29Th IAMA International Conference

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29Th IAMA International Conference 29th IAMA International Conference Shohei Abe Lorna Aizlewood Martin Albrecht Executive Vice President Chief Operating Officer & General Counsel Ensemble Manager AMATI Inc. HarrisonParrott Scriabin Code Ark Hills Executive Tower S201 The Ark U6,3 1-14-5 Akasaka 201 Talgarth Road 68161 Mannheim Minato-ku London Germany Tokyo W6 8BJ +49 178 459 4645 107-0052 United Kingdom [email protected] Japan +44 20 7229 9166 www.scriabincode.com +81 3 3560 3007 +44 20 7221 5042 +81 3 3560 3008 [email protected] [email protected] www.harrisonparrott.com www.amati-tokyo.com Julia Albrecht Philippa Allan Kerstin Alt Director Director Artist Manager KD SCHMID Real Arts Karsten Witt Musik Management GmbH Königstrasse 36 Philippa Allan Leuschnerdamm 13 D-30175 Hannover Friedbergstrasse 14 D-10999 Berlin Germany 14057 Berlin Germany +49 511 3660 760 Germany +49 30 214 594 0 +49 511 3660 734 [email protected] +49 30 214 594 101 [email protected] www.realarts.eu [email protected] www.kdschmid.de www.karstenwitt.com John Anderson Nicole Apitius Yuji Arai Odradek Records Senior Director of Operations Executive Director 1040 New Hampshire Street KD SCHMID AMATI Inc. Lawrence KS 66044 Königstrasse 36 Ark Hills Executive Tower S201 USA D-30175 Hannover 1-14-5 Akasaka +1 785 8422 756 Germany Minato-ku [email protected] +49 511 3660 760 Tokyo www.odradek-records.com +49 511 3660 734 107-0052 [email protected] Japan www.kdschmid.de +81 3 3560 3007 +81 3 3560 3008 [email protected] www.amati-tokyo.com Wray Armstrong Stefana Atlas Aude-Marie Auphan CEO Senior Vice President, Sheldon/Atlas Office Artist Manager Armstrong Music and Arts Columbia Artists Victoria Rowsell Artist Management Ltd No. 32 Baiziwan Road 1790 Broadway 34 Addington Square North Pingod Art Community 16th Floor London Block 3B-038 New York NY 10019-1412 SE5 7LB Beijing USA United Kingdom 10021 CHONGQING +1 212 841 9500 +44 20 7701 3219 China +1 212 841 9774 +44 20 7701 3219 +86 138 1766 4123 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.columbia-artists.com www.victoriarowsell.co.uk www.armstrongmusic.cc Marcus Axt Nika Babayan Jean-Marc Bador Chief Executive Bamberg Symphony General Manager Délégué général Bamberger Symphoniker Cadence Music Centre Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France Mußstraße 1 4-4 Azatoutian Street 116 Av de Pr D-96047 Bamberg Yerevan F-75220 Paris Cedex - 16 Germany AM-0037 France +49 95 1964 7102 Armenia [email protected] +49 95 1964 7123 +374 10 254 493 www.radiofrance.com [email protected] +374 10 280 431 www.bamberger-symphoniker.de [email protected] www.nab.am Lisa Ballhorn William Barkhymer Marc Barwisch Artistic Planning Artistic & Music Director Head of Artistic Administration Rheingau Musik Festival New York Harlem Productions Ltd. Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich Konzertgesellschaft mbH PBM #477 Zahnradstrasse 22 PO BOX 1108 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 300 CH-8005 Zurich D-65375 Oestrich-Winkel Wilmington DE 19898 Switzerland Germany USA +41 44 206 3440 +49 67 2391 7717 [email protected] +41 44 206 3436 +49 67 2391 7719 [email protected] [email protected] www.tonhalle.ch www.rheingau-musik-festival.de Christoph Becher Michael Becker Maxim Belčikov Orchesterintendant Intendant Senior Manager Österreichischer Rundfunk, ORF Tonhalle Düsseldorf gGmbH and Düsseldorfer HarrisonParrott Argentinierstraße 30a Symphoniker The Ark A-1040 Wien Ehrenhof 1 201 Talgarth Road Austria D-40479 Düsseldorf London +43 1 50101 18984 Germany W6 8BJ [email protected] +49 211 8996 111 United Kingdom www.orf.at +49 211 8929 143 +44 20 7229 9166 [email protected] +44 20 7221 5042 www.tonhalle.de [email protected] www.harrisonparrott.com Catriona Bell Federico Benigni Davide Beretta Artist Manager Artist Manager Artistic Direction Department CLB Management Armstrong Music and Arts Fondazione Orchestra Sinfonica e Coro Sinfonico China Works No. 32 Baiziwan Road di Milano Giuseppe Verdi Suite 117 North Pingod Art Community Piazza Tito Lucrezio Caro, 1 20136 Black Prince Road Block 3B-038 I-20136 Milano London Beijing Italy SE1 7SJ 100021 CHONGQING [email protected] United Kingdom China www.laverdi.org +44 20 3176 9295 +86 10 5826 3639 [email protected] [email protected] www.clbmanagement.co.uk http://www.armstrongmusic.cc/ John Bickley Zaneta Bidviene Catharina Bilsbak International Business Development: Arts and Management Coordinator Programme director Media Kremerata Baltica Arctic Philharmonic 80 Gwydir Street R.Vagnera str. 8-6 Stormen Konserthus Cambridge Riga Postboks 741 Cambridgeshire LV-1050 N-9258 Bodø/Tromsø CB1 2LL Latvia Norway United Kingdom +370 6522 2787 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.noso.no www.kremeratabaltica.com Baiba Birzgalis James R H Black Ralph Blackbourn Executive Assistant & Publicity Director Artist Manager Material/Sponsorship James Black Management Ltd. Rayfield Allied KD SCHMID 9 Burnhams Southbank House Königstrasse 36 Rye Black Prince Road D-30175 Hannover East Sussex London Germany TN31 7LW SE1 7SJ +49 511 3660 760 United Kingdom United Kingdom +49 511 3660 734 +44 1797 224 668 +44 20 3176 5500 [email protected] [email protected] +44 20 700 602 4143 www.kdschmid.de www.jamesblackmanagement.com [email protected] www.rayfieldallied.com Rienk Blom Romain Blondel Clara Boege Director Director Associate Manager Blom Music Management Solea Management Dorn Music GmbH & Co. KG Kleine Wittenburgerstraat 1 Tour Essor Scheidestraße 9 Amsterdam 14, rue Scandicci D-30625 Hannover N-1019 HC F-93500 Pantin Germany Netherlands France +49 511 1322 2474 +31 648 805 840 +33 1 4844 7470 +49 511 1322 2477 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.blommusicmanagement.com www.solea-management.com www.dornmusic.com Claude Boischot David Boos Aretas Botyrius Project Manager Creative Director Composer Gediminas Gelgotas/New Ideas KD SCHMID Odradek Records Chamber Orchestra Königstrasse 36 1040 New Hampshire Street Vilnius Town Hall D-30175 Hannover Lawrence KS 66044 Didzioji str. 31 Germany USA Vilnius +49 511 3660 760 +1 785 8422 756 LT-01128 +49 511 3660 734 [email protected] Lithuania [email protected] www.odradek-records.com +37 068 233 809 www.kdschmid.de [email protected] www.nicomusic.eu Anastasia Boudanoque Joseph Bousso Hervé Boutry Founder & Managing Director Conductor Kajimoto - Development Consultant Asia Primavera Consulting LLC Thomasius Str. 8 Kajimoto (Europe) 736 W186th Street 10557 Berlin 5 Rue Barbette New York NY 10033 Germany F-75003 Paris USA [email protected] France +1 646 7096 910 www.josephbousso.com +33 1 4219 9265 [email protected] [email protected] www.artsprimavera.com www.kajimotomusicparis.com Ann Braathen Sarah Braun Andreas Braun VD Artist Manager Spokeswoman Culture Director Ann Braathen Artist Management AB AUDI AG Konzertbüro Andreas Braun Folkskolegatan 5 I/FF-21 Sülzgürtel 86 SE-117 35 Stockholm D-85045 Ingolstadt D-50937 Cologne Sweden Germany Germany +46 8 5569 0850 +49 841 89 40560 +49 221 942 0430 +46 8 5569 0851 [email protected] +49 221 942 0431-9 [email protected] www.audi.com [email protected] www.braathenmanagement.com www.konzertbuero-braun.de Viktoria Breithecker Lynn Briand Elise Brown Global Sales Director Director Senior Manager, Polyarts GPS Global Kik Strategic Management Services HarrisonParrott Frankweg 4 2384 chemin Saint Louis The Ark Nieuw-Vennep Québec QC G1T 1R6 201 Talgarth Road NL-2153 PD Canada London Netherlands +1 418 684 2383 W6 8BJ +31 252 625691 [email protected] United Kingdom [email protected] +44 20 7229 9166 www.gpsglobal.eu +44 20 7221 5042 [email protected] www.harrisonparrott.com Sarah Bruce Marlene Brüggen Teresa Brunnmueller Director Konzertplanung Artist Manager Lomonaco Artists Stiftung Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival Weigold & Böhm International Artists & Tours 113 New Atlas Wharf Palais Rantzau GmbH 3 Arnhem Place Parade 1 Thuenefeldstrasse 5 London D-23552 Lübeck D-82299 Tuerkenfeld E14 3ST Germany Germany United Kingdom +49 451 389 5728 +49 8193 23612-00 +44 20 3732 3619 +49 451 389 5715 +49 8193 23612-09 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.lomonaco-artists.com www.shmf.de www.weigold-boehm.de Oni Buchanan Timo Buckow Mark Stephan Buhl Founder and Director Artistic Planning President Ariel Artists LLC Rheingau Musik Festival Mark Stephan Buhl Artists P.O. Box 230495 Konzertgesellschaft mbH Management/European Association of Artist Boston MA 02123 PO BOX 1108 Managers (AEAA) USA D-65375 Oestrich-Winkel c/o Mark Stephan Buhl Artists Management +1 857 472 3366 Germany attn.: Mark Stephan Buhl, Président [email protected] +49 67 2391 7717 Geylinggasse 1 www.arielartists.com +49 67 2391 7719 A-1130 Vienna [email protected] Austria www.rheingau-musik-festival.de +43 1 524 7675 +43 1 526 3095 [email protected] www.aeaa.info Sönke Bullerdiek David Butcher Anja Büttner Director Of Business Development Chief Executive Associate Manager IDAGIO GmbH Britten Sinfonia Dorn Music GmbH & Co. KG Tempelhofer Ufer 17 13 Sturton Street Scheidestraße 9 10963 Berlin Cambridge D-30625 Hannover Germany Cambridgeshire Germany +49 30 5770 4430 CB1 2SN +49 511 1322 2474 [email protected] United Kingdom +49 511 1322 2477 www.idagio.com +44
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