ௐ 1 ഇ! ࢱ 1-39! 2020 ѐ/ߋ؞ཱི !ס έ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώ! ௐ 16 Taiwan International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 1-39 Spring 2020 * 印尼的獨立建國 ߉ϒዡ ර̂ጯϔְચၱ൴णጯրିڌ ၡ ࢋ ĂڼԧࣇА̬Оκϔཌྷ۞൴णĂତаᜪఈᜋ۞തϔ ޢٙणฟ۞ࢭĂޢοϲކᑭෛޢГֽ҂၅͟ώ۞ְҫᅳĂ ྅ጬֽઇඕԍĄڠ .ͽγϹश vs ă͟ώְҫᅳăϲࢭڼᙯᔣෟĈОκϔཌྷăఈᜋ۞തϔ ᄃण୕ķጯఙࡁົĂέΔĂڶέ៉઼ᅫࡁտጯົᏱĶ˼ᒩѐֽ۞Оκů൴णனٺ൴ܑ * 2019 ѐ 9 ͡ 28 ͟Ą઼ϲέ៉रቑ̂ጯဦ३ᐡ७ડტЪ̂ሁ 508 ົᛉވĄ ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 2 No, Your Majesty, this is not your country. It is our country, our homeland. One day it will be free, free forever- we have sworn it! Ernest Douwes DekkerĞMcMahon, 1981: 30ğ Though life in Indonesia was filled with hardship during Japanese military rule, Japan was a model for us in one way, which was that Asia too could defeat Western colonialism. This was an important thing we learned from Japan. Before then, it had never entered our minds. Pramoedya Ananta ToerĞISHP, n.d.ğ With the arrival of the Japanese just about everyone was full of hope, except for those who had worked in the service of the Dutch. Pramoedya Ananta ToerĞWikipedia, 2019ağ Is Liberty and freedom only for certain favored peoples of this world? Indonesians will never understand why it is, for instance, wrong for the Germans to rule the Holland if it is right for the Dutch to rule Indonesia. In either case the right to rule rests on pure force and not on the sanction of the population. SukarnoĞMcMahon, 1981: 95ğ On examination we find that the autonomy offered us by Dr. van Mook is as different from true autonomy as chalk is from cheese. Under fancy titles and a gilded facade Dr. van Mook is out to impose on us a streamlined version of the old Dutch colonial policy— something far, far less than what we already hold. The Dutch are graciously permitting us entry into the basement while we have climbed all the way to the top floor and up to the attic. Mohammad HattaĞMcMahon, 1981: 96ğ 3 ઼ޙОκ۞ϲ 壹、前言 1 2 ཏफޘОڌκҘֲĂIndonesia ğࣧώߏఈᜋ ٙᛳ۞ޘОκĞО Φ̳ޘОڌĞNetherlands IndiesğതϔгĂఈᜋд 1602 ѐјϲপధᗽᕝ۞ ĞDutch United East India Company, VOCğֽགྷᒉĂ̳ΦЯࠎలჺਕ҃д д 1816 ѐତგĄд˟Ѩ͵ࠧ̂ጼഇมĂఈᜋдعѐயĂտϤ߆ 1799 ĂޘОڌѐ 5 ͡జᇇ઼ҫᅳĂ˧ᜪ̈́ঔγᛳгĂ͟ώд 1942 ѐซԽ 1940 ୢཏफ۞ᅳ˿Ą͟ώд 1945 ѐ 8 ͡ 15 ͟Ըٸ̙ᙸຍֶع߹˸۞തϔ߆ ࢫĂϲྻજᅳጱ۰ᛂΙᏚĞSukarnoğăͽ̈́ݣ྿ĞMohammad Hattağд ކ֏ăކٙγ൴ܑᖎൺ۞ϲا۰дฮΐ྿݈ٺ͟ ώ۞ᐵధ˭3Ă8 ͡ 17͟ ᐂ 1ğĄдఈᜋ۞ீ̚ĂВܢοјϲОκВ઼ĞRepublic of IndonesiağĞ ְ۰кΗྫྷ͟ώЪүăͻϒ༊ّĂЯѩ՟ѣԯࣇ࠻дீ྆ć۞઼ ࢬ၆̙͟ಝ˘ᑝĂϨˠͧྵᐹ۞෪˘؆عఈᜋതϔ߆ٺΪ̙࿅ĂϤ аĂܔୢОκ۞ᝋĂఈдࡻ઼ฤӉᓍ˭႙ѨٸΑĄߊఈᜋ١ ĂۋĄགྷ࿅αѐк۞ϲጼعĂݒ˧ᑝሚВ߆טаᅳ˿۞ଠפྏဦࢦາ д 1949 ѐ 12 ͡ 27 ͟జ࢝ٚᄮОκ۞ᝋĄٺఈᜋ ᑅၴ˭ĂОκ۞ڼĂ˵ಶߏᄲĂдതϔۏཌྷ۞ய઼ޓОκߏఈᜋ ˠ̙ᕝࢬᓜˠ˾࿅кă̈́ళ۞ೋّೈᒖĂซˢ˟Ȉ͵ࡔĂጐგγֽ߆ᝋ ဘྏ࿅ाᗿਠ۞Ϡ߿Լචֽٛᘇ༊гˠĂٕధΞͽдϠă̈́ିֈᆸࢬ ဈ̼۞ءăՀෛࣇϲ۞ഽ୕Ă҃ڼர߉̈Ăݒ̙ᙸຍ᎕ໂଯજҋ ᓏ͟ৈᆧײҋڼ੨͞ёՀߏឰĞpriyayiğࢺຏழᗓĂОκˠ۞߆̶ ѐķĞYoung Indonesiansğ̏ܦૻćдॡ࣏Ăགྷ࿅Ҙ͞னିֈ۞ĶОκ κҘֲķĞIndonesiağ࣎ЩෟĂߏҋࡊጯछд 1920 ѐνΠٙ౹ĂࣧώߏϡдޘĶО 1 ༚Ăܦ ཏफ۞ཏă̈́гந̶ᙷĂజጯϠᖐ Indonesian Alliance of StudentsޘОڌ :ϔྻજ۰ϡֽຐညˠϔ۞Т͕Ğunity of peoplesğĞSeekins, 1993: 35; Wikipedia, 2019 Indonesian National AwakeningğĄ 2 ఈᜋĞDutch Republic, United Provinces of the Netherlands, United Provinces, Republic of the Seven United Netherlandsğߏд 1581 ѐ௲ᗓҘͰϲĞWikipedia, 2019: Dutch RepublicğĄ ϯ͚Ăˠፉ͕༖۞ಡೇܑ̙҃ၗĞHays, 2008: 2ğĄܑء࣎Ҿ͟ώ 3 ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 4 ѩజതϔ۞གྷរĂྏဦ̼͛ăᄬ֏ă̈́ۤົكགྷᙖ҃4Ăࣇֶፂ ၹ˘࣎ຐည۞ВТវĞimagined communityğĂ˵ಶߏޙ5Ăဘྏڡᆸࢬ۞̶ ,ҋ̎۞ன઼छ۞ОκϔĞIndonesian NationğĞSeekinsٺຐࢋѣ˘࣎ᛳ 1993: 3, 31-33; Anderson, 1991; Cribb & Brown, 1995ğĄ ତ˭ֽĂԧࣇА̬Оκϔཌྷ۞൴णĂତаᜪఈᜋ۞തϔ ޢٙणฟ۞ࢭĂޢοϲކᑭෛޢĂГֽ҂၅͟ώ۞ְҫᅳĂڼ ྅ጬֽઇඕԍĄڠ .ͽγϹश vs 貳、印尼民族主義的發展 ĂૻܐȈ͵ࡔ˟ٺ6ă൴ۋȈ˝͵ࡔ۞็ԩٺОκ۞ϔཌྷθֈ ᄼă͟ώă઼̚ă˿҅ăܻ̈́ᘲ۞ϔྻજᇆᜩĂޠăහޘОזצধ ăкܜഇࡼӴјܐдજใ۞ 1930 ѐԣి൴णĂд͟ώҫᅳ۞ 1940 ѐ ჸࠎൃ˘វĂ˵ЯѩĂ˟Ȉ͵ࡔ۞݈ΗొЯѩజჍࠎĶОٺົ̮ۤ κϔᛇᏹķ۞ॡĞSeekins, 1993: 31; Wikipedia, 2019: Indonesian National кĂΒ߁ޝAwakening; McMahon, 1981: 29ğĄܳјОκϔຍᙊ൴ण۞Я৵ ಫវăౌξ̼ăВயཌྷăаିăିֈă̂ிऎሄăͽ̈́ఈᜋ۞הώ˿О عᗓĂГΐ˯ϔཌྷ۰۞ြֈĂ̚Ăࢦࢋ۞ᔘߏఈᜋതϔ߆ ۰χĶି̼ķă̈́Ķன̼ķ۞λᑞĂυืटԡ෪ڼٺᑅ࢝ćϤڼ߆۞ ѐĞJong JavağĂኢ˿гă̈́ˠϔܦRaden Satiman Wirjosandjojo д 1918 ѐ౹ϲͬݝ 4 ĞJong SumatrenົםѐܦඍᘷܝѐᛂܦϏֽĂତĂݣ྿ă̈́ Mohammed Yamin ۞ ރѐĞJong Ambonğă̈́ᛂٛܦѐĞJong MinahasağăщզܦBondğĂౙᜈ˫ѣѼৼݣᖠ ҘܦѐĞYong CelebesğĞHuis, 2018: 5ğĄ ĂڡĂۤົ˯ѣαᚑࢦ۞̶݈́۞઼ޙॲፂ TagliacozzoĞ2013: 1-2ğĂОκдϲ 5 ϲ۰ĂᛊтᛂΙᏚăͽפۋณϹᖐĈĞ˘ğૺᄃ͟ώЪү၆ԩఈᜋăҨ፟˧ົֱۤ ሕˢг˭ԩ͟۰Ăᛊтआᄿ֧ႬĞSutan Syahrirğă̈́ౘ̱ϥĞTanٺݣ྿Ă̝̈́ ٺϲυืҡᐌۤົࢭ۰ćĞˬğԓጔன̼Ă̝ٺMalakağĈĞ˟ğವՐϲ۰Ă̝ ᅫཌྷ઼ٺ۰ᛊтֲᆅĞAcehğ۞ᛂ̜ćͽ̈́Ğαğϔཌྷ̝ޢ۰Ăޘטޙދ͚ ۰Ą ,๐ੵĞWikipedia˧ڠعд 1917 ѐజതϔ߆ ޢ ᛊтд 1890 ѐன۞ Saminism MovementĂ 6 2019: Saminism Movement; Kahin, 1952: 43-44ğĄ 5 ઼ޙОκ۞ϲ Թਇ̄צ༊гˠ۞ᓏࢰፖΐχᑅĂளᛉဥវٺඕۤҋϤĂ၆ڼᇈّ۞߆ ଂЪүĂΪѣ͌ᇴ۞යࡻึٺຍఢᔖതϔ۰Ăҋ֖גႾଠâਠˠ ԩ١തϔཌྷĂጴᖣ۞ಶߏֱˠ۞ሤଐăͽ̈́؇ᚥײᓙᓏ় ĞWikipedia, 2019: Indonesian National AwakeningğĄ οކऌĞWilhelmina of the Netherlandsğځຆރд 1901 ѐĂఈᜋ̃ͳ തϔгҊϔѣᜪٺٙᏜ۞Ķࣖந߆ඉķĞEthical PolicyğĂܑϯఈᜋ၆ ኳϠ߿۞ԼචĂវ۞үࠎΒ߁న߉ă̰ొۏࡅ۞ࣖநయЇĂ˵ಶߏ ٙᅮࢋ۞ԫఙĂᄲࡍڼொϔăͽ̈́Ҙ͞ିֈĂ҃ିֈ۞ϫ۞ߏૈዳതϔ ለ߷ጯهޅˠ˧ćд 1900 ѐĂΪѣ 1,500 ЩОκ̈۞ڼಶߏ྾Җมତ˞ ѐĂ 1928 ˞ז྿ 13,000Ă̙јּͧĂҭߏޅ७Ă࠹ྵ̝˭Ăለ߷ˠ۞̈ :ጯĞWikipedia, 2019̚זه ಶѣ 75,000 ОκˠԆјҘ̈͞ጯିֈă6,500 ฟؕѣ̖ޅĂОκයࡻ۞̈ޢDutch Ethical Policy; Kahin, 1952: 30-31ğĄѩ ̂هఈᜋז፟ົળఈᄬ̈ጯă̈́̚ጯĂܑனᐹள۞லຽϠΞͽซ˘Վྭঔ ҋ̎ྫྷז߇ฏԱ̙זĂ̂кᇴයࡻаזĞHuis, 2018: 1ğĄΪߏ՟ѣຐ ለ߷ˠĂЯࠎ࣎ˠܧଵੵء৺͛۞ޘОڌ࠹ᙯ۞̍үĂ˵ಶߏᄲĂצ ;Ă೩ֻϔཌྷᅳጱ۰۞ԖĞMcMahon, 1981: 27ܡצˠᐝг۞გ Kahin, 1952: 33ğĄ чĂ҃ĂҲลයࡻܲٺШ้˯ڼགྷ࿅ 300 ѐ۞തϔඛĂд߆ Ă͍ߏ̳̈ચࣶăརጄෳăିࣶă̈́ᗁϠćдᇹ۞ࡦېனٺ႕̙֭ ഀ˭Ăฮΐ྿ώ˿ᗁϠቚጯ७ Doctor Djawa School ۞ጯϠĂд 1908 ѐ ᖐ Noble EndeavorĞ7 Budi UtomoğĂᅳ ጱ ߏ Wahidinڼᖐௐ˘࣎ன۞߆ Sudirhusodoă̈́ Raden SoetomoĂϫᇾߏԼචОκҁѺؖ۞ۤົăགྷᑻă̈́ ຍࢫҲͬݝᄬ۞͚੨ّăଳג̼͛ࡅćߏОκϔྻજ۞ອᚰĂࣇ ᄬ͞ءཏफ۞఼ϡĞlingua francağֽᄬĞbazaar MalayğүࠎޘОڌϡ :ϯϲ۞Оκົोֽ༊ү઼छᄬ֏Ă෪ᇈ઼छ۞ဥඕ8ĞHuis, 2018ކ֏Ă 2; Seekins, 1993: 34; McMahon, 1981: 29-3; Kahin, 1952: 390ğĄдТѐĂ ᛌࠎ High Endeavorăٕߏ Prime PhilosophyĄ˫ 7 ຍֹϡֽᄬă̙ឰ༊гˠֹϡఈᄬྫྷҋ̎ϹኘĂᄮࠎтג၁˯Ăఈᜋˠд͟૱Җ߆ְ 8 ຏĞKahin, 1952: 39ğĄןăͽ̈́Оκˠ۞ҋܫރѩ˘ֽ̖Ξͽჯఈᜋˠ۞ ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 6 ϡОκࠎЩ۞ۤဥ Indonesian Associationֹޘጯఈᜋ۞ОκጯϠјϲ˞ࢵ ĞPerhimpoenan IndonesiağĂଯજОκ఼ሹϤఈᜋϲć࣎ဥវ۞јࣶ͟ ಞાҫѣ˘य̝гĂᛊтݣ྿ĞHuis, 2018: 1ğĄڼдОκ߆ޢ ဥវ National Indiesڼ۞߆ڍд 1910 ѐâ࣎ͧ Noble Endeavor Հ ,PartyĞNationale Indische PartijğனĂᅳጱ۰ߏለֲҕĞIndo-Europeaans Eurasians ğ۞ಡۤበ Ernest Douwes Dekker ᄃЩᗁϠ Tjipto ٙѣˠޘОڌMangoenkoesoemoă̈́ Soewardi SoerjaningratĂࣇ෦ՐඕЪ ͽ྆ࠎछ۞ˠķĞThe Indies for those whoٺᛳޘОڌՐϲă಄Ķ make their home hereğćDekker ྫྷᓁ༛ Alexander Willem Frederik Idenburg ă҃ͷໂϫᇾߏϲĂᓁ༛ڼᓏĂࣖந߆ඉᑕྍΒӣࠎതϔг౯ҋ ࣼͅ࠹ᙎĂОκϖᅈ̙ΞਕϲĂޢд 1913 ѐߤ༰ྍᛨćТѐĂDekker ᄃҜᗁϠ̓ˠ Tjipto Mangunkusumoă̈́ R. M. Suwardi Surjaningrat д༱ ڌଐᙸăࢋՐనϲވษĞBandungğј Native CommitteeĂχზШఈᜋͳ ۰Яࠎд 1913 ѐ 7 ͡ 3 ͟ᇤᆷ̈Ί̄IJтԧߏఈᜋޢᛉົĂտĂޘО ఈᜋᇉৡϲѺѐྥĂוˠijĞIf I Were for Once to Be a DutchmanğăᏝ ,ుఈᜋĞSeekins, 1993: 34-35; Wikipediaٸ߆ᛨͽᙹᖬཋజ༰ăᅳጱ۰జ 2019: Indonesian National Awakening; Ernest Douwes Dekker; Huis, 2018: 5; McMahon, 1981: 30; Kahin, 1952: 70-71ğĄSurjaningrat ᇹᆷĈ In my opinion, there is something out of place - something indecent — if we (I still being a Dutchman in my imagination) ask the natives to join the festivities which celebrate our independence. Firstly, we will hurt their sensitive feelings because we are here celebrating our own independence in their native country which we colonize. At the moment we are very happy because a hundred years ago we liberated ourselves from foreign domination; and all of this is occurring in front of the eyes of those who are still under our domination. Does it not occur to us that these poor slaves are also longing for such a moment as this, when they like us will be able to celebrate their independence? Or do we perhaps feel that because of our soul-destroying policy we regard all human souls as dead? If that is so, then we are deluding ourselves, 7 ઼ޙОκ۞ϲ because no matter how primitive a community is, it is against any type of oppression. If I were a Dutchman, I would not organize an independence celebration in a country where the independence of the people has been stolen. ĂаିवથˠĞ͍ߏᜐߖຽğд Haji Umarۋࢬ၆ͬݝරથ۞ೋّᚮ ѐјϲ Islamic Trading Association 1909 ٺ˭Said Cokroaminoto ۞ᅳጱ ٺ ĞSarekat Dagang IslamğĂྍᖐซ҃д R. Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto ޘОڌྵૻ۞ Islamic UnionĞSarekat IslamğĂଯજקڼѐᖼࠎ߆ 1912 Ăߏௐ˘࣎ᇃ٢ҁѺؖΐˢ۞ᖐĂд 1914 ѐཱིჍјࣶѣ 36 ༱ڼҋ۞ ѐд͟ຒјϲ Followers of Muhammad 1912 ٺˠćࠁаିव ඍᘷ࠷г۞ࣧҝϔѼݑָܲˠܝĞ Muhammadiyah ğĂপҾߏᛂ кˠԸˢϲྻજĂᛊтݣ྿ćд 1926 ѐĂޝĞMinangkabauğᏨણΐĂ Ꮚטч۞ Revival of the Religious ScholarsĞNahdlatul UlamağனĂܲ ࠁ9ĞSeekins, 1993: 35-36; Huis, 2018: 3; Kahin, 1952: 65ğĄ д 1914 ѐĂఈᜋВயཌྷ۰ Hendricus SneevlietĞ̼Щ alias Maring 10ğј۞ Indies Social-Democratic AssociationĞISDVğĂАд 1920 ѐᖼڒ ࠎ Communist Association of the IndiesĞPerserikatan Komunisi di Hindiağă ᚶ҃д 1924 ѐϒёԼЩ Indonesian Communist PartyĞPKIğĂдВய઼ᅫ۞ ă̈́ฏ˭ćОВд 1926ă1927 ѐົ̍ٺႣ߱͘ĂОВ߿פᇣཕ˭ଳ ĂдͬݝăͽܡҤˠϔ۞͚Ă̙ᜪВய઼ᅫপચĞћࠁğౘ̱ϥ۞ᚍ ᓁВงॏ˞ 13,000 ВᛨЊ̄Ă̚ 4,500عඍᘷᛒซཌྷĂതϔ߆ܝᛂ̈́ Ҙ৸ೀֲ̰11ĞWestern Newזుٸזٸă823 ˠ߹ٲҿЖˢႯă1,308 ˠ ෛаିवĂ͟д 1943 ѐјϲ Consultative Council of Indonesianنعఈᜋതϔ߆ 9 MuslimsĞMasyumiğĂৼˢࠁ۞ Muhammadiyahă̈́ܲчࠁ۞ Nahdlatul UlamaĂ ߏ࡚̓ᛨĞCouncil of Indonesian Muslim Associations, Masyumi Partyğ۞݈֗ ĞSeekins, 1993: 41ğĄ ௐ˘ҜܑĂॲፂдОκ۞གྷរĂ۞઼̚זд 1918 ѐజᜭుဩĂߏВய઼ᅫࠁڒ 10 ,ă൴णཏிૄᖂĞKahin็ކᛉ઼̚Вயᛨΐˢ઼઼̚ϔᛨĂӀϡᗫ۞ᖐซҖޙ 1952: 72, 74ğĄ ԼЩࠎҘ͐οֲĞWest PapuağăҘϿ֧щĞWest Irian JayağĄޢ 11 ăௐ 1 ഇĞ2020/ߋ؞ཱིğס Įέ៉઼ᅫࡁտ؞Ώįௐ 16 8 ;Guineağ۞̜֤࡚ٛĞTanah MerahğĞSeekins, 1993: 36; McMahon, 1981: 31 ৈΐᚑधĄڼĂఈᜋ۞ޢKahin, 1952: 71, 74-89ğĄѩ ߏᛂΙᏚĂߏд 1920 ѐ၈ᜨᐝ֎ĂጯϠॡۏˠڼௐ˘࣎Б઼ّ۞߆ Ăд༱ษԫఙጯੰـಶᄃ Indies Partyă̈́ Islamic Union ۞ᅳጱ۰Ϲ ѐјϲ Perhimpoenan 1925 ٺĂޢĞTechnische Hoogeschool te Bandoengğலຽ ѐјϲ 1928 ٺ˫Pelajar-Pelajar IndonesiaĞPPIIğፋЪٙѣጯϠᖐĂ Indonesian Nationalist Union12ĞPNIğĂૻአཏிᖐă̙ЪүཌྷĂໂϫ ᇲߏѼݑָܲˠआᄿ֧Ⴌă̈́ٛ྿Ăˠ۞ጯҜߏఈᜋݏᇾߏϲć۞ ШߏۤົϔĂҖְநّăઐр႙ซሀёĂ̙ಈᝌᛂΙᏚ้ڼጯă߆̂۞ ࢲॾĂࣇд 1931 ѐ౹ϲ Indonesian National Educationڼႝ۞߆ ҖજĂտڼ߆ܧˠ̖ă҃ڼĞPNI-BaruĂ˫Ⴭ New PNIğĂϫᇾߏૈዳ߆ ࢚࣯͛ႬĞBoven Digoelğă̈́ᇝ౩ΐཏफگు͐οֲ۞ٸޢˠజॏĂА ྿फĞBandağĞSeekins, 1993: 37; Wikipedia, 2019: Indonesian National۞ Party; Huis, 2018: 11; McMahon, 1981: 32-33ğĄ ႙ѨعᓏĂതϔ߆ײѐϐഇĂࢬ၆Оκˠు႙ႚ۞ϲ 1920 ˞ז ୢĶࣖந߆ඉķĂᛂΙᏚඈᅳఞЯࠎᖐజ৪ᛋ၅Ⴃд 1929 ѐజॏĂ
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