

Popular Science : Popular Science in Astronomy

Seedhouse, Erik SpaceX's Dragon: America's Next Generation

Describes the development and design of the Dragon spacecraft, built by SpaceX, and its variants as compared to the Boeing and Sierra Nevada alternatives currently being developed Expands on the author's previous book "SpaceX" to provide more in depth information about the latest in their spacecraft and rocket design Presents a viable and reusable alternative to for resupply to the International Space Station Dragon V2 is a futuristic vehicle that not only provides a means for NASA to transport its astronauts to the orbiting outpost but also advances SpaceX’s core objective of reusability. A Springer direct descendant of Dragon, Dragon V2 can be retrieved, refurbished and re-launched. It is a 1st ed. 2016, XVII, 188 p. 1st spacecraft with the potential to completely revolutionize the economics of an industry where 78 illus., 77 illus. in color. edition equipment costing hundreds of millions of dollars is routinely discarded after a single use. It was presented by SpaceX CEO in May 2014 as the spaceship that will carry NASA astronauts to the International Space Station as soon as 2016. SpaceX’s Dragon – America’s Next Generation Spacecraft describes the extraordinary feats of engineering and human Printed book achievement that have placed this revolutionary spacecraft at the forefront of the launch Softcover industry and positioned it as the precursor for ultimately transporting humans to . It Printed book describes the design and development of Dragon, provides mission highlights of the first six Softcover Commercial Resupply Missions, and explains how Musk hopes to eventually colonize Mars. ISBN 978-3-319-21514-3 £ 27,99 | CHF 39,00 | 32,99 € | Order online at springer.com/booksellers 36,29 € (A) | 35,30 € (D) Springer Nature Customer Service Center GmbH Available Customer Service Tiergartenstrasse 15-17 Discount group 69121 Heidelberg Standard (0) Germany Product category T: +49 (0)6221 345-4301 Popular science [email protected] Series Space Exploration Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-3-319-21516-7

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ISBN 978-3-319-21514-3 / BIC: WNX / SPRINGER NATURE: SCQ11009 Part of