
nf ff OUT ffn ff CLOSING SALE ffit ftft' ff ft ff ft ff ft e KING, OREGON MO. ff ft w ff ftf ff ft This Big Closing-Ou-t and continues until ff ft Saturday, October 19 ff ft Sale begins entire stock is sold. ff ft ff ft Every one in Oregon and the surrounding territory knows that I have always carried an exceptionally good slock of dependable merchandise, and you ff cannot afford to miss an opportunity like this, with prices high and still going higher, and with merchandise very scarce. So with this sale coming now, it ff ft will mean more to you than any sale held here before, as this is not a "Cican-u- p Odd and End Sale," but a CLOSE-OU- T SALE of Quality Goods, at prices far ff ft will ff ft below the market prices. You be able to save on some things fully one-ha- lf in price. ff vfft ff ft $2.60 MenV, Goodyear fllove, $2.00 Ladles' Winter Union . TAHI.K OIL CLOTHS GROCERIES ff red sole $2.20 LADIES' SHOES nt $1.48 Oil Cloth, at 31c I $1.75 Hoys,' heavy $1.32 J6c Best Table Here where you can cut the High ff . $1.76 Ladles' Winter Union , These are the celebrated Brown' $1.2.-- Mlxses,' one buckle 90c at $1.23 Cost of Living: ff 6" Shoe, no Ix'ttcr wearing shoe made, $1.00 Child', ono bucklo 75c 20c can Corn, 4 for SOc $1.50 tallies' Winter Union Suits $1.18 CHILDREN'S GINGHAM . ff nml the following price will ravn you $4.25 Men'x, four buckle, Good Union $1.25 Indies' Winter Suit. 98c , at 83e 35c can Apricots, 3 for 87c from $2.00 to $1.00 a pair If bought year Clove, red sole $3.48 $1.25 Ladles' Winter Vest and $1.00 Child's ff 35c can Red Salmon, 3 for 83c ft now, a shoes lire going to be "some $1.75 Men', U. S. Ited, all rubber, l'ant, each 98c $1.35 Child's Dress, nt $l- - ff 25c can Pink Salmon, 3 for 57c shoe" later cm, I have them In Black four bucklo $1,15 $1.00 ladles' Winter Vests nnd $1.60 Child' Drcsx, at ) ft (!un $2.00 Men's, ail one KM, Metal, rubber, 40c can Pineapple, 2 59c ff I'ntcnt Leather, Dark each 70c for l'ant, $1.85 Mlxscs' Dresses, ut HM ft Drown Kid ami Dark llrown Gun burklo $1.30 7.V Ladle' Winter Vests nnd 20c can Frontier Peas, 3 49c $2.00 for.... ff Metal. $2.60 Iloyx,' four buckle, cloth.. $2.13 l'ant, each 53c $2.75 Misses' Dresses, at ft whole-Mil- e 45c can targe Cove Oysters, 3 for $1.05 $2.00 Hoy,' two buckle, $1.69 buy dresses at ff $2.00 Ladies' Slmox, at $1.55 cloth.... 76c tallies' Summer 53c I cannot these ft $1.76 Youth', two buckle, cloth.. $1.15 60c Union Suits 48c prices. You 15c can Pork and Beans, 2 for.... 22c $2,611 $I.H!I tallies' Summer now for near these ff tadiex' at Shoe, $2.00 Ladle,' two buckle $1.65 45c Lnilics' 33c 10c glass Mustard, 4 for 29c ft $H.OO tallies' .Shoe, at $2.18 Summer l'ant at.... winner If you buy theso ure the ff $1.75 Mlxke,' two buckle $1.33 tallies' at $2.93 16c tadie' Summer Vests at 11c 15c can Cocoa, 3 for 33c ft Shoe, Men', Women' and Children' Hub-h- 12c di esses now, 20c Summer Vext, ff $1.50 Ladles' Shoe, at tadie' at.... 20c can King Ku Rnlsins, 3 for. ...SOc ft at great Having. 25c tadie' Summer Vrxt. at 18c $.'i.00 tadie Shoos, nt $3.98 ff 80c Child' Winter Union Suit nt 69c 25c lb. Tapioca, per lb 18c ft Jfi.r.O tallies' Shoex, at $5.33 HOUSE DRESSES AND COTTON LADIES' 15c lb, Funcy Jap Rice, 4 lbs 56c ff CLOVES $1.00 Child's Winter Union Suits 76c $8.00 tadlex' Shoex. at $.48 FLANNEL APRONS ft $1.25 Misses' Winter Union Suit 92c 10c can 4 29c $:l.r,0 Oi.l tallies' Shoex, plain AND MITTENS Sardine, for ff $1.40 Misses' Winter Union $1.08 fancy ft toe, at $2.9. 20c Men' Cotton Flannel Mitt. Suits $1.90 tadie' House Dresses, 25c lb. Alspice, per pound 15c ff Child' nnd Mixxes' per dozen $1.80 Vests and obxolutely fnst colors, nt SMi ft MISSKS' AND CHILDREN'S SIIOKS l'ant 19c lo 52c plaid, 30c can Instant Postum, 2 for..,, 46c ff Clooe-ou- 20c Hoy' Cotton Flannel Mitts, dark ft t Price. $1.75 tadles' Aprons, neat, 25c box Postum Cereal, 2 for.... 38c per dozen $1,70 ff Child' Shoes, CINCHAMS at u 13c box Com Starch, 3'for 27c ft 2 ft 25c Men' lied Tick Mitt, patterns, xise to 71c to $1.21 ff pair, 18c; per dozen $2.00 ,15c Amoskeng Cinghnm, perynrd..25c $1.65 Cold Hlast Lantern, at,... $1.25 ft Chihl'ri .Hhoex, 20c Men' U'j to H $1.30 to $1.35 Cotton Flnnncl Clove, A snap In this for you, as ging- I1LANKKTS 10c Enamellno Stove Polish, 2 for 15c dozen ft per $1.80 $'-.- Child' Shoo, hams will be "sky high" later. weight 16c bottle Royal Gloxs Shoo tf $3.25 lllanket, nice m H'j to II $1.10 lo $2.2.1 25c Men' Cotton Flannel Clove, Polish, nt T..10C extra heavy, per dozen :10c Amoikeug Apron Checkx,yd..22c Hlnnkct, very good weight $2.80 ff MIxm1' .Shoex, $2.00 $3.60 25c .Men' Drown $3.25 25c bottle 2A Brown Shoe Polish, lr.ex II 'a to 2 $1.10 to $1.00 Jerxey -.Cloves, I'EKCALKS All 35c nml 40c Per- $4.00 Wool Nap, funcy plaid... ff vf pulr 18c, per dozen..- $2.00 blankets, ns 2 for 38c ,mi:n's SIIOKS. cales, yard 23c Huy liberally of these 16c bottle White Pollxh, nt 10c long tlmo before you OVERALLS AND This I tho famou "Scout" pcrcule, It will bo n long, 15c bottle "3 In 1" Oil, 2 for 21c rv $n.00 Men's (iun Metal, button JACKETS. Cc f prices. box Hall or Dr. ami liic, welt, latent last, $2.50 Men' "Hunter Hrand," fnxt colors In tho new fall patterns. find this quality ngaln at these Sawyers' Bluing, 3 for 10c ff per pair $1,65 220 weight, per pair $2.10 ft OUTING FLANNELS. 8c box Matches, 12 65c $5.00 .Men's Kill tare, broad $2.60 Men' "Hunter Hrnnd," for.. ff . 30c can Calumet Baking Powder, toe, per pair $3.95 Express Stripe, per pair $2.10 All 35c nml 40c, very best Outing, . .$1.00 2 for 43c ff One lot, Mzo 10 and 11 $1.26 Royal Worcester ft $2.00 Men' "Hunter Hrand," nt yard 25c COc can King's Baking at $1.7.1 anil $2.05 Wnbaxh stripe $1.65 Royal Worcester Corxct..$1.23 Powder, ff "xtlfcl" $1.75 ft You will Kive money in buying this 2 for 23c .$1.50 HOYS' SIIOKS $2.00 Men' Cottonndo I'ant $1.65 $2.00 Royal Worcester Corset. ff now. 10c can tayton'x Baking ft $4.00 .Men's Moleskin pnnts....$3.30 .$1.73 Powder, Corset. $.'1.50 Hoys' Shoes, $2.60 Royal Worcester for 30c ff Hoy' "Hunter Hrand" MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS. ft 11, $U0 Corset.. $2.50 30c can Dutch Cleanser, 4 30c H'a to at $2.f0 Royal Worcester Overalls $1.00 36c nnd 38c very best Hleachcd $3.60 for.... ff 8c box Cold Dust, ft $4.00 Iloyx' Shoex, $1.60 nbovo regular prices aro fnr 10 for 53c Hoy' "Hunter Itraml" Tho 11 to 2. at $2.93 Muslin, at yard 27c 8c box Powder, ff wholesnlo prices, ft 'i Overall $1.25 below tho present 10 for $1.50 Boys' Shoes, $1.05 Hoys' "Hunter Hrand" 30c Hlcavhed Muxln, at 21c mcuns 53c ff It sure ft 2"j to 0 $3,110 Hlcnched Muslin, 20c nnd with this reduction lbc box Defiance Sturch, at 10c Overall 25c nt $1.39 you. 15c lb. Lump ff $5.00 Iloyx' Dark llrown Shoes, "money saver" for Starch, at 9c ft $2.60 Men' "Hunter Hrand" Illcached Muslin, nt 18c somo 2'.a to 0 $3.95 224c 30e lb. Extra Fancy Peubcrry ff Jackets, heavy $2.10 ft 20c Unbleached Muslin, nt 15c Coffee, 3 poundx for $1.15 WOKK SIIOKS $1.00 Men' llluo Check Jacket.. 83c AND MISSES' HOSE. ff LADIES' 40c lb. Fancy Rio 4 ft $1.75 Hoy' Hlue Juckets, heavy.. $1.33 25c Unbleached Muslin, at 20c Coffee, lbs., $1.00 $4,50 Men's Work Shoes, $3.18 ROc at.... $2.60 Men' 30c Unbleached Muslin, nt 21c Hose, at 15c lb. Fancy Japan Tea, 3 lbs., $1.40 ff Khaki 20c Ladles' ft $5.00 Men' Woik Shoex, at $3.90 l'ant .A.... $2.10 76c lb. 19c Fancy Gunpowder Tea, $6.00, Men' Work $1.40 Men' "Hlg Hilt Hunter 25c Ladles' Hose, nt ff Shoex, $1.58 COTTON HATTS ft at Hrand" 3 lbs. for $1.25 Shirt $1.10 Hose, nt 21c $0.50 Men's Work Shoex, ut $1.98 20c size, G for SOc 35c Ladles' 20c Post Toastlcs, 2 for 34c ff ft $7.60 Men'x Work Shoex, $3.23 $1.00 Hoys' "Hunter Hrand" 32c ff, nt Hose, 16c Shirt ; 82c 25c size, C for $1.08 40c Burson at Post Tuastlex, 2 for 21c ft $4.60 Iloyx' Work Shoes, 2!J to 0 $3.1,0 Hose, nt 38c 35c National Oat Meal, 2 for 56c Men' Heavy Rockford 60c Burson $4.00 Iloyx' Work Shoex, 12!i to 2 $3.00 , 50c size, 2 for 80c 16c Frontier ff Meal, 2 ft per dozen pair.. $1.93 $2.00 Silk Hose, at $1.63 Oat for.... 24c $3.75 Iloyx' Outing Hals $2.85 Men' llrown Cenulno Automatic 20c No. 2 tamp Chimneys, 3 for.. 43c ff 55c ft $3.50 Men's Outing Hal $2.23 TOWELS AND TOWELING. 76c Art Silk Hose, at 16c No. 1 tamp Chimneys, Socks, per dozen pair 3 for. ,33c $5.00 Men'x Outing llalx $3.90 $2.10 at 13c All 10c ff ft 15c Cotton Toweling, yard 9c 20c Children's Hose, pkges. Ground Spice, 4 for SOc $5.50 Men'x Outing Hals $1.00 20c Cotton Toweling, yard 15c 25c Children's Hose, at 19c Horseshoe Tobacco, per lb 80c ff MEN'S ft $0.00 Men'x Outing Halx $1.38 UNDERWEAR Natural Leaf Tobacco, per 25c Cotton Toweling, yard 19c 35c ami 40c Black Beauty Hose, lb.... $1.00 ff ft FELT LINK I) SIIOKS, $2.00 Men's heavy fleece Union 16c can Velvet Tobacco, per can.. 12c 25c and SOc Suits, at $1,49 28c Linen Mixed Toweling, yard,. 22c at 15c Stag Tobacco, per can 10c ff ft $3.50 Ladies' Kid Vamp, felt Men's SOc $2.60 all wool nt Shirts and 35c nnd 38c Steven's Puro Linen 40c Boys' Jack and Jill, nt 45ciiack Com Cnko 38c ff $2.60 Drawers, each ft $1,49 Toweling, COc black, white and ' 10c Granger Twist, 3 21c yard 25c Misses' lisle, $2.00 Ladies' Fancy Kelt Slippers, $1.25 Men' heavy flccco Shirt 10c for...... ff Honey Dip, 3 for ft grey anil wine $1.50 COc Fancy Puro Linen Toweling, brown, nt 35c 24c and Drawers, each 58e 6c Old 80c Old Ladles' Hill Side, 0 for 23c ff Slippers, 50c ft at $1.50 Men's Summer Union Suits $1.18 yard 37c 35c Infants,' black and white lisle 28c 10c Tiger Fine Cut, 3 .Men'x for 24c $2.00 Illack Felt Slippers. .$1.50 $1.25 Men's Union Suits COc black ff Summer 98c SOc Infants' nil wool hose, 10c Meerschaum, ft $1.00 Child' Turkish Towels, each 15c 3 for 21c Fancy Slippers, red.. 75c $1.00 Men's Summer Union 79c COc Suits 25c Turkish Towels, each 19c and white 35c ff ft Child's Fancy Slippers, red.... 63c 76c Men's Shirts and Drawers, each 53c 30c Turkish Towels, each 22c 25c Men's Hose, at 19c SOAPS ff OVKU-SIIOK- 76c Hoys' Summer Union Suits, 52c ft S at COc Hoy' Summer Shirts and 40c Turkish Towels, each 32c 35c Men's Hose, at 24c 10 bars Hen Hur for 59c ff $2.00 Men's, light ft weight $U0 Drawers, COc 10 each 33c Men's Hose, at 33c bars Electric Spark $1.60 Ladles,' light weight 35c Ucst Shirting, yard 25c for 43c ff $1.15 $1.25 Hoys' ft Winter Union Suit, at 76c 63c Amoskcag Ucd Ticking, 47c Men's Slldcwcll Collars, 2 25c 10 bars Clairctto for 45c $1.25 yard.. for.... Misses,' light weight 98c $U5 Hoys' Winter Union Suit, nt 92c 10 bars ff for 59c ft $1.60 Men'x, heavy, ono bucklo, ,$1.00 Men's Work Socks, per dozen. . . .$1.95 $1.50 Hoys' Winter Union 3 bars $1.85 Men's, Suit, at $1.08 Grandpa's for 33c ff heavy, ono bucklo, ft .$1.50 Hoys' Winter Shirts and Drawers, CALICOES Boys' Work Socks, per dozen.... $1.85 6 bars Alaska for. 20c $2.60 Men's, Tan army duck.... $1.98 each ff ft 34c to 39c Tho best Calicoes, at 12i,c 75c Men's Heavy Wool Socks, pair 50c 3 bars Toilet Soap for 21c ff ft -- ...-(. This is good ff ft a clean stock of merchandise, nothing shoddy or shelf worn. It will pay you well to ff ft come many miles to this sale. It is an opportunity that will not come to you again for long time. You Paste this in your hat. Positively no credit a ff ft cannot afford to miss the opportunity to buy QUALITY GOODS at above prices. With prices still ad- ff ft This sale will make you forget HIGH COST OF LIVING when you wonderful values vancing, it will during this sale. Look the see the pay you ff ft I am offering. ft t to lay in one or two ff years' supply these ff ft for the Red Price Mark. at ff prices. ffft REMEMBER, SALE COMMENCES SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11th. 1919 very, veryjow ff ff THOSE WHO ARE INDEBTED TO ME, PLEASE CALL AND SETTLE. ff if ff y Store will be closed Store open of eve-nhig- s. y No produce ff Friday. C. II W. KING, Oregon, Ho taken during sale. ff