Emergent Identity of College Students in the Digital Age

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Emergent Identity of College Students in the Digital Age Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons LSU Doctoral Dissertations Graduate School 2015 #Becoming: Emergent Identity of College Students in the Digital Age Examined Through Complexivist Epistemologies Paul William Eaton Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, pweaton@gmail.com Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_dissertations Part of the Education Commons Recommended Citation Eaton, Paul William, "#Becoming: Emergent Identity of College Students in the Digital Age Examined Through Complexivist Epistemologies" (2015). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 3604. https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_dissertations/3604 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at LSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in LSU Doctoral Dissertations by an authorized graduate school editor of LSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contactgradetd@lsu.edu. #BECOMING: EMERGENT IDENTITY OF COLLEGE STUDENTS IN THE DIGITAL AGE EXAMINED THROUGH COMPLEXIVIST EPISTEMOLOGIES A Dissertation SuBmitteD to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University anD Agricultural anD Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The School of Education by Paul William Eaton B.A., University of Minnesota Twin Cities, 2002 M.ED, University of MarylanD College Park, 2005 May 2015 For my mother – who always gave me the space anD love to pursue my Dreams. ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I will inaDvertently anD unintentionally miss the names of many people who have Been so critical in my reaching this personal anD acaDemic milestone. Completing a Doctorate is not a solo enDeavor. I hope all who have assisted, supported, challengeD, anD mentoreD me will accept my sincere gratituDe. I am truly humBleD By your grace anD love. I feel truly BlesseD my family nurtureD my love of learning from a young age. My parents supporteD my Desire to attenD college; then graDuate school; anD my Decision to pursue Doctoral stuDies. I coulD not have Done any of this without my Mom – who always listeneD as I shareD what I learneD in class, enthusiastically cheereD me on when I struggleD, anD raiseD me to finish what I start. Mom – you are the most gracious, loving, selfless person I know. I hope I make you prouD. To Patrick – thank you for supporting me anD loving me in all ways possiBle these past three years: giving up countless hours as I reaD anD wrote, relinquishing the home office, anD importantly – forcing me to get out anD relax on occasion. I would Be remiss if I Did not mention Conway, our dog, as well – who sat By my siDe through countless hours of work, senDing me positive energy and love. I want to give special thanks to my University of Louisiana at Lafayette colleagues, who gave me the support anD encouragement to Begin pursuing my Ph.D. There were many stuDents who I had the honor of working with in the Office of Orientation who supported this endeavor in the earliest days. I would like to personally thank Tyler, Katie, George Anthony, Taylor, KolBy, Leondre, AnDre, Cameron, anD Chelsea. Your comBineD aBilities to make me laugh, persist, anD love of the academic life yourselves inspireD me greatly. I have Been supporteD By a wonDerful network of professional colleagues, particularly in ACPA – College Student Educators International. In particular, memBers of the Developments team, the PresiDential Task Force on Digital Issues in StuDent Affairs, anD fellow researchers: Josie, ADam, Paul, and Jason. iii At Louisiana State University, peer scholars of unparalleleD excellence have surrounDeD me. Danielle anD Kevin – I am BeyonD grateful we met in FounDations anD have continueD supporting each other these past four years. You are Brilliant scholars; I cherish you Both greatly. Berlisha – the Best aDvice anD the Best laughs. Carla anD Keeley – my first writing group, who helpeD me formulate anD articulate some of the earliest ideas in this Dissertation. There are many others: Shaofei, Reagan, Alex, Benterah, Maria, DaviD, Krystie, Jerry, anD ABBey. My Dissertation committee has Been BeyonD supportive. I want to thank you all personally for supporting my nontraDitional approach to this project, reaDing countless Drafts, challenging me to Become a Better writer, anD mentoring me, always, through this process. Finally, to TJ, Alyse, Selene, Alex, Maxine, Miranda, and ABigail: thank you for sharing with me glimpses of your Becoming. I am aweD By each of you. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................ iii LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................................................................... vii ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................................................. viii CHAPTER 1 POINTS OF ENTRY ........................................................................................................................................... 1 Research Questions ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 Bricolage ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Inquiry on Identity, Complexity, anD Social MeDia ................................................................................................ 6 Bifurcations: Paths Through the Process ................................................................................................................ 14 The Regressive Moment ................................................................................................................................................. 16 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................................ 19 CHAPTER 2 IDENTITY AND COLLEGE STUDENT DEVELOPMENT THEORY ............................................... 21 What is IDentity? ................................................................................................................................................................ 24 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................................ 42 CHAPTER 3 TOWARD A COMPLEXIVIST EPISTEMOLOGY AND IDENTITY EMERGENCE ...................... 44 Complexivist and Quantum Challenges to Traditional Student Development Theory ....................... 45 The Role of Environment ............................................................................................................................................... 54 Identity Emergence .......................................................................................................................................................... 63 CHAPTER 4 DISCUSSING DIGITAL IDENTITY ............................................................................................................ 66 What is Digital Social MeDia? ........................................................................................................................................ 67 Digital Social MeDia as Unique Environmental Contexts ................................................................................. 75 What is Digital Identity? ................................................................................................................................................. 80 Current Research on College Student Digital Identity ....................................................................................... 86 StuDies on Youth anD Digital MeDia ........................................................................................................................... 94 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................................ 98 CHAPTER 5 DIGITAL IMMERSION AND DAT(A)NALYSIS .................................................................................. 100 Digital Immersion anD Multi-SiteD StuDy .............................................................................................................. 101 Analysis as Emergent Phenomena ........................................................................................................................... 110 Entangling Dat(A)nalysis ............................................................................................................................................. 113 Constraints of Study ....................................................................................................................................................... 126 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................................... 130 v CHAPTER 6 INTERLUDE – LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES .................................................................................
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