
Nile - longest in the world

Nile Delta- triangular area of land, south of Mediterranean Lower () (Land to the South)

3 Major Periods

Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms Stability, strong leadership, freedom, building of structures, intellectual, and cultural activity

Menes- king of Egypt, united Upper and 1st royal dynasty

Dynasty- family of rulers whose right to rule is passed on within the family

Old Kingdom

Prosperity = rich, doing well Powerful rulers

Pharaoh- title used instead of king, meaning “great house” or “palace”


Built during Old Kingdom Dedicated to the dead- “city”

Mummification- preservation of the dead

Process: slowly dry body to prevent from rotting, remove internal organs (place in jars & bury in tomb), remove brain through nose, cover with salt to remove water, wrap in linen soaked in resin, lifelike mask placed over mummy, placed in case inside tomb, about 70 days from start to finish

Giza- Great Pyramid (King )

Great Sphinx- head of man, body of lion, protect Khufu

Middle Kingdom

Golden Age - stability did more helpful projects for : drain swampland = new farmland, digging or transportation and trade

New Kingdom

Hyksos- invaders from Western , ruled 100 yrs., taught Egyptians about bronze (tools and weapons), taught military skills (horse-drawn chariots)

Reunification of Egypt, became most powerful state in SW Asia

Hatshepsut- 1 st woman

Society in

Organized like a pyramid:


 Pharaoh & Upper Class = Nobles, Priests (ran government)

 Merchants, Artisans, Scribes, Tax Collectors

 Peasants = Lower Class

Writing, Art, & Science

Hieroglyphics- “priest-carvings” or “sacred ”, used pictures, very complex, write on temple walls and in tombs

Easier version: hieratic script = used from business, record keeping, general needs

First carved in stone, then used papyrus = paper made from papyrus reed

Math & Science- helped to build pyramids, calculate area & volume, used geometry to survey land, 365-day calendar, treat wounds & diseases