City Research Online City, University of London Institutional Repository Citation: Piyathasanan, B., Mathies, C., Wetzels, M., Patterson, P. and de Ruyter, K. (2015). A Hierarchical Model of Virtual Experience and Its Influences on the Perceived Value and Loyalty of Customers. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 19(2), pp. 126-158. doi: 10.1080/10864415.2015.979484 This is the accepted version of the paper. This version of the publication may differ from the final published version. Permanent repository link: Link to published version: Copyright: City Research Online aims to make research outputs of City, University of London available to a wider audience. Copyright and Moral Rights remain with the author(s) and/or copyright holders. URLs from City Research Online may be freely distributed and linked to. Reuse: Copies of full items can be used for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge. Provided that the authors, title and full bibliographic details are credited, a hyperlink and/or URL is given for the original metadata page and the content is not changed in any way. City Research Online: A HIERARCHICAL MODEL OF VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE AND ITS INFLUENCES ON CUSTOMER PERCEIVED VALUE AND LOYALTY Abstract Many businesses use virtual experience (VE) to enhance the overall customer experience, though extant research offers little guidance for how to improve consumers’ VE. This study, anchored in activity theory, examines key drivers of VE and its influences on value perceptions and customer loyalty.
WRITE FOR US! USAID’S “MISSION IN EXILE” REMEMBERING DICK SCISSORS SEMIANNUAL SCHOOLS SUPPLEMENT $3.50 / DECEMBER 2007 OREIGN ERVICE FJ O U R N A L S THE MAGAZINE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS PROFESSIONALS COUNTRY TEAMWORK Is State Still Running Embassies? OREIGN ERVICE FJ O U R N A L S CONTENTS December 2007 Volume 84, No. 12 F OCUS ON Country Team Management WHO’SINCHARGE HERE? / 20 The issue of who wields authority over American embassy personnel — notably those who don’t work for the State Department — continues to prompt interagency conflict, as it has for years. By Shawn Zeller CHIEF-OF-MISSION AUTHORITY: A POWERFUL BUT UNDERUSED TOOL / 29 The State Department should capitalize on the presidential mandate given to every COM to strengthen the country team mechanism. By Edward Peck ONE HAND CLAPPING: Cover and inside illustration THE SOUND OF STAFFING THE FOREIGN SERVICE / 33 by Jeff Moores The demands of Iraq and Afghanistan have aggravated an entrenched liability in the Foreign Service: namely, severe understaffing. By Mark Johnsen PRESIDENT’S VIEWS / 5 THE EMBASSY OF THE FUTURE / 38 Professionalism Here is a vision of the new American diplomacy, along with By John K. Naland practical steps to get there. Excerpts from a recent report. SPEAKING OUT / 15 Expeditionary Sidekicks? The Military-Diplomatic Dynamic FS FICTION By Gerald Loftus BURIED / 44 LETTER FROM A great old ceiba tree in the mountains of south-central Cuba holds THE EDITOR / 18 a revelation into the island’s history, humor and people. By Steven Alan Honley By Michael Kelly REFLECTIONS / 96 Buying Potatoes in Havana By Robert Blau F EATURES REMEMBERING USAID’S ROLE IN AFGHANISTAN, 1985-1994 / 48 LETTERS / 7 During a critical decade, USAID successfully operated an interim Afghan “mission in exile.” CYBERNOTES / 12 By Thomas H.
= 5*7&9.43= 7&6.=7**)42a=97&9*,.*8`= 5574&(-*8`=*8:198`=&3)= 88:*8=+47=43,7*88= &9-*7.3*= &1*= 5*(.&1.89=.3= 39*73&9.43&1=*(:7.9>= 57.1=,`=,**3= 43,7*88.43&1= *8*&7(-=*7;.(*= 18/1**= <<<_(78_,4;= -.-21= =*5479=+47=43,7*88 Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress 5*7&9.43= 7&6.= 7**)42a=97&9*,.*8`=5574&(-*8`=*8:198`=&3)= 88:*8=+47=43,7*88= = :22&7>= Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), the U.S.-led coalition military operation in Iraq, was launched on March 20, 2003, with the immediate stated goal of removing Saddam Hussein’s regime and destroying its ability to use weapons of mass destruction or to make them available to terrorists. Over time, the focus of OIF shifted from regime removal to the more open-ended mission of helping the Government of Iraq (GoI) improve security, establish a system of governance, and foster economic development. In 2009, the war in Iraq appears to be winding down, as security gains made since the height of the insurgency in 2006 and 2007 continue to be sustained, and as Iraqis increasingly seek management of their own affairs. A new U.S.-Iraqi security agreement that went into effect on January 1, 2009, which confirmed the Iraqis’ responsibility for their own security, introduced a new era in OIF and in US-Iraqi bilateral relations. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates called the agreement a “watershed, a firm indication that American military involvement in Iraq is winding down.” U.S.
Download the Full Independent Evaluation of C&A Foundation
Independent Evaluation of C&A Foundation Programme and Operational Effectiveness (2014/15-2019/20) Volume 1 – Report November 2020 Contents CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................................. I ACRONYMS ........................................................................................................................................... V GLOSSARY .......................................................................................................................................... VI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................................... VII SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................ IX 1 AMBITION TO TRANSFORM .................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Hidden costs of the fashion industry ................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Growing momentum for transformation ............................................................................................. 2 1.3 Evaluation approach .......................................................................................................................... 3 2 C&A FOUNDATION STRATEGY AND ALIGNMENT WITH C&A BUSINESS .......................... 5 2.1 Designed for transformation .............................................................................................................
Encountering Shakespeare Elsewhere Digital Distribution, Audience Reception, and the Changing Value of Shakespeare in Performance
DOCTORAL THESIS Encountering Shakespeare elsewhere digital distribution, audience reception, and the changing value of Shakespeare in performance. Nicholas, Rachael Award date: 2020 General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 04. Oct. 2021 Encountering Shakespeare Elsewhere: Digital Distribution, Audience Reception, and the Changing Value of Shakespeare in Performance Rachael Nicholas, BA (Hons), MA A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of PhD Department of Drama, Theatre and Performance University of Roehampton 2019 The research for this project was submitted for ethics consideration under the reference DTP 17/026 in the Department of Drama, Theatre & Performance, and was approved under the procedures of the University of Roehampton’s Ethics Committee on 13.06.17. 1 Abstract Since the launch of National Theatre Live in 2009, digital distribution has made it possible for audiences to access theatre productions across a range of reception sites.
Security Aspects and Future Trends of Social Networks
1 Security Aspects and Future Trends of Social Networks Anchises M. G. de Paula, iDefense From the user perspective, trust and privacy on the social Web Abstract— Social networks represent a new opportunity to remains a hot, yet unresolved topic. online uses and a challenging scenario to security community. They bring new opportunities to users interact and socialize; II. CURRENT STATE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING however, the overwhelming amount of information generated, exchanged and redistributed by users demands the adoption of A. Main Purpose and Characteristics new tools and techniques, which are the object of this paper. The understanding of all implications of social network to human Social network sites allow individuals to present themselves social interaction and society overall, will bring new ideas and in an online profile and establish or maintain connections with challenges to consumers, businesses and governments worldwide. others (usually known as “friends”), building their social This report will analyze the social network phenomenon, focusing networks. A social network consists of two fundamental on its security implications and perspectives in the near future. elements: nodes (users) and connections (their relationships). Index Terms—Social Network, Security, Predictions, Trends This is similar to the real world, where a circle of friends in a social group consists of people connected by friendships. Participants use social network sites to interact with people I. INTRODUCTION they already know in the real world or to meet new people based on common interests, such as friendship, business, HE last few years have seen the rise of a new trend on hobbies, medical interest or sexual orientation.
Digital Marketing Influence in the Food Sector a Case Study: Eataly and Its Associated Companies’ Analysis
Master’s Degree programme – Second Cycle (D.M. 270/2004) in International Management Final Thesis Digital marketing influence in the food sector A case study: Eataly and its associated companies’ analysis Supervisor Ch. Prof. Andrea Ellero Graduand Ilaria Bortolato Matriculation number: 839033 Academic Year 2015 / 2016 1 Abstract Today, digitalization is influencing every daily aspect and companies are revolutionizing their way of doing business, as they must face inevitably this new situation and they must use the innovative tools offered by Internet and developed in the last few years. In particular, new business branches have been developed thanks to the digital phenomenon, such as digital marketing, which nowadays rely on many efficient tools supporting companies’ activities and giving them several advantages. The positive influence of digital marketing is evident in almost every business sector, but some sectors seem to have difficulties to apply its innovative tools. For example, in Italy, the fashion industry has embraced digital activities with success, but small and medium enterprises constituting the food sector are not fully exploiting them for different reasons, mainly linked to socio-cultural obstacles, but also to limited investments in the digital field. Anyway, data show that they have recently started to use them more and more with highly positive effects on their activities. The case study of Eataly and its associated brands illustrates the fact that implementing a well- structured digital marketing strategy that uses all the available tools coherently and constantly over time can bring higher visibility and many other benefits also to small food companies at international level, regardless of their dimensions.
Third Party Certification of Agri-Food Supply Chain Using Smart
sensors Article Third Party Certification of Agri-Food Supply Chain Using Smart Contracts and Blockchain Tokens Ricardo Borges dos Santos 1 , Nunzio Marco Torrisi 1 and Rodrigo Palucci Pantoni 2,* 1 Center of Mathematics, Computing and Cognition, Federal University of ABC, Campus Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo 09606-070, Brazil; (R.B.d.S.); (N.M.T.) 2 Department of Eletrical Engineering and Computer Science, Federal Institute of Sao Paulo, Campus Sertaozinho, Sao Paulo 14169-263, Brazil * Correspondence: Abstract: Every consumer’s buying decision at the supermarket influences food brands to make first party claims of sustainability and socially responsible farming methods on their agro-product labels. Fine wines are often subject to counterfeit along the supply chain to the consumer. This paper presents a method for efficient unrestricted publicity to third party certification (TPC) of plant agricultural products, starting at harvest, using smart contracts and blockchain tokens. The method is capable of providing economic incentives to the actors along the supply chain. A proof-of-concept using a modified Ethereum IGR token set of smart contracts using the ERC-1155 standard NFTs was deployed on the Rinkeby test net and evaluated. The main findings include (a) allowing immediate access to TPC by the public for any desired authority by using token smart contracts. (b) Food safety can be enhanced through TPC visible to consumers through mobile application and blockchain technology, thus reducing counterfeiting and green washing. (c) The framework is structured and maintained because participants obtain economic incentives thus leveraging it´s practical usage.