Washington, Tuesday, January 23, 1951
VOLUME 16 NUMBER 15 Washington, Tuesday, January 23, 1951 TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT as herein set forth. The average value CONTENTS and the investment limit heretofore es Chapter III-—Farmers Home-Adminis tablished for said county, which appear Agriculture Department Pa&e tration, Department of Agriculture in the tabulations of average values and investment limits under § 311.30, Chap See also Commodity Credit Corpo Subchapter B— Farm Ownership Loans ter HI, Title 6 of the Code of Federal ration; Farmers Home Adminis tration; Federal Crop Insur P art 311— B asic R e g u lat io n s Regulations (13 F. R. 9381), are hereby ance Corporation; Forest Serv superseded by the average value and S ubpart B— L o a n L im it a t io n s ice. the investment limit set forth below for AVERAGE VALUES OF FARMS AND INVESTMENT said county. Notices ; LIMITS; PENNSYLVANIA N ew Jersey Disaster areas-having need for agricultural credit, designa For the purposes of title I of the Average Investment tion__________________________- 590 County Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, as value limit amended, average values of efficient fam Rules and regulations: W ar food orders; agriculture- ily-type farm-management units and Ocean__ _____ . $16,500 $12,000 investment limits for the counties identi import order------------------------ 579 fied below are determined to be as herein Alien Property, Office of set forth. The average values and in (Sec. 41, 60 Stat. 1066; 7 U. S. C., 1015. In terprets or applies secs. 3, 44, 60 Stat. 1074, Notices: vestment limits heretofore established 1069; 7 U.
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