
Autumn 1: Ancient Key Vocabulary Greek Society The citadel of an city. Archaeolo- Someone who studies the past by Greece was divided into city-states () that each had their own laws and way of life, but that all spoke the same language. Two gist exploring old remains of the most well-known city states are and . Architecture The art of planning, designing and In Athens, Greek styles of art, architecture, philosophy and theatre were developed - these helped shaped our modern society constructing buildings. Chronology The order of events in time. along with science, language and maths. Athens had a democratic government – this means that the people who lived there made decisions by voting, like we do in Britain. Circa Latin meaning ‘around’. c. 800 BC means around 800 BC. In Sparta, life was very different; all that was important was being able to defend Sparta in battle. Citadel A strong building in or near a city, The first Olympic games were held in 776 in the city-state Olympia. where people could shelter for safety. Civilisation A human society with its own social Religion was very important in ancient Greece. They were polytheists - they believed in different gods and goddesses that were in organisation and culture. charge of different parts of their lives, such as a god of the sea and a goddess of wisdom. Temples were built in their honour and Deity A god or goddess. they featured heavily in the stories of . Democracy A fair political system where all adults vote for an elected government. This A polis consisted of an urban centre, often fortified and with a sacred centre built on a natural acropolis (citadel) or harbour. government then makes decisions on how to run the country. Diagram– Map of Ancient Greece Empire A number of individual nations that are all controlled by the government Greece’s position next to the or ruler of one particular country. sea (there are over 1400 Invasion To try and take over a place by force. islands) meant Ancient Merchant A person who buys or sells goods in large quantities. were seafaring people. Trade Military Relating to or belonging to the army. between the islands led to the Mythology A group of , especially all the creation of ‘city-states’ (polis). myths from a particular country, religion, or culture. Each city-state was ruled by a Philosophy The study or creation of theories powerful city, led by a ruler or about basic things such as the nature of existence, knowledge, and thought, (later) government. Greece is a or about how people should live. warm country, but winds from Polis An ancient Greek city-state. the Mediterranean, and rains Polytheists The worship of or belief in more than one god. from the north, kept tempera- Society People in general, thought of as a tures liveable and created large organised group . fertile farming conditions . Trade The activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods or services. Autumn 1: Ancient Greece

Key People Greek Gods Influential playwright known for writing over 120 plays, mainly tragedies. Zeus was the king of the Greek gods, who Hades (brother of Zeus and ) was Most famous plays include: lived on the . He was also the the God of the . He was normal- & Antigone. god of the sky and the god of thunder. He was ly depicted as having a pitchfork and his Aesop Former slave and storyteller married to the goddess and his symbol three headed dog, . He rode a famous for writing Aesop’s was the lightning bolt. Zeus was believed to chariot pulled by black horses. The Under- . be able to control the weather, creating huge world was where dead people went in Legendary author famous for writing the & Odys- storms. It was thought that he could change Greek Mythology. Hades originally wasn’t sey. people into animals as punishment. His two happy about this, until Zeus reminded him Pythago- Philosopher & mathemati- brothers were Hades and Poseidon. that it meant that all people would eventu- cian most known for his ally be his subjects! right angle proof. Poseidon Hera Scientist & mathematician; famous for reportedly Poseidon (brother of Zeus and Hades) was the As the wife of Zeus, Hera was considered as yelling ‘Eureka!’ after realiz- God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses. the queen of Mount Olympus. She was ing the link between vol- ume, density & displace- Along with his brothers, he was one of the most often considered to be the goddess of ment. three most powerful gods. As god of the women, marriage and childbirth. She was Credited as the Father of ocean, he was especially important to sailors normally pictured wearing long flowing Western philosophy. Known and fisherman. He was usually pictured with a robes and a crown, and holding a scepter. for dialogues over writing. , curly hair, and a beard. It was thought The women of ancient Greece prayed to 7 Philosopher and Plato that Poseidon could create sea storms to ruin Hera during childbirth, and to aid them student of Socrates; best known for writing ships, or clear weather to help them along. through their marriages. As wife of Zeus, ‘Republic’. she also had power over the skies. Philosopher and student of Plato; pulled together existing philosophies re- Apollo was the Greek God of music, , Aphrodite was the Greek God of love and sulting in his ideas influenc- light, prophecy and medicine. He was often beauty. She was famous for being the most ing Western civilization for centuries to come. pictured as a handsome athletic youth with beautiful of all of the Goddesses. She was Alexander King of the ancient Greek curly hair. Items associated with him are his often shown as being a beautiful young kingdom of ; bow and arrow and his . It was believed woman with an apple, scallop shell, dove or the Great united and secured the that he could see into the future, and heal swan. It was said that Aphrodite had a belt, whole of Greece and fought people. As a punishment, he could bring which made people fall in love with the against the Persian Empire people illness and disease. wearer. Fighting couples would look to to the East. Died aged 32. Aphrodite to help them fall in love again.

Timeline 146 BC 336 BC 450 BC 508 BC 508 BC 570 BC 750 BC 776 BC

Rome conquers is Athens becomes a Democracy begins in Democracy begins in is born. He Early Greek culture The first Olympic Greece, making it part King and helps the powerful city and con- Athens, giving greater Athens, giving greater made major thrives. Homer games take place. of the Roman Empire. Greek empire expand trols an empire. power to the people. power to the people. breakthroughs in writes The Iliad and

further. science and maths. The .