

SUBJECT: Medical Staff Approved Abbreviation List POLICY #: 8

EFFECTIVE DATE: September 14, 2005

SECTION TITLE: Medical Staff

APPROVED BY: Medical Staff

POLICY STATEMENT: It is the policy of the Medical Staff at Waynesboro Hospital to have clear and precise orders written for our patients. To avoid any confusion or misinterpretation, we have an approved list of abbreviations.

PROCESS: 1. The approved abbreviations are contained in Addendum A.

2. Abbreviations can be added and deleted from the approved abbreviation list through the use of the form in Addendum B. The process for adding and deleting an abbreviation from the approved abbreviation list is defined on the bottom of Addendum B.


Addendum A.

Waynesboro Hospital Abbreviation List - Approved

AAA Area Agency on Aging

A AABH Association for Ambulatory a Behavioral Health

_ AAO Awake, alert and oriented a Before AB Abortion

A Assistance (with a circle around the Ab Absent

A) ABC Automated blood count

AA Alcoholic's Anonymous ABD Abduction

A-A Atlanto-Axial Joint abd

AAA Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm ABG Arterial blood gas abn Abnormality ADL Activities of Daily Living

ABO ABO blood group ad lib As desired to tolerance

ABR auditory brainstem response. Adm admission

AC Acromioclavicular ADM Admit (ed)

AC Assist control. ADQM Abductor digiti quinti minimi ac Before meals ADT Admission, Discharge, Transfer

ACB before breakfast. ADT Anticipated Discharge Tomorrow

ACBE Air Contrast Barium Enema AE Ergometer accel Accelerate A/E Above acid phos acid phosphatase AED automated external defibrillator

ACL Anterior Cruciate Ligament AES Anti-Embolic Stocking (generic

AC lens Anterior Chamber Lens brand)

ACL before lunch. AFB Acid fast bacillus

ACLS Advanced Cardiac Life Support A Fib Atrial Fibrillation

ACS American Cancer Society a-flutter Atrial Flutter

ACS before supper AFO Ankle Foot Orthosis

ACS Acute Coronary Syndrome AGA Average for Gestational Age

ACP Automated chemical profile A/G Ratio Albumin/Globulin Ratio

ACSW Academy Certified Social Worker AHA American Hospital Association

ACT Ambulatory Care Technician AHA American Heart Association

ACTH Adrenocorticotrophic hormone AHG Antihuman Globulin

ADA American Diabetic Association AI Aortic insufficiency

ADC Apparent diffusion coefficient. AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency

ADD Adduction Syndrome

ADD Attention Deficit Disorder AK Above-knee (amputation)

ADH Anti-Diuretic Hormone aka Also known as

ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity alb Albumin

Disorder alk phos Alkaline phosphatase ALL Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Aq Water

ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis AROM Active Range Of Motion

ALS Advanced Life Support AROM Artificial Rupture of Membranes

AM Morning A+AAROM Active Plus Active Assistive

AMA Against Medical Advise Range of Motion

AMB Ambulation/Ambulatory art Aterial

AML Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia A.R.T. Accredited Record Technician amp Ampule AS Aortic stenosis amt Amount ASA Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)

ANA Antinuclear antibody ASAP As Soon As Possible

ANC Absolute Neutrophil Count. asc Ascend anes Anesthesia ASCAD Arteriosclerotic Coronary Artery ant Anterior Disease ante Before ASCVD Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular

A & O Alert and Oriented Disease

AP Anteroposterior ASHD Arteriosclerotic heart disease

AP Appendectomy ASIS Anterior superior iliac spine.

AP Apical Pulse ASO Antistreptolysis O

A&P Repair Anterior & Posterior ASPVD Arteriosclerotic Peripheral Vascular

Colpoperineorrhaphy Disease

APB Abductor pollicis brevis Assess assessment

AP resection Abdominoperineal resection assoc Associated

(Miles) asst Assisted

APC Antepartum Course/Care AST Acoustical Stimulation Test

A & P Anterior and posterior as tol As tolerated

A/P Assessment and Plan a-tach Atrial Tachycardia approx Approximately ausc Auscultation appt Appointment aux Auxiliary AVB Atrial Ventricular Block bil Bilateral

AV Block Atrioventricular Block bilat Bilateral

AVM Arteriovenous Malformation bili Bilirubin

AVR Aortic Valve Replacement Bipap Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure

Ax Axillary BK Below Knee

BKA Below the Knee Amputation

B BL Bilateral

bl. Blood

B Bilateral (with a circle) BLE Both Lower Extremities

BAL Blood alcohol level BLS Basic Life Support baso Basophil BM Bowel Movement

BBB Bundle Branch Block BM Body mechanics

BBS Bilateral Breath Sounds BMP Basic metabolic panel/profile

BC Birth Control BMR Basal Metabolic Rate

BCP Birth Control Pills BOS Base of Support

B.C. x 1 or 2 Blood Culture 1 or 2 sets BOW Bag of Waters

BD Birth Date BP Blood Pressure

BE Barium Enema BPD Biparietal Diameter

B/E Below Elbow BPH Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

BEE Basal Energy Expenditure BPM Beats Per Minute

BF Boyfriend BPRS Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale

BF Breast Feed BR Bedrest

BH Behavioral Health BR

BHS Behavioral Health Services Brady Bradycardia

BHU Behavioral Health Unit BRBPR Bright Red Blood Per Rectum

BID Twice daily bro Brother bi Bilateral Bronch Bronchoscopy

BIH Bilateral Inguinal Hernia BRP Bathroom Privileges BS Breath Sounds C-7 Seventh cervical vertebrae

BS Bowel Sounds CA Cancer

BSA Body Surface Area CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

BSC Bedside Commode CAC Certified Addictions Counselor

BSE Breast Self Exam CAD Coronary Artery Disease

BSO Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy CAI Computer assisted instruction

BST Breast Stimulation Test cal Calorie

BSU Base Service Unit CAO Conscious, Alert & Oriented

BTBV Beat-To-Beat Variability caps Capsule

BTLS Basic Trauma Life Support CAT Computerized axial tomography

BTP Bladder Training Program (scan)

BUE Both Upper Extremities cath Catheter or catheterize

BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen C/B Complicated by

BVMGT Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test CBC Complete Blood Count

BW Birth Weight CBD Common Bile Duct

Bx Biopsy c/c Called to cancel

cc Cubic centimeter

C CC Care Coordinator

CC Chief complaint

_ CCC/A Audiologist c With (with a line over the c) CCS Certified Coding Specialist

C Celsius CC/SLP Speech and Language

C-1 First cervical vertebrae pathologist

C-2 Second cervical vertebrae CCU Coronary Care Unit

C-3 Third cervical vertebrae C&DB Cough & Deep Breathe

C-4 Fourth cervical vertebrae C-Diff Clostridium Difficile

C-5 Fifth cervical vertebrae CEA Carcinoembryonic antigen

C-6 Sixth cervical vertebrae CE&R Central Episiotomy & Repair CEN Certified Emergency Nurse CMP Comprehensive metabolic panel

CF Cystic Fibrosis CMR Cafeteria Meeting Room

CG Contact guard CMSC Certified Medical Staff Coordinator ch Child CMV Cytomegalovirus

CHB Complete heart block CMV controlled mechanical ventilator

CHD Coronary heart disease CNA Certified Nurse Aide chemo Chemotherapy CNM Certified Nurse Midwife

CHF Congestive heart failure CNOR Certified Nurse, Operating Room

CHIP Chambersburg Hospital CNS Central Nervous System

Improvement Process c/o Complains of

CHMC Chambersburg Hospital CO Cardiac Output

Maternity Clinic COA Certified Ophthalmic Assistant

CHO Carbohydrate CO2 Carbon Dioxide

Chol Cholesterol COG Center of gravity chr Chronic colon Colonoscopy

CI Cardiac Index comm Communication

CID Cervical immobilization device comp. Compound circ Circulation comp Comprehension circ Circumcision cont Continued circum Circumcision coord Coordination cl Client COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

CLL Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Disease cl. liq. Clear Liquids CP Cerebral Palsy cm Centimeter cp Chest Pain

CM Case Management/Manager CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

CM Clothing management CPCS Certified Provider Credentialing cmc Carpometacarpal joint Specialist

CML Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia CPD Cephalopelvic Disproportion CPK Creatinine Phosphokinase CTA Clear To Auscultation

CPM Continuous Passive Mobilizer CTA Computerized Tomography

CPM Care Plan Meeting Angiography

CPMSM Certified Professional in CTR Carpal Tunnel Release

Medical Staff Management CTR Certified Tumor Registrar

CPR Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation CTS Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

CQI Continuous Quality Improvement ctx Contractions

CR Creatinine CV Cardiovascular

CREF Closed Reduction-External Fixation CVA Cerebral Vascular Accident

CRIF Closed Reduction-Internal Fixation CVC Central venous catheter

CRNA Certified Registered Nurse CVEA Cumberland Valley Emergency

Anesthetist Associates

CRNP Certified Registered Nurse CVMHC Cumberland Valley Mental

Practitioner Health Center

CRRN Certified Rehabilitation Registered CVP Central venous pressure

Nurse CVS Chronic Villus Sampling

CRT Certified Respiratory Therapist CVX Cervix

CRTT Certified Respiratory Therapy Cx Cervix

Technician CXR Chest X-Ray

C&S Culture & Sensitivity CYS Children and Youth Services

C/S Caesarian Section Cx Cervix

C/S C-Section cysto Cystoscopy c/s Cranial sacral Cysto Cystourethroscopy

CS Close Supervision D

CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid

CST Contraction Stress Test D Dependent (with a circle around it)

CT Computerized tomography D5W 5% dextrose in water ct Connective tissue D10W 10% dextrose in water D5 & 2 NS 5% dextrose and half DID Disassociative Identity Disorder normal saline DIFA Automated differential

D5 & NS 5% dextrose and normal diff Differential saline DIFM Manual differential

D&A Drug and Alcohol dig Digoxin

DAT Diet as Tolerated dil Dilatation

D-Bili Direct Bilirubin disch Discharge

DBP Diastolic Blood Pressure DIP Distal Interphalangeal

DBS Dorsal blocking splint dis Disease

DC Discharge DISCUS Dyskensia Identification

D/C Discontinue System Condensed User Scale

D & C Dilation and Curettage disp. Disposable

DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery DJD Degenerative Joint Disease

D & E Dilatation and Evacuation DKA diabetic ketoacidosis. deb Debridement DLCO Diffusion Capacity for Carbon decel Deceleration Monoxide

Deg degree DLS Dynamic lumbar stabilization del. Delivery DM Diabetes Mellitus

Demo demonstration DMD Doctor of Medical Dentistry

Dept Department DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid desat Desaturation DNP Do Not Publish desc Descend DNR Do Not Resuscitate

DF Dorsiflexion dnt Did not test

DG Dorsal Gluteal d/o Disorder

DHS Dynamic Hip Screw DO Doctor of Osteopathy

Diag Diagnosis DOA Dead On Arrival

DIC Disseminated Intravascular DOB Date of Birth

Coagulation DOE Dyspnea on Exertion DON Director of Nursing EA-PCA Epidural Analgesia Patient

DP Dorsalis Pedis Artery Controlled Anesthesia

DPM Doctor of Podiatric Medicine EBB Endobronchial biopsy.

DPT Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus EBL Estimated Blood Loss

Dr Doctor EBV Epstein Barr Virus

DRG Diagnostic Related Group EC Energy conservation drng. Drainage ECCE Extracapsular Cataract Extraction drsg. Dressing ECF Extended Care Facility ds Distant supervision ECG, EKG Electrocardiogram

DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual echo Echocardiogram

DSW Doctor of Social Work ECMO Extracorporeal Membrane

DTR Deep Tendon Reflex Oxygenation

DTs Delirium Tremens E. Coli Escherichia Coli

DUB Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding ECRB Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis

DUE Drug Usage Evaluation ECRL Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus

DVT Deep Thrombosis ECT Electroconvulsive Therapy

DW Distilled Water ECTR Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release

D/W Dextrose in Water ECU Emergency Care Unit

D12 Dorsal Vertebral Body 12 EDB Extensor Digitorum Brevis

Dx Diagnosis EDC Extensor digitorum Communis

EDC Estimated/Expected Date of

E Confinement

EDD Expected Dates of Delivery

EA Epidural Anesthesia Ed D Doctor of Education

E Ab Elective Abortion EDL Extensor digitorum longus

EAC External Auditory Canal Educ Education

EAP Employee Assistance Program EEG Electroencephalogram

EENT Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat EF Electrofulguration EOB Edge of bed eff Effacement EOM Extraocular movements

EFM Electronic Fetal Monitoring EOMI Extraocular muscles intact

EFW Estimated Fetal Weight EP electrophysiologic e.g. For example, such as Epi Epidural

EGA Estimated gestational age epi Epinephrine

EGD Esophagogastroduodenoscopy EPI Echo planar imaging

EH Employee Health epis. Episiotomy

EHL Electrohydraulic lithotripsy epith Epithelial

EHB Extensor hallucis brevis EPL Extensor pollicis longus

EHL Extensor hallucis longus eq Equivalent

EID Electronic infusion device equip Equipment

EIP Extensor indicis proprius ER Emergency Room

EKG Electrocardiogram ER External Rotation

ELF Elective Low Forceps ERC Education Resource Center elim Elimination ERCP Endoscopic Retrograde

ELISA Enzyme Linked immunosorbent Cholangiopancreatogram assay (test) ERS Extended rotated sidebent

EMG Electromyography ERS Education Resource Specialist

EMS Emergency Medical System ERT Emergency Resuscitation Team

EMS Electrical Muscle Stimulation ERT Estrogen Replacement Therapy

EMT Emergency Medical Technician or ES Extra Strength

Team ES Electrical Stimulation

EMT-P Emergency Medical Technician - ESR Erythrocyte Sediment Rate

Paramedic ESRD End Stage Renal Disease

Emycin Erythromycin EST Exercise Stress Test

ENT Ears, nose, and throat ESWL Electroshock wave lithotripsy

EOA Esophageal Obturator Airway ET Endotracheal ETA Estimated Time of Arrival f/b Followed by etc Et cetera FBD Fibrocystic Disease

ETCO2 End Tital CO2 FBS Fasting Blood Sugar

ETOH Ethanol - ethyl alcohol FCE Functional Capacity Evaluation etiol Etiology FCMC Fulton County Medical Center

ETT Endotracheal tube FCN Family Care Network

EUA Exam Under Anesthesia FCNH Franklin County Nursing Home eval Evaluation FCR Flexor carpi radialis ever Eversion FCU Flexor carpi ulnaris ex Exercise FD Fully Dilated exam Examination FDB Flexor digitorum brevis exc Excision FDL Flexor digitorum longus exp Expiration OR expired FDP Flexor digitorum profundus exp Expressive FDP Fibrinogen Degradation Products

Expl. Exploratory Laparotomy FDS Flexor digitorum superficialis

Ext Extraction Fe Iron ext Extension fem Femoral ext. External Fe SO Ferrous sulfate

EXT extremity FET Forced Expiratory Technique

EXT. FIX External fixation FF Fundus Firm ext. rot. External Rotation FFP Fresh Frozen Plasma

FH Family History

F FHB Flexor hallucis brevis

FHL Flexor hallucis longus

F Fahrenheit FHR Fetal Heart Rate

F Female (with a circle around the F) FHS Fetal Heart Sounds fa Father FHT Fetal Heart Tones

FB Foreign Body fib. Fibrillation FL Femur Length FSBS Finger stick blood sugar

Flu Influenza FSE Fetal Scalp Electrode

FiO2 Fractional Concentration of O2 in FSH Follicle stimulating hormone inspired gas FT Family Teaching

FIM Functional Independence FT Fingertip

Measurement FTA Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody fl Fluid Absorption

FLACC face, legs, activity, cry, consolability, FTLFC Full Term Live Female Child pain scale FTLMC Full Term Live Male Child

Flex Flexion FTND Full Term Normal Delivery

Fluoro Fluoroscopy FTSG Full Thickness Skin Graft

FM Family Medicine funct Functional

FM Fetal Monitoring F/U Follow-up

FM Fetal Movement FUO Fever of undetermined origin

FMD Family Physician FVC Forced Vital Capacity

FOB Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy FWB Full Weight Bearing

FOB Foot of bed fx Fracture

FOBT Fecal occult blood test fxn Function

FP Family Practice

FPL Flexor pollicis longus G

FRC Functional residual capacity

FR Full Resuscitation g Gallop freq Frequent (ly) G Gravida

FRG Functional Related Groups g Gram

Fri Friday G+ Gram positive

FROM Full range of motion G- Gram negative

FRS Flexed rotated sidebent G/A General Anesthesia

FS Frozen Section GAD Generalized Anxiety Disorder GAF Global Assessment of Functioning GRASP Grace Reynolds Application and gal Gallon Study of PETO gastroc Gastrocnemius grp Group

GB Gallbladder GSW Gunshot wound

GBS Group B Streptococcus GTT Glucose Tolerance Test

GC Gonococcus, Gonorrhea gtt Drops

G/C Geri Chair GU Genitourinary

GDM Gestational Diabetes Mellitus G/W Glucose Water

GE Gastroenterology GYN Gynecology

GENA General Anesthesia

GEN General H genl General

GERD Gastroesophageal reflux disease H/A Headache gest Gestation HAL Hyperalimentation

GETA General Endotracheal Anesthesia HASCVD Hypertensive Arteriosclerotic

GETT Graded Exercise Tolerance Test Cardiovascular Disease

GF Girlfriend HASHD Hypertensive Arteriosclerotic Heart gfa Grandfather Disease

GI Gastrointestinal H2O Water

GLU Glucose HB Heart Block

Gm Gram HBP High Blood Pressure gmo Grandmother HBsAb Hepatitis B Surface Antibody

GN Graduate Nurse HBsAg Hepatitis B Surface Antigen

GOT Glutamin-Oxaloacetic Transaminase HBV Hepatitis B Virus

GPN Graduate Practical Nurse HCFA Health Care Financing Administration

GPT Glutaminc-Pyruvic Transaminase HCG Human chorionic gonadotropin

GR Grand Rounds Hcl Hydrochloric acid

HCO3 Bicarbonate Hct Hematocrit horiz Horizontal

HCV Hepatitis C Virus hosp Hospital

HCVD Hypertensive Cardiovascular H&P History & Physical

Disease HP Hot pack

HCW Health Care Worker HP-C Cervical hot pack

HDL High density lipoprotein (cholesterol) HPI History of present illness

HE Home Evaluation HP-L Large hot pack

HEENT Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat HR Heart Rate

HELLP Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes hr Hour

Low Platelet Count hrs Hours hemi Hemiplegia HRT Hormone Replacement Therapy

HEP Home Exercise Program HS Hour of sleep

Hgb- Hemoglobin HOH Harrisburg State Hospital

HGH Human Growth Hormone HIM Hepatosplenomegaly

H&H Hemoglobin and Hematocrit HSV 1&2 Herpes Simplex Virus 1 & 2

H/H Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Ht Height

HHC Home Health Care HTN Hypertension

HIB Hemophilus Influenza Type B HTVD Hypertensive Vascular Disease

HID Herniated Intervertebral Disc HV Home Visit

HIM Health Information Management HVGS High Voltage Galvanic Stimulation

HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus Hx History

HMD Hyaline Membrane Disease Hyst Hysterectomy

HMO Health Maintenance Organization Hyster Hysterectomy

HNP Herniated Nucleus Pulposus

HNV Has Not Voided I Independent (with a circle around the

H/O History of I)

HOB Head of Bed IABP Intra-aortic Balloon Pump

HOH Hard of Hearing IADL Instrumental activities of daily living IAM Internal Auditory Meatus insuff. Insufficiency

IBD Inflammatory Bowel Disease int Internal

IBRP Independent Bathroom Privileges Int Fix Internal Fixation

IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome Int Med Internal Medicine

IC Infection Control int. rot. Internal Rotation

ICP Intracranial Pressure Monitoring inv Inversion

ICP Interdisciplinary Care Plan I & O Intake and Output icp Intermittent catheterization program IOC Intraoperative Cholangiogram

ICU Intensive Care Unit IOL Intraocular Lens

ID Identification IOP Intensive Outpatient Program

I & D Incision and Drainage IP Interphalangeal

IDDM Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus IP Ice pack

Ig Immunoglobulin IPPB Intermittent Positive Pressure

IHSS Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic Breathing stenosis IQ Intelligence Quotient

IM Intramuscular IR Internal Rotation

IM Internal Medicine IRB Institutional Review Board

IMCU Intermediate Care Unit IRBBB Incomplete Right Bundle Branch

Imp Impression Block

IMV Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation irr Irregular inc Incomplete IS Incentive Spirometry incon Incontinent ISB Incentive Spirometry Breathing

Ind-Grp (individual group) ITB Iliotibial band inf Inferior IUD Intrauterine Device (contraceptive)

Ing Inguinal IUFD Intrauterine Fetal Death

Inj Injection IUGR Intrauterine Growth Retardation

INS Insurance IUP Intrauterine Pregnancy insp Inspiratory IUPC Intrauterine pressure catheter IV Intravenous KVO Keep Vein Open

IVAD intravenous access device K-Wire Kirschner Wire

IVC Intravenous Cholangiogram L

IVCD Intra ventricular Conduction Delay

IVP Intravenous Pyelogram L Left (with a circle around the L)

IVP IV push l Liter

IVPB Intravenous piggyback L-1 First lumbar vertebra

IV-PCA Intravenous Patient Controlled L-2 Second lumbar vertebra

Analgesia L-3 Third lumbar vertebra

IVP Intravenous Piggyback L-4 Fourth lumbar vertebra

IVRA IV Regional Anesthesia L-5 Fifth lumbar vertebra

LA Local Anesthesia

J L&A Light & Accommodation

Lab Laboratory

JODM Juvenile Onset Diabetes Mellitus lac Laceration jt Join lami Laminectomy

JVD Jugular venous distention LAP Laparoscopic/Laparotomy

JVP Jugular venous pressure lat Lateral

LAVH Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal

K Hysterectomy

lb Pound

KAFO Knee/ankle foot orthosis LB Lower body

KCl Potassium chloride LBBB Left Bundle Branch Block

KDA Known drug allergy LBP Low Back Pain

Kg Kilogram LBW Low birth weight

KLS Kidney, Liver, Spleen LCF Left Cubital

KPO3 Potassium phosphate L & D Labor and delivery

KUB Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder LDH Lactic Dehydrogenase LDL Low Density Lipoprotein LOP Left Occiput Posterior

LE Lupus Erythematosus LOQ Lower Outer Quadrant

LE Lower extremity LOS Length of Stay

LEEP Loop Electro-excisional Procedure LOT Left Occiput Transverse

LET Lidocaine, epinephrine, tetracaine LP Lumbar Puncture

LFT Liver Function Test LPM Liter per Minute

LFVD Low Forceps Vaginal Delivery LPN Licensed Practical Nurse lg Large LR Lactated Ringer's

LGA Large for Gestational Age LS Lumbosacral

LH Luteinizing hormone LSB Left Sternal Border

LHCS Lutheran Home Care Services LSD Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

LHS Long handled sponge LSO Left Salpingooophorectomy

LHSH Long handled shoehorn Lt Left

LIH Left Inguinal Herniorrhaphy LTG long-term goals

LIQ Lower Inner Quadrant LTV Long-term variability

LKS Liver, Kidney, and Spleen LUD Left Uterine Displacement

LLB Long Leg Brace LUE Left Upper Extremity

LLE Left Lower Extremity LUL Left Upper Lobe

LLL Left Lower Lobe LUQ Left Upper Quadrant

LLQ Left Lower Quadrant (abdomen) LVEDP Left Ventricular End Diastolic

LML Left Mediolateral Pressure

LMP Last menstrual period LV Left Ventricle

LN LVH Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

LOA Leave of Absence L&W Living and Well

LOA Left Occiput Anterior lytes Electrolytes

LOB Loss of Balance

LOC Level of Consciousness M

LOC Loss of consciousness m Murmur (m with a circle) med neb Medication nebulizer

MA Medical Assistance mEq Milliequivalent

MAE Moves All Extremities MET Metabolic Ratio Equivalent

MAFO Molded Ankle-Foot Orthosis Mets Metastasis

MAP Mean arterial pressure MFC Medial femoral condyle

MAR Medication administration record MFVD Mid Forceps Vaginal Delivery

MAT multifocal atrial tachycardia MFR Myofascial release max Maximum mg Milligram m/b Manifested by mg/dL Milligram per deciliter

MB Mother Baby mgmt Management

MBS Modified barium swallow

MCA Motorcycle Accident MH Moist heat mcg Microgram MH Mental Health mcgtts Microdrops MHE Mental Health Evaluator

MCH Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin MHT Mental Health Therapist

MCHC Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin MHU Mental Health Unit

Concentration MI Myocardial Infarction mCi Millicurie mid Midline

MCL Midclavicular Line min Minute

MCP Metacarpal Phalangeal min Minimum

MCV Mean Corpuscular Volume MIS Management Information Services

MD Medical Doctor misc Miscellaneous

MDI Metered Dose Inhaler MIVA Monitored IV Anesthesia

ME Muscle energy mj Millijoule

MEC Medical Executive Committee ml Milliliter mec Meconium MLC Midline Catheter

Med medial MLE Midline Episiotomy meds Medications MLT Medical Laboratory Technician mm Millimeter MRI Magnetic resonance imaging

MM Muscles MRSA Methicillin resistant staph aureus mm Hg Millimeters of mercury MS Multiple Sclerosis

MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality ms Muscle

Inventory M-S Musculoskeletal

M-M Procedure Marshall-Marchetti MSE Mental Status Exam

Procedure MSF Meconium stained fluid

MMSE Mini Mental State Exam m/skeletal Musculoskeletal

MMR Measles-mumps-rubella vaccine MSUD Maple Syrup Urine Disease

MMT Manual Muscle Test MSW Master of Social Work

MN Midnight MT Medical Technologist

MN MTD Month to Date mo Mother MTP Metatarsal Phalangeal mod Moderate Mu Milliunit modal Modalities MUGA multi-gated cardiac ventriculogram or

MODM Maturity Onset Diabetes Mellitus nuclear ventriculogram or multi-gated

MOM Milk of magnesia acquisition.

Mon Monday Multip Multipara mono Infectious Mononucleosis MV Mitral Valve mos Months MVA Motor Vehicle Accident

MOW Meals on Wheels MVC Motor Vehicle Crash

MPB Multipodus Boot MVI multivitamin

MPH Miles per hour MVP Mitral Valve Prolapse

MPJ Metacarpophalangeal Joint MVV Maximum Voluntary Ventilation

MR Mitral regurgitation MVMT Movement

MRA Magnetic resonance angiography MWB Minimum Weight Bearing

MRCP Magnetic Resonance

Cholangiopancreatogram N NMES Neuro muscular electrical stimulation n Nerve NN Nurses= Notes

N/A Not Applicable no Number

NA Nurses Aide/Attendant Norm Normal

NaCl Sodium chloride NOS Not Otherwise Specified

NAD No Active Disease NP Nasopharyngeal

NaHCO3 Sodium Bicarbonate NPC Nonproductive Cough

NALS Neonatal Advanced Life Support NPN Nonprotein Nitrogen

NB Newborn NPO Nothing by mouth

NBN Newborn Nursery NRBM Non-Rebreather Mask

N/C Nasal Cannula N/R Nonreactive n/c No complaints NS Neurological Surgery

NCPAP Nasal Continuous Positive Airway NS Normal Saline

Pressure NSA No Significant Abnormality

NCS Nerve Conduction Study NSAID Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

NCV Nerve Conduction Velocity NSD Normal Spontaneous Delivery neg Negative Nsg Nursing neuro Neurologic NSR Normal Sinus Rhythm

NFA Nursing Facility Administrator NSS Normal Saline Solution

NG Nasogastric NST Nonstress Test

NG Tube Nasogastric Tube NSVD Normal Spontaneous Vaginal

NGT Nasogastric Tube Delivery

NICU Neonatal Intensive Care Unit N/T Not tested

NIF Negative Inspiratory Flow NT Nasotracheal

NKA No Know Allergies N & T Nose and Throat

NKDA No Known Drug Allergies NTG Nitroglycerin

NL Normal NTT Nasotracheal tube

Nutr Nutrition N & V Nausea and vomiting OHS Occupational Health Associates

NVD Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea oint Ointment

N/V/D Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea OJ Orange juice

NWB Nonweight Bearing OM Otitis Media

OOB Out of Bed

O OOB/WC Out of Bed in Wheelchair

OOT Out of Town

O Objective OP Occiput Posterior

O2 Oxygen OP Outpatient

O-A Occipital-atlas OP Operative

OA Osteoarthritis O&P Ova and Parasites

OA Occiput Anterior OPD Outpatient Department

OAE -- otoacoustic emission ophth Ophthalmic

OB Obstetrics OPT Outpatient

OB/GYN Obstetrics & Gynecology OR Operating Room

OBS Organic Brain Syndrome ORIF Open Reduction, Internal Fixation obs Observation ortho Orthopedic obst Obstruction os Mouth

OC Oral Contraception OS Left eye

Occ Occasionally OSD Over bed side drainage occas. Occasional OT Occupational Therapy

OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OTC Over the counter

OCG Oral Cholecystogram OU Both eyes

OCL Orthopedic cast for limb OVR Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

OCT Oxytocin Challenge Test oz Ounce

OD Right eye

O & E Observation & Examination P

OHFT Overhead Frame and Trapeze _ pb Piggyback p After PBI Protein Bound Iodine

P Pulse pc After meals

PA Pernicious Anemia PC Packed cells

PA Physician Assistant PC pressure control (ventilator)

PA pulmonary artery PCA Patient Controlled Anesthesia

P & A Percussion & Auscultation PCH Personal Care Home

PA-C Physician's Assistant (certified) PCI Percutaneous coronary intervention

PAC Premature Atrial Contractions PCN Penicillin

PAO2 Arterial Oxygen Tension PCO2 Partial pressure of CO2

PAO2 Partial Pressure of 02 in Arterial PCP Primary Care Physician

Blood PC/S Primary Cesarean Section

PaCO2 Partial Pressure of CO2 in Arterial PCWP Pulmonary Capillary Wedge

Blood Pressure

PACU Post Anesthesia Care Unit PD Peritoneal Dialysis palp Palpable PDA Patent Ductus Arteriosus

PALS Pediatric Advanced Life Support PDR Physician Desk Reference

PaO2 Partial Pressure of O2 in Arterial PDIS Patient Discharge Instruction Sheet

Blood PE Physical Examination pap Papanicolaou smear PE Pulmonary Edema or Embolism

PAP Pulmonary Artery Pressure PEA Pulseless Electrical Activity

Pap Smear Papanicolaou Smear PEARL Pupils Equal and Reactive to Light

PARA Number of Parity PERLA Pupils Equal and Reactive to Light para Paraplegic and Accommodation

PAS Stain Periodic Acid-Schiff Stain Peds Pediatrics

PAT Preadmission Testing PEEP Positive End Expiratory Pressure

Path Pathology PEF Peak Expiratory Flow

PAWP Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure PEFR Peak Expiratory Flow Rate PEG Percutaneous endoscopic PICC Peripherally Inserted Central gastrostomy (tube) Catheter per By or through PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease peri Perineal PIF Peak Inspiratory Flow periph Peripheral PIH Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

PERL Pupils Equal, React to Light PIP Proximal Inter Phalangeal Joint

PERLA Pupils Equal, Reactive to Light and PIT Pitocin

Accommodation PJC Premature Junctional Contraction

PERRL Pupils Equal, Round, Reactive to PKE with IOL phacoemulsification of

Light cataract with intraocular lens implant

PERRLA Pupils Equal, Round, React PKU Phenylketonuria to Light and Accommodation PL Palmaris longus perm Permanent PLT Platelet

PF Plantar Flexion PLIF Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion

PFT Pulmonary Function Test PM Evening

PGY1 Post Graduate Year 1 (residents) PMH Past Medical History

PGY2 Post Graduate Year 2 PMS Premenstrual Syndrome

PGY3 Post Graduate Year 3 PM & R Physical Medicine &

PH Past History Rehabilitation pH Hydrogen ion activity, relative acidity PMU Pain Management Unit pH Hydrogen Icon Concentration PNB Premature Nodal Beats phaco Phacoemulsification PNC Premature Nodal Contraction

PHP Partial Hospitalization Program PND Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea

Pharm.D. Doctor of Pharmacy PNF Proprioceptive Neuromuscular

PhD Doctor of Philosophy Facilitation

PHTLS Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support po By mouth (per os) phos Phosphorus POA Power of attorney

PI Present Illness POC Plan of care POD Post-Operative Day PR Public Relations pO2 Partial pressure of oxygen pr Per rectum poly Polymorphonuclear leukocyte P&R Pulse and Respiration

(neutrophils) PRBC Packed Red Blood Cells

POS Point of Service pre Before

POS position PRE Progressive Resistive Exercise pos Positive preg Pregnant post Posterior pre-op Preoperative, before surgery post-op Post-operative, after surgery prep Prepare

PP Postpartum press Pressure pp Postprandial Primp. Primipara

P&P Pins and Plaster priv Private

PPA Phenylpyruvic Acid PRN As the occasion arises

PPB Positive Pressure Breathing prn Whenever necessary, as needed

PPD Purified Protein Derivative of PRO Peer Review Organization

Tuberculin prob. Probably

PPD1 Postpartum Day #1 PROC Procedure

PPD2 Postpartum Day #2 prog Prognosis

PPE Personal Protective Equipment PROM Premature Rupture of Membranes,

PPO Preferred Provider Organization Preterm Rupture of Membranes

PPP Physician Personal Preferences PROM Passive Range of Motion

P&P Policy and Procedure PROM Positive Range of Motion

P/P/P Policy/Procedure/Protocol pron Pronation

PPT Postpartum Tubal Ligation prot Protein

PPT Posterior pelvic tilt pro-time Prothrombin time

PPTL Postpartum Tubal Ligation prox Proximal

PRBm Partial Rebreather Mask PS pressure support

P-R P-R Interval PSA Patient Support Associate PSA Prostate Specific Antigen PvCO2 Partial Pressure of CO2 in Mixed

PSIS Posterior-Superior Iliac Spine Venous Blood

PSO Patient Services Office pvO2 Partial Pressure of O2 in Mixed

PSP Phenolsulfonphthalein, Phenol red Venous Blood

PST-S Pulmonary Stress Test - simple PVR Pulmonary Vascular Resistance

Psych Psychiatry pvr Post void residual

PSVT Paroxysmal Supraventricular PVRI pulmonary vascular resistance index

Tachycardia PVT Paroxysmal Ventricular Tachycardia

PSVT Premature Supraventricular PWB Partial Weight Bearing

Tachycardia pt Patient Q

PT Physical Therapy

PT Protime q Every

PT Pronator Teres QA Quality Assurance p/t Part-time q AM Every morning

P.T. Physical Therapist QC Quality Control

PTA Prior to Admission q h Every hour (may have number

PTCA Percutaneous Transluminal between q & h to designate times)

Coronary Angioplasty q h s Every bedtime

PTL Preterm Labor QI Quality Improvement

PT/PTT Prothrombin Time/Partial q.n. Every night

Thromboplastin Time qns Quantity not sufficient

PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder QRS QRS Complex

PTT Partial Thromboplastin Time q s Quantity sufficient

PUD Peptic Ulcer Disease quad Quadriplegic

PVC Premature Ventricular Contraction quads. Quadriceps

PVD Peripheral Vascular Disease quant Quantity

R rem Removal

Rep reproduction/reproductive r Rectal reps Repetitions

R Rate Resp Respiratory or respirations

R Right resid Residual

R Right (with a circle around the R) retics Reticulocytes

R Respirations retro Retrograde

RA Rheumatoid Arthritis rev Revised/revision

R/A Ruptured Artificially Rh Rhesus factor blood group ra Right atrial RHD Rheumatic Heart Disease

RAMS Rapid Alternating Movements RHF Right Heart Failure

RAO Right anterior oblique RHIA Registered Health Information rap Right atrial pressure Administrator

RAD Right axis deviation RHIT Registered Health Information

RBBB Right Bundle Branch Block Technician

RBC Red blood cell Rh neg Rhesus factor negative

RBV Read back and verify Rh pos Rhesus factor positive

RCF Right Cubital Fossa RIH Right Inguinal Herniorrhaphy

RCL Radial Collateral Ligament RL Ringer's Lactate

RCP Respiratory Care Practitioner RLE Right Lower Extremity

RC/S Repeat Cesarean Section RLL Right Lower Lobe

RD Radial Deviation RLQ Right Lower Quadrant (abdomen)

RD Registered Dietician RLTCS Repeat Low Transverse C-Section

RDS Respiratory Distress Syndrome RM Ruptured Membranes re: Regarding RML Right Middle Lobe reg Regular RN Registered Nurse rehab Rehabilitation RNC Registered Nurse, Certified

REM Rapid Eye Movement RNCS Registered Nurse, Certified Specialist R/O Rule Out RUE Right Upper Extremity

ROA Right Occiput Anterior RUL Right Upper Lobe

ROM Range of Motion RUQ Right Upper Quadrant (abdomen)

ROM Rupture of Membranes RV Return Visit

ROP Right Occiput Posterior Rx Prescription

ROS Review of Systems

ROT Right Occiput Transverse S

ROT rotation

RPE Ratings of Perceived Exertion s Without

RPh Pharmacist S Subjective

RPR Rapid Plasma Reagin S Sacral

RR Respiratory Rate S Supervision (with a circle around the

RRA Registered Record Administrator S)

RRT Registered Respiratory Therapist S1 First heart sound

R/S Ruptured Spontaneously S2 Second heart sound

RSB Regular Sinus Bradycardia S3 Third heart sound

RSD Reflexive Sympathetic Dystrophy S4 Fourth heart sound

RSO Right Salpingooophorectomy S-1 First sacral vertebra

RSR Regular Sinus Rate (rhythm) S-2 Second sacral vertebra

RST Regular Sinus Tachycardia S-3 Third sacral vertebra

RSV Respiratory Syncytial Virus S-4 Fourth sacral vertebra

RT Radiation Therapy S-5 Fifth sacral vertebra

RT Respiratory Therapy SA Sinoatrial

R/T Related To SA node Sinoatrial Node

RTC Regular To Clinic S Ab Spontaneous Abortion

RTF Resident Treatment Facility SACH single axis cushioned heel

RTW Return to Work SASH Saline Antibiotic Saline Heparin

RUD Right Uterine Displacement SA02 Arterial Saturation Oxygen SARS Severe Acute Respiratory sed rate Sedimentation rate

Syndrome seg Segmented white cells sat saturation Sens sensation

Sat Saturday SG Swan-Ganz Catheter satis Satisfactory S-G Swan Ganz catheter

SB Stillbirth SGA Small for Gestational Age

SB Sidebending SGOT Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic

SBE Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis Transaminase

SBFT Small Bowel Follow Through SGPT Serum Glutamic Pyruvic

SBH Summit Behavorial Health Transaminase

SBP Systolic Blood Pressure SH Social History s-brady Sinus Bradycardia si Sister

SBQC Short base quad cane SIDS Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

SC Self Care sig. To write

SCC Skilled Care Coordinator sig Direction to be on label sci Spinal cord injury sign Signature

SCJ Sternoclavicular Joint signif. Significant

SCL-90R Symptom Checklist 90- SI joints Sacroiliac joints

Revised (Mental Health) SIADH Syndrome of inappropriate

SCIP Surgical Care Improvement antidiuretic hormone

Program SIMV Spontaneous Intermittent Mandatory

SCM Sternocleidomastoid Ventilation

SDS Same Day Services SIS saline infusion

SE Scalp Electrode sonohysterosalpingography s/e Side effects SL saline lock sec Second SLB Short Leg Brace

Secr secretion SLE Systemic Lupus Erythematous sed Sedimentation SLE Systemic Lupus Erythematous SLP Speech Language Pathology SpO2 Oxygen Saturation by pulse oximeter

SLR Straight Leg Raising spont Spontaneous sm Small SQ Subcutaneous

SMA Sequential Multiple Analyzer SQ-PCA Subcutaneous Patient

SMAC Sequential Multiple Analysis Controlled Analgesia

Computerized SROM Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes

SMO supramalleolar orthosis SROM Self Range of Motion

SNF Skilled Nursing Facility

SNS Supplemental Nursing System SS Social Service

SNT Soft & Nontender SS# Social Security Number so significant other s/s Signs and symptoms

SO Salpingo-oophorectomy SSA Social Security Administration

SOAP Subjective, Objective, Assessment, SSE Soap Suds Enema and Plan SSKI Saturated Solution of Potassium

SOB Shortness of Breath Iodide

Soc Hx Social History SSN Social Security Number sol Solution ST Sinus tachycardia sono Sonogram s-tachy Sinus tachycardia

SOOC Spontaneous onset of contractions Staph Staphylococcus

SOOL Spontaneous onset of Labor Stat Immediately

SOP Standard Operating Procedure STD Sexually Transmitted Disease

SORL Spiral oblique retinacular ligament STG short-term goals

S/P Status Post Strep Streptococcus

SPA Salt-Poor Albumin STSG Split Thickness Skin Graft spast Spasticity STV Short-term variability

Spec Specimen Sub Substitute sp gr Specific gravity sublux Subluxation

S-Pin Steinmann Pin Subq Subcutaneous Sun Sunday T3 Triiodothyronine

Sup superior T4 Thyroxine supp Suppository T & A Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy surg Surgery T&S Type and screen

SVD Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery tab Tablet

SVE Sterile Vaginal Exam tachy Tachycardia

SVR Systemic Vascular Resistance TAH Total Abdominal Hysterectomy

SVRI systemic vascular resistance index TAF Triage Assessment Form

SVT Supraventricular Tachycardia TAPP Teenage Pregnancy & Parenting

SW Social Worker Program

Sx Symptoms or Signs TAROM Total active range of motion sys Systolic TAT Turnaround time

TB Tuberculosis

T TBA To Be Admitted

TBB Transbronchial biopsy

T Temperature tbc Tubercle bacillus

T-1 First thoracic vertebra TBI Traumatic brain injury

T-2 Second thoracic vertebra T bili Total Bilirubin

T-3 Third thoracic vertebra TBNA Transbronchial needle aspiration

T-4 Fourth thoracic vertebra Tbsp Tablespoon

T-5 Fifth thoracic vertebra TC Tactile Cues

T-6 Sixth thoracic vertebra T&C Type and Crossmatch

T-7 Seventh thoracic vertebra TCN Tetracycline

T-8 Eighth thoracic vertebra TCU Transitional Care Unit

T-9 Ninth thoracic vertebra TD Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoid(Adult

T-10 Tenth thoracic vertebra Type)

T-11 Eleventh thoracic vertebra Tech technique

T-12 Twelfth thoracic vertebra TEDS Elastic stockings TEE Transesophageal Endoscopy TLC Total Lung Capacity

Temp Temperature TM Treadmill

TENS Transcutaneous (Electrical) Nerve TMJ Temporomandibular Joint

Stimulation Tms Tympanic Membranes

TEP Tracheo-esophageal puncture T O Telephone Order

TG Triglyceride Toco Tocotransducer

T&H Type and Hold tol Tolerate (d)

THA Total Hip Arthroplasty TORCH Toxoplasmosis, Other Infections

THR Total Hip Replacement TOS Thoracic outlet syndrome

THR Target Heart Rate TPA Tissue Plasminogen Activator

THRp Total Hip Replacement Precautions TPN Total Parenteral Nutrition

Thurs Thursday TPR Temperature, Pulse, Respirations thy Thyroid TPROM Total passive range of

T.I. Thoracic inlet motion

TIA Transient Ischemic Attack TR Therapeutic Recreation

TIBC Total Iron Binding Capacity trach Tracheostomy t i d Three times a day Trap Trapezius. tinct Tincture T & S Type & Screen

TIPS transjsugular intrahepatic TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone portosystemic shunt TSS Toxic Shock Syndrome

TJC The Joint Commission tsp Teaspoon

TKA Total Knee Arthroplasty TT Tetanus toxoid

TKA trochanter knee ankle TTVP Temporary transvenous pacemaker

TKO To Keep Open TTWB Toe Touch Weight Bearing

TKR Total Knee Replacement Tues Tuesday

TL Tubal ligation TUI Transurethral Incision

TLC Total Life Center TUR Transurethral Resection

TLC Tender loving care TURBT Transurethral Resection Bladder UOQ Upper Outer Quadrant

Tumor UPC Units of packed cells

TURP Transurethral Resection of the UPJ Ureteropelvic Junction

Prostate UR Utilization Review

TVH Total Vaginal Hysterectomy URI Upper respiratory infection

TVT Tension-free vaginal tape Urine for R&M Urine for Routine &

Tx Treatment Microscopic tym Tympano US Ultrasound tymp Tympanic US Unit Secretary

USP United State Pharmacopeia

U UTD Up to date

UTI Urinary tract infection

UA Urinalysis UUN Urine urea nitrogen ua Urine UV Ultraviolet

UAC Umbilical Atrial Catheter UVC Umbilical Venous Catheter

UACS Urinalysis, Culture and Sensitivity

UB Upper body V

UC Uterine Contractions v Vein

UCL Ulnar collateral ligament V Volume

UD Unit dose VA Visual acuity

UD Ulnar deviation VA Veteran Administration

UE Upper extremity VAD Vascular Access Device

UGI Upper gastrointestinal Vag Vaginal

UIQ Upper Inner Quadrant vag. hyster. Vaginal Hysterectomy umb Umbilicus VAS Verbal Analog Scale (pain scoring)

UMN Upper motion neuron vasc Vascular unil Unilateral VBAC Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section

U/O Urinary Output VC Verbal Cues VC Vital Capacity vtx Vertex

VCUG Voiding Cystourethrogram VV Varicose vd Voided Vtach Ventricular Tachycardia

VD Venereal Disease

VDRL Venereal Disease Research W


VD/VT Physiologic Dead space to Tidal WAIS Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

Volume Ratio WB Whole Blood

VE Vaginal Exam WB Weight Bearing

VE Minute ventilation WBAT Weight Bearing As Tolerated vent Ventilator WBC White Blood Cells

VFDS Videofluroscopic dysphagia study WBQC Wide base quad cane

V fib Ventricular Fibrillation W/C Wheelchair

VG Ventral Gluteal Wed Wednesday

VIS Vaccination Instruction Sheet WFL Within Functional Limits

VL Vastis Lateralis WGL Within good limits

VMA Vanillyl-Madelic Acid WIC Women, Infants, and Children

VNA Visiting Nurses Association WIN Women In Need

VO Verbal order wk Week vol Volume wks Weeks

VOR Vestibular occular reflex WNL Within Normal Limits

VP Venous pressure WNWD Well-nourished, well-developed

VP-16 Etoposide WO Wide open

VS Vital Signs W/O Without

VSS Vital Signs stable WOB Work of breathing

V Tach Ventricular Tachycardia WP Whirlpool

VT Tidal volume WS Work simplification

VTE Venous Thromboembolism wt Weight


x: except x Times

Xm Cross match

X-ray Radiology

Y y/o Years old yrs Years

YTD Year-To-Date


Periodic Table

Hydrogen Helium (H) (He) Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon (Li) (Be) (B) (C) (N) (O) (F) (Ne) Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon (Na) (Mg) (Al) (Si) (P) (S) (Cl) (A) Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel (K) (Ca) (Sc) (Ti) (V) (Cr) (Mn) (Fe) (Co) (Ni) Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton (Cu) (Zn) (Ga) (Ge) (As) (Se) (Br) (Kr) Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Columbium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium (Rb) (Sr) (Y) (Zr) (Cb) (Mo) (Tc) (Ru) (Rh) (Pd) Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon (Ag) (Cd) (In) (Sn) (Sb) (Te) (I) (Xe) Cesium Barium Rare Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum (Cs) (Ba) Earths (Hf) (Ta) (W) (Re) (Os) (Ir) (Pt) Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon (Au) (Hg) (Tl) (Pb) (Bi) (Po) (At) (Rn) Virginium Radium (Vi) (Ra)

Addendum B

Waynesboro Abbreviation List Addition/Deletion Form



Please make sure that any new abbreviation is not listed on the Forbidden Abbreviation list, which can be found on the intranet. Any abbreviations listed on the Forbidden Abbreviation list will not be processed.

Forbidden list checked: Yes No

Abbreviation: ______

Description: ______

Recommended by: ______

Reason abbreviation is being added or deleted: ______

Does the abbreviation already exist? Yes No

If yes, what is the current meaning? ______

Add to new Meditech Abbreviation List: To be used for those abbreviations that Meditech requires us to utilize.

Approved By Medical Record Committee Chair: ______Signature Date

Routing Order: Employee/Physician initiates the new abbreviation request by filling out this form on-line and then sending it to the HIM Manager. HIM Manager completes this form and takes the form to the next Medical Records Committee Meeting. If approved the Medical Record Committee Chair will sign and date the form and forward the form request onto MEC. If approved by MEC then the Medical Staff Services Department will update the online abbreviation list. If the abbreviation does not make it through the approval process then the HIM Manager needs to follow-up with the person that recommended the abbreviation.

(O:11/00, R:1/04,12/04,4/05,05/06)

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