Volume 16 Number 2 ISSN 2314-1234 (Print) Page October 2020 ISSN 2620-5882 (Online) 143—164 Auto-activity: Decolonization and the Politics of Knowledge in Early Postwar Indonesia, ca.1920-1955* SEBASTIAAN BROERE University of Amsterdam Email:
[email protected] Abstract This article presents a history of decolonization and its politics of knowledge Keywords: by examining rural reconstruction programs in the first decade of Indonesian Decolonization; independence. It traces the roots of Indonesia’s first two agricultural development Indonesian Rural schemes to late-colonial criticism of state policy. In these criticisms and schemes, reconstruction; “auto-activity” emerged as a key concept. This paper argues that in the writings of Kasimo Plan; planners and politicians, “auto-activity” facilitated the process of decolonization Knowledge; in various ways. The notion of auto-activity affirmed Indonesian know-how over Rentjana foreign technical assistance; those who developed it would overcome subjective Kesedjahteraan legacies of colonial subjugation; it encouraged the institutionalization of a benevolent Istimewa (RKI); state that helped rural communities to help themselves, and would thus contribute to State-society the materialization of a fair and just society. This article concludes that despite these relations; Village practices of decolonization, programs of “auto-activity” also opened up possibilities Education to overrule farmers’s individual choices in new ways. Centers (BPMD) Abstrak Artikel ini membahas sejarah dekolonisasi dan politik pengetahuan dengan melihat Kata Kunci: secara mendalam program pembangunan pedesaan pada dekade pertama setelah Badan kemerdekaan. Artikel ini menemukan bahwa dua program pembangunan pertanian Pemberdajaan pertama Indonesia berakar pada kritik terhadap kebijakan negara kolonial akhir.