
UNIVfiflSHY Of HAWAII L iiir.r^

a n a n a s c V a r i e t y i Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 Vol. 22 No 109/ Saipan, MP 96950 с 1993 Marianas Variety Friday ■ A ugust 13, 1993 Serving CNMI for 20 .Years Senate rejects Inos’ wife for CDA SEVEN persons appointed to dif­ Northern Marianas College Board tive Appointments and Govern­ mittee concludes that the nomi­ ings?” Torres asked. ferent government agency boards of Regents while Schwartz was mental Investigation in separate nee is not a satisfactory represen­ “It is not easy to reject any were confirmed by the Senate given another term to the same reports. tative of the island of Rota to nominee,” Cing said. “But it is yesterday. board. During yesterday’s session, further the best interest of the my belief that if the first and third They are: John Schwartz, Tho­ Aguon will sit in the board of Senators Paul A. Manglona, Ed­ island and its people,” the com­ senatorial delegations agree to a mas A. Tebuteb, Vicente N. trustees of Marianas Public Land ward U. Maratita, Juan S. mittee said in its report dated Aug. decision, I have to respect that. I Santos, Maria H. Aguon, Roy A. Trust representing Tinian and Demapan and David M. Cing 11. would have to compromise at that Masga, Annette A. Calvo and women. voted against the confirmation of During the fljabr deliberations, level.” Miguel I. Kileleman. Masga now serves as member Inos. Torres asked lus colleagues why Manglona, whose brother The Senate, however, did not of the Alcoholic Beverage Con­ Sen. Juan S. Torres voted in they were rejecting her appoint­ Vincent is running against Joseph confirm the appointment of Diane trol Board and Calvo as member favor of her confirmation while ment. He said Inos was given a Inos for mayor of Rota, said it was M. Inos to the board of the Com­ of the Board of Elections, both Sen. Jesus R. Sablan abstained good rating by the same commit­ not whether the nominee did monwealth Development Author­ representing Rota. due to conflict of interest. tee when she was appointed for something would but if she will ity (CDA). She is the wife of Kileleman also will sit on the An earlier committee report also another position during the time do good as a representative of former Senate President Joseph s. ABC board representing Carolin­ recommended that her appoint­ of her husband’s presidency. Rota to the CDA board. Inos. ians. ment be rejected. “Did she do anything wrong “I do not believe she could rep­ Tebuteb and Santos are now All seven were given good rat­ “After careful consideration of that deserves a rejection from this resent the interests of Rota in that full-fledged members of the ings by the Committee on Execu­ her (Inos) confirmation, the com­ body? Or is it because of ill feel­ board,” Manglona said. (RHA) Senate passes 2 D rug suspects bills on Article 12 TWO BILLS providing guidelines on Article 12 cases were passed by the Senate during its special session yesterday. With votes of 4-1-1, Senate Bill 8-124 and House Bill 8-295, agree to talk both setting ceilings on fees for lawyers representing land claim­ ants were approved on final reading. The Senate bill will go to the House while HB8-295 will be sent to the governor for his signature. Senate President Juan S. Demapan abstained from voting while Senator Jesus R. Sablan cast the dissenting vote. against pals The other senators present, Paul A. Manglona, Edward U. Maratita, David M. Cing and Juan S. Torres, voted favor of the bills. THREE out of seven men alleg years in jail. decision. Ipil and Lazaro are “This is a very complex issue to handle,” said Demapan in an edly involved in a drug conspiracy The three men will be deported scheduled to be sentenced in late interview. “I feel the issue should be left to the legal experts, the ring have decided to testify against after serving their jail terms. September. courts or perhaps to the people of the Commonwealth through a their friends. In exchange for their pleas, Ipil, Drug charges against Loreto referendum.” Romeo Berones Ipil and Lazaro and Arcilla agreed to tes­ Gonda were dismissed onWednes­ He lauded the authors of the two bills for coming up with Reymundo Hadarly Lazaro were tify against Angelito Montes day duetolack of evidence. Gonda possible solutions to currentproblems caused by the controversial each given a three-year sentence Mana-ay and Felino B. Gucvarra. was mistakenly identified as the constitutional provision. . for possession of crystal metham- Superior Court Special Judge person who sold the crystal meth- Article 12 of the Constitution limits ownership of land to phetamine. Rex Kosack did not immediately amphetamine to the confidential persons of Northern Marianas descent. Anotherman, Armando Arcilla accept the pleas agreement. He government informant. “We have problems with our land transactions here because we also pleaded guilty to the same said he would wait for the pre­ The seven men were arrested on have no way of finding out where the money comes from. Our charge. He was sentenced to two sentence report before making his continued on page 27 land title system is unreliable, thereby causing a great deal of uncertainty among our business community,” Manglona said in a privilege speech during the session. Guam native named SB 8-124, authored by Manglona, limits lawyer’s fees, pro­ vides restitution to losing developers and shortens the period for filing Article 12 cases to six years. to post at OTIA Th bill was discussed in two public hearings conducted by the Senate Committee on Resources and Development. WASHINGTON (AP)- les airport, was enroute to Ameri­ According to Manglona, his bill addresses the fairness and Ferdinand “Danny”” Aranza, a can Samoa on Wednesday. justice aspect of the land ownership restriction in the hope that the Guam native, was named Babbitt said Aranza had been negative reputation it has brought to the CNMI will be erased. Wednesday as special assistant in legal counsel to Guam’s Cong. “A lot of people are thinking we’re doing this for Hotel Nikko, the Interior Department’s Office Del. Ben Blaz. Blaz, a Republi­ PIC, DFS or other investors,” he said. “But what they do not of Territorial and International can, was defeated for re-election understand is that we are just trying to bring justice for those who ., Affairs. by Democrat Robert Underwood. acted in good faith with their land dealings but are now faced with Interior Secretary Bruce Bab­ Aranza was in private law prac­ the possible loss of their homes and lifetime savings.” bitt, who made the announcement, tice in Honolulu before he moved Torres, who admitted he has some interest in a possible Article said Aranza will work with Assi s- to Washington to work for Blaz. 12 lawsuit, said he had something to gain if the Article 12 bill was tant Interior Secretary Leslie Aranza is married to the former disapproved. Turner, who heads OTIA. Sonia C. Lugmao of Honolulu. According to Torres, he had an earlier land deal involving sale In Honolulu, Ms. Turner said She is director of constituent rela­ of a property to a person whom he suspected to be acting in behalf Aranza was sent to Guam on Tues­ tions in the Washington office of of a foreign investor. day to help in the island’s recov­ US Rep. Neil Abercrombie, D- Leslie Turner He said supported the bill because it would put to rest a lot of ery from last Sunday’s earth­ Hawaii. Clara University in California. He confusion and grey areas in the controversial provision. quake. Aranza was graduated from receivedhis law degree from Boalt “If I were to follow my personal greed, I could stand to gain if Ms. Turner, who spoke to Guam Guam’s John F. Kennedy High Hall School of Law at the Univer­ I voted against the measure. But by approving this measure, we Gov. Joseph Ada by telephone School in 1978. He received his sity of California at Berkeley in are paving the way for a better future for our children. last Monday from the Los Ange­ bachelor’s degree from. Santa. 1988. 2-M ARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEW S-FR1DAY-AUGUST 13.1993 Legislature urged Steve pours 20 inches of rain in Saipan, but... to approve reforms THE US Geological Survey proper engineering practices to con- LIEUTENANT Governor Ben- tives, adopted the position of (USGS) said 20 inches of rain fell trol erosion and to contain most jaminT. Manglona urged the Leg­ Natural Resources Chairman in some parts of Saipan in the 24- storm runoff on the project site. islature Monday to act on pro­ George Miller that federal assis­ hour period during Tropical Storm Any degrading of marine water posed labor and tax reforms de­ tance to the CNMI should not Steve. quality and resulting significant spite the rejection of the $120 continue unless radical changes Thisfigureplace thestorm’srain- impacts upon the living coastal million funding package by Con­ in on immigration, taxation, alien fall at between the 50 and 100 year communities from a particular de­ gress “because the issue of fund­ labor and minimum wage are storm levels. velopment project is a violation of ing grants is not a closed issue implemented by the local govern­ Storm levels are a measure of the CNMI and Federal Water Quality yet.” ment. likelihood that the storm’s rainfall andCoastalResourceManageiïlênt “We will have this year’s fund­ In an interview Wednesday, would be met or exceeded every 50 regulations. ing and in the months ahead we Manglona said the rejection of to 100 years. Or another way to put Two alternative erosion manage­ look forward to improving the the funding should not step the it, this means that the likelihood of ment approaches are taken, either lines of communication between reforms as these would help the this much rainfall happening again to prevent the soils from washing the CNMI and Washington, CNMI achieve self-reliance. in a 24 hour period is not expected off surfaces (erosimi control) or to D.C.,” Manglona said in a letter “Yes, we are disappointed be­ to occur for another 50 to lOOyears. provide for their settling into a Benjamin T. Manglona to Senate President Juan S. cause we all worked long and Of course, although the chances ponding basin constructed within Demapan and Speaker Thomas P. hard, but let us not allow this continue to flourish, revenues will are low (1 out of 50; 1 out of 100), the project site’s boundaries Villagomez. unfortunate situation distract us increase, and with more humane it is statistically possible that the (stormwater management). The “As we continue our reform from our greater purpose of treatment and efficient use of the CNMI will experience, additional design of such sediment control measures here and enforce those achieving a good life for our alien labor pool, perhaps we can 50 to 100-year storms again even techniques are related to a project measures unilaterally, our nego­ people,” he said. in time diversify and return to a this year. site’s particular siepe topography. tiating posture for additional as­ In addition to the recently- net export economy.” According to an August 9,1991 Project designs using standard sistance will be strengthened,” he passed alien labor bill and the “We lose nothing by continu­ memorandum issued by John formulas are incorporated by civil said. “We may even be able to pending tax reform bill Manglona ing to pursue reform and have Hoffman of the USGS, a search of engineers to account for the cap­ restore a large part of currently said there was a need to enforce everything to gain because we rainfall records reveals that the last ture of water from an established denied 702 funding.. . ” local federal laws fairly and con­ will be showing Congress we are time Saipan received this much storm year period, usually the 10- Manglona reminded the Legis­ sistently. indeed helping ourselves,” he said. rain in a 24-hour period was in the . or 25-year storm, dependent on the lature that the proposed reforms “If our laws are fair, our taxes “Besides, our conscience will be August 11-12, 1978 flood. apphcableregulatoryprovisicnsfor were not only meant to address are reasonable and our treatment clear that the reforms we are mak­ Tropical Storm Steve, like the that type of project. congressional concerns but also of our workers just, I firmly be­ ing and the course we have charted 1978 storm, caused considerable Although this steam was indeed to correct existing problems. lieve our Commonwealth will is for the good of the flooding in low-lying areas. Lake a heavy caie, the Commonwealth The US House of Representa­ prosper,” he said. “Business will people.”(RHA) Susupe reached a height of at least Utilities Corporation (CUC) is re- 4.32 feet above sea level. mindingevery one thatittakes some Records at the south fork of 30 days for the infiltrated water to Talofofo indicate that the stream reach levels where it can be tapped levelrosesome5.5feetin5.5hours . by CUC’s underground wells. Jimmy Cliff concert reset of time. At peak flow the stream is Please continue to conserve water estimated to have been flowing and fix any leaking pipes. DUE TO problems resu 1 ting from one day. The concert site, Palace victims on the island. 2400cubic feet per second, or over Sunday’s earthquake, the Jimmy Hotel in Guam, had possible Tickets are still at $21.50 and one million gallons per minute. Cliff concert has been resched­ structural damages resulting from can be purchased at the Pacific The last time the Talofofo gaging uled to 8 p.m. on Aug. 15, instead the quake which prompt them to Trading Co. and Hyatt Hotel. stationreached this height was also FOR SALE of the original time of 9 p.m. relocate and change the dates. Miller Genuine Draft Reggae 15 years ago during the August 1978 flood. Aug. 14. The show is still at the Cliff along with all the spon­ Quake Relief with Jimmy Cliff is ROLEX Gilligan’s at the Hyatt Hotel. sors, would like to go ahead with brought to you by Miller Genu­ The intensity of this storm, com­ Reasons for the changes are the concert and donate a portion ine Draft, Hyatt Hotel, Continen­ bined with land clearings and highly GMT-MASTER tal M icronesia, Pepsi and erosive soils caused the CNMI’s due to rescheduling concert date of the proceeds to the Guam Red 18-k Gold & Stainless Steel in Guam, which was pushed back Cross and help the earthquake Bacardi. bays andlagoonareas to tumbrown with silt for several days. New Condition in the box To mitigate the siltation effects Duty Free Prlce-$4,300 Selling Price-$3,400 of development, CNMI regulatory Please call Tel. 288-6551 efforts includepermitrequirements BRINGS that call for the implementation of y matrix BEAUTY TO HIGH SCHOOL CLASS RINGS ESSENTIALS SAIPAN hrough a æminar on August 15, 1993 at Pacific islands Club from 8:00am to 5:00pm TAdvanced education on:

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Certificates will be awarded. W Bufet lunch and refreshments will be served. 7IRT(7IRVED ^ CLASS RINGS For further details please contact: The Original Class Ring. Hair Classique- ...... 2 3 4 -2 8 2 2 Delivery avilliMe U ltra -...... 2 3 5 -5 6 5 3 tor extra charge ine Diamond Gallery RheaCauzan- ...... 2 3 4 -2 5 6 9 •iME JEWELRY & GIFTS ShaggyM aceda ...... 2 3 4 -8 5 1 8 t’nbrrm (Yntcr · Bench Road ♦Garnpnn · Caller Bo* AAA-A3 Saipnn. MPnWT· Open Monday-Snlunlay 10 am-7 pm · Sunday 12-5 pm t'redit Term» available · laiyawavi & n^or credit card* accepted Tel: (6701235 1930/1 · Fiu 2351932 FRIDAY, AUGUST 13,1993 -MARIANAS VAR IETY NEW S AND VIEW S-3 WB finds poor health level Marshalls to build By Glff Joh n son services (in the urban centers),” that we’ll provide so that the pub­ the report said. lic knows what to expect - so garment factory MAJURO - The Marshall Islands “In addition, preventive health people don’t get frustrated.” By Gift Joh nson “The garment factory looks god has a relatively high per capita programs are largely financed But the World Bank report for 1994,” de Brum said. “We’re income for a developing country from external sources and there is points out that the majority of the MAJURO - Construction of the going to try to get construction go­ but the health level in the country little guarantee that they will con­ health problems in the Marshalls Marshall Islands’ first garment fac­ ing by January but that’s still a very is well below countries with a tinue to operate f кип year to year.” are preventable and result from tory could begin soon after the new tentative date, there are more de­ similar income level, according “We want to emphasize pre­ “life style patterns and friends.” year, according to a government tails to discuss with the Chinese.” to a World Bank report on the vention,” said Health Secretary The Marshalls is a highly urban­ official. It will take 60 days to construct health status of the Marshalls. And Donald Capelle. “It will take a ized nation, with close to two- The factory will produce tee- the building, he said, adding that the while most health problems in few years to get results, but our thirds of its 50,000 population shirts, men’s shirts and children’s factory will be located in Laureua clothing and aim exports primarily this central Pacific nation are pre­ goal is to have fewer people get­ living in urban centers. In two rural part of Majuro Atoll. at the American market, said The recent agreement with the ventable, the majority of funding ting sick so they don’t come to the generations, the Marshalls has Marshall Islands Development Chinese spells out details of the goes for hospital care. hospital.” gone from a largely subsistence, Authority General Manager Justin factory. Initially, the factory will While the focus “is and should rural economy to one dependent The increasing rate of commu­ de Brum. MIDA is the business begin with 120 employees, 80 per­ nicable diseases like tuberculosis be” prevention, Capelle acknowl­ on imported goods and nine-to- arm of the government. cent of whom will be Chinese, the (TB) and leprosy, and chronic edged that “most of the money five jobs. The PRC is increasing its finan­ balance Marshallese, said de Brum. problems like diabetes, hyperten­ goes to the curative (hospital) The World Bank report urges cial cooperation with the Marshalls. “We don’t want to start big,” he sion, and congestive heart disease side.” that the government boost rev­ This week, Finance Minister Ruben said. present “an increasingly difficult A vexing challenge in the enues for health not by raising Zackhras and officials from the “We’re aiming for the export health challenge,” the report said. Marshalls is meeting people’s income taxes, but rather by in­ People’s Republic of China signed market, particularly into the US The government “has made a expectations after more than 40 creasing “user-fees” for hospital a technical and economic assistance because under our special arrange­ commitment to developing a pri­ years of administration by the and outer island dispensary ser­ agreement worth $2 million, the ment (through the Compact) there mary health care strategy” by . “We’ve been with vices, and increasing import taxes second such technical and economic are no limits on what we can send to building up health care programs the US for so long that people’s on foods and luxury items that are assistance package concluded with the US.” for remote outer atoll communi­ expectations have gone up,” causing many of the health prob­ the Chinese. The first, signed last He said that the Marshalls and ties. But “the bulk of the financial Capelle said. “We’re expected to lems in the islands. year, led to the development of plans PRC garment factory would not be support goes to curative health have hospitals like in the US We “Contrary to local thinking, for the first garment factory in the restricted to the US and would seek need to set the level of services continued on page 9 Marshalls. other international markets. A D B l o a n s ш т ^ г . . ¡ Щ г } j f | . щ - л д щ for schools v.û-1 о Li ïj U jC u 11 â r ' \ k

p r o p o s e d гтт, By Gift Johnson feffasi Sill Itiiiw 111 MAJURO - The Marshall Islands government will be negotiating with the Asian Development Bank LET TRIPLE J PUT YOU IN A NEW CAR so that private schools in the is­ WITH AFFORDABLE MONTHLY PAYMENTS lands can become eligible for ADB loan assistance. Education Minister Phillip Muller said that an ADB team is 1 9 9 3 Ж O N L Y expected to visit in October to $ m . Kps« ш -a hold preliminary discussions on a MITSUBISHI! phase two education project that Ш L±Jm x will include support for second­ M i r a g e ary schools, vocational programs, P E R M O N T H and private schools. 20% Down 14.5% APR 2 Door Coupe The ADB last week approved Total Deferred / / a $8 million first phase loan to Air Conditioning ^ $10,445 turn around the poor performance of the primary schools. “I think the private schools will .-j л-· .. like our effort on their behalf,” 1 9 9 3 Muller said. , 4> Private schools can participate in thefirst phase S8 million ADB- Щ MITSUBISHI (.·f ··■ .·' ! funded program that is now un­ ¿ilJ Mighty Max derway, he said. “We will make P E R M O N T H every effort to include private Pick Up school teachers in training pro­ 20% Down 14.5% APR Total Deferred grams on island and for off island 5 Speed $10,673 scholarships and fellowships,” he Ar Conditioning said. But for financial support for items such as construction, cur­ "4? riculum, and school materials, the 1 9 9 3 private schools will have to wait for the Ministry of Education to SUZUKI а л м л ¿¿to, I conclude special arrangements ■■ 4d ili with the ADB. Sidekick J “The ADB has told us they are P E R M O N T H not opposed to aiding the private 3 Door \ 20% Down 14.5% APR 4' schools because they play an im­ Soft Top Total Deferred // portant role in education here,” "M ÿ^ $17,035 Muller said. “We need to negoti­ 5 Speed ate an arrangement guaranteeing payback of any loans to private schools,” he said. Hurry In For Super Savings A nd The Best Selections! Muller added that if the phase one education revamp is moving along well and meeting its Objec­ Я'г^Н'ТГ.п Ф tives, it may be possible to begin /_ T R IP L E J the phase two funding concur­ m rently. Located on Beach Road Chalan Kanoa, (Formerly AUTO MOTION) SALES Tel. 235-5153/5014 ^M AR IAN AS VARIE! Y NEWS AND VIEW S-FRIDAY-AUGUST 13.1993

A M e e t i n g Place For Our Opinions. . .And Y ours. . .


Is governm ent incom petent? IN THE late eighties the Variety published a series of articles about the working and living conditions of foreigners in the Northern Marianas. Since that time there have been improvements in those conditions, but not enough to clear the Commonwealth’s image. Other reports have appeared not only in local papers but also in mainland publications regarding exploita­ tion of foreign workers here, particularly in the gar­ ment factories, which obviously attract more atten­ tion because they compete with factories in the United States. During a public hearing this week on a bill to establish a human rights commission Representa­ tive Herman T. Guerrero asked Felix Fitial, who testified in behalf of the Department of Commerce and Labor: “In your opinion, do we really have slave labor here?” Fitial said no, but Guerrero said there must be some truth to it. On both sides of the political spectrum, there are 6th. It’s too good a pasture to leave to Beaver. Fitial was also interviewed for the series of articles internal problems which call for reconciliation. The The tide of change is now coming into the Marianas published by the Variety. At that time, he said he did more serious feuds are found on the GOP Camp. I’m political archipelago. Babauta and Villagomez have afraid that while all these so-called “unity meetings” planted this positive trend. The notion that more than not think there was a problem about the living condi­ may give the appearance that the GOP has patched up sixty percent of voters are young people (most of whom tions of alien workers in the CNMI. its differences, substantive philosophical andpolitical are politically wary of events over the last three and-a- half years) ought to put the GOP on notice that it will ■ There is truth to reports about the exploitation of differences are far from being settled. Political differences have a chance for resolution. meet very formidable political warriors at the campaign workers and violation of their rights. Because of that But the serious philosophical wounds which divided trail. Nothing will come easy. Everything will be uphill! the CNMI may have lost a multi-year financial assis­ the GOP since two years ago have turned into malig­ Politics at whatever level reminds me of what Abraham nancy too acute for quick fixes. It won’t work this Lincoln once said: "Public opinion is everything. With tance package from the federal government and time around. Otherwise, every GOP of stripe would it nothing can fail. Without it nothing can succeed." may lose even a yearly grant for road, utility and have to answer to the electorate whether in fact he/she What is the prevailing public opinion in terms of the also agrees with the way public funds have been gubernatorial race? It seems that the candidacy of the other projects. disposed of in various governmental agencies without GOP’s Guerrero/Manglona Team has a lot of work to do Resident Representative Juan N. Babauta has accountability. to retain its coveted seat on Capital Hill. It seems too that It is quite unfortunate too that the GOP has set itself the TenoriolBoria Team has stormed up substantial expressed displeasure over the continuing mistreat­ up as an easy political target But then there’s no one support from both parties as to make their candidacy a ment of alien workers and has asked the US Depart­ else to blame except those in office today. What has shooin. gone wrong? A lot of it really centers on the attitude It seems too that public opinion favors re-electing all ment of Labor to strictly enforce federal labor laws in that the GOP is untouchable. Not quite gentlemen. incumbents from both political persuasions for the leg­ the CNMI. You have turned yourselves into your very own worst islature. Not all will make it but nearly every incumbent enemy. It is up to you to justify your existence. In the would return to take his seat. Voters these days choose But the local government still has to show firm meantime, the Democrats have seen a lot of fodder to who should represent them in our governmental institu- resolve to solve the problem. Congressman George chew and regurgitate between now and November continued on page 5 Miller, chairman of the committee that has jurisdic­ JACK ANDERSON and M ICHAEL B1NSTEIN tion over US territories, including the CNMI, and the Commonwealth’s No. 1 critic, remains unconvinced WASHINGTON M ERRY-GO-ROUND that something is being done to stop labor abuses here. The failure to respond to congressional demands A nti-N A FTA support grow s in C ongress for reforms (which should have been done even WASHINGTON — If Congress Bonior’s tirade continued for wince. While congressional sup­ without outside pressure), despite acknowledgement rejects the North American Free nearly one hour, interrupted at times porters of NAFTA wait for the ad­ Trade Agreement this fall, the ad­ by Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, ministration to conclude the “side that inequities exist, points to something else: incom­ ministration might point to scenes and fireshmanRep. SherrodBrown, agreements” on the environment petence. like the one that played out on the D-Ohio among others. Red-faced and labor practices— the last trump House floor one recent evening. and shouting, Bonior recited the card for wooing wavering Demo­ Most members and their staffs litany of why free trade with Mexico crats—opponents are capitalizing had already departed for the day, would doom the United States: un­ on the downtime to their strategic ¿ M arian as GV a rie ty '$ fis . and the evening news had ended an fair labor and unionization poli­ advantage. A well-organized, grass­ Serving the Commonwealth for 21 years hour earlier. Y et, there was Major­ cies- the implicit endorsement of a roots effort to win the hearts of their Published Monday to Friday By Younis Art Studio, Inc. ity Whip David Bonior, D-Mich., a “repressive” Mexican regime; and undecided colleagues is working. sworn enemy of the agreement and gross disparities in pay between NAFTA supporters are losing PuKsher*: commander of the anti-NAFTA American and Mexican workers. ground despite being better-fi­ Abed and Pa* Your»» brigade, holding court on the House He even dished out blame to the nanced. By some estimates, out­ floor accompanied by a group media forcheerleading for NAFTA. side interests have spent $50 priil- Nick Leg aspi...... Editor Member of Rafael H. Arroyo...... Reporter largely composed of freshman If passion produces votes on lion to win approval for the pact, The Democrats. Capitol Hill, Bonior proves it’s time with much of the money coming Associated Press “Mr. Speaker, you will have to to administer last rites for NAFTA. from Mexico. Still, the issue is col­ excuse my exuberance here to­ Anti-NAFTA forces are running ored by Ross Perot, and the “great P.O. Box 231, Saipan MP 96950-0231 © 1993, Marianas Variety night.... I am here once again to talk more on emotion than economics. sucking sound- of jobs moving Tel. (670) 234-6341/7578/9797 All Rights Reserved about this thing called NAFTA,” Eruptions are daily occurrences, and south of the border. It’s an argu­ Fax: (670) 234-9271 Bonior began. Another evening in they are beginning to make the ment Richardson calls “dema­ the House, another round of “spe­ White House and lawmakers like gogic.” cial orders” by NAFTA opponents. Rep. Bill Richardson, D-N.M., continued on page 7 FRIDAY, AUGUST 13,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEW S-5

J r ’s . . . continued from page 4 tions. And they definitely k n o w who is up to par with his oath of office or whether anew political horseisany good. Delighted at the loss of $120M The bottom line in the election or re-election of any candidate really Dear Editor, strategic military significance in lion over a seven-year period. new threat, more insidious and rests not so much in his personality I never thought we would get the Western Pacific, and because They didn’t do it to give us free­ revolting than even Japanese im­ as much as his character and ac­ the $120 million in federal fund­ of the horrendously deficit-rid­ dom either. That was just a noble perialism and Nazi fascism com­ complishments. With respect to the ing, and am delighted that we den, tax threatened, depressed side-effect. They did it for the bined—communism. And once top post, a lot rests with what suc­ didn’t. American economy. Enola Gay and little fat boy, so again, as MacArthur expressed in cesses or failures stand as the hall­ I never thought we would get When Americans wrested our that they could visit Hiroshima his “Old soldiers never die they mark of his administration. In other the money because of the end of islands from the Japanese in ’44. and Nagasaki. just fade away” speech, the words, it is your performance which the Cold War, because of the sub­ they didn ’t do it so that they could, And with the Japanese con­ Marianas proved useful: as an area will serve as your last ditch salva­ sequent demise of our island’s 49 years later, give us S120 mil­ quered, the war over, emerged a tion in public office which will ei­ continued on page 6 ther sink or keep you afloat. The most scary aspect of trying to keep afloat on a sinking boat is that the crew often jump ship literally or resort to mutiny. Change is often a very uncomfort­ able phenomenon to deal with. But there comes a time in our political development when we must make the commitment and vision to wel­ come its entry for a better tomorrow for posterity. We must endure tem­ porary discomfort in the interest of returning accountability and gover­ nance to our governmental institu­ tions. After all, our goal rests in protecting the ignorant public from dangerous public officials who re­ gard their office as conduits to dish out largesses to political stalwarts. I despise the ability and agility of pub­ lic officials who make a mockery of -the very sacred documents (CNMI Constitution and Laws) by flaunting thematwil'. Many of the solutions to DISCOTHEQUE our problems are right before our nose. But it seems that those at the helm have chosen to ignore them. The road ahead will be rocky and uphill. Nonetheless, you must con­ stantly resort to the silent comers of your mind if for no other reason than to quiz yourself of the ultimate truth. Allowing yourself this opportunity to question any and all events ought N 1 5 ° - 1 2 ' to help you separate the truth from the apparent. Think about it and discuss them with your friends. *** 3rd Y ear A nniversary The Democrats have raised a point of law with respect to the use of government facilities for political R eggae N ight Presentation purposes as provided by the Ethics Law. It did so by writing to the Public Auditor about the use of the Marianas High School Cafeteria or classrooms for political meetings by the Republican Party. The GOP, having approved the consideration of the Ethics Law, re­ alized it would be foolhardy flaunt­ ( r ing the very law it approved in recent months. It postponed its general Come in Reggae Outfit and get 5 Free Tickets membership meeting. It’s a good decision and it now leaves both camps with the nagging task to search for a ¿ILL NiaHT: BW BtiD JCSST ONE TICi venue where mass political meetings could be held without having to vio­ late the Ethics Law. PffT i: ROOOST13, 14, 2 0 3 2 7 It will do both political persua­ sions to know the Ethics Law by heart The Democrats ought to keep the Republicans in check to ensure TINE: 8:00 P.M. - 2:00 fLM. that government employees aren't LOCALS: Male - $15.00 coerced intoparticipaiing in political pocket meetings or other gatherings which have the appearance of a pot- Female - $10.00 luck get together so conveniently designed to allow the incumbentchief executive to gain an extra mileage. Special Thanks to: For government employees who are coerced into these neatly arranged political activities, it is important that you employ your sense of courage to speak out loudly when the law in this regard are violated. You have the right to refuse any and all forms of political coercion. It’s the law how­ soever you view it. And these viola­ tions can be reported to the Public Auditor’s Office for review and sub­ sequent action. 6-MARlANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-AUGUST 13.1993 collapse of communism made in bor, and minimum wage atroci­ our islands in the context of a labor-related incentives. L e t t e r s . . . all irrelevant—always, as a de­ ties, all of which surpass even the strategic American economic As it is now, because we lost fense against Soviet naval and most extreme cases in China, beachhead from which to deploy the money, we have a great op­ continued from page 5 amphibious attack against Chair­ Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Israel and commercial offensives involving portunity to keep those produc­ to train Chinese forces against man Miller’s home state and the other places of American sup­ Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan tive incentives to ourselves. We Chairman Mao Ze Deong before western United States. port. and the rest of Asia, we would can now move towards greater and after October ’49 and the exo­ But now, now that the Soviet We lost the $120 million be­ have received the money and independence and self-govern­ dus to Formose; as an area from menace is dead, and the Ameri­ cause America felt that support­ hordes of American entrepreneurs ment. No longer are we afforded which to strike Hanoi during ’65 can economy bleeding after 12 ing Saipan was not in her best and corporations would have been the complacency of relying on the to ’73; and always—always until years of military spending to bring self-interest; had she seen the encouraged to come here and Federal dole, on welfare. No technology made cruise missiles, communism closer to Marx and long-range economic potential of profit off our tremendous tax and longer can we get away with big long-range fighter bombers and Lenin, the Marianas is expend­ government, greater regulations, tomahawks possible; always, un­ able—easily discarded under the more beauracracy, bloated gov­ til the end of the Cold War and the dubious pretexts of tax, alien la- ernment salaries, and useless so­ cial spending. Now, having lost REGGAE NIGHTS the $120 million, we really havea Come and have fun at shot at streamlining government and empowering the private sec­ tor. We need not worry about those strings that would have J M C i n e m a surely been attached to the fed­ BOX OFFICE OPEN 7:30 P.M. Every Friday 6 P.M.-9 P.M. eral funding, and the terrible US SHOW START 8:00 P.M. Every Saturday 9 P.M.-2 A.M. regulations which would have infringed upon our sovereignty, The Greatest Adventure eroded our traditions, threatened- our economy and restricted our On Both Sides Of The Screen! freedoms. I am delighted indeed that we lost the $120 million. Cordially, /s/Charles P. Reyes, Jr.

Predicam ent

ofT inian’s

young residents Dear Editor: With the election season steadily approaching, I think it is high time I voice a concern that has been on the minds of many residents but has not been dragged out as an official issue, i. e. the priority three status given by the Marianas Public Land Corporation to all off-island students. continued on page 7 BACK TO SCHOOL

s m ’ i 'X g s s W io tg s



future. The scholarship allowed me to abroad to return to the islands and use economy, if you really want to brighten W ashington.... Le tte rs... further my education, however, at stake their skills here? Wouldn’titbebenefi- our future, if you really want to better continued from page 6 is the loss of my priority one o r two cial for our culture as well as economy the lives o f our people, then, I ask you status if I decided to stay in Tinian. continued from page 5 Formysilf as well as for many aspir­ to put more qualified locals to work to attack this issue and help give our Realistically my chance of acquiring ing students, the idea of attending a therefore easing theburden of having to young people the opportunity to pursue “The other side is definitely bet­ college or university, be it here in die any land is very low due to the scarcity rely heavily cm foreign labor? their education, while at the same time of land here. Why? ter organized,” concedes NMI or abroad, has been a life-long Recently, there has been legislation allowing them the security of knowing My elected leaders, candidates and goal. This goal is what fuels the flame attempting to amend the present land that there will always be a place they Richardson, himself a deputy whip, all concerned citizens, I ask you; must of many high school students vying for eligibility provision under 2 CMC Sec­ can come back to and call home. who introduced the first free-trade our young people be put through this college scholarships or trying to qualify tion 4303 (c) to permit off-island stu -. Sincerely, test, time and time again? Must our initiative with Mexico as a fresh­ for academic grants. W ebelieve that an dents to acquire rights to homestead. Joey P. San Nicolas priorities be handled by government man lawmaker in the early 1980s. education can give us the edge in life. This would be a major stepping stone Tinian College Student institutions rather than by ourselves? “We have to have a product to sell, Unfortunately, there are many stu­ for our government who at one time Rather, shouldn’t there be an incentive prideditselfon“puttingeducationfirst”. and it makes no sense to mount a dents and friends who are forced into a ЩШМР for the many young, bright and very predicament leaving us only to choose To the candidates from both camps, campaign without a final product” potential CNMI citizens studying if you really want to strengthen our $ NEED MONEY? $ what we value more, a chance to re­ Though people “laughed” at ceive a post-secondary education or the $ NOW OPEN e Richardson’s free-trade overtures land our ancestors fought long and hard C onstitutional license $ FAST CASH ft at first, he has watched the issue to keep. gather momentum over the years, As for me, I am a twenty-year old $ PAWNSHOP $ culminating in the granting of fast- landless CNMI citizen who happens to to pla y fiscal gam es 4th FLR. Horiguchi Bldg. track authority for the Bush admin­ be a recipient of the Post Secondary $ Tel. No. 234-5117 V Scholarship Act o f 1990 (PL 7-32). Open letter to the people of the Commonwealth including members of $ W e buy your old $ istration to negotiate a treaty. By When I turned 18,1 was asked this same the Legislature. ^ gold & silver the time the Republican Conven­ question. (What do I value most?) It is absolutely disgusting to read mittee is trying somehow to have tion rolled around last summer, Both choices were, and still are, very that the budget conference com- continued on page 8 sssssssss's Bush was touting NAFT A as one of important to me. both pertain to my the pinnacles of his presidency. It might also prove to be Bush’s re­ venge if Clinton can’t rescue the agreement, which must be ratified by Dec. 31 or it will die. Among Democrats, the fasttrack vote in 1991 might have been high tide for NAFTA supporters. Demo­ crats lent 93 votes to the narrow victory margin that allowed the Bush administration to nail down the deal. But many of those Demo­ crats are gone now, replaced by feisty freshmen, many of whom ran r a n c e against the agreement last fall. When NAFTA comes down to the wire, the freshmen could become the mouse that roars. In political terms,Richardsonand other supporters have already writ­ s a l e ten off large chunks of the Demo­ cratic power base. In the 40-mem­ ber black caucus, for example, sup­ porters would be lucky to corral more than six or seven members willing to vote in favor, even with the side agreements. Among fresh­ men, many of whom signed on to a letter asking Clinton to postpone NAFTA until after health-care re­ form is over, Democratic members have batted around the notion of uniting as a group against the treaty. Either way, few freshmen are ex­ pected to support Clinton. “The biggest thing to happen to 1993 Toyota Tercels this agreement is the election of the freshman class,” Rep. Collin C. Peterson, D-Minn., told our associ­ ate Jan Moller. Peterson leads the 1993 Toyota Hilux 4 x 2 bipartisan Congressional Anti- NAFTA Caucus, and warns: “This is a political trap for (Clinton). He 1993 Toyota Previa can’t win, and he’s going to alien­ ate the only friends he has left.” By Peterson’s unofficial count, 172 out of 267 Democrats stand against the agreement, while 48 are pledged to support it. The rest are undecided or have not responded. Among Republicans, an informal head count estimates that at least 50 members are leaning or are solidly against the agreement. Richardson believes at least 80 percent of Re­ publicans have to support the mea­ sure for it to pass. As the coalitions coalesce, the wild card remains House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt, D-Mo., At one time a vocal critic of the agreement., he is among those wait­ Microl Corporation ing for the side agreements to con­ An Inchcape Company clude before weighing in. Both camps are counting on his support at the end. The other big question is how many lawmakers can be ca­ joled by Clinton when he finally Pairere # 1 TOYOTA jumps into the legislative fray. At the rate things are going in the P.O. Box 267 Saipan, MP 96950 Tel: (670) 234-5911 House, some lawmakers worry that Clinton’s support might become a case of too little too late. • " '-TjVAV < n .f. V/’V·.·'/ va»7,w* 8-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-AUGUST 13.1993 ready caused—if anything, it high­ is it?” the first day of the fiscal year, is the years of continuous failure to bring L e t t e r s . . . lights die incompetency and dilet­ What it is, is simply a Constitu­ all unportant one, because that is a budget in on time, sends a very continued from page 7 tantism of the cast. tional provision in Artm, Section9 the day when we are supposed to unhappy message to the people and I need nqtgo into and enumerate (a) which among other things says: start drawing funds for that particu­ to the world. Yes, the world is people believe that, to kill the FY’93 watching too and especially George budget is an act of statemanship. the problems, financial and others, “If a balanced budget is not ap­ lar fiscal year. There are however Miller and his crowd. The rectxd They should bow their heads in which result from such reckless and proved before the first day of the no penalties whatever for failure to irresponsible actions; every person fiscal year, appropriations for gov­ meet that date. I suppose the pre­ hardly gives the Commonwealth shame. sumption is that the legislators are high marks for excellence in self- The Commonwealth has been in living in the Commonwealth knows ernment operations and obligations shall be at the level for the previous honorable men and women who government, does it. “business” now for 15 years, and it only too well. What I want to say will honor their oath of office, to However, no matter how much not once, not in a single year, has there is that, the masses, the grass­ fiscal year.” There is no time limit uphold the laws of the Common­ fun it is to play the budget game the Commonwealth Legislature roots, the voters who put these bud­ on this. That is a Constitutional license wealth, and the “bail-out” (A rt HI there com es a time when it is be­ even come close to meeting the get violators into office are getting to play fiscal games till you get blue Sect. 9 (a)) was stuck in there to coming a millstone around the neck, requirements of the Budgeting Act. mighty p-d off, and make no mis­ in the face. Of course the Budget­ give them a few extra days in case an acute embarrassment and a pos­ Overruns of several months used to take about it, the people are not ing Act does lay down certain re­ of some unexpected difficult prob­ sible political liability, and that’s be the norm in the early years, but going to remain passive and com­ quirements, sets certain dates, lem. when the rock-throwing starts, both as we grew more and more “sophis­ plaisant any longer. among which the First of October, I think the track record now of 15 ticated” and “adept” at self-gov­ As I make my tours daily on the continued on page 1D ernment, the overruns got longer campaign trail going door-to-door, and longer, the FY’92 budget was I hear the same thing: “John, when passed on August 12, ten and a half is all this going to end, when are we month into the budget year, which going to get a decent government. itself has a duration of 12 months. When we violate a law we pay for This time they simply quit, thereby i t . .get a ticket for speeding or what going one worse than the previous not..go to jail it it’s something worse, but our elected leaders can year. Thatboth houses now in theelev- play games with the law, thumb enth hour are trying to get out of their noses at the Budgeting Act ¿*t arfi&i&MMte е*иеп£о4*икеи£ their self created budget morass by and create all sorts of financial chaos introducing a new budget bill does and sufferings year after year, and not in any way undo the harm al­ nothing bad happens to them. Are law makers above the law..or. what is proud to announce the arrival of our new seductive MICROL CORPORATION and exotic dancers P O. BOX 267, SAN JOSE, SAIPAN, MP 96950 « TEL. 234-5911,2,3,4,6,7,8

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U92-152T 1988 4X2 AAD-311 3595 R92-038 1989 4X2 AAS-817 5195 • Exclusive WWF World Wrestling on Thursday evenings. U92-189T 1987 4X2 AAU-380 995 R92-043P 1991 4X2 AAU-486 5596 R93-008P 1991 4X2 ABC-292 6195 • Live nightly NHK news from Tokyo. U93-Q88CT 1988 4X2 AAC-601 1595 R93-022P 1991 4X2 ABA=162 5995 ■ Free Disney Channel Program for the whole family until Sept. 30. U93-024T 1990 4X2 AAT-984 3495 R93-012P 1990 4X2 AAP-168 4995 • Customized 24 Filipino Programs on Saipan Cable TV’s very new channel 5. U93-108T 1992 4X2 AAN-971 6495 U93-051T 1990 ISUZU P/UP AAP-125 2995 U93-101R 1990 PREVIA WGN AAR-597 8995 "We're working to bring you the best!" R93-016P 1991 PREVIA WGN DX AAW-237 12995 U93-120 1991 PREVIA WGN DX AAS-123 8995 TEL NOS. 234-7350 - 234-6629 FRIDAY, AUGUST 13,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-9 Guam -bound ships sent to Taiwan AGANA, Guam (AP) - Large ships, which deliver nearly 80 per­ cent of Guam’s consumer goods, are being diverted to Taiwan be- causeofseriousdamagetothecom- mercial piers in Apra Haibor caused by last Sunday’s earthquake. Pedro Leon Guerrero, general manager of the Port Authority of Guam, said he hopes to have cargo delivered within the next two weeks, either through less-damaged piers or via a floating crane-barge ar­ rangement set up by the Navy. He also said the Navy has offered use of its piers. However, 16 of the 20 piers at Naval Station Guam, also in Apra Harbor, are closed because of quake damage. American President Lines aned Sea Land Service, the two US ship­ ping agencies that service Guam, earlier this week sent more than 600 containers of Guam-bound cargo to Taiwan. MGD REGGAE (t The two shipping companies hope to transfer the cargo to smaller feeder vessels and return it to Guam THE AUGUST 14 SHOW HAS BEEN CHANGED TO: sometime next week. Franklin Leon Guerrero, the port’s controller, said that tuna ves­ sels, fuel tankers and other smaller ships are continuing to use three AUGUST 15' 8PM · $21.50 piers which suffered only minimal damage. Suppliers of food and medical supplies said island residents should GILLIGAN'S. HYATT HOTEL not panic and hoard essential items. They said ample supplies are on the island to meet residents’ needs -until alternative delivery procedures - such as smaller shipping vessels or airfreight deliveries - are ar­ PROCEEDS DONATED TO TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE ranged. GUAM RED CROSS TO BENEFIT PACIFIC TRADING COMPANY EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS. AND HYATT HOTEL WB. continued from page 3 of use of sugar, tobacco, high salt content foods, and alcohol contrib­ utes to the rising prevalence of high cost health problems. It may be prudent from a health status per­ spective to increase customs duties on items which contribute to rising health care costs.” The health secretary commented that there are only certain things the Ministry can do to improve health. “We can only do so much,” he said. “It takes the effort of the entire nation to solve problems like hous­ ing, (contaminated) water, the en­ vironment PEPSI “I want to emphasize a commu­ nity-based health system,” he said, the schools and churches, espe­ » , cially, have many resources that H y a t t Genuine are not being effectively tapped. REGENCY B A C A R D I D r a f t

f- V f U U -<■

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B abauta not


A f t r n O H A L to seek U S OFFICE SUPPLY interference? Dear Editor: Pleaseallow this concern of mine to be printed in your illustrious newspaper. I am registering my disappoint­ ment regarding the information which was printed on the frontpage of the Marianas Variety News & Views on Aug. 10, that Washing- ton Representative JuanN. Babauta asked the federal government to SALE PERIOD: AUGUST 0 6 THRU SEPETEM BER 0 6 , 1 9 9 3 strickly enforce the labor law in the CNMI. This infers that the federal CASH & CARRY government should interfere with our sovereignty, making the 902 meetings ineffective. His predecessors, Eddie ALL Pangelinan and Froilan C. Tenorio, consulted the people, the Legisla­ TEACHING AIDS ture and the governor before taking action in the US Congress. Now, /TSSONP/ANSâ: RECORD our702 meeting is zero and our 902 ALL ART SUPPLIES BOOKS continued on page 13 ACRYLIC 7 OIL PAINTS t c a n m & cardhocotrs WATER COLORS & TEMPERA PAINTS CHARTS & STANDS L e t t e r s . . . PALETTES & PAINT BRUSHES CRAYONS & WATER COLOR SETS BHiiTTfNtfOARDSTT& BOARDERS continued from page 8 WATER COLOR & DRAWING PAPERS TiASH CARDS & ST/im CRSTR/PS houses accusing each other of hold­ ORIGAMI & CONSTRUCTIONS PAPERS ing up the budget, something which RTMARDSTAÎS& ST/CK£RS\ further slows down the process. COLORING & ACTIVITY BOOKS All this time, however, a remedy FRAMED & UNFRAMED CANVAS Rm om spRfN TB: tÀ fR rrw àos has been starring the players in the eyes-kill that portion of Art. HI Sect. 9(a) which allows the total corruption of our budgetary pro­ Â NATIONAL 1 cess, including the souls of our law­ Trartspacenter ▼ OFFICE SUPPLY j w l i l i l l 1 makers. A constitutional amend­ ment to that effect would be a most Middle Road popular measure ever, and possibly ALL DRAFTING SUPPLIES: would pass without any no-votes

I Town & Country whatever. To kill the sacred cow ALL DRAFTING SUPPLIES CDA however is something Common­ MECHANICAL & DRAFTING PENS wealth law makers don;t want to Location: Middle Road, Gualo Rai, Saipan do; never mind that it would be T-SQUARE & COMPASSES (Across Commonwealth Development Authority good for the community and an TEMPLATES & LETTERING GUIDES immensely popular thing to do. and Town & Country) How dreary life would be in the TRACING ROLLS & QUADRILLE PADS Telephones: Store: 234-3198/3199 Legislature without the prospect of Office : 234-3197/3341 endless, fierce budget controversy Business Hours: to excite one’s mind with and not to O P E N O N mention the opportunities for throw­ ■ AUGUST IS, 22 a 2 9 Mon thru Sat 8:00 am to 6:00 pm ing rocks at one’s colleagues and (S u n d a y s ) DON'T MISS IT! Sunday- 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. shine in the eyes of one’s constitu­ ency. vs Thoughtful observers have off and on warned that we seem to be CARMEN’S HAIR SALON our own worst enemies, and often E n j o y 9{l9iO 'S tP lZ Z A a n y t i m e ! most of our actions seem to under­ Beach Road, Chalan Kanoa line that sad pronouncement. Tel. No. 234-6945 Call for M ISW ERY to your office, work, I am calling upon the legislators of both parties: Introduce and pass home, beach - w h e r e v e r I a legislative initiative to amend Art. Ill Sect. 9(a). There is still time and Fried chicken, Spaghetti, the voters will happily pass it, and, Hair Perming $ 20.00 and lots m ore delivered. it might earn some of you re-elec­ Hair Coloring $ 15.00 tion. Shiatsu Massage $ 25.00 (45 minutes) If the Eighth Legislature fails this NINO'S DELIVERS! 11 duty to the Commonwealth and its Above prices are good for service on Mondays and people I vow that if I get elected to Thursdays only, throughout the month of August. Hair Daily From 11:00 ajn . to 9:00 p.m. the House, I shall, as my first act in - ., perming and coloring may the Ninth Legislature, introduce a be slightly higher for long legislative initiative to correct this hair. No appointment is abomination. Shouldmycolleagues fail to support that measure, I will neccessary. spearhead a popular initiative drive !"s. for that same purpose. The people does not have to suffer mismanage­ ^ rillte/-· ■ " ment and misgovemment, there are tools which can be used and! will gladly assist my Commonwealth fellow countrymen in setting them free. Si Yuus Ma’ase /s/Juan De Leon Guerrero 9 t i 9 £ o ‘s P i z z a - i r n s s i m i Demapan We Carr^M^rix^tiair Care Products A CHALAN KANOA B. GARAPAN C. DAN DAN Former member Fourth Legisla­ Open^oridÆ n||y l0:(^amvS:00 pm 234-8996 233-4701 235-4253 ture 234-1264 233-6130 235-4254 f t^ Ê Ê È Ê ^ M Pfn FRIDAY, AUGUST 13,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-11 Outage set Sunday Guerrero criticizes THERE will be a mine»· outage Base, GuatoRai, Chalan Laulau, San Sunday, 8 - 10a.m.,due to damage Jose, Susupe and portions of Chalan caused by Tropical Storm Steve, Kanoa. latest Babauta m ove the Commonwealth Utilities Corp. CUC said it would make elec­ announced Wednesday. trical circuit repairs in its auto REPRESENTATIVE Herman T. Customers to be affected are those reclosure stations. These stations Guerrero, who is also Democratic who obtain service from: Feeder I: were damaged by water during Party candidate for resident rep­ LowerBase Power Plant, PuertoRico, the storm. resentative, criticized incumbent Lower Navy Hill, Navy Hill, CHC, For more information, please Juan N. Babauta yesterday for portions of Garapan, Chalan Laulau contact the public information of­ calling on the federal government andGualoRai. Feeder IE: Lower fice at 322-4033,5088. to enforce US labor laws in the Commonwealth strictly. In an interview, Guerrero said that unless local agencies fail, Orientation for new enforcement of labor laws should be left to local government. NMC students Aug. 16 “What Mr. Babauta did was basically to say we cannot be trusted to enforce our labor laws NEW STUDENTS planning to attend Northern Marianas College this here. It’s an innuendo that the fall are encouraged to attend orientation on Aug 16,at9a.m.inthe NMC governor and the Legislature can’t student lounge. Orientation is designed to familiarize students with Herman T. Guerrero, Juan N. Babauta' do their job,” he said. college academic and administrative procedures and the many differ­ evidence that there is widespread continued to tell them we’re on Guerrero was reacting to ences between college and high school life. labor abuse here,” Guerrero said. the way to reaching that stage. Babauta’s letter to Labor Secre­ All new students must take free math and English placement test “If there is, why should we give We should collectively act to tary Robert Reich on July 29 to which will be given on Aug 17 and 18 at 1 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. in building up hope that we could solve those achieve such a goal no matter ensure strict enforcement of fed­ V at the As Terlaje campus. problems internally. Should the what,” he said. eral labor laws in the CNMI. College academic advising will take place on Aug 16-20. Open feds come here and start throwing He said it is the Washington The letter followed a news re­ registration begins Aug 24 and classes begin August 30. weight, there will be lawsuits left representative’s duty to see to it port published by the New York and right. Is that the action w e’d that the goal of self-government Times July 18 about the exploita­ 8 S like to see?” is protected from his end in the tion of workers in Saipan. He said federal help should be nation’s capitol. BEAUTY SALON “The Times article puts all agen­ sought only after all means to Babauta, who lost to Governor cies, federal and local, on notice solve labor problems internally Lorenzo I. Guerrero in the May that the enforcement of labor laws fail. gubernatorial primary, is running is insufficient,” Babauta told Guerrero said that consistent for a second term in his current Reich. with the Covenant, the CNMI is post. He is expected to get an Guerrero said Babauta should supposed to be moving forward official endorsement from the not be inviting federal attention towards self-government. Republican Party during a sched­ on his own without consultation ‘The US government has been uled general membership meet­ with CNMI leaders. telling us all along that we need to ing today at the old legislature NEXT TO LIVE L.A. IN GARAPAN “First of all, there is no tangible stand on our own and wc have building in Susupe. (RHA) OPEN DAILY 2 3 4 - 3 0 3 0 Feel the Hyatt Regency Saipan. DAILY SPECIALS THRU AUGUST 31, 1993

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L e tters... Sakisat Pacific island leaders seek responds to J R again protection for environm ent Dear Editor By Geoff Spencer of the worst examples of of envi­ the Greenhouse Effect, destruction shipments. However, it stopped This letter is to timely respond Jr’s ronmental problems in the Pacific. of the Pacific’s tropical forests, column rebuttal for today’s publica­ short of demanding that Japan, a YAREN, Nauru (AP) - Pacific tion of Marianas Variety in case he’s This lone coral island is a deso­ transportation and sea dumping of significant aid donor to the region, putting out a rebuttal of my letter of island leaders ended a three-day late rocky mess after generations nuclear and other hazardous wastes, abandon the program. July 26. meeting, asking the res t of the world of mining for phosphate exported as serious threats. Instead it called for the ship­ I admit that Jr deserves tremen­ not to spoil their fragile environ­ for farm fertilizer. Of major concern is a program to ments to be carried out “in accor­ dous respect and uplook as a colum­ ment. Its former colonial master Aus­ ship plutonium from France dance with the highest international nist. In fact, he deserves every bit of The 15-nation South Pacific tralia this week agreed to pay it $73 through the Pacific to Japan for use safety and security standards and credit for his outstanding perfor­ Forum, which groups tiny island million damages after Nauru filed in new generation fast-breeder in a manner satisfactorily address­ mance as a columnist. One should states with Australia and New a lawsuit in the International Court nuclear reactors in Japan. ing all possible contingencies.” stand up and applaud Jr simply be­ Zealand, warned they are highly of Justice demanding help to reha­ Last December, a Japanese Japan has consistently main­ cause not many of our own people vulnerable to natural disasters, en­ bilitate the island. freight ship took about2 tons of the tained the shipments will be possess the capacity and natural tal­ vironmental degradation and the A communique, issued at the highly radioactive plutonium near safe. ents of Jr. Jr is the best... Jr is the problems of high population end of the conference, called for the territorial waters of Vanuatu The Forum also called on inter­ super best.. this is why Jr is getting a test. growth. sustainable economic develop­ and Solomon Islands. More ship­ national laws to place the respon­ I now call Jr to the stand to openly The annual meeting of the lead­ ment. It listed the depletion of the ments are planned in comingyears. sibility of the nuclear powers to answer the following questions with ers was held in Nauru, 2,600 miles ozone layer, possible climate The communique said there are be made totally liable for the cost short answers to the Republican southwest of Honolulu. It has one change and rising sea levels from “inherent risks” involved in such of cleaning up a nuclear accidenL Party. 1. Where was Jr at midnight on May 29? Jr, do not tell a lie... speak up my boy, the truth is always re­ spectable. 2. WasJrwithanyoneonthenight of May 29? Jr, do not lie... the truth is alwayi'rcspec table. 3. What did Jr bring to the Repub­ lican Party right after the primary election? Jr, what’s your answer? I can’t hardly hear you. . . louder, please. Biba Governor Lorenzo I. Deleon Guerrero. Sincerely, Ray M. Sakisat

•continued from page 10 meeting is nothing if wc closely follow the wishes of Representa­ tive Juan N. Babauta. He should not use his political debacles and seek personal aggrandizement, dis­ regarding the people of the CNMI and its leaders. What he did is unauthorized and utterly disregard­ ing the wishes of the people, the governor and the legislative bodies of CNMI. There is nothing in the CNMI Constitution that states that a Wash­ ington representative is authorized to do whatever he wishes without asking the consent of the people, the governor and the Legislature. Representative Juan N. Babauta is going overboard. He should put aside personal feelings and should act like a gentleman and should protect the interest of the CNMI. If he cannot do so, he should bow out from his position, knowing that he rannot deal with the Democratic majority in the US. The CNMI people should censor him for being disrespectful. He should remem­ ber that the people elected him and he should refer all matters to the people of the CNMI before taking unilateral action, just because of his wounded pride. We should remember that CNMI Labor De­ partment is not fortified with finan­ cial assistance by our Legislature to police and rectify labor problems. He badmouthed our Immigration previously and now he is badmouthing our Labor Depart­ ment. Labor and Immigration Reach Out should not be the whipping boys of Representative Babauta just be­ cause he cannot whip Governor Lorenzo Guerrero. Representative Babauta should take defeat gracefully. Marianas’ Only Locally Owned Long-Distance Telephone Company

/s/Jesus M. Taisacan Rotanesc 14-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-AUGUST 13.1993 Advance appropriation L o w e st for college proposed GOVERNOR Lorenzo I. of funds for NMC scholars study­ indicates our lawmakers are cog­ Guerrero has asked the Legisla­ ing abroad. nizant of student needs and of the ture to authorize an advance ap­ “Because the budget has not problems arising from the short­ R a te t o propriation of $300,000 for the been passed, students who will be age of funds.” Northern Marianas College’s attending classes in the fall se­ NMC was appropriated a total student financial aid program. mester are facing a major crisis: of $6.53 million under the pro­ U S /H a w a ii In a letter to the presiding of­ no financial aid is available,” he posed fiscal year 1993 budget. ficers of the Legislature last week, said. “The fact that $1.9 million Approval of the budgethas been Guerrero said lawmakers should was earmarked for NMC student delayed due to differences be- C all U S /H aw aii for as low as do something to ensure the flow financial aid in FY 1993 clearly continued on Daae 23 $1.05 per minute* SALE · SERVICE · REPAIR · GEN. MERCHANDISE • WHOLESALE · RETAIL w i t h M T C TEDCO Talon Electronics & Development Corporation Padlo Undm«k (Garapan Hi-way) P.O. Box 1041 Saipan. Mp 96950 · Tel.: 234-7108 * Fax:234-2671 Qarapan Roppongl Open: Sunday - Thursday 9:00 AM-8:00 PIVl · Friday 9:00 AM-5:00 PIVI (Close on Saturdays) Cantra! Park j | MghtClub


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i h Bank of Hawaii Career Opportunity TELLER SUPERVISOR Competitive Salary and Excellent Benefits: • Basic knowledge of Bank Operations • Demonstrates verbal & written communications skills. • Must be service oriented. • Demonstrated Supervisory Skills. Apply in person at the Bank of Hawaii, Saipan Branch between the hours of Total Dedication INVITATION TO BID 9:00 a.m. & 3:00 p.m. To Your Satisfaction DPW 9 3 -ITB - 0 0 2 6 9 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The Department of Public Works is soliciting sealed bids for the Construction of Proposed Rota Pinatang Park Toilet Facility, Rota, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Bids in duplicate will be accepted in the Office of the Chief of Procurement & Supply at Lower Base, Saipan until 2:00 p.m., local time, Friday, August 27,1993, at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids received after the above time will not be accepted under any FAMOUS circumstances. A bond of 15% of the total bid price must accompany the bid. This security may be a Certified Check, JAPANESE Cashier’s Check, Bid Bond or other form acceptable to the Government made payable to the Treasurer, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands with a notation on the face of the check: “Credit FORTUNE Account No. 1480-G31480”. The bidder is required to submit with his proposal, a copy of his business permit as a compliance with the Contractor’s Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana TELLER & PARA Islands. Specifications and plans of the project are available on or after August 13,1993 at Technical Services PSYCHOLOGIST MRS. C. HALE (HEIL) Division, Department of Public Works in Sad pan. A non-refundable payment of $100.00 is required for each set. Pre-bid conference for this project will be heldat2:00p.m., local time, Friday, August 20,1993, at the Technical Services Division, Department of Public Works on Saipan. 20 Years Experience Attention is called to the Labor Standards Provisions for Wage Rate Determination of the CNMI Classification and Salary Structure Plans, and payment of not less than the minimum salaries and • Over 1,000 clients are wages as set forth in the Specifications must be paid on this project. satisfied with the service Author of 16 Spiritual All bid documents received shall be the sole property of the Government of the Northern Mariana Power books in Japan Islands with the exception of bid bonds, certified checks or cashier’s check which will be returned to the (670) 234-5389 bidders in accordance with the specifications section, “Instruction to Bidders” Page 1-2, Paragraph No. 05, Bid Guarantee. BOOK TITLE • A Guide to Spiritual Power Practical Spiritual Power The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any imperfection in the bid • Healing by Spiritual Power proposal in the interest of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. AUGUST 13 - START SELLING pOOKS AT MRS. C. HALE'S HOUSE IN CHALAN KIYA. BOOK PRICE-$23.00 REVIEWED BY- H /s/DAVID M. APATANG /s/MANUEL S. CHARGUALAF I 8/11/93 8/11/93 5 FRIDAY, AUGUST 13^ l^-M AM A NA S VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-15 Kum agai favors m arket opening By Yuri Kageyam a mammoth trade surplus results els. among construction companies. imbalance: “Japan is trying to in­ from macroeconomic trends be­ The global surplus was $11.82 “Dango” participants customar­ crease the transparency of its TOKYO (AP) - In a departure yond their control. billion in July, and that with the ily rig bids to ensure each company markets, but that will not improve from the defensive stance of his But Japan’s $50 billion trade United States was $4.68 billion, a certain share in major projects. if new regulations become neces­ predecessors, Japan’s new trade surplus with the United States re­ up 23 percent from a year earlier, “We will have the surplus prob­ sary to achieve targets.” minister has spoken out harshly mains a thorny issue as the two the Finance Ministry said. lem again and again unless we open Prime Minister Hosokawa said in favor of opening his country’s nations head for trade framework In the Nihon Keizai interview, the areas that are being criticized as Tuesday that reducing Japan’s “extremely closed” markets. talks this fall. Kumagai admitted that Japanese closed,” Kumagai said. trade surplus was a top-priority But Trade Minister Hiroshi Kumagai’s comment appeared big business often conducts be­ He did not, however, propose issue for his new administration, Kumagai said he remained op­ as Japan announced that in July, hind-the-scenes deals that exclude any concrete measures to prevent buthe also opposed import goals. posed to US requests to set nu­ its global trade surplus had foreign and new companies from such arrangements. He said he favored deregulation, merical targets for increasing im­ climbed28percentffomJuly 1992 Japanese markets. Kumagai also said he opposed expansion of domestic demand ports. - the 31st consecutive month of He said it was like the “fierce US demands that Japan set numeri­ and promotion of consumer-ori­ “Japanese markets are ex­ expansion from year-earlier lev­ ‘dango’ system,” that operates cal targets for righting the trade ented policies. tremely closed in invisible ways,” Kumagai said in an interview published Wednesday in the 1 Nihon Keizai Shimbun, a leading economic newspaper. MEET YOUR CANDIDATES Kumagai was interviewed after his inauguration Monday as a FOR THE H t member of Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa’s seven- party coalition government, which ousted the long-ruling Liberal House of R epresentatives Democrats. “It is natural that the United States and Europe view Japan as Election Precinct No. 3 strange,” said Kumagai, a former San Jo s e — Garapan Northern Islands trade ministry official with a reputation for outspokenness. “Our ways must be corrected if Japanese business hopes to sur­ OUR PEOPLE DESERVE THE BEST vive in the international commu­ nity.” Trade ministry officials played down the importance of Kumagai’s comments, saying that new Cabinet members often make comments that do not necessarily reflect the stance of the bureau­ crats that permanently staff their g p f g p l l ministries. i i l l M IÉ In recent months, the ministry I f c i S ® EDUCATION has strongly objected tocriticisms (Programs & Facilities) that Japan’s markets are closed. AGUON, JOAQUIN ARRIOLA, ANTONIO ♦ HEALTH Officials boast of the world’s Mafnas (JACK) AYUYU (A'S) lowest tariffs on industrial goods ...... >' 'iwwrr~·:—.... ■■ and say that much of Japan’s \ · IMPROVED (U.S.) FEDERAL / -, S X RELATIONS S TWAleaves J · IMPROVED PUBLIC UTILITIES | 1 SERVICES 1 bankruptcy I · YOUTH ACTIVITIES 1 I · SPORTS ACTIVITIES 1 court 1 -SENIOR CITIZENS | By Dan Blake I · PARKS AND RECREATION 1 DELEON GUERRER0, NEW YORK (AP) - Trans World CLEAN, HEALTHY AND SAFE GUERRERO, BERNARD Airlines overcame the last major PEDRO RÜGOLIFOI SABLAN (TETING) obstacle to exiting bankruptcy (PADUNA)SPEAKER 6TH & ENVIRONMENT 7TH LEGISLATURE court Wednesday as a judge ap­ LABOR AND IMMIGRATION INCUMBENT proved a plan by creditors and PUBLIC SAFETY employees to buy the company. DRUG ENFORCEMENT AND TWA’s official re-emergence » « ■ I l from Chapter 11 (voluntary REHABILITATION PROGRAM < í% ' ' ' bankruptcy) protection, now ex­ SPECIAL EDUCATION AND U fes' pected within a few weeks, would DISABILITY PROGRAMS leave America West as the last LOCAL BUSINESS AND major distressed US airline trying INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES to reorganize under bankruptcy court protection. TOURISM It reflects a remarkable new TRANSPORTATION AND lease on life for TWA, con­ RIOS, JOSE SANTOS COMMUNICATION TUDELA, JUAN BORJA founding skeptics who predicted FORMER MAYOR OF SAIPAN OCEAN RESOURCES VICE SPEAKER the once-glamorous carrier wou Id AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES join the ghosts of Eastern, Pan 4TH LEGISLATURE Am and Midway, dying in acourt- ordered bustup to satisfy creditor claims. YOUR INTEREST AND THE COMMONWEALTH TWA’s reorganization plan, approved by Federal Bankruptcy IS OUR HIGHEST PRIORITY Judge Helen Balick at a hearing in Wilmington, Del., also is an­ other sign of improving health for the industry, which lost more than S8 billion over the past three years "WE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE" because of fare wars and a slow continued on page 18 VOTE DEMOCRAT * : ’ H M ' 1 * ■*' v»'A 1 v· ' V. V# - . » . * I *. k' * »1 . * m ■. I » » r, V ’ •"V * ,\ ’»*. **f 16-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-AUGUST 13.1W Business /FinanceS ^ APEC can help D o lla r sinks rates to another NEW YORK (AP) - Foreign Exchange, New York prices. Rates for trades of $1 million minimum. postw ar low small countries FOREIGN CURRENCY DOLLAR IN IN DOLLARS FOREIGN CURENCY clear that “when we use the ex­ NEW YORK (AP) - The US dol­ JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - TUE WED TUE WED Australian Foreign Minister pression of economic community lar hit another postwar low against Gareth Evans said Wednesday the that should not be taken as mean­ the yen on Wednesday as investors f Argent Peso 1.0100 1.0100 .9901 .990f Asia Pacific Economic Coopera­ ing the same thing as the Euro­ bet the enormous Japanese trade A ustralia Doll .6855 .6832 1.4588 1.4637 12.122 pean Economic Community.” surplus would keep the country’s A ustria Schill .0825 .0828 12.076 tion forum can help small coun­ 36.42 Indonesia, which has a one- c Belgium Franc .0275 .0276 36.26 tries win greater trade coopera­ currency strong. The dollar was B razil Cruzeir .01333 .01359 75.00 73.56 tion from large nations. China policy, has said it may not mixed against other currencies. B ritain Pound 1.4695 1.4670 .6805 .68173 After talks with Indonesian attend the Seattle meeting if Tai­ Goldprices dropped. On theNew 30day fwd 1.4659 1.4631 .6822 .6835, President Suharto, he also said he wan and Hong Kong are invited. York Commodity Exchange, gold 60dayfwd 1.4627 1.4600 .6837 .6849 1.4596 1.4570 .6851 .6863 hoped Suharto would attend the Both are members of APEC, but for current delivery closed at 90dayfwd C anada Dollar .7685 .7736 1.3012 1.2927 Beijing views them as parts of $375.30 a troy ounce, off $5.60 proposed APEC summit in Se­ 30day fwd .7680 .7731 1.3021 1.2935 attle in November. China. from Tuesday. At4p.m. EDT (2000 60day fwd .7675 .7726 1.3029 1.2944 Malaysian Prime Minister Evans was optimistic that the GMT), Republic National Bank of 90dayfwd 7669 .7721 1.3039 1.2952 Mahathir Mohamad has said he matter could be resolved, as it New York quoted goldat $375.10, y Chile Peso .002528 .002531 395.57 395.14 would not attend the summit, ar­ was several years ago in sorting down $6.15. China Yuan .1740 .1740 5.7468 5.7468 Colombia Peso .001467 .001467 681.58 681.58 guing that the forum was becom­ out APEC memberships. The dollar was trading at 103.64 Members of the 4-year-old or­ c Czechosl Koru .0343 .0345 29.16 28.98 ing too formal. yen in New York late Wednesday, D enmark Krone .1433 .1441 6.9760 6.9415 Healso has rejected Australia’s ganization are the United States, down from 104.70onTuesdayand ECU 1.10860 1.12130 .9020 .8918 proposal tochange APEC’s name Australia, Japan, South Korea, the lowest level since modem ex­ z Ecudr Sucre .000529 .000529 1890.00 1890.00 to Asia Pacific Economic' Com­ Japan, , New Zealand, change rates were set following d Egypt Pound .2994 .2994 3.3405 3.3405 munity, saying it “proves that they China, Taiwan and the six mem­ World War II. It was the second F inland Mark .1697 .1705 5.8925 5.8660 F ranсe Franc .1659 .1658 6.0290 6.0315 bers of the Association of South­ time this week that the dollar hit a (APEC ’s larger members) had all G ermany Mark .5803 .5828 1.7231 1.7160 east Asian Nations - Indonesia, along wanted to form a trade postwar low in New York. 30day fwd .5785 .5809 1.7285 1.7216 grouping for developed econo­ Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Earlier in Tokyo, the dollar hit a 60day fwd .5770 .5793 1.7331 1.7262 mies at the expense of small na­ the Philippines, Brunei. record low as well - 103.77 yen, 90day fwd .5754 .5778 1.7380 1.7307 tions.” The 15 members have a com­ down 0.70 yen from Tuesday. The G reece Drachma .004167 .004165 240.00 240.10 H ong Kong Doll .1290 .1290 7.7500 7.7495 Evans said, “My belief is... that bined population of more than 2 dollar fetched 103.77 in London as billion and a combined gross na­ H uncjarv Forint .0107 .0106 93.70 94.02 - APEC is an excellent way of small well. y India Rupee .0322 .0322 31.030 31.030 and medium-size countries to­ tional product of more than S13 Traders said the yen was sup­ 1 ndnsia Rupiah .000478 .000478 2092.01 2092.01 gether exerting influence upon trillion. ported by a continued belief that 1 reland Punt 1.3560 1.3700 .7375 .7299 larger countries to behave in a Evans also told reporters that to Japan’s new government will not 1 srael Shekel .3584 .3572 2.7905 2.7994 reasonable and cooperative way help reconciliation inEastTimor, change the practice of running a 1 taly Lira .000620 .000618 1612.00 1617.25 Australia hoped for early presi­ J apan Yen .009648 .009547 103.65 104.75 on trade and other relations.” large trade surplus. 30dayfwd .009647 .009546 103.66 104.76 He added that although it is a dential clemency for rebel leader The surplus boosts the Japanese 60dayfwd .009647 .009546 103.66 104.76 developed country, Australia also Jose Alexandre Gusmao, who has currency because it means import­ 90dayfwd .009646 .009546 103.67 104.76 has difficulties with the United been sentenced to life in prison. ers of Japanese goods need more L ebanon Pound .000579 .000579 1727.50 1727.50 States on trade policy issues. Gusmao, 47, led the Revolution­ yen to pay for them, raising de­ M alaysia Ringg .3920 .3920 2.5510 2.5510 ary Front for an Independent East z Mexico Peso .321647 .321647 3.1090 3.1090 As for putting “community” in mand. N. Zealand Dol .5490 .5484 1.8215 1.8235 the name, he said, “It is possible Timor, or FRETILIN, which op­ Hillel Waxman, the chief for­ N ethrlndsGuild .5180 .5213 1.9304 1.9182 to think over the next few years of posed Indonesian rule. Indonesia eign exchange dealer at Bank N orway Krone .1341 .1347 7.4595 7.4250 APEC becoming so effective in annexed EastTimor in 1976 after LeumiTrustCo.inNew York, said P akistan Rupee .0336 .0336 29.75 29.75 bringing countries together and intervening in a civil war in the speculators contributed to the y Peru New Sol .4950 .4950 2.020 2.020 developing a strong program for Portuguese colony. dollar’s fall. z Philpins Peso .0360 .0360 27.78 27.77 He was captured last year and P oland Zloty .000057 .000057 17419 17419 cooperation and for trade pol icy “It’s just continued pushing by P ortugal Escud .005683 .005680 175.95 176.05 But, he added, it has to be made sentenced in May. speculators trying to bring the yen a Russia Ruble .001016 .001016 984.50 984.50 to the 100 level” to the dollar, he S audi Arab Riy .2667 .2667 3.7495 3.7500 said. S ingapore Doll .6221 .6205 1.6075 1.6115 By contrast, the dollar reached S o. Africa Ran .2959 .2968 3.3800 3.3690 Japan’s trade surplus f So.AfricaRand .2121 .2144 4.7150 4.6650 its highest rate against the Cana­ S o. Korea Won .001235 .001237 809.40 808.40 dian dollar in five years, trading at S pain Peseta .007030 .007025 142.25 142.35 jumps 28% to $11.8B 1.3068 Canadian dollars, up from S weden Krona .1235 .1246 8.0960 8.0245 1.2930 on Tuesday. S witzerlnd Fra .6521 .6557 1.5335 1.5250 TOKYO (AP) - Japan’s trade ways must be corrected if Japa­ Traders said the Canadian cur­ 30day fwd .6512 .6548 1.5357 1.5272 surplus jumped 28 percent in July, nese business hopes to survive in rency was hurt by low interest rates 60day fwd .6504 .6540 1.5374 1.5290 its 31 st consecutive month of ex­ the international community.” 90day fwd .6498 .6533 1.5390 1.5307 in Canada, mixed economic re­ T aiwan NT .0371 .0371 26.95 pansion from year-earl ier levels, Kumagai said that “Japanese 26.95 ports and concerns about national T hailand Baht .03968 .03968 25.20 25.20 the Finance Ministry' announced markets are extremely closed in elections later this year. T urkey Lira .000088 .000088 11378.00 11374.00 Wednesday. invisible ways.” "It sort of all built up,” said Wil­ U .A.E. Dirham .2723 .2723 3.6720 3.6720 The global surplus increased to With Japan’s trade surplus liam Arnold, chief foreign ex­ f Uruguay Peso .237530 .237530 4.21 4.21 z Venzuel Boliv .0107 .0107 93 .1500 93 .0500 SI 1.82 billion from S9.23 billion showing little sign of shrinking change dealer at Chemical Bank. in July 1992. ECU: European Currency Unit, a basket of European currencies. The Federal soon, speculation has been mount­ The sell-off came after Canada’s The surplus with the United Reserve Board’s index of the value of the dollar against 10 other currencies ing in financial markets that the bank interest rate - charged for weighted on the basis of trade was 95.36 Wednesday, up 0.03 points or States grew 23 percent to $4.68 yen will face further upward pres­ loans to banks by the central bank 0.03 percent from Tuesday’s 95.33. A year ago the index was 82.02 billion from S3.81 billion, al­ sure. - fell from 4.32 percent to 4.20 c-commercial rate, d-free market rate, f-financial rate, y-official rate, z- floating rate. though that with the European Some exporters, like Pioneer percent on Wednesday, its lowest Community narrowed by 20 per­ Electronic Corp., are beginning Prices as of 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time (1900 GMT) from Telerate Systems and level since 1964. Lower interest other sources. cent to $2.01 billion from $2.50 to prepare themselves for an era rates hurt a currency, since invest­ billion a year earlier. of a 100 yen to the dollar. The ments denominated in that currency The figures are based on goods dollar closed in Tokyo Wednes­ earn less. clearing customs, and have not day at 103.77 yen, down 17 per­ Some traders said the Canadian been adjusted for seasonal fac­ cent from early February and its central bank bought Canadian dol­ NEW YORK (AP) - Spot nonferrous metal prices Wednesday. tors. lowest Tokyo finish since mod­ lars in an effort to drive up the value Aluminum - 53.2 cents per lb London Metal Exch. Wed. Japan has come under increas­ em exchange rates were set in the of the currency. Copper - 0.9545 dollars per pound. ing pressure from trading part­ late 1940s. In London, the British pound Lead - 32 cents a pound. ners to cut its huge surpluses, and US officials have pushed for a was quoted at $1.4725, down from Zinc - 42.87-45.89 per pound, delivered. New Prime Minister Morihiro higher yen as one way to combat $ 1.4795 late Tuesday. In New York Tin - - 3.3202 dollars per pound. Hosokawa has said he will make the persistent gap between what itcostdlrs 1.4703 tobuyonepound, Gold - 376.00 dollars per troy oz. this a priority. Japan exports and what it im­ up from $1.4660 on Tuesday. Silver - 4.650 dollars per troy oz. In an interview published ports. A stronger yen theoreti­ Other dollar rates in New York Mercury -191.00 dollars per 76 lb flask. Wednesday, the new trade minis­ cally would encourage imports asof4p.m. EDT Wednesday, com­ Platinum - 397.00-410.00 dollars troy oz., N.Y. (contract). ter, Hiroshi Kumagai, said, “Our by making them cheaper. pared with late Tuesday. FRIDAY, AUGUST 13,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-17

Asian m arkets N ew Y ork closing prices NEW YORK (AP) - New York Stock Exchange closing prices WEDNESDAY: close higher A MR0RLD BoiseC 201-4 DialCp 371-4 Honywls 36 3-4 Navistrs 251-4 SpellEnt 7 1 4 AMR 65 Borden 151-8 Digital 371-4 Houslnt 77 NflkSo 641-8 SunCo 261-2 HONG KONG (AP) - Asian The 225-issue Nikkei Stock A SA Ltd 451-2 BrMySq 513-8 DowCh 58 3-4 ITTCp 911-2 OcciPet 20 5-8 Supval 375-8 markets closed generally higher Average closed at 20,732.57, up A btLab 23 Brnwk 14 7-8 D reser 24 5-8 I TWs 381-4 Olin 421-4 TRW 66 Wednesday, while in Tokyo the 238.82 points, or 1.17 percent. A dava 81-4 В urINth 561-2 DuPont 471-8 I mcera 29 3-4 PacGE 351-8 Tandy 29 US dollar hit another record low The Tokyo Stock Price Index of AetnLf 58 5-8 CBI 26 7-8 E Kodak 611-4 INCO 221-8 PacTei 48 5-8 Teldyn 241-2 against the Japanese yen. Con­ all issues listed on the first section Alcan 21 e BS 242 1-2 Eatons 45 3-8 IBM 423-8 ParCom 54 T ennco 511-8 A lldsgnl 735-8 CIGNA 601-4 Entergy 381-4 IntFlav 1131-2 Penneys 45 3-8 6214 cern over the stability of Euro­ gained 19.01 points, or 1.13 per­ T exaco Alcoa 721-2 CPC 415-8 Exxon 643-8 I ntPap 65 3-4 PepsiC 38 T exlnst 771-2 pean currencies spurred yen- cent, to 1,6§0.23. A max 24 5-8 CSX 761-4 F MC 491-4 J ohnJn 35 5-8 Pfizer 58 5-8 TexUtil 481-8 buying, pushing the dollar down In Hong Kong, strong interest AmHes 487-8 CampSps 361-2 FedNM 82 7-8 К mart 221-2 PhelpD 48 T extron 5534 0.70 yen to 103.77 yen, its lowest in banking stocks helped share A Brand 30 5-8 CdnPcg 161-2 FstChic 461-2 Kellogg 485-8 PhilMr 461-4 TimeWs 38 finish in Tokyo since modem ex­ prices recover from a 52-point AElPw 381-8 CapCits 503 F Intste 63 5-8 KerrMc 531-8 PhilPet 30 7-8 T ravier 32 34 change rates were set in the late decline on Tuesday. AmExp 331-8 Caterp 82 3-8 Flemng 32 7-8 Korea 14 7-8 PionrEI 25 3-4 T rinova 28 3-4 1940s. Traders said buying interest AGenCps 32 5-8 С endian 151-4 Fliior 413-4 К roger 211-4 Polaroid 371-4 UALCp 1431-2 Investors sold German marks focused on HSBC Holdings, A Home 59 5-8 Chase 34 3-4 FordM 52 3-4 Lilly 44 3-8 P rimca s 561-8 USXMar 181-8 and other European currencies for slated to release its interim results AmStrs 431-2 ChmBnk 413-8 GTE 36 Litton 671-8 P roctGm 46 3-8 USXUSS 29 5-8 yen to escape uncertainty sur­ at the end of August. The global ATandT 631-4 Chevrn 861-2 GnDyn 941-2 Lockhd 631-2 QuakrO 657-8 UCarb 181-8 rounding the European money banking group was the day’s most Amoco 551-4 С fiiquta 12 7-8 Gen El 983-4 Mats u 133 Q uantm 211-4 U nPac 6414 market, said Tamaji Ikehata, a active stock, with 421 million Anheus 461-8 С hryelr 431-4 GnMill 581-8 McDerl 313-4 RalsRPn 35 3-8 U nisys 101-2 senior analyst with Tokai Bank. Hong Kong dollars (US $54 mil- A rmco 6 3-4 Citicorp 32 5-8 G nMotr 48 McDortld 52 7-8 Raythn 62 3-8 U nTech 59 “That benefited the relatively V'-"?) worth of shares changing A sarco 19 3-8 Coastal 28 5-8 GaPac 60 5-8 McDnD 85 5-8 ReyMtl 501-8 U nocal 28 stable yen, pushing its value up hands. AshOil 317-8 CocaCI 433-4 G ¡Hete 52 7-8 McKes 503-4 Rockwl 34 7-8 WarnL 647-8 against the US currency,” he said. The Hang Seng Index of blue A tIRich 114 С olgPal 48 Ί -8 G drich 48 Mesrx 19 3-8 RoylD 95 WellsF 11414 European Community leaders chips rose 27.82 points, or 0.38 Avon 58 vjCoIGs 221-2 G oodyr s 41 Merck 291-2 Salomn 461-4 WstgEI 1534 last week relaxed the shaky Eu­ percent, to 7,357.63. BakrHu 25 3-4 С mwE 301-4 G race 381-8 M erLyn 88 3-8 SaraLees 22 3-4 Weyerh 41 ropean exchange rate mechanism Elsewhere in Asia: BankAm 47 С omsat s 31 3-8 GtAtPc 313-4 МММ 1081-2 SchrPI 591-4 Whitmn 14 5-8 after several currencies came un­ Taipei: Share prices rose in BankTr 79 5-8 ConEd 371-8 GtWFn 17 Mobil 73 7-8 S chimb 617-8 W hittakr 151-8 Halbtn 391-8 M onsan 59 5-8 ScottP 331-2 Wolwth 2434 der attack by speculators. modest trading. The market’s BauschL 451-2 ConsNG 521-4 В engtB 1 1-8 Corning In 313-8 H einz 34 5-8 M orgSt 74 Searss 53 3-8 Xerox 7414 On the Tokyo Stock Exchange, weighted index rose 21.73 points BethStl 13 7-8 CurtWr 36 7-8 HewIPk 73 M organ 72 3-4 S mtBc eq 28 1 -4 ZenithE 71-8 covering of oversold positions and to 4,115.04. BlackD 21 Deere 671-8 Hmstke 191-4 Motorlas 961-4 S onyCp 42 1-2 buying by trust funds helped push Wellington: Shares dropped as Boeing 39 D eltaAir 51 3-8 Honda 26 7-8 NLInd 5 SouthCo 431-2 up prices, traders said. continued on page 18

O p t i m i s m

pushes D ow

t o n e w h i g h By Lisa Genascl

NEW YORK (AP) - Investor optimism about falling interest rates buoyed stocks on Wednes­ day and pushed the Dow Jones industrial average to its second record closing this week. The Nasdaq index also reached a CHIVAS REGAL record high. Despite the rally, there drug- BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY related issues sold off as investors worried about the impact of 12 YEARS OLD President Clinton’s budget on the industry and about the upcoming overhaul of the health-care sys­ tem. The Dow Jones average rose 10.62 points to 3,583.35, eclips­ ing its previous record of3,576.08 set on Monday. Advancing issues outnumbered declines by about 11 to 9 on the New York Stock Exchange. Brought to you by: Volume on the floor of the NYSE came to 266.13 million shares as of 4 p.m. (2000 GMT), up from 255.49 million in the previous session. Stocks followed bonds higher af­ ter yields on 10-year US Treasury WE ALSO DISTRIBUTE: notes fell to the lowest level on record in Wednesday’s debt refunding auc­ SCOTCH GIN Λ ° ROM CALIFORNIA WINES __ tion, the second of three to replenish Chivas Imperial Seagram's Extra Dry Myer's Original Dark ^ Sterlings the government’s coffers. Royal Salute M onterey The ten-year note is the best mea­ The Glenlivet TEQUILA. Charles Krug sure of institutional and foreign in­ , Passport Ö lm eca LIQUEURS _ Mondavi terest, said Hugh Johnson, chief in­ 100 Pipers Capt. Morgan Spiced Rum vestment officer at First Albany fi­ Myer's Original Cream COGNAC FRENCH WINES nancial firm. AMERICAN BLEND O Martell VS Barton & Guestier (B&G) The strong demand for the note Seagram's 7 Crown COOLERS leaves room f a interest rates to fall Martell VSOP Seagram's Wine Coolers further. Low yields make the poten­ CANADIAN BLEND Martell Napoleon Seagram's Malt Coolers tial returns from stocks more attrac­ V.O. Martell Gordon Bieu^ GERMAN WINES tive than fixed-income securities such Crown Royal Martell XO Julius Kayser - as bonds. Martell Extra FRENCH CHAMPAGNE о The notes were sold as part of the BOURBON Ju le s Robin Eiffel ToWer Heidsieck Treasury’s $38.5 billion refunding A Roses Jules Robin Pain Killer M.umm's SPANISH WINES package, which concludes on Thurs- Jules Robin Napoleon Perrier Jouet S andem an contlnued on page 18 IN-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND YIEWS-FRIDAY-AUGUST 13.1993

T W A . . # continued from page 15 economy. TWA and other air­ airline expects to start making lines have reported stronger money before year-end, but that business this spring and summer. annual results would likely show REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The TWA plan also shows how a loss of $77 million. airline employees have been will­ The reorganized TWA barely RFP# CUC RFP 93-0024 ing to sacrifice to save their jobs, resembles the airline that was once August 2,1993 trading wages and benefits for an owned by Howard Hughes and ownership stake. A bailout by the during its 63 years was once con­ employees of Northwest Airlines sidered the premier trans-Atlan­ Intent: The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) seeks helped the company avert a tic US airline. Years of hard times proposals for a mass communications strategy and management program bankruptcy filing earlier this have left it with the oldest fleet in summer and United’s employees the industry and none of its Ju- including but not limited to direct mail, radio, television, periodicals and have approached the second larg­ crative routes to London. lectures. est carrier about trading savings TWA operates its chief hub in for equity. St. Louis and connects in Paris to Scope: The supplier shall provide (a) research & documentation TWA lawyers said more than other European cities and the using accurate and approved methods, (b) a management campaign & 30 last-minute deals were reached Middle East. Wednesday, including commit­ Passengers complain to the theme spanning a minimum of six months, but preferably one year including ments from the city of St. Louis federal government about TWA but not limited to retaining of talent, updating the products, scripts, advice and and Airbus Industrie that would more frequently than any other consultations, (c) all aspects of production deliverables including photo­ bring more than $70 million in major airline, a far cry from its graphs and photo animation, printed, audio and video materials (filmed on 16 cash to the airline. Royal Ambassador Service in the TWA vice chairman Glenn 1960s that established TWA as a- millimeter, using a D-2 Digital Master, edited on one (1") inch on-line), special Zander testified Wednesday the leader in luxurious airline travel. effects/animation including but not limited to ABACUS, the master set and copies of audio and visual tapes, scripts & advertisements and other materials, including shipping and handling, (d) exclusive rights to CUC. Asian • · continued from page 17 profit-takers brought to an end six 1,747.67. Procedures: Three sets of proposals shall be submitted. Pro­ consecutive trading days of clos­ Bangkok: Stocks rose sharply as speculators sounded an all-clear on posals shall be accepted by the CUC Office of Procurement and Supply until ing highs. The NZSE-40 capital index finished down 20.56 points, the market’s recent correction and 1630 hour September 01, 1993. Proposals received after that date or or 1.0 percent, at 1,883.41. then piled into the property sector. those that do not encompass the entire scope will not be considered. Sydney: Shares closed mixed, The Stock Exchange of Thailand Direct questions and materials to: with gold andmedia stocks weaker index rose 8.08 points to 963.17,. but most other sectors stronger. Kuala Lumpur: Shares closed The All-Ordinaries index of share mixed in moderate trading, with af­ David M. Koch prices closed at 1,861.0, up 0.6 ternoon profit-taking erasing modest Acting Procurement Officer points. earlier gains. The Kuala Lumpur P.O. Box 1220, Lower Base Seoul: Stocks rose for the sec­ Stock Exchange Composite Index ond day on hopes of strong gov­ fell 0.18 points to 780.42. Saipan, MP 96950 ernment action to alleviate selling Singapore: Blue chips and for- Phone: (670) 322-6583 pressure. The Korea Composite eign-held shares softened while Fax: (670) 322-6582 Stock Price Index gained 4.21 buyers crept into bank warrants points to 723.65. and Malaysian over-the-counter Manila: Shares advanced in shares. The 30-stock Straits Times Evaluation Criteria: Evaluation of proposals is based on completeness, heavy trading as the market en­ Industrials Index rose 2.26 points equipment capabilities, vendor support, local knowledge and/or regional joyed a new issue, J.G. Summit to 1,901.10. headquarters, background and reference of vendors including honors, Holdings Corp., listed on Monday. Jakarta: The Stock Exchange The Manila composite index of 30 Composite Index climbed 7.524 awards and proof of success, and samples. The CUC reserves the right to selected issues rose 13.48 points to points, closing at 377.354. reject any or all proposals for any reason and to waive any detect in said proposals is, in its sole opinion, to do so is in the best interest of the CUC. All O ptim ism . . continued from page 17 proposals shall become the property of the CUC. day with the sale of$ll billion in new Times-Stock Exchange 100-share in­ 30-yearboncKTherefundingproceeds dex rose 1,2percenttocloseatarecord /s i RAMON S. GUERRERO are used to pay off maturing debt high of 3,006.1. Stocks also rose Executive Director Stocks received impetus early on slightly in Frankfurt and jumped 1.3 from foreign markets. In Tokyo, the percent to a record close in Paris.

8/13, 20, 27,30(362) 225-issue Nikkei Stock Average rose Analysts said European markets 1.2 percent In London, the Financial rallied on the expectation lower inter­ est rates there will boost local econo­ mies. That could help US companies and, ultimately, the US economy. Semiconductor stocks performed — FOR RENT— well after a trade group chi Tuesday J e m i f o u S e postedastronger-than-expected read­ 10,000 sq. ft. SHOPPING CENTER ing on orders for chips. But medical stocks tumbled Now the budget has been passed, attention PRIME COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Town House, Inc. dba Department Store/Payless in Washington has switched to the M arket/KFC has the following job vacancies: government’s health-care reform, LOCATED IN MIDDLE ROAD expected to be unveiled in about a One Assistant Grocery Manager month. In addition, a brokerage re­ -Two to five years work experience cently downgraded several health BLDG. INTERIOR CAN BE MODIFIED TO SUIT -Salary commensurate with experience maintainance organization stocks, -W e offer benefits Johnson said’ CUSTOMER NEEDS WITH N0 ADDITIONAL -Profit sharing Gold-mining stocks followed the RENT CHARGE. * Please apply in person. No phone calls please. price ofprecious metals lower. But Submit application with resume. mostly, summer vacations and ner­ vousness ahead of inflation data TWO STOREY BLDG. W/ EXCELLENT RD. One Collection Officer restainedmany investors, analysts said -Two years experience The government cnThursdayreleases FRONTAGE EXPOSURE. PLAN NOW, BLDG. -Salary commensurate with experience its report on July US producer prices, CAN BE READY FOR OCCUPATION IN ONE -B e n e fits while a report on consumer-level in­ * Please apply in Person. No phone calls please. flation comes out on Friday. MONTH. Submit application with resume. Among other major indicators, the NYSE''s composite index rose0.36 to CALL TEL. #235-6613/6614 One Custodian 249.99 and the Nasdaq index of over- the-counter stocks rose 1.69 to718.77, FOR MORE INFORMATION ON -One year experience -Salary based upon qualification surpassingitspreviousrecordof718.49 set on Monday. BUILDING EXAMINATION. -Able to run all floor equipments The Standard and Poors index of 03/8 «AC 0318 500 stocks rose 1.01 to 450.46. FRIDAY, AUGUST 13.1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VffiWS-19 !ИЯЯЯ'Я УгУ/У;У/:УУ;^

innliìl'i'1 ii'llniVl'uili il ui'li liiillii'il Ili ίϊ illlìHI II III.нмш'ш'нЩ'Йи'ЙшУЯ 22-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-AUGUST 13 .1993 чпптятттштяти FRIDAY, AUGUST 13.1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND V1ËWS-23 Advance... continued from page 14 team tween the two houses of Legisla­ ture. With barely a month left in the current fiscal year, the possibility of a government operating under continuing resolution has in­ creased. Under the law, agencies are to operate under the previous year’s budget while waiting for a new budget. This a situation has a tremen­ dous impact on NMC’s scholars because the previous year’s funding level has already been reached. Without the infusion of cash NMC scholars abroad may have no money to pay for their tuition and other expenses. Mina Dela Cruz Barbara Daniels The continuing resolution level David Hale Kip Aiken allows NMC to spend only about $ 1.4 million for student financial SAIPAN Cable TV announced Mina Dela Cruz as marketing advertising can have on busi­ Takeover Day on May 14, has re­ assistance. yesterday the appointment of consultants. nesses. turned on a full-time basis as stu­ Recent figures from the college four new members of its ad­ Hale, a resident of Saipan Dela Cruz, a former dent reporter intern. indicate the college has already vertising sales team. for four years, has several Chamorro news anchor at Barcinas will train in all facets of spent $1.39 million, leaving Kip Aiken, who joined years experience in marketing Marianas CableVision, will journalism, from reporting to pro­ barely $10,000 for the fall se­ Saipan Cable’s live call-in and advertising in business start off as marketing con­ ducing, script writing and field mester. Karaoke Show, was appointed and the tourist industry. sultant at Saipan Cable. work. If the budget were passed to­ as marketing consultant. Daniels, who arrived in However, her long-term goal In another development, Ken morrow, NMC would have a fresh “I really believe we have a Saipan two years ago for a is to further develop Saipan Govendo will be on vacation for cash infusion of $500,000 over quality entertainment product visit with her family, identi­ Cable’s local productions and the week of Aug. 15.Hisshowwith and above the continuing resolu­ here at Saipan Cable TV, and fied the business opportuni­ shows. Some of her concepts Angel Santos, spokesman for tion. (RHA) I fell that I can help in being a ties with respect to the inter­ are news in Chamorro, a local Guam’s Chamorro Nation, will be part of an effective advertis­ national exposure to different talk show in Chamorro, a home rebroadcast on Aug. 17 and Aug. ing sales team promoting us cultures in an island commu­ shopping service, the “Court 22. JUST SAY to the business community,” nity like Saipan. Channel" and a new game Govendo will be back on Aug. Aiken said. Daniels has been studying show designed around Saipan 24 with Representative Heinz NO TO Saipan Cable general man­ communications and is en­ and Saipan Cable TV. Hofschneideras guest. Viewers can ager Fred Lord also announced couraging businesses to con­ Meanwhile, Melisha Barcinas, tune into Cable Forum at 7:30p.m. DRUGS the appointment o f D avid tact her to talk about the cost- one of the students assigned to Tuesday and Sunday on channel Hale, Barbara Daniels and effective results television Saipan Cable during Student 12.

★ K a m T ^ y ^ n , .*** ★ m *** ****: .*** ★ r ★ anu --.nn namirm g ^, e n9 n to ^ ★ ' P W ta s z " S ™ ”? sa ★ Vie *e /Uv evev 01 in*> dito*3' ★ x o \\ ao oo' ★ as M S T A R 0 A Z c c a n * Panoo, ★ Joana3™ kan'ing ;„jhGarapan s ° H r CU)B r'n karni i\oes ■ ★ S ^ * G8taptf'- -I"·»'' é ì ' a ' - a n ★ szsaya^ l0abaw nn*ay’ s 'n a P ara Sa , ★ ,\ots

L T < ó p ° 'w ,ve( °'s S * * 6 ·0 0 sa kanvan„qy a n g na n3g- i SurPre . Kaya kab, y a y Pzgsay^yzn.'ya. sa a n g « Z ^ ra^ y a ’^ y Bru p o arn'Jranq 24-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIPAY-AUGUST13.1993 A gencies focus on soil erosion By Coastal Resources Manage­ land of soils and valuable nutrients Tropical Storm Steve demon­ essary. If clearing is necessary, it harm done to soils and reef sys­ ment Office used by growing plants, and sec­ strated the need for proper erosion should be conducted in a manner to tems. CNMI regulatory efforts ond, it clogs our lagoon waters, control and storm water manage­ prevent erosion and storm water to mitigate the impacts of erosion THE RECENT brown color of our damaging our reef ecosystems. ment. When areas are cleared runoff. Bumingtoclearland should from development include per­ lagoon and bay waters is a result of Non-point source pollution, and without erosion control measures, never be conducted. The burning mit requirements for proper ero­ soils and other materials being particularly soil erosion, are major the soils easily wash away, causing destroys the nutrients in the soils sion control and storm water washed down CNMI’s slopes dur­ environmental and coastal resource sediment to pollute our coastal ar­ and the vegetation, making them drainage on all commercial and ing the heavy rains brought by management concerns, and have eas. Land that once may have been even more erodible. Land clearing government projects. Permitted Tropical Storm Steve. been a major focus of the Coastal used for agricultural purposes no is best conducted during the dry projects are required to submit The soil erosion, also called run­ longer contains the necessary top- season, becauseexposed sdls won;t Resources Management Office plans, designed by licensed civil off, is a form of non-point source (CRMO), Division of environ­ soil to support crop growth. be washed away by rain. engineers, that control the ert^ pollution. It hurts the environment mental Quality (DEQ) and US Soil Gearing of land should not be Protecting reefs sion and storm water drainage in two ways: first, it depletes our conservation Service (SCS). conducted unless absolutely nec- One of the greatest threats to which could result from the marine ecosystems found in en­ project. Smallresidential projects closed bays and lagoons comes Marianas Public Land Corporation from the buildup of sediments in are exempt from permitting re­ PUBLIC NOTICE the water. Sediments in the marine quirements, but no land clearing_ waters can smother coral reef com­ activity is exempt form the regu­ Pursuant to the provisions of 2 Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 CMC Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 CMC munities. Corals form the founda­ lations. CMC 4141 et sec, the PUBLIC 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSE tion of much of the reefs food Additionally, the Division of PURPOSE LAND EXCHANGE LAND EXCHANGE ACT OF LAND EXCHANGE AUTHORI­ chain. When corals are impacted, Natural Resources, Forestry AUTHORIZATION ACT OF 1987, sino i tulaikan tano para ZATION ACT OF 1987, nge so are coral-dependent fish and in­ Section issues permits for tree 1987, notice is hereby given of propositon pupbliku na akton 1987, Marianas Public Land Corporation vertebrates (starfish, sea cucum­ removal on public lands, and the Marianas Public Land nutisia manana i ginen este put i e arongaar towlap, igha e mangiiy bers, etc.) newly established Zoning Law Corporation’s intention to enter in tension-nai Marianas Public Land ebwe lliiwelo faluw iye e toolong Saipan’s coral reefs, in particu­ required interagency site devel­ into an exchange agreement in­ Corporation humalom gi kon tratan faluw kka faal. Aramasye e tipali lar the western barrier reef, provide opment, enabling Zoning Board volving the parcels of land de­ atulaikan tano ni ha afefekta i ngeemmwelebwetingorebweyoor much of the protection from beach to set permit limits that prevent scribed below. Concerned per­ pedason tano siha ni manmadeskribi hearing reel inaamwo lliiwelil erosion and heavy wave action from non-point source pollution. sons jnay request a hearing on any gi sampapa. Man interesante siha faluw fa. Aramas ye e tipali nge storms. Reef systems also act like In addition to the regulatory a sieve, holding back sediments. proposed exchanged by contact­ na petsona sina manmamaisen emmwel ye re tipali reel kkapsal requirements, the CNMI has an Healthy reef systems can recover active non-regulatory non-point ing MPLC by or on September 1, inekungok put mase ha manu/hafa faluw, nge rebwe aghuleey ngali from damage cause by natural di­ sourcepollution control program 1993. If so requested, hearings on na priniponi put tulaikan tano. MPLC wool me ngare mmwal sasters, such as tropical storms. conducted by the SCS and local the transactions listed below will A’agang i MPLC antes pat osino gi September 1, 1993. Ngare eyoor Millions of gallons of storm run­ Soil and Water Conservation be scheduled on September 3,1993 Setember 1,1993. Yanggen guaha tingor bwe yoor hearing, nge rebwe off, combined with the impact of a Districts (with offices locate on inekungokmarikuesta, i inekungok ayoora reel tali faluw kka faal, nge at 9:00 a.m. in the Conference storm, can devastate a reef system. Saipan, Rota and Tinian.) These rebwe tooto wool September 3, Room of MPLC. siempre para i sigiente siha na Like any other living organism, voluntary programs aid is pre­ transaksion u fan makondukta gi 1993, otol ye 9:00 a.m. mellol PUBLIC PURPOSE - Roadways coral reefs, when injured, are more serving CNMI soils. If you are Setember 3,1993, gi oran alas 9:00 MPLC Conference Room. Acquisition susceptible to further injury. It can considering a project which in­ gi eggan gi halom i kuatton take decades for an injured or dam­ volves land clearing but is small PRIVATE LAND - Saipan Lot/ konfirensian i MPLC. AMMWELEER TOWLAP - aged reef to recover. enough to be exempt from per­ Tract No. 22613-A-R/W contain­ Roadways Acquisition Regulations mitting requirements, you can ing an area of 659 square meters. PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU -1’Ma Chulé I ’ Chalan Para I’ Pupbliku Several CNMI agencies, in­ receive free technical assistance FALUWAL ARAMAS - Saipan cluding CRMO and DEQ, work on appropriate erosion control PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ TANO PRAIBET - Sitio Numiru Lot/Tract Numurol 22613-A-R/W cooperatively to minimize the measures from these agencies. Tract No. 110 D 01 containing an 22613-A-R/W giya Saipan, yah ha giya, Saipan yan ha konsisiste 659 area of 979 square meters. konsisiste 659 metro kuadrao na metro kuadrao na area. area. TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru FALAWEER TOWLAP - Saipan 110 D 01 giya Saipan, ya ha Lot/TractNumurol llODOloutol konsisiste 979 metro kuadru. bwuley yeel nge 979 square meter. a/13(05664)


The D epartm ent of Public w orks is inviting interested CN M I Registered Construction firm s to subm it “Construction Q ualification S tatem ent” for the purpose of selecting quali­ fied bidders for the C onstruction of the A m erican M em orial O n B ehalfofm y hnsBand P ark W orld W ar II M em orial and other facilities at G arapan, Saipan. The “C onstruction Q ualification Statem ent” form 9darh¿ B rother-in-lazo (Tim , can be obtained from D epartm ent of Public W orks. It shall be m other-in-law ‘BoBBie, w e subm itted in duplicate to the Chief of Procurem ent and Supply, Low er B ase, Saipan no later th an 4:00 p.m . on A ugust w o uld like to th a n l^a ll 27,1993. Subm ission of this docum ent is required in advance supporters o f m y fa th e r-in -la w of consideration of application to bid. Jam es Q rizzard ’ A selection com m ittee w ill select the qualified bidders. O nly those selected bidders w ill be allow ed to participate in the flit w e w a nt is the fu ll

b i d d i n g . recovery o f m yfather-in-C aw .

For m ore inform ation, please contact the D epartm ent of

Public W orks at telephone num ber 322-9436 or 322-9828. L o ri Q rizzard

/s/MANUEL S. CHARGUALAF ] Acting Director of Public Works « FRIDAY, AUGUST 13,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND V1EWS-25

L a w m a k e r s oppose sea M uslim kidnappers urged lan es for alien ships in R P to stop w ave of abductions MANILA (AP) - AHousesub- KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia Foreign Minister Abdullah Ahmad committee urged President does not mean on the whole we are Youth Councils, which claims a (AP) - Malaysia is not pursuing an Badawi told reporters after talks anti-American.” Fidel Ramos on Wednesday to membership of more than 1 million. anti-American policy, its foreign Thursday with Sen. Christopher S. OnWednesday, 51 private organi­ repeal an executive order es­ Abdullah said he told Bond the minister told a US senator who Bond, R-Mo. zations calling themselves the Ma­ tablishing sea lanes for Tai­ Malaysian government had no con­ asked about a private group’s call Abdullah added, “Our policy is laysian Action Front asked Malay­ nection with the campaign. wanese and other foreign fish­ to boycott American products. to be friends with other countries sians to boycott US goods to protest He said private American organic ermen through northern Phil­ “He hoped that there was no including the United States ...butif what they called American domina­ zations also had criticized Malaysia, ippine waters. anti-America campaign and I told we express our disagreement with tion of the world. The groups in­ “but we do not regard America as The order, issued by former him that we are not anti-America,” any action taken by that country, it cluded the Malaysian Association of being against us.” PresidentCorazon Aquino last year, setup corridors through which foreign vessels could le­ Malaysia denies gally pass. .The measure was aimed at eliminating misun­ pursuing policy PUBLIC SERVICE derstandings thatled to the sei­ zure of Taiwanese fishing ves­ against US ANNOUNCEMENT sels in the late 1980s. KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia It allows Taiwanese and (AP) - Malaysia is not pursuing an THE GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING OF THE CNMI other foreign fishermen to pass anti-American policy, its foreign through the rich fishing minister told a US senator who REPUBLICAN PARTY WILL BE HELD ON FRIDAY, AUGUST grounds of the Balintag Chan­ asked about a private group’s call 13,1993, AT THE NORTH SIDE OF THE VETERAN'S nel, Babuyan Islands and other to boycott American products. MEMORIAL MONUMENT, SUSUPE. THE MEETING WILL BEGIN areas off the northern coast of “He hoped that there was no Luzon Island. anti-America campaign and I told AT 6:30 P.M. But the House subcommit­ him that we are not anti-America,” tee on ASEAN and Asia-Pa­ Foreign Minister Abdullah Ahmad THE AGENDA FOR THIS IMPORTANT MEETING IS TO : cific Affairs said the order was Badawi told reporters after talks tantamount to surrendering Thursday with Sen. Christopher S. ENDORSE ALL REPUBLICAN PARTY CANDIDATES sovereignty. Bond,R-Mo. Abdullah added, Rep. Edgar Lara, from the “Our policy is to be friends with northern fishing area of other countries including the United ALSO, Cagayan province, said the States ... but if we express our order enabled Taiwanese ves­ disagreement with any action taken THE KICK-OFF RALLY WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY, sels to exploit Philippine wa­ by that country, itdoesnotmeanon ters to the detriment of Fili­ the whole we are anti-American.” AUGUST 14,1993 AT THE SAME PLACE FROM 11:00 A.M. pino fishermen. On Wednesday, 51 private orga­ TO 4:00 P.M. nizations calling themselves the Malaysian Action Front asked Ramos may Malaysians to boycott US goods to THE GENERAL PUBLIC AND MEMBERS ARE INVITED TO protest what they called American ATTEND. allow Marcos domination of the world. The groups included the Malaysian /s/ BENIGNO R. FITIAL to be buried Association of Youth Councils, which claims amembershipofmore CHAIRMAN in Manila than 1 million COMMONWEALTH REPUBLICAN PARTY Abdullah said he told Bond the 0a/12,13-AC 012413 MANILA (AP) - President Fidel Malaysian govemmenthad no con­ Ramos is amenable to burying the nection with the campaign. late strongman Ferdinand Marcos He said private American orga­ in Manila but only after an unde­ nizations also had criticized Ma­ termined “healing period,” a laysia, “but we do not regard prominent Marcos supporter said America as being against us.” isn (L Print today. Some American environmental Marcos’ widow Imelda plans groups say Malaysia permits indis­ • Brochures · Calendar · Books · Menu to bring the body of her husband criminate logging of tropical rain Covers · Posters · Corporate Logo · from Hawaii next month for a forests. Wes temenvironmentalists funeral in his hoome province of Letterheads · Business Cards and more... have called for a boycott of tropical Ilocos Norte. But she says she forest products. Younis Art Studio, Inc. wants the body to be buried ulti­ American trade unions also have mately in the capital Manila. P.O. Box 231 Saipan MP 96950 Located In Garapan urged an end to US trade prefer­ Rep. Roque Ablan, who repre­ Tel. 234-6341 · 7578 · 9797 · Fax 234-9271 ences granted to Malaysia as a de­ ------— Publisher ol sents Ilocos Norte, told reporters veloping country, saying this na­ that Ramos told him “after the tion denies workers their rights. ¿M ananas GV ariety' healing period, in better times, Their latest request was rejected by probably the remains of former the US government earlier this President Marcos will be moved week. to Manila.” Last week, Malaysian Prime Ablan said Mrs. Marcos was Minister Mahathir Mohamad ac­ pleased with thexomment. She" cused Western media of biased re­ has asked the supreme court to porting cm Asia. overturn a government ban on a He also has criticized the United Manila funeral. States and European nations for Ablan said he met with Ramos not doing more to solve the war in to discuss plans for the funeral, Bosnia-Herzegovina. set for Sept. 10 in Marcos home­ town of Batac, 290 miles north of Manila. Marcos’ body is to be flown from Hawaii, where he died in Pen pal exile in 1989, direct to the Ilocos Norte capital of Laoag. Marcos Tanya was driven into exile in the 1986 Caller Box 10001, AAA 3538 “people power revolution” which Please write and give your tele­ propelled Corazon Aquino into phone number so I can call you the presidency. back. 26-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-AUGUST 13,1993 C loudy skies spoil m eteor show By Aviv* Brandt In Japan, astronomers were ally producing about 60 streaks 2,000 years. Island Sound home just as the Associated Press Writer undazzled, and clouds cheated across the sky every hour. The meteors flashed by, but in light show was beginning. much of western Europe of see­ But astronomers said this year’s many areas clouds kept people “It looks like streaks (and) they Thousands of colorful meteors ing what had been billed as this shower would be particularly in­ from seeing them. really do feel close,” she said. rocketed across the US sky century’smost spectacular meteor tense, with various estimates “I’m disappointed because I was A few meteors were also spot­ Wednesdaynight, but cloudy skies shower. ranging from 400 to thousands of expecting to come out here and ted by the crowd of 200 who overmuch of the Northeast United The Perseid meteor shower meteors per hour, partly because see this cool stuff, butnothing has gathered near the Massachusetts States darkened what was sup­ appears every August as Earth the comet passed closer to Earth happened so far,” said 12-year- Institute of Technology’s obser­ posed to be the most spectacular passes through a trail of debris last November on its 130-year old Missy Beavan, one of a dozen vatory in Westford, Mass. cosmic light show in years. left by Comet Swift-Tuttle, usu­ orbit than it had in more than people crowded onto the sun deck “I’ve seen two of them, at least of a friend’s home in Morgantown, twoor three of them, butl havens W.Va., to see the show. heard any oohs and aahs,” said MARIANAS PUBLIC LAND CORP. “We’ve seen more airplanes Henry Hopkinson, of Derry, than meteors so far,” said Dan N.H. “It’s been very sporadic.” PUBLIC NOTICE Harper of Charleston, W.Va., The experts knew there was a Reel ayleewal mebwangil 2 CMC Pursuant to the provisions of Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 CMC who went to the Sunrise good chance of disappointment. 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSE 2 CMC 4141 et sec, the 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE Museum’s planetarium just “All meteor showers are like" LAND EXCHANGE AUTHORI­ PUBLIC PURPOSE LAND LAND EXCHANGE ACT O F1987, ZATION ACT OF 1987, nge above the city. blind dates. You never really EXCHANGE AUTHORIZA­ sinoi tulaikan tano para propositon Marianas Public Land Corpora­ But not everyone was disap­ know what you ’re getting unless TION ACT OF 1987, notice is pupbliku na akton 1987, nutisia m anana i ginen este put i intension- tion e arongaar towlap, igha e pointed. Diane Pleines of you’re face to face,” said Jack hereby given of Marianas mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo faluw iyee Public Land Corporation’s na i Marianas Public Land Mamaroneck, N.Y., said the Horkheimer, director of the Mi­ Corporation humalom gi kontratan toolongfaluwkkafaal. Aramasye intention to enter into an clouds cleared above her Long ami Space Transit Planetarium. atulaikan tano ni ha afefekta i e tipali nge emmwel ebwe tingor exchange agreement involving pcdason tano siha ni manmadeskrìbi ebwe yoor hearing reel inaamwo the parcels of land described gi sampapa. Man interesante siha lliiwelil faluw fa. Aram as ye e below. Concerned persons na petsona sina manmamaisen tipali nge emmwel ye re tipali may request a hearing on any inekungok put maseha manu/hafa reel kkapsal faluw, nge rcbwe Final countdown proposed exchanged by na priniponi put tulaikan tano. aghuleey ngali MPLC wool me contacting MPLC by or on A’agang i MPLC antes pat osino gi ngarc mmwal August 18, 1993. August 18, 1993. If so August 18, 1993. Yanggen guaha Ngarc cyoor tingor bwc yoor requested, hearings on the inekungok marikuesta, i inekungok hearing, nge rebwe ayoora reel for shuttle starts tali faluw kka faal, nge rebwe transactions listed below will siempre para i sigiente siha na By Marcia Dunn the rocket-release system at the be scheduled on August 20, tooto wool A ugust 20, 19 9 3, otol Iransaksion u fan makondukta gi pad. The second countdown, one 1993 at 9:00 a.m. in the August 20, 1993, gi oran alas 9:00 gi ye 9:00 a.m. mellol MPLC Con­ Conference Room of MPLC. cggan gi halom i kuatton ference Room. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. week later, was halted with just konfircnsian i MPLC. (AP) - For the third time in a 19 seconds remaining because of PUBLIC PURPOSE Road- AMMWELEER TOWLAP - a faulty steering mechanism in Roadways Acquisition month, the space agency headed ways Acquisition PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU - 1’ Ma into the final hours of a count­ the right solid rocket booster. Chulo I’ Chalan Para I’ Pupbliku FALUWAL ARAMAS - Saipan down for a shuttle flight held up Shaw said Discoveiy’s repeated PRIVATE LAND - Saipan LotJ Lot/Tract Numurol H-315-3R/W launch delays make it virtually Tract No. H-315-3RAV TANO PRAIBET - Sitio Numiru H- by mechanical breakdowns or 315-3RAV giva giya, Saipan yan ha konsisiste impossible to send the shuttle on containing an area of 395 potential killer meteors. Saipan. yah ha konsisiste 395 metro 395 metro kuadrao na area. s q u a re meters. “W e’ve had a couple of pieces a research mission with a Russian kiiadrao na area. cosmonaut in mid-November as Saipan Lot/Tract Numurol H- of bad luck and lousy timing from -Saipan Lot/Trace No. H-315- planned. But he did not say Sitio Numiru H-315-4R/Wgiva 315-4R/W giya, Saipan yan ha a comet,” shuttle operations di­ 4R AV konsisiste 1,050 metro kuadrao rector Brewster Shaw said whether that flight would be containing an area of 1,050 Saipan, yah ha konsisiste 1,050 na area. Wednesday. bumped into 1994 or whether the square meters. Hubble mission would be moved. metro kuadrao na arca. The Natinal Aeronautics and F A L A W E E R TO W LAP - Saipan NASA could have had Discovery Space Administration began fu­ PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru Lot/Tract Numurol 029 L 69 outol ready to fly last week, but decided bwuley yecl nge 3, 115 square eling Discovery early Thursday Tract No. 029 L 69 containing 029 L 69 giva Saipan, yan ha to wait until after the annual Per­ an area of 3,115 square konsisiste 3,115 metro kuadrao na m eters. for a 9:10 a.m. EDT (13I0GMT) seid meteor shower peaked m eters. area. liftoff with five astronauts who Wednesday night. It was the first 07/30/08/6.13.20 -AC 0554' will drop off a pair of satellites time NASA delayed a launch due and conduct a practice spacewalk. to shooting stars. Shuttle The chances of good launch managers feared the trail of de­ M arianas Public Land Corporation weather were put at 80 percent. bris from Comet Swift-Tuttle - The mission is the first in a expected to be much more plen­ PUBLIC NOTICE series using a German-built sci­ tiful than usual - might damage or ence satellite designed to measure even destroy the orbiting shuttle Sigongi probension siha gi 2 CMC Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2CMC Pursuant to the provisions of 2 various astrophysical phenomena, and its five-man crew. 4141 et see i PUBLIC PURPOSE 4141 cl see, PUBLIC PURPOSE CMC 4141 cl see, the PUBLIC including very hot and very cold By launch time Thursday, the LAM) EXCHANGE ACT OF LAND EXCHANGE AUTHO­ PURPOSE LAND EXCHANGE matter and ultraviolet waves. projected center of the0band of 19S7, sino i lulaikan tano para RIZATION ACT OF 1987, nge AUTHORIZATION ACT 01· Discovery’s first countdown meteors should be more than proposiion pupbliku naakton 1987, Marianas Public Land Corpora­ 1937, notice is hereby given ul ended less than an hour before 800,000 miles (1.3 million kilo­ imtisia manaría i ginen cste put i tion c arongaar towlap, igha c scheduled liftoff July 17 because meters) away - the equivalent of Marianas Public Land intension-nai Marianas Public Land mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo faluw iyc of a failed electronics switch in 100 Earth diameters. Corporation's intention to enter Corpoiution liunialom gi Iron tratan c toolong faluw kka faal. into an exchange agreement in­ atulaikan tano ni ha afefekta i Aramasye e tipali nge emmwel peda.son tano siha ni manmadc.skribi volving the parcels o f land de­ ebwe tingor ebwe yoor hearing gi sampapa. Man interésame siha reel inaamwo lliiwelil faluw fa. scribed below. Concerned per­ na pctsona sina manmamaiscn PALPH JOSEPH Aramas ye c tipali nge emmwel sons may request a hearing on any inekungok pul maseha manu/hafa ye rc tipali reel kkapsal faluw, proposed exchanged by contact­ na priniponi put lulaikan tano. nge rcbwe aghuleey ngali MPLC APPOYO ing MPLC by or on August 11, A'agang i MPLC antes pat oslno gi August 11, 1993. Yanggcn guaha wool me ngarc mmwal August 1993. If so requested, hearings on inekungok marikuesta, i inekungok 11, 1993. Ngarc cyoor linger "Ше£сшпе ta tâe the transactions listed below will siempre para i sigicnte siha na bwc yoor hearing, nge rcbwe he scheduled on August 13, 1993 iransaksion u fan makondukta gi ayoora reel tali faluw kka faal, Ohniótian Waníd" nge rcbwe tooto wool August 13, at 9:00 a.m. in the Conference August 13, 1993, gi oran alas 9:00 (August 15,1993) Room of MPLC. gi cggan gi halom i kuallon 1993, otol ye 9:00 a.m. mellol konfirensian i MPLC. MPLC Conference Room. Happy Birthday to J - RAFAEL H. ARROYO PUBLIC PURPOSE - Wetland PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU - 1' Ma AMMWELEER TOWLAP - from Ralph and Beth Acquisition Chulé L Wetland Wetland Acquisition

PRIVATE LAND - Saipan Lot/ TANO PRAIBET - Sitio Numiru FALUWAL ARAMAS - Saipan Tract No. 565 NEW-5 containing 565 NEW-5 giya Saipan, yah ha Lot/Tract No. 565 NEW-5 Llapal H a p p y B i r t h d a y konsisiste 6,975 mclro kuadrao na an area of 6,975 square meters. 6,975 square meters iwc c area. amalafa. NOR *IA & NACION PUBLIC LAN D - Saipan Lot/ TANO PUPBLIKU - SilioNumiru FALAWEER TOWLAP-Saipan fr o m Tract No. 029 104 containing an 029 I 04 giya Saipan, yan ha Lol/Tracl No. 029 1 04 Llapal nge konsisiste 14,648 metro kuadrao Elvie, Pete, Bert, Ruth & F a m ily irea o f 14,648 square meters. 14,648 square meters. na area. 7/23, 30,8/6. 13 (5492) m w i ■¡».m i ■■ ■— b p ip» mm ■ FRIDAY, AUGUST 13,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-27 Lutali suffers m ild stroke W hile in office L o w e s t PAGO PAGO, American Sa­ vember. said. moa (AP) - American Samoa A1 Ripine, spokesman for the Lutali probably will be flown Gov. A. P. Lutali is reported in governor, said Lutali, 73, was to Honolulu for farther examina­ stable condition after suffering a stricken in his office around 11:30 tion and treatment, Ripine said. R a t e mild stroke Wednesday. a.m. Ripine said the governor sim­ Attorney General Malaetasi Doctors at Lyndon B. Johnson ply was “burned out” from his Togafau will serve as acting gov­ Tropical Medical Center haven’t busy schedule. ernor until Lt. Gov. Tauese Sunia t o J a p a n released a report on Lutali, a 73- Lutalijfelt a pain in his left side, returns to Samoa on Sunday. Sunia year-old Democrat who was sat down on his chair and called is attending a lieutenant gover­ elected back into office in No- an aide into his office, Ripine nors’ meeting in Las Vegas. C all Japan for as low as Shaw estate $ 1 . 6 0 per minute*

caretakers w i t h M T C s e e k ro y a ltie s By Victor Simpson from musical MERIDA, Mexico (AP) - Pope John Paul II strongly defended the By Larry Neumeister lots “legitimate aspirations” of native Americans as he reached out to THERE'S ONLY ONE indigenous communities from Alaska to South America on a historic NEW YORK (AP) - Caretakers visit to Mexico. of George Bernard Shaw’s estate •Direct dial, additional minute rate. Good through Sept. 30, 1993. During a 24-hour stopover before flying Thursday to Denver, the are pursuing a share of royalties pontiff pledged the support of the Roman Catholic Church for indig­ from a new national tour of “My enous peqples who have been “uprooted from their places of origin” and Fair Lady” whose producers say stripped of their land. the musical based on a Shaw play The pontiff made his remarks Wednesday atop the ruins of a Mayan is in the public domain. pyramid in the Yucatan town of Izamal, in what may be a preview of It is the wording of agreements some concerns he would convey later Thursday in talks with President that may help decide the disagree­ DENNIS J. O'SHEA Clinton in Denver. ment between the benefactors of •ATTORNEY AT LAW· The pope’s Alitalia Boeing 747 was expected to arrive in Denver at the estate and the current produc­ 2030 GMT, just over four hours after leaving Merida. He was to be ers of “My Fair Lady,” the musi­ A GENERAL PRACTICE OF LAW welcomed at the airport by Clinton and head afterward to Regis cal based on Shaw’s “Pygmalion.” INCLUDING University for their talks. The cash spigot was shut off by • CRIMINAL LAW · BUSINESS TRANSACTION the producers af ter they concluded The pope visits Denver for the church’s World Youth Day. He is • LABOR/ÜSHA · LAND MATTERS that “Pygmalion” had fallen into scheduled to leave for Rome on Sunday. LOCATED IN THE TRANSPAC BUSINESS CENTER His historic visit to Mexico was the first by the pontiff since this the public domain and that royal­ ties were no longer required. MIDDLE ROAD, CUALO RAI. country restored diplomatic relations with the Vatican after a 130-year M-F 8:OG AM - 5:00 PM 235-3355 break. Not so, according to the British The pope’s main event in Izamal, tin ancient Mayan crossroads Museum, the National Gallery of SAT. 8:00 AM - 32:00 NN 256-4100 [after 5] located 50 miles (80 kms) west of Merida, was a delayed celebration of Ireland and the Royal Academy 5/25, 26, 28 (83) the 500th anniversary, in 1992, of Roman Catholic evangelism in the of Dramatic Art, which benefit from the estate. New World. OPEN FROM Meeting with 3,000 representatives of 500 Indian cultures at a They have a different reading Franciscan monastery built atop the pyramid to the Mayan sun god, the of the legal agreements signed pope moved the crowd by speaking in Spanish and a few words of before “My Fair Lady” opened on Tori - Jqr/ , Broadway in 1956. Mayan. ■ Chech P / i o / > L mout i f our m i r * EverydaPiTOTnir/ntJ-—\ «■■■<« __ The pope later celebrated Mass at an outdoor ceremony on Merida’s The musical featured Rex outskirts, attended by hundreds of thousands. Harrison as a stuffy language pro­ In another moving moment, he paid “emotional remembrance” to fessor who falls in love with a Guadalajara Archbishop Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo, who was slain in Cockney waif - Julie Andrews - May in what officials say was a gunbattle among chug dealers at the after teaching her how to over­ Guadalajara airport. come her lower-class accent and The “distinguished pastor would have been here among us today if the speak proper English. barbaric and unjustifiable violence had not extinguished his life,” said The trustees of the organiza­ John Paul. tions filed a lawsuit Monday in A source close to Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari said the federal court in Manhattan, chal­ pope signaled that the Vatican accepts the government’s view that the lenging the cutoff of royalties they archbishop was caught accidentally in a crossfire. say were agreed upon in 1991. According to the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, the They named as defendants the pope told several Mexican bishops the killing was a “lamentable estate of Alan Jay Lemer and The accident," but the issue was not further addressed in talks with Salinas. Frederick Lowe Foundation, He capped his visit Wednesday night with a feast with Mexican which are producing the show bishops at a local seminary. They ate handmade tortillas, the Yucatan that began traveling the country specialties of lime soup andpickled turkey, and some dishes spiced with in April. The musical is expected the legendary Habanera peppers. After dinner, he turned in for the night to reach Broadway sometime in at the seminary. the 1993-1994 season. During his visit here, John PauTseemed to be preparing for his US Lemer and Lowe were the li­ mission as he called on advanced societies to focus less on enriching brettist and composer, respec­ themselves and more on the problems afflicting the developing world. tively, for “My Fair Lady.” The contractual agreements allowed them to create the musical for the continued from page 1 Broadway stage, and it became Drug » » » what some consider the greatest July 26 during a buy-bust opera­ are interviewing witnesses in musical ever written. tion. They were originally charged the incident at Cafe Magambo David Grossberg, a lawyer for with conspiracy to deliver, deliv­ which resulted in massive the Lemer estate, said the dispute ery and possession of a con­ head injury to lawyer James will provide the courts with a fresh trolled substance. Grizzard. legal question. Assistant Attorney General Grizzard, who was in criti­ “The question is: W hat’s the Russell Marsh said the gov­ cal condition at Guam Memo­ effect of something going in the ernment informant purchased rial Hospital, was scheduled public domain on an existed con­ 5.14 grams of ice for $3,000 to be flown to Honolulu last tract. There are very few cases on from one of the men. night. With him in Guam is this subject. It hasn’t gone to trial Meanwhile, investigation his wife Bobbie. often,” he said. l-SARI 7-11 233-6245 y j 28-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS3 ANDAFIL/ VIEWS-FR1DAY-AUGUSTY1CTT "nw upl 1J,13.1993 k y y j ______Mice commit suicide in China Call to stop aid BEIJING (AP) - Hundreds of among oSier animals or people in said. thousandsofmkedrovmedlhem- the region, theofficialnews agency Some dead mice were found selves in lakes and rivers innorth- said. on dry ground, however, and it to illegal aliens west China this summer inamass Herdsmen began finding dead was not clear how they died. suicide that may have been trig­ mice in eariy May in the Altay Xinhhua said the mouse popu- gered by overpopulation, the Grassland and nearby parts of the lationonthe grasslands had been Xinhua News Agency said Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Re­ growing for several years, and draws protests gion, it said. The numbers grew experts speculated that over­ Wednesday. By Sally Streff Buzbee evade the Border Patrol. Scientists have not found any quickly, and more than 300,000 population caused some to fail States that offer generous ben­ signs of disease in the mice, and dead mice were scooped up at just victim to an infectious but still SAN DIEGO (AP) - California efits, such as California, Florida there are no reports of disease one sluice gate on a river, Xinhua mysterious disease. Gov. Pete Wilson’s call to stop and Illinois, have become magnets giving illegal aliens welfare, health for illegal aliens, the governor said. M arianas Public Land Corporation care and education - and to stop Cutting off benefits is the only way granting citizenship to their Ameri- to stop the immigrants from com­ PUBLIC NOTICE can-bom children - was attacked as ing, he said. Wilson faces a tough re-election Pursuant to the prov isions of 2 Sigon giprobensionsiha gi 2 CMC Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 coldhearted and un-American. “What he wants to do is basically campaign next year, in part be- CMC 4141 et sec, the PUB­ 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE CMC 4141 et sec, PUBLIC LAND EXCHANGE ACT OF PURPOSELANDEXCHANGE create a tremendous underclass of causeof thestate’serccnomicwoes. LIC PURPOSE LAND EX­ 1987, sino i tulaikan tano para AUTHORIZATION ACT OF second-class citizens,” saidRoberto He recently signed a budget that CHANGE AUTHORIZA­ propositon pupbliku na akton 1987, nge Marianas Public Land Martinez, who monitors immigrant cut most state services by about 11 TION ACT OF 1987, notice is 1987, nutisia manana i ginen este Corporation e arongaar towlap, abuse for the American Friends percent and reduced welfare and hereby given of Marianas put i intension-na i Marianas Pub­ igha e mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo Service Committee. “And that will health-care services. Public Land Corporation’s in­ lic Land Corporation humalom gi faluw iye e toolong faluw kka just mean more hostility, and pos­ “WhatcanI say? He’s just trying tention to enter into an ex­ kontratan atulaikan tano ni ha faal. Aramasye e tipali nge sibly violence.” to score some votes on the backs of change agreement involving afefekta i pedason tano siha ni emmwel ebwe tingor ebwe yoor TTbe chorus of politicians calling immigrants,” saidRaymondUzeta, hearing reel inaamwo lliiwelil the parcels of land described manmadeskribi gi sampapa. Man for an immigration crackdown has San Diego director of the Chicano interesante siha na petsona sina faluw fa. Aramas ye e tipali nge below. Concerned persons swelled recently since the bomb­ Federation. manmamaisen inekungok put emmwel ye re tipali reel kkapsal Immigration officials estimate may request a hearing on any ing of the World Trade Center, maseha manu/hafa na priniponi faluw, nge rebwe aghuleey ngali allegedly by Muslim extremists, 300,000 illegal immigrants enter proposed exchanged by con­ put tulaikan tano. A’agang i MPLC wool me ngare mmwal and the arrival of boatloads of Chi­ the United States each year. Cali­ tacting MPLC by or on Au- August 25, 1993. Ngare eyoor MPLC antes pat osino gi August nese refugees on US shores. fornia absoibs about half of all 25, 1993. Yanggen guaha tingor bwe yoor hearing, nge gust25,1993. If so requested, Wilson, who had never been immigrants, legal and illegal, they inekungok marikuesta, i rebwe ayoora reel tali faluw kka hearings on the transactions outspoken about immigration, re­ say. inekungok siempre para i sigiente faal, nge rebwe tooto wool Au­ listed below will be scheduled cently embarked on his own cru­ Wilson said illegal aliens account siha na transaksion u fan gust 27, 1993, otol ye 9:00 a.m. on August 27, 1993 at 9:00 for about 2 million of his state’s makondukta gi August 27, 1993, mellol MPLCConfcrenceRoom. sade in a series of stops across the a.m. in the Conference Room gi oran alas 9:00gi eggan gi halom state and in an open letter to Presi­ 31.5 million residents. And two- of MPLC. i kuatton konfirensian i MPLC. AMMWELEER TOWLAP - dent Clinton. thirds of all babies bom in Los Roadways Acquisition The Republican governor said Angeles’ public hospitals are the PUBLIC PURPOSE - Road­ PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU - 1’ citizens of other countries are rob­ children of illegal immigrants, he ways Acquisition Ma Chule I’ Chalan Para I’ FALUW AL ARAMAS - Saipan bing the state of $2.3 billion in said. Pupbliku Lo I/T ract Numurol H-315-2R/ services each year. He called on the federal govern­ W & H-315-R/W giya Saipan “We are compelled to cut aid to ment to buttress efforts by the Bor­ PRIVATE LAND - Saipan TANO PRAIBET - Silio Numiru yan ha konsisiste 1,006 metro the needy, blind, disabled and eld­ der Patrol and the Immigration and Lot/TractNo. H-315-2R/W & H-315-2R/W & H-315-R/W kuadra na area. erly in California in order to com­ Naturalization Service with more H-315-R/Wcontaining an area giya Saipan, yah ha konsisiste ply with federal mandates to pro­ money and manpower. of 1,006 square meters. 1,006 metro kuadrao na area. FALAWEER TOWLAP - vide services to illegal immigrants,” Wilson also asked that Clinton Saipan Lot/Tract Numurol 029 Wilson said Tuesday near San work to repeal federal mandates PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ TANO PUPBLIKU - Silio L 64 outol bwuley reel nge 2,843 Clemente, where a fence is being that make illegal immigrants eli­ Tract No. 029 L 64 containing Numiru 029 L 64 giya Saipan, ya square meters. built to prevent illegal immigrants gible for health care, education and anareaof2,843 square meters. ha konsisiste 2,843 metro kuadru. from running across the freeway to other benefits. B/6, 13. 2 0 .2 7 (5 6 2 5 ) And in the most controversial part of his plan, he said the Consti­ Marianas Public Land Corporation tution should be amended to deny citizenship to U.S.-born children PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT of illegal immigrants. The Marianas Public LandCorporation(MPLC) 1 MARIANAS PUBLIC LAND CORPORATION (MPLC) GINEN SCHOOL MARIANAS PUBLIC LAND CORPORATION Silvia Argueta, an attorney for (MPLC) REKKE ARONGAAR ALONGEER ARAMAS hereby informs all homesteaders who are still on ESTE HA ENFOHOTMA TODU A YU SIHA IMANGGAI HOME­ theAmericanCivtilibeitiesUnion, permit status, that the Homestead Office will STEAD NI ESTA PAGO MANGGAGAIGE HA’ GI PERMIT KKA EYOOR YAAR HOMESTEAD ME BWULEY KKA. KKA AKKAAW IYE RE SCHIWEL LO LLOL PERMIT STATUS' NA ESTAO, NA I UF1SINAN HOMESTEAD PARA U complained that the suggestion commence inspections of their village lots effec­ STATUS, BWE SCHOOL HOMESTEAD OFFICE tive September 15, 1993 for compliance of the TUTUHON KUMONDUKTA INSPERSION SIHA Gl IYON-NIHA REBWELE BWEL YAAR INSPECTION-UL HOME­ “goes against the grain of what this permit provisions particularly Section 1,2 and4. VILLAGE LOTS IFEKTIBU SEPTEBRE 15, 1993 PARA U STEAD WOOL SEPTEMBRE 15, 1993 IGHA RE country is founded on.” ASIGURA NA MA RUMPLE SIHA Gl PATIRULATMENTE TABWEYAILEEWAL MILLE SECTIONS 1, 2 AND 4 Clinton Section 1 reads as follows: SERSIONA 1,2 YAN 4. REEL ISISIWOWUL PERMIT. In July, asked Congress CommencementoflmprovementandOccupancv to approporate millions for addi­ The homesteaders shall enter upon and com­ SERSIONA 1 MATAITAI ROMU I SIGIENTE: SECTION 1 NGEE KKAISUL OWTOL: tional border guards and proposed BWEIJ-TAAL IGHA REBWE AGHATCHU ME ASOOY. mence to use and improve the homestead lot TUTUHON MA ADELANTA YA ORUPA. legislation to make it easier to ex­ which shall include beginning construction of a I GAI I YU HOMESTEAD DEBI DI U FANHALOM YU U MA ALONGEER HOMESTEADERS NGE REBWE clude undocumented aliens whose dwelling unit within three (3) months after re­ TUTUHON UMUSA YAN UMADELANTAISITION TANO' NI TOOLONG ME AGATCHU HOMESTEAD WE RELO ceipt of this permit and shall occupy said dwell­ PARA U ENGKLUSAITINITUHON MANHATSAN GUMA' GI LLOL NGE RE RWAL AKKAYUUTIW IIMW LLOL requests for political asylum are ing unit as homesteaders principal place of resi­ HALON TRES (3) MESES DESPUS DI MA RÍSIBI ESTE NA MESAMMWAL WE RELO LLOL NGE RE BWAL clearly bogus. dence with two (2) years after issuance of this PTEMISU YAN DEBE DI U MSAGAYII MA HATSA NA GUMA AKKAYUUTIW IIMW LLOL MESAMMWAL ELUUW Both of California's senators, permit, such occupancy to continue for the bal­ ROMU I PRINPAT NA LUGAT RESIDENTE GI HALOM DOS (3) MARAM MWURIL IGHA RE NGALLEER PERMIT ance of the three-year homestead term. (2) SAKKAN NA TIEMPO DESPUES DI MA NA' 1NU ESTE NA NGE REBWE LO IYE LLOL RUWOOW (2) RAAGH Democrats Dianne Feinstein and PETM1SU YA DEBI DI U MA KONTINU'A MASAGAYI' ASTA MILLE YAAL GHUULA ELUUW RAAGH HOMESTEAD Barbara Boxer, applauded TERM. Section 2 reads as follows: 1 BALANSA I TRES (3) ANOS NA TETMINU. Q inton’s plan and have been press­ Standards for Improvements. SECTION 2 NGE E KKAISUL OWTOL: ing for action against illegal immi­ The homesteaders shall construct on the home­ SERSIONA 2 U MATAITAI ROMU TAI MANU 1 SIGIENTE: MIL1KKA REBWE FTEERU REEL AGHATCHU stead a dwelling unit which shall have kitchen AREKLAMENTONINADELANTA: grants on their own. and toilet facilities approved by the Marianas I HOMESTEADERS DEBI U FATHA GUMA NI GUAHA ALONGEER HOMESTEADERS NGE REBWE Arecent Newsweekpoll showed AKKAYUUTIW IIMW LLOL HOMESTEAD IYE EBWE Public Land Corporation and such homestead FASILIDAD RUSINA YAN ROMMON NI INAPREBAN 60 percent of those surveyed felt shall be kept clean and sanitary satisfactory to MARIANAS PUBLIC LAND CORPORATION YA AYU NA YOOR MWOLUMW ME KKMOWUN YE SCHOOL the Marianas Public Land Corporation (MPLC) HOMESTEADUGASGAS YAN NA1 SATISFECHOG1 BAND AN MARIANAS PUBLIC LAND CORPORATION (MPLC) immigration is a bad thing for the RE APREBAAY ME REBWE LIMIT! FISCHHY REEL which shall be based on public health sanitation HINEMLO PARA MARIANAS PUBLIC LAND CORPORATION TABWEEY NGALI AKKULEYEER SCHOOL country. requirements andregulations. All dwelling units, (MPLC) NI MATATIYE I REGULATION YAN MARIANAS PUBLIC LAND CORPORATION (MPLC). Critics disputed Wilson’s asser­ kitchen and toilet facilities, shall be constructed ARERLAMENTON SANIDA. TODU GUMA’, NI PARA U ALONGAL MWOLUMW ME KKOMWUN KKA RE tion that illegal immigrants come on the homestead lot in accordance with the MASAGAYE, RUSINA YAN ROMMON NAFAASILIDADSIHA, AYUL NGE EBWE LO LLOL HOMESTEAD LOT NGE -setback and other building requirements. U FAN MATSA GI HALOM HOMESTEAD LOT SIGUN ISET- EBWE TABWEEY ALONGAL BUILDING REQUIRE­ to America to take advantage of the BACR YAN OTRO SIHA NA ARERLAMENTON GÜMA'. MENTS. welfare system. Section 4 reads as follows: Boundaries. SERSIONA 4 U MATAITAI ROMU TAIMANU I SIGIENTE: SECTION 4 NGRE E KKAISUL OWTOL: Don Villarejo of the California YAALIL HOMESTEAD. The homesteaders shall at all times maintain the MQHPN SIHA Institute for Rural Studies in Davis boundaries of the homestead clear of weeds, I HOMESTEADERS DEBI TODU I TIEMPO U MANAGASGAS ALLONGEER HOMESTEADERS NGE REBWE MALETI said recent Labor Department stud­ trash and underbrush. Markers «¿monuments IMOHON SIHA GI HOMESTEAD POTNO U FAN TINAMPE NI MON-UL HOMESTEAD BWE ETC BWALABWA LO ies show many illegals eligible for placed at the comers of the homestead by the MOHON SIHA GI HOMESTEAD POTNO U FAN TINAMPE NI REEL FTITL ME WALAWAL KKA E GHDCKIT. MON government shall not be removed or destroyed. CHA' GUAN, BASULA YAN UNDERBRUSH I MOHON SIHA KKA GOBENNO EISAITTW NGASCHEL HOMESTEAD federal and state programs do not NI PINEGAN TAOTAOGOBIETNOGI URI YAN I HOMESTEAD WE NGE ESEMMWEL BWE MEREL ME FEREL take advantage of them, out of fear TI SINA MANASUHA OSINO DISTROSA. or for cultural reasons. ______7/16.23. 30. a/6 (5356) • · > f f · » ! $ # ''· ’ v r FRIDAY.i i AUGUST n i 13.1993 i · .-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-29 toU···

mEITETSU SIIOPPMG !■. S"tor '■-rt CEHTER. IOC. .fH P.O. BOX 38 SAIPAN. MP 96950 EZ3ffls™™i· Tel.: 234-6230/6458/6965 · Fax No.: 234-5105 1 ■I if


to ■H

t?7 § ARE NOT RESPONSIBtE FOR ANY TYPOCRAPHICAt ERROR! 30-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VŒWS-FRTO AY-AUGUST 13.1993 яиндрвян^ир· я р и l É k i . И НОЗ\Г1ЭА. Over $50B arm s sold ΜΙ1ΜΈΑΚ CLEARANCE to M iddle East nations NEW CARS: By Charles J. Hanley Council members - the United _Russia also sold the Iranians two '92 HONDA CIVIC DX: АД A/C, P/S, SRS,RDO/CAS...... $14,399.00 States, Russia, China, Britain and Kilo-class patrol submarines, '92 HONDA CIVIC DX: МД A/C, P/S, SRS,RD0/CASS...... $ 13,799.00 AFTER the Gulf War, they “took France - to scale back military making Iran the first Gulf nation '91 HONDA PRELUDE SI: МД A/C, P/S, PSR,RD0/CASS $ 16,000.00 the pledge.” But the big powers, sales. with undersea power. SPECIAL PRICE: arms purveyors to the world, still By late 1991, the five, the The arms race is many-sided. can’t seem to stop pouring high- world’s biggest weapons export­ Fear of Iran is cited for a Saudi '93 HONDA CIVIC DEL SOL· АД A/C РД SRS ,RDO/CASS., $ 17,500.00 priced weapons into the explo­ ers, had pledged to avoid “desta­ buildup, Saudi purchases are used USED CARS: sive Middle East. bilizing” Mideast arms deals - a to justify Israeli arms deals, Syria '87 NISSAN MAXIMA: АД P/S, SR...... $3,000.00 In a widening stream that keeps vague commitment to restraint in scrambles to keep up with Israel, assembly lines rolling from Omsk addition to the flat UN ban on and so on. '89 HONDA PRELUDE 4WS: АД A/C, SR, RDO/CASS...... $9,500.00 to Oklahoma, weapons exporters weapons sales to Iraq. Some in the region are worried. '91 HONDA CIVIC DX: АД P/S, A/C, RDO/CASS...... $9,000.00 have shipped or agreed to ship But by late 1992 the talks had “The Middle East is a powder '92 HONDA CIVIC EX: M/l, A/C, P/S, SRS,RDO/CASS...... $11,000.00 more than $50 billion in heavy broken down. The flow of armor keg, and to put more weapons i CUT-DOWN PRICE GOOD UNTIL AUGUST 31,1993 ONLY armaments to the region in the and air power did not. into it will add to the horror,” three years since Iraq invaded In a new estimate, the Arms Kamel Abu Jaber, who has just Kuwait, new calculations show. Control Association, a private stepped down as Jordan’s foreign The UN Conventional Amis Washington think tank, calculates minister, told an interviewer. Register, whose 1992listings will US military export agreements For the supplier nations, the sia Motors, Inc. soon be made public, confirms for the Mideast since August 1990 motive, increasingly, is pure eco­ Automotive Soles · Ports · Service that the United States and four have totaled $38.8 billion. As for nomics. other key producing nations de­ other suppliers, Congressional Tanks exported from the Omsk Tel. 234-8333/34 livered at least 85 warplanes and Research Service estimates indi­ arsenal, for example, bring in des­ Located north of Joeten Motors, Beach Rd. in Oleai 521 tanks and other armored ve­ cate non-US military sales in the perately needed hard currency for * W L M C «- · . ■> «XNKI hicles to Mideast customers last Mideast approached $20 billion dollar-poor Russia. year. for 1990-92. AndMcDonnell-Douglas Сотр. Pending deals far outweigh Said the Arms Control said the Saudi F-15 order would INTER-KAM TRAVEL AGENCY ;r- ; those. The expected $28 billion to Association’s Lee Feinstein, preserve 7,000 of its aerospace P.O.Box3397Saipan,MP96950 ^ $30 billion in US foreign military “These numbers are a legacy of jobs in St. Louis and Tulsa, Okla. Tel. 235-5555/8888 Fax: (670) 235-7070 ^ sales for this fiscal year is the the Gulf War and the inability of The British and French show biggest annual total ever, andmost the big suppliers in the past to little enthusiasm for negotiating Is it too far aw ay? is ticketed for Saudi Arabia, Ku­ come to grips with the problem of cutbacks in their Mideast arms wait, Israel and other Mideast an unconstrained flow of arms to sales, already stunted by tough NOT ANYMORE, if you sim ply ask us to do governments. the region.” American competition. THE BEST SERVICE FOR YOU. Two years ago, it looked like Some current deals: Even Britain’s opposition La­ I the regional weapons bazaar might _Saudi Arabiaisbuying72US- bor Party accepts the jobs-pro- Aet'd. toyetfan, to- fdtut tyuci be folding some of its tents. built F-15 warplanes, mostly ad­ ducing Mideast deals. “We’d like After the war with Iraq, whose vanced fighter-bomber models, to see the five-power talks con­ (a ncoiàut еоеъ. military muscle grew on huge for $8.2 billion, and 48 British tinue, but we also wish to see that weapons purchases in the 1980s, Tornado bombers for $7.5 bil­ the British armaments industry is S o com e in and see us for: then-President Bush told Con­ lion. able to compete on a level playing • Airline Reservations and Ticketing gress, “It would be tragic if the _The United Arab Emirates field,” said Josh Arnold Forster, a (CO.OZ, PR, JL, NW, ZU) nations of the Middle East and signed off on a $3.5 billion deal Labor defense analyst. Persian Gulf were now, in the for390Leclerc tanks from France. In Washington, the Clinton • Hotel & Car Rerservations wake of war, to embark on a new _Iran ordered 500 of Russia’s administration is expected to arms race.” workhorse T-72 tanks, reports the issue a comprehensive arms • Special Discount for Group Ticketing Negotiations began among the authoritative Stockholm Interna­ control policy in the coming five permanent UN Security tional Peace Research Institute. weeks. • Free Ticket Delivery

REMEMBER, there's always a better way to get there... Clinton launches $3.4B (We do have a SPECIAL FARE for your trip for this sum m er...so CALL US NOW!!!) c r im e PUBLIC NOTICE By Carolyn Skomeck formed officers, Democratic and differecnes among bills already In The Superior Court of the Commonwealth PUBLIC NOTICE of the Northern Mariana Islands Republican members of Congress introduced. In the Superior Court of the WASHINGTON (AP) - Launch­ and prosecutors who opposed a On his own authority, Clinton CIVIL ACTION NO.: 93-426 Commonwealth of the ing a campaign to fulfill “the first similar crime bill that failed last said he would sign the executive MICROL CORPORATION, Northern Mariana Islands ’ Plain ttff, duty of any government” to keep year. orders because “the efforts to keep VS. its citizens safe, President Clinton The plan is generally a refined hanguns out of the hands of crimi­ LAMEX RESTAURANT, CIVIL ACTION Defendant. N 0 . 9 3 - 9 3 1 on Wednesday sought support for version of that crime bill plus pro­ nals cannot and should not wait” NOTICE OF SALE an anti-crime package that includes visions for 55,000 more police that for passage of the Brady bill that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to a In the M atter of the $3.4 billion to put thousands more Clinton called “the major down calls for a five-day waiting period Wrt' of Execution Issued by the Court In this Petition of: police on the streets. payment on the pledge that I made and a required background check matter on July 15, 1993, I have levied and executed upon, and will sell, at public auction, ROBERT WILLIAM While most of the plan remains in the campaign to put 100,000 cm purchasers. to the highest bidder, forcurrent lawful money M cCa r t h y and in the hands of the Judiciary com­ police officers on the street.” The suspension announced of the United States, all of the right ride, and mittees in Congress that are draft­ It contains the gun-con trol bill Interest of Defendant In and to the following V IR G IN IA Wednesday would not block al­ property, all of the furniture, fixtures, uqulp- PANOGALTNGA ing the specifics, Clinton did not named for James Brady, the former ready approved import permits, but m at, aid suppllas tormarty situated upon M cCa r t h y , wait for their action. White House press secretary who there are just two of them for a total tea premists known as La Mai Rattaurant, In Garapan, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, Petitioners. By executive order, Clinton sus­ was wounded in the 1981 assassi­ of 11,000 assault-type handguns. all as more particularly set forth In the Inven­ N O T IC E O F H EA R IN G pended imports of foreign-made nation attempt on President Reagan, One that covers 10,000 guns will tory filed In this matter on July 19,1993. NOTICE IS HEREBY assault-style handguns which he limits on the rights of condemned expire in two weeks, said Jack The sale will be held on Friday, August 27, GIVEN THAT on August said “have become the weapons of criminals to federal appeals and 1993, at the hour of 1 ri)0 p.m., at FAS Moving Killorin of the Bureau of Alcohol, and Storaga In Paarto Rico, Saipan, Northern 19, 1993, at 1:30 PM in choice for many gangs and drug expansion of the federal death pen­ Tobacco and Firearms. Mariana Islands. The property may be In­ Courtroom B in the court­ dealers.” A second executive order alty to almost 50 crimes. Only 3,500 such weapons - spected at any time prior to the sale, by prior house ofthe Superior Court arrangement with the undersigned. seeks to tighten regulations about Addressing the issue of assault- chiefly theGermanHeckler&Koch the petitioners will peti­ The sale will be held without any warranties who can sell guns “to make sure style weapons, Clinton said, “No SP-39 and the Israeli Uzi handgun tion the court for correc­ whatsoever, whether express orlmplled, allot that only legitimate gun dealers are other nation would tolerate roving - were imported last year, Killorin which am hereby expressly disclaimed. The tion of their marriage in the business.” gangs stalking the streets better said. sale is subject to approval by the Court The record of the petitioners. right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, tor “This is the beginning of our armed than the police officers of a Altogethernearly2millionhand- any reason. Dated this 19th day of Au­ efforts to restore the rule of law on country. Why do we do it? We guns - pistols and revolvers of all Dated this 21st day of July, 1993. gust, 1993. /s/Reynaldo O. Yana our streets,” Clinton told a White shouldn ’t and we ought to stop it." kinds - were manuafactured in the S.W.O. ISIDRO R. 8ABLAN House audience that included uni­ He urged Congress to resolve United States. Department of Public Safety Attorney for Petitioners m— ^ ± i— — mm£S22S23im212, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-31 Asian news briefs Man arrested for bomb threat US hit for playing KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) - A man was arrested Wednesday after he threatened to detonate a bomb on board a parked Malaysian Airlines plane. There were no passengers on the plane, and a police search turned up world policeman nothing. BEIJING (AP) - China accused overbearing way of doing things, “The Chinese side, taking a sin­ The man contacted the control tow er at Kuala Lumpur Internationa] the United States on Wednesday of how can there be peace on earth? cere and responsi ble attitu de, made Airport from the Boeing-737 and demanded to talk to Prime Minister trying to play world policeman by “The United States would be well a rigorous and detailed investiga­ Mahathir Mohamad within 15 minutes, police said. shadowing a Chinese cargo ship, advised to put more trust in others, tion of the US intelligence,” it said. He threatened to blow up a bomb if his demands were not met, said and said the vessel was now in make fewer unnecessary troubles “The facts proved that the US ac­ Zaman Khan, director of the Police Criminal Investigation Department. distress cm the high seas. and work for real equal coopera­ cusation was completely un­ Airport security personnel boarded the plane and arrested the man. The United States says the ship, tion among countries.” founded. But the US side doesn’t The plane, parked at a terminal, was being readied for a flight to the Yinhe or Silver River, is be­ The newspaper said the United seem to believe others; they still' Singapore. lieved to be carrying ingredients States had sent ships and aircraft to stick to their intelligence.” Police were questioning the man, who was identified by airport forchemical weapons to Iran. China shadow andphotograph the Yinhe. It added, “If one poses as an workers as a Malaysian Airlines engineer scheduled to retire soon. denies the US accusation, but has The US State Department said international policeman refused todisclose the ship’s cargo. on Monday that the United States using illegal methods to inter­ China trade gap widens In an unusually blunt commen­ has not detained or threatened the fere with and thwart other BEIJING (AP) - China’s trade deficit this year grew to $4.62 billion tary, the People’s Daily (Renmin ship. countries’ norm al com m ercial through luly, the official Xinhua News Agency reported today. Ribao), which speaks for the Com­ The People’s Daily said the and economic activities, how According to customs figures, China exported goods worth $7.63 munist Party, said US actions dis­ United States first expressed its can there be any normal inter­ billion in luly, up 6.5 percent from a year earlier, and imported $8.77 rupted the Yinhe’s voyage. The suspicions about the Yinhe cargo national political and eco­ billion worth, up 39.6 percent. paper also said the ship has run out cm July 23. nomic order?” Total trade volume for the first seven months was a record $94.18 of fuel and water at sea. billion, with imports up 25.7 percent and exports rising4.7 percent from Gulf shipping executives, speak­ the same period in 1992. ing to The Associated Press in 0 · NO Credit Required Bahrain, said Wednesday the Yinhe 0 • NO Repair Bills Flood d eath toll h its 380 was just outside the Strait of 0 • NO Long-Term Obligation Hormuz, the main entrance to the BEUING (AP) - At least 380 people have died since the beginning of RENT - TO - OW N July in flooding that has swept across 10 provinces in central and eastern Gulf. China, an official newspaper reported today. The executives, who spoke on £ÊBe33Q33C&3&’ The flooding, which has ravaged the Yangtze and Huaihe river condition of anonymity, said the valleys, has caused more than $2.45 billion in damage, destroyed vessel had been scheduled to un­ DEAL 580,000 homes and caused dikes to burst along major tributaries, the load its cargo at the United Arab Emirates’ port of Dubai for trans­ M X S 4 China Daily said. shipment to Iran. JVC COMPACT COMPONENT SYSTEMS HK official summons consuls But the United States, a key ally AMPLIFIER SECTION of the Gulf Arab countries, appar­ • 27 watts per channel into 8 ohms from 40Hz to 20Hz with no more than 0.9CT totai harmonic distortion · Motor-driven volume control with LED · Frtly preset equalizations: POPS, JAZZ. ROCK, CLASSIC and M0V1L HONG KONG (AP) - A Hong Kong official summoned the consuls of ently has pressured Dubai authori­ 10 patterns and FLAT · MSEC (Mutti Source-Related Effect Control) · Live surround DANCE CLUE. HALL nacs nine European Community countries today to clarify reports that their STADIUM * Specfro Peak Indicator · Five inputs · Full function remote control v/iifi power on'oll · Active 8ass ties not to allow the Yinhe to dock, Extension switch · COMPU PLAY governments are considering expanding visa requirements for visitors they said. from Hong Kong. “This is overbearing behavior,” CD PLAYER SECTION • One-bit PEM/DO convener with tine pulse interlace · VANS John Ashton, the government’s acting political adviser, said he told the Chinese newspaper said. “If the 3?r-'4tft-order noise shaper · Random play · 20 track program chan WelNantYour • 32 random access programming4 2-way CD edit' auto and the diplomats that citizens of the British colony did not deserve such United States does not change this piogrammod Business! treatment. According to reports reaching Hong Kong, France, Germany and TUNER SECTION Taiwan offers * DigiiaJiy synthesized tuner » 30 FU'AM random presets4 6-way Portugal already require visas and may soon be joined by Spain, the multi-programmable timer · Preset scan Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy and Greece. TAPE DECK SECTION to discuss • Twin auto-reverse transports: one lor record and play, the other is tor playback in bolh directions * High speed lapo-lo-idpe dubbing * Dolby B noise reduction » China selling 200 companies h ijack in g Auto tape selector BEIJING (AP) - China is auctioning off about 200 failing government- • Twin “Aero-port* system 4 w ith C h in a 3-way bass reflex design 5 owned companies and foreigners are welcome to buy, an official wooler newspaper said today. TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) - Taiwan The China Daily said the Hunan provincial government will auction offered Wednesday to discuss with the companies at a trade and investment symposium next month. It said China ways of curbing a spate of all are losing money but that experts believe they can be made profitable hijackings of Chinese airliners to with better management and new technology. this island. Chiu Cheyne, whose Straits Ex­ change Foundation represents the 323 wom en pass exam s Taiwan government in semi-offi­ TOKYO (AP) - A record 323 women have passed the 1993 examina­ cial dealings with Communist tion for elite civil service careers, breaking the mark of 302 set 1 ast year, China, said he was willing to in­ the National Personnel Authority said today. clude the issue in talks in Beijing The women accounted for a record 12.5 percent of the total successful later this month. applicants, up 2.3 percentage points from the previous record set last “We can expand the original year, the authority said. agenda cm fighting crimes in the It said 35,887 people took the examination and 1,863 passed - a rate Straits to crimes in the air or across of one in 19.3 applicants. Last year, the rate was one in 14.8. the Straits,” said Cheyne, secretary general of the foundation. 2 arrested for counterfeiting His remarks came a day after the thirdhij acking since April, in which BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Police said Wednesday they have a Chinese man wielding a bottle of WHITE COCONUT arrested two men, a Thai and a Japanese, accused of counterfeiting acid diverted a Beijing-Jakarta official documents to help send women to Japan to work as prostitutes. flight toTaiwan, claiminghe sought The Japanese man, Katsuya Todo, and an alleged Thai accomplice freedom from communism. COMPUTER SERVICES were arrested Tuesday in a house in downtown Bangkok, where police Justice Minister Ma Ying-jeou said they found equipment to forge both Thai and Japanese official seals said China should tighten its air­ is looking for a p a r t / f u l l t i m e and documents. port security, and said his govern­ Todo, 39, from Kawasaki, just south of Tokyo, was alleged to head ment had no present pi ans to deport electronics technician. a gang that lured women into prostitution by promising them waitress ’ any Chinese hijacker. “We can consider repatriating jobs in Japan. Knowledge of PC repair The fake documents were used to obtain legitimate visas, police said. Chinese hijackers, but only after While waiting for the visas to be processed, the women were kept in a both sides meet to draft an agree­ preferable but not required. Bangkok safe house maintained by the gang, they said. ment on the issue,” he said. A Thai Foreign Ministry spokesman said in May that there may be as Several lawmakers said hijack­ many as 70,000 Thai women working as prostitutes in Japan. Social ers should be repatriated to the Please call M erly a t 322-9443/4. workers report that many are held under conditions of near slavery. mainland. •/13/16/17/1*012429) 32-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-AUGUST 13.1993 Aid. agencies criticize U N tactics ByAngusShaw MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) - International aid agencies said Wednesday that tactics used by DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT UN peacekeeping forces in Soma­ lia have caused unnecessary civil­ ian casualties and hindered the dis­ tribution of aid. In a joint statement addressed to ESTEBAN ITO UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, 26 organizations said UN military tactics left serious PANGELINAN moral and legal questions. The United Nations in Somalia BORN DECEMBER 18, 1945 “must be held scrupulously to DIED AUGUST 10, 1993 higher standards of conduct,” the statement said. HE IS SURVIVED BY It specifically referred to the US bombardments of renegade war­ lord Mohamed Farrah Aidid’s strongholds in southern H IS W IFE : ASUNCION (CONNIE) PALACIOS PANGELINAN; Mogadishu. THREE SONS: DWIGHT, KEITH ROBERT, NATHAN ONE DAUGHTER; The IntemationalRedCross said 54 people died in the lastbombaid- DENISE SONIA ment,on July 12. Fourforeignjour- PARENTS: DOLORES (SACHANG) ITO PANGELINAN nalists were murdered by enraged FRANCISCO SAB LAN PANGELINAN crowds after that missile and can­ non strike. BROTHERS, SISTERS, Civilians were also killed in ear­ AND THEIR SPOUSES: JOAQUIN (MITCH) I. AND FRANCES SABLAN lier strikes cm Aidid strongholds in PANGELINAN; JOSEPH I. AND MARIA (FRICA) mid-June. “Decisions to use military force TUDELAPANGELINAN;KENNETH I. PANGELINAN (NEW need to take into account the conse­ YORK); DELI.ANDNICKZABETAKIS (SANDIEGO); FELICITAS quences such actions will have cm (TEE) I. AND DR. ISAMU ABRAHAM; LOURDES (WIN) I. AND humanitarian efforts,” the Mogadishu-based charities said. DR. CARLOS SABLAN CAMACHO; The 26 organizations represent BROTHERS AND most of the major American and European charities operating in SISTERS IN-LAWS: AUGUSTIN T. AND ESPERANZA ULLOA PALACIOS; Third World nations. DANIEL T. AND MARIA MUNA PALACIOS; CONGRESSMAN Their statement, echoing con­ HERMAN T. AND JOYCE CAVE PAACIOS; ROSARIO T. cerns voiced by Germany and Italy last month, was issued as citizens PALACIOS; AND JOHN IRA AND SUSAN R SANCHEZ. living in Aidid-controled neigh­ HE IS PREDECEASED BY borhoods of the capital braced for H IS P A R E N T S IN -L A W : FRANCISCA CAMACHO TUDELA possible retaliation for the Sunday killing of four US peacekeepers. AND JOAQUIN MUNA PAACIOS. US air power and quick reaction ground forces in the past have NIGHTLY ROSARY IS BEING SAID AT THE FAMILY’S RESIDENCE IN GARAPAN-CHINATOWN AT 8:00 quickly retaliated for attacks on P.M. .LAST RESPECT MAY BE PAID ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1993 FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 2:00 UN units. P.M. AT THE FAMILY’S RESIDENCE. FUNERAL MASS WILL BE OFFERED ON THE SAME DAY AT 4:00 Aidid fighters have been blamed for killing 39 peacekeepers and P.M. AT KRISTO RAI CHURCH. wounding 164 since June 5. The charities accused the United Nations of measuring its success by the amount of food, medicine and shelter made available to the needy while the world body lost sight of other humanitarian objec­ FIRST ANNIVERSARY tives. Military resources are not being ROSARY devoted to dealing with banditry WE, THE FAMILY OF THE LATE and looting, or to providing protec­ tion for the resumption of legiti­ P O i O R E S mate commercial activities, they SABLAN CHINEL D U E N A S said. Abo known as “The emergency phase of hu­ "Magdalena MongMong" BABAUTA manitarian work is coming to a close,” the statement said. Invite all our relatives and friends, to her FIRST Passed, away in tbe grace of our Lord on August 8, 1993 Earlier Wednesday, UN forces at tbe Commonwealth Health Center at tbe age of 60. ANNIVERSARY ROSARY to be held on Saturday, said they killed seven Somalia gun­ She is predeceased by her Parents, Jose and Rosa San Nicolas Sablan. A ugust 7, thru A ugust 14 at 8:00 P.M. at the residence men riding in a truck armed with a She is survived by her Children and Spouses: rocket launcher. David San Nicolas Sablan Joseph Sablan Chlnel and Simona Camacho of Mr. Donicio M. Babauta in San Roque Village, Edward Sablan Chlnel Frankie Sablan Chlnel and Donna M. Chlnel The gunmen fired assault rifles Lillian S & lat Chlnel and John Panglllnan Henry Sablan Chlnel and Ruth Matagolal S a ip a n . at two US helicopters and a heli­ Rose S. Cmz and Manuel Cmz copter gunship fired its 20mm can­ Brother and Sisters and Spouses: non in response, destroying the Estetanla and Tobias Diaz Muna (both deceased) Rosa and Rudy Panglllnan Final Rosary will be said on August 14, Saturday at truck. Frandsca and Obed Cells (deceased) M llagro and Eltraln Palacios Mariana and L els Cabrera (both deceased) Josepha (deceased) and Joaquin Delos Santos 12 noon followed by the m ass of special intention U.N. military spokesman Maj. Victoria and Jose Villagomez Mariano (deceased) at 5:30 P.M. at SAN ROQUE CHURCH. Dave StockweU said the engage­ M argarita and Joaquin Palacios (deceased) Concepcion and Juan Oultugua (both deceased) ment was one of several overnight Rosario and Antonio Santos Josepha Sablan Omar (deceased) MaWde (deceased) and Jose Napud Weenie Sablan (deceased) battles. UN forces suffered no ca­ She is survived by 22 Grandchildren and 3 Great Grandchildren Dinner will be served following the mass at the sualties. Rosary Is being said nightly at 8:00 P.M. at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Rudy residence of Mr. Donicio Babauta. Stockwell said pro-Aidid gun­ Pangelinan in San Vicente. Wake witI be held on Sunday, August 15 and Funeral men appeared to have stepped up Services wit! follow on Monday August 16at 10:00 A.M. atMt. Carmel Cathedral. their campaign of attacks against Your presence and your prayers is greatly appreciated. Please join us in prayer the 28-nation UN coalition in the SI Yu'» Ma'aw past week. Fran Thi Family Bn 3(012432} THANK YOU, THE FAMILY \ L k rí 4, 1, V%' /*|7Г|Г1 *»V* V1 *V r.V'A /'W Vl ‘ " *-*! '«· * * ' > У, ■- i % * I *. -Г» f FRIDAY, AUGUST 13,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-33 2 b e h e a d e d fo r w r o n g m a r r ia g e NEW DELHI, India (AP) - Hun­ The couple - an uncle and his “Нет head came off in just one consent is considered an act of dis­ dreds of villagers turned out to niece - violated their Hindu reli­ blow,” Charan Singh, who wit­ respect and defiance. watch family members behead a gion by marrying a close relative nessed the killings, was quoted by The couple had secretly wed five young couple accused of flouting without consent and then eloping, The Pioneer newspaper as saying. months ago and fled to New Delhi. traditional marriage customs. The Indian Express reported. Police reportedly detained cme But they returned last week after But when police started investi­ Моте than 250 people, virtually suspect in the slaying and were Satish learned his father was being gating, none of the villagers admit­ the entire village of Khandrawali seeking a second. harassed by the girl’s relatives. ted they were present during the 90 kilometers (56 miles) north of According to Hindu custom, The unsuspecting couple was axe killings. New Delhi, watched Friday as an marriages are determined by par­ summoned to appear before the The story, which appeared in uncle of the bride executed the 20- ents, often after extensive negotia­ village council where they were Wednesday’s New Delhi newspa­ year-old groom, identified only as tions over a dowry for the groom ’s attacked. No one intervened to help pers, shows how traditional no­ Satish. The girl, Sarita, was next. family. Marrying without parental them, the newspaper accounts said. tions of justice survive in rural In­ dia despite the secular government’s attempts to impose Marianas Public Land Corporation modem law. PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to the provisions of 2 Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 CMC Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 CMC PUBLIC NOTICE CMC 4141 et sec, the PUBLIC 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSE PURPOSE LAND EXCHANGE LANDEXCHANGE ACTOF1987, LAND EXCHANGE AUTHO­ The following persons with pending LABOR, AGENCY CASES AUTHORIZATION ACT OF sino i tulaikan taño para propositon RIZATION ACT OF 1987, nge are hereby notified to report to the Department of Com­ 1987, notice is hereby given of pupbliku na akton 1987, nutisia Marianas Public Land Corpora­ merce and Labor, Investigation Section, located at Capitol Marianas Public Land manana i ginen este put i intension- tion e arongaar towlap, igha e Hill Ground floor, Administration Building, within fifteen Corporation’s intention to enter na i Marianas Public Land Corpora­ mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo faluw iye e (15) days from the date of the publication of this notice. into an exchange agreement in­ tion humalom gi kon tratan atul aikan toolongfaluwkkafaal. Aramasye taño ni ha afefekta i pedason taño NAME CASE NUMBER CASE NUMBER volving the parcels of land de­ e tipali nge emmwel ebwe tingor siha ni manmadeskribi gi sampapa. scribed below. Concerned per­ ebwe yoor hearing reel inaamwo 1. Alingcastre, Romeo A.C. No. 1.08-91 21. Villamorel, Rodolfo Man interesante siha na petsona sina sons may request a hearing on any lliiwelil faluw fa. Aramas ye e 2. Atienza, Porfirio 22. Zamora, Victorino manmamaisen inekungok put proposed exchanged by contact­ tipali nge emmwel ye re tipali reel 3. Avelino, José 23. Costales, Merty G.F. Case No. 249-93 maseha manu/hafa na priniponi put 4. Baldonido, Nicolás 24. Bondoc, Marilou G.F. Case No. 143-93 ing MPLC by or on August 13, kkapsal faluw, nge rebwe aghuleey tulaikan taño. A ’agang i MPLC 5. Balena, Glorin 25. Ramos, Rolando ngali MPLC wool me ngare 1993. If so requested, hearings on antes pat osino gi August 13,1993. 6. Bautista, Rogelio 26. Galicia, Dorothy A.C. Case No. 90-93 ■ » the transactions listed below will mmwal August 13, 1993. Ngare 7. Blanza, Alfredo 27. Sajisi, Queen Yanggen guaha inekungok be scheduled on August 17,1993 eyoor tingor bwe yoor hearing, 8. Boragay, Pedro 28. Belocora, Romeo ARB Case No. 022-92 marikuesta, i inekungok siemprepara 9. Catanghal, Juan 29. Jimenez, Roily at 9:00 a.m. in the Conference i sigiente siha na transaksion u fan nge rebwe ayoora reel tali faluw 10. Catanghal, Mario 30. Montecalvo, Antonio Room of MPLC. makondukta gi August 17,1993, gi kka faal, nge rebwe too to wool 11. De Felipe, Conrado 31. Sauribio, Rodolfo oran alas 9:00 gi eggan gi halom i August 17,1993,otolye9:00 a.m. 12. Manuel, Rodolfo 32. Jebucion, Joel PUBLIC PURPOSE - Roadways kuatton konfirensian i MPLC. mellol MPLC Conference Room. 13. Matoguina, Manuel 33. Declaro, Publio Acquisition 14. Mendoza, Ador 34. Manalo, Joseph PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU - 1’ Ma AMMWELEER TOWLAP - 15. Peruna, Máximo 35. Fonacier, Agapito PRIVATE LAND - Saipan Lot/ Chulé I’ Chalan Para I’ Pupbliku Roadways Acquisition 16. Punió, Antonio 36. Muñoz, Leonardo ARB. Case No. 022-92 Tract No. 355-1-R/W containing 17. Ramírez, Simplicio 37. Vitalizta, Angelo an area of 3,446 square meters. TAÑO PRAIBET - Sitio Numini FALUWAL ARAMAS - Saipan 38. Cabiles, Agnes L.C. Case No. 151-92 18. Ramos, Yodelfo 355-1-R/W giya Saipan, yah ha Lot/Tract Numurol 355-1-R/W 19. Rongavilla Oliver 39. Calimlim, Delia N. G.F. Case No. 030-93 konsisiste 3,446 metro kuadrao na 20. Tiangco, Luis 40. Lingcod, Pablita Q. G.F. Case No. 193-93 PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/Tract giya Saipan yan hakonsisiste3,446 No. 043 L 17 containing an area of area. metro kuadra na area. Failure to appear at the department on or before the date and 7,540 square meters. TANO PUPBLIKU - Sido Numiru FALAWEER TOWLAP - Saipan time specified above shall be ground for dismissal of the 043 L 17giya Saipan, yaha konsisiste Lot/Tract Numurol 043 L 17outoI above cases. In the event any or all of these cases are 7,540 metro kuadru. bwuley reel nge 7,540 square dismissed, the Office of Immigration may institute deporta­ meters. m^osmsi tion proceeding. Dated this 6th day of August 1993. /s/Daniel E. Aquino Chief of Labor Death and Funeral Announcement Francisco S. Borja Francisco S. Boija was called to his eternal rest on Friday, August MESSAGE OF 06,1993, at 3:20 p.m. at CHC, at the age of 69 years.

APPRECIATION He is survived by his wife: Natividad C. Borja Children and spouses: Victoria B. Cepeda (Albert-de­ We, the family o f our departed love ceased), Jose end Agapita Boija, Maria and Pedro Muña, one, Nieves W. Muna convey our Carmen and Bernardo Guerrero, William and Lourdes warmest thank you to our dear Borja, Antonio and Lisa Borja, Felisa and David Babauta, relatives, friends, neighbors, Patrician and Serafín Roberts, Juan Borja, Luna collegues, and to our public officials; Boija,Salvador and Jocelyn Cruz, Gus Kaneshi and Tina for the sympathy, love, prayers, Castro, Robert and Asunta Kaneshi, Ann Marie and kindness, generosity, and help ex­ Steven Villagomez, Rebecca and Felipe Sabían, Jerry tended to us during our time of Kaneshi and Birdie Ann Maratita, Daniel and Guadalupe grief. Special thanks to our Tecba, Kaneshi, Dinah and Travis Coffman and Joan Kaneshi. Mrs. Luisa Castro, Bishop Thomas He is also survived by numerous grandchildren and great grand­ Camacho, Department of Public children, nieces Hhd nephews'áttd cousins. Stafity, Cabrera Funeral Services, F CHC Emergency Room, ICU, Dr. H e is predeceased by: Lehman, Christian Mothers, and Parents: Joaquin and Maria S. Boija. most especially to the many families Brothers and sisters: Ramon Boija, Fernando Boija, Vicente Boija and Victoria \'.a too numerous to mention, who un­ B oija selfishly helped us cope with the Son: Jesus B. Boija passing o f our "loved one" you will NIEVES W. MUNA long be remembered fo r your good­ Rosary is being said every afternoon at 12:00 p.m. and nightly at 8:00 p.m. at his ness. residenceinAsTeo. The remains ofmy beloved husband, our father, grandfather b and great grandfather will be viewed on Friday, August 13,1993 at 3:00 p.m. until £ - T h e F a m ily Saturday, August 14,1993, at 2:00 p.m. at his residence in As Teo. I, Jesus D. M una and C h ild r e n Mass for a Christian burial will be offered at 3:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 6713(012433) church in Chalan Kanoa. Burial will follow at Mt. Carmel Cathedral Cemeteiy. Dinner will follow at the above residence immediately after the funeral.

Thank you. Please Drive W ith Care I Familia ш ш ш ш й 34-MXr ÏÂNAS VARIETY NfeWs a KÒ'· VjEWS-FRÌD AY-AUGUST 13,1993 APARTMENTS PUBLIC NOTICE BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTOR HAS FOR RENT COMMONWEALTH ZONING BOARD OPENING FOR FULL-TIME 2-Bedroom and MEETING Studio Apartment THE ZONING BOARD WILL HOLD ITS MONTHLY MEETING OH ROUTE SALESMAN 2-Bedroom Fully concrete/ THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1993, AT 12 HOOH, AT THE DEQ Studio semi-concrete\ LIBRARY, LOCATED OH THE 3RD FLOOR OF THE MORGAH Duties include Beverage Sales and Delivery. located at Upper Navy-Hlll BLDG., 1H OLEAL THE PUBLIC IS IHVTTED TO ATTEHD. Full-time, must have driver's license and good .24 hours water, air con WITHIH THIS MEETIHG, THE BOARD WILL HOLD A PUBLIC Both Units furnished HEARIHG TO COHSIDER A REQUEST FOR A VARIAHCETO THE driving record. Must be personable and work well 2-Bedroom $600/mo PARKIHQ REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZOHIHG LAW. THE RE­ with people & have good math skills. Studio $350/mo QUEST IS BEIHG MADE BY: J&G CORPORATIOH, P.O. BOX 167, CHALAH KAHOA, SAIPAH, MP 96950; IH COHJUHCTIOH For more information, WITHTHEDEVELOPMEHT OF A RETAIL STORE & RESTAURAHT PLEASE CONTACT TEL. NO.: 2 3 5 -4 7 7 1 . CONTACT 322-3607 _ a/13(012*22) OH 2 ,20 4 SQ.M., LOCATED IH GARAPAH AS SHOWH BELOW.

Marianas Public Land Corporation PUBLIC NOTICE

Pursuant to the provisions of 2 Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 CMC CMC 4141 et sec, the PU BLIC 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 CMC PURPOSE LAND EX­ LAND EXCHANGE ACT OF 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSE CHANGE AUTHORIZATION 1987, sino i tulaikan tano para LAND EXCHANGE AUTHO- ACT OF 1987, notice is hereby propositon pupbliku na akton RIZATTON ACT OF 1987, nge FULL DETAILS OH THIS REQUEST MAY BE OBTAIHED AT THE given of Marianas Public Land 1987, nutisia manana i ginen este Marianas Public Land Corpora­ ZOHIHG BOARDS OFFICE LOCATED OH THE 2HD FLOOR OF Corporation’s intention to enter put i intension-na i Marianas Pub­ tion e arongaar towlap, igha e THE CABRERA CENTER BLDG. IH GARAPAH; TEL: 2 3 5 - 5 0 1 8 / 9 into an exchange agreement in­ lic Land Corporation humalom gi mangiiy ebwe Iliiwelo faluw iye kontratan atulaikan tano ni ha volving the parcels of land de­ e toolong faluw kka faal. BENIGNO K. FIT1AL afefekta i pedason tano siha ni scribed below. Concerned per­ Aramasye e tipali nge emmwel CHAIRMAN manmadeskribigisampapa. Man sons may request a hearing on ebwe tingor ebwe yoor hearing interesante siha na petsona sina reel inaamwo lliiwelil faluw fa. any proposed exchanged by manmamaisen inekungok put Aram as ye e tipali nge emmwel contacting MPLC by or on Au­ maseha manu/hafa na priniponi INVITATION FOR BID ye re tipali reel kkapsal faluw, gust 13,1993. If so requested, put tulaikan tano. A’agang i The Mariana Islands Housing Authority {MIHA} is soliciting nge rebwe aghuleey ngali MPLC hearings on the transactions listed MPLC antes pat osino gi August competetive sealed bids to secure an office space on the island wool me ngare mmwal August below will be scheduled on Au­ 13, 1993. Yanggen guaha of Rota. Interested bidders must provide the following 13, 1993. Ngare eyoor tingor gust 17,1993 at 9:00 a.m. in the inekungok marikuesta, i preferenced specifications: Conference Room of MPLC. inekungok siempre para i sigiente bwe yoor hearing, nge rebwe siha na transaksion u fan ayoora reel tali faluw kka faal, 1. Ground Floor; PUBLIC PURPOSE - Wetland makondukta gi August 17,1993. nge rebwe tooto wool August 17, 2. Ample parking for MIHA's staff and clients; Acquisition gi oran alas 9:00gi eggan gi halom 1993, otol ye 9:00 a.m. mellol 3. Minimum floor area of 750 square feet: and, i kuatton konfirensian i MPLC. MPLC Conference Room. 4. Budjet for not more than $600.00, including utilities and PRIVATE LAND - Saipan Lot/ telephone. Tract No. H 160 A-Rl (Tract PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU - I’ AMMWELEER TOWLAP - 22910) containing an area of Ma Chulé I’ Wetland Wetland Acquisition All bids must be sealeed and submitted, in duplicate, to the 15,740 square meters. MIHA Office in Rota, no latter than 10:00 a.m ., August 20, T ANO PRAIBET - Sitio Numiru-, FALUW AL ARAM AS - Saipan 1993, at which time and place all bids recieved will be publicly H 160 A-Rl (Tract 22910)giya Lot/TractNo.H 160 A-Rl (Tract PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ opened. Any bid(s) recieved late will not be considered. Bids Saipan, yah ha konsisiste 15,740 22910) Llapal 15,740 square Tract No. 036 L79containing an should be directed to: metro kuadrao na area. meters iwe e amatafa. area of 19,002 square meters. Mr. John M. Sablan TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio FAL AWEER TOWLAP - Saipan Executive Director Numiru 036 L 79 giya Saipan, ya Lot/Tract No. 036 L 79 Llapal c/o Mr. Jose Manglona ha konsisiste 19,002 metro nge 19,002 square meters. Field office Representative kuadru. 6/13(05663) Marianas Islands housing Authority P.O. Box 527 Rota , MP 96950 MIHA reserves the right to reject any or all bids in the best interest of the government. Isl JO H N M. SABLAN ñ i m ú í * Executive Director

Stock up on lunchbox favorites before your crew REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS goes back to school R F P 9 3 - 0 0 1 2 with The CNMI Public School System is soliciting sealed proposals for the provision of travel services including is­ suance of airline tickets at the lowest possible price, free or reduced price tickets to PSS based on the volume ot air travel, free upgrading of PSS employees, delivery of tickets to the PSS Offices on Saipan, Tinian and Rota, a baggage pick-up service, booking of hotels and rent-a-cars at discount prices (including free upgrades) and other travel related services for the period October 1,1993 through September 30, 1994. All proposals must be sealed in an envelope, clearly marked RFP 93-0012 and submitted to the PSS Quality Bread Products Tuturam Pan de Sal Procurement and Supply Office, c/o Ms. Louise C. Concepcion, Lower Base, Saipan. The deadline for sub­ Pocket Bread Spanish Bread mission of proposals is 3:00 p.m., August 20,1993. (Pita) Submarine Sandwich The CNMI Public School System reserves the right to Amend, Saipan Loaf & French Bread Reject or Award any or proposals in the best interest of thè Public School System. Other Bread Orders Please Call: Inquiries to this proposals may be directed to Mr. William P. 2 3 4 - 3 7 9 3 Matson, the PSS Federal Programs Coordinator, during •jrooa Proai/cti aro now cvD'Onco ct tno foiow ry regular working hours at telephone number 322-6409. Jooton lian Vocwnto, 3‘oiaDO. Cnaion Piao. Hafa-Aaa ¿hOpprny Con'tj.·. Sx-T.jn S'G'U

1 ACCOUNTANT -College grad., 2 yrs. 1 BEAUTICIAN - High school equlv., 2 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 yrs. 6 WAITRESS, NIGHT CLUB - High MANAGER experience. Salary $900 per month. yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. experience and 1 year computerized school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary Contact: JOSEPHINE J.PANGELINAN 2 GENERAL MAINTENANCE - High airline accounting experience, must $2.35 - $3.22 per hour. 1 SALES MANAGER - College grad., 2 dba BJ FISH & MEAT MART, P.O. Box school equiv., 2 yrs. experience. Salaiy know quatro pro, Wordperfect, and infin­ Contact: GEORGE K. PAN GE UN AN/ yrs. experience. Salaiy $1,500 per 722, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 235- $2.15 per hour. ity accounting software. Fluent In English HENRY K. PANGELINAN dba GH EN­ month. 7219 (8/20)F/012354. Contact: AIDA L. GARONG dba MJ and Tagalog. Salary $1,130 per month. TERPRISES dba CHERRIE CLUB Contact: SAMBHWANI’S CORPORA­ ENT., P.O. Box 576, Saipan, MP 96950, Contact: PACIFIC SEINO ASAHI KARAOKE, 687, Box 10000, -Chalan TION dba FAMILY CLOTHING, P.O. 1 ACCOUNTANT-College grad., 2 yrs. Tel. No. 234-6854 (8/20)F/012352. AVIATION INC., Caller Box P P P 318, Laulau, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. Box 1832, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. experience. Salary$1,000-$1,100per Box 10000, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-8391 (8/27)F/012425. 234-8558 (8/13)F/012296. month. 1 COMPUTER OPERATOR - High 234-3600 (8/26)TH/012402. 1 TRAVEL COUNSELOR - College school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary 1 ROOFER - High school grad., 2 yrs, experience. Salary $2.50 per hour. 1 ASSISTANT MANAGER, RETAIL grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $900 - $4.00 per hour. 1 SALES REPRESENTATIVE-College Contact: PARK Kl YOUNG dba H.A.F. STORE $950 per month. Contact: G.M.C. INTERNATIONAL grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $1,800 CORPORATION, P.O. Box 2651, 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - Contact: UNIVERSE INSURANCE UN­ SERVICE, Caller Box PPP 177 Box - $2,250 per month. 5 years exp. with Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 235-0470 College grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary DERWRITERS (MICRONESIA), INC. 10000, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234- Medical backgorund. (8/27)F/012428. $5.77 per hour. dba HAFA A DAI INTERNATIONAL 5027 (8/20)F/012353. Contact: BRISTOL MYERS OVER­ 1 SALES SUPERVISOR - High school TRAVEL AGENCY, P.O. Box 512, SEAS CORP., P.O. Box 241, Saipan, 1 MASON - High school equiv., 2 yrs. grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $4.04 Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-7134/ 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - MP 96950, Tel. No. 322-7558 (8/5)TH/ experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. per hour. 35 (8/20)F/012351. Collegegrad.,2yrs.experience. Salary 012273. Contact: INTERTEX JNTL INC., PPP 1 COMMERCIAL CLEANER - High $3.00 per hour. 319, Box 10000, Saipan, MP 96950, school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary 1 ACCOUNTANT-College grad., 2 yrs. Contact: SAINT TROPEZ DEV. COR­ Tel. No. 234-5000/6000 (8/27)F/012423. $2.15 per hour. experience. Salary $900 per month. PORATION, Caller Box 2127 Courtney CLASSIFIED ADS NEW Contact: PACIFIC PRIME, INC. dba 7- Contact: SILK ROAD CORPORATION Plaza, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan, MP 2 AUTO BODY REPAIRER MARKET & 7 GAS STATION, Caller dba SAIPAN COUNTRY CLUB GOLF 96950, Tel. No. 235-5009 (8/13)F/0196. 5 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 yrs. 2 AUTO MECHANIC Box AAA 762, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. COURSE, Caller Box PPP 130, Saipan, experience. Salary $900 - $1,500 per 2 AUTO PAINTER - High school grad., No. 322-1609 (8/13)F/012291. MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-7300/8718 (8/ 3 RESTAURANT WAITRESS - High month. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per 13)F/012278. school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary 1 COMPUTER OPERATOR - High hour. 1 ASSISTANT MANAGER - College $2.15 - $3.25 per hour. school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary 2 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 yrs. Contact: SJ CORPORATION dba SJ grad,, 2 yrs. experience. Salary $800- 2 HOUSEKEEPING CLEARNER-High $600 - $1,000 per month. experience. Salary $1,500 per month. AUTO REPAIR SHOP, P.O. Box 1962, $1,500 per month. school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary 6 BUTCHER - High school grad., 2 yrs. Saipan, MP 96950, Tel: No. 234-3977 Contact: 3’S INC. dba HULA GIRL Contact: ELM’S INC. dba TOWN & $2.15 - $3.00 per hour. experience. Salary $2.15 - $6.00 per (8/27)F/012426. DISTRIBUTOR FOR LAPPERT’S & AMUSEMENT, 1 PLUMBER - High school grad., 2 yrs. hour. PRODUCTS, P.O. Box 1292, Saipan, P.O. Box 660, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. experience. Salary $2.50 - $3.50 per Contact: J.C. TENORIO ENT. INC., 5 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-3488'3533 (8/ No. 234-7385/7070 (8/13)F/012281. hour. P.O. Box 137, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. High school equiv., 2 yrs. experience. 13)F/012251. Contact: PACIFIC MICRONESIA No. 234-6445/6 ext. 7883/4/5 (8/27)F/ 1 ACCOUNTANT-College grad., 2 yrs. Salary $2.15 - $3.00 per hour. CORPORATION dba DAI-ICHI HOTEL 05667. experience. Salary $5.19 per hour. Contact: MARU ICHI INC., Caller Box 1 OPERATIONS MANAGER - College SAIPAN BEACH, P.O. Box 1029, 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - AAA 230, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $1,200 Saipan, MP 96950, Tel.. No. 234-6412 1 AUDITOR - College grad., 2 yrs. ex­ College grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary 256-4134/287-6278 (8/27)F/012417. per month. (8/20)F/05619. perience. Salary $1,000 - $1,400 per $5.77 per hour. 2 CARPENTER - High school grad., 2 month. Contact: JEN-MARZ ENTERPRISES, 1 POWER PLANT SUPERINTENDENT yrs. experience. Salary $3.00 per hour. 1 POWER PLANT OPERATOR - High 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - Contact: FILOMENOF.ANOdbaPHIL­ INC., P.O. Box 1562, Saipan, MP 96950, College grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary - College grad., 2 yrs. experience. Sal­ school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary ary $24,000 per year. IPPINE EAGLE ENTERPRISES, P.O. Tel. No. 234-7129/1061 (8/20)F/012361. $.800 - $1,000 per month. $6.00 per hour. Contact: PACIFIC MARINE INDUS-. Box 1900, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. Contact: MID-PAC MICRONESIA INC., Contact: ERNST & YOUNG (CNMI). TRIAL CORP., Caller Box AAA 805, 288-0928 (8/20)F/012359. 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 yrs. PPP 298 Box 10000, Saipan, MP 96950, INC. dba ERNST & YOUNG, P.O. Box Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 322-6181 experience. Salary $450 per bi-weekly. Tel. No. 234-0475 (8/13)F/012294. 3198, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234- 1 RESTAURANT MANAGER - College 4 TEACHERS - College grad., 2 yrs. 8378 (8/27)F/05668. grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $1,250 experience. Salary $500 per bi-weekly. - $3,500 per month. Contact: GRACE CHRISTIAN ACAD­ 5 TRAVEL COUNSELOR - High school 1 AUDITOR - College grad., 2 yrs. ex- 1 (GUEST) RELATION REPRESEN­ EMY, P.O. Box643, Saipan, MP 96950, equiv., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $800- PBriaoce. Salary $5.19 per hour. TATIVE - High school grad., 2 yrs. Tel. No. 322-3320/3850 (8/20)F/05617. 1,800 per month. 2 FLOOR SUPERVISOR - High school experience. Salary $2 75 - $10.00 per Contact: PACIFIC MICRONESIA grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $4.05 FOR hour. MECHANIC TOURS, INC., P.O. Box 1023, Saipan, per hour. 1 AUTOMOBILE BODY REPAIRER MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-3488 (8/13)F/ 3 COOK - High school grad., 2 yrs. 012270. (BODY FENDER)- High schoolgrad., 2 1 AUTO AIRCON MECHANIC - High experience. Salary $2.65 - $3.00 per RENT yrs. experience. Salary $2.50 - $4.00 school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary hour. per hour. $3.50 per hour. 1 PARALEGAL/LEGAL ASSISTANT - 2 BAKER - High school grad., 2 yrs. ONE BEDROOM Contact: SUWASO CORPORATRION Contact: STS ENTERPRISES. P.O. College grad., 2 yrs. experience. S alary experience. Salary $2.15 - $3.00 per dba CORAL OCEAN POINT RESORT Box 3203, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. $1,600 per month. hour. APARTMENT CLUB, P.O. Box 1160, Saipan, MP 235-3760 to 12 (8/13)F/012295. Contact: BRIAN W. MCMAHON dba Contact: HOTELNIKKOSAIPAN,INC. 96950, Tel. No. 234-7000 (8/20)F/05618. LAW OFFICE OF BRIAN W. dba HOTEL NIKKO SAIPAN, P.O. Box (FURNISHED) 2 AUTO-MECHANIC MCMAHON, P.O. Box 1267, Saipan, 5152 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. 1 MANAGER, OPERATION 4 AUTO-BODY REPAIRER - High MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-9315 (8/13)F/ No. 322-3311 (8/27)F/012437. 1 ASST. OPERATION MANAGER - school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary 012288. College grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 - $2.50 per hour. 1 CUTTER - High school grad., 2 yrs. CALL TEL. $5.77 per hour. 1 STEEL WORKER-High school grad., 1 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN - experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. 1 TFtAVEL AGENT - High school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per College grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary Contact: ONWELMFG(SAIPAN) LTD., 234-6707 2 yrs. experience Salary $3.50 per hour. $4.00 per hour. P.O. Box 712, Saipan MP 96950, Tel. hour. Contact: TROPICAL PLAZA LTD., P.O. No. 234-9522/23/24/25 (8/27)F/012439. 1 AUTO-MECHANIC - High schoolgrad., Contact: CN LEE INTERNATIONAL Box 5769 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950, 2 yrs. experience. Salary $3.25 per dba OPTIONALTOUR CENTER, Caller Tel. No. 322-0999 (8/13)F/012290. Box AAA 778, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. hour. FOB SALE No. 235-0778/79 (8/20)F/012349. Contact: F.V. SAIPAN, INC. dba ALCOHOLIC THRIFTY CAR RENTAL. P.O. Box 487, 1 BEAUTICIAN - High school grad., 2 ANONYMOUS MEETS Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-e356 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. 1 STORE MANAGER - High school Alcoholic Anonymous, a support grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $1,000 (8/20)F/0.12362. Contact: ANGELITA M. BUNIAG dba 1990 BMW group for those with drinking (or - $1,500 per month. ALANAR’S ENTERPRISES, P.O. Box drugging) problems meets every 1 STORE SUPERVISOR - High school 2372, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234- CONSTRUCTION Monday, Wednesday, and Satur­ grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $700 - 3251 WORKER 0695 (8/20) F/012363. day at 7:00 p.m., and Fridays at $2,000 per month. ONLY20,00 MILES Contact: U.M.U. CORPORATION, 7:30 p.m. attheKristoRai Church 7 MEAT PACKING LABORER - High $17,500 Caller Box PPP 742, Saipan, MP 96950, 1 CARPENTER in Garapan. school equiv., 2 yrs. experience. Salary LIKE NEW CONDITION Tel. No. 234-3488/233-7800 (8/20)F/ 2 COOK HELPER - High school grad., 2 For more information, call the $2.50 per hour. 012339. yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. HOTUNE at 234-510O or Wolf M . MANY EXTRA Contact: ISLAND FIESTA FOODS 1 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN - Col­ at234-6615 (and leave message). PLS. CALL 234-8230 · 322-5654 lege grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary COMPANY INC.. P.O. Box 2247, ACCOUNTANT $5.77 per hour. Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-3824 Contact: D’ ELEGANCE ENT., INC., (8/13)F/05545. 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 yrs. P.O. Box 1106, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. experience. Salary $1,000 per month. No. 234-09227 (8/13)F/012276. 5 TRAVEL COUNSELOR - High school G ive inform ation about 2 TRAVEL COUNSELOR - High school equiv., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $800- grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $3.00 - MISCELLANEOUS 1,800 per month. $3.70 per hour. Contact: PACIFIC MICRONESIA crim es com m itted. Contact: WESTERN INTERNATIONAL TOURS. INC., P.O. Box 1023, Saipan, TRAVEL, INC., Caller Box 10004 - PR 1 AUDITOR - College grad., 2 yrs. ex­ MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-3488 (8/13)F/ 585, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 235- perience. Salary $3,566.66 per month. 012270. 8744 (8/20)F/05611. Contact: DELOITTE & TOUCHE, P.O. Box 308, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 yrs. 1 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER, BLDG. 322-7337/6/9 (8/20)F/05616. experience. Salary $900 per month. - High school grad., 2 yrs. experience. 1 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER BUILD­ Salary $3.75 per hour. ING - High school grad., 2 yrs. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER - Col­ 1 BARTENDER - High school grad., 2 experience. Salary $500 per month. lege grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary yrs. experience Contact: KING’S INTERNATIONAL $3.00 - $5.77 per hour. Contact: L 4 W AMUSEMENT CORP. JEWELRY. P.O. Box 38 CHRB, Saipan, Contact: WIN FUNG ENTERPRISES, dba LEN’S BAR & RESTAURANT, P.O. MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-3218 (8/20)F/ INC., P.O. Box 463, Saipan, MP 96950, Box 81 CHRB, SAIPAN, MP96950, Tel. D ial: 234-7272 (PARA) 012355. Tel. No. 234-3238 (8/13)F/012280. No. 234-8864 (8/26)TH/05647. 36-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FREDAY-AUGUST 13.1993

EEK & M EEK® by H ow ie Schneider

I THE. SfWJS USED TO BE fOÛUU WJE HAVÆ. SFECIAl AfOD OWLS' A THE· TRUTH AWP fiVJWESTi GATORS WMO SEEK PRES IDEMTIM- FHRDOW Answer to Previous Puzzle "THE TRUTH SHAH SET THE TRUTH;.. UUdXSCTMX FREE ACROSS 45 Obtain M X FREE.' 1 Hostelry 47 Back of neck 4 Mother 49 Weary 6 Confirmation 50 Buckeye 11 Schoolbook State 13 Sprinter 52 Beer 15 Latin ingredient conjunction 54 Behold! 16 Clothing 55 Sun god 18 Note of scale 56 Restaurant 19 Tellurium workers symbol 59 Italian river 21 Profound 61 In the rear 22 Aroma 63 Stopped 24 Awail 65 Hurry GARFIELD® by Jim Davis settlement 66 Koppel ID 26 Chair 67 Ancient 28 Single DOWN LET'5 NOT BE FORGETTING- WHO'5 THE 29 Worship © 1993 United Feature Syndicale CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE HERE, PAL 31 Journey 1 Anger 33 Old pronoun 2 Profited 7 Hurry 34 Location 3 Sodium 8 Aware of: 17 Encounter 36 Ardor symbol 2 wds. 20 — Slaughter 38 Rooney ID 4 Fermented 9 Running 23 Fulfill 40 Vessels honey drink 10 Crime 24 Father 42 Snares 5 The Ram 12 Phys. 25 Faucet 6 Make ready 14 Street show problem 27 Tip 1 2 30 Short jackr· 32 Separate 3 35 Loosely 1 woven W °n ° SXT cotton fabric 15 37 Metal fastener 38 Greek PEANUTS® by Charles M. Schulz marketplace 39 Go over again 41 Quarrel 43 Drive onward 44 Compass point 46 Agave plant 48 Choose 51 Is in debt 53 "Star — " 57 Skill 58 Anton ID 60 Unusual 62 Tantalum symbol 64 Therefore

TODAY’S SPORTS: On this day in The boss agrees that no one comes to DATE B O O K 1935, the first roller derby begun in work more faithfully than we do — nor Chicago. does anyone forget more quickly why Aug. 13, 1993 TODAY’S QUOTE: "Drama is life they cam e. r5T>An tw with the dull bits left out." — .^lfred I'i'iT NEWSHAI'EK ENTERPRISE ASSN Today is the 225th H itchcock W d S p 0 t d a y o f 1993 and the TODAY’S WEATHER: On this day in 54th day of summer. 1979, 23 boats sank or w ere abandoned as storm-force winds and high seas Scheherazade’s surroundings TODAY’S HISTORY: On this day in raked a fleet of yachts participating in 1961, E ast G erm an forces began con­ Baghdad was founded in 762, when an annual race between southwestern struction of the Berlin Wall. Ummayads continued to rule in Spain. England and southwestern Ireland. A cosmopolitan civilization then TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS: Lucy Stone Fifteen yachtsmen died. emerged, and the Arab-Muslim golden (1818-1893), women’s-rights leader; SOURCE: THE WEATHER CHANNEL' №.. Annie Oakley (1860-1926), VVcnlher Guide Calendar; Accord PubkMiintf, Ltd age began. Arab lyric poetry became m arksw om an; Alfred Hitchcock (1899- prominent, and Greek, Syriac, Persian TODAY’S MOON: Between 1980), director; Ben Hogan (1912-), and Sanskrit books were translated last quarter (Aug. 10/ and golfer, is 81; Fidel Castro (1926-), p re s­ into Arabic. Arts and music flourished new moon (Aug. 17). ident of Cuba, is 67; Don Ho (1930-). at the court of Harun a!-Rashid (786- singer, is 63; Dan Fogelberg (1951-). TODAY’S BARB 809), which is the court celebrated in singer-songw riter, is 42... BY PHIL PASTORET "The Arabian Nights."

They’re playing our song Payment problems What's mine is mine According to the Kids World Al­ Of the 5.7 million women awarded There is no such thing as an "in manac of Music, the Beatles’ song child support, 5 million were supposed ternational copyright" that will auto "Yesterday” has been recorded by to receiv e paym ent in 1989. Of the matically protect an author's writings more artists than any other modern women due payments, about half re throughout the entire world. Prnlcc pop song, and their own version has ceived the full am ount they w ere due tion against unauthorized use in a par been played more than 5 million times. The average amount of child support ticular country depends primarily on Going back to pre-rock times, Cole received in 1980 was $2.99:"), and the the national laws of that country. How Porter takes the record for the most a g g reg a te am ount received in 1989 ever, most countries do offer protce songs to be recorded by current stars. was $11.2 billion, 69 percent of the lion for foreign works under certain These include Neneh Cherry, Fine $16.3 billion due. conditions. Young Cannibals, k.d. lang, Sinead ® 1W3 UnilM Fmiuî· Syndtc«!«. loc j^ ll Which way did it go? O'Connor. U2, Tom Waits and David Old Glory’s start NUV '8 '33U 1'S '1S3N 'b "JLVS 'Z 'T13HS ' I - NMOd Byrne. Although it was never officially According to The Kids' World Al manae of Records and Facts. Native H3113T '6 "1V3S ' L 'Ü31N3 '9 'S-LNV E '8F1S l-SSOHDV The long hot summer adopted by the Continental Congress, many historians consider the first flag Americans called the Hudson River Uranus was discovered by Sir of the United Stales to have been the "shatcmuc." which means “the river William Hersehel on March 13, 1781. Grand Union (sometimes called Great that flows two ways." The name was One of the planet's most fascinating Union) flag. This was a modification of later changed to the Hudson in honor features is how far it is tipped over. the British Meteor flag, which had the of European explorer Henry Hudson. Its north pole lies 98 degrees from be­ red cross of St. George and the white The Hudson River is known for the Use color and ing directly up and down its orbit cross of St. Andrew combined in the strong incoming ocean tides that push plane. Thus, its seasons are extreme. blue canton.'For the Grand Union flag, salt water 150 miles upstream. When When the sun rises at the north pole, six horizontal stripes were imposed on the tides recede, the water flows back sales will it stays up for 42 years. the red field, dividing it into 13 alter­ into the ocean, and the river appears nate red and white stripes. to flow both north and south. b la st o ff! /-G. Rocky Mountain high Uncle Sam’s origin Flight of the condor Early civilization in cen­ The first use of “Uncle Sam” as a In Ja n u a ry 1992, the long effort to tered around Mesa Verde 2,000 years means of personifying the federal gov­ save the California condor from ex­ Add one color to your newspaper ad and sales p tinction reached a new phase. The ma­ will really take off. In fact, when you use one color S’ ago. The United States acquired east­ ernment occurred during the War of sales will Increase an average of 43%. Call us ern Colorado in the Louisiana Pur­ 1812. It was apparently used derisively jestic birds had almost disappeared as today to place your ad and get sales flying ch ase in 1803. In 1806, Lt. Zebulon Pike by those who were opposed to the war, a result of hunting and the use of pes­ explored the area, discovering the and it probably stemmed from the ticides. The last surviving condors had 14,110 foot-high peak that bears his “U.S.’’ that was stamped on uniforms been cap tu red in 1987 and bred in cap­ tivity. On Jan. 14, a male and female cMarianas cVarietyz name. After the Mexican War, which and government wagons. However, lasted from 1846 to 1848, U.S. im m i­ some attribute the name to Samuel were released into the wild in the first Tel. 234/6341/7578/9797 · FAX 234-9271 grants settled in th e east, while for­ Wilson from Troy, N.Y., who was the step toward restoring the birds to <3® mer Mexicans settled in the south. inspector for Army supplies. their natural habitat. FRIDAY, AUGUST 13,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VffiWS-37 Study shows how people choose mates BY Malcolm Ritter mind that prominent mating re­ icons of female beauty have is that you can’t tolerate a feeling said it has some methodological searcher David Buss of the Uni­ ranged from the voluptuous to that doesn’t seem to have any shortcomings. NEW YORK (AP) - After por­ versity of Michigan says no theory Twiggy, the attractivenes of a low legitimate cause,” he said. ing over statistics on Playboy play­ can predict just who a given indi­ waist-to-hip ratio has endured, “You invent a cause for it. If the W A R E H O U S E mates and scrutinizing the spouses vidual will marry. Singh says. feeling is one of desperate infatu­ of identical twins, psychologists For men, anyway, one impor­ He found that although women ation with Sue, then the reasons F O R L E A S E are offering two new ideas about tant first enticement may be in Playboy centerfolds and Miss why any right-minded young man CHALANKIYA/5,000 Sq. Ft. how people choose their mates. women whose waistlines are small America winners have become should be desperately infatuated WILLING TO SUBDIVIDE As a first impression, one new when compared to their hips, thinner through the decades, their with Sue flood to the mind. I think Call Alexander Realty study says, men are attracted by Devendra Singh of the University waist-to-hip ratios have barely the infatuation comes first, and Tel.:(670)234-5117 the lower half of a woman’s hour­ of Texas at Austin suggests in the budged. And his surveys of men the reasons come later.” Fax:(670)234-5118 glass figure. August issue of the Journal of and women show that lower waist- Lykken and Tellegen surveyed And when it comes down to the Personality and Social Psychol­ to-hip ratios in women are more middle-aged identical twins and final choice, the second study says, ogy. attractive than higher ones. their spouses, and they proposed PUBLIC NOTICE the selection process is surpris­ That may not surprise many In the other mating study, in the the randomness idea after finding ingly random. laymen, but Buss called the find­ July issue of the same journal, no evidence that people use any In the Superior Court of the The research is the latest in a ings important because the idea David Lykken and Auke Tellegen set of criteria to choose a mate. Commonwealth of the Northern longstanding effort to figure out had not been demonstrated be­ of the University of Minnesota If they did, the researchers rea­ Mariana Islands how men and women choose each fore. propose that although mate-seek­ soned, identical twins who grew other for marriage. Singh said the attractiveness of ing people choose from a field up together, having identical genes CIVIL ACTION NO.: 93-86 Prior studies have found some a low ratio of waist to hip mea­ broadly similar to themselves, the and very similar childhoods, general trends. People tend to surements probably began as a final choice is surprisingly ran­ should share nearly the same cri­ Inthe Matterof theGuardianahip of marry others who are at similar to way for early humans to assess a dom. teria and so choose highly similar the Estate of: themselves in such areas as intel­ woman’s fitness to produce and That might surprise people who spouses. AILEEN DAWN G. MENDOZA and ligence, political values, religion, rear children. Research has linked can think of good reasons they But they found that spouses of DONNA KAREN G. MENDOZA, age and ethnicity, for example. low ratios to good health and re­ chose their mates. But Lykken twin pairs in their study were not Minors, If such findings seem to slacken productive capability, he said. sees that as rationalizing. especially alike. They also found By: that twins did not consistently the sweet mystery of it all, keep in And even in a culture whose “One thing about human nature ROBERTO L. MENDOZA, approve of their sibling’s choice Petitioner. of mate, contrary to what one might expect if the two twins were Notice is hereby given that on Au­ Playboy models used in study using similar selection criteria. gust 26,1993 at 1:30 p.m. in the The spouses also failed to re­ By The Associated Press more slender from 1923 to 1987, from ages 18 to78, and still another courthouse of the Superior Court port any consistent attraction to­ of the Commonwealth of the their waist-to-hip ratio was little with young blacks of both genders, ward their spouse’s identical twin. Northern Mariana Islands in HOW the researchers arrived at changed, dipping from .72 to .69, Singh said. All those studies in­ Buss, however, said he believes Susupe, Saipan, Roberto L. their findings: he found. volved Americans, and if a low the twin work fails to provide Mendoza will petition the court to Devendra Singh of the Univer­ He also asked 116 white men, ratio is truly a basic human entice­ very strong evidence for the con­ be appointed guardian of the above- sity of Texas at Austin examined ages 18 to 22, to study line draw­ ment it should also appear alluring clusion that so much of mating is named minors. body measurements for women ings of 12 women who were either in future studies with other cul­ random. It overlooks some re­ overweight, underweight or of nor­ Dated this 10th day of August, 1993. in Playboy centerfolds for 1955 tures, he said. search on influences over mate mal weight and who had waist-to- David Lykken and Auke to 1965 and 1976 to 1990 - the choice and does not test ad­ hip ratios of .7, .8, .9 or 1. In all Tellegen of the University of /S/REYNALDO 0. YANA vital stats were not published dur­ equately theories about how three weight categories, figures Minnesota found that when the Attorney for Petitioner ing the intervening years - and people pair off, he said. He also 8713(012435) found that even though the women with lower ratios were rated as spouses of 152 pairs of identical became more slender, their waist- more attractive than those with twins were compared on 74 to-hip ratio changed only slightly, higher ones. mostly psychological traits, they from .68 to .71. Similar results appeared in a study were not much more alike than Similarly, although Miss with 89 older white men, ages 25 to random pairs of same-sex par­ America winners also became 85, another study with white women ticipants in the study. Fifth Year Anniversary Commemoration We, the fam ily of the late HOUSE FOR RENT near Chalan Kanoa elementary school Vicente Santos 5 bdrm., 2 bath, large kitchen, dining room, huge living room, water pump/tank. Indoor laundry rm . fenced & S a b l a n secure, renovated, split A/C. (better known as "Ben Tedegua") Back garage & large yard Wish to invite all our relatives and Excellent for family living. friends to commemorate the fifth AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY year anniversary of the passing Contact: 234-6098 (Serious inquiries only) away of our beloved one. Please join us in prayer. COURTNEY’S PLAZA Commemorative Masses have been scheduled as follows: SPACE AVAILABLE FOR RENT

August 8th, 1993, Sunday: 8:00 am at Mount Carmel Cathedral. August 9th thru 14th, Monday thru Saturday: 6:00 am at Mount Carmel C athe dral. August 15th, Sunday: 8:00 am at Mount Carmel Cathedral. August 16th, Monday: 5:30 pm at San Antonio Church (This is the final Commemorative Mass). (2) One - Bedroom Apts. -excellent condition/ A/C / Furnished Nightly rosary is also being said at the home of Mrs. Maria Muna Sablan in San (4) 2nd Floor office Space Antonio beginning at 8:00 pm on August 8th. Final rosary w ill be said at the residence on the 16th of August, at 12:00 noon. Dinner w ill be served immediately after the final Ground Floor Commercial commemorative mass on August 16th at 5:30 pm. • 24 hr. water · Plight security provided • Excellent C.K. location on Beach Un dangkulo na Si Yuns Maase ginen as Maria Muna Sablan R oad y a n i f a m a g u o n . 8/6, 9, 11. 13(12344) Call: 234-6098 38-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRTOAY-AUGUST 13.1993 Vietnam G ladden hits opens firs t golf course as T igers rout O rioles in 18 years By The Associated Press Boston’s longest home winning Toronto Blue Jays beat Minne­ Jeff Blauser and David Justice streak in five years ended at 11 sota. homered for the Braves. BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - DAN GLADDEN hit a grand slam games. Guzman (8-3) won for the first Sid Fernandez (1-3) lost his Vietnam’s first golf course in 18 for the second straight game and Clemens’ wildness rained the time since June 26. He had been third straight since craning off the years of Communist rule has been the Detroit Tigers again routed anticipated duel between two of 0-3 in seven starts in that span. disabled list following knee sur­ opened by a private Thai joint Baltimore,beating the Orioles 15- baseball’s best pitchers. He Guzman struck out 10 and gave gery in May. He gave up three venture with the .Vietnamese gov­ 5 Wednesday night. walked six, one less than his ca­ up four hits ineightinnings. Duane runs on five hits in eight innings, ernment, the venture said Wednes­ A day after Gladden’s slam reer high, and dropped to 9-9 by Ward got three outs for his 30th struck out six and walked none. day. "highlighted a 15-1 romp, his third losing his third straight start. save. Maddux (13-9) struck out three Vietnamese Vice Premier slam of the season helped the Ti­ Key (14-4) leads the American Molitor hit his 17th home ran, a and didn’t walk a batter in his Nguyen Khanh hit the first ball as gers take a 13-1 lead in the fourth League with a .778 winning per­ solo shot in the third inning that fifth complete game of the season the Kings Island Golf Resort and- inning. Travis Fryman, Kirk centage and 2.74 ERA. put Toronto ahead 3-2. Jim - third against the Mets. Country Club opened its driving Gibson and Tony Phillips also Athletics 3, White Sox 1 Deshaies (11-10) gave up five Blauser’s game-winning range last Saturday. homered for Detroit. In Chicago, Craig Paquette hit hits in his first complete game of homer, his 11th, came with one More than 60 government offi­ The Tigers have scored 30 runs a two-run homer and rookie Todd the season. out in the sixth inning. Justice cials attended the ceremony. againstBaltimore without a single VanPoppel pitched 5 2-3 shutout Giants 6, Reds 0 added his 27th with two outs in Many swung a golf club for the RBI from Cecil Fielder, the major innings as the Oakland Athletics John Burkett threw a four-hit­ the ninth off Anthony Young. first time as American PGA'player league leader. The Orioles had beat Chicago. ter and became the NL first 18- Pirates 8, Cardinals 6 Robert Bicknell gave a demon­ won eight in a row before the two The White Sox have lost five game winner Wednesday as San In Pittsburgh, Lonnie Smith and stration and assisted with a basic big losses. of their last eight games, but still Francisco completed a three-game A1 Martin homered in the eighth lesson. Gladden finished with a career- lead the AL West. The Athletics sweep of Cincinnati with a 6-0 inning as the Pirates rallied for the “Khanh remarked on the his­ high five RBIs and Scott snapped a four-game losing victory. victory. torical significance of the day, as Livingstone had four hits. Balti­ streak. Burkett (18-4) took a no-hitter Smith, who also hit a two-run Vietnam exhibited one more ex­ more catcher Jeff Tackett pitched Van Poppel (3-3), whohas won into the sixth and finished with homer in the fourth, tied it 6-6 ample of its rapid development,” a scoreless eighth inning. his last three starts, limited Chi­ first shutout and second complete against Todd Bums (0-3) with his said a statement from the venture. Bill Gullickson (8-6) was the cago to three singles before giv­ game of the season. He struck out seventh of the year. Kevin Young The driving range is the first winner and Rick Sutcliffe (9-8) ing way to Rick Honeycutt in the eight and walked two in winning singled with one out and Martin facility to open in the resort, in Ha was the loser. Mike Devereaux sixth. Dennis Eckersley got his his fifth straight. then hit his eighth homer of the Tay,45 kilometers (28 miles) west and Sherman Obando homered 25th save. Bobby Ayala (4-5) gave up four season to straightaway center. of the capital, Hanoi. It is to in­ for Baltimore. Wilson Alvarez (8-8), (M in runs in the second in his first start Luis Alicea had a three-run clude two 18-hole golf courses, Yankees 8, Red Sox 3 his last seven starts, allowed three of the season. With two out, He double in the top of the eighth for clubhouses, a four-star hotel and In Boston. Jimmy Key pitched runs and four hits in five innings. walked Burkett to load the bases, St. Louis and Mark Whiten hit a recreational facilities. The first six strong innings and Roger Blue Jays 4, Twins 2 then gave up a two-run single to 464-foot homer in the sixth _ the nine holes are scheduled to open Clemens walked three batters in a In Toronto, Paul Molitor drove Darren Lewis. Robby Thompson first by an opposing player into this fall. four-run first, leading the New in three runs and scored twice, followed with a single to score Three Ri vers S tadium’s right-field Memberships cost $7,500 for York Yankees over the Red Sox. helping luan Guzman and the Burkett, and Will Clark reached upper deck. individuals, a huge sum in one of on second baseman Jeff Branson’s Mariners 4, Royals 3 the world’s poorest countries. error. Another ran scored on a In Kansas City, Mike Blowers About 10 percent of the current wild pitch. Royce Clayton’s sixth- hit his third grand slam of the 400 members are Vietnamese, Magramo to challenge inning single drove in the other season and Seattle ended Kansas while the rest include people from two runs. City’s four-game winning streak. Hong Kong, Singapore and the Porpaoin for WBA title Braves 4, Mets 2 Blowers tied Dan Gladden of United States, said Kings Valley In New York, Greg Maddux Detroit and Mike Stanley of the Corp. Ltd. marketing manager BANGKOK,Thailand (AP) - Ronnie Magramo of the Philippines will scattered six hits for his fifth Yankees for the league lead in Kanitha Netayavichitr in fight champion Chana Porpaoin for the World Boxing Association straight victory over Ne w Y ork as grand slams. Bangkok. strawweight title on Aug. 22. Magramo is the 11th ranked challenger. The 12-rounder will be held in Saraburi, 90 kilometers (55 miles) north of Bangkok. The division limit is 105 pounds (47.7 kilograms). % At a news conference Wednesday, Chana said despite his height and strength advantage, he was not taking the Filipino lightly. “I have seenhis previous fights. He has good boxing fundamentals and Lunch Special his right is lethal,” The Nation newspaper cm Thursday quoted Chana as saying. “I cannot be too over-confident even though he is not in the top ten.” Serve from Chana captured the crown on Feb. 10 in Tokyo, in a deci sion victory over champion Hideyuki Ohashi of Japan.


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Cabrera E agles’ Center Putt FOR SALE Beach Road, Garapan RESTAURANT EQUIPMENTS AND ICE CREAM MAKER Tel. 235-8917 CONTACT ALAN *TEL. # 3 2 2 -1 5 3 4 FRIDAY, AUGUST 13,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-39 A u stin ... continued from page 40 CNMI Golf Team Michelle Jaggard-Lai of Austra­ 5th round qualifying Term ites post 2nd lia 6-1, 6-2 in a second-round August 15 match. Coral Ocean Point Sanchez Vicario will face No. 14 seed Julie Halard of France in 6:30 Jess Tattano w in against UM DA the third round Thursday. Halard John Tagabuel Greg “No Fear” Camacho went advanced Tuesday with a 6-2, 6- By Ray D. Palacios in the sixth before the Termites Joe Camacho 4-for-6 and Ben Mesa knocked in 1 victory over Clare Wood of finally took it, scoring six of the last Andy Nepalal THE SAB LAN Termites made it three runs while Frankie Britain. seven. two-in-a-row against the UMDA Pangelinan, who bagged the runs In other second-round action, In game two, the Termites sur- 6:37 Jeff Taylor Aces in their best-of-five series scoring title, plated four times to No. 3 Gabriela Sabatini of Argen­ prisedthe Aces byexplodingfornine J Jess Wabol enroute to their 16th consecutive tina eliminated Kathy Rinaldi 6- lead theTermitesoffensively while runs in the bottom of the first-off Tony Tattano victory this season and 21 dating Tony Benavente came in relief, starter ElmerSablanandnever looked 3,7-6; No. 4 Magdalena Maleeva Fred Camacho back to June 12,1992. allowing just three unearned runs back although the Aces madeastrong of Bulgaria defeated Laura They kept their unblemished in 51/3 innings to lead the Termites Golarsa of Italy 6-3, 6-4; No. 5 comeback but was not able to upset record alive by edging out the Aces in game one. Helena Sukova of the Czech Re­ 6:45 Eddie Peter theTermites. 17-14 and 12-9 in the first two The Aces, which trailed by one, Frank Pangelinan andBiUQuitano public downed Danielle Scott 6- Tony Satur games of the series. Eddie Santos 6-5, after two and a half innings both knocked in two runs to lead'to 1, 6-2, and No. 8 Zina Garrison- Martin Nepalal andTony Benavente, the mainforce .managed to take the lead 10-6 with leadtheTermites.The Aces were led Jackson topped Audra Keller 6-3, Isao Saso for the Termites cm the mound five runs in the bottom of the third. by Frances George who relieved 6 4 . throughout the season, are a game The Termites managed to tie the Sablan in the first inning containing away fromrelieving their tired arms game at 11-all' but the Aces re­ the Termites to just three unearned Stoltenberg. a continued from page 40 after 16 games. gained it back 13-11 with two runs runs in 7 2/3 innings. well.” bother him. “I had a good night’s Stoltenberg, who said he wears rest, so it really wasn’t a problem.” SGA, Karidat sponsor tournament glasses during a match because Sampras, the No. 1 player in the THE SAIPAN Golfers Associa­ will be donated to Karidat which reciprocal support of the commu­ contact lenses blur his vision, lost ATP rankings, said Courier’s de­ tion, in association with Karidat will help support the spouse and nity. Karidat is inviting the people to Courier at Wimbledon but parture immediately prior to his (formerly known as NMf Catholic child abuse programs. of the CNMI to participate in the picked up some ideas on how to match didn’t affect his play. Social Services) is sponsoring a Karidat provides essential social Goodwill Golf tournament. beat this year’s leading money- “All the tough guys are here,” Goodwill Golf Tournament at the services to the community. For Application forms can be picked winner. Sampras said. ‘T o come away with Marianas Country Club on Aug. Karidat to continue providing a up from the Marianas Country Club, “I wanted to do a few different a win would be really sweet.” 21. wide range of qualitative services Coral Ocean Point Resort Country things he wasn’t expecting,” The tournament lost five other Net proceeds of the tournament to the community it relies on the Qub.SaipanCountryCluborKaridaL Stoltenberg said. “I had some seeded players Wednesday. chances at Wimbledon but let Jim Brad Gilbert beat No. 6 Petr take them away from me. I didn’t Korda 6-3, 64; Steve Bryan beat want to let him do that again.” No. 8 Richard Kraj icck 4-6,64,6- In a match postponed from Tues­ 1; day night because of rain, top- Mark Woodforde beat No. 13 seeded defending champion Pete Cedric Pioline 7-6 (74), 6-2; Jan Sampras beat Bryan Shelton 7-5, Siemerink beat No. 15 MaliVai 6-2. Washington 6 4 , 6 4 and Aaron “I thought I played OK,” said KricksteinbeatNo. 16 Henrik Holm Sampras, who said the delay didn’ t 4-6,6-3,6-0. MEDITERRANEAN o o AFFAIR vV S T i i ° ANNOUNCEMENT SATURDAYS C y Ç u ÿ lL it tilXOUCjfl ■Æ>ip.b£,irJjE,X WHAT? a t t i l ANNUAL SAIPAN GOLFERS ASSOCIATION GOODWILL GOLF TOURNAMENT C o s ta TERRACE WHEN? n , SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1993 6:30A M Explore great

WHERE? M editerranean Cuisine, MARIANAS COUNTRY CLUB where History is as old as the "Olymp" and Romance as dramatic as "Qomeo and Juliet" ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Experience it the Aqua R esort wav. . .

A. FLIGHT Championship, “A”, “B", "C" and Ladies.

B. ENTRY FEE $50.00 (Includes green fee and awards banquet. AQUA RESORT CLUB Saipan C. NET PROCEEDS To be donated to KARIDAT, a A great, place Lo be. Northern Mariana Islands social service organization to make needed services available to its Spouse (Child ) Abuse Programs. Adults: $20.00 Children: $10.00 D. APPLICATIONS Forms are available at: tQ Jou C an £ ia h Marianas Country Club, Coral Ocean Point Club, Saipan Country Club and Tor Reservation, please call 322-1234 KxL 730/731 and ask for Pol or Mayeth. L. Karidat (Chalan Kanoa) _ l ^-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-AUGUST 13.1993 SPORTS Taiw an disqualified from W orld Series TAIPEI,Taiwan(AP) -Taiwan, Taiwan will reserve the right to sider the special situation in Tai­ a 14-time winner of the Little participate in future World Se­ wan. League World Series, was told ries, he said. The Tai Ping team is composed today its entry is not qualified for The notice from the Little of students from the Tai Ping pri­ this year’s competition for base­ League Baseball International mary school, which has about ball players aged 12 and under. Tournament Committee said the 2,100 students. Last week, the Tang Pan-pan, president of Taiwan team violated new rules team, aformer Little League world Taiwan’s Little League Baseball that stipulate teams should not champion, won the Far East tour­ Association, protested the deci­ come from a league with a total nament with eight straight victo­ sion, but said the Tai Ping team enrollment of more than 1,000 ries. from central Taiwan will not com­ students. Taiwanese teams have won the pete in the tournament in Tang called the decision an “im­ Little League World Series 14 Williamsport, Pa. proper move” that failed to con­ times since 1972. / MEMBERS of the Taiwanese team march into Susupe baHMd Austin shows during 1993 Far East Little League Tournament. old form IAAF allows direct Swimming lessons in comeback payment to athletes MANHATTAN BEACH, Calif. By Stephen Wilson (AP) - It’s time to take Tracy Austin’s comeback seriously. to begin Sept. 4 STUTTGART, Germany (AP) - Track and field edged closer to Showingflashesofheroldfonm, professionalism Wednesday when the sport ’ sgoveming body cleared THE SAIPAN Swim Club will week for the 1993/94 swim sea­ Austin upset 12th-seeded Gigi the way for athletes to receive payments directly instead of through hold another session of swimming son on Wednesdays and Fridays Fernandez 6-3,6-4 Tuesday night trust fimds. lessons for anyone of school age for group A swimmers and those in a first-round match in the The change, proposed by US A Track and Field, was approved by and over. playing water polo beginning on $375,000 Virginia Slims of Los ' the full congress of the International Amateur Athletic Federation. The lessons will begin on Sept. Aug. 11 and 13. Group B will Angeles women’s tennis tourna­ The move further belies any notion that track and field is strictly 4 and continue through Oct. 2. begin on Aug. 25 and both groups ment. an amateur sport, reflecting the modern-day reality of athletes being Fee is $20 for the session which will train on Mondays, Wednes­ Austin is making a comeback compensated for their achievements. will be held Saturday morning days and Fridays. at age 30 after taking four years “People are aware of reality,” said IAAF general secretary Istvan from 8 to 9 a.m. Payment will be New swimmers may try out for off the tour because of injuries Gyulai. “It wouldnotbe very wise to pretend that the old system was taken on the first Saturday and the team on Monday, Wednesday from a car accident. She played in waking. This new system is a step toward professionalism. ” lessons will begin on that same or Friday, Aug. 30 - Sept. 3. New two tournaments earlier this year Under the previous system adopted by the IAAF in 1982, money day. swimmers must have taken the and more recently played team from endorsements, sponsorships and other sources would go into For Saipan Swim Club team lessons first or competed on a tennis with the Raleigh, NC team. an athlete’s trust fund. Athletes would apply to their national members, training will resume this team previously. Fernandez, 29, is ranked 35th federations to gain access to the funds to pay their expenses. in the world. Austin, the youngest Many federations, however, have largely ignored or circum­ woman ever to win the US Open vented the system. Stoltenberg upsets when she did so in 1979 at 16 Under the new procedures, federations can provide athletes with years, nine months, is hot ranked. direct paying documents or direct payment cards allowing them to “I felt like I was hitting the ball receive the money themselves. Otherwise, the money can be paid to Courier at ATP well most of the time,” a smiling the federation or the athlete’s agent. Austin said after the 66-minute By Terry Kinney It would be nice to win all the Athletes already collect considerable prize, appearance and en­ match at the Manhattan Country time, but everybody loses. That’s dorsement money. But the sport is not yet considered completely Club. “Some of the old stuff felt MASON, Ohio (AP) - Austra­ part of the sport.” professional as it refuses to pay prize money at the Olympics and like it was still there, you know, lian Jason Stoltenberg scored the Stoltenberg, who grew up play­ national and world championships. like passing shots. biggest upset of his career ing on a homemade court on the On another issue, the IAAF approved a controversial proposal to “This really felt good. The more Wednesday, knocking off second- cotton farm his father managed, move its headquarters from London to Monte Carlo. I play, the more it comes back. seeded Jim Courier 3-6, 6-4, 6A was the top-ranked junior player After a long and heated debate, the move was approved by secret But I’m still not totally comfort­ in the second round of the $1.65 in the world in 1987. But his cur­ ballot 138-42, with one abstention. able.” million Thriftway ATP Champi­ rent ranking of 56th is the highest Britain, the United States and other English-speaking nations Fernandez was gracious in de­ onship at the Jack Nicklaus Sports he’s reached on the ATP tour. were among those opposed to the move. feat and was even able to crack a Corner. “I had a few injuries along the The vote had strong political overtones, with a factionledby IAAF joke. Stoltenberg capped the upset way, but mostly I think I wasn’t president Primo Nebiolo favoring the move and a group headed by “I’m 29 and she’s 30,1 guess with a service ace that kicked hungry enough," he said. “This American Ollan Cassell opposing it. Nebiolo and Cassell, executive I’m going to retire after this away from Courier’s backhand win is going to give me confi­ director ofUSA Track and Field, are rivals for power. match,” Fernandez said. “She side. dence. This is the kind of thing “I don’t have a problem with London a with Monte Carlo,” played better than I did. I didn’t “That was the serve I felt most that gives players the confidence Cassell said. “My problem is with the process. There wasn’t even a know what to expect. She did not comfident hitting at the time,” to move to the next level.” written repot. This is just one man’s will.” |J said Stoltenberg, who had trouble make many unforced errors. She Stoltenberg played aggressively, The IAAF, which has been based in London for more than 40 with his first serve all match. hit hard. If she plays like that, going to the net at every opportu­ years, is scheduled to transfer to Monte Carlo in early 1994. “I went for all my serves. I she’ll win.” nity, and Courier missed numer­ Opponents said the new headquarters will be more expensive and Austin was to face Elena wasn’t going to back off it. But ous lobs and passing attempts. inconvenient to reach. that last one, I was just praying.” Likhovtseva of Kazakhstan in a “The only chance forme is ca n ­ The IAAF, however, says Monte Carlo will be cheaper and give Courier appeared sluggish from ing in as much as I can,” second-round match on Wednes­ the federation the juridical status it lacked in London. For example, the second set on, and his serve Stoltenberg said. “I don’t think I day. Likhovtseva advanced ear­ any athlete choosing to sue the IAAF will have to do so in Monte lacked its usual zip. lier Tuesday with a 6-4, 6-2 vic­ could beat him from the baseline. Carlo. “I did the best I could today," “He can always say he didn’t tory over Louise Field. That was not the case previously, as highlighted by the case of Courier said. “I don’t think there’s play his best... but sometimes the Top-seeded Arantxa Sanchez Vicario of Spain overpowered Butch Reynolds. The400meter world record-holder sued the IAAF anything to hang my head about. other guy doesn’t let you play over a c I played as well as I could today. continued on page 39 continued on page 39

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