ௐ 1 ഇ! ࢱ 1-39! 2020 ѐ/ߋ؞ཱི !ס έ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώ! ௐ 16 Taiwan International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 1-39 Spring 2020


߉ϒዡ ර̂ጯϔ୉ְચၱ൴णጯրି଱ڌ

ၡ ࢋ

ĂڼԧࣇА૟̬௜Оκϔ୉͹ཌྷ۞൴णĂତ඾аᜪఈᜋ۞തϔ௚ ޢٙणฟ۞ࢭ׻Ă౵ޢο፾ϲކᑭෛޢГֽ҂၅͟ώ۞࢕ְҫᅳĂ൒

྅ጬ੽ֽઇඕԍĄڠ .ͽγϹ౉श vs


ᄃण୕ķጯఙࡁ੅ົĂέΔĂڶέ៉઼ᅫࡁտጯົ͹ᏱĶ˼ᒩѐֽ۞Оκů൴णனٺ൴ܑ * 2019 ѐ 9 ͡ 28 ͟Ą઼ϲέ៉रቑ̂ጯဦ३ᐡ७ડტЪ̂ሁ 508 ົᛉވĄ ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 2

No, Your Majesty, this is not your country. It is our country, our homeland. One day it will be free, free forever- we have sworn it! Ernest Douwes DekkerĞMcMahon, 1981: 30ğ

Though life in was filled with hardship during Japanese military rule, Japan was a model for us in one way, which was that Asia too could defeat Western . This was an important thing we learned from Japan. Before then, it had never entered our minds. Pramoedya Ananta ToerĞISHP, n.d.ğ

With the arrival of the Japanese just about everyone was full of hope, except for those who had worked in the service of the Dutch. Pramoedya Ananta ToerĞWikipedia, 2019ağ

Is Liberty and freedom only for certain favored peoples of this world? will never understand why it is, for instance, wrong for the Germans to rule the Holland if it is right for the Dutch to rule Indonesia. In either case the right to rule rests on pure force and not on the sanction of the population. SukarnoĞMcMahon, 1981: 95ğ

On examination we find that the autonomy offered us by Dr. van Mook is as different from true autonomy as chalk is from cheese. Under fancy titles and a gilded facade Dr. van Mook is out to impose on us a streamlined version of the old Dutch colonial policy— something far, far less than what we already hold. The Dutch are graciously permitting us entry into the basement while we have climbed all the way to the top floor and up to the attic. Mohammad HattaĞMcMahon, 1981: 96ğ 3 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ


1 2 ཏफޘОڌκҘֲĂIndonesia ğࣧώߏఈᜋ ٙᛳ۞ޘОκĞО Φ̳ޘОڌĞNetherlands IndiesğതϔгĂఈᜋд 1602 ѐјϲপధᗽᕝ۞ ĞDutch United East Company, VOCğֽགྷᒉĂ̳ΦЯࠎలჺ൑ਕ҃д д 1816 ѐତგĄд˟Ѩ͵ࠧ̂ጼഇมĂఈᜋдعѐ৔யĂ௣տϤ߆ 1799 ĂޘОڌѐ 5 ͡జᇇ઼ҫᅳĂ൑˧ᜪ̈́ঔγᛳгĂ͟ώд 1942 ѐซԽ 1940 ୢཏफ۞ᅳ˿Ą͟ώд 1945 ѐ 8 ͡ 15 ͟Ըٸ൒̙ᙸຍֶع߹˸۞തϔ߆ ࢫĂ፾ϲྻજᅳጱ۰ᛂΙᏚĞSukarnoğăͽ̈́ݣ྿ĞMohammad Hattağд ކ֏ăކٙγ൴ܑᖎൺ۞፾ϲا۰дฮΐ྿݈ٺ͟ ώ۞ᐵధ˭3Ă8 ͡ 17͟ ᐂ 1ğĄдఈᜋ۞ீ̚ĂВ׶ܢοјϲОκВ׶઼ĞRepublic of IndonesiağĞ ͹ְ۰кΗྫྷ͟ώ࢕Ъүă৿ͻϒ༊ّĂЯѩ՟ѣԯ΁ࣇ࠻дீ྆ć۞઼ ࢬ၆͟࢕̙ಝ˘ᑝĂϨˠͧྵᐹ෸۞઄෪˘؆عఈᜋതϔ߆ٺΪ̙࿅ĂϤ аĂܔୢОκ۞͹ᝋĂఈ࢕дࡻ઼࢕ฤӉᓍ˭႙Ѩٸ৔ΑĄߊ൒ఈᜋ١඗ ĂۋĄགྷ࿅αѐк۞፾ϲጼعĂݒ൑˧ᑝሚВ׶߆טаᅳ˿۞ଠפྏဦࢦາ д 1949 ѐ 12 ͡ 27 ͟జ࢝ٚᄮОκ۞͹ᝋĄٺఈᜋ௣ ᑅၴ˭ĂОκ۞ڼĂ˵ಶߏᄲĂдതϔ௚ۏ͹ཌྷ۞ய઼ޓОκߏఈᜋ ˠ̙ᕝࢬᓜˠ˾࿅кă̈́ళ቎۞ೋّೈᒖĂซˢ˟Ȉ͵ࡔĂጐგγֽ߆ᝋ ဘྏ౅࿅ाᗿਠ۞Ϡ߿Լචֽٛᘇ༊гˠĂٕధΞͽд኎Ϡă̈́ିֈᆸࢬ ဈ̼۞ءăՀ൑ෛ΁ࣇ፾ϲ۞ഽ୕Ă҃ڼர߉̈೎Ăݒ̙ᙸຍ᎕ໂଯજҋ ᓏ͟ৈᆧײҋ͹ڼ੨͞ёՀߏឰ΀௠ĞpriyayiğࢺຏழᗓĂОκˠ۞߆̶ ѐķĞYoung Indonesiansğ̏ܦૻćд఺ॡ࣏Ăགྷ࿅Ҙ͞ன΃ିֈ۞ĶОκ

κҘֲķĞIndonesiağ఺࣎ЩෟĂߏҋ൒ࡊጯछд 1920 ѐνΠٙ౹ĂࣧώߏϡдޘĶО 1 ༚Ăܦ ཏफ۞୉ཏă̈́гந̶ᙷĂ୊జጯϠ௡ᖐ Indonesian Alliance of StudentsޘОڌ :ϔ୉ྻજ۰ϡֽຐညˠϔ۞Т͕Ğunity of peoplesğĞSeekins, 1993: 35; Wikipedia, 2019 Indonesian National AwakeningğĄ 2 ఈᜋĞDutch Republic, United Provinces of the , United Provinces, Republic of the Seven United Netherlandsğߏд 1581 ѐ௲ᗓҘ঱Ͱ፾ϲĞWikipedia, 2019: Dutch RepublicğĄ ϯ͚޺Ă׎΁ˠ݋ፉ͕༖࢕۞ಡೇ̙҃೷ܑၗĞHays, 2008: 2ğĄܑء࣎Ҿ͟ώ࢕ 3 ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 4

ѩజതϔ۞གྷរĂྏဦ෹෸̼͛ăᄬ֏ă̈́ۤົكགྷᙖ൒҃੓4Ă΁ࣇֶፂ ၹ˘࣎ຐည۞ВТវĞimagined communityğĂ˵ಶߏޙ5Ăဘྏڡᆸࢬ۞̶ ,ҋ̎۞ன΃઼छ۞Оκϔ୉ĞIndonesian NationğĞSeekinsٺຐࢋѣ˘࣎ᛳ 1993: 3, 31-33; Anderson, 1991; Cribb & Brown, 1995ğĄ ତ˭ֽĂԧࣇА૟̬௜Оκϔ୉͹ཌྷ۞൴णĂତ඾аᜪఈᜋ۞തϔ௚ ޢٙणฟ۞ࢭ׻Ă౵ޢο፾ϲކᑭෛޢĂГֽ҂၅͟ώ۞࢕ְҫᅳĂ൒ڼ

྅ጬ੽ֽઇඕԍĄڠ .ͽγϹ౉श vs


ĂૻܐȈ͵ࡔ˟ٺ6ă൴੖ۋȈ˝͵ࡔ۞็௚ԩٺОκ۞ϔ୉͹ཌྷθֈ ᄼă͟ώă઼̚ă˿҅׎ăܻ̈́ᘲ೻۞ϔ୉ྻજᇆᜩĂޠăහޘОזצধ ăкܜഇࡼӴјܐдજใ۞ 1930 ѐ΃ԣి൴णĂд͟ώҫᅳ۞ 1940 ѐ΃ ጖ჸࠎൃ൒˘វĂ˵ЯѩĂ˟Ȉ͵ࡔ۞݈ΗొЯѩజჍࠎĶОٺ௣ົ̮ۤ κϔ୉ᛇᏹķ۞ॡ΃ĞSeekins, 1993: 31; Wikipedia, 2019: Indonesian National кĂΒ߁ޝAwakening; McMahon, 1981: 29ğĄܳјОκϔ୉ຍᙊ൴ण۞Я৵ ಫវăౌξ̼ăВய͹ཌྷăаିăିֈă̂ிऎሄăͽ̈́ఈᜋ۞הώ˿О ع჌୉࿣ᗓĂГΐ˯ϔ୉͹ཌྷ۰۞ြֈĂ׎̚Ă౵ࢦࢋ۞ᔘߏఈᜋതϔ߆ ۰χ඾Ķି̼ķă̈́Ķன΃̼ķ۞λᑞĂυืटԡ෪ڼ௚ٺᑅ࢝ćϤڼ߆۞

ѐĞJong JavağĂ੅ኢ˿гă̈́ˠϔܦRaden Satiman Wirjosandjojo д 1918 ѐ౹ϲͬݝ 4 ĞJong SumatrenົםѐܦඍᘷܝѐᛂܦϏֽĂତ඾Ăݣ྿ă̈́ Mohammed Yamin ௡۞ ރѐĞJong Ambonğă̈́ᛂٛܦѐĞJong MinahasağăщզܦBondğĂౙᜈ˫ѣѼৼݣᖠ ҘܦѐĞYong CelebesğĞHuis, 2018: 5ğĄ Ă఺ڡĂۤົ˯ѣα჌ᚑࢦ۞̶݈́۞઼ޙॲፂ TagliacozzoĞ2013: 1-2ğĂОκд፾ϲ 5 ፾ϲ۰ĂᛊтᛂΙᏚăͽפۋณϹᖐĈĞ˘ğ͹ૺᄃ͟ώЪү၆ԩఈᜋăҨ፟˧ົֱۤ ሕˢг˭ԩ͟۰Ăᛊтआᄿ֧ႬĞSutan Syahrirğă̈́ౘ੺̱ϥĞTanٺݣ྿Ă̝̈́ ٺ፾ϲυืҡᐌۤົࢭ׻۰ćĞˬğԓጔன΃̼Ă̝ٺMalakağĈĞ˟ğವՐ፾ϲ۰Ă̝ ᅫ͹ཌྷ઼ٺ۰ᛊтֲᆅĞAcehğ۞ᛂ̜ćͽ̈́Ğαğϔ୉͹ཌྷ̝ޢ۰Ăޘטޙދ͚޺ ۰Ą ,๐ੵĞWikipedia˧ڠعд 1917 ѐజതϔ߆ ޢ ᛊтд 1890 ѐ΍ன۞ Saminism MovementĂ౵ 6 2019: Saminism Movement; Kahin, 1952: 43-44ğĄ 5 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ

Թਇ̄צ༊гˠ۞ᓏࢰፖΐχᑅĂளᛉဥវ࿸ٺඕۤҋϤĂ၆ڼᇈّ۞߆ ଂЪүĂΪѣ͌ᇴ۞යࡻึٺຍఢᔖതϔ۰Ă΀௠݋ҋ֖גႾଠâਠˠ ԩ١തϔ͹ཌྷĂጴᖣ۞ಶߏ఺ֱˠ۞ሤଐăͽ̈́؇ᚥײᓙ೷੼ᓏ় ĞWikipedia, 2019: Indonesian National AwakeningğĄ οކऌĞWilhelmina of the Netherlandsğځຆރд 1901 ѐĂఈᜋ̃ͳ തϔгҊϔѣ໰ᜪ׎჊ٺٙᏜ۞Ķࣖந߆ඉķĞEthical PolicyğĂܑϯఈᜋ၆ ኳϠ߿۞ԼචĂ׍វ۞үࠎΒ߁᛿൅న߉ă̰ొۏࡅ۞ࣖநయЇĂ˵ಶߏ ٙᅮࢋ۞ԫఙĂᄲࡍڼொϔăͽ̈́Ҙ͞ିֈĂ҃ିֈ۞ϫ۞ߏૈዳതϔ௚ ለ߷ጯهޅˠ˧ćд 1900 ѐĂΪѣ 1,500 ЩОκ̈۞ڼಶߏ྾Җมତ௚˞ ѐĂ 1928 ˞ז੼྿ 13,000Ă̙јּͧĂҭߏޅ७Ă࠹ྵ̝˭Ăለ߷ˠ۞̈ :ጯĞWikipedia, 2019̚זه ಶѣ 75,000 ОκˠԆјҘ̈͞ጯିֈă6,500 ฟؕѣ̖ޅĂОκයࡻ۞̈ޢDutch Ethical Policy; Kahin, 1952: 30-31ğĄѩ ̂هఈᜋז፟ົળఈᄬ̈ጯă̈́̚ጯĂܑனᐹள۞லຽϠΞͽซ˘Վྭঔ ҋ̎ྫྷז߇ฏԱ̙זĂ඗̂кᇴයࡻаז૞ĞHuis, 2018: 1ğĄΪߏ՟ѣຐ ለ߷ˠĂЯࠎ࣎ˠܧଵੵء੼৺͛۞ޘОڌ੊࠹ᙯ۞̍үĂ˵ಶߏᄲĂצ ;Ă೩ֻϔ୉͹ཌྷᅳጱ۰۞໢ԖĞMcMahon, 1981: 27ܡצ΍ˠᐝг۞გ྽ Kahin, 1952: 33ğĄ чĂ൒҃ĂҲลයࡻܲٺШ้˯ڼགྷ࿅ 300 ѐ۞തϔ᝕ඛĂ΀௠д߆ Ă͍׎ߏ̳̈ચࣶăརጄෳ୉ăିࣶă̈́ᗁϠćд఺ᇹ۞ࡦېனٺ႕̙֭ ഀ˭Ăฮΐ྿ώ˿ᗁϠ੊ቚጯ७ Doctor Djawa School ۞ጯϠĂд 1908 ѐ௡ ௡ᖐ Noble EndeavorĞ7 Budi UtomoğĂᅳ ጱ ఺ ߏ Wahidinڼᖐௐ˘࣎ன΃۞߆ Sudirhusodoă̈́ Raden SoetomoĂϫᇾߏԼචОκҁѺؖ۞ۤົăགྷᑻă̈́ ຍࢫҲͬݝᄬ۞͚੨ّăଳג̼͛჊ࡅć఺ߏОκϔ୉ྻજ۞ອᚰĂ΁ࣇ ᄬ͞ءཏफ۞఼ϡĞlingua francağ੺ֽᄬĞbazaar MalayğүࠎޘОڌϡ :ϯ፾ϲ۞Оκົोֽ༊ү઼छᄬ֏Ă෪ᇈ඾઼छ۞ဥඕ8ĞHuis, 2018ކ֏Ă 2; Seekins, 1993: 34; McMahon, 1981: 29-3; Kahin, 1952: 390ğĄдТѐĂ঻

ᛌࠎ High Endeavorăٕߏ Prime PhilosophyĄ˫ 7 ຍֹϡ੺ֽᄬă̙ឰ༊гˠֹϡఈᄬྫྷҋ̎ϹኘĂᄮࠎтג၁˯Ăఈᜋˠд͟૱Җ߆ְ 8 ຏĞKahin, 1952: 39ğĄןăͽ̈́Оκˠ۞ҋܫރѩ˘ֽ̖Ξͽჯ޺ఈᜋˠ۞ ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 6

ϡОκࠎЩ۞ۤဥ Indonesian Associationֹޘጯఈᜋ۞ОκጯϠјϲ˞ࢵ ĞPerhimpoenan IndonesiağĂଯજОκ఼ሹϤఈᜋ፾ϲć఺࣎ဥវ۞јࣶ͟ ಞાҫѣ˘य̝гĂᛊтݣ྿ĞHuis, 2018: 1ğĄڼдОκ߆ޢ ဥវ National Indiesڼ೷۞߆ڍд 1910 ѐâ࣎ͧ Noble Endeavor Հ ,PartyĞNationale Indische Partijğ΍னĂᅳጱ۰ߏለֲ஄ҕĞIndo-Europeaans Eurasians ğ۞ಡۤ͹በ ᄃ׌ЩᗁϠ Tjipto ٙѣˠޘОڌMangoenkoesoemoă̈́ Soewardi SoerjaningratĂ΁ࣇ෦ՐඕЪ ͽ఺྆ࠎछ۞ˠķĞThe Indies for those whoٺᛳޘОڌ੠Ր፾ϲă੼಄Ķ make their home hereğćDekker ྫྷᓁ༛ Alexander Willem Frederik Idenburg ă҃ͷ௣ໂϫᇾߏ፾ϲĂᓁ༛ڼ๦ᓏĂࣖந߆ඉᑕྍΒӣࠎതϔг໤౯ҋ ݋ࣼͅ࠹ᙎĂОκϖᅈ̙Ξਕ፾ϲĂ൒ޢд 1913 ѐߤ༰ྍᛨćТѐĂDekker ᄃ׌ҜᗁϠ̓ˠ Tjipto Mangunkusumoă̈́ R. M. Suwardi Surjaningrat д༱ ڌଐᙸăࢋՐనϲވษĞBandungğ௡ј Native CommitteeĂχზШఈᜋͳ ۰Яࠎд 1913 ѐ 7 ͡ 3 ͟ᇤᆷ̈Ί̄IJ઄тԧߏఈᜋޢᛉົĂ௣տĂޘО ఈᜋᇉৡ፾ϲѺѐྥ჋ĂוˠijĞIf I Were for Once to Be a DutchmanğăᏝ ,ుఈᜋĞSeekins, 1993: 34-35; Wikipediaٸ߆ᛨͽᙹᖬཋజ༰ăᅳጱ۰జ 2019: Indonesian National Awakening; Ernest Douwes Dekker; Huis, 2018: 5; McMahon, 1981: 30; Kahin, 1952: 70-71ğĄSurjaningrat ఺ᇹᆷ඾Ĉ

In my opinion, there is something out of place - something indecent — if we (I still being a Dutchman in my imagination) ask the natives to join the festivities which celebrate our independence. Firstly, we will hurt their sensitive feelings because we are here celebrating our own independence in their native country which we colonize. At the moment we are very happy because a hundred years ago we liberated ourselves from foreign domination; and all of this is occurring in front of the eyes of those who are still under our domination. Does it not occur to us that these poor slaves are also longing for such a moment as this, when they like us will be able to celebrate their independence? Or do we perhaps feel that because of our soul-destroying policy we regard all human souls as dead? If that is so, then we are deluding ourselves, 7 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ

because no matter how primitive a community is, it is against any type of oppression. If I were a Dutchman, I would not organize an independence celebration in a country where the independence of the people has been stolen.

ĂаିवથˠĞ͍׎ߏᜐߖຽğд Haji Umarۋࢬ၆ͬݝරથ۞ೋّᚮ ѐјϲ Islamic Trading Association 1909 ٺ˭Said Cokroaminoto ۞ᅳጱ ٺ ĞSarekat Dagang IslamğĂྍ௡ᖐซ҃д R. ޘОڌ྽ྵૻ۞ Islamic UnionĞSarekat IslamğĂଯજקڼѐᖼࠎ߆ 1912 Ă఺ߏௐ˘࣎ᇃ٢ҁѺؖΐˢ۞௡ᖐĂд 1914 ѐཱིჍјࣶѣ 36 ༱ڼҋ۞ ѐд͟ຒјϲ Followers of Muhammad 1912 ٺˠć໢׶ࠁаିव ඍᘷ࠷੼г۞ࣧҝϔѼݑָܲˠܝĞ Muhammadiyah ğĂপҾߏᛂ кˠԸˢ፾ϲྻજĂᛊтݣ྿ćд 1926 ѐĂޝĞMinangkabauğᏨ᜙ણΐĂ Ꮚ໢׶טч۞ Revival of the Religious ScholarsĞNahdlatul Ulamağ΍னĂܲ ࠁ9ĞSeekins, 1993: 35-36; Huis, 2018: 3; Kahin, 1952: 65ğĄ д 1914 ѐĂఈᜋВய͹ཌྷ۰ Hendricus SneevlietĞ̼Щ alias Maring ੺ 10ğ௡ј۞ Indies Social-Democratic AssociationĞISDVğĂАд 1920 ѐᖼڒ ࠎ Communist Association of the IndiesĞPerserikatan Komunisi di Hindiağă ᚶ҃д 1924 ѐϒёԼЩ Indonesian Communist PartyĞPKIğĂдВய઼ᅫ۞ ă̈́ฏ˭ćОВд 1926ă1927 ѐ᏾ົ̍ٺႣ౅߱͘ĂОВ߿᜙פᇣཕ˭ଳ ĂдͬݝăͽܡҤˠϔ۞͚޺Ă̙ᜪВய઼ᅫপચĞћࠁğౘ੺̱ϥ۞ᚍ ᓁВงॏ˞ 13,000 ВᛨЊ̄Ă׎̚ 4,500عඍᘷᛒซ੓ཌྷĂതϔ߆ܝᛂ̈́ Ҙ৸ೀֲ̰11ĞWestern Newזుٸזٸ঻ă823 ˠ߹ٲҿЖˢႯă1,308 ˠ

ෛаିवĂ͟࢕д 1943 ѐјϲ Consultative Council of Indonesianنعఈᜋതϔ߆ 9 MuslimsĞMasyumiğĂৼˢ໢׶ࠁ۞ Muhammadiyahă̈́ܲчࠁ۞ Nahdlatul UlamaĂ఺ ߏ੺೻࡚̓ᛨĞCouncil of Indonesian Muslim Associations, Masyumi Partyğ۞݈֗ ĞSeekins, 1993: 41ğĄ ௐ˘Ҝ΃ܑĂ΁ॲፂдОκ۞གྷរĂ۞઼̚זд 1918 ѐజᜭు΍ဩĂߏВய઼ᅫࠁڒ੺ 10 ,ă൴णཏிૄᖂĞKahin็ކᛉ઼̚Вயᛨΐˢ઼઼̚ϔᛨĂӀϡ׎ᗫ೸۞௡ᖐซҖޙ 1952: 72, 74ğĄ ԼЩࠎҘ͐οֲĞWest PapuağăҘϿ֧щĞWest Irian JayağĄޢ 11 ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 8

;Guineağ۞̜֤࡚ٛĞTanah MerahğĞSeekins, 1993: 36; McMahon, 1981: 31 ৈΐᚑधĄڼĂఈᜋ۞௚ޢKahin, 1952: 71, 74-89ğĄѩ ߏᛂΙᏚĂ΁ߏд 1920 ѐ΃၈ᜨᐝ֎ĂጯϠॡۏˠڼௐ˘࣎Б઼ّ۞߆ Ăд༱ษԫఙጯੰـ΃ಶᄃ Indies Partyă̈́ Islamic Union ۞ᅳጱ۰Ϲ ѐјϲ Perhimpoenan 1925 ٺĂޢĞTechnische Hoogeschool te Bandoengğலຽ ѐјϲ 1928 ٺ˫Pelajar-Pelajar IndonesiaĞPPIIğፋЪٙѣጯϠ௡ᖐĂ Indonesian Nationalist Union12ĞPNIğĂૻአཏி௡ᖐă̙Ъү͹ཌྷĂ௣ໂϫ ᇲߏѼݑָܲˠआᄿ֧Ⴌă̈́ٛ྿Ă׌ˠ۞ጯҜߏఈᜋݏᇾߏ፾ϲć΁۞ Шߏۤົϔ͹ĂҖְநّăઐр႙ซሀёĂ̙ಈᝌᛂΙᏚ้ڼጯă߆̂۞ ࢲॾĂ΁ࣇд 1931 ѐ౹ϲ Indonesian National Educationڼ঎ႝ۞߆ ҖજĂ௣տڼ߆ܧˠ̖ă҃ڼĞPNI-BaruĂ˫Ⴭ New PNIğĂϫᇾߏૈዳ߆ ࢚࣯͛ႬĞBoven Digoelğă̈́ᇝ౩ΐཏफگు͐οֲ۞ٸޢ׌ˠజॏĂА ঱྿फĞBandağĞSeekins, 1993: 37; Wikipedia, 2019: Indonesian National۞ Party; Huis, 2018: 11; McMahon, 1981: 32-33ğĄ ႙ѨعᓏĂതϔ߆ײѐ΃ϐഇĂࢬ၆Оκˠు႙੼ႚ۞፾ϲ 1920 ˞ז ଺ୢĶࣖந߆ඉķĂᛂΙᏚඈᅳఞЯࠎ௡ᖐజ৪૜ᛋ၅Ⴃ౅д 1929 ѐజॏĂ ځඍᘷ۞ܝు̈಻΁ཏफ̚۞τࠃઙ೻फĞFloresğăГᖼ٪ᛂٸͽᙹᖬཋ ΃̝۞ߏ Indonesian PartyĞPartindoğĂ҃פΟጆĞBengkuluğĂPNI ЯѩྋវĂ ˵ЯࠎࢋՐ፾ϲ҃జχᑅĂд 1934 ѐҋҖྋ೸ć͟࢕д 1942 ѐซҫఈᛳ ߆ጪĂ΁ྫྷݣ྿ᄮࠎ఺ߏОκᒔ଀፾ϲ۞̂р፟ົĂܔĂᛂΙᏚࢦޘОڌ ϫ࠹࠻Ăᄮח˧ᛂΙᏚཱིΡཏி۞ਕٺ׌ˠТຍྫྷ͟࢕ЪүĂ҃͟͞˵၆ જࣶĂপҾߏజჍࠎĶ౻ચ۰ķĞrōmushağ۞ૻ࢝౻ۋࠎΞͽࣄࢦซҖጼ જ۰13ĞSeekins, 1993: 37-38, 41ğĄ

12 ˫Ⴭࠎ Indonesian Nationalist PartyĄ γफăٕߏ͟זഇมĂፂҤЍдͬݝಶѣ 400-1,000 ༱౻ચ۰ĂΩѣ 27 ༱జࠁۋдጼ 13 ݝĞSeekins, 1993: 39-40ğĄͬזݑֲҫᅳ۞г͞Ă௣տΪѣ 5 ༱ 2 Ϡᔘаڌώд 9 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ


Φд 1610 ѐనཉᓁ༛ĂௐαЇᓁ༛ࡊाĞJan Pieterszoon̳ޘОڌ Оڌତგ̳Φ۞ఈᛳޢฮΐ྿Ă૟ᓁొనд఺྆Ă͟ڇفCoenğд 1619 ѐ ϲఈޙĂఈᜋࢦາᒔ଀፾ϲăೇ઼ޢĄჍ࠱۞ो৔૬ጼୀعϡࠎࢵڻ˵ޘ ᕖૺĂགྷ۞ޘОڌᜋͳ઼ĞKingdom of the NetherlandsğĂฟؕ᎕ໂणฟд ķĞCultivation SystemğĂૻޘטᑻ҂ณҌ˯ĂপҾߏд 1830 ѐଯજĶਆ჌ гඁ݋ϡֽྃ˿۞ٯĂٙۏϔ૟ࣧώ჌ങቌѼ۞ϣгԼ჌γዚགྷᑻүྺט ࣶăͽ̈́ء෭ఈᜋ۞གྷᑻĂҁѺؖΪࢋ̙ዴѪಶрćጐგ༊гයࡻăതϔ έĂ̖д 1860 ѐ˯عҋϤࠁ߆זරˠ̬̚ЯѩᒔӀĂྺϔ۞࢑ፉΐࢦĂۡ ຽҋજ̼Ꮈ੓Ăдለ̍ٺćд 1870-1940 ѐഇมĂϤޘט΃ฟؕᗫཆ૞኱ ൴णՀߏԣిĂതϔགྷᑻ࠻ֽ̏གྷᙱͽ۞ۏ߷̈́Δ࡚۞ξಞᕖૺĂགྷᑻү ፁજĞSeekins, 1993: 21-30; McMahon, 1981: 23ğĄॲፂ McMahonĞ1981: Φ˘͞ࢬᑅၴྺϔâ͞ࢬ੅р̳ޘОڌĂ˭ڼĂдมତ௚ڱ25-26ğ۞ᄲ Ă൑ԛ̚ଟဳҁѺؖ۞͇൒ᅳጱ۰ĄצຏТ֗ڱයࡻăឰ΁ࣇ൑ ཏफ۞ޘОڌٺ၆ۏˠڼĂఈᜋ̂ி̈́߆ڱ͹ཌྷ۞ү઼ޓ׎΁ٺ࠹ྵ Ă͹ࢋߏЯࠎώ֗Ϊߏ˘࣎̚ݭ۞઼छĞmiddle powerğĂڦᛳгѣྵ੼۞ᙯ ࣶ̂ăˠ˾кăྤ໚ᖳಱ۞തϔгĂ̙֭ߏᖎಏ۞߄ጼ14ćГֽĂ಼ڼࢋ௚ ᒉќ၆ఈᜋ۞གྷᑻ࠹༊ࢦࢋĂΩγĂঔγ۞̍үΞͽ۞ֽ҃חຩޘОڌϤ щଵ઼̰۞̂ጯலຽϠĞSteinberg, 2011: 7-8ğĄ˘ਠ҃֏Ăለ߷઼छ̙֭ሄ ঔγതϔ۞઼ڱ༊гˠ۞ਕ˧൴णă˵̙͉ᙸຍኬ̟ᝋӀĂ׎̚ͽז֍ٺ ߏ࠹༊࢑ࢬĂ͍׎ߏд 1926 ѐВᛨᛢજ˵ޘ۰౵ࠎೋЩߌၓĂ҃ఈᜋ۞ၗ ޘОڌĞ Steinberg, 2011: 17ğĄѣॡ࣏Ăఈᜋົ֏̙Ϥਾܑϯຐࢋૈዳ˘჌ޢ ༊гٺϔ୉ຍᙊĞsense of Indies NationalityğĂ൒҃Ăѣॡ࣏˫ົԼ˾ĂϤ۞ ćЯࠎтѩĂᙱҺآטυืЯгޘטڼă̈́୉ཏ࠹༊к̮Ăѣड़۞߆ົۤ۞ ឰˠछኳႷĂఈᜋᄮࠎ༊гˠϖᅈ̙Ξਕ጖ჸ΍Оκϔ୉Ă֏˭̝ຍĂӈֹ አĞSteinberg, 2011: 11ğĄםă̈́ڼĂᔘߏᅮࢋఈᜋ۞௚ڼΞͽᒔ଀г͞ݭ۞ҋ

14 д˟Ѩ̂ጼ̝ᅫĂОκˠ˾ 7,200 ༱Ăఈᜋˠ˾̙࿅ 900 ༱ĞSteinberg, 2011: 11ğĄ ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 10

યᗟĂڼ߆ܧᄲĂതϔг۞ϔ୉͹ཌྷߏᛋෛኝᗟăֽ҃عఈᜋ߆ٺ၆ ڼ߆ٺࣶྫྷϔ୉ྻજ۰ѣٙତᛈĂд΁ࣇ۞͕ϫ̚Ĉ༊гˠ၆ءЯѩ̙ࣞ Ҙ͞ିֈăҋռҋӀ۞˘̈ᇪˠćצ՟ѣᎸ኷Ă҃ϔ୉͹ཌྷ۰லౣߏֱ֤ତ ໢׶ٺӈֹఈᜋຐࢋྫྷ༊гˠЪүĂֱ֤፬ซ۞ϔ୉͹ཌྷ۰୮൑໤౯ćҌ ,ຐྫྷఈᜋЪүĂ఺ֱˠݒߏ൑֖ᅅࢦĞSteinbergޝϔ୉͹ཌྷ۰Ăᔵ൒΁ࣇ۞ Ăఈᜋˠ۞ണᇷ̙ۋυืซҖതϔጼڍֽ߱͘ᄲĂт۞ڼ17ğĄಶ௚ :2011 ᄼć˘όԆјཇ࿭Җޠăٕߏ઼࡚дහޘд̚ݑΗफăࡻ઼дО઼ڱٺ˭ ௡ᖐăᚑॾგந۞͞ёĂ̂វˠّ̼Ăலౣϫᇾߏтޘ੼פજĂఈᜋົଳ ౵к۞֯ϗĞSteinberg, 2011: 19ğĄפңբ ఈᜋд 1916 ѐనཉٙᏜ۞ˠϔᛉົĞVolksraad, People’s Councilğᑕ ၁ᝋĂ౤кზߏ˘࣎ᛉົ۞ࣧݭ۞ڱĂߊ՟ѣ΃ّܑă˵՟ѣϲާ Ѩ̂ጼϐ˘זĞproto-parliamentğĂϡֽᑕ;ֱ֤ࢼࢵჍҊ۞็௚༖̓ćۡ ଀ఈᜋ߆פഇĂࣗ࠱εନ۞ᓁ༛ Johan Paul van Limburg Stirum ፉ͕Вᛨ έĂᓁ༛௡јጳ˯عć˘όΠᓍ߆ڼᝋĂϏགྷ੊΄ᑕ̯ኬ̟၁ᝋăͽ̈́ҋ ع ᛉ ߆ ޙ߆Լౄ؎ࣶົĞCommission for Constitutional Reformğซ Җ አ ߤă ᛉ൑়҃௣Ĉጐ̝ڼĂజതϔ̂ҊঐᅋࠎĶጯఙ௫үķĂҋڼҋޘОڌኬ̟ ཏफྫྷऱٛ৶ĞCuraçaoğă̈́ᛂӀݑ۞гޘОڌགྷ࿅࣒ጳĂֽޢგтѩĂ Ă࣍ᛉ፾ϲ૟జෛࠎݔޢҜ೩̿ࠎఈᜋͳ઼۞˘ొ̶ă̙ГߏതϔгĂѩ ใĞSeekins, 1993: 33-34; Steinberg, 2011: 20, 51-52; Wikipedia, 2019; Indonesian National Awakening; McMahon, 1981: 30-31ğĄ д 1930 ѐ΃ĂˠϔᛉົШఈᜋଐᙸĞSoetardjo PetitionğĂԓ୕ֶፂఈ υืҡᐌۤڼҋڼநϤߏ߆۞͞ءĂజ๡̝ͽᆄĂڼௐ˘୧ᒔ଀ҋڱᜋጳ གྷᑻ൴णҋ൒јሢֽ҃ćᓁ༛ Bonifacius Cornelis de Jonge ᜘ᙕ႕Ԡг̈́ົ ҂ᇋົޢοЍೇކОκ 300 ѐćд 1941 ѐĂᓁ༛ڼϯĂఈᜋҌ͌ᔘົ௚ܑ οĞRadio addressކऌд 1942 ѐ 12 ͡ 7 ͟ᇃᇫځຆރ࣒ጳĂତ۰Ăఈᜋ̃ͳ Լ۞઼ޓby Queen Wilhelmina on 7 December 1942ğĂ૟ົΡฟ๪ॸົᛉ੅ኢ :ĞSteinberg, 2011: 20, 53; McMahon, 1981: 34; Kahin, 1952ڼ ౄăᑕ ̯ О κ ҋ 95-99ğĄ

11 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ


ԩ۞ٯཏफăၨߜٛѤ൑͕ޘОڌ࢕д 1942 ѐ 1 ͡ 10 ͟ซ࢕ఈᛳ͟ ϫ࠹࠻Ą͟ώᓺᏑ۞ߏᖳח15ĂОκˠڼ΃ອອ୬ᆩ۞ఈᜋതϔ௚פఈ࢕Ă රΔĂυืЈᏥซ˾ࣧफ़Ăܬಱ۞ҋ൒ྤ໚Ğဦ 1ğĂপ Ҿ ߏ д 1937 ѐ 7 ͡ˢ д 1941 ѐᐌ઼࡚ع߆ޘОڌćޘОڌያ઼ֻ࡚ගă25%ֽҋڵᛊт 55%ࣧ Тຍ࢕͞۞Ķݑซ߆ඉķĂд̚ݑΗफ๕т৔ѻĂع߆ִڌ၆͟ώ၁߉༰ྻĂ ତ඾˫дͬݝঔጼԝĞ1942/2/27ğ൭ङࡻ઼ăఈᜋă፫߷ă઼࡚̈́۞ᓑЪ 16 ОκˠٺϏགྷሿથ༖࢕ ಶд 1942 ѐ 3 ͡ 9 ͟Ըࢫć၆ع߆ޘОڌᚻฤĂ ఈٺԼតОκˠ၆غጡჟ։Ăౣ൒̙ጼ҃ࢫĂၔڠᄲĂఈ࢕ˠᇴྵкăֽ :ăᄮࠎఈ࢕൑ᓙ17Ă఺ߏОκ።Ϋ۞̶ͪᑏĞSeekins, 1993: 38-40ڱᜋˠ۞࠻ Kahin, 1952: 101-102ğĄ ώˠ૟ 17 ༱ఈᜋˠă̈́ለ߷ˠβ༰дะ̚ᒉĂ೩٥ᇴͽ˼ࢍОκˠ͟ ۰ڼതϔг۞ۤົ߹જĂΩγĂາ۞௚˞ٸᛳତ͘๱ྃ̚੼ลᖚҜăฟ˭ ༰ͤఈᜋᄬ۞ֹϡĂ૟ᇾ໤̼۞Оκᄬ18ĞIndonesian Language, Bahasa˫ Indonesiağ༊ү̈ጯˬѐ৺ͽ˯ିጯă͟૱Җ߆ăϠຍă̼̈́͛߿જ۞̳ ΃̝Ă֭Ϗૻ࢝ଯዚ͟ώ̼͛ăΪᄮ҃פഇϫᇾߏͽ͟ᄬܜВᄬ֏Ăጐგ ˢ͟ώჟৠٕΞ၆ԩҘ͞തϔ͹ཌྷ19ć˘ฟᐝĂ͟ώᇲෛОκ፾ϲ۞͹ڦࠎ ϐഇฟۋ൴னĂ፾ϲ۞ОκٕధΞͽඕ༖҃ѣӀ࢕ְĂЯѩдጼֽޢૺĂ ѐĂ఺ֱཌྷ݌࢕дຍᙊ˯ߏ͟ͅăͅఈ۞ϔ୉ 1944 ˞ז੊ቚ༊гˠ20Ăؕ

Ă֍ AzizĞ1955ğĄௐ˟Їᓁநᔁ֧͈˚ĞAmir SjarifuddinğڼώдОκ۞തϔ௚͟ٺѣᙯ 15 ОκĞAziz, 1955: 197ğĄڼд௚˥וഅགྷೡࢗĂ͟ώˠॲώߏो඾ ѣ 8,000 Щࡻ࢕ă࡚̈́࢕ዸ௛ͬݝĞKahin, 1952: 101ğĄإ༊ॡĂ 16 дڼĂᚶᜈ௚ڱү۞عჯ൝߆઼ڱߏఈᜋχზྫྷ͟ώથณຳሹĂԓ୕ਕϼड़ڱѣ˘჌ᄲ 17 ݑΗफ۞ᛳгĞKahin, 1952L 102ğĄ̚ ᄬ֏੺ֽҘֲᄬ͞ء఺ߏ˘჌གྷ࿅ᇾ໤̼۞੺ֽᄬĞMalay languageğĂᄃ੺ֽҘֲ 18 ĞBahasa Malaysiağ࠹ܕĄ Т˘࣎჌୉ĞraceğĄٺ࢕д 1942 ѐ 3 ͡ 7 ͟൴Ҷĺௐ˘ཱིୄ΄ĻĂᔘᄲ͟ώˠྫྷОκˠᛳ͟ 19 Ⴭࠎฏ˿֨኎ཌྷ݌࢕ĞTentara Sukarela Pembela Tanah Air/Volunteer Army of Defenders of 20 ጡĂ଀ڠĂ఺ֱˠତќ͟࢕۞ޢ੊ćጼצthe FatherlandĂᖎჍ PetağĂᓁВѣ 57,000 ˠ ,ͽјΑ၆ԩဘྏ঱रаഈ۞ఈᜋ࢕ฤĞTagliacozzo, 2013: 2; Kahin, 1952: 109; Aziz 1955: 226-30ğĄ ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 12

ϲӈᖼೱࠎВޢο፾ϲކјࠎ፾ϲྻજ۞੻຅ĂдОκޢ͟ء͹ཌྷ۰Ă࢕ :׶࢕ĞSeekins, 1993: 40; Steinberg, 2011: 24; McMahon, 1981: 35; Aziz, 1955 209; Kahin, 1952: 109, 131-32ğĄ

໚ĈWowShack TeamĞ2019ğĄֽ ࣣϮŶ២ϮăϮࠒŶ໮ĄܛĈځᄲ

ဦ 1Ĉ͟ώጼ݈၆Оκ۞ຐညĞ 1932ğ

عώ࢕ְ߆͟ٺćϤܓধᝌܚ۰ăᎸ੼ٸฟᐝĂОκˠෛ͟࢕ࠎྋ˘ ՟ѣ֖ૉ۞Җ߆ˠ͘Ăΐ˯ሹፂ̚੼ลҜཉ۞ఈᜋˠă̈́ለֲ஄ҕќ٪ะ ᒉĂҲลОκˠ࿲ॡ̿˞ 1-3 ৺Ă၆͟ώӈֹ՟ѣрຏăҌ͌˵՟ѣ̚ͅ ണᇷĂОκጯϠ႙႙ពٺ࢕۞൑ᖃăࠤҌ͟ٺೀ࣎͡ĂϤזຏć൒҃Ă̙ ፬൴΍Оκˠ۞ϔ୉ຍᙊĂాڼ΍னͅԩĂ௣տĂ੼ᑅ௚ٺᜨᇲຍăࠤҌ ,ຍᙊౌЯࠎ◱ԝ࿅ࢦ҃̂ࠎ੼ႚĞKahin, 1952: 102-104ڼฏ˭ྺϔ۞߆ 128-29ğĄ͟࢕Аޢјϲ PoeteraĞPoesat Tenaga Rakjat, Center of People’s ͞ءPowerğă̈́؇̳ົĞDjawa HokokaiğќበයࡻĂ͹ְ۰ᛂΙᏚ݋Ӏϡ ௡ᖐ็ᇫϔ୉͹ཌྷĞKahin, 1952: 106-10ğĄ 13 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ

፾ϲćְ၁ޢᄼĂ͟ώд 1943 ѐ֭ϏధᏚОκጼޠ቞ոă̈́හٺ࠹ྵ ᛉĞGreater East AsiaົֲڌΡฟִ̂ڌٺ͟ Ă͟ώд 1943 ѐ 11 ͡ 5-6˯ Вၷ઻ĞGreater East Asia Co-Prosperity SphereğĂֲڌConferenceğĂ೬㋃̂ Ρֲ߷ϔ୉၆ԩҘ͞തϔ͹ཌྷĂОκ֭Ϗણΐϒёົᛉ21ć൒҃Ăᐌ඾ཱི͉ д 1944 ѐ 9 ͡ 7ٺЫღĂ͟ώࢵ࠹̈ᒧ઼ߌĞKuniaki Koisoğ௣ۋπ߶ጼ ཏफ፾ϲĂጐޘОڌοĂдĶ̙˳۞૟ֽķĞin the near futureğឰఈᛳކ͟ ቁĂឰ˘Ш͹ૺྫྷ͟࢕Ъү۞ᛂΙᏚă̈́ݣ྿ᗫ˘˾ঈćࠎځგቑಛ̙֭ πिОκˠ۞ᛢજĂТॡ˵ߏࢋჯ᜕׌ˠд͚޺۰͕ϫ̚۞гҜĂҫᅳ˞ 22 ׻ခᐽ༊г۞ϔ୉͹ཌྷĂΪ̙࿅ĂΞਕЯࠎ͹ְ۰аᑕ͉ၙĂϔצ ༊Ԋ ;ி͟ͅ۞ଐჰֶ൒̙ᕝ੼ႚă๕̙Ξ༊ĞHays, 2008: 2; Seekins, 1993: 42 Aziz, 1955: 217: Kahin, 1952: 106ğĄ ௣տĂ͟࢕д 1945 ѐ 3 ͡ 1 ͟ކοӈ૟јϲ፾ϲ໤౯አߤົ23 ĞInvestigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence, ڌBPUPKIğĂࠎͬݝफ۞፾ϲઇ໤౯ćົᛉՙؠϏֽ۞Оκ่̙Βӣఈᛳ զă̈́ఈᛳҘ͐ޓཏफ۞ቑಛĂᔘᕖ̈́ࡻᛳ੺ֲֽ̈́Δ૔ᘲ˜ăཬᛳޘО οֲĂ˵ಶߏĶ̂ОκķĞIndonesia RayağĞWikipedia, 2019: Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Independence; Seekins, 1993: 42ğĄд ፾ ϲ ઼ޙ᝝ѣЩ۞ĺކ໤౯አߤົௐ˘ѨБវົᛉඕՁॡĞ1945/6/1ğĂᛂΙᏚ Јăˠ྽͹ཌྷăϔ୉͹ཌྷăϔ͹ă̈́ۤົܫࣧ݋ĻĞPancasilağĂΒ߁ี̣

୧ࡻ፟ĞHideki Tojoğă႕э઼۞ૺഀ೎ă઼̚۞՘ჟ኎ăڌᄃົ۞΃ܑΒ߁͟ώࢵ࠹ 21 ޠࢵĞᐮ೻ Subhas Chandra Boseğăහ̮عᓜॡ߆ޘ቞ո̮ࢵ͐ంĞBa MawğăҋϤО ঍ࡠ૵ᏐͳĞWanރᄼௐ˟В׶઼ᓁ௚౻࿩ႬĞJose P. Laurel ğă̈́঍઼পֹ ώ͟ٺϒёົᛉĈϤܧણΐִڌ྿ٯ̖ޢWaithayakonğĂᛂΙᏚă̈́ݣ྿ߏдົᛉඕՁ :Ă֭Ϗᔛኛ෸ݑă̈́੼ജ΃ܑᄃົĞWikipedia, 2019عჯ൝߆઼ڱᙸຍ଀ཋৼოԬങ۞̙ Greater East Asia Conference; Aziz, 1955: 217-18ğĄЯࠎݣ྿ྫྷг˭௡ᖐѣٙᓑᘭĂዸͬ ຏᔁ૟ᒔ଀ҋֽ݈ٺᄱͽࠎ΁ࣇᛳִڌ঻д͟ώĂٲݝ͟࢕ࣧώχზ˘˭ࢳ፟ಶΨጳһ ဥវĞCommission of ThanksğĂ੟࿅˘ӃĞKahin, 1952: 106-107ğĄ۞ڼ ڌඍᘷᕩ 25 ࢕ဥăͽ̈́ཏफܝώ૟ዸ࢕̶ࠎїчͬݝ̈́੺ౌٛफ۞ౙ࢕ 16 ࢕ဥăᛂ͟ 22 ϔ୉͹ཌྷă̈́аିवٺщă̈́ྤ໚ฟଳĂ16 ࢕ဥ၆ڼ׌۰۞͹ࢋЇચߏޢᕩঔ࢕Ăొ ಞાԷႊ͹ጱ۞֎ҒڼдОκ۞߆ޢĂ˵ЯѩĂͬݝ͟ޘΒटၗפ߿જଳڼ߆۞ ĞSeekins, 1993: 39-40ğĄ ࡻ͛ĄܧώϡфĂᘲ੺фᖎᆷֽҋОκ͛ࣧ͛ă҃͟פ႔фᖙᛌଳ 23 ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 14

ϒཌྷćдௐ˟ѨБវົᛉ˯Ăѣˠ͹ૺјϲᙷҬ઼࡚۞͵ܸҋϤёϔ͹Ă ĂטࢬĂᛂΙᏚଯજಏ˘វ͞טѣˠ˧ଯаି઼छĂТᇹгĂдጳ߆វ˵ Ăטಏ˘វפ֍ĂТຍଳڡĂிˠͽ፾ϲᐹАॕୢޢć౵טݣ྿݋ઐрᓑ֣ ֏ĂТॡଯᓝᛂ݈۞ڱጳޢᘪ˭ĺฮΐ྿ጳౢĻĞJakarta Charterğүࠎ͟ ;ΙᏚࠎᓁ௚ăݣ྿ࠎઘᓁ௚ĞWikipedia, 2019: Charter; Hays, 2008: 2 Seekins, 1993: 42-43: Kahin, 1952: 122-27ğĄ ૥ϴ˭ࣧ̄ᇅĂ͟ώܜ઼࡚д 1945 ѐ 8 ͡ 6ă8 ̶͟Ҿдᇃफă̈́ٺϤ ཏफ፾ϲ۞໤౯̍үĂд 7 ͟Ăݑ͞࢕ᓁΦ΄ъ̰ုޘОڌజ࢝ΐిఈᛳ ĞHisaichi Terauchiğᑕ̯నཉ˘࣎ 21 ˠ۞፾ϲ໤౯؎ࣶົĞPreparatory˘ Committee for Indonesian Independence, PPKIğĂᛂΙᏚă̈́ݣ྿̶ҾፉЇϒઘ Ă͟͞૟ᛂΙᏚăݣ྿ă̈́ BPUPKI ͹य Radjiman Wediodiningra͟ 9 ˞ ז͹ यć ᛳ෸ݑ̂ΰξથᛉĂъ̰ု˘޽ࠁᛂΙᏚࠎ PPKI ͹यĂТຍд 19ڱזྶ Оڌቁܑϯᅳ˿Βӣٙѣఈᛳځጳົᛉăд 24 ͟ឰОκ፾ϲĂ֭טΡฟ͟ Ă͟ώזཏफćPPKI д 12 ͟ϒёјϲĂˬˠ݋ߏд 14 ̖͟ࢳаĂ՟ຐޘ ĂᛂΙᏚă̈́ݣځଐ๕̙ٺοԸࢫ˞Ăົᛉֽ̙̈́ΡฟćϤކಶޢ͟ д 15 ૶Ăд 15-16ܢ஍ࠎ͟࢕۞ົعѐ࢕Ğpemudasğፉ͕າ߆ܦ྿͕̈ᓍᓍĂ ĞKarawangğ۞࢕ᒉĂ਎࢝ٻᙝΙٛڌฮΐ྿ٺ૟׌ˠፃ֕ăహ༰дҜ͟ Ѻؖҋ൴੓ཌྷ۞عҶ፾ϲĂԓ୕ਕ፬ᐽࢵކ׌ˠ̙ࢋགྷ࿅͟࢕ధΞಶ ĞHays, 2008: 2; Wikipedia, 2019: Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence; Gale, 2007b: 2; McMahon, 1981: 38; Kahin, 1952: 127ğĄ Ҷ፾ϲ24Ăࣗܳј࢕۞ PPKI дѨ͟Ρฟކ͟ ᛂΙᏚд 1945 ѐ 8 ͡ 17 ᛉ८ΞົޘᛉĂଯᏴᛂΙᏚ̈́ݣ྿ࠎϒઘᓁ௚25Ăјϲ˛ˠ̈௡Ăдࢵົ ĞState Constitution of the Republic ofڱBPUPKI д 7 ̏͡གྷਨᑢ۞ᓜॡጳ Indonesia, 1945ğćд 19 ͟۞ௐ˟Ѩ̈௡ົᛉĂ૟Оκ̶ࠎҘͬݝăͬ̚ݝă

֏ߏд͟ώঔ࢕͌૟݈ϣჟĞTadashi Maedağछ̚ਨᑢ۞ĞWikipedia, 2018: Tadashiކ 24 ,Maeda (admiral)ğĄ݈ϣჟྫྷᛂΙᏚăͽ̈́ݣ྿ܲᙋ̙ົ̒࿰ĂᅅҐ̏࿅༱ࢦ̋ĞGale 2007b: 3ğĄ Ă΁΍ЇࢵҜᓁநć΁טд 1945 ѐ 11 ͡ԼؽՀૺࠎ̰ᅦטдआᄿ֧Ⴌ͹ጱ˭Ăጳ߆វ 25 ΃Ąפ˚д 1947 ѐ 6 ͡జઘ͘ᔁ֧͈ 15 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ

Ҙރඍᘷăΐ֧ત̜ĞKalimantanĂӈ૔ᘲ߷ Borneoğăᛂٛܝݝăᛂͬڌ ĞSulawesiğăᇝ౩ΐĞMalukuğă̈́̈಻΁ཏफ26ĞLesser Sunda Islandsğć Central Indonesian National טд 22 ͟۞ௐˬѨົᛉĂ̈௡నཉՙඉ፟ ྅ొڠCommitteeĞKNIPğă઼छ߆ᛨ Indonesian National PartyĞPNIğă̈́ д 29 ͟Αј֗ੜăజᕖ·јࣶޢฤ۞݈֗ĞPeople’s Security AgencyğĂ൒ ΃ĞWikipedia, 2019: Preparatory Committee for IndonesianפKNIP ӛৼ҃ ۞ Independence; Central Indonesian National CommitteeğĄ


ჍࠎОκ፾ϲ˫ــОκϔ୉ࢭ׻ĞIndonesian National Revolutionğ ο፾ϲĞ1945/8/17ğăކĞIndonesian War of IndependenceğĂߏ޽ϤОκۋጼ ፋፋαѐޢ྅ࢭ׻Ă݈ڠᒔ଀ఈᜋϒёٚᄮĞ1949/12/27ğ̝มٙଂְ۞ז Ă࢑యତќ۞ߏ༖ޢĞWikipedia, 2019: Indonesian National RevolutionğĄጼ ݑֲጼડĞSouth East Asia Command, SEACğ౵੼Φ΄ᄋ͐࿲ĞLouisڌ࢕ ࠎ͹۞ࡻ࢕д 1945 ѐ 9ם͹ጼಞĂͽ̂ࡻ઼ܧОκ֭ٺMountbattenğĂϤ щ۞̍үĂ֎Ғ࠹ڼᏵ൳ౙͬݝ27ć̏གྷԸࢫ۞͟࢕జኬ̟ჯ޺ֽ̖ؔؔ͡ ጡග΁ڠВ׶࢕ĂΩ˘͞ࢬ݋ռ˭೩ֻט༊ᑌԉâ͞ࢬυื੨Ъ༖࢕ᑅ ࣇĞHays, 2008: 3; Drooglever, 1998ğĄ Оκ۞Ϗֽ՟ѣຐ͉кă˵՟ѣ˘࡭۞߆ඉĂΪߏٺ၁˯Ă༖઼၆ְ ӣ஄гԓ୕ᗕ͞ррӱ˭ֽኘĈΪ̙࿅Ă̂кᇴ۞ОκҁѺؖ݋ᄮࠎ༖઼ ͟ ਓჾШ̰ᝈĂ༊൒ߏࢋᑒఈᜋޭೇതϔгĂЯѩĂд 1945 ѐ 8 ͡ 17۞ ԣಶྋޝҶ፾ϲă̈́ 9 ͡ 29 ͟༖࢕൳ౙൺൺ̱࣎ᖃ޵̝มĂВ׶઼ᅳጱކ ૟ PPKIعᓝᏱБ઼ّᏴᓝĂາ߆ֽ̙̈́ٺᝋ˧ćϤڼ྅ăዮ׽߆ڠੵ͟࢕ ϡ͟ώҫᅳڻ፟ၹğĂҖ߆˯݋ତќڱᖼࠎϲޢKNIPĞ͟ טᖼೱࠎᏙྙ፟

ඍᘷफă̈́ΐ֧ત̜फඈٙ௡ј۞̂಻΁ཏफĞGreater Sundaܝݝफăᛂͬٺ࠹၆ 26 IslandsğĄ 27 ͹˧ߏОޘ࢕Ą ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 16

,ഇมనཉ۞؇̳ົ௡ᖐă̈́ˠࣶĂ߆ᝋᖼொ̂࡭ึӀĂ͍׎ߏдͬݝĞHays 2008: 3-4: Wikipedia, 2019: Jawa Hokokai; Seekins, 1993: 43-44ğĄ дг͞˯Ăጐგд֭дડાă̈́г͞నཉኜт KNIP ۞̈௡؎ࣶົĂ ࿅ٺଐ๕ൾ຋ͧྵ৾ใâਠҁѺؖ̂࡭˯ᄮࠎ఺ߏ˘ಞࢭ׻ĂЯѩĂ၆ ѐ࢕ćһਣ੺ใĂܦΝྫྷఈᜋă͟ώЪү۞යࡻ̙઄ᙜҒĂপҾߏ፬ซ۞ జᇨᇥڡव۞ҖࠎĂࣧѣ۞ۤົ̶̝ڱᙱҿᕝտౣߏࢭ׻Њ̄ăᔘߏ̙ޝ ă୉ཏăͽ̈́ݱฏ̝มĂВ׶઼дг͞˯۞ᅳጱ۰Тॡࢬି؟ೋ̼ĂΒ߁ ၆ఈᜋ࢕ă̶ᗓ͹ཌྷă̈́νࠁ۞ӵᑝĞHays, 2008: 3-4ğĄ፫߷࢕ฤд 1945 ཏफ΃நᓁ༛ HubertusޘОڌΗొ28Ăఈᛳڌѐ 9 ͡णฟ൳ౙĂซҫཏफ۞ ྿ฮΐ྿Ăఈᜋ଀ͽொˢనд፫߷ο֧೻঱ٯ͟ van Mook д 10 ͡ 2 Ă൴னଐ๕ͧА݈࿰ഇ۞Հពᐍೋع͛ˠ߆ޘОڌĞBisbaneğ۞ఈᛳ ĞNetherlands Indies Civil Administration, NICAğĞHays, 2008: 4; Wikipedia, 2019: ; Gale, 2007b: 3-4ğĄ щă˘ᙝྋାజ͟࢕β༰дะ̚ڼᄋ͐࿲૟࢕ࣧώ۞Їચߏ˘ᙝჯ޺ ڻᒉ۞ለ߷ˠĂ΁ۢ྽̙Ξ̈㌿ֲ߷۞ϔ୉͹ཌྷĂЯѩĂ΁૟һ˧ొཌд ѐ࢕ԯϬᐝ޽ШٙѣΞਕܦĂזĂ՟ѣຐعঔ۞ݱξăԯฏ˭ϹගВ׶߆ 29 ၆፾ϲ۰ĂΒ߁රˠă఼̈́ᇲ۞Оκˠ ౌజᇷ˧࠹ШĂాг͞΀௠ౌͅ 1946 ז͡ Ձ͘൑ඉĞHays, 2008: 4ğĄଂ 1945 ѐ 8عҺዎ߯ĂᛂΙᏚ߆̙ ѐ 12 ͡۞જใĂజჍࠎ ॡഇĂᓁВѣ 3,600 Щለֲ஄ҕᙋ၁Ꭾᙱă εᖸĂፂҤѣ 20,000 Оκˠಉ׻ă̂кᇴߏણΐࢭ׻۞ѐᅅˠĂ҃ 20,000 ߏ͟࢕˵ຫὲһ 1,000 ν ΠĂࡻ ࢕ ݋ ѣ 660 ˠĂ͹ࢋߏОޘ࢕ĞWikipedia, 2019: BersiapğĄ ੺˯ዎ࿃В׶઼ϒఢ࢕ĞIndonesian National Army, TNIğăͽث˯ࡻ࢕ ͪڸݝ۞ͬڌ൳ౙغ͡ ԩĂপҾߏд 1945 ѐ 10ٯ྅ڠϔһĞIaskarğ۞̈́

ඍᘷĄܝ፫࢕࢑యତќγफĞOuter IslandsğĂࡻ࢕࢑యͬݝă̈́ᛂ 28 ࢕ĞRoyal Netherlands Army, KNILğ۞ݑᇝޘОڌఈᜋ࠱छٺԝڇ͹ࢋߏ޽ 29 Ҙ۞ѼৼݣᖠĞMinahasa MenadoneseğĄ΁ࣇރ౩ΐ۞щզˠĞAmboneseğă̈́Δᛂٛ ຍͽג۰ڼĂఈᜋ௚ܫһ࣯ྵ੼Ă̙͌Оκᅳఞ࠹ܠߏૄ༛वă࢕ᅹͧ˘ਠаିवОκ όОκ፾ϲĂҋ̎۞ᐹ๕ಶົ̙֍ĞKahin, 1952: 60-61ğĄ˘ܫлĂឰ΁ࣇ࠹טл 17 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ

Վһௐ 49ޘѐ࢕ཱིٙΡ۞Ѻؖ࿱ԩĂОܦٺܡצזĞSurabayağĂ՟ѣຐ A. W. S. Mallaby ੱ˸Ăࡻ࢕д 11 ͡ 10 ͟൴જౙঔ۩ಡೇّԽᑝĂ ءॠ޽೭ ˵ϠĂࡻ࢕ـጼְؼᜈˬ࣎ᖃ޵̖Ԇјཇ࿭Ă׍Ҥѣ 6,000-12,000 Оκˠ ѣ 295-2,000 ˠੱ˸Ăခ੓Оκˠ۞Т̩ᇲນĂ̫֞ 11 ͡ 10 ͟ߏОκ۞Ķࡻ ౵ҕབྷ۞ۋԝĞ1945/10/10-24ğߏОκ፾ϲጼ̝ͪڸฯ͟ķĞHeroes Dayğć ࡻ࢕۞ണᇷĂ͔੓઼ᅫᔕኢٺݑֲ౵ၝধ۞˘ԝĂϤڌԝă˵ߏࡻ࢕д˘ ࡻ઼௣տυืሹڇ၆ОκതϔĂ༖࢕̙଀̙ϒෛВ׶઼۞хдĂТॡᄲͅ ზၣ࢕ĞHays, 2008: 4-5; Wikipedia, 2019: Battle of ; Seekins, 1993: 44; Gale, 2007b: 3ğĄ Оڌ՟ѣڍаОκ఺๴തϔгĂ͹ࢋ۞நϤߏĈтפĂఈᜋેຍޢጼ ೇ൩Ă˵ົజ׎΁ለ߷ૻᝋ࠻ᅅࠎˬ߹۞ڱ໚30Ă̙ͤఈᜋ۞གྷᑻ൑ྤ۞ޘ Ҷ፾ϲ̙ͤߏ௧੘ă҃ͷކķڱܧछĂ҃ͷдᅳጱลᆸ۞ீ̚ĂОκĶ઼ ߏ van MookĂ΁͹ۏОκ׻ྻ۞ᙯᔣˠޢĻć͹ጱጼڱ࿁ͅĺ1922 ѐጳ˵ дҫعГᄲĂ൑ෛВ׶઼߆ڼૺОκ፾ϲυืೈԔ႙ซĂАឰఈᜋޭೇ௚ щ31ĞSteinberg, 2011: 26-27; McMahon, 1981: 39-40ğĄڼᅳડ̏གྷ၁ኳჯ޺ ఈᜋֽᄲĂߊ൒Оκ፾ϲ̏གྷߏጿ̙ҝ˞Ă̙тึͪଯҐјϲ˘͚࣎ٺ၆ ჯ᜕ࣧѣ۞གྷᑻӀৈ҃טᗓ৔༤۞ᓑ઼֣छĂឰఈᜋΞͽҌ͌Ξͽጐณଠ ĞSeekins, 1993: 4ğĄ Ҙ೻ڱఈᜋ૟ᛂΙᏚă̈́ݣ྿ፀЂࠎ఼ᇲ̶̄ĂෛОκВ׶઼ߏ͟ώ ഇมజۋఈᜋώ֗дጼٺОκˠϔ୉ຍᙊ੼ႚćϤזĂ՟ѣຐۏЊ̄۞ய ܦГ੓Ăതϔг۞ќೇ̙֭ߏ֤ᆃึӀĂপҾߏ̋ڌৼოҫᅳă৿ͻྤ໚ ൑˧ࢬ၆ဩ̰රˠăعĂЯѩᖼ҃యَВ׶߆ۋԩ˧ڠѐ࢕ă̈́Вயᛨඉજ ٩͡ ᇷ˧Њ̄ćࡻ࢕д 1946 ѐ 11ט༼ˠăͽ̈́૦੓۞ВயᛨĂ൑ਕޘО

ᛂט፛ቱ֕ռĂ҃ͅఈЊ̄˫ଠ۞؂൑˧࿄ͤĂ͍׎ߏᄃາΐع༊ॡโξ஡ሩăВ׶߆ 30 ᇎ͕തϔгΞਕົ৔யĂጩത๩͹ࠤܜĂఈᜋੑ߆ొۏүܛඍᘷă̈́ͬݝ۞થຽّனܝ ࢕᜙᜙୬ྏĞGale, 2007a: 1ğĄޘОڌˢĂఈᜋ࠱छ̬˧ڠפଳعᄲ߆ྼٺҌ ಈᝌ΁Ă̙֭މ၁˯Ăvan Mook ׍ѣҋϤ͹ཌྷ้Шă˫ТଐОκϔ୉͹ཌྷĂܲч߆ְ 31 ЯѩĂ΁௣տ֭Ϗৌੵć௣տĂ΁д 1948 ѐᏴፄΝᖚĂᗓฟ΍Ϡгͬݝăᅈ֕ᓑЪ˵ ĞWikipedia, 2019: Hubertus van MookğĄ઼ڱٺڢĂ઼ ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 18

ჿĂ55,000 ఈ࢕̏གྷ႙ѨซዸͬݝĂ௣տ੼྿ 100,000 һ˧Ăߊ൑˧ొཌă ਕྋϥĂ቏дؽ˯ă̙଀̙൴ĂЯѩĂੵ˞ఈВĂఈᜋ઼ົЧྮˠ੺̙˫ ݚᄮࠎ၆ОκВ׶઼णฟ࢕ְҖજ̏གྷ̙ΞᔖҺćఈ࢕̙ͤፃᒔႾ༰В׶ ඍᘷ۞λപĞPalembangğă̈́ജᜋĞMedanğĂ֭ܝᛂٺࣶĂᔘ᜛ࠓҜء઼ ϲ౱ᐻ߆ޙҘफݑొᖣ˾๏ࣥૠ୭Ѻؖα༱ˠ32ĂՀခજ͌ᇴ୉ཏރдᛂٛ ,ĞHays, 2008: 4-5; Wikipediaܫރ۞عᝋĂ఍͕᎕ᇋĂಶߏࢋ݇ऴВ׶઼߆ 2019: Hubertus van Mook; Gale, 2007a: 2ğĄ

˘ăLinggadjati Agreement

ܝᄋ͐࿲ࣧώχზ၁ኳٚᄮВ׶઼߆ᝋĂ̙ᙸឰఈ࢕൳ౙͬݝă̈́ᛂ 33ĞGreat͞ڌĂఈ࢕౅࿅͟ώঔ࢕А݈ҫᅳ۞૔ᘲ߷ă̈́̂זඍᘷĂ՟ѣຐ ϏޭೇĂvan Mook ೩ᛉإঈ̮ٺEastğणฟͅԽĞဦ 2ğć˘ฟᐝĂఈᜋϤ ѐ 1946 ٺćఈᜋАםതϔг፾ϲăГᄃఈᜋВ௡઼۞ޘОڌ௣տົឰఈᛳ ҘΡฟ MalinoރОκЧг۞΃ܑĂҋҖдᛂٛڌᜭඉֽҋ૔ᘲ߷ă̈́͡ 7 णฟኘҿăдعᄃВ׶઼߆͡ 10 ٺConferenceĂдࡻ઼۞ၭ୊˭Ă̙଀̙ ؠ Linggadjati AgreementĞWikipedia, 2019: Unitedם྿јγϹ͟ 15 ͡ 11 States of Indonesia; ; Hays, 2008: 5; Seekins, 1993: 44-45; Hadi, n.d.: 1-2ğĄ ඍᘷă̈́੺ౌٛܝؠĂఈᜋТຍٚᄮОκВ׶઼дͬݝăᛂםॲፂ ĞMadurağ۞၁ኳგᔑᝋĂ୧ІߏОκВ׶઼Тຍᄃ૔ᘲ߷ĞState of κҘֲЪிޘО۞טĞGreat Eastern StateğЪ௡ᓑ֣֣͞ڌBorneoğă̈́̂ ਠ۞םĞUnited States of Indonesia, USIğĞဦ 3ğĂ̂छГВТ௡ј˘઼઼࣎

ĞRaymond Westerlingğ͹ૺࠎ˞୭ᗗ⪠൚Ăυืଳڒࢮ೻পء࢕޽೭ޘОڌఈᜋ࠱छ 32 ಶгᆶҿăႀᑧ۞͞ёĂд׌̝̰࣎͡Ğ1946/12/10-1947/2/21ğणฟȈ˘Ѩٟፍཇ࿭פ Ă΁ጾһग़኎ఈᜋдҘͬݝٙԬޢ͚޺۰ć͟۞عΐᆶҿಶгႀᑧВ׶߆̙ــҖજĂ ᐵధ˭൴જ߹ய߆តĂ۞عĂ˫дఈᜋ߆ڍᛂ̜В׶઼ĞPasundan RepublicğĂ̙سങ۞ ೋЩߌၓ۞΁జОκෛࠎጼϚĞWikipedia, 2019: ; South ϐഇĂ̖ 1960 זۡ˘Ѝ૾۞ࡔᐂĂఈᜋෛОκ۞Νതϔࠎ༰ԟĂ̙ٺCampaignğĄϤ Ķതϔ͵΃ķు႙ࣟ࿬ĂٺѐֽĂϤܕѣၷϔ΍ࢬٚᄮăٕߏүᙋܑϯϫ༜ጼϚҖࠎć ధߏЯࠎѣ֖ૉ۞።Ϋ෼ᗓĂ̖ѣͧྵк۞੅ኢĞGale, 2007a: 5ğĄٕ Ҙă੺ጆΟă̈಻΁ཏफă̈́Ҙ৸ೀֲ̰ĄރΒӣᛂٛ͞ڌ̂ 33 19 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ

໚ĈWikipediaĞ2019: Great EastğĄֽ

Ğ1938-46ğ֣͞ڌ̂۞ޘОڌဦ 2Ĉఈᛳ

ఈᜋОκᓑ༖34ĞNetherlands- Indonesian UnionğĂͽఈᜋ̃ͳࠎ̮ࢵć൒҃Ă ᓑ༖ĞstaatsverbandğĂڼᓑ༖̰உѣ̙Т۞ຐညĂఈᜋᄮࠎ఺ߏ߆ٺᗕ͞၆ ߏםԁ۞ޢВ׶઼͞ࢬ݋ͽࠎ఺ߏ˘჌ᗫ೸۞ඕ༖ĞbondgenootschapğĂ౵ ,Ķᓑ༖˭πඈ۞͹ᝋϾҡķĞsovereign and equal partner in a unionğĞHays 2008: 5; Wikipedia, 2019: ; Kahin, 1952: 196-97ğĄ

໚ĈWikipediaĞ2019: Linggadjati AgreementğĄֽ κҘֲЪி઼ޘᛉ۞Оם ဦ 3ĈLinggadjati

׎၁ĂᔘΒӣఈᛳᛂӀݑĞSurinameğă̈́ఈᛳщгЕ೻Ğthe Netherlands AntillesğĄ 34 ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 20

ᛉΪ̙࿅ߏࣧםሏ୻Ă఺Њޢఈᜋ΃ܑဥĞCommission-Generalğдົ ఈᜋͳ઼۞гҜćvan Mookܕன၁෭ڼ߆۞ޘОڌ݋ّࢍ൪Ăϡຍߏ૟ఈᛳ ᳜֧फٺ͟ ၹĂд 1946 ѐ 12 ͡ 7-24ޙ۞טથĂಶూҋଂְᓑ֣វםϏགྷ Оκ֣ĞState of EastڌᖠົᛉĞDenpasar ConferenceğĂԬങسࢬΡฟ൳ͯ ĞWikipedia, 2019: Linggadjatiڡ̶۞ొ̰عIndonesiağ35ĂྏဦᄦౄВ׶߆ д 1947 ѐ 3 ͡ 25 ͟ᘪࢎޢᛉ౵םAgreement; State of East IndonesiağĄጐგ ႕ຍĂఈ̙͞੼ᎸВ׶઼ѣҋ͹۞γϹă̈́дఈޝᐂ 3ğĂᗕ͞ౌ̙ߏܢĞ ,ϲҘ૔ᘲ߷֣ĞWikipediaޙᜋᔑડЇ׻ᓁ༛ĂВ׶઼݋̙႕ఈ͞˫ᇑଇ 2019: Linggadjati AgreementğĄ

˟ăRenville Agreement

ؠĂם ఈᜋд 1947 ѐ 7 ͡ 20 ͟ͽВ׶઼൑͕ЪүࠎϤᇧ໑ Linggadjati ᐌӈдௐ˟͇൴જԽ๕ĞOperation ProductğĂࠎ˞઼ᅫۤົ۞ঐ෱ཱིჍĶᛋ ၅ҖજķăᄲߏĶ୻நķĞcleansingğݔใЊ̄Ă׎၁ߏଂְବᎿ36Ă༼༼ୀ ˧ඍᘷቑಛ37Ă̪൒ጬܝΪਕೠ೪ͬݝˬ̶̝˘ă̈́̂кᇴᛂعੜ۞В׶߆ 38 ᅫᔕኢ۞ᑅ˧Ă፫߷дᓑЪ઼ щநົ೩ᛉઃͫă઼࡚ٺणฟഫᑝጼćϤ ݋ซ˘Վ೩ᛉјϲၭ୊؎ࣶົĞCommittee of Good Offices, CGOğ΍ࢬ઼ ฮΐ྿៉۞઼࡚ԽᑝྻᏮᚻ Renvilleٺڿѐ 12 ͡ 8 ͟дઃ 1947 ٺአઃ39Ă פјϲĂΒ߁дາဳ۞عणฟኘҿćఈ͞˘ᙝኘҿâᙝూҋซҖᓑ֣߆ ඍᘷ֣ĞState of East SumatrağĂΡฟડા΃ܑົᛉᚯ௡ܝᛂڌᅳ˿Ԭങ۞ གྷ࿅ޢćఈᜋ೩˞ 12 ีࣧ݋ăCGO ˵ྃ·˞ 6 ีࣧ݋Ă౵ع࿅ഭᓑ֣߆ ፍͽ̂ཌྷĂВ׶઼΃ܑҿᕝЧг̳ԸົТຍΐˢޙ઼࡚΃ܑͽགྷᑻ೯ӄࢦ ͚੨Ăᗕ͞௣տд 1948 ѐ 1 ͡ 17۞ع଀ᓑ֣߆פᓑ֣ă҃ͷҋ̎૟Ξͽ

׶ͬݝफͽγ۞ٙѣफᑎĂ̙ӣҘ৸ೀֲ̰ĄొڌΒ߁૔ᘲ߷ 35 ౵ೋЩߌၓ۞ߏ 1947 ѐ 12 ͡ 9 ͟൴ϠдҘͬݝ۞ٛݝॾᇇૠ୭ĞRawagede MassacreğĂ 36 ᓁВѣ 431 Щ͘൑̇ᜠ۞Յϔజఈ࢕ҽᅖૠ୭ĞWikipedia, 2019: Rawagede MassacreğĄ ԣಶќೇ 70%ͬޝ՟ѣ௡ᖐĂఈ࢕ۋԩ˧ڠОκ࢕ฤਨ౹ăొཌቑಛ᏶ᔮĂ҃ϔมٺϤ 37 ಞĞGale, 2007a: 2ğĄڒඍᘷ۞፛ቱܝݝă60%ᛂ ᓑЪ઼۞̬ˢĂ֍ TaylorĞ1960ğ۞ྎ௟ࡔᐂĄٺѣᙯ 38 ֎ҒĂ֍ McMahonĞ1981ğă̈́ RoadnightĞ2002ğĄ۞ޢ઼࡚ጼٺѣᙯ 39 21 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ

,ᐂ 4ğĞHays, 2008: 5; Wikipediaܢᛉ Renville AgreementĞםᘪࢎઃͫ͟ 2019: ; Seekins, 1993: 45; Gale, 2007a: 2ğĄ

ˬăVan Rooijen-Rum Agreement

ĂγϹኘҿ՟ѣซणĂఈ͞ూҋซҖᓑ֖̙ܫጐგઃͫĂᗕ͞Яࠎ̢ ඍܝၹâ͞ࢬԬങ੺ౌٛĞMadurağăҘͬݝĞPasundanğăݑᛂޙ۞֣ ݝඈ֣ĂϤЧ֣ᅳఞВ௡ᓑ֣ᏙᛉົĞFederalͬڌᘷă͐ึ̜֣ă̈́ ຍ̙೩В׶઼ăΪ೩גዛྮĂعConsultative Assembly, BFOğࠎ௡ј࿅ഭ߆ ಶቑĞWikipedia, 2019: RenvilleعඍᘷĂಶߏࢋ࿀В׶઼߆ܝݝ̈́ᛂͬ Agreement; of IndonesiağĄགྷ࿅ 1848 ѐ̂ᏴĂϤ֓ႬĞLouis ൒᎕ऴĂֶعᇇ࿩೻ĞWillem Dreesğࢵ࠹۞ᓑЪ߆זJoseph Maria Beelğă ᕗ૙୕࢕ְྋՙĂఈ࢕д 1948 ѐ 12 ͡ 18 ͟൴જ˟ѨĶᛋ၅Җજķ˘ڦ؝ ĞOperation KraaiğĂࡎ᝚ҫᅳВ׶઼۞ᓜॡࢵౌ͟ຒĞYogyakartağĂፃᒔ Ă҃ണعᓑ֣߆צుત֐Ă࿀࢝В׶઼ତٸВ׶઼ᓁ௚ᛂΙᏚඈˠă૟׎ ,ĞWikipediaعĞBukittinggiğјϲღާ߆آ˚Рڠඍᘷ۞ܝዶ۰݋߹ᖇҘᛂ 2019: Operation Kraai; gale, 2007a: 5ğĄ ਎̚ᕝĺ੺໏ރጐგ࢕ְҖજ̂ѣୈᒔĂ઼ᅫᔕኢᙈ൒ĂপҾߏ઼࡚ ઃͫĂ៰ײ೯ӄĂᓑЪ઼щநົАޙႬࢍ൪ĻĞMarshall Planğ၆ఈᜋ۞ࢦ ᅳጱٸăᛖع఼࿅ĺௐ 67 ཱིՙᛉĻĞResolution 67ğࢋՐఈ͞ޭೇВ׶߆˫ ٺ˭˧۰ăд 1949 ѐ 7 ͡ 1 ݈͟૟Ϲ΍Оκ͹ᝋć௣տĂᗕ͞д઼࡚۞ᑅ ؠ Roem–van Roijen AgreementĂ଀ͽᔖҺௐˬѨᛋםѐ 5 ͡ 7 ͟ᘪཌ 1949 ၅ҖજĞWikipedia, 2019: Roem–van Roijen Agreement; Seekins, 1993: 46ğĄ ӄ˭ĂםдᓑЪ઼Оκ؎ࣶົĞUnited Nations Commission for Indonesiağ۞ ѐ 8 ͡ 23 ͟дঔͰणฟ๪ॸົ 1949 ٺఈ͞ăВ׶઼ă̈́ᓑ֣Ꮩᛉົ΃ܑ ᛉĂ౵ޢд 11 ͡ 2 ͟ᘪཌĺ͹ᝋᖼொጳౢĻĞCharter of Transfer of ᛉםਨ९ă̈́གྷᑻඈڱSovereigntyğăĺᓑ༖୧ּĻĞStatute of Unionğăጳ ĞWikipedia, 2019: Dutch–Indonesian Round Table Conference; Seekins, 1993: 46ğĄ κҘֲЪிޘ͹ᝋᖼொගОޘОڌд 1949 ѐ 12 ͡ 27 ͟Ăఈᜋ૟ٙᛳ ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 22

κҘֲᓑ֣ޘВ׶઼ĞRepublic of the United States of Indonesia, RUSIĂО ᅳгĂ൒ڼВ׶઼ğĞဦ 4ğ40ĂΒӣОκВ׶઼ඈ 7 ֣࣎ă̈́ 9 ࣎ۡᛳҋ ຍᄦౄ̶̼ăגщଵĂߏതϔ۰х͕̙։۞טĂ̙͌ϔ୉͹ཌྷ۰ᄮࠎᓑ֣҃ ОκĂ׎΁௡јڌඍᘷă̈́ܝᛂڌ˞ऴ̼Оκ۞ౚᏖćд 1950 ѐ 4 ͡Ăੵ छО઼טјࠎಏ˘វ׀ˢОκВ׶઼Ăତ඾Ăˬ۰д 5 ͡Ъ׀ಏҜజχ೸ ΃ĺ1949פĻĞProvisional Constitution of 1950ğڱκВ׶઼Ăĺ1950 ѐᓜॡጳ ĻĞFederal Constitution of 1949ğĂОκЪி઼݋ϒёঐεڱѐᓑ֣ጳ ĞWikipedia, 2019: United States of IndonesiağĄ

໚ĈWikipediaĞ2019: United States of IndonesiağĄֽ κҘֲЪிВ׶઼Ğ1949-50ğޘဦ 4ĈО

陸、外交途徑 vs. 武裝奮鬥

ѐ̖ 1949 זۡ˘οОκ፾ϲĂކĂᛂΙᏚд 1945 ѐޢѨ̂ጼඕՁ˟ Ѫѷೇ፼ĂտౣߏЯࠎڼᒔ଀ఈᜋٚᄮĂ֤ᆃĂາϠ઼छјΑԩ١തϔ௚ ྅ጬ੽ڠٺᅫγϹ౉शĞdiplomacy, diplomasiğ۞Ӆ˧ݶड़ăᔘߏࢋᕩΑ઼

ᛉ̙ӣҘ৸ೀם͹ᝋᖼொυืᒔ଀ˬ̶̝˟ఈᜋ઼ົᛉࣶТຍĂࠎ˞щᇬܲчࠁᛉࣶĂ 40 ,ᛉĻĞNew York AgreementğĂ̖ᕩᔘОκĞGaleםѐĂᗕ͞ᘪࢎĺ৸ࡗ 1962 זĂֲ̰ۡ 2007b: 7; Wikipedia, 2019: New York AgreementğĄ 23 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ

Ğstruggle, perjuanganğĞCribb, 1986: 72; Gale, 2007b: 6ğĉॲፂ Tagliacozzo ˯Оκ፾ϲ۞ྚᛖĂੵ˞็௚۞੺ҹ೻͹ཌྷ౉शĂૄώٺĞ2013: 3ğĂѣᙯ ᅳఞڼΞͽᕩৼࠎ׌̂ࠁĈĞ˘ğBenedict Anderson ᄮࠎĂ༊ॡ۞໢׶ࠁ߆ ᒢٺࢭ׻Ԧຕ͕̈Ă࠹၆гĂৌϒਕѣӄົۤٺă၆઼ޙд፾ϲٸԯࢦ͕ ࣒ϒ͹פѐ࢕ćĞ˟ğWilliam Frederick ݋ଳܦྋࢭ׻۞ߏֱ֤؇ᚥࢭ׻۞ ࡻฯĂ҃ߏтңજࣶҁѺؖણᄃٺཌྷ۞៍ᕇĂᄮࠎࢦᕇ̙дॡ๕ă˵̙д ።ΫְІٺኒ෵Ă၆۞ۏˠڼТྮቢ۞ؠҜăͽ̈́߆̙ז஝ঘٺࢭ׻ĄϤ ٙגᙱҺົѣݑᔔΔᖽ۞ྚᛖĂᛊт Linggadjati AgreementĂপҾߏᙯᔣॡ

྅ጬ੽Ąڠ .ඉரĂ˵ಶߏγϹ౉श vs۞פଳ дᛂݣћĞSuhartoğ͹߆۞ٙᏜĶາ৩ԔķĞNew Order, Orde Baruğ ഇมĞ1966-98ğĂОκ۞።Ϋିࡊ३ૻአ࢕͞дОκ፾ϲ࿅඀۞ࢦࢋّĂ ᛂݣћॡ΃Ă˵ಶߏ༊˭ٙᏜĶԼࢭķĞReform, Reformasiğޢ࠹၆гĂд ҂γϹӅ˧۞ࢦࢋّྫྷ࢕ְጬ੽˘ᇹࢦޥăͽ̈́ጯ۰ฟؕۏˠڼॡ΃Ă߆ ᛉĂВ׶םLinggadjati Agreement ۞ෞᆊȈ̶࢑ࢬĂЯࠎॲፂ ٺࢋć݈۰၆ γ઼ᑅ˧۞ԸࢫҖशĂ࠹၆ٺڇئୢ˘ֱᅳ˿ĂЯѩᄮࠎ̙ಀߏٸυื઼ عᛉдன၁˯ߏυࢋ۞ĂலౣĂࣣјϲ۞В׶઼߆ם۰݋ᄮࠎኘҿޢгĂ ᒔᔛኘҿĂπ੓πӱĂϏဘ̙ߏ၁ኳٚᄮОκߏ˘࣎າ઼छĂЯѩĂ Linggadjati Agreement ᑕྍߏγϹጼர˯۞ࡎ৔Ăତ˭ֽ̖ѣᓑЪ઼щநົ ;(᜜ኢă̬̈́ˢĞHadi, n.d.: 6-8; Wikipedia, 2019: (Indonesia۞ Post- ErağĄ ϲಶрăޙᄮࠎΪࢋ͹ᝋ઼छਕعGaleĞ2007b: 6-7ğ޽΍ĂВ׶઼߆ Ă࠹၆гĂצఈᜋ۞͚੨ĂҘ͞ૻᝋ෸ֽ෸Ξͽତצᙸຍᇶॡ؎ѡՐБତ ᛉĂЯѩд઼ᅫۤົ෸ԛםΞࢬ၆Оκ፾ϲ۞ְ၁ăͯࢬᇧ໑̙عఈᜋ߆ ൴જ࢕ְବᎿăጼቢޘ؝ϲć࠹޺̙˭Ăᗕ͞Ϊрдጼಞ֍ৌౢĂఈᜋ׌ ౻णฟഫᑝጼĂ௣տᔘߏѣ౻࠻̙˭Ν۞ᓑЪޞĂВ׶઼݋ͽชܜཌ࿅ొ ܝ਎ӀᄵఈᜋឰՎćᓜރ΍ࢬአઃĂ͍׎ߏࣧώܲ޺̚ϲ۞઼࡚၆ᖼ઼҃ ІķĞMadiun AffairğĂВ׶઼߆ְ܆ཙ۞ߏОВд 1948 ѐ൴જ۞Ķࡸఆ˘ :ߏͅВ۞ĞGale, 2007b: 6; Wikipedia, 2019عາ߆ܫ΍һବᎿĂឰ઼࡚࠹ع AffairğĄ ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 24

ܢᐂ 1ĈОκ፾ϲކ֏ĞProclamation of Indonesian Independenceğ41

Brothers and Sisters All! I have asked you to be in attendance here in order to witness an event in our history of the utmost importance. For decades we, the People of Indonesia, have struggled for the freedom of our country — even for hundreds of years! There have been waves in our actions to win independence which rose, and there have been those that fell, but our spirit still was set in the direction of our ideals. Also during the Japanese period our efforts to achieve national independence never ceased. In this Japanese period it merely appeared that we leant upon them. But fundamentally, we still continued to build up our own powers, we still believed in our own strengths. Now has come the moment when truly we take the fate of our actions and the fate of our country into our own hands. Only a nation bold enough to take its fate into its own hands will be able to stand in strength. Therefore last night we had deliberations with prominent Indonesians from all over Indonesia. That deliberative gathering was unanimously of the opinion that NOW has come the time to declare our independence. Brothers and Sisters: Herewith we declare the solidarity of that determination. Listen to our proclamation:


41 KahinĞ2000ğĄ 25 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ

So it is, Brothers and Sisters! We are now already free! There is not another single tie binding our country and our people! As from this moment we build our state. A free state, the State of the Republic of Indonesia — evermore and eternally independent. Allah willing, God blesses and makes safe this independence of ours! ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 26

ܢᐂ 2Ĉฮΐ྿ጳౢĞJakarta Charterğ42

Whereas independence is a genuine right of all nations and any form of foreign occupation should thus be erased from the earth as it is not in conformity with humanity and justice, Whereas the struggle of the Indonesian independence movement has reached the blissful point of leading the Indonesian people safely and well before the monumental gate of an independent Indonesian State which shall be free, united, sovereign, just and prosperous, By the grace of Almighty Allah and urged by the lofty aspiration to exist as a free nation, Now therefore, the people of Indonesia declare herewith their independence, Pursuant to which, in order to form a Government of the State of Indonesia that shall protect the whole people of Indonesia and the entire homeland of Indonesia, and in order to advance general prosperity, to develop the nation’s intellectual life, and to contribute to the implementation of a world order based on freedom, lasting peace and social justice, Indonesia’s National Independence shall be laid down in a Constitution of the State of Indonesia, which is to be established as the State of the Republic of Indonesia with sovereignty of the people and based on the belief in the One and Only God, with the obligation to abide by Islamic law for adherents of Islam, on just and civilized humanity, on the unity of Indonesia and on democratic rule that is guided by the strength of wisdom resulting from deliberation / representation, so as to realize social justice for all the people of Indonesia. Jakarta, 22 June 1945 Signed: Sukarno A.A. Maramis Abikoesno Tjokrosoejoso Kahar Moezakkir Wahid Hasjim

42 Wikipedia (2019: ). 27 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ

ܢᐂ 3ĈLinggadjati Agreement

Preamble - The Netherlands Government, represented by the Commission- General for the Netherlands Indies, and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, represented by the Indonesian delegation, moved by a sincere desire to ensure good relations between the peoples of the Netherlands and Indonesia in new forms of voluntary co-operation which offer the best guarantee for sound and strong development of both countries in the future and which make it possible to give a new foundation to the relationship between the two peoples; agree as follows and will submit this agreement at the shortest possible notice for the approval of the respective parliaments: Article 1 - The Netherlands Government recognizes the Government of the Republic of Indonesia as exercising de facto authority over , Madura and . The areas occupied by Allied or Netherlands forces shall be included gradually, through mutual co-operation, in Republican territory. To this end, the necessary measures shall at once be taken in order that this inclusion shall be completed at the latest on the date mentioned in Article 12.

Article 2 - The Netherlands Government and the Government of the Republic shall co-operate in the rapid formation of a sovereign democratic State on a federal basis to be called the United States of Indonesia.

Article 3 - The United States of Indonesia shall comprise the entire territory of the Netherlands Indies with the provision, however, that in case the population of any territory, after due consultation with the other territories, should decide by democratic process that they are not, or not yet, willing to join the United States of Indonesia, they can establish a special relationship for such a territory to the United States of Indonesia and to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Article 4 - The component parts of the United States of Indonesia shall be the Republic of Indonesia, , and the without prejudice to the right of the population of any territory to decide by democratic process that its position in the United States of Indonesia shall be arranged otherwise. Without derogation of the provisions of Article 3 and of the first paragraph of this Article, the United States of Indonesia may make special arrangements ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 28

concerning the territory of its capital.

Article 5 - The constitution of the United States of Indonesia shall be determined by a constituent assembly composed of the democratically nominated representatives of the Republic and of the other future partners of the United States of Indonesia to which the following paragraph of this Article shall apply. Both parties shall consult each other on the method of participation in this constituent assembly by the Republic of Indonesia, by the territories not under the authority of the Republic and by the groups of the population not, or insufficiently, represented with due observance of the responsibility of the Netherlands Government and the Government of the Republic, respectively.

Article 6 - To promote the joint interests of the Netherlands and Indonesia, the Netherlands Government and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia shall co-operate in the establishment of a Netherlands Indonesian Union by which the Kingdom of the Netherlands, comprising the Netherlands, the Netherlands Indies, Surinam and Curacao, shall be converted into the said Union consisting on the one had of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, comprising the Netherlands, Surinam and Curacao, and on the other hand the United States of Indonesia. The foregoing paragraph does not exclude the possibility of a further arrangement of the relations between the Netherlands, Surinam and Curacao.

Article 7 - A. The Netherlands Indonesian Union shall have its own organs to promote the joint interests of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United States of Indonesia. B. These organs shall be formed by the Governments of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United States of Indonesia and, if necessary, by the parliaments of those countries. C. The joint interests shall be considered to be co-operation on foreign relations, defence and, as far as necessary, finance as well as subjects of an economic or cultural nature.

Article 8 - The King (Queen) of the Netherlands shall be at the head of the Netherlands Indonesian Union. Decrees and resolutions concerning the joint 29 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ

interests shall be issued by the organs of the Union in the King’s (Queen’s) name.

Article 9 - In order to promote the interests of the United States of Indonesia in the Netherlands and of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Indonesia, a High Commissioner shall be appointed by the respective Governments.

Article 10 - Statutes of the Netherlands Indonesian Union shall, furthermore, contain provisions regarding: A. Safeguarding of the rights of both parties towards one another and guarantees for the fulfilment of their mutual obligations. B. Mutual exercise of civil rights by Netherlands and Indonesian citizens. C. Regulations containing provisions in case no agreement can be reached by the organs of the Union. D. Regulation of the manner and conditions of the assistance to be given by the services of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United States of Indonesia as long as the services of the latter are not, or are insufficiently, organized; and E. Safeguarding in both parts of the Union of the fundamental human rights and liberties referred to in the Charter of the Organization.

Article 11 - A. The statutes of the Netherlands Indonesian Union shall be drafted by a conference of representatives of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the future United States of Indonesia. B. The statutes shall come into effect after approval by the respective parliaments.

Article 12 - The Netherlands Government and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia shall endeavour to establish the United States of Indonesia and the Netherlands Indonesian Union before January 1, 1949.

Article 13 - The Netherlands Government shall forthwith take the necessary steps in order to obtain the admission of the United States of Indonesia as a Member of the United Nations Organization immediately after the formation of the Netherlands Indonesian Union.

Article 14 - The Government of the Republic of Indonesia recognizes the claims of all non-Indonesians to the restoration of their rights and the restitution of their goods as far as they are exercised or to be found in the territory over which it ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 30

exercises de facto authority. A joint commission will be set up to effect this restoration and restitution.

Article 15 - In order to reform the Government of the Indies in such a way that its composition and procedure shall conform as closely as possible to the recognition of the Republic of Indonesia and to its projected constitutional structure, the Netherlands Government, pending the realization of the United States of Indonesia and of the Netherlands Indonesian Union, shall forthwith initiate the necessary legal measures to adjust the constitutional and international position of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the new situation.

Article 16 - Directly after the conclusion of this agreement, both parties shall proceed to reduce their armed forces. They will consult together concerning the extent and rate of this reduction and their co-operation in military matters.

Article 17 - A. For the co-operation between the Netherlands Government and the Government of the Republic contemplated in this agreement, an organization shall be called into existence of delegations to be appointed by each of the two Governments with a joint secretariat. B. The Netherlands Government and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia shall settle by arbitration any dispute which might arise from this agreement and which cannot be solved by joint consultation in conference between those delegations. In that case a chairman of another nationality with a deciding vote shall be appointed by agreement between the delegations or, if such agreement cannot be reached, by the President of the International Court of Justice.

Article 18 - This agreement shall be drawn up in the Netherlands and Indonesian languages. Both texts shall have equal authority. 31 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ

43 ܢᐂ 4ĈRenville Agreement

A. The Principles Proposed by the Netherlands and accepted by the Parties on January 17, 1948:

1. That the assistance of the Committee of Good Offices be continued in the working out and signing of an agreement for the settlement of the political dispute in the islands of Java, Sumatra and Madura, based upon the principles underlying the Linggadjati Agreement. 2. It is understood that neither party has the right to prevent the free expression of popular movements looking toward political organizations which are in accord with the principles of the Linggadjati Agreement, It is further understood that each party will guarantee the freedom of assembly, speech and publication at all times, provided that this guarantee is not construed so as to include the advocacy of violence of reprisals. 3. It is understood that decisions concerning changes in administration of territory should be made only with the full and free consent of the populations of those territories and at a time when the security and freedom from coercion of such populations will have been ensured. 4. That on the signing of the political agreement provision be made for the gradual reduction of the armed forces of both parties. 5. That as soon as practicable after the signing of the truce agreement, economic activity, trade, transportation and communications be restored through the co-operation of both parties, taking into consideration the interests of all the constituent parts of Indonesia. 6. That provision be made for a suitable period of not less than six months nor more than one year after the signing of the agreement during which time uncoerced and free discussion and consideration of vital issues will proceed; at the end of this period free elections will be held for self-determination by the people of their political relationship to the United States of Indonesia. 7. That a constitutional convention be chosen according to democratic procedure to draft a constitution for the United States of Indonesia.

43 ˫Ⴭࠎ Renville Political PrinciplesĄ ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 32

8. It is understood that if, after signing the agreement referred to in item 1, either party should ask the United Nations to provide an agency to observe conditions at any time up to the point at which sovereignty is transferred from the Government of the Netherlands to the Government of the United States of Indonesia, the other party will take this request in serious consideration. The following four principles are taken from the Linggadjati Agreement: 9. Independence for the Indonesian peoples. 10. Co-operation between the peoples of the Netherlands and Indonesia. 11. A sovereign State on a federal basis under a constitution which will be arrived at by democratic processes. 12. A union between the United States of Indonesia and other parts of the Kingdom of the Netherlands under the King of the Netherlands.

B. Six Additional Principles Submitted by the Committee of Good Offices and accepted by the Parties on January 19, 1948:

1. Sovereignty throughout the Netherlands Indies is and shall remain with the Kingdom of the Netherlands until, after a stated interval, the Kingdom of the Netherlands transfers its sovereignty to the United States of Indonesia. Prior to the termination of such stated interval the Kingdom of the Netherlands may confer appropriate rights, duties and responsibilities on a provisional federal Government of the territories of the future United States of Indonesia. The United States of Indonesia, when created, will be a sovereign and independent State in equal partnership with the Kingdom of the Netherlands in a Netherlands Indonesian Union, at the head of which shall be the King of the Netherlands. The status of the Republic of Indonesia will be that of a State within the United States of Indonesia. 2. In any provisional federal Government created prior to the ratification of the constitution of the future United States of Indonesia, all States will be offered fair representation. 3. Prior to the dissolution of the Committee of Good Offices, either party may request that the services of the Committee be continued to assist in adjusting differences between the parties which relate to the political agreement and which may arise during the interim period. The other party will interpose no objection to such a request. This request would be brought to the attention of 33 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ

the Security Council of the United Nations by the Government of the Netherlands. 4. Within a period of not less than six months or more than one year from the signing of this agreement, a plebiscite will be held to determine whether the populations of the various territories of Java, Madura and Sumatra wish their territory to form part of the Republic of Indonesia or another State within the United States of Indonesia, such plebiscite to be conducted under observation by the Committee of Good Offices, should either party in accordance with the procedure set forth in paragraph 3 above request the services of the Committee in this capacity. The parties may agree that another method for ascertaining the will of the populations may be employed in place of a plebiscite. 5. Following the delineation of the States in accordance with the procedure set forth in paragraph 4 above, a constitutional convention will be convened through democratic procedures to draft a constitution for the United States of Indonesia. The representation of the various States in the convention will be in proportion to their populations. 6. Should any State decide not to ratify the constitution and desire, in accordance with the principles of Articles 3 and 4 of the Linggadjati Agreement, to negotiate a special relationship with the United States of Indonesia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, neither party will object. ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 34


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39 ઼ޙОκ۞፾ϲ

The Independence of Indonesia

Cheng-Feng Shih Professor, Department of Indigenous Affairs and Development National Dong Hwa University Shoufeng, Hualien, TAIWAN


We shall start with an introduction of the development of Indonesia nationalism followed by a review of the Dutch colonization and the growth of Indonesian identity. We then examine the Japanese military occupation and its influence on the maturing of modern Indonesian nationalist consciousness. Further, we will look into the revolution after its declaration of independence after the war. Finally, we will conclude with the contesting between diplomatic measures and armed resistance.

Keywords: Indonesian nationalism, Dutch colonization, Japanese military occupation, independence revolution

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