commissioner with citizens and community in jail or in exile. police abuse, such as the raids at the Zabrauti leaders from both parties. His nonpartisan ap- BETRAYED COMRADES housing development, near Bucharest, on Jan- proach to government was instrumental in im- The following are some of the original uary 12, and in Brasov on February I and 9 of proving flood protection throughout the Wyo- members who were double-crossed by Castro: *Maj. Sorı´ Marı´n, author of the original this year. I commend Romani CRISS and ming Valley, expanding Luzerne County Com- other groups that have worked to document agrarian-reform program, who fought along- munity College, paving the way for the side Castro in the mountains, was caught these problems. I urge the Romanian Govern- Luzerne County Arena, creating a countywide ment to intensify its efforts to prevent abusive conspiring with other rebel army officers 911 emergency response system and boosting who had fought to restore democracy and practices on the part of the police and to hold key initiatives for economic development. freedom to Cuba. He was executed on specific individual police officers accountable when Last but certainly not least, under Red’s orders of Castro himself several days before they violate the law. the Bay of Pigs invasion, April 17, 1961. In the coming months, the OSCE will con- leadership as basketball coach at St. Vincent’s *Maj. Victor Mora saved Fidel, Rau´ l, Che duct the Human Dimension Implementation High School in Pittston, the school was hon- Guevara and other survivors when they land- Review meeting in Warsaw, a Conference on ored with four consecutive Wyoming Valley ed from Mexico on Dec. 2, 1956. A Sierra Roma and Sinti Affairs in Bucharest, and the Basketball Officials Sportsmanship awards for Maestra native, Mora led them around the Ministerial Council meeting also in Bucharest, sportsmanship, conduct and respect of the Cuban Army to a safe haven high up in the among other meetings and seminars. The leg- game, the officials and opposing teams. mountains. After the victory, it didn’t take Mora long acy of the Romanian Chairmanship will entail Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to call to the at- to realize that he and others had been sold not only the leadership demonstrated in these tention of the House of Representatives the out by Castro. Caught conspiring, Mora was venues but also progress made at home long and distinguished service of Joseph sentenced to 10 years. Once released, he es- through further compliance with OSCE com- ‘‘Red’’ Jones to his neighbors and the nation, caped to the United States, where he lived mitments. and I wish him all the best. modestly in Little .

VerDate 112000 04:56 Jul 28, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27JY8.005 pfrm02 PsN: E27PT1 July 27, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1457 *Pedro Luis Dı´az Lanz flew weapons from oring the late Senator Paul Coverdell at the sources Access Improvement Act of 2001’’ on Venezuela and Costa Rica to Castro’s ‘‘ea- Federal Law Enforcement Training Center behalf of myself and Mr. BROWN of South gle’s nest’’ in the mountains. After victory, (FLETC), near Brunswick, Georgia. I would Carolina, Mr. EVERETT of Alabama, Mr. SIM- he was named Castro’s personal pilot. But soon he complained to Castro that Rau´ l and like to recognize Mr. Coverdell’s commitment MONS of Connecticut, Mr. GIBBONS of Nevada, Guevara were indoctrinating his air force to our nation’s education and America’s crimi- Mr. WAMP of Tennessee, Mr. KIRK of Illinois, men in Marxism. nal justice system. Mr. BUYER of Indiana, and Mr. BILIRAKIS of Tipped that Castro had ordered his arrest, Senator Coverdell was always an ardent Florida. Dı´az Lanz and his wife, Tania, and brother supporter of the law enforcement community, America’s servicemen and women, their barely escaped to Miami in a sailboat in not just in Georgia but nationwide. It is a families, and our veterans who have served in June 1959. Weeks later, Dı´az Lanz became honor to the Coverdell family and Georgia to uniform deserve the best health care we can the first ‘‘26-er’’ to testify before a U.S. Sen- offer them as a Nation. My bill addresses the ate committee, accusing Castro of selling have a part of the nation’s premier interagency out the revolution to the Soviet Union. law enforcement training center named for urgent need for the Departments of Defense *Maj. Hu´ ber Matos, a school teacher Senator Coverdell. and Veterans Affairs to improve their pro- turned guerrilla fighter, was one of the gen- As recent as June, 2000 Senator Coverdell grams of health resource sharing as originally uine heroes in the fight against the Cuban was opposing attempts of other politicians to authorized by Public Law 97–174, the ‘‘Vet- army. In October 1959, 10 months after the erans’ Administration and Department of De- revolution came to power, Matos sent a let- move part of the FLETC’s training program elsewhere. Senator Coverdell and Represent- fense Health Resources Sharing and Emer- ter of resignation to Castro, complaining gency Operations Act of 1982.’’ This authority that communists, who had not lifted a finger ative JACK KINGSTON, in whose district the fa- was originally intended to provide opportuni- to oust the Batista regime, were taking over cility is located, were successful in maintaining ties to make it easier for the two Depart- the revolution. FLETC’s premier training role. It is evident ments—whose combined health care budgets Castro ordered a court martial in which Senator Coverdell had a personal interest in Matos was accused of being a this year total over $35 billion—to increase the ‘‘counterrevolutionary.’’ After serving a 20- this absolutely essential federal facility. variety and amount of their health resource year sentence, Matos came to Miami, where Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the sharing for the benefit of their veteran and he has been one of the leaders of the Cuban dedication ceremony. I would like to pass on military beneficiaries, while helping hold down Forum. to the Coverdell family and to former President *Jesu´ s Ya´ nes Pelletier was a sergeant in costs in Federal health care for the benefit of George H.W. Bush and Mrs. Bush that this taxpayers. the Cuban Army assigned to Boniato Prison, dedication makes me, Georgia, and the nation where Castro was sent after being sentenced Currently, the Secretaries of each Depart- for attacking the Moncada barracks. Ya´ nes proud. We are forever indebted to Senator ment have at their discretion the option not to Pelletier was ordered to poison Castro’s food. Coverdell for his untiring work for Georgia and share. With this bill, we take a new approach: He refused, was given a dishonorable dis- the United States of America. it would make sharing the order of the day. charge and then Joined the 26th of July f Sharing must be an important priority of both movement. Departments, and we should create strong in- When the revolution arrived, Castro made A PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING centives for the Secretaries to work together Ya´ nes Pelletier a captain in charge of his THE OUTSTANDING WORK OF personal guard. Soon Ya´ nes Pelletier became to achieve common ends. The bill’s proposed THE NEWARK FIRE DEPART- disenchanted with the communists and findings are indicative of our disappointment began conspiring. He was caught and in 1977 MENT with the current state of VA–DoD sharing. We was sentenced to 15 years. He refused to believe that neither department has taken full leave Cuba and was the vice president of the HON. ROBERT W. NEY advantage of sharing opportunities and that Cuban Committee for Human Rights before his death last year. OF OHIO the intended results of the 1982 sharing au- *Among the saddest cases—and there are IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thority have not been achieved. We know VA– DoD sharing could be greatly increased, and hundreds in every city, town and village in Friday, July 27, 2001 Cuba—is that of Mario Chanes de Armas. He with this bill we want to get sharing moving had impeccable credentials as a founder of Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I commend the fol- again. the revolutionary movement with Castro be- lowing article to my colleagues: Mr. Speaker, this bill seeks to establish a fore the attack on the Moncada barracks. health care facilities sharing demonstration Chanes de Armas survived the Moncada at- Whereas, the exemplary work of the New- tack, trained in Mexico, came over on the ark Fire Department has earned them the project in keeping with the intent of the original yacht Gramma and lived to greet Castro in recognition of the Congressional Fire Serv- legislation for VA–DoD sharing. Under the bill, Havana when the conquering heroes arrived ice Institute for outstanding work in pro- five qualifying sites across the country would on Jan. 9, 1959, on top of a U.S. Sherman viding protection to their community; and, be selected for participation in a demonstra- tank. The movement disappeared after Cas- Whereas, the partnership between the Fire tion project. The purpose of the demonstration tro sold out to the Soviet Union and the Department and the city is a strong and es- project is to identify and measure the advan- Communist Party. sential component for serving the commu- tages of sharing, and work through the chal- Chanes de Armas could have had any posi- nity effectively; and tion he wanted in the revolutionary govern- Whereas, the relationship that has been lenges of the two systems becoming true part- ment, but he opted to return to his work in cultivated between the Newark Fire Depart- ners in health care delivery. Two of the major a brewery. For two years he watched his ment and the city that it serves has proven advantages of sharing are enhancement of ac- former leader betray their movement. Fi- to be an effective element for fire preven- cess to quality care and conservation of re- nally, he spoke against the communists. He tion; sources through sharing of common goods was tried as a ‘‘counterrevolutionary,’’ and Therefore, I ask that my colleagues join and services. on July 17, 1961, was sentenced to 30 years. me in recognizing the impressive accom- This legislation would require a unified man- After spending six years in solitary, he was plishments of the Newark Fire Department released exactly 30 years to the date of his agement system to be adopted in the five that has brought honor, pride, and security demonstration sites to the extent feasible. A imprisonment. In 1993 he was united with his to their community. four sisters in Miami. unified system would incorporate budget and Although he doesn’t belong to any exile po- f financial management, health care provider litical group, he forms part of a group of assignments, and medical information systems former prisoners who travel throughout DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE—DE- compatibility. At the present time, the two De- Latin America talking to heads of states PARTMENT OF VETERANS AF- about the reality of Castro’s Cuba. partments’ information systems are incompat- FAIRS HEALTH RESOURCES AC- ible, but this legislation would also create a f CESS IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 2001 framework for greater software compatibility. HONORING SEN. PAUL COVERDELL By making such systems communicate better, OF GEORGIA HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH we can better ensure continuity of care, equal- OF NEW JERSEY ity of access, uniform quality of service and HON. BOB BARR IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES seamless transmission of data. This is a third OF GEORGIA important goal of our bill. Friday, July 27, 2001 In addition, the demonstration project would IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, as provide for enhancement of graduate medical Friday, July 27, 2001 Chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, educational programs at the five sites for phy- Mr. BARR of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, on Au- I am introducing the ‘‘Department of Defense– sicians in training and other health care pro- gust 10, 2001 a building will be dedicated hon- Department of Veterans Affairs Health Re- viders. This will create a unique opportunity for

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