Sieltorbelastungen Durch Schiffsverkehr an Unterweser Und Unterelbe
Seadikes in Germany Holger Schüttrumpf and Christian Grimm Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, RWTH Aachen University, Germany,, INTRODUCTION north-frisian coast result from storm surge Seadikes (Fig. 1) and estuarine dikes disasters in 1362 and 1634. Furthermore, represent the main coastal defence structure in many lakes behind the present dikes have Germany and protect low lying areas in Lower been developed due to the scouring process of Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Bremen, a breaching dike. Therefore, the crest levels in Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. former centuries correlate well with the More than 2,400,000 people and an area of maximum storm surge levels in that times. The more than 12,000 km2 are protected by more memory of the severe storm surges in the past than 1,200 km of sea dikes and estuarine dikes and the consequences is still fresh and not in Germany (Tab. 1). The protected economic forgotten. As a result of this historical values are high. In Hamburg, the protected development, the local population has a value by estuarine dikes is more than 10 special attitude towards the safety of seadikes Billions of Euro, in Schleswig-Holstein more and the importance of coastal flood defences than 48 Billions of Euro (Schüttrumpf, 2008). and coastal protection is well accepted. Nowadays, maintenance and construction of Tab.1: Overview of dike lengths, protected areas seadikes are performed by the German and population in German federal states Federal States Lower Saxony, Schleswig- (Schüttrumpf, 2008) Holstein, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Free Federal state Length of Protected Protected and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and Dikes area population Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
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