advertises the revue on its Cover:

From Friday 30 April -Saturday 8- May


Directed by Ron Rodger Designed by Michael Mertz At the Be Decline and Faulls afterwards peop some more than The Education Fightback Campaign culminated in last made a few more Thursday’s march to Aotea Square. Generally speaking, the Star said there \ March was small, vocal, disciplined and looked terrific in its insurance asse generous than tl new-season colours of red and green. more accurate, I followed it for a while, and it lead me to ask some that’s what coun questions (with a bit of prompting... doesn’t take much on Friday mornings). Just what has any Fightback campaign achieved over the At day’s end last few years? Have they affected governmental decisions National Officer on Tertiary Education. Are they a waste of time and money? University Stu Can anyone think of a super name for my friend Biddy’s still standing p unbelievably cute kitten? A chocolate fish to the best rhetoric pouring response to this one. Was today’s success, Robin A “Yes”. David Photo: Leo Jew Darryl Carey, Vice-President, j What do we want? “Yes” said Da Why? ISSUE 8 CRACCUM “Because it wi “There’s moi VOL 56 1982 Chatshow said the other, that we have s What I really want to talk about and the Goverr this week is s. 88AA (i) (d) of the are concerned i Land and Income Tax Act 1954 Zealand’s Edi (now s. 67 (4) (e) of the Income Tax being cut back, CRACCUM is registered with the Post Ofice Act 1976) and whether it amounts to only of the stu( as a newspaper. It is published by the a capital gains tax, but I know that country as a wh Craccum Administration Board for the most of you don’t care whether it Auckland University Students’ Association, “Well, there i and printed by Wanganui Newspapers Ltd. does or not and that David has too one. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily much stuff this week anyway, so I ’ll “And then tl anyone’s, including the Editorial Staff, and in just wrap it up here and head back we have now , no way represent the official policy (should to the Law Library while wishing all there be any) of the Association. support for the of you all the best for your particular on Education, Editor...... David Faulls brand of end of term fun. effectively lo Technical Editor...... William Mcllhagga Parliament anc Advertising Manager...... Jason Kemp Yours per incuriam, to rethink th€ Assistant Editors...... Jenny RenalsDak ...... f ...... Paul Grinder unthinking pr Typesetters...... Barbara Amos Education.” ...... Raewyn GreenP.S. I t isn't a capital gains tax, no matter “Yes, that’s i Photographer...... Leo Jew what the Court of Appeal says. Unanimity i: the campaig] Photo: Leo Jew Craccum? “Oh, yes” sa “I wouldn’t other. EDUCATION t catering notebook Thursday, April 22 was the of students took to the streets. National Day of Action on From the start it was apparent Education: Students throughout the that the march was going to go well. country demonstrated to try and People were happy, singing, “stop the chop”, to get the chanting and giving away $95 notes Government to realize that cuts in to passers-by. Education are actually uneconomic $95 is the amount of money that HOME MADE SOUPS in the long run, and to show the will be taken from Education each public how strong student feeling is minute by the 3% cuts in 1983. on the issue. At intersections along the way, Ubiquitous Craccum reporters points were made about the success AVAILABLE were on the scene to record the certain big businesses were having moments that went to make up the at the expense of Education. Air big day. Here, for the first time, are New Zealand is getting $50 million those records. from the Government, which is how much Education is having taken IN THE CAFE, • • • away. Some large companies pay no Organisation is the strong point of tax, despite producing large profits. any campaign, and, luckily for McDonald’s food has been proved to AUSA, organisation is Darryl be lethal if force-fed. Carey’s middle name. As a bow to history, there was a “Orgy”, as Darryl is sometimes brief sit down in the intersection of called, had, with the help of John Wellesley and Queen Streets, and TEA AND COFFEE Rodgers and other members of the then on to... Progressive Club (known SERVERY respectively as “Rodgy” and • • • “Proggy”) been working for weeks on the build-up to the Day of Action. ... Aotea Square! Speeches were AND COFFEE BAR AT Badges and banners had to be made by representatives of Teacher designed, leaflets and letters had to Trainees, Technical Institute ONLY 60c PER CUP. be written and people had to be Students and University Students, organised. and then followed some vivid and Spot the connection? entertaining street theatre. President Dak was seen by some Photo: D avid Fau • • • diligent Left-handers to be yawning. They reprimanded him. After a blitz of banner painting And, all of a sudden, it was 2 and placard making in the Quad, o’clock. Back up the hill. Sod it. followed by some fire-up speeches and chant practices, the great mass 2 • Craccum April 27 1982 At the Beggars’ Banquet Campus News afterwards people sat and rested, some more than others. TV News The University Council at its Another item from last week’s last week’s Craccum it is surprising made a few more people famous. The meeting last week discussed the column concerned the large bequest that no one asked the obvious Star said there was only 500 of us - government’s policy on overseas received for recreational purposes. question during the recent S.R.C. insurance assessors are more students. If you paid attention It appears that the press does have election: Is it true that Heather generous than that, not to mention during last week’s column you will some powers, for the matter is now Worth was seen applauding Eric more accurate. But we know, and remember that this includes to be discussed by the next meeting Butler at a recent League of Rights that’s what counts, eh, Biggies? “earning foreign exchange through of the Recreation Committee. We meeting? using our education system as a would have thought that was the commercial asset”. Now the first body the University should To counter accusations that we are University Council does not include turn to for advice on such a matter, biased towards stories of University m At day’s end Craccum found a large numbers of overseas students but better late than never. wrong-doing here is a little tale of National Officer of the New Zealand so the Union of Malyasian Students high principles within the student University Students’ Association in Auckland prepared a submission It is not unusual for the University body. During the summer vacation still standing purposefully around, and sought leave to address the to keep matters away from relevant a group of six S.C.S.P. workers rhetoric pouring from his mouth. Council meeting to make committees. For example the 1983 decided that the disparities in their Was today’s Education March a suggestions with respect to the Welfare Services Levy has been wages were inequitable given that success, Robin Arthur? government’s policy. The under debate by an adhoc sub­ they were sharing the work of “Yes”. University not only refused to hear committee and will shortly be set by producing an arts festival. They had Darryl Carey, AUSA’s Education this address, it also declined to place the University Finance Committee, their wages paid into a joint account Vice-President, agreed. the submission before the Council. on which students are not and divided the money equally. As “Yes” said Darryl. U.M.S.A. took the sensible steps of represented. The Welfare their wage rates were strange as well Why? distributing their submission Committee has not been consulted, as disparate they pressed claims “Because it was” said one of them. individually to Council members and however. Could this be because for increases and during the course “There’s more to it than that” of arranging for the A.U.S.A. there are student members and the of the summer adjustments were said the other. ‘‘There’s the point President to speak on their behalf, committee as a whole might object made and back-pay duly divided. that we have shown to the public but the question remains of why the to the reductions in staffing and the Last week a final increase was and the Government that students University tried to avoid increases in levies being approved for three of these people are concerned about the way New representations on this most contemplated by the Finance (the speed of the Labour Zealand’s Education System is important matter from those Committee? Department!) but one of them being cut back, to the detriment not students most directly affected. It decided to welsh on the deal. only of the students but also of the has been suggested that the decision An interesting new factor in the Reportedly he only supported the country as a whole.” was made by a senior administrative Welfare Services debate is the re- equal division because he was “Well, there is that” conceded the officer of the University who was election of Heather Worth to the receiving less than the average, but one. afraid that the University Council A.U.S.A. Executive as Welfare now he has a few hundred dollars “And then there’s the point that members were not mature enought Officer. While this result hasn’t back-pay his former colleagues can we have now got real evidence of to deal with the radical U.M.S.A. brought universal joy to A.U.S.A. go hang. Ah socialism! We will let support for the Association’s policy suggestion that the Council made corridors it must strengthen the you know if he ever offers for on Education, so that we can some public criticism of government Association’s bargaining power for election within the student body. effectively lobby Members of policy. He need not have worried for the University to see massive Parliament and get the Razor Gang the Council heard the suggestion student support for a person known This column was promised as an to rethink their shortsighted and and rejected it lest public criticism to favour open debate, mass action occasional piece if we received unthinking proposals for cuts in jeopardise their private submissions and a radical opposition to plenty of tid-bits. It has become the Education.” through the University Grants government cut-backs. Perhaps the weekly production of the same old “Yes, that’s true”. Committee. We are sure the University will try to have the crew. Academic pressure is growing Unanimity is the strong point of Committee of U.M.S.A. will Welfare Services decisions made and this cannot continue so next the campaign, then, ventured remember that the Council took the before the next meeting of their week we will have a short-answer Craccum? same attitude at the time of the Welfare Committee, given that test on this term’s columns (worth “Oh, yes” said one. introduction of the $1500 fee. Heather is now an ex officio 10% of the votes in the term II “I wouldn’t say that” said the Doubtless the Council members are member. elections) and from then it will other. confident that the abysmal failure of appear much less frequently. their “private efforts” on that In light of the Parliamentary Applause applause. occasion will not be repeated this debates about Mr Couch’s donation time. and considering Heather’s article in

streets. SPECIAL /as apparent GENERAL ng to go well. y, singing, MEETING ray $95 notes Notice is hereby f money that given that a Special General iucation each Meeting of the Association will be in 1983. held on the ground floor of the »ng the way, Main Hall of the Recreation Centre it the success on Wednesday 28 April were having commencing at 1pm. If this Iucation. Air meeting does not complete the g $50 million business before it on 28th April it which is how will continue in the same place laving taken from 1pm on Thursday 29 April, panies pay no 1982. large profits, This meeting will consider the een proved to following motion:- THAT a referendum be held , there was a whenever the Executive in ntersection of pursuit of AUSA policy all­ Streets, and ocates more than $200 per annum (whether directly, indirectly or through an aff­ iliated club) on any specific political matter. peeches were Political matter is defined: es of Teacher 1. in AUSA policy booklet il Institute under International and Nat­ lity Students, ional excluding ‘Overseas me vivid and Students'. atre. 2. Any matter external to the seen by some functioning of the University o be yawning. and/or the direct welfare of the i. students of Auckland len, it was 2 University. 11. Sod it. As this is a Special General Meeting other subjects may not be discussed. Craccum April 27 1982 * 3 this year’s budget. Widening the gap Government sources indicate that the Budget Higher income earners would effectively get St U< Taxing Issues is expected to carve $1 billion off personal income more money in the hand - money they can save tax and switch the source of that revenue to a The present debate about taxation and invest or spend on luxuries. A flat rate of tax May Daj spending tax. on most incomes would effectively widen the gap, reform has led to a certain amount of A tax on spending would represent a shift from world’s mo between New Zealand’s rich and poor. A confusion about the tax system in New direct tax to indirect taxation. The Government New Zealand has a ‘progressive’ income festivals. Zealand. Four basic issues need to be is not looking to reduce taxation income, but to taxation structure where the rate of tax increases the spring shift it from one sector to another. as income increases. A Progressive taxation vegetation, clarified in considering taxation reform. Indirect taxation is charged on expenditure system means high income earners pay a higher 1. Is New Zealand highly taxed? rather than income. It imposes a higher burden Egypt and ratio of tax. In comparison with other developed countries, on people on low incomes - such as pensioners and marked as Inflation has been the major factor in putting a New Zealand is not a heavily taxed country. As a other beneficiaries, workers on low wages, and throughoul proportion of total income, less tax is paid in New greater burden on wage and salary earners. Wage students. These groups spend most, if not all, of and salary increases required to compensate for Hemispher Zealand than countries like Australia, Canada, their income on basic living items. They inflation drag low income earners into higher tax times until the United States, Sweden, Germany and the “consume” almost all of their income and can brackets. This is known as ‘fiscal drag’. 18th Centi United Kingdom. save little or nothing. 2. What types of tax do New Zealanders pay? There will be little change in this burden as a In the se One of the reasons that wage and salary earners Students hard hit result of recommendations arising from the j 19th Centv feel highly taxed is that a high percentage of the Government’s taskforce on taxation, the McCaw* Talking recently to Wellington newspaper, the committee, which reported back to the associated tax take comes from income taxes. The 1981 Evening Post, one Government MP - who asked revival - tl Budget allocated the tax take for the year ending Government the week Parliament opened. The1 not to be named - admitted that tax reform March 31,1982 on the following lines : Taskforce has constantly made the point that it is workers’ o “would hurt as many people as it helped.” The engaged in tax reform not tax relief. form genei MP specifically quoted the example of students. Income tax ...... 75.5% While companies are paying less tax they are the ‘new u Indirect taxes are passed onto the prices of recieving more and more of the tax dollar through Estate and Gift D u ty...... 0.3% May Day Land Tax...... 0.4% commodities and are highly inflationary. export subsidies, tax incentives and other Indirect taxation...... 21.3% Most students are on a fixed income, the spending on the ‘development of industry’. Labour Da Highways tax...... 2.5% bursary. Increased inflation would faster erode Wage and salary earners who are providing an*- struggle in 1 the ability of students to pay for food, clothing, hour workin 100.0% increasing proportion of the Government’s ‘tax transport, rent or hostel fees, tuition fees and a young Er 3. Who is paying or not paying tax? take’, are paying more for services and goods textbooks. previously subsidized from taxation. This Samuel Dun As income tax is the most important element in The proposed 3% cuts in education spending a*n eight hoi the New Zealand tax structure, the payment of includes higher charges for postage, transport, give no indication that the Government intends electricity and basic consumer items such as milk, 1840, and income tax largely determines who will be the to increase student bursaries to compensate for workers’ so ‘taxpayer’. Over the last ten years, government As less of the tax dollar is spent on the social inflation. If anything, students will get lumped services - Health, Education and Social Welfare- were centred has been getting more of its taxes from income not only with the inflationary effects of indirect In Austra taxes and less from other sources like company taxpayers are also paying more for these ‘free’ taxation, but also be forced to pay higher costs, services taxation is supposed to provide. campaigned taxes, speculation taxes, property taxes and face higher holiday unemployment, and receive hours recre death duties. As income taxes have risen, a bigger lower bursaries. Central issue ignored and were su< and bigger share of that tax has been paid by Indirect taxes, unlike income taxes, are not The count wage and salary earners. Throughout the whole tax debate, the compulsory. They can be avoided by not born, was This is borne out by the figures that emerge purchasing the commodity taxed. But students Government has studiously ignored this central America. E from the financial statistics compiled by the by and large, do not have this ‘choice’, without issue. The problem with our tax structure is not j formed in A Reserve Bank. They show that the average rate being forced to do without essential items such as the overall level of tax, but the way in which our 1866 May E of tax for companies has fallen from 38.8 cents in adequate food and clothing, and textbooks. tax burden is distributed and the way in which as a day c the $ in 1974 to 29.5 cents in the $ in 1979. Government expenditure is allocated. American F Similar figures for workers show that the average No Sympathy from PM Students are one group who will be gravely! Despite ir tax rate for salaries and wages has risen from 18.6 affected by this avoidance of the central issue,! and vicious cents in the $ in 1972 to 27 cents by 1981. Up-to- Recently the New Zealand University An increase in the level of indirect taxation will ‘Haymarket date figures are not available for self employed Students’ Association (NZUSA) wrote to the cause a massive cut in the real value of student! (when six i people such as lawyers and farmers but between Prime Minister to express concern at the likely incomes - through the bursary and holiday many more 1972 and 1976, their average tax rate rose from impact of indirect taxation on students. His two savings - unless basic items such as food, housing now celebi 30.2 cents to 31.8 cents. paragraph reply concluded: and clothing are exempt from sales, retail or industrialisi 4. What Are We Getting From the Tax Money? “J can only suggest that your members take V.A.T. taxes. There are A question that wage and salary earners must the longer term view. They surely can expect to Unless the National Government looks The Unit ask is whether they are receiving more benefits be regular earners following graduation. ” seriously at imposing genuine taxation on enough). Ca from their increased taxes, after all the His reply ignores the fact that the higher costs companies and capital gains it will have prohibited 1 distributive effect of Government activity is as of living and studying which result from indirect deliberately avoided the sector of society who can But in much determined by how the Government spends taxation, will rule out the chance of graduation, or afford, and should be paying more rather than (ironically), its money as well as how it raises it. It is clear even starting university for many people. It is less tax. has been re] that the present Government has substantially easy for the PM to be so blase when his annual The solution to the personal income tax burden held in Sej altered the benefits accruing from Government income is at least 75 times higher than the lies in retaining a progressive income tax system virtually ro bursary! spending as well as altering the tax burden. This with higher rates of tax for those on higher it is as effect is shown in the following table. The shift to Tax reform is closely linked to proposed cuts in incomes. speculators the development of industry is quite marked, public expenditure. Yet the Government has just ‘Equality of sacrifice’ is an important principle is for facto: while Health and Education and consumer decided to pay out $50M to bail out Air New of taxation. Consequently, lower tax rates are fact only t subsidy spending have declined in importance. Zealand - exactly the amount Education Minister needed for those at the bottom of the income Union still The rise of social services is due to the Merv Wellington has told education groups range. A non-taxable minimum basic income Award. introduction of National Superannuation and the ‘must’ be cut from Government spending for should be a common demand of students and all So in NZ education. rise of unemployment, leading to increased other low income groups. moment ve unemployment benefits. Another aspect of tax reform is expected to be a But thi new flat-rate taxation system. Most income Robin Arthur Trades’ Coi The Spending of the Government’s Dollar earners are in the range of $8000 - $25,000. A flat Education and Welfare rate of tax for low-income earners represents a May Day h 1975 (cents) 1981 (cents) Vice President New Zealai Debt Servicing 8.9 11.1 greater burden as they spend a greater proportion NZUSA Administration 2.4 2.7 of their income on basic commodities. First, it Law and Order 2.3 2.7 consider oi; Government Services (mainly unions thre public works) 2.1 1.9 such as Fre Stabilisation (includes consumer subsidies) 4.9 1.4 Apartheid Defence 5.5 5.1 STUDENTS SLAM GOVERNMENT ‘TAX FIDDLE’ multinatic Foreign Affairs 1.6 drawn the Development of Industry - closer tog * Land Use 4.0 6.6 ‘Proposals for Taxation Reform are nothing increase from 14.5 cents to 19 cents in the dollar, f * Energy 0.1 1.1 symbol oi * Other Services (includes Job more than a Government tax fiddle’, the New ‘Students will also suffer from the higher rate operation, Creation) 1.9 3.4 Zealand University Students’ Association of inflation caused by increases in indirect consider th Education 17.4 14.5 claimed today. taxation,’ Mr Arthur claimed. - the eighi Social Services 24.0 29.3 ‘Students, like other low income groups, will be ‘Students spend most of their income on food, books will Health 16.2 15.1 hard hit by the proposed moves to revise personal clothing, textbooks and hostel fees or rents. Transport and Communication 1.6 1.8 hour day other 7.1 1.8 income tax rates,’ according to Robin Arthur, the Indirect taxes will push up the cost of most of Zealand in Association’s Education and Welfare Vice these items. They will end up with even less in the to support TOTAL 100.0 100.0 President. ‘Students will pay more, not less tax if hand, but paying out more for basic will tell yc the McCaw committee’s proposals are adopted’. commodities.’ SOURCE : “TAX REFORM’’, Alternative Economic are wrong, Strategy Policy Paper. No. 1, FOL, August 1981. ‘Students working full-time in the holidays to ‘Inflation is steadily eroding the value of the time and s save enough money to attend University will be bursary. The latest increase in the March quarter not make Students and Taxation : Whose Burden paying out almost 5% more tax on their holiday of the Consumer price increase - 3.2% - means the Workers A cut in personal income taxes of at least 20% earnings,’ Mr Arthur said. bursary would be $57 if it was restored to its 1976 quarryin and the introduction of a wide range of spending The Me Caw report suggests the tax rate for a value. This would require an increase of 111% on construct! taxes now look almost certain to be features of single person earning up to $5000 P.A. should the present level of $27; Mr Arthur added storage in 4 • Craccum April 27 1982 effectively get Students and The May Day Rally / they can save' flat rate of tax May Day is one of the of 5.7 hours overtime a week, and as y widen the gap. world’s most ancient well ther are those workers who need oor. festivals. As a celebration of a secondary job to earn a decent essive’ income wage. For that reason, and in the MAY DAY RALLY of tax increases the spring revival of name of international co-operation, essive taxation vegetation, with its roots in May Day has a place in the calendar jrs pay a higher Egypt and India, it was of every New Zealander. SATURDAY 1 MAY. 1PM marked as a public holiday May Day this year will be very CENTRAL POST OFFICE ’tor in putting a throughout the Northern important for students and other y earners. Wage groups in our society. PEACE - JOBS — DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS compensate for Hemisphere from medieval The 1982 May Day themes are i into higher tax times until the end of the PEACE, JOBS, DEMOCRATIC STUDENT ACTIVITIES FOR MAY DAY drag’. 18th Century. RIGHTS. These three themes are MAY DAY FORUM ;his burden as a In the second half of the relevant for students. On the theme 30 APRIL 1PM SRC LOUNGE ising from the 19th Century, it came to be of PEACE Prime Minister Rob SPEAKERS— Auckland Trades Council, University Lecturers, CND Club, ;ion, the McCawf associated with another Muldoon has allowed American Student Executive Members back to the nuclear warships to come to NZ nt opened. The! revival - that of active waters, and they will probably be MAY DAY FILMS ie point that it is workers’ organisation in the carrying the 1500 mile range cruise 30 APRIL 2PM SRC LOUNGE ef. form generally referred to as nuclear missile. This can only pull FILMS on the Trade Union Movement in New Zealand jss tax they are the ‘new unionism’. NZ further into a nuclear war and x dollar through threatens peace in the South Pacific. yes and other May Day, as an International The USA also has stockpiles of ndustry’. Labour Day, is based on the nuclear and conventional weapons in ire providing anf- struggle in this period for an eight Hawaii and the Phillipines and uses vemment’s ‘tax hour working day. In New Zealand, other Pacific Islands like Guam, /ices and goods a young English carpenter named Wake Island, American Samoa, for taxation. This Samuel Duncan Parnell, held out for military installations and refuelling TRUCK OFF FUXTUN tage, transport, an eight hour day in Wellington in ports. NZ provides the Americans ms such as milk, 1840, and some of the earliest with two highly developed star In late May, a nuclear powered CAMPAIGN for NUCLEAR nt on the social workers' societies in this country navigational systems in Mt St John and nuclear weapon-carrying DISARMAMENT is on Thurs, Social Welfare- were centred on that demand. and at Blenheim, both in the South warship, the Truxtun, will be in NZ. April 29th, lpm, in Rm 143. * for these ‘free’ In Australia the Building Workers Island. Ostensibly, this is so that the crew Everyone is welcome to come and irovide. campaigned for ‘8 hours work, 8 With the French nuclear testing in can engage in R and R (Rest and hear why we think NZ should have hours recreation and 8 hours rest.’ Mururoa and Fangatauefa, all these Recreation - i.e., drinking NZ piss, nothing to do with the nuclear arms and were successful in 1856. can only be seen as a threat to peace chundering on NZ soil, transmitting race, and how to oppose Truxtun's The country where May Day was £ debate, the in the South Pacific and to New venereal diseases to NZ women and 'visit'. Between now and May there born, was the United States of Zealand, which must be strongly men). What it really means for NZ is will be quite a lot happening - it will >red this central America. Eight hour leagues were structure is not opposed. that Truxtun's presence puts this be happening more effectively if you formed in America in 1866, and by At the moment unemployment country at GREAT RISK, for no are involved! So bring a friend and my in which our 1866 May Day had been established ie way in which stands at over 70,000; this is past good reason. come along!! as a day of strike action by the the 1930 Depression numbers. But The next meeting of the ited. American Federation of Labour. will be gravely with the government’s ‘Think Big’ Despite many setbacks since then, and Free Enterprise Policy which ie central issue, and vicious attacks such as the *ect taxation will has literally squeezed out small ‘Haymarket Affair’ in Chicago business, and the massive cuts in value of student (when six workers were killed and ry and holiday government spending, job many more wounded) May Day is opportunities for students in the as food, housing now celebrated in most of the sales, retail or private and public area look very industrialised countries of the world. bleak. Actions towards jobs for all There are four notable exceptions: ernment looks must be supported because for The United States (ironically students JOBS during the holidays ie taxation on enough). Canada, Italy (where it was i it will have and after graduation are what are at prohibited by the fascists) and New stake. F society who can But in countries like USA lore rather than DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS must (ironically), Canada, Italy and NZ, it also be supported by students. The has been replaced by a ‘Labour Day’ come tax burden democratic right to education is held in September or October and constantly being eroded by the :ome tax system virtually robbed of any real content - those on higher actions of government by the 3% We are on Campus it is as much a holiday for cuts to social welfare, education and speculators and tory politicians as it health services. Thirty nine dollars RECREATION portant principle is for factory and office workers. In ASK ABOUT OUR fiS L 3r tax rates are less every minute in 1983 and CENTRE jST or fact only the New Zealand Miners’ allowing the spending power of a EQUATION ACCOUNT n of the income (I ______1 Union still retains May Day in its meagre 27 dollars a week bursary to 1 n basic income Award. ____i '3!!Ē?Ētt>lWlttaiīrun students and all fall are two government actions on * FREE CHEQUE ACCOUNT T— So in NZ May Day means at the education at university. The 17 moment very little. government, without prior * FREE AUTOMATIC SYMONDS STREET But this year the Auckland consultation, taxed overseas PAYMENTS Trades’ Council has resolved to turn students in 1980 with the May Day into a real ‘Labour Day’ in discriminatory $1500 fee; it imposed * UP TO $300 New Zealand. the National Development Act INTEREST-FREE First, it is a day when we should which effectively did away with the BURSARY OVERDRAFT consider our relationship with trade democratic right of the public to unions throughout the world. Issues object to Government’s planning such as French testing in the Pacific, decisions; and allowed companies IDDLE’ Apartheid and the operations of the like Mosgiel Woollen Mills and the multinational companies have Southdown Freezing Works to close Discuss it drawn the trade unions of the world down causing large scale with the closer together. May Day is a □ its in the dollar, f unemployment, while on the other Manager symbol of this international co­ hand lets other companies like l the higher rate operation. Secondly, it is a time to to see if ises in indirect Fletcher Challenge to take home tax consider the original May Day claim free profits of millions of dollars. you qualify - the eight hour day. The history income on food, The government has also books will tell you that the eight committed and sent New Zealand 1 fees or rents, hour day was introduced in New HD V Of g’.sj? H >-s < cost of most of troops to a war in the Middle East WQN P A TO f R ?0* Zealand in 1936; any worker trying (Sinai Desert) when New Zealanders h even less in the to support a family on current wages SK X„> AM. TO 4 - 0 0 r ore , for basic generally are ignorant on the issue. will tell you that the history books These issues and many others can are wrong. Time and a half, double the value of the only be resolved by students MANAGER — JOHN ROBERTS p h . 732-238 time and secondary employment do fighting for democratic rights with ie March quarter not make an eight hour day. 3.2% - means the all other affected groups. Workers in the mining and So this year’s May Day Rally is Auckland Savings Bank 3toredtoits 1976[ quarrying, manufacturing, * ^ — We want to say'YES'! rease of 111% on very important for all New construction and transport and Zealanders - and should be f p trusteebank Arthur added storage industries work an average ...... — a— j ^ g j ' supported by students. Craccum April 27 1982 • 5 How To Kiss Your Ass Goodbye

By Michael Baker

On May the fourth 1984 a black panel van drove quietly into for N.Z. it was released on the 31st history which has cost the US and New York after a 3000 kilometre journey through Central of March this year. As the preface to USSR more than America and Mexico. Unnoticed in the bustling traffic the van the series state: $4,000,000,000,000 since 1945 parked in a small side street off Madison Avenue. A few “One of the most important without making either nation more minutes later its three occupants emerged, caught the shuttle functions of the emerging secure against the other. World discipline of future studies is to arsenals now contain almost 60,000 bus to JFK Airport, and boarded separate flights to draw attention to possible future nuclear weapons offering the destinations in South America. disasters. The intention is of equivalent to five tonnes of TNT for course to alert policy makers and every person on this planet. At 4.50pm the height of the rush full enormity of the catastrophe only others so that mitigating steps This ridiculous, expensive and hour a one kilotonne nuclear device became apparent when a specially can be taken’ futile struggle may not remain (almost as powerful as the bomb equipped Orion flight brought back deadlocked forever and the CFF which destroyed Hiroshima and high altitude photographs showing One policy maker who doesn’t paper describes several ominous Nagasaki) explodes and downtown the complete destruction of Sydney, appear to want to be alerted is changes in the ‘balance of power’. New York ceased to exist. America Hobart and most major Australian Mr Muldoon. He described the • Historically, there have been 1565 is stunned. Who planted the bomb, cities. report as “vague and emotive and of major arms races since 500 BC which could have been concealed in a News of the holocaust left most littel real help in civil defense according to the Norwegian space the size of a suitcase, is never New Zealanders stunned. For some planning”. Academy of Science. Sixteen ended discovered. It could have been the loss of friends and family was Written by a five person study in economic collapse; the rest ended supplied by any one of the world’s too much to bear; many committed team, the report is probably the in war. 12 nuclear powers, (which by then suicide or suffered mental collapse. most comprehensive and • A recent decline in detente, Soviet included ARgentina, Brazil, Iraq, Others wandered the streets authoritative account ever produced intervention in Afganistan, non Libya and Egypt). It could have aimlessly in a state of acute on the effects nuclear war would ratification of SALT and the policies been stolen from one of the world’s confusion. have on this country. Unfortunately of Reagan’s administration have expanding stockpiles of nuclear Widespread disorder followed as the Commission was closed down at initiated a new surge in the arms weapons or it could have been built the reality of New Zealand’s the end of March by the National race (vertical proliferation) with the by terrorists themselves who would situation began to emerge. Essential Government which believes its role Superpowers deploying cruise and need only basic technical knowledge, services collapsed and panic buying can be better performed by the SS-20 missiles, B 1 and Backfire simple facilities and a quantity of was followed by violence and looting Planning Council. Other works in bombers, Trident and Typhoon fissile material from any of the of shops as people fought for food the Commissions ‘Future ballistic missile submarines and numerous ‘civilian’ nuclear powered and fuel. Banks and other financial Contingencies’ series will now other advanced systems to maintain stations then operating. institutions ceased functioning and probably not be published. deterence. Although a small Latin American as public confidence in money • More nations will soon have terrorist organization claimed declined; barter and the black How Likely is Nuclear War? nuclear weapons (horizontal responsibility for the blast, as market took over. With the collapse Many informed commenators proliferation). At present there are retaliation for US intervention in of cities, surrounding rural areas believe there is an even chance of five major nuclear powes (UK, Central America, CIA officials were flooded with refugees who devastating nuclear war within the USSR, US, France, China) with believed the organization was acting slaughtered the cattle for food and next two decades. According to the India, Israel, and South Africa as a Soviet front. In a climate of destroyed the crops. Many rural C.F.F. report some put the capable of detonating atomic growing anger the President of the communities organized armed probability as high as 90% during weapons. As many as 50 countries United States was persuaded that vigilante groups for their own the Reagan administration. may be able to manufacture nuclear America had ‘First Strike’ defence. This fear is shared by many weapons by 1985 though not all will capability. At 3.00 am s/he ordered a The New Zealand Government ordinary people: a 1981 Gallup Poll choose to do so. Particularly pre emptive attack against all was overwhelmed by the problems showed that 65% of Americans were dangerous is the spread of nuclear military and industrial targets in the the country faced. It quickly ‘frequently worried’ or ‘concerned’ weapons into areas of regional USSR and its allies. The three wings assumed strong powers reminiscent about the chances of nuclear war conflict like the Middle East, South of the U.S. Nuclear Attack Force - of those used during the SEcond and 58% of New Zealanders America, Korea, Taiwan and submarines, land based World War but was totally surveyed by the CFF in February Southern Africa. Argentina, for Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles unprepared for the tasks at hand. 1982 believe there is at least an even example, is expected to have nuclear (ICBMs) and B 52s - worked with Civil disorder worsened and New chance of nuclear war within the weapons within a year - what effect planned precision and within 30 Zealand society as we know it next 20 years. will this have on longstanding minutes the entire communist bloc collapsed. American and Soviet defence territorial disputes with Brazil, was “taken out”. strategies have, until recently at Chile and Britain? Presidential advisers were least, been based on the promise of • The newly emerging concept of convinced that this first strike Futurists Mutually Assured Destruction ‘Limited Nuclear Warfare’ would would destroy all Soviet ICBMs in This account of nuclear war is (MAD) where the cost of launching a allow a nuclear exchange between their silos but they underestimated based on the Commission For the nuclear attack is so great that the superpowers short of the the effectiveness of Soviet Future (C.F.F.) report on Nuclear neither side would rationally initiate previously unthinkable MAD. Such submarines. The missile counter­ Disaster. The Fourth publication in such a holocaust. This philosophy an exchange could occur in Europe attack which followed brought a rain a series on ‘Future Contingencies’ has fueled the greatest arms race in and the United States is developing of multiple warhead missiles which enhanced radiation weapons destroyed every strategic (Neutron Bombs) for such a installation and significant contingency. population centre in China, North • A continuing goal of both America and US allies from West a .:, superpowers is to develop a first Germany to Australia. •j *y • ‘tfvyT r strike capability. This creates a Second and Third wave attacks climate of fear and uncertainty on followed leaving vast areas of the E a rth ’s surface a glow ing | both sides which could culminate in a pre-emptive strike or accidental wasteland, and starting! breakdown of ever more complex unquenchable fire storms which communications and control burned over enormous fronts systems. The CFF report notes that More than 1.3 billion people died the U.S. Defence Department has immediately or soon after from the acknowledged 32 serious accidents effects of shock and radiation with nuclear weapons. Early sickness. Millions more perished in i warning systems are also vulnerable the following months from | and there have been at least five starvation, disease and violence. false alarms publicly reported in the The holocaust was marked in New United States. There is no reason to Zealand by a sudden loss of believe that Soviet systems are any communications with overseas and Areas of Lethal Fallout in a Nuclear War affecting the Northern more reliable. fragmented radio broadcasts. The Hemisphere and Strategic Targets in Australia. 6 • Craccum April 27 1982 • Nuclear weapons are controlled by so obviously suicidal that it is a system of delegated authority so tempting to believe the entire that retaliation can still occur even process is beyond rational control. when the top command is destroyed. The CFF report cites Lord Captains of U.S. submarines can, for Zuckerman, Chief Scientific Advisor example, launch their missiles if to the UK Ministry of Defence, who communication with the United stated in January of this year: States is lost. Such a system is “At base, the momentum of the vulnerable to unauthorised use and arms race is undoubtedly fueled seizure of nuclear weapons by both by the technicians in government the ruthless and the insane. laboratories and in the industries • Nuclear Technology provides an which produce the armaments .... attractive target for terrorists who it is all but impossible to believe can use nuclear weapons and that the process of defence sabotage other nuclear installations. research and development is CONTAINS BLEACH AND Terrorists are little affected by the under rational control.’’ threat of retaliation which LEMON DETERGENT traditionally maintains order Are We a Target - That appears on the container appearance is more important between states. The fate of New Zealand, in the of a domestic product which than reality. That assumption The paths to nuclear warfare are event of a major nuclear war, has shall be nameless. It means, must be unacceptable to a many and lasting peace can only be been the subject of much “Maybe we can’t shift the dirt, University worth the name - and guaranteed if all are completely speculation and the CFF report but we’ll hide it”. The to a Christian, for whom truth blocked. reviewed the available avidence in manufacturer presumably has a special holiness. Christ some detail. believes that people are happy said, ‘The truth shall make you Is Peace Possible? Official Soviet' policy on the with dirty dishes provided they free’; he consistently saw The Commission for the Future subject seems fairly clear. President look clean. Perhaps that’s right; through superficiality to the report presents a sobering summary Brezhnev, in his speech to the 26th would people buy something substance beneath. of recent peace initiatives. Congress of the Communist Party in that highlighted places needing Part of the church’s job is to “The record to date is dismal. The 1981 stated: more washing by staining seek the truth everywhere, and only disarmament that has “The Soviet Union has said more residual dirt fluorescent green? to make it known. Humbug occurred in the last 25 years has than once that it will never use Evidently many people do must be exposed - and that . been the destruction of stockpile nuclear weapons against believe that appearances are includes humbug originating of biological weapons by the countries which refuse to all-important. The well-dressed / from the church itself. The United States and possibly the manufacture and acquire nuclear pink / male nitwit will find work process may hurt, but we can Soviet Union ... Apart from this weapons and do not hve them on before the untidy / brown / only gain by i t : we need the single achievement not a single their territories’’ female genius. Locking up flourescent green. weapon has been destroyed as the misfits will lead to a perfect This thesis will be defended result of International New Zealand has no nuclear bases society. If Radio New Zealand over your lunch in the Agreement. Instead vast or weapons which threaten the doesn’t show the country in ‘the MacLaurin Hall, this Friday 12-1 p.m. numbers of weapons Soviet Union and even visiting best possible light’, we’ll stop its conventional, chemical, nuclear - American warships carry only short shortwave transmissions to the have been developed and range tactical nuclear weapons. In a Pacific. G.A.C. for the University deployed at a rate determined military sense we therefore provide These viewpoints share the Chaplains. only by technological no strategic target and some underlying assumption that ‘advancement’ ”. observers believe we would never attract a nuclear attack. True, there have been some NO SEATS = NO OPTIONS Our defence forces are, however, REPRINTED FROM THE NZ LISTENER successes. The Partial Test Ban linked to the United States by the Treaty (1962) has helped control ANZUS agreement. Critics of this At the beginning of March every appearance of a manipulative ploy to pollution by limiting atmospheric association, like Richard Northey, elector should have received a form retain the treasury benches against testing but it has had no effect on argue that because Russia has: for the Maori option (i.e. the right the possibility of Maori voters being arms proliferation. The Strategic “a vast surplus of strategic for Maoris to choose to go on either cajoled by Labour to vote in Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT 2), nuclear weapons at its disposal, the Maori or general roll). A more marginal electorates on the general which was negotiated by the US and we would be taught a totally futile and expensive exercise in what roll. To mollify the Maori Council USSR for ten years from 1961 - unforgettable lesson by those in amounts to junk mail ($1 million) the Attorney General promised a 1979, would have set limits on some conflict with the United States” cannot be imagined unless of course massive publicity campaign for the strategic weapons but would not Northey cited Gail Eisenstadt of it salves the government’s bad Maori option. have slowed the arms race. After the US Disarmament Agency: conscience over the issue. No matter how much is spent on Soviet intervention in Afganistan “The Pentagon and the State As the law stood in 1975, the publicity it is highly probable that even this token document may never Department are grateful for New Maori option was for the first time less than 20 per cent of those eligible be signed. Zealand’s participation in tied to the census of that year. to change rolls will send in their The NZ Peace Foundation argues ANZUS because it demonstrates Thereafter, it could be exercised forms. At first inspection it might that to plan for nuclear war makes it such total support and only once every five years. Last appear that the government set a more likely and that a continuing commitment to America’s ideals year the census coincided with the mackerel to catch a sprat, but in fact effort is needed to resolve the and interests that we are general election, and in the interest it is the other way around. present nuclear crisis. The CFF prepared to accept, in the event of the poor benighted Maori, the Mackerels were caught at Taupo report supports such initiatives of nuclear war, a proportion of the government in its paternalistic (possibly foul-hooked) and particularly in the European context nuclear devastation that would wisdom suspended the Maori option Helensville. All good fishermen but emphasises that NZ has other otherwise be concentrated on the until after the election. Now Maoris know how expensive bait is these options which should be planned for. United States” are being asked to make a decision days, so the government is now The report describes the The situation in Australia seems for an event which is three years wisely spreading the cost of the requirements for a lasting peace, clearer and much less optimistic. away - which is analogous to sprat on the taxpayers of New which must include controls on the According to the CFF there are retailers urging their customers to Zealand. Arms race, nuclear proliferation and currently three U.S. installations of buy their Christmas presents in But the whole fishing expedition is terrorism. Ultimately a new strategic significance on Australian January. fraught with this danger: for Maori International Economic Order is soil and all would be “high priority The option was suspended by the voters not to return to the Maori roll essential to prevent violent time — urgent” targets in a nuclear government against the advice of is tantamount to voluntarily resolution of growing, global war. the Maori Council - which has the surrendering the Maori seats. injustices. Other Australian targets could The obstacles to a lasting peace include military installations such as REMINDER - 1982 MAORI OPTION TO CHANGE ROLLS are immense and include the the B52 base at Darwin and attitudes of world politicians and Australia’s main cities. If you are a New Zealand Maori or a descendant of a New Zealand Maori the power of the military - industrial Any discussion on the likely AND - technocrat establishment. course of a nuclear war can only be If you wish to change — Continuted Nuclear Proliferation speculation.As an article in an Oct • from a General roll to a Maori roll, OR is also immensely profitable for the 1981 issue of Newsweek states: • from a Maori roll to a General roll, nuclear powers who maintain a “Real wars take place in the world of you must complete the necessary form not later than 30 April 1982. flourishing export trade in nuclear bad weather, technical failure and After 30 April 1982 you will not be able, until 1986, to change the type technology. By the year 2000 unpredictable personalities” of roll your name is on. ‘civilian’ nuclear power reators In the final death throes of global There are two ways in which you may indicate a request to change rolls: throughout the world are expected holocaust a Soviet submarine (1) By completing the form “Maori Option to change rolls”; OR to be producing about 150 tonnes of commander’s decision to launch (2) By completing an application for registration as a Parliamentary elector plutonium every year — enough for missiles at New Zealand could be and signing in the box that indicates the type of roll you wish to be on. 30,000 Nagasaki sized bombs. There motivated by simple irrational Whichever form YOU SIGN FIRST will indicate to the Registrar of is no technical impediment to the vengeance. Electors the type of roll you wish to be on. use of such material in nuclear If you have any queries, ask for details at your nearest Post Office. weapons. Continued nuclear proliferation is continued on page 9 (MAORI STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION)

Craccum April 27 1982 • 7 SUSIE AND BOB’S continued fro COOKERY COLUMN 1982 Graduation Ball ★ Friday May 7th ★ 8.00 p.m. What Effect* Nuclear War ★ Mandalay Ballroom Zealand? Davis Crescent Newmarket Contrary to p Ex-Mayor Rob nuclear war c ★ All inclusive ticket human life on $22.50 single, $45 double. * nuclear device c If you don’t already own a wok it’s humanity with worth spending a little of your Tickets are available from the Maidment Theatre Booking would require bursary cheque on one. Season it Office, 12 noon to 2 pm, from Tuesday April 27th, staff, greater than before you use it and keep it oiled stocks existing and it will last for years - as long as students, undergraduates and members of the public are all Though the you don’t use any abrasive agents. major nuclear { If your bursary cheque is totally welcome. unlikely it 1 committed you can still make the comparably, t following recipes in a heavy, solid- which could befj base frying pan. A far more Beef Teriyaki Northern Hem Cube 200 gm fillet steak per possibly confine person and leave in a marinade made or extending t< of 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tblsp Australia. T1 whiskey (or water), 1 tblsp peanut oil portrayed by t 1 tblsp soy sauce and 1 dstsp earlier in this a cornflour for as long as possible. LL.B., B.Com. & on New Zealan Add sliced root ginger or chopped economic and garlic if you like. Cut two or three CFF report 1 carrots into coins, slice one green B.Com./LL.B. Southern Hemi pepper and 250 gms mushrooms. negligible fallo Heat 1 tblsp oil in wok or frying pan, with an averaj add vegetables and fry for 5 mins. If STUDENTS about one reir you have a wok, push the vegetables (for compar up the sides, if not, remove and keep radiation woulc them warm. Put V2 cup soy sauce period). Wo mixed with 1 tblsp honey into ecological ball bottom of wok. Add meat with altered but 1 marinade and cook 2 mins, turning Zealand would all the time. Stir in vegetables and Hutchison Hull & Co. wish to discuss career prospects cook a further 3 mins. Serve with final year students with a view immediately with egg noodles or to engaging audit, accounting and taxation staff from January 1983 boiled rice. How t We suggest you read our careers brochure and make an appointment Chow Mein Assuming If you want to use fish or meat to see our staff partner on campus during June 1982 Government i (beef, pork or chicken), cube it neatly plans for a ] and cook it first. Prepare all your Arrangements for an interview can be made with the Secretary, Nuclear War 1 vegetables before you start cooking. social, econ Careers Advisory Service, Room 14 upheavals fol Fry 2 beaten up eggs in a little (Offices located behind the Upper Lecture Theatre) butter until they are set. Slice into These would 1 strips when cold. Slice the than the 1 vegetables - onions, carrots, Our brochure is also available in the Careers Library Breakdown o peppers, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, and an infl courgettes, bamboo shoots, example, coul cabbage, mushrooms(whatever you killing up to ! have. Heat 2 tblsp oil in wok and put according to I vegetables in according to how long of the CFF sti they take to cook. Use your common Despite the sense - the order given above is a a northern h< rough guide. Stir the vegetables in individuals ca the oil, add a very little boiling water event by im - just enough to make steam - 1 tsp Hunt Duthie SL C o . changes, by s sugar and 1 tsp salt. When all the and by acqui vegetables are in the pan and CHART i; RED AC CO l TATT A A T S *— These chang< cooked, add the meat, egg and 2 after a wide tblsp soy sauce. Heat through and including serve immediately. economic co direct nuclear Wok-fried Vegetables Self Sufficien The process is similar to that Individuals described above. You can use one self sufficie vegetable or a mixture. Add each OUR PERSONNEL POLICY obviously be kind one at a time and as it cooks easily to the ] push it up the sides to keep warm goods. Deere; consumption but off the direct heat. The “To recruit and retain people of the highest calibre in order to give the best possible important thing is to have the wok to a more vial and oil hot and to stir the vegetables service to clients and to provide future partners of outstanding ability." Ideally all about in the oil before adding any have land av; water. Add just enough water to To discuss your career with us contact the Staff Partner at any of our offices - to which they •; make steam but not allow it to major disast ;S accumulate at the bottom. Add 1 tsp silverbeet, a and applies sugar and 1 tsp salt for every 2 cups P.O. Box Telephone P.O. Box Telephone ^ prepared vegetables,i Do not throughout provide enouj overcook. The vegetables should Auckland 6446 771 649 Christchurch 3042 50 029 other elemen ' retain their colour and be crisp to Hamilton 9159 82 979 Dunedin 625 773 000 the bite, not soggy At the last New Plymouth 131 75 785 Queenstown 229 needs. moment add 1 dstsp soy sauce and Palmerston North 314 82 149 Invercargill 844 86 179 Immunizat Wellington 2194 725 339 serve immediately. many commu diptheria ai 8 • Craccum April 27 1982 continued from page 7 Our economy on the other hand, psychological impact of a Northern and the maintenance of important would be devastated by a major Hemisphere nuclear war would equipment. In a two tiered system Northern Hemisphere nuclear war. threaten almost every social and this base could be supplemented by Destruction of the United States, political institution in New Zealand a trading economy which would Federal Republic of Germany, society. offer a high standard of living but Soviet Union and the United could be scaled down quickly in Kingdom and, in a worse scenario, times of international recession or Japan and Australia also, would What can we do about it? war. result in the loss of 84% of our The overall conclusions of the • stock piling of some food and imports and 88% of our export Commission for the Future study processed goods would still be markets. Few areas of the economy team are as follows: necessary and effective distribution What Effects Would a system would need prior planning. would not be radically affected by “New Zealand’s position in the Nuclear War Have on New such an event. world gives it the opportunity to • adapting defence forces and other Zealand? New Zealand would certainly have avoid the worst consequences of a services to cope with the Nuclear Contrary to public statements by no trouble producing sufficient food Northern Hemisphere Nuclear war contingency and its associated Ex-Mayor Robbie and others, a for the needs of our present War. effects, such as an influx of refugees nuclear war cannot destroy all population. The loss of export By proactively planning to or armed attack on New Zealand by human life on this planet. Even a markets would leave us with survive a northern hemisphere powerful groups seeking shelter. nuclear device designed to kill all of gigantic surplusses of cheese (10 nuclear war New Zealand would • reviewing our international humanity with long lived fallout fold) dried milk (6 fold) lamb and be making a statement of greater relations and involvement in would require a yield 100 times mutton (4 fold) butter (4 fold) and impact than the past 40 years of military alliances such as ANZUS. greater than the total weapons wool (10 fold). There is no guarantee, debate on nuclear disarmament Many governments around the stocks existing in the world today. however, that distribution systems conducted in the international world are engaged in such planning. Though the CFF considers a would remain intact or that farmers forums of planet Earth” Switzerland, for example can now major nuclear attack on N.Z. to be would continue producing a surplus (Proactive planning means accommodate its entire population unhkely it would be “... in to supply on urban market. beginning now to create a future in underground shelters. Though comparably, the worst disaster The loss of imports - mainly for N.Z. that would be self such measures are not necessary in which could befall this country”. machinery, transport equipment, sufficient and minimally affected New Zealand they illustrate how A far more likely scenario is a manufactured goods, petroleum and by Nuclear War) seriously the nuclear threat is now Northern Hemisphere nuclear war chemicals - would affect everyone Such planning, while being the viewed. Unfortunately our present possibly confined to the Middle East through their lifestyle or job. New most effective contribution New government’s reaction to the CFF or extending to involve Japan and Zealand could adapt to the loss of Zealand could make to world report offers little hope that New Australia. This is the event some items and in time produce local peace, would require a new Zealand will adopt anything other portrayed by the ficticious account substitutes for others but short direction in this country altering than an ‘Inactive’ approach. Even earlier in this article and the effects term effects could be devastating. both internally and so, individuals can still improve on New Zealand would be primarily Shortages of imported drugs would internationally. ’ ’ their personal survival chances quite economic and psychological. The be life threatening for some The CFF report describes several easily and some simple guidelines CFF report concludes that the individuals suffering from illnesses specific changes which would aid are described in the accompanying Southern Hemisphere would receive such as diabetes, asthma, such a transition including: article. negligible fallout from such a war depression and heart disease. The • making the agriculture sector Preparation for contingencies like with an average radiactive dose of proposed synthetic petrol plant, more resilient by becoming self- nuclear war ultimately rests with about one rem over three decades argued by some to enhance New sufficient in vaccines, developing the Government. Though such a (for comparison background Zealand self sufficiency, would grind methods of biological pest control holocaust may appear more radiation would be 3-6 rem. over this to a halt within weeks since its for weeds, greater use of horses and imminent now than ever before at period). World climatic and operation depends on a special the establishment of seed banks. least the Commission for the Future ecological balance would also be catalyst produced only by Mobil in • developing a strong self-sufficient has charted some rational altered but the effect on New the United States. economy capable of supplying alternatives to just bending over Zealand would probably be small. ' These economic effects and the essentials like food, shelter, clothing and kissing our arses goodbye. How to Survive a Northern Hemisphere Nuclear War Assuming the New Zealand would be a valuable form of 131 Caesium 137 and Strontium 90. and children for many months. For Government makes no contingency protection particulary if the health Intake of these radionuclides would longer periods it would be necessary plans for a Northern Hemisphere care system was disrupted and be reduced by limiting consumption to add some higher quality protein Nuclear War we could expect major antibiotics were no longer available. of milk, cheese and butter and food such as beans, milk powder, social, economic and political The psychological effects of nuclear substituting pre-war dried milk. meat or eggs and Vitamins A, C and upheavals following such an event. war and the personal loss it would • Cigarette smoking appears to D. These would be far more dangerous cause could be devastating for many increase the cancer causing effect of Dry grains will keep for decades if than the effects of fallout. people. Widespread discussion of Plutonium on lung tissue and should stored correctly but milk powder, oil Breakdown of health care services Nuclear war, as a real possability be eliminated (assuming anyone and most foods are more nourishing and an influx of refugees, for would provide at least some bothers to grow tobacco after a if used within two years. Stockpiles example, could result in epidemics psychological preparation for such a major nuclear holocaust) may be kept fresh by rotation - killing up to 25% of the population contingency. • Potassium Iodine tablets can be constantly using the oldest food according to Nick Wilson, a member Fallout - taken to block the uptake of Iodine first and replacing with fresh items. of the CFF study team. Present knowledge suggests that 131 by the thyroid. Moderate In Switzerland this is done by the Despite the catastrophic effects of fallout from a major Northern quantities are currently stockpiled entire population and preserved a northern hemisphere nuclear war Hemisphere Nuclear War would not in New Zealand and would be foods in shops are always at least individuals can prepare for such an create a serious health risk in New particulary useful if New Zealand three months old. event by making simple lifestyle Zealand, according to the CFF ever became a target. Some forms of technology which changes, by stockpiling some items report. The report does however, Stockpiling — have good survival value, such as and by acquiring new useful skills. outline several precautions which Survival chances can be improved bicycles and CNG powered vehicles, These changes would aid survival would reduce the risk sill further. by careful stockpiling of food and can be in use now. Other items can after a wide range of disasters These include: useful equipment prior to a Nuclear be stockpiled including transistor including earthquake, world • Glass houses and choches to Disaster. radios, hardware and tools. economic collapse, flooding and reduce foliage contamination by Stocks of food would provide a Essential medical supplies, personal direct nuclear attack. fallout the bulk of which would short term reserve while supplies are medications, contraceptives and Self Sufficiency - descend in rainfall. restored following a major disaster sunscreens should also be Individuals who have developed a • Avoiding foods which tend to be and would act as a buffer for poor accumulated. self sufficient lifestyle would high in radionuclides. Dairy harvests. A diet of wheat, corn or Skills - obviously be able to adopt more products for example would rice and salt contains most essential Many existing forms of easily to the loss of many consumer represent a major source of Iodine nutrients and could sustain adults employment would not be necessary goods. Decreased levels of personal in the post nuclear era. Individuals consumption would also contribute could prepare by acquiring skills to a more viable society today. These basic survival rations can be stored for several years and with the which are more likely to provide Ideally all urban dwellers should addition of salt, Vitamin A and Vitamin C could provide a complete and work and benefit to others. Health have land available outside the city balanced diet. care, horticulture, and energy to which they can retreat following a grams per day kilograms for 6 farming, saw milling, rural major disaster. Basic crops like months rations construction, food distribution and silverbeet, carrots, potatoes, corn some form of teaching and and applies are easily grown whole kernal hard wheat 454 81.6 administration are likely to be throughout New Zealand and could particularly valuable. provide enough calories, protein and beans 142 25.8 Personal survival planning is other elements to meet nutritional inevitably a rather hypothetical needs. non-fat milk powder 57 10.2 business but could help the Immunization is available against individual cope with major disasters many communiable diseases such as vegetable oil 28 0.36 of all kinds as well as improving diptheria and tuberculosis and present day lifestyle. Craccum April 27 1982 • 9 WHO COMMITTED THE CRIME AT KATYN? World War Two wasted nearly 40 shock when they found out where the Katyn The Soviet attitude becomes more and more forest was: the site of the mass graves was 4 km suspicious the closer we look at it. They persist in million lives. Wasted, you ask? Yes, from the place where the trail of the inmates of “getting their facts wrong-” they always insist, because the original aim of the war - Kozelsk camp had run cold - Gnezdovo. The for instance, that the Nuremberg Trials that of guaranteeing Poland’s Russian reply to this was to broadcast that the conclusively proved and reinforced the findings of independance against foreign Germans themselves had massacred the Poles the Soviet Commission into Katyn of 1944, aggression - remains unachieved. We when they overran the Katyn area in Sept. - Dec. despite the fact that thev did not, as we have hear and read every day about Polish 1941. seen. They also “conveniently forgot” salient The argument rages still. At least five facts - like the 10,000 other officers who refugees fleeing from a regime which, commissions have investigated Katyn - four disappeared, because they have no plausible while not as bloodthirsty, is just as during the war (one German, one Polish, one explanation of such facts. despotic and tyranical as that Nazi International and one Soviet) and one American Their wartime conduct was suspicious as well: regime which so many millions fought in 1951 - 52, as well as many individuals who were for 19 months they couldn’t produce either the and died for to overthrow. Those Poles called on to attend the various investigations, and missing men or reliable information about them; who in many cases made their own reports to and then, two days after the German broadcast, who stay at home are almost certain to their governments. Of the commissions, all but they could reply: ‘...the former Polish prisoners of be imprisoned (or worse) if they demand one reported that the massacre had been war... in 1941 were engaged in construction work of the government those trade union committed in April-May 1940, and hence by the in the areas west of Smolensk and... fell into the rights which we take for granted, and Soviets. hands of the German-Fascist hangmen in the which they are promised in their own The Soviet Commission of 1944 was, of course, summer of 1941, after the withdrawal of the constitution. We fought for our the single dissenting voice. The Soviets Soviet troops from the Smolensk area.’ Then, on freedom, and we have it. They fought themselves put Katyn into the indictment of the April 25th, they cut off relations with the Polish for theirs - and lost it twice over, once at the hands of the Nazis, and once at those of the Soviets. How did this situation come about? The answer to this question is a warning, if only we could realize it. In 1932, the Soviet Union signed a Non- Aggression Treaty with Poland. In August 1939 she signed another with Germany, and in this Pact the two criminals decided that an independent Poland was not in their interests - and carved it up between them. It was in response to this treaty that Britain guaranteed Poland’s independence, and delayed war on Germany when the latter attacked Poland on September 1st, 1939. As Poland was desperately defending herself, the USSR struck sixteen days later. This article concerns the officers of the Polish POW bag of 242,000 which the Soviets captured in the course of their heroic back-stabbery. (1) These officers, numbering 15,000 were incarcerated in three special NKVD camps deep in the Soviet Union (2) They were extensively and repeatedly interrogated, as a result of which nearly 500 men were separated from the rest to another camp. The men were allowed to write to their homes in Poland but the flow of mail abruptly stopped in April 1940 when the camps were disbanded. The inmates - 14,500 in number - were transported in cattle trucks to an unknown destination. The destination of two of those three camps remains a Nazi war criminals at the Nuremberg Trials. They Govemment-in-Exile, stating the ‘Poles’ request mystery today, because the 10,000 captives failed to prove their case and dropped it - it does for an impartial Red Cross inquiry as the excuse! thereof have disappeared from the face of the not appear in the final judgement, nor in the list After the German retreat from the Smolensk area earth. of dissentions from that judgement of the Soviet the Soviets set up their own Special Commission Not so those of camp Kozelsk, who were taken judge, Nikitchenko. into Katyn, composed of Soviet Citizens one and about 160 miles north-west to a railway station The report of the American commission went so all, and set up ‘for Ascertaining and called Gnezdovo, twelve kilometers west of the far as to call on the UN to set up an inquiry to Investigating the Circumstances of the Shooting major city of Smolensk. There their trail vanishes clear the whole question up once and for all on an of Polish Officer Prisoners by the German-Fascist - for the time being. international level. The report was quietly invaders in the Katyn Forest.’ (italics mine). When Germany attacked Russia in June 1941, shelved and forgotten. The Soviet commission was not sent out to find Poland became an unwilling ally of the latter, and The same happened to a British House of the perpetrators of the massacre - it had already the two signed a pair of agreements providing for Commons motion which received 224 signatures, decided who they were before it had arrived in the release of all Polish prisoners-of-war or Poles calling for the same thing. This happened as the Katyn! This is surely the most biased commission detained for other reasons in the Soviet Union, result of an explosion of interest in Katyn in which ever existed, and it’s findings as to those and for the formation of a Polish Army in the Britain throughout 1971. In that year there responsible for the crime are surely worthless. Soviet Union to fight Germany. One would have appeared on that subject two books and one BBC Your state of wonderment at these curious expected that the 180,000-odd officers and men TV documentary, which was screened twice. Soviet silences, and even more curious blunders who had been left languishing in Soviet camps As you’re reading all this, keep in mind that the when they do open their mouths, will cease when since October 1940 would flock to join the new number of officers concerned (14,500 in all) you view the evidence which all points squarely at army. The men did - but hardly any of the officers constituted in 1940 nearly half of the total Polish the Soviets. appeared. officer corps, and that the murder of these Ron Jeffries, a New Zealander living in Drury, Over the next 19 months the Polish authorities constitutes one of the largest single crimes who fought with the Polish Underground during (in exile in London and in the Soviet Union) committed against prisoners-of-war in modern the war and who was in Eastern Europe in April addressed some 200 inquiries to various levels of history. Bear in mind also that only two nations 1943 personally had the opportunity to view the Soviet authority, including Stalin himself, have ever been accused of this crime, and that one documents taken from the bodies (many of these concerning those missing men. The replies were of them, Soviet Russia, sat in judgement on the documents have been smuggled from the graves) uniformly unsatisfactory: vague, contradictory, other at Nuremberg as a victor of World War II, and saw that none were dated later than April or just plain ludicrous; and all so frustrating instead of alongside her in the dock where she 1940. He talked with many Poles who had been to because, despite Soviet assurances to the belonged. the graves, and who reported to the Polish contrary, the officers in question obstinately What has been the history of Soviet reaction to Polish Underground that the bodies were there, refused to rematerialize. a crime of such stupendous proportions, that their hands were tied with Russian-made And then - on April 13, 1943, German radio committed on her own soil against soldiers of a twine, that their bodies were marked with wounds announced the discovery of mass graves in the loyal ally, by a power at whose hands she suffered from the distinctively four-bladed Russian Katyn Forest in the USSR. When the names of so much (their version of Katyn)? The answer is a bayonet and that they had been shot with the identifiable victims were released, a lot of stunning silence. This from a nation which has German bullets, the ammunition and firearms for Polish relatives got a shock: here were buried all always been the leader in demanding harsh which had been supplied to Russia before the war the Polish officers from camp Kozelsk, missing justice for Nazi criminals - but in this case we in large quantities. since April 1940. And they got an even greater must ‘get things in perspective.’ This New Zealander, Ron Jeffries, is living in 10 • Craccum April 27 1982 Auckland today. I have spoken with him several result of the terrible wartime massacre. the UN to set up an investigation into Katyn and times. He has written many articles and letters on Yet Katyn has a relevance far outside Poland. to indict the ones it finds responsible. the subject, and he is a living witness of Soviet It is the biggest revelation of the Soviet criminal Write to : guilt. mind, expressed in the breaking of treaties, the The Secretary, So this is why the Soviets are so silent. Their wholesale dislocation of populations, the illegal Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, real motive now begins to emerge: their desire for annexation of territories and, ultimately, mass United Nations, hegemony over Poland. We have seen this desire murder. This criminal mentality operates Palais de Nations, in other Eastern European states - the wherever Soviet imperialism operates: we have ch-1211, Geneva 10, annexation of the three Baltic states in 1940, the seen it in Angola, Mozambique, Cuba and SWITZERLAND cruel suppression of revolt in Hungary in 1956 Afghanistan, among other places. And it is asking that such an investigation be set up. and Czechoslovakia in 1968. advancing. If you’re interested in further discussion or Yet has any other Soviet satellite suffered so Will we have our Katyn here? Bill Andersen, debate, contact the New Zealand Polish much in the cause of Communism as Poland? The President of the SUP and Moscow mouthpiece, Association (1 McDonald St., Morningside, ph 14,500 officers represented the leading Polish seems to think so. On a radio talk-back 892-836), or ring 266-7298. nationals, those who were most fiercely loyal to a programme last February, he said: Give the Poles now what the Jews got at sovereign Poland, and hence the main stumbling “If a person’s fascist, if it’s a Polish fascist or a Nuremberg - JUSTICE! block to Soviet hegemony. So the latter removed New Zealand fascist or a German fascist, they’re the former. fascists you see, and they 71 be dealt with the way Footnotes And in 1943, when they saw that they were they tried to deal with us.” The implication is 1. 62,000 of these were later sent home. winning the war, they set up the “Committee of chilling. 2. The NKVD is now the KGB/MVD National Liberation”, a bunch of Moscow toadies So what can you do, in this month of the Reading List : led by a part-Russian woman. A few weeks later, anniversary of the Katyn Massacre? You can: (Law Library) International Military Tribunal, they cut off relations with the Polish FIND OUT for yourself the facts of Katyn, of Nuremberg, the Trial of the Major War Government-in-Exile, as we have seen, using Polish post-war history and of Communism, (see Criminals. Pub. Nuremberg, 1947. the reading list below). (Main Library) MACKIE WICZ, Josef. Katyn as an excuse; arid declared this committee 940.5405 “The Katyn Wood Murders” (London: (now of “Polish Patriots”) to be the true Polish WRITE to the Chairperson of the Broadcasting M15 Hollis & Carter, 1951) Government. When they foisted this government Corporation requesting that the BBC TV 943.805 “DOCUMENTS ON POLISH-SOVIET on Poland in 1945, 15,000 opponents of it were documentary on Katyn ‘The Issue Should be L84 v.l. RELATIONS” Ed. General Sikorski safely buried. Avoided’ be shown here. Historical Institute. Voi 1:1939-1943. (Auck. Pub.Lib) ZOWODNY, J.K. This is the government which is today WRITE to the Soviet Embassy demanding an 940.5 “Death in the Forest”. (Pub. Macmillan, squashing Solidarity, Polish freedom - and, explanation of the fate of the other 10,000. Z35 1971) incidentally, any mention of Katyn. What the Write to the New Zealand Government and to Poles are going through today is thus the direct the American Embassy asking that they call on

(Security Cases) (Amendment) beyond what is strictly required for Regulations 1975 (ESCAR). protecting the ‘life of a nation’ as The government then already opposed to the life of the possessed a whole armoury of government in power’. repressive legislation, including the Until the Privy Council’s Internal Security Act 1960, which judgement in the Teh Cheng Poh’s allowed for indefinite detention case in December 1978, the validity without trial, and a spate of recent of the ESCAR had been tested in the amendments to strengthen the Malaysian Courts and upheld by the existing draconian laws, such as, the judges. However, the Privy Council Sedition (Amendment) Act 1971, the declared that, according to the Societies (Amendment) Act 1972, Constitution, the ESCAR was null the Universities and University and void from the start because the Colleges (Amendment) Act 1975 and emergency powers vested in the numerous amendments to Trade government by the Emergency Union Ordinances. As it was, on the (Essential Powers) Ordinance 1969 government’s own admission, 3454 through which ESCAR and other persons had been detained under the Essential Regulations were Internal Security Act between 1969 promulgated, were no longer valid and November 1975, of whom 1444 after Parliament reconvened on 20 were still being detained at the end February 1971. of 1975 and among them, 75 had The government’s response to the been detained for more than 5 years. Privy Council judgement was to The government’s justification convene a special session of for promulgating the ESCAR in Parliament in January 1979 to pass 1975 was that ‘the country was in a the Emergency (Essential Powers) state of emergency because of the Act to enact the Emergency persistent underground activities of (Essential Powers) Ordinance 1969 subversives and anti-national into an Act of Parliament with elements’. This, coupled with ‘the retrospective effect from 20 rise in serious crimes, including February 1971, in order to validate some involving the use of firearms’, all the Essential Regulations made necessitated the government’s since, including, therefore, all the introducing drastic measures ‘to trials conducted in accordance with protect life, property and foreign ESCAR. investments and to safeguard the The executions of persons security and economy of the nation’. convicted in accordance with These Regulations were to facilitate ESCAR began in March 1980, after accused and their counsel. Also the government with the means to a lapse of 11 years during which no WE APPEAL... unique among trials, under the deal with such criminals executions were carried out in To date, at least 64 persons have ESCAR, the judge sits alone ‘expeditiously and to ensure that the Malaysia. Already, at least 31 been sentenced to death, of whom 31 without a jury and is compelled by guilty should not go free’. persons have been hanged since have been hanged, for offences the Regulations to impose, upon But the ESCAR is not merely March 1980 and 33 more are under the Internal Security Act conviction, the maximum sentence another piece of repressive awaiting execution. No one knows 1960 and tried in accordance with for the offence, which, in most cases legislation. It is a Summary how many more security cases are the special procedure brought in by hitherto, was death. Procedure for dealing with ‘Security pending before the courts to be tried the Essential (Security Cases) The Essential (Security Cases) Offences’ which, other than offences under ESCAR. (Amendment) Regulations 1975. Regulations were promulgated on 4 against sections 57-62 of the The special procedure under October 1975 under the emergency Internal Security Act 1960, includes Because of the inherent unfairness ESCAR negates all the checks and powers vested in the government by ‘any offence against any other of the procedure under ESCAR, safeguards regarded as cardinal to the Emergency (Essential Powers) written law the commission of which further aggravated by the severity ensure a fair and just trial by, for Ordinance 1969. They came into is certified by the Attorney General of penalty upon conviction, we example, making admissible hearsay force the day following their to affect the security of the appeal to all justice-loving people to evidence; restricting the rights of publication in the government Federation’. voice their protests against the the accused to cross-examine gazette on 4 October 1975, and were The International Commission of gross injustice of such cases tried prosecution witnesses; and, indeed, amended in a similar way by the Jurists, a Geneva-based human under ESCAR and save the lives of allowing evidence of witnesses to be publication in the gazette on 4 rights organisation, was prompted those sentenced to death in given in camera in the absence of the November 1975, the Essential to describe the ESCAR as ‘going accordance with ESCAR. Craccum April 27 1982 • 11 UMSA Comments On New Restrictions Placed On Overseas Student We're not far out... In what appears to be a tightening Labour Department as a result of of the screw of education the new regulation. restrictions to overseas students, “I am afraid itis a new piece of the Department of Labour has regulation that has just crept into issued a leaflet to intending post­ the Private Overseas Students graduate overseas students stating Policy, whose nature is as draconian We’re right on that consideration for an extension as the $1500 tuition fee imposed on of permit to undertake post­ overseas students. This means from graduate studies below Ph.D. level now on, overseas students are not may be given to those who have only discriminated from the kiwi achieved, in their previous year of students on financial grounds, but study, a level of passes in a full-time also discriminated on academic campus programme equivalent to that which grounds.” Mr Chock commented. would have enabled a New Zealand We are alarmed that this intention student to qualify for the award of to increase fees will not only deprive an ‘A’ Bursary. Malaysian students of lesser What do you want from a bank? As well as being conveniently The leaflet also states that economic means from access to New You want it to be convenient and located we understand the money consideration for an extension of Zealand education but also cut off close at hand. That’s why the Bank •problems students have. We can permit for overseas students to the valuable contribution of of New' Zealand is your bank right help you with banking services such on campus. as cheque and sav ings accounts, free proceed to Ph. D. study will only be overseas students to New Zealand in financial advice, the Nationwide given to those who have gained 1st- academic, cultural, and social account, travellers cheques, student class honours in either a bachelor’s aspects. Upon their graduation and loans and so on. Better still, we’re or a master’s degree; and that all return home, Malaysians serve as a ready, willing and able to talk over post-graduate students are expected valuable link economically and your financial problems with you. to complete their course of study politically with New Zealand. You’ll be surprised at w hat we can within the minimum time do to help you. prescribed. This is almost an After all, the trade relation impossibility for a Ph. D. student. between New Zealand and Malaysia The President of the Union of is a massive NZ $81 million dollars Malaysian Students in New in favour of New Zealand (NZ Zealand, Mr. E.T. Chock expresses Ask for Laurie Schade, Herald 25 March 1982). The revenue University of Auckland Branch concern because he has heard of at accrued from the trading relation Phone: 735-527 least three Malaysian students with Malaysia is far in excess of the having to abandon their intention of NZ $1 million dollars that the pursuing a post-graduate course and government hope to earn from the pack up to go home. These students collection of fees from Malaysian are upset that while being given a students. Any further increase of Bank of New Zealand place and accepted by the university fees may adversely affect the Here when you need us - on campus as having satisfactory qualifications existing beneficial diplomatic, to pursue a postgraduate course, political and economic relations they are going to be rejected by the between the two countries. GRADUATION PHOTOS NO SITTING FEE! < • > FREE set of sparkling

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12 • Craccum April 27 1982 uMiiiJDiGnDiiaDHjmora m The Programme ANZ BANKING GROUP (NZ) LTD: commercial background an advantage but not || Tuesday 13 July a necessity, technical computing knowledge ANZ is looking for graduates - Acctg, not essential. Apointees will be involved in ji Economics, -I- Mgmt.St. - with initiative and design, implementation & support of (§j proven academic background, common sense, computer systems and will have the | | and a strong desire to accept challenges and opportunity to gain experience in a wide sj responsibility. A flexible career in both variety of businesses and systems. Branch B anking and specialist administrative functions can be offered to those graduates CAXTON PAPER MILLS LTD: who demonstrate the potential to guide the Friday 4 June | Bank in the future. Good commencing salaries Recruiting Mechanical & Chemical engineers. and benefits after a short qualifying period Will participate in a training familiarisation CAREERS ADVISORY SERVICE are available. programme which will encompass the total operation and include the pulp and paper — Rm 14, behind the AUDIT OFFICE: making process, research and development, Upper Lecture Theatre. Wednesday 2 June materials handling, maintenance planning, Seeking BCom.Acctg. Positions are initially design office, man-management etc. At the those of assistant auditors in public sector end of this programme graduates will be auditing and there is a career structure appointed to a position in one of these areas. providing for early promotion to senior positions. Such promotion is on merit. CERAM CO LTD: **** Company presentation: Lunchtime talk, Fri 30 July, am only 1.00 pm, Wednesday 2 June, Upper Lecture Thurs 5 & Friday 6 August Theatre, ‘Auditing in the Public Sector’ Interested in graduates from Accountancy, comp. Sc, Chemistry, Economics, ASSOC.PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS Engineering, Law, Management Studies and (APC): Mathematics. Wed. 16 June & Thurs 17 June Ceramco develops graduates, from various Interested in speaking with graduates from disciplines, through to senior executive Accountancy, Management Studies, and positions, on a sophisticated and well Engineering. managed programme. Learning is through CAS undertaking significant management tasks AMP SOCIETY: immediately. Ceramco is a major public Tuesday 3 August company with diverse operations throughout Seeking Actuarial students - graduates with N.Z. and overseas. MID-YEAR honours or good pass degrees in Science, Arts **** Company presentation Lunchtime talk, or Economics, with a major on Mathematics Friday 30 July, 1.00pm. Upper Lecture or Mathematical Statistics; and Theatre, ‘Ceramco - Management undergraduates with outstanding passes in Development Programme’ Mathematics. VISITS DATABANK SYSTEMS LTD: AMP BIRKENHEAD: Thursday 3 June Wednesday 9 June Seeking graduates in Accounting, Economics, Seeking Trainee Business Analysts and Management Studies and Mathematics for a Trainee Programmers - Applications & CAMPUS Systems, from disciplines of Comp. Sc, career in Sales & Marketing. **** Company Presentation: 7.30pm, ULT, Economics, Management Studies, Tuesday 8 June, ‘Sales & Marketing with Mathematics and Physics. AMP’. Students must be prepared to reside in 1982 Wellington and be permanent NZ residents. BURROUGHS LTD: Tues. 15 June, Wed. 16 June D.S.I.R. Seeking graduates in Accountancy, Tuesday 22 June, Thursday 23 June (am only) Well here it is - the CAS MYCV PROGRAMME DETAILED Commerce, Economics, Law & Management The 3 DSIR divisions at the Mt Albert EMPLOYER LIST. Studies who have a strong desire to add Research Centre have occasional vacancies for There will be some supplementary listings as not all companies & marketing & computer knowledge to their people who have completed their BSc in career development. Burroughs is a multi­ biology, zoology, or perhaps chemistry and organisations were able to return their schedules before Craccum went to national corporation operating as a leding who are interested in a career as a science print. These will be listed with details in subsequent Craccums - or if you do EDP supplier to N.Z. business & offering wide technician. Scientist vacancies occur far less not want to wait that long, keep an eye on your departmental noticeboards or horizons. frequently but we are interested in people call into CAS. We’re all geared up to help. considering taking their studies to Honours level and beyond. There are stacks of Registration forms and piles of Appointment schedules BANK OF NEW ZEALAND all waiting to be collected.... over to you. Do get organised, don’t leave it too Wednesday 9 June ESSO (AUST) LTD: Seeking graduates in Acctg, Economics, Law Tuesday 8 June, Wednesday 9 June late.... make your bookings as soon as possible. Having made your and Mgmt.St. to undertake duties in branch Seeking Accounting graduates for accounting appointments with selected employers start on your homework. Find out as network with the long term view of obtaining services or reporting & analysis. much as possible about the organisations and prepare YOUR homework. a specialist position, i.e. - acctg, economics, Find out as much as possible about the organisations and prepare YOUR International, Loans then executive level. EXECUTIVE SEARCH GROUP: market strategy ... REMEMBER.... the person who gets hired is not Wednesday 21 July (am only). B.P. NEW ZEALAND HOLDINGS LTD: Interested in speaking with students from necessarily the one best suited to the job but the one who knows the most Tues. 27 July & Wednesday 28 July Accountancy, Mgmt. Studies, Mechanical & about how to get hired. BP is particularly interested in graduates Chemical Engineering. Primary involvement Don’t forget the aid to interview programmes organised by CAS /C from Accountancy, Comp.Sc, Management will be to provide advice and career counsel for 1. SEMINAR - Friday 30 April, Upper Lecture Theatre, 1.00pm - 2.00pm. Studies and Mechanical Engineering. graduates completing their final year of **** Company presentation: Lunchtime talk, study. Open to all interested parties. Monday 26 July, Upper Lecture Theatre 2. INTERVIEW WORKSHOPS - Monday 3 through to Wednesday 5 May, Ante-room, 11am - 2.00pm. N.B. Presentation N.Z. ELECTRICITY DIV. MINISTRY OF three sessions daily pre-requisite to interview. ‘Graduates & BP.’ ENERGY Thursday 10 June, Friday 11 June 3.1:1 interview workshops using audio/visual techniques. BARR BURGESS & STEWART: Recruiting mechanical and electrical To participate in any of these activities just call in to CAS and make an Thurs. 10 & Friday 11 June engineers. N.Z. Electricity is responsible for appointment. Would like to discuss employment the generation and transmission of electrical Look forward to seeing you soon. opportunities with students completing a energy throughout N.Z. The work involves Commerce degree this year. Initial design and construction of hydro & thermal opportunities are in audit or accounting power stations, sub stations and transmission PROCEDURE services with possibilities of later lines. Training is given in District and Head specialisation in the various other services of Office to enable graduates to obtain 1. Collect REGISTRATION FORM and APPOINTMENT SCHEDULE a major national firm of accountants. professional registration. Final location on from CAS completion of training rests with the division. BROKEN HILL PTY - AUST. ****Company Presentation: 2. Fill in Registration form - write, print or type to give clear precise BHP is Australia’s largest company. They Evening presentation. Wednesday 9 June presentation. Copies of this form will be given to each employer that you see. will not be visiting campus this year but 7.30pm. Upper Lecture Theatre. ‘Generation NO APPOINTMENTS WILL BE MADE WITH VISITING EMPLOYERS interested parties should apply direct. & Transmission of Electrical Energy in New WITHOUT THIS FORM COMPLETE. Further information available at CAS Zealand. ’ N.B. Pre-requisite to interview. 3. Read through the detailed employer list carefully. Decide which employers CLAUDE NEON (Philips subsidiary): interest you and list them on your appointment schedule (using the space Thurs. 22 July Seeking: (a) Mechanical Engineer for MINISTRY OF ENERGY: designated) Monday 2 August formulation of preliminary design concepts, 4. Call in to CAS to make appointments - please bring your completed specifying of necessary materials + Interviewees should be permanent NZ residents who are graduates or near registration form and your lecture timetable. manufacturing techniques and producing graduates. They should be fluent in oral and working drawings. (b) Electrical Engineer - designing + written English. Numeracy is important and NOTE Economics is a desirable degree component. specifying electrical details of lighting ** Literature on most organisations is available from CAS Positions are office positions only and chances products, developing more sophisticated to get out ‘in the field’ are slight. ** Company presentation - lunchtime talks and evening presentations are electronic circuits for use in lighting & i open to all interested students/graduates. However, some organisations have associated fields. ESSO AUSTRALIA LTD (Production Dept.): Also interested in mechanical engineers who i stipulated that their presentation is a pre-requisite to an interview - make Monday 19 & Tuesday 20 July [careful note as appointment schedules will be checked at the presentation. would consider a position involving quality control or cost engineering. Esso Australia has vacancies in its I** If unable to keep any appointment please notify CAS as soon as possible. Production Dept, for Chemical & Mechanical [By mixxing appointments you deprive other students of employment engineers seeking challenging positions with } opportunities. CBL (AUCK) LTD: significant career potential. The Production Wed. 23 June, Thurs. 24 June (pm only). Dept, is responsible for the operation of the We look forward to seeing you. DO NOT leave it too late to come in. DO IT Engineering, Management Studies & Bass Strait oil and gas fields offshore i NOW - once the good jobs are gone - they are gone !! Mathematics. Applicants should be people Gippsland, Victoria. Facilities include 8 off­ who are adaptable and still willing to learn. A shore producing platforms, four further SMjaSgilieg5iiijl5BI515t9B^ Craccum April 27 1982 • 13 platforms under development, three onshore training in a multi discipline national LAWRENCE ANDERSON & BUDDLE: prospects exist within the parent company, as natural gas processing plants, a crude accounting practice. Friday 23 July, Friday 6 August well as within N.Z. Sugar Co. stabilisation plant, an LPG fractionation Seeking graduates for the Auckland office of plant and crude oil terminal. Further DEPT. OF HEALTH: their national accounting firm for the NEW ZEALAND POST OFFICE: expansions of these facilities are in the Tuesday 27 July following specialist depts. Thursday 15 July planning or design states. Information visit. Interested to talk with -audit P.O. requires graduates with training in ****Company Presentation Lunchtime students keen to pursue a career in the - taxation (pref. BCom/LLB) Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, business Talk, Monday 19 July, 1.00pm. Upper department. - business services administration, O/R, Computer Science and Lecture Theatre, ‘Engineering Career an appreciation of accounting. Also a number Opportunities in Esso Australia’ N.B. Pre­ HUNT DUTHIE & CO: of generalist graduates intersted in an requisite to interview. Thursday 24 & Friday 25 June McKECHNIE BROS (NZ) LTD: administrative careers in the Post Office - NZs Recruiting Accounting grads for positions in Thursday 17 June largest business organisation. Positions are in NEW ZEALAND FOREST PRODUCTS Audit div.: BCom/LLB grad for specialist tax Recruiting mechanical & electrical engineers H.O. Wellington. Thursday 1 July: Friday 2 July work, and two or three undergrads for holiday for capital intensive manufacturing processes. Monday 19 July & Tuesday 20 July positions in Audit div. - end of 1st or 2nd year Graduates must have a good academic record, NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS: Seeking Commerce graduates - finance, cost & studies. leadership qualities and an ability to achieve Monday 12 - Wednesday 14 July mgmt. - and Chemistry graduates - organic Broad function of graduate: participates in results which will lead to management The railways objective is to research, develop option. Cadetships : Seeking 1st & 2nd pro work assignments under specific direction of positions in an industry using a wide range of and market highly efficient transport engineering students (all engineering more experienced staff. Prepares for specialised technologies. services. To do this they need professional disciplines. Will also be seeking graduate advancement in the firm, the profession and staff with the analytical abilities and forward engineers but dates for these interviews as yet the community. MOBILE OIL AUSTRALIA LTD: thinking of university trained women and unknown. Special responsibilities & requirements Monday 12, Tuesday 13, Wednesday 14 July men. These graduates would come include: Recruiting refinery engineers. Petroleum particularly from the disciplines of 1. technical abilities Refineries (Aust) Pty Ltd. is the Mobile Engineering (Civil, mechanical and electrical) FORD MOTOR COMPANY: 2. organisational & supervisory skills managed refining company - owned 65% by Accountancy, Economics, Commerce, Wednesday 2 June, Thursday 3 June 3. client responsibility Mobile and 35% by Esso. Refineries are Geography, Law and Architecture. Interested in speaking with graduates from 4. development of firm’s services located near Melbourne and Adelaid and the disciplines of Accountancy, Computer 5. personal & professional development. account for 22% of Australia’s total refining N.Z. FARMER’S FERTILISER CO. LTD: Science, Commerce, Mechanical Engineering **** Company presentation Lunchtime talk; capacity. We offer excellent initial experience Thursday 10 June, Thursday 29 June & Mgmt. St. Friday 18 June, 1.00pm, Upper Lecture and long term career prospects for new Interested to speak with students from Theatre, ‘Why Hunt Duthie & Co.’ fraduate chemical/materials & mechanical disciplines of Accountancy, Biochemistry, FISHER & PAYKEL: engineers. Botany, Cell Biology, Chemistry, Friday 23 July **** Company Presentation: Monday 12 Management Studies, and Engineering - Interested in speaking with students from the HAMMERSLEY IRON PTY LTD - PERTH, July, 7.30pm, Upper Lecture Theatre Mechanical, Electrical & Chemical. disciplines of Accountancy, Mechanical & W.A. ‘Refinery Careers for Engineers’ Electrical Engineering. Unable to visit campus, but would welcome NCR (NZ) LTD: applications from students to participate in McCULLOCH MENZIES: Thursday 22 July, Friday 23 July MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS: their Graduate Scheme. Disciplines required - Wednesday 2 June, 21 July Seeking graduates who are well qualified Electrical Engineering, Mechanical, Civil & Wednesday 14 July Seeking B.Com. Acctg. graduates for audit preferably in Commerce, Accounting or Lunchtime Presentation: Upper Lecture Chem Engineering, Biological Sciences, and accounting services areas. As a national Computer Science. NCR, a highly successful Theatre, 1.00pm, An information visit. Business Administration, computer Sc. firm they offer considerable opportunities computer company, offers well presented Further details and application forms Individual interviews with applicants will be allowing for specialisation. Provides good graduates who are good communicators, available CAS. held in September. Interested in graduates training, broad experience and early career opportunities in computer systems, from Economics, History, Law, responsibility whether your ultimate career is marketing, systems engineering and PoliticalStudies and Languages. These IBM (NZ) LTD in public practice or in commerce. accounting. subjects have relevance to the Ministry’s Thursday 10 June, Friday 11 June work, but the quality of the degree is Interested in graduates from all disciplines. MARTIN SPENCER & ASSOCIATES LTD: NEW ZEALAND STEEL: considered more important than the content - Thorough training programme provided. Tuesday 10 August Wednesday 21 July (pm only), this means in many cases a 1st or 2nd class Good prospects. Seeking intelligent, highly motivated Thursday 22 July Div. 1 Honours degree. Personal qualities graduates form disciplines of Acctg, Comp. Recruting — such as adaptability, cultural sensitivity, Sc., Economics, Eng-TAM, Mgmt. St and - Graduate Production Management TRainees initiative and plain common sense are, IVON WATKINS DOW LTD: Wednesday 4 August Mathematics who wish to make a career in - Graduate Engineering Management however, more important than academic commercial data processing. Accounting and TRainees achievement alone. At present the Ministry is Seeking Chemical Engineers. Appointee(s), under the direction of the Process commercial exp. or knowledge would be - Accounting Graduates able to recruit only about 6 - 8 diplomatic helpful, but programming training will be - possibly EDP, Tech Services, Marketing, trainees each year. Engineering Superviser, will be responsible for providing chemical engineering support provided. The main criteria is intelligence and Personnel, Supply personnel. for capital project & process development adaptability in order to succeed in a rapidly Production management trainees may (and FELTEX NZ LTD: changing field. historically have) come from a very wide Monday 26 July programmes. The prime objective is to achieve maximum economic use of allocated range of disciplines. Seeking graduates from areas of MOBIL OIL NZ LTD: Accountancy, Mechanical & Chemical resources, to reduce energy consumption, eliminate pollution, improve yields; to Monday • Thursday 26 - 29 July. NEW ZEALAND SYNTHETIC FUELS engineering, and Management Studies, for Recruiting — CORPORATION LTD: development for careers in management. incorporate the latest technology and safety engineering available into all aspects at - Accounting/Maths/Comp. Sc. Graduates for Tuesday 15 June, Wednesday 16 June process design stage, ensuring compliance Acctng & Finance Div. Recruiting Chemical and Mechanical FLETCHER CHALLENGE - Mechanical/Civil/Chemical Engineers for Thursday 22 July with statutory regulations as minimum engineers. Engineering Dept. The plant is located 20 kms from New **** Company presentation: standard of design. - Chemistry majors for Technical Services Upper Lecture Theatre at 1.00 pm **** Company Presentation - Tuesday 3 Plymouth - under construction. The first August. ULT at 7.30 pm. ‘Why should we (includes laboratory). assignment will be to a Mobile operated want to join IWD’. NB: Pre-requisite to an - Variety of disciplines for broad training refinery outside of N.Z. During this initial 12 GILFILLAN, MORRIS & CO.: interview. Please have recent photograph programme. Appreciation of Company months practical training will be given in Monday 14 June, Tuesday 15 June, available to attach to application forms. activities gained by working at a bulk specific areas of petroleum technology. Monday 12 July, Tuesday 13 July. terminal for 12 - 18 months. Following this **** Company presentation: Lunchtime Seeking young accountants, keen to pursue a INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED period of training, the trainee specialises in presetnation 1.00pm, ULT. Tuesday 15 June. career, initially auditing, in leading firm of SECRETARIES & ADMINISTRATORS: line with interests. ‘Lets start a Career together’ Chartered Accountants, utilising the latest Thursday 24 June **** Company presentation: Pre-requisite to techniques on all types of sizes of N.Z. Lunchtime presentation: 1.00 pm. ULT. interview. Thursday 22 July, 7.30pm, Upper N.Z. DAIRY INDUSTRY: businesses. ‘ACIS letters of Introduction to the Lecture Theatre. ‘Energy - Our Product - Our Thursday 29 July, Friday 30 July. **** Company Presentation - Lunchtime talk, Administrators World’ People’ Recruiting — 1.00 pm, ULT, June 14 ‘Experience gained in ‘Our concern is to inform appropriate 1. Chemical & Mechanical engineers for Dairy Gilfillan, Morris & Co. ’ students - Acctg, Economics, Law & NEW ZEALAND INDUSTRIAL GASES Processing, Research, adivsory services and Management Studies - of openings in business LTD: technical development. GUARDIAN ROYAL EXCHANGE and public administration and of an Wed. 2 June & Thursday 3 June 2. Chemistry, Biochemistry, microbiology ASSURANCE: appropriate professional qualification to Recruiting 4 - 6 graduate trainees from graduates for dairy processing and technical Tuesday 8 June (am only). complement their degree courses. ’ variety of disciplines - acctncy, Biochem, development. Seeking Actuarial trainees for their head Comp. Sc., Chem, Commerce, Economics, 3. BCom. Mgmt St. graduates for product office in Takapuna. A degree, preferably in KIRK BARCLAY & CO: Mech & Chem engineering, TAM, and marketing with the NZ Dairy Board. honors level, is necessary, with Mathematics Wednesday 21 July Mgmt. St. 4. BCom. grads for acctg. and business admin and if possible including Stats & Econ. The Seeking BCom. grad, for auditing duties. Kirk N.Z.I.G. is an expanding company with a positions in the Dairy Processing industry. examinations of the Institute of Actuaries, Barclay & Co. is a medium sized national firm. participative style of management. Technical positions are of a very wide ranging which must be sat, are not easy and applic. Opportunities for graduates covers all agreas Consequently, the people resource is vital. must be prepared to study over a number of of auditing and staff training etc. There are Seeking a range of candidates for their N.Z. ALUMINIUM SMELTERS years. Study leave and financial assistance also opportunities, after appropriate training graduate development programme who have Interested in engineering graduates - with examinations will be provided. to specialise in insolvency, EDP, taxation etc, management potential. mechanical^ electrical, chemical & civil and and to work with associates overseas. commerce graduates. A & J. GRIERSON, GOODARE, GIBSON & NEW Zealand forest service; Unable to come on to campus but interested CO: KENDON COX & CO: Monday 26 July students should enlist at CAS. Friday 25 June Wed. 21 July & Friday 23 July Seeking mechanical engineering graduates. Recruiting Accounting graduates for auditing Seeking accountancy graduates for vacancies Appointees would be required to undertake MT ISA MINES and accounting services in the audit section. Prime interest is in investigations into projects: report writing, (dates to be notified) students who wish to enter this brand of cost estimating, design, specification writing Seeking Science graduates (pref. Masters GILLIAN INGLIS SECRETARIAL chartered accountancy and in particular those and selection of plant. Posts located in Wgtn, level) in Geology & computing. Also chemical COLLEGE: with an interest in E.D.P. There may also be a involve travelling and lead to registration. & mechanical engineering graduates. Tuesday 8 June limited number of vacancies in the accounting Gillian Inglis offers 3 - 5 month courses to services section. N.Z. SUGAR CO. LTD: graduates and undergraduates who wish to Tuesday 20 July METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE Interested in meeting with maths & physics enhance their academic skills by the addition LAMPENS ASSOCIATES: Would particularly like to meet students who of office/secretarial skills. are graduating in electrical and chemical graduates, comp. Sc, stats & electrical Wednesday 2 June, Friday 4 June. engineering. Lunchtime Presentation: engineering. Financial & commercial students HOGG, YOUNG CATHIE & CO: 1. June 2, Lower Lecture Theatre, 1.00pm for may also wish to meet. Electrical engineers NAME OMITTED FROM COPY - CHECK Thursday 24 June, Tuesday 3 August Commerce graduates. could expect to initially be involved in project WITH CAS PLEASE Interested in interviewing graduates who 2. June 4, Upper Lecture Theatre, 1.00pm. and design work, maintenance, technical Unable to attend the campus visit programme intend to pursue a career in the accounting For all engineering graduates. advice and development. Chemical engineers but keen to meet with chemistry graduates. profession. Assignments would involve all would initially join the team of shift Jobs entail routine and more involved facets of accounting, financial management, supervisors responsible for process analyses in Lipid Chemistry. If keen and auditing & taxation. LINCOLN COLLEGE management and project work. Acctg. and highly motivated there exists possibilities for Friday 25 June commerce grads can expect to be exposed to a promotion to key production position within variety of functions within the finance and HUTCHISON HULL & CO: The Careers Adviser from Lincoln College will the company. The laboratory at ABels is seen marketing areas to give a borad range of Thursday 3 June, Thursday 10 June be on Campus to field any enquiries in the as the most fertile recruiting ground for experiences. NZ Sugar is a subsidiary of the Seeking B.Com. graduates for audit, area of agriculture & horticulture. factory management personnel. Interested accountancy & taxation trainees to commence Australian company, CSR Ltd, and career students enlist at CAS. 14 • Craccum April 27 1982 nature. PHILIPS ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES OF >mpany, as Appointments in Product Marketing may be NZLTD made from graduates in a wide range of We wish to discuss career opportunities in the disciplines dependent on personality, ability field of Electronics. This area covers: - medical to communicate, enthusiasm; but some systems, data systems, digital electronics, knowledge of economics and business admin micro processor based equipment, Audio & raining in would be an advantage. Visual equipment, production design & s, business **** Company Presentation: Evening development, Installation and Maintenance. cience and presentation, Wednesday 28 July 7.30pm The persons we wish to talk to are potential ) a number Upper Lecture Theatre. ‘Graduate graduates in Electrical engineering, either ed in an IF MATHS OR STATISTICS Opportunities in NZ Dairy Industry’ having completed or working towards their )ffice - NZs NB Representatives from the NZ Dairy BE, BSc, NZCE etc. tions are in Board, the Dairy Division, the NZ Co­ operative Dairy Company and the Dairy PRICE WATERHOUSE: T raining Council will all be at the evening Tuesday 22 June, Thurs. 24 June, presentation. Pre-requisite to interview - very Monday 28 June, Tuesday 29 June. IS YOUR LINE - HAVE YOU important to ascertain areas of interest. Recruiting graduates interested in a chartered ch, develop accounting career covering all aspects of transport DEPT OF JUSTICE: PROBATION public accounting for local, national and irofessional SERVICE: international clients with particular emphasis nd forward Monday 12 July, Tuesday 13 July on auditing, investigations, tax and romen and Interested in speaking with stuidents of accounting. Disciplines - Accountancy, comp. lid come THOUGHT ABOUT A CAREER Anthropology, Sociology & Psychology who Sc, Commerce, Economics and Mgmt. St. plines of wish to pursue a career as a probation officer. 1 electrical) Probation officers prepare social history PROVIDENT LIFE ASSURANCE CO. 'ommerce, reports to the courts on offenders guilty of LTD: offences punishable by imprisonment, with a Tuesday 8 June (pm only) view to assisting the Court towards the most Seeking graduates from a variety of O. LTD: AS AN ACTUARY! appropriate penalty; and supervise those disciplines who would be suitable for oe released on probation, encouraging social management in the life asurance industry. lents from rehabilitation and prevention of further Initially the successful applicant will be xhemistry, offending. Min. age for probation officer 24 trained in selling life assurance but would hem istry , We have vacancies for Trainee Actuaries. yrs. Information visit - will not be actively receive further training in all other aspects of gineering - recruiting! the industry. Company car, superannuation, A degree, preferably at honours level, is necessary, mortgage finance along with a highly with Mathematics as a major subject, and, if possible, PA MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS: attractive remuneration package are offered. Monday 28 June including Statistics and Economics. Representatives will be on campus to advise RECKITT & COLMAN (NZ) LTD: 11 qualified stuidents about career prospects and assist Monday 2 August )unting or Our Assistant General Manager (Life) and Actuary, with any queries. Seeking Commerce Graduates - Acctng, ’ successful Mr David Meldrum, will be on campus Tuesday, 8 June, Mgmt. St., Economics and Comp.Sc. Offer all­ presented from 9.00 a. m. to 12.30 p.m. to interview those interested. round experience thorough training in a nunicators, PROGENI diverse business environment. Also offer r systems, For an appointment, please contact: Tuesday 22 June (Vi day only) careers in product development to Chemistry (ring and Wednesday 23 June (Vi day only) grads, and would be interested to interview The Secretary Seeking Physics, Maths and Comp. Sc. graduates with an interest in factory line Careers Advisory Service Graduates. Progeni is a NZ based specialist engineering and personnel work. systems company, founded in 1968, which (located Room 14, behind the operates internationally in the rapidly ROSS MELVILLE BRIDGMAN & CO: Upper Lecture Theatre) growing fields of diverse computer Tuesday 8 June, Wed. 9 June technology. Wish to interview top science Recruiting B Com. Acctg graduates for Audit it TRainees graduates, particularly those with dual and Accounting Services, who are looking anagement qualifications (Theory & practical). Markets towards a career in Chartered Accounting. We encompass fields of industry, education, can offer a wide range of practical experience management, manpower scheduling, covering all aspects of chartered accountancy Marketing, Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance telecommunications and sciences. in a well established growth orientated firm.

i may (and RESERVE BANK OF NEW Zealand; very wide QUEENSLAND NICKEL Monday 19 July, Tuesday 20 July Monday 28 June Seeking Chem & Mats, engineers. The Reserve Bank seeks graduates interested in macro-economic analysis and policy. A C FUELS line Mechanical

from New Do The first ie operated is initial 12 Chartered >e given in ogy- Accountants Lunchtime ay 15 June. get to the top? COMMERCE rs for Dairy ervices and A lot of them do but it licrobiology GRADUATES id technical depends on the person and the We are interested in interviewing students for product training. d. who intend to pursue careers in the iness admin The training and experience Accounting Profession. ndustry. ride ranging we provide in New Zealand Our practice is one of the larger national ones and is actively engaged in all aspects raduates - and overseas, produce of accounting, including Management & civil and Chartered Accountants who Accounting, Taxation and Auditing and is t interested therefore able to provide a wide range of do get to the top. tra in in g . Our staff partner at any office We are members of an international group if. Masters will be pleased to tell you all of Chartered Accounting firms and we also iso chemical about the training, the work have our own in-house computer installation. Generous salaries are offered and time off is and the prospects. granted for lectures and examination study ls & physics Si electrical in cases where the successful applicant still has some subjects left to complete. '-CHECK programme HoggMiung Cathie & Co. t graduates, chartered accountants •e involved Barr, Burgess CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS f keen and Whangarei Auckland sibilities for Manukau City Napier Hastings ition within & Stewart Palmerston North Wellington Wellington, P.O. Box 10340 — Tel. 725-850 iBels is seen Christchurch Oamaru Auckland, P.O. Box 3699 — Tel. 795-285 ground for Dunedin Invercargill Interested L 7 Hamilton, P.O. Box 518 — Tel. 395-391 Christchurch, P.O. Bcrx 13156 — Tel. 65-282

Craccum April 27 1982 • 15 good post graduate degree in Economics Office. Duties will be varied but include and/or related fields (Mathematics, investigating advisory & administrative Accountancy etc) is usually required, work. although other qualifications may be Qualifications: A good bachelor’s or honours considered. The bank also offers bursaries for degree in any discipline will be considered. post graduate courses for those about to Qualities particularly sought are an ability to complete a batchelors degree. analyse material and write clearly and succintly. STATE SERVICES COMMISSION: The Ministry will be seeking to recruit Wednesday 4 August - Friday 6 August economists, financial management and Government departments offer a wide range advisory officers. The economists will be of opportunities for graduates in most involved in economic evaluation of policy + disciplines. The Graduate Liaison Officer is, projects or in economic planning and research. therefore, interested in seeing any near The advisory officers will be working in graduate of any discipline to discuss these different areas involving transport policy. opportunities, and refer them to the departments appropriate to their U.E.B. INDUSTRIES: qualifications and background. Particularly Thursday 15 July interested in seeing accountancy, economics Interested in graduates from disciplines of and statistics grads as there is a continuing Accountancy, Computer Science, Chemistry, need for such disciplines in the Public Service. Commerce, Engineering - mech & TAM, Management Studies. UEB Idustries is a SCHLUMBERGER SEACO: diverse organisation with its major interests 14,15,16 July in packaging and carpets - both of which make Seeking field engineers and possibly a considerable use of indigenous resources. vacation trainee from areas of Mechanical & Graduates are currently employed in a wide Electrical Engineering, Physics, Geology, and range of disciplines including accounting, Comp. Sc. Schlumberger field engineer marketing, engineering, research & involves the evaluation of oil wells by development. elecronic, radioactive and seismic instruments **** Company Presentation: lowered into the well. Operation and Lunchtime talk, 1.00pm. Thursday 15 July, maintenance of equipment, direction of crew, OAM ROOM 002. good client relations are the responsibility of the engineer. Recruits work outside their UNILEVER NZ LTD: home country. Thursday 22 July, Friday 23 July **** Company Presentation: Interested in graduates from areas of Evening presentation Wednesday 14 July, Accountancy, Chemistry, Commerce, JOB VACANCIES 7.30pm, OAB Room 002. ‘Schlumberger - Chemical engineering, management studies, field engineer’ mathematics and psychology. Graduates will RESEARCHER - MARKETING N.B. Pre-requisite to an interview. primarily be employed in Wellington, H.O. MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING RESEARCH DIVISION AHI OPPORTUNITY - UNILEVER Seeking graduates interested in making a SHELL NZ HOLDING CO. LTD: career with the company and for those who Duties include: Gather, analyse, interpret and Appointee to be responsible for acctg. data Thursday 5, Fri 6 August are adaptable. At a later stage they may be present information in an optimum way in and statements covering costs, budgets, Seeking final year students interested in a offered the opportunity to transfer out of their order to meet study objectives. monthly results, all estimates and general career with a leding energy and chemical discipline and acquire new skills, e.g. chemist Pre-requisites: Market research paper or management accounting information. company. Accountancy and chemistry could move to production management, other research experience. Application forms available CAS. disciplines particularly relevant. marketing, sales etc. Contact: Mr Hammiburton, Ph. 278 0999 For further information contact: Opportunities are also available to students **** Company Presentation: Further details: CAS Mr Neville Gun- who show an interest in, and an aptitude for Evening presentation, Wednesday 21 July, Training & Recruitment Manager marketing. 7.30pm, OAB Room 002. ‘Graduate Careers CAREER OPPORTUNITY - IBM, Private Bag **** Company Presentation: with Unilever’ AUCKLAND Petone. Lunchtime Talk, Wednesday 4 August. 1.00- N.B. Pre-requisite to an interview or Ph. 666 949 Wellington. 3.00pm Upper Lecture Theatre. IBM are seeking a graduate, with excellent grades (pref. masters) in any discipline, who N.B. Pre-requisite to an interview. V.S.A. INC: wish to pursue-a career in systems marketing, Representatives from Shell, BP, Todd NZ Thursday 15 July MALAYSIAN & SINGAPOREAN data processing. . plus Shell London and Shell Australia will all VS A endeavours to recruit relevantly STUDENTS - FLETCHER be participating in the presentation. qualified and work experienced people to fill Immediate start. • CONSTRUCTION Contact: Mr Des Morrison, Ph. 778 910 volunteer assignments which Pacific and Fletcher Construction frequently have SUB-SEA INTERNATIONAL South East Asian countries have requested. BCOMM.GRADUATE - SOUTHERN requirements for graduates, in engineering, Wednesday 28 July Particularly interested in people from CROSS MEDICAL CARE SOCIETY business studies etc, who are returning to Seeking mechanical and chemical engineers. disciplines of Accounting, Botany, Cell their homeland, on their construction projects biology, Chemistry, Commerce, Economics, Seeking BCom.grad acctg, - practical in those countries. SOCIAL WORK Education English, Civil Engineering, experience of the successful applicant may be For further information contact: Wednesday 23 June Geography, Law, Mathematics and Physics. limited but a good understanding of business R. J. Forrester, A representative will be on campus to answer **** Presentation: Upper Lecture Theatre, concepts is essential. A training programme Personnel Officer any queries from students who are interested 1.00pm, Thurs. 15. will be undertaken to give the appointee a Human Resource Development in seeking a career in social work with the sound grounding in all aspects of financial and Ph. 599 979 Dept, of Social Welfare. WILKINSON WILBERFOSS: management accounting. Excellent prospects Friday 4 June, Wed. 9th June, Friday 11 June and a competitive salary is offered. ADVISORY OFFICERS - MINISTRY OF Wed. 16 June, Fri 18 June, Fri 16 July Written applications to: Mrs L. Mollard TRANSPORT TASMAN PULP & PAPER CO. LTD: Recruiting BCom. Acctg. graduates for Audit Personnel Officer Tuesday 27 & Wed. 28 July and Accounting positions which involve P.O. Box 9583 Vacancies exist for graduates in the Policy Seeking graduate Chemical & Mechanical varied work with a large and diverse range of Auckland Division, Advisory Services Finance, engineers to join our work experience clients. Considerable emphasis is placed on Economics and Administrative Divisions. programme - to gain invaluable engineering training, further education and career INVESTMENT ANALYST - ANZ Duties: will be varied but include experience in Maintenance, Process development. Opportunities exist for staff to BANKING GROUP investigative, advisory and admin, work. A Engineering, Design and Production areas in work overseas through our association with good bachelors degree or honors degree in any a large scale continuous process industry. the international accounting organisation of Successful applicant, who should have an discipline will be considered. Qualities This is a unique opportunity to cover a wide Arthur Young & Co. accounting major, will join an experienced particularly sought are an ability to analyse range of application engineering. **** Company Presentation: team in the Customer Investment material and to write clearly and succintly. **** Company Presentation: Evening Presentation: Wednesday 2 June section which operates the ANZ Investment Apply using the PS 17A form to: Monday 26 July, 7.30 pm, OAB. Room 002 6.00pm, Upper Lecture Theatre & Advisory Services. The analyst is required Education Officer ‘Tasman Organisation’ to prepare continuing indepth reports and Staff Training Section MINISTRY OF WORKS & recommendations on investment prospects in Ministry of Transport TREASURY DEVELOPMENT - (Town Planning Div): ’ N.Z. companies. Head Office Monday 14 June, Tuesday 15 June Thurs. 12 August, Friday 13 August. For further information please apply in WELLINGTON Treasury looking for degree holders in Wish to meet planning students completing writing to: Mr J. Parke Economics and Accountancy and those with their studies this year and available for Personnel Dept. GRADUATE PRODUCTION good honours degrees in other disciplines. employment late 1982/early 1983. Also ANZ Banking Group (NZ) Ltd MANAGEMENT TRAINEE - N.Z. STEEL available to meet other planning students who P.O. Box 1492 Wellington. Seeking graduates from any discipline DEPARTMENT TRADE & INDUSTRY wish to know more about career prospects in Position is based in Wellington. (Science or engineering leaning helpful but not Tuesday 10 August, Wednesday 11 Aug MOWD essential). Must be a people person, Thursday 12 Aug, Friday 13 Aug. **** Company presentation: PART-QUALIFIED ACCOUNTING communication skills essential and should be Seeking graduates in Accountancy, Comp. Sc, time and date to be advised. STUDENT - PART TIME POSITION a natural leader. 18 month - 2 yr training Economics, Geography, Law, Mgmt St. & period before assumption of responsibilities. Pol. St. Candidates should have a good WELLCOME NZ LTD: Part-time position available with a major Further’details: contact Peter Jenkins, phone personality, initiative, and be capable of Wednesday 14 July industrial manufacturing group. Appointee 774 650. working with minimum superivision. Work Seeking BCom - Acctg & Mgmt St, graduates, will be trained in a broad cross section of geared towards investigative and reporting Wellcome NZ Ltd is a leader in the accounting duties. Time off for lectures. It is MECHANICAL ENGINEERS - N.Z. STEEL aspects. pharmaceutical/animal health markets and envisaged that the successful applicant will has local manufacturing operations. Good join the team on a permanent basis on Seeking BE Mechs to join the company and MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT - MARINE career prospects. completion of his/her degree. be part of their expansion programme. DIV. Contact: Bob Wakelin, Ph. 979 007. Excellent prospects. Wednesday 28 July MINISTRY OF WORKS & Further details contact: Peter Jenkins, Ph. DEVELOPMENT Seeking engineers who could be employed on PART-TIME ACCOUNTING POSITION 774 650. advanced mechanical design work, associated Thursday 17 June, Friday-18 June with the safety investigation, including Civil, electrical and mechanical engineering Final stage accounting student, preferably ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT seismic analysis of boilers, pressure vessels positions are available throughout N.Z. for with some experience but not essential, to WELLCOME N.Z. and petrochemical plant. A full career students completing their studies this year. A work for a Te Atatu North firm. variety of work is offered to enable the For further details phone: Ross Partington, Prefer part BCom and some practical structure including all pre-requisites to experience. Suitable for part-time student. graduate to gain the training needed for 30 699. registration can be provided. The work has an Contact: Cheryl Wright, ph. 2761877. extremely high job interest and ranges over a registration, including design, direct wide variety of mechanical plant. construction work and contract supervision. COMMERCE GRADUATE - AMP More information is available in the booklet SOCIETY IN ADDITION WE HAVE: ‘Your future in Engineering’ available from • Latest SSC ‘Opportunities for Graduates. ’ MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT: CAS. Opportunity for BCom.grad - Mktg/Mgmt.St. • Latest staff vacancy listings for Hospital Thursday 3 June **** Company Presentation: to start as a representative and progress to Boards. Vacancies will exist at the end of the year in 4.30 pm Wednesday 16 June. ‘Professional Sales Executive, in our Birkenhead office. • University Vacancies. the Policy Division, Advisory Services, Engineering & Town Planning in the 3 For further details contact: Mr Noel Pierson Finance Economics and Administrative MOWD.’ Ph: 487 091 divisions of the Ministry of Transport, Head 16 • Craccum April 27 1982 GRAHAM MILLER and ROWAN CHAPMAN THE Partners of PROFESSIONAL CHALLENGE

ROSS MELVILLE BRIDGMAN Have you the initiative to take the professional challenge; the ability &CO to see it right through as part of your planned development towards CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS the top? We provide : We offer commerce graduates: - a challenging environment - participation in regular in- working with a wide range of house training courses as Will be visiting the University on clients operating in a variety well as on- the -job training. of industries. - the opportunity to further Tuesday the 8th and Wednesday the your experience with Price 9th of June to recruit final year Waterhouse offices overseas - a complete range of pro­ without interruption to commerce students who wish to obtain fessional accounting services; your career progress. including auditing, accounting - professional status together experience in a Chartered Accountants and taxation, as well as with the opportunity to office. financial and management develop a successful business consulting advice. career. We seek bright, ambitious and enterprising people with integrity, We offer both Auditing and initiative and imagination. Our recruitment partner, John Sisam, will Accounting positions covering a very be available on campus for interviews during June 1982. wide range of clients and industries. Further information is available from the Careers Advisory Service of our Auckland office located in Quay Tower, Corner Albert and Customs Street West (PO Box 748) Auckland telephone 33-439. If you would like to join us in our new downtown offices, then arrange an interview with the Careers Advisory rice 7 aterh o u se office or telephone us at 798-665. Chartered Accountants GRADUATION PHOTOGRAPHS FREE Sitting in COLOUR m

Nf W /F Al AND > H ,U SSIONAi. PH'VOGRAPHf wk. ASSOUA1H >N IN(, “ When you want to look your best” CML Shopping Mall Corner Queen & Wyndham Streets Auckland 1. Telephone 732-087

Craccum April 27 1982 • 17 ONE OF THESE THINGS IS NOT A PHILANTHROPIST “DEFINITELY RECOMMENDED’’ The New Independent television. Theatre is a strange little The Salvation Army is not place run on pure energy alone in its willingness to and deserves patronage for offer complimentary soup Total Eclipse is a play caused by lack of brilliant in his depiction of passion and ego which what it does. With and toast, the New which deals with the information, to convince us the youthful poet struggling stands regardless of time or professional theatre in New Independent’s lunchtime relationship between Paul of his depth of feeling for to find total and original place. Indeed, the story is so Zealand feeling the burden theatre offers this and more. Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud’s work. Once the expression in his work skillfully handled that by of financial pressure the fact Director Peter Meikle has Rimbaud, two 19th Century minor characters have been through immersion in the final scene we have long that this ‘semi-professional’ again workshopped a French poets. It opens with stripped away the play sensual and perverse since left historical amateur company is still number of productions. The their first meeting in Paris develops into intense theatre experience. David Aston, as perspective behind in an surviving is an first is ‘Over the Rainbow’ in 1871 shortly after the which explores their the infatuated older poet is enthralling, sometimes accomplishment in itself. which tells the story of 14 proclamation of the Paris tempestuous relationship an utterly convincing study violent and rarely stable Another Hampton play is women who gather to Commune. Hampton, the through the few years they of human weakness being interaction between the two being produced here. ‘The celebrate the 35th playwright, does not focus spent together. carried along by a stronger poets. Philanthropist’ has anniversary of the German on the social conditions or Corporate’s production is spirit. Minor roles are ably The only disappointment Hampton casting his sharp Surrender. These are only the historical background of up to their usual high carried off by other of the evening was that the witty shadow onto love and relics of those women left at the period. Instead, he standard, and the members of Corporate’s small audience made even relationships. This is pure home during the war. Their concentrates on the performances of Michael company, and they provide Theatre Corporate seem situation comedy and should story is told by letters, generative and destructive Hurst as Rimbaud, and a good springboard for the empty. However, I ’ll put therefore have a wide base songs and comment. forces in the two central David Aston as Verlaine are exploration of the feelings of that down to it being 6.15 of appeal. Directed by If you haven’t seen any of figures. The early part of the excellent. Michael Hurst, the two major characters. on a Tuesday in the play’s Dennis Ralph this show the Independent’s play leaves the audience fresh from his success in the The historical nature of first week. Definitely offers some light productions before, shrug detached although amused lead role in ‘Accidental the play is incidental, to the recommended. entertainment in a British malicious rumour and draw as the infatuated Verlaine Death of an Anarchist’, is tale of the consuming tradition the Americans are your own opinion. struggles in a vacuum, John Bates. still striving to achieve on BITTER TEARS & GALLIPOLI

Mercury Two, a theatrical despair. The cast is all renown and personal have seen the Oz point of forum for plays off the women headed by Frances insecurity - Petra. view in the Peter Weir film mainstream, had well Edmond, as Petra, who has In the main auditorium “Gallipoli”. Almost nothing patronized houses for just returned from a the ‘men has been written about the Fassbinder’s “Bremen successful season at the consequences of this Coffee”. This German Melbourne Theatre the ‘men’ are sitting on a campaign other than film-maker also penned “The Company. mound. “Once on Chunuk chronicled fact. In a way Bitter Tears of Petra Von Colin Cole, who recently Bair” is a play about this play questions and Kant” starting this Friday. won the Benson and Hedges Gallipoli and more reinforces the New Zealand “Von Kant” traces the Open High Fashion Award importantly Chunuk Bair, a identity. path of one woman for Women’s Wear, has ridge th at 760 N.Z. soldiers Maurice Shadbolt has attempting to come to terms designed all the flamboyant held for a brief time - only written this play which is with herself and a disastrous costumes necessary for a 70 survived. directed by Ian Mune. The lesbian relationship which play that centres around a Most have heard of this set is unusual in that the drives her to the edge of designer with artistic campaign and a lot would entire stage has been turned into a hill. 18 • Craccum April 27 1982 T.V.

Television has been slowly a soundtrack that can only remember, this show still psychiatric sexual fantasy. and remain poe faced as falling out of its V tll hour be defined (nicely) as has points to make and I’m sure for some this comedians try to do as the format with the arrival of ‘heavy’. Anyway, straight faces to crack. The writers storyline is tantalizing but title suggests. teleplays that really don’t from his success with in this programme deserve expect misunderstanding On Friday night we are to care how long they are and ‘Sound of Music’ mention for excellent quick and ingratuity - Bring Back be treated to an English series that now possess the Christopher Plummer has accurate character creations. Pinter. A record 21 Emmy production of The Merchant audacity to run in four two the role of Herod II. If A child of this lesser god nominations and a rave in Of Venice - part of an hour epic slots - Bring Back you’ve read the book see the is Taxi which operates in this newspaper are among elaborate project to film ah Busby Berkeley. T.V. serialisation. very much the same vein the laurels laid at the feet of 37 of W .S.’s plays. This In this style comes Following this Barney and not before time Latka Hill Street Blues - don’t particular production Zefferelli’s saga on the life Miller is in prison for Gravas mumblefucks his dare switch over to Betrayal features Warren Mitchell of and times of Jesus of contempt. A show filmed in way as the centre of this has many lessons to Alf Garnett fame, an actor Nazareth. So far this has one room, with similar faces attention this week. teach. that may surprise many promised much but has left over more years than I can Juliet Bravo has recieved Catherine Laporte Coolen with his abilities. Also in many stones unsDoken over extensive promotion but for profiles Alan Alda on Thurs this play is Gemma Jones of me fails in what seems a night. A unique actor, Sunday night period piece deliberate attempt to director and writer who has fame. bastardize ‘Z Cars’. The found his success through M earth goes to school in stories of this small town an honest understanding of Mork and Mindy in the his craft. T.V. 2 however has cop leave a lot to be desired. series that sometimes beauty. A MUST. N.T.N.O. News team with a Don’t be fooled by the cleverly uses the guise of A point of interest to satirical style that is title, ‘Betrayal’ on sci-fi humour to make some finish with is that hilarious when its not just Wednesday is nothing more needy points. those young people ha ha but still well worth a another american The high-point of the week grown-ups call kids, have stem stare. must be however the Friday voted Secret Squirrel Make Me Laugh on the night film I Will, I Will...for number one ahead of The same evening is an obscene now. Elliot Gould and Diane American adventure into Greatest American Hero. Keaton in another excellent Good tasters carry on the what money can make piece of pure New York crusade. anyone do. Members of the temperament and humour - studio audience have to try black comedy in its dark Eva Falklands. MIDDAY OLDFIELDS N EV ER D IE , MUSIC THEY JUST COME MUNCHIES TO NZ Hl/lsf / -T7 yvfiKof'vfun-' jh&H W til0 jjU £f M K t o! roiM ‘ FRIDAY -AT-ONE’ (cello) and Tjitske Tolsma Concert, (piano), nervousness played its part in blurring the 16th April musical progression; however, there were some ymr coê& All three pieces presented intense moments which gave Mike Oldfield just Tubular Bells (though at this concert consisted of a evidence to the musical that’s bound to be musical partnership, and it sensitivity of both players. Logan Campbell included)....both the ‘QE2’ was interesting to observe For those of us who know Centre * and ‘Platinum’ records have f i w Mfiy f o y t ! the relationships (musically) and love the music of many shorter pieces which " V h f\ U - C yu

BITS And how. This is a very hard single to describe. It seems to be done mostly with tapes, but a little bit of rough guitar to add texture. It is based around a monologue, with some tapped out rhythm in the background. Weird, lots of VICTORIA ST EAST AUCKLAND PHONE 30-889 strange noises and dubbed in conversations. The phrase ‘everything but the kitchen BITS sink’ springs to mind, but I RESTAURANT CAFE BYO wouldn’t be too sure that COMSAT ANGELS even that trusted artefact LUNCHES: Mon ■ Sat DINNER: Wed, Thurs & Fri Do The Empty House _ Z r. 7fZ doesn’t make an appearance Live Evening Entertainment with Ivan Zagni, Hattie, EP somewhere in the jumble. Very interesting, quite well Corban & Mahia Simpson, Mike Claridge, Heroes, Polydor done and WEIRD. Word of the Week: Weird! Regulars & Jerks, Steve Gerrish & Kate Walsh. I don’t know what it is about this band, but they -JC- hold a fascination which, once it takes hold, never f*—' / / &A, 2 - 1 / ^ 5 * seems to let go. The music has strong echoes of Joy * 4* Division in it, but the Comsats have a far lighter touch, which nevertheless Lili Marlene through a has a far more moving Yet, one can be comfortable here. Blondies malleable straw is effect. The A side contains Blondies owner, Jamie, personally obligatory. two songs, ‘Do The Empty provides excellent service in Performers expected at House’, which is fairly !/ Victoria St Blondies over the two weeks poppy and up-tempo and has T7 this restaurant, which he would rather see become a from the time of writing are some great lines in it, and is ‘meeting place’. Ivan Zagni, Hattie, Corban full of slightly disguised East and Mahia Simpson, Morton hooks. Following this is It has the ingredients to ‘A place to go’ — INNER Wilson and Andrew Hagen, ‘Now I Know’, an incredibly be such. Casual and flexible CITY NEWS. Mike Claridge, Heroes, powerful piece of subdued are the two words which Blondies may well be a Regulars and Jerks, and atmosphere, which is spring to this admittedly place to go but not without Gerrish and Kate Walsh. somewhat addicting to say jaded mind. The chairs and a composed entrance. One Any of these for a $2 cover the least. Also, as a special BLOND COMEDY tables could be planted in a TT descends into the bright charge. limited edition, on the B Generation Day 12” sandpit: a beach or an yellow light which So it’s till there. A place to side you get an inspired RIOT 111 imaginary desert oasis. EP . Mandrill permeates this subterranean eat lunch and dinner and a piece of jam ming called ‘Red Subversive Radicals world to vie for attention The food sampled from a place to while away the Planet Revisited’, which has Riot with the paid performers... cleverly concieved menu, hour(s) between movies and been totally distorted to get Yet another New Zealand Announcing so and so! including salads and pates bed. Pluck up a bit of a sort of warped SF effect, 12” effort, and this one is This ordeal, or rather the selling in the $4.50 to $5.00 courage and walk down the and again features some certainly a worthy cause for Three (long) cuts from foresight of such an ordeal, price range and such stairs - introduce yourself to great lyrics - ‘Make sure I your $4.99. Although there Wellington punks Riot 111. has frightened a few back to delicacies as stuffed Jamie... and the tablecloths can take my car/When I go were initial problems with A little slower than their the footpath near the comer croissants at $2 each, is are really orange. to Mars...’ Single of the the pressings - there was a first single (it goes round at of Lome and Victoria impeccably presented. Month. bump on both sides of the 33 too), the band seem to be record, these have trying to put on a certain Streets. And a squirt of hot Cafe Tintin. (hopefully) been overcome amount of polish, and it p ------now, so let the music speak seems to have paid off. for itself. Originally called ‘Writing On The Wall’ is the New Entrants, the band best selection here, but the — ----- changed their name quite other two songs, ‘Subversive recently to Blond Comedy, Element’ and ‘Escape Or and for that reason, it seems Prison’ are also well worth a _ that the record is going listen. Over 15 minutes in largely unnoticed on the all, and all that for $2.99. local market, which is a ^ shame. The music sounds, at times, more like the Jam zz= than the Jam ’s does (especially the new material on ‘The Gift’). The four & s ------^ songs on display here are a very strong rendering of Jam style mod music, and are all originals. The standout song has to be ‘The Kids Are Crying’, a very strong piece of songwriting that appeared on ‘Goat’s Milk Soap’ this year. Highly recommended. RADIO B WORKSHOP ------9 Training & Discussion i WL of tx f/ j-.v i/il, Announcing * Advertising ! U j - v i / k f e * . ’i/H tV News * Technical m Management * Programming ORCHESTRAL McCluskey and Paul (especially on the two songs Starts Sat May 22nd MANOUVRES IN Humphreys, with a little about ‘Joan of Arc’) there help from some backing are religious overtones FOR ALL STUDENTS INTERESTED IN BECOMING THE DARK musicians, have come up which reveal Andy Architecture And with a very strong album, McCluskey’s fascination INVOLVED IN RADIO B. STUDENT ID REQUIRED. Morality loaded with haunting and with religion, specifically' $2 REGISTRATION FEE. (Dindisc, RTC) powerful melodies. Although Catholicism. He seems to be most of the instrumentation going through a period of aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaroii^wīraaaaaa is synthesisers, the band intense soul searching, This is the third LP were always one to show seeking an ultimate truth. platter from Liverpool’s that electronic music need Don’t let McCluskey’s Orchestral Manoeuvres In not be soulless and sterile. dissatisfaction with this The Dark, and their most The nine songs in evidence album deter you from confident to date. The here range from the listening to it, for his somewhat pretentious beautifully haunting choral dissatisfaction lies not in the sounding name comes from backed ‘Souvenir’, through fact that the music is RADIO B WORKSHOP a book by David Watkins ‘Joan Of Arc’ - this album’s lacking - far from it. Rather May 22nd, 23rd, 24th & 25th called ‘Morality and answer to ‘Enola Gay’, to he is disappointed at his Architecture’, and was the moody atmospheric inability to realise what he Name.... apparently chosen to sum up ‘Sealand’. Each song a sees as his full spiritual Address. the way the band worked - separate entity, yet the potential. He is a the rhythm machine album provides an effect of perfectionist. Highly oriented architecture with Phone...... ‘gestalt’ - where the whole is recommended. Hand in this form to Radio B, 2nd Floor Studass with $2 fee. Students the morality of the words greater than the sum of the and melodies. parts. Mike Weston only! Registration closes Ma$ 9th 5.30pm. Whatever Andy All throughout the album Mllllim ...... Craccum April 27 1982 • 21 7 7 /r fV\’ W - p a g e OUT ON THE SKIDS arranged a session with certain Scottish flavour record which started to show the new direction that (or how I learned to stop them, the upshoot of which running through the music the band followed right up worrying and enjoy life on was a record deal with (thanks partly to Jobbo’s until the end - that of skid row) Virgin Records. accented singing). TH £ Being young and naive, Then, in late 1979, they bringing in an increasing amount of traditional Recently, Scottish band Jobbo put pen to paper and began to search for a wider Scottish influence into the ‘The Skids’ split - or rather agreed to an eight album audience than they had p 0 i f y o u t s t L ? were dissolved by the only contract, of which they previously attracted with music. This single was remaining founder member, completed four, before the their second LP, ‘Days In followed up by another Richard Jobson, who wanted split. They were: Europa’. This album called ‘Fields’, and the to free himself to pursue a ‘’ (V featured some very album ‘Joy’. Both of these A/* /H*£f R i d e r s career in acting, with some 2117, released 23/3/79): Very impressive production records failed to gain good poetry as a sideline. strong album, twelve techniques, and introduced reviews - being received by jOla^iar'/Sw sfa.ce / So just who were the anthems such as ‘Into The the synthesizer to the Skids’i luke-warm to downright cold Skids? A good question. Valley’, ‘The Saints Are music - well before the reviews, and made no Our story opens in the Coming’ and the like. current trend of wimpy impact on the charts (after rough world of Scotland, in ‘Days In Europa’ (V 2138, so-called futurists. One of having V the heady days of 1977. released 12/10/79): Another the central themes of the debuted in the Album charts Yound, but illustrious, great LP, but this time album was the Olympian in the UK at Number 9). Richard Jobson got together attracting a different kind of ideal, with which Jobbo had The Skids had always with , audience - sort of pre­ become fascinated in what suffered from major line-up William Simpson and futurist. he describes as his attempts changes. The line-up was Thomas Kellichan and ‘The Absolute Game’ (V to ‘better’ himself. never the same for any two formed Scotland’s answer 2174, released 19/9/80): Unfortunately, this albums. After ‘Scared To to The Clash - namely The Perhaps their most powerful fascination led to many Dance’, Thomas Kellichan Skids. Richard Jobson (or album, a mixtime of accusations of fascistic left the band, being replaced Jobbo) was 16 years old at influences from the first 2 leanings which the music by Moors, who left with this time, and his unique LPs. press were quick to William Simpson before voice together with his ‘Joy’ (released in capitalise on and accentuate. ‘Days in Europa’ (although (\r\ you*' ow* vyards- o-f c o a cee } somewhat arty lyrics and December last year, no Jobbo’s protestations that they both played on the Adamson’s angry, swirling further details available, the subject matter was album). These two were quitar marked the band as except that it is a mixture of merely his personal response replaced by Spanish and English. All the and Mike Baillie. Finally, DEUTSCH something special. the previous three LPs plus to his Scottish Catholic AMERIKANISCHE songs seem to deal with sex Their first record was on traditional Scottish elements upbringing did no good - after the departure of Stuart in some form or {mother, Adamson, Mike Baillie also the independent ‘No Bad’ like bagpipes.) still the accusations rattled FREUNDSCHAFT with the possible exceptions departed to find greener label, and took the form of a The band started off in a on. Die Kleinen Und of ‘Osten Whart am three track ep (Charles/Test hard core punk vein, but Nevertheless, the release pastures. Die Bosen langsten’ and ‘Die Lustigan Tube Babies/Reasons). It with a fair amount of lyrical of ‘The Absolute Game’ In the time between ‘The Mute Stiefel’ and there seems to sold some 10,000 copies, and pretention setting them soon quashed any remaining Absolute Game’ and ‘Joy’, be an almost total lack of attracted the interest of apart from most of the objections, for it was Richard Jobson established emotion in the lyrics - just British DJ John Peel, who punks of the time, plus a received well critically, and a name for himself in the This was the second detached and sometimes non for once NME and others slightly different worlds of album that DAF recorded, sequitur statements, for managed to do the band poetry and theatre. He after their legendary example, ‘Osten Whart Am NEVf justice. The album remains a began to do a series of ‘Product’ album, of which Langsten’: powerful combination of poetry readings in various only a few thousand copied ‘The East is best, the East INDEPENDENT influences - again with the London clubs such as Soho’s were pressed by a small is stronger, but the West Cabaret Futura. independent label in LUNCHTIME THEATRE subtle Scottish flavour, and is better, luxury is in the was highlighted by the Furthermore, he put out a Germany, and was their West, and the West is OVER THE RAINBOW remarkable intermeshing solo album made up of his first album release in best, the West is satisfied, r guitars of Jobbo and poetry, taken from his book England. Devised by the Company licking his wounds, living ‘The Gentil and the DIR: Peter Meikle Adamson. These were the Recorded in March 1980, in luxury, the West is the Skids’ happiest days. Gentleman’. The album side one was recorded in Wed 28th Apr - Fri May 5th, & Sat May 8th at lpm best but the East is the In June last year Stuart came out on an independent Conny Plank’s studio in b e st' STUDENTS $2 which includes soup & toast from 12:45 Adamson decided that label, and was entitled ‘The Germany, while side two Their position, politically, 14 UPPER QUEEN STREET enough was enough, and Ballad Of Ettiquette’, and was recorded live in the was once described as quit the band. At the time, has never been released in Electric Ballroom, London sitting on the Berlin wall Phone 796370 Bookings 796371 he gave the reason for his this country. (by accident it says on the and firing shots off at both departure as a feeling that In the sphere of acting, sleeve notes), the material sides, but really, apart from the band’s energy had been which he now cites as his featured here is quite a submerged idea of dislike spent: main area of interest, he has different to that which for both the East and the 1982 AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY REVUE “Now I feel the band’s had some (limited) recently surfaced downunder West, there is little politics energy is spent, as a band, experience, having been in the form of ‘Gold Und involved in their songs. as a force to be reckoned involved in a seedy Liebe’. To start with, the Whatever else you say with. It’s just come stageplay with ex-Crass instrumentation is quite about DAF, they are through a total lack of records star Honey Bane different, with the use of certainly not conventional, communication between (who’s now signed to the guitars and bass guitars, and their music is APPLAUSE APPLAUSE everyone in the band... Rejects’ private label), part which were totally lacking interesting for its my enthusiasm for the of which was concerned with on ‘Gold Und Liebe’. experimentation and total ABUSE ABUSE band has been totally aforementioned stars rolling The resulting music is differentness to the totally dampened.” around nude together. similar in conception to the mainstream (or was in these Either way you 'll (Sounds, June 13 1981). Skids have successfully anti-rock contrivances that early days). When you listen The split came shortly come up with three great fill Public Image Limited’s to this record, it is best not love it! before the first new release albums in three quite records, but with a certain to have any pre-conceived from the Skids since The separate fields (excuse the amount more style and ideas about what they are Absolute Game: a single pun), ‘Joy’ promises to be a direction. about, because your ideas called ‘Iona’ - the last piece masterpiece, in spite of its The lyrics are printed out will only be proved totally 8pm of Skids vinyl to feature luke-warm reception. They on the inner sleeve in three wrong, whatever they are. Adamson’s impressive were a remarkable band. languages - German, Highly recommended. April 30 to May 8 itar work. It was this Laughs, song and satire Maidment Theatre Princes St Bookings now open Phone 793474 NATIONAL OPERA OF NEW ZEALAND NEW ZEALAND PREMIERE RISE AND FALL OF THE CITY OF

MAHAfiONNYKurt Werf Bertolt Brecht Directed by Raymond Hawthorne OPENS 24 APRIL— FOR A SEASON OLD AUCKLAND CUSTOMHOUSE 8.15 pm. Tickets $13.50 and $12.50 BOOK AT THE CORNER SPONSORS 1982 ICI NEW ZEALAND LTD IBM NEW ZEALAND LTD MAZDA MOTORS OF . NZR NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS NEW ZEALAND LTD cv oeCic'tousCy whjtv) s/Ca.( -frtsvn thjL e. 7~he cy-d ^ 22 • Craccum April 27 1982 Laiisrslettersletterslettersletterslettersletteralettersletteii FEMINISTS’ INTUITION same crime. CHARACTER ANALYSIS So now I’ll wait. Anxiously. More Dear David, I gleefully opened this week’s Craccum thoughtful graffiti along the lines of ‘All men Does Kevin Hague have a twin on campus? (April 20) to find, to my boundless delight, are Lesbian Space Invaders’ would be super. I I have decided he must because the Kevin two pieces supporting the feminist mystique. can’t wait for the video game to come out, too. Hague at SRC voted and acted against all the Their daunting, penetrating analyses made principles of Kevin Hague the Craccum writer me want to just jump out of my easy chair John Lynch. and self-proclaimed anti-tour activist. and turn on the television. The public Kevin Hague claims to support Mizz Whomever’s collection of assorted Ripeka Evans, went on anti-tour marches (and thought-wafers, ‘Girls are Pink and Boys are advertised his presence afterwards), claims to Blue’, was textbook material for those keen on support feminism, and can usually be found, investigating the art of the thoroughly publically of course, supporting countless unsupported argument. ‘Fiction is other ‘good liberal causes’. particularly ruthless in its stereotyping of ISRAEL, PEACE AND THE So how can the private Kevin Hague vote women. It reflects fucked social Christian for K athy Sadler a t SRC? values...’ A key point. But how does fiction do PALESTINIANS Kathy Sadler publicly admitted she is it? I’m eager to hear more. Fleetingly, she continues on into grade school readers: Jane I am sure that we all believe that Ali Kazak sexist and she didn’t acknowledge it, it was came here with the intention of achieving obvious she is right of centre and ignorant of has six dolls, and Bill has six trucks’? I think Bill is going to be a success. He’s three up something. What you may ask can he possibly racial issues. In short the exact opposite of want to do on the campuses of the New what Kevin claims to stand for. already. ‘Girls (do) not strike out directly after their goals...’ Then ‘the stories about girls... Zealand Universities? I’m equally sure that That’s why I think that a Kevin Hague the student executive which brought him here impersonator voted at SRC. Either that or the were, more often than not, far less interesting.’ Again, why? Are longer books from Melbourne had in mind the achievement private Kevin Hague is totally removed from of some goal. And the goal they seek is that the public Kevin Hague. more interesting? Do junior reader-persons and feminist critics somewhere, deep down, which we all seek and the reason for our I’m old enough to have been here when joining in meetings such as this, in short, MON & TUES 6.15p.m. WED-SAT. 8.15 Kevin Hague first came to Varsity. In those yearn for the excitement appearing in boys stories? Do they desire to strike out directly PEACE, a solution of the conflict. Because we CHRISTOPHER HAMPTON'S DRAMATIC AND days he was a pillar of the Young Nats. He ran COMPELLING SAGA for their goals? The flavour of this piece would are students we have a vested interest in for NAO, not on his new-wave image, but on a peace for very obvious reasons. Because we red scare. In fact he went around Commerce seem to show up the fact that feminists characteristically fight defensively. are students we must work toward an ending lectures saying that I was a Trotskyite of war and the fostering of understanding TOTAL (untrue) and I won’t offend your sensibilities Joan Didion said somewhere that men seek and reach out for their goals while women, between nations and between people so that by repeating his (sexist) comments about the peace is more than just a possibility the world ECLIPSE feminist or otherwise, sit back expecting their The tempestuous relationship ol Rimbaud and Verlaine other candidate who was a Maori feminist. over. This was just the start. Kev the red basher equal due as a matter of right. This is why Now having accepted the premise that what went on to bigger and better things. As Fui feminism fails to make a major impact. I feel SNIPER ATTACK she is right. Using guilt is no virtue and is assumed so far is correct let us also pointed out, Hague jumped the bandwagon establish the fact th a t the student leaders who Dear Ed, embarasses any movement, however just. over the He Taua incident and was one of the issued the invitation to Ali Kazak are We wish to extend our sympathy to the Just like bus tickets, guilt cannot be shared leaders of the coup that got rid of Janet Roth. dedicated people with an objective attitude fam ilies and friends of the victims of the or transferred. The problems of another race Hardly the work of an anti-sexist, anti-racist toward truth. sniper attack at the Mosque of Omar in East activist. or alternate sex cannot be felt if you are not an intrinsic part of that group. One can only How then do we approach the problem Jerusalem. In this outrage, committed by an Unfortunately for National Club, or perhaps before us, how then do we determine the path Israeli military reservist, 30 people were appreciate or sympathize with it, no more. To fortunately, Kevin ostensibly changed his wounded and 2 killed. This once again brings judge and hopefully resolve a problem, as in toward peace? Obviously we are never going politics. However I think this had more to do into focus the tension in the region and judging a religion’s true worth, one must to be able to talk peace on the basis of with his personal situation than with him encouraging hate between peoples. We can exposes the callous disregard of human rights work from the inside where one lives the experiencing a conversion to the politics of the have endless and futile arguments about the problem. Solutions from the outside merely by the occupying Zionist authorities. left-wing. accuracy of opposing claims, whether Jews show a superfluous understanding. When he, publicly as usual, proclaimed his are a nation, or the Palestinians a nation; but with concern, These comments have direct bearing on Ms new-found faith, I didn’t believe him and said without being a history student we all know Friends of Palestine Cameron’s piece in the deceptively titled so to anybody who would listen. My warnings that history is no more objective than the ‘Women Learning Weekend’ where she were put down as bitterness through being a particular person who wrote the book we read. parallels sexism and racism. She has tried to victim of his right-wing ranting, and the Therefore unless we read all the books written show the peculiar similarities common to liberals embraced their new convert. by people on both sides of the argument we these styles of discrimination but has instead What’s on ... Unfortunately I was right, because the can’t begin to obtain any sort of only been able to show an innate ability to be private Hague has spent the last two years understanding and the chances are that even impossibly general. The only similarities of attacking Heather Worth. In fact, his blind then we wouldn’t finish up with a truly on Campus such discrimination is that they are like all hatred of Heather has caused him to let his objective view because our own circumstance forms of discrimination. There is no gray area, Tues 27 liberal mask slip. Occasionally he has brought of birth and the loyalties so engendered must no degrees of discrimination. Either you do lpm Progressive Club meeting, Exec this obsession into the open, such as when he have an overflowing influence. discriminate or you do not. That goes for sex, Lounge. tried to sabotage Heather’s presidential You are lucky in th at your knowledge of war race, age, species and shoe size. One gets the Evangelical Union, SRC Lounge campaign with a personal attack through the is learnt from the pictures or T.V. Even in impression that underlying the pluses of Ms 7pm Rotoract Club meeting, WCR letters column of Craccum in 1981. that perspective you know that in war people Camerons social weekend is the desire to be Wine Club, OGB Last year Kevin was one of the first people don’t make love, they shoot to kill and maim particular instead of general by assimilating Sci Fi workshops, Room 143 to get clubbed by the police (at Gisborne) and and this is what both sides try and achieve. racism into sexism. This is a mistake. Racial in a few other things he has done some good As we talk, the Israelis and the Palestinians discrimination is in a completely different Wed 28 work for the liberal cause. This almost are in fact in a state of war and don’t forget parking lot from sexism. No matter how many lpm 7th day Adventist meeting, convinced me and I decided never to mention that this condition applies too to the Arab categories and brands of racism it is divided Room 143 his sordid past again. But his continued people on the West Bank and the Gaza strip. into, at its base racism is a function of color- Jewish Soc meeting, Room 237 behaviour over the Prog Club, and his It goes without saying that in a state of war, regardless of sex. Period. Oppression of Christian Club, Exec Lounge support of Ripeka Evans in order to attack the stronger side has control and for women is more a matter of degree than kind. 7.30pm Monty Python Appreciation other left-wingers, has convinced me that everyone’s comfort a state of peace is more True, women may be ‘oppressed’ but men still Society function, SRC Lounge either his politics are fucked or that he has desirable. find value in them. Here there is no animosity Jewish Society function, WCR some other purpose in claiming to be ‘liberal’. But let us not lose sight of why we are It’s about time you came clean Kevin. Quite anywhere near the level of out-and-out racial Motor-Cycle Club club night hatred. meeting here...we are looking for a path to frankly I regard hypocrites as more peace between the Arab people and the people ‘Pakeha women cannot know what it is like Thurs 29 dangerous than the League of Rights. I’d at of Israel. If we recognise the futility of the to be discriminated against...’ she goes on to lpm Vegetarian Cooking class,Rm 202 least respect you if you had the guts to say continuing argument about things and times say. ‘Racism is a Pakeha problem and m ust be UMSA meeting, Room 237 what you really think. At least Engineering past then we, by the same token recognise resolved by Pakehas’. This logic is Campaign Nuclear Disarmament Society are honest in their criticism of that we must accept each other as humans reminiscent of the Bad Bins Disposal slogan: meeting, Rom 143 Heather. with human rights and national rights. The ‘We Talk Rubbish’. Clearly, how can someone 6pm Bike Club maintenance class, Yours in anger principle of ‘self-determination’ is a guarantee resolve an issue if they do not know even what Cafe extension Chris Tennet of this acceptance by Israel of the rights of the the issue is like, as she says? If it is up to 7pm Chess Club, W.C.R. Palestinians, now it is up to them to react Pakehas to change...the attitudes and 7.30pm W atch women function, Rm 237 P.S. Who did those ‘anonymous’ photocopies responsibly to the challenge of a peaceful structures of society’ for the good of all isn’t Philosophy Soc function, OGB that appeared around Engineering school future. And just as the Israeli people are she forgetting a few people? 8.00pm Law Soc dance, Functions Room before the election? It wasn’t Engineering prepared to recognise the rights, the human Ms Bos covers this area well, in the second Society. rights of the Palestinians, so too must the confessional, with the heroically typical Palestinians recognise the rights of the Fri 30 comment about wanting to make the womens Jewish people to resume the nationhood and lpm Film ‘Maths Anxiety’ Maths movement ‘more accessible to....a wider all the rights that go with it, denied to them Lecture Room 2 spectrum of women.’ I presume she means Tramping Club meeting, Rm 237 BAD TASTE!: HOW TO COPE women of any creed. This only shows her to be for so many centuries. Menachem Begin, Israel’s Prime Minister, SCM, Exec Lounge discriminatory in a different light: preferential WITH THE 3% CUTS despite the criticism and references to his UMSA meeting, Room 143 Dear Craccum, treatment of women without regard to colour May Day forum & films, SRC is still preference of one group over another radical background ,was quick to react when Thought I might drop you some ideas on Sadat accepted the long standing Israeli Lounge which is...well we should all know w hat th at is cheap cookery to help spread out that $27 a challenge to the Arab nations in their bid for 5.30pm Bahai Club Barbeque week. I picked up the following recipe from by now. She is so busy being sexually 8pm Engineering Society Dance, OGB jingoistic that she forgets blacks, male or peace INCLUDING Israel’s recognition of head cook at Bellamy’s - his idea to help reach the existence of a ‘Palestinian Nation’ and its Spots n‘ Stripes Polytech Dance female, wish to retain their own culture. in the cafe... with bands the target on 3% cut in government spending. rights. But recognition is a two way street! Asking for unity of women is to ask to Screaming Meemees... don’t One source of free food you students don’t With ‘Mutual’ recognition there can be think about is rats - yes folks, rats are really assimilate black women into a white ideal for forget to bring your student I.D. the role of women in society, at the formers negotiations and discussions toward that very yummy. You can find them everywhere - even situation that we hopefully work for. in big beehives. expense. Nothing is resolved. Obviously she Monday 3 wants to get over the either/or split that As an Israeli I say to you here and now that I am prepared to say publicly that I recognise lpm Friends of Israel meeting, 143 RAT PIE!! plagues most social problems (here black vs STAR meeting, Exec Lounge. white) but fumbles by subverting it to another the rights of the Palestinian people and I hope 1 R at that Ali Zazak will take this public 7pm Tiddlywinks & Knucklebones 1 Rat smasher (non slip handle) tangle: male vs female. Soc, Exec Lounge For blacks ‘alienation is an everyday opportunity to stand up and confirm that he, Ingredients for pie. as a representative of the P.L.O., is prepared 7.30pm Theatre Workshop playreadings, occurence.’ Unfortunately, Ms Bos misses the to announce his acceptance of my rights as a Womens Common Room point that alienation is a result of being pulled Procedure: Bring Rat smasher up, inclined at Jew and as an Israeli. 45° to rat’s neck. Steel should be glinting in out of one’s own culture and re-planted in May 3 - 7 another culture; a culture grown on political The alternative to such a declaration is the the late evening rays of sun. Bring smasner unthinkable, the unproductive, the horribly CAPPING WEEK... WATCH FOR down hard on neck of screaming rat, making theories whose implementation, I feel, often DETAILS! adds to strife rather than relieves it - for all wasteful in human terms, continuation of certain that maximum pain is felt - mop up blow and counter blow, attack and counter ‘Lesbian Space’ mentioned is routine - for all blood stains then bake into a pie. attack, war and suffering, all of which is May 7: Graduation Ball. Tickets from its good intentions - of such social elitism avoidable. M aidment booking office. Good Eating, She rails against assimilation into a mono- cultural society but in the end is guilty of the Merv Raanan Hass Craccum April 27 1982 • 23 SURELY I CAN DO BETTER LATE RESPONSE TO THE and nurturers of economic units in the FIVE PLUS FIVE capitalist and so-called socialist nations is THAN THIS? FEMINISM EDITORIAL shared by the producers and nurturers of Dear David, Dear Sir, Dear David, productive units in ‘traditional’ societies. It is Re the ‘10’ beer ad controversy. It seems to I am very disappointed in your coverage (or In your editorial in an earlier issue of universal and transcends any other ‘issue’. me that many feminists fail to realise that the lack of it) on the Bastion Point arrests in the Craccum, you took upon yourself the As men we must come to the realisation, if ad is degrading to men as well as women. April 20 issue. A number of people put a great responsibility to raise the issue of where we are really concerned about sexism, th at we, The advertiser is trying to suck us in that if deal of time and effort in writing articles to feminism was going and to point out a personally and individually are the problem - we buy ‘10’ beer a beautiful woman like the portray the events a t Bastion Point on April 3 particular issue (that of a man not being not the nasty South African whites, not one depicted will fall all over herself to jump & 4. However the wise Editor has chosen to allowed in to a film on rape) where you felt Ronald Reagan, not the Pope, not the men into bed with us. A total insult to the male hack these articles to pieces and print only the that perhaps feminism was going wrong. who get convicted of rape, and not any other intelligence! bare bones. I am sorry th at I have not w ritten this letter handy figure, divorced from our liberal ‘real We are also expected to live up to the image I do realise that the Cost of Learning earlier, but it has required a great deal of world’, who can be easily labelled, thereby of a trim, handsome, active sports fanatic, so I Campaign deserves the space it got, but thought. I was going to start by considering dismissing our own responsibility. All men wish women would stop complaining about issues of Bastion Point, the alienation of whether you were really as anti-feminist as participate in, benefit from, and perpetuate having to live up to the beautiful woman Maori land and Racism in our society are all you appeared or whether you were simply the oppression of all women, both within image depicted. important and urgent issues that deserve our very, very ignorant. I had planned to conclude society and within our personal relationships. attention. I know with the increased amount that the latter was the case, but I am We must recognise this personal Yours, of capitalist advertising in Craccum space is genuinely sorry to say that I have had to come responsibility if we are to have any Peter Hamall at a premium. But Editor, surely you can do to the conclusion that the attitude you have understanding of sexism and the role that we better than this in future issues. shown is extremely anti-feminist and anti­ play in its continuation. Perhaps we should both complain about this series of advertisements. There is more to the women. So what can men, who want to oppose ‘10’ than meets the eye: Craccum is presently Yours sincerely, If you were genuinely concerned about sexism and support feminists, do? We can investigating the role subliminal advertising Colin Patterson sexism and the oppression of women, I feel start by admitting that we have no plays in this campaign. ED. that you would have thought a lot more about understanding whatsoever of what it means P.S. Did you realise th at the Craccum Office is the issue before deciding to bring it up in an to be a woman in this society and never will situated on land given to the Crown by the editorial. Why did you use the pages of have any idea. That we will never understand Ngati Whatua People in 1840? Craccum to voice your concern, when you what sexism really means, just as we will DOUBLE TBOUB Dear Colin, know that Craccum has been continuously never know what it is to be raped, or forced to used as a vehicle for abuse and denigration of Oh!... the trials and tribulations of editing a bear a child we never wanted, or, as Dear Ed, feminists and all women? It appears from newspaper! To you and all others who are importantly, to live in constant fear of these I need help to sary. I have a your subsequent comments, that this was upset about some of my decisions regarding and many other things happening. And this look-a-like problem, I enclose a last week's issue, my sincere apologies. just the sort of ‘controversy’ that you were means, most importantly for us white, male photographlllSWWfcS' trying to stir up. Well why pick out the Craccum was generally lacking in the space political liberals, that we have no part to play My problem is as follows; every time I went feminists? I do not believe that any man who department due to the limitations placed upon in commenting on, criticising, or attempting to collect my bursary, people would think they had a sincere commitment opposing sexism it by the printing process involving a four- to direct the feminist movement. Not only is recognised me and I would get mugged! and supporting feminists would use this issue colour cover. What's all this ‘capitalist this blatantly, arrogantly sexist, but our I have thought of getting contact lenses, a as a nice ‘controversial issue’ to gain interest advertising' bullshit? ignorance makes our suggestions basically visit to the ‘Cut Above’ and a new trendy in Craccum. By doing so, you completely I do feel that I have less to apologise about worthless. outfit but until I can manage to collect it I trivialised and belittled feminism and sexism in regards to Bastion Point and Craccum's Having accepted this, and it is hard for can’t afford it! coverage of events there on April 3 and 4. I t as a serious issue. It is the same tactic that political liberals to do, then we must start Truth uses when it publishes stories on got plenty of coverage. In my opinion, the looking at ourselves, start to recognise the Yours politicians’ sex lives (or, for th at matter, important points were made; that is, that responsibility we, as men, have. It is still easy cs Student pictures of nude women) just as a contrived apart from the rights and wrongs of the Ngati to confine this to a ‘liberal political’ role, elvin Wairapa Whatua and the government, Craccum's attempt to gain notoriety and interest. It saying all the right things, but it must go coverage stressed that the police (some shows no concern, in fact a complete lack of deeper than this. The personal is very political police?) were less-than-gentle in arresting respect, for the actual issue or people for men too. We must examine our personal those of you who chose to be arrested Now, I concerned. It is completely calculated and it relationships with women, and with men, and feel that Craccum should point out this sort of stinks. then start slowly, from the roots, to recognise thing as other media often fail to do so. As for the poor man who couldn’t get in to and come to terms with our sexism and the SHORT WAVE Readers, hopefully, build up a better picture of see the film on rape, oh dear, that poor power that we, as men, enjoy because of the CORRESPONDENT events as a result Obviously, it is also oppressed little man! There he was, all his life sexist system we are part of. From between the ‘Phones in important to criticise unhealthy trends in expecting women to put themselves out for This does not mean we must confine policing. him, and then he was actually presented with ourselves to navel gazing however. I believe Auckland: Ray D.O. Report I f you wish to produce a blow-by-blow some women who wouldn’t. These women that we can, and must, take constructive description of events at Bastion Point, you were actually doing something the way they steps to fight sexism. In many respects these Sitting behind my multiband - world may view the original material given to wanted to, with no reference to men and with are easier to do than changing ourselves, but receiver last week, I intercepted a British Craccum in the office. I could probably no concern for them. But our poor little man, they must not be allowed to be used as a cop- broadcast to civilians in Hong Kong. arrange for you to see the comprehensive who thought he could ‘contribute’ something, out. The ‘I’m doing my bit by not telling The broadcast in brief: photographic record from which we selected couldn’t cope with that. If he had any real sexist jokes’ escape. Constructive steps that The Super Powers are involved in the the four photographs printed sympathy with the opponents of sexism, he can be taken include confronting our male Falkland Island issue, whatever they claim. As for your 'passing shot' - 1 suggest to you might have gone away and thought about friends when they make sexist comments, and Firstly the United States has the Americas’ that there is more to the land-issue than the what had happened and he might even have spending more time listening to what women Treaty to uphold. It also holds Argentina as argument about who was here first. ED begun to understand a little about his own are saying, and not just waiting till she stops its bullwhip against communism in the position as a man who supposedly opposes so that you can impress her with your Americas; North, Central and South. IT’S MINE... I WAS HERE sexism. knowledge (or worse still, and very commonly, But the US is allowing the British to use But no, he immediately shows his true interrupting her, so that you can do this). their communications satellites for fleet to FIRST! colours by going on the attack and rushing up We must start using the resources and UK contact. The US is also supplying the Dear David, to Craccum to make further attacks on opportunities that this sexist system has military centre in Longon with up-to-date To whom it may concern: I, T. Kotanga feminists (and all women) with whom he afforded us in greater measure than to women intelligence reports on the ARgentine forces being the last remaining decendant of the Moa would say he sympathises. Women should (like more money - or the pages of Craccum, to supplement present British knowledge, hunters wish to point out that both I.J. have more rights, as long as that doesn’t David), to actively fight sexism, by offering including their sales information of all British Boswell and A. Smith in their righteous quest interfere with our poor little man’s power and these benefits to groups that are fighting aerospace and other technology (Sinccaire, for justice regarding ownership of Bastion privileges! sexism. We must strive to be as personally Thorn, Radofin Bae etc) to the ARgentine. Point have overlooked the fact that, by right Surprising as it may seem at this stage, non-sexist as we can eg don’t use sexist The other Super Power not in the limelight of original discovery, Bastion Point belongs to however, my purpose in writing this letter is language; don’t presume that women are less is USSR, determined not to be left out. The me. not simply to criticise you or the poor little capable of doing something simply because it Kremlin has sent a small fleet of Russian Furthermore, after some research into my man. I am going to assume th at there are men is normally done by men; don’t talk over warships in the area of The South Atlantic tribe I find that I am entitled to 93.4% of the on this campus who are sincerely opposed to women; etc, etc. and Falkland Islands. entire landmass of New Zealand. sexism and support feminists. With more But most of all, we must work on our male So far these vessels have only given I will convene a meeting for all interested certainty, I am going to assume that there are friends and acquaintances. Women owe Argentina progress reports on the British parties at 5.30pm on Tuesday 31st April at a number of liberal males out there who tell nothing to men. They have no responsibility Fleet but these ships are armed and with the comer of Alfred and Princes Streets. themselves, and all the women they meet, how to teach us where we have gone wrong or how powers like this in the Southern enlightened they are when it comes to to be better. To cast feminists and other Hemisphere...? Love Mr. T. Kotanga women’s rights. There are certainly plenty of women in this role is to cast them in the As the truths about the effect on Australia males around, since the tour, who believe that motherly, caring, nurturing and completely and New Zealand and the rest of the Southern P.S. As a gesture of good faith I will return to they are God (or M arx ’s) gift to the selfless role in which they have always been Hemisphere are unclear, let me go into them. the Maori peoples the three axes and seven oppressed. But sadly, the majority of these cast. Men have the responsibility to clean up First of all, the event of a nuclear war in the spears which were retrieved from my men will cannot recognise that the the mess we have made. It is our problem, Northern Hemisphere would have diverse ancestors’ upper torsos, being the original powerlessness of the blacks in the mines of women suffer because of it, but we made the effects on us. First we would suffer economic deposit on the land. South Africa, is shared by the powerlessness problem and we m ust do something about it. disasters; secondly emotionally, with loss of of the women in the homes and workplaces of So, while it is vital to listen to and learn about a third of Northern populations. Auckland. It is to these men that this letter is from women, we shouldn’t be too surprised if We will suffer no physical radiation primarily aimed. we can’t find many who are prepared to spend illnesses as the coriolis effect (of the earth THANKS The problem with these men (and I include their valuable time trying to solve our turning) will keep the cloud of radioactive myself in their number) is that they see the problems for us. After all, they’re busy particles in the hemisphere it originated:- Dear David, oppression of women as simply another starting a revolution, them and their women This applies to the South as well! (various I would like to express my thanks and political issue. By viewing it as such, we, friends! research institutions have let meteorological appreciation of the efforts of Progressive liberal, political men can successfully salve derigables float in the currents to prove this). Club, HULC, all the CLAP workers and our own consciences, while patting ourselves Chris Gosling So we should beware of the adverse effects of everyone who marched last Thursday for on the back for supporting a ‘righteous cause’. sitrring up the military conflict in our what I consider to have been a successful By viewing it this way, we can also contend P.S. I am interested in meeting with other hemisphere. and high-spirited march. that we have the right to support feminism on men who are committed to fighting their own This report also included news of an aborted I’m most happy with the turnout and the our own political terms, the right to criticise sexism and to actively supporting anti-sexist plan to fly paratroopers over the South Pole large number of people prepared to yell their it, the right to challenge it, and even the right groups. Please ring me at 761-334 if you are from Ohakea Airforce Base or the military lungs out, carry banners, sing songs and talk to lead it. I feel that you share this attitude interested. field at Christchurch to the Falklands as a to the public. Remember, it’s only just started David. P.P.S. Before somebody writes in saying that surprise on the airfield at Port Stanley to - we’re still fighting the cuts and we still need The oppression of women is not just another they think it’s silly to say that only men can capture it and allow more heavily equipped you all. political issue that we can sign our name to. be sexist etc, etc, ad nauseum, I shall explain transports to land. Another political movement for all the liberals what I mean. I use the word sexist, not to On going back down the dial to Argentina’s Love, to get in to. Sign the petition! Go on the imply simple prejudice against one sex or the world service in English, I heard it trying to Darryl. march! Save the whales! The oppression of other, but to mean the oppression of one sex justify Argentina’s tactics, claiming the women is something that is suffered by all by another. Men are not oppressed by virtue British lacked patience and reacted The following authors may collect women and is carried out by every man. It is of their sex, women are. offensively when Argentina offered their dazzling manuscripts from the something that is basic to the social, cultural, negotiations following its take over!! political and economic system of every Back next week. Craccum Office: Candy Snatch, country and people in the world. The Anun. oppressed position of women as the producers Ray D.O. Report 24 • Craccum April 27 1982 sle tt ersle 1 1 ersle tterslet ter slat tej CRITICISM OF THE CAO CLUB BEN COUCH FAN David Faulls, Dear Craccum, What has Sara Noble, the CAO, done this We would like to announce the formation of term? The answer is ...... nothing! Nothing at the Ben Couch Fan Club, rules as follows: Orientation and nothing since. 1. No Jews, commies, queers, Maoris (unless At least Edwin Simperingham didn’t ponce 31/32 white), no varsity stirrers and no around pretending to be involved when he was racists. just plain disinterested. 2. Members believe apartheid is the best thing for Africans and might work well in N.Z. resign** * hypocrite ' d« your job, or 3. Public protest is fair enough, provided it has government approval and is consistent A Culture-Vulture! with government policy. 4. Attendance at extremist right-wing ‘BUGGER’ REPLIES meetings is compulsory. Members are reminded to make sure they don’t know who Dear Craccum, is speaking, and to especially thank the In regard to Jonathon Blakeman’s letter speakers. referring to me in last week’s Craccum, may I 5. Members believe Christ was okay and say that I feel that, as the matter he raised is (although he didn’t know it) He supported being referred to a Discipline Committee, it capitalism, the unquestionable right of would be inappropriate for me to comment on governments to do what they like, and his claims at this time. believed ‘social injustice’ is just communist Further to this, I would hope that Mr propaganda. Blakeman, having expressed his personal 6. Christ alone is, of course, not enough (too opinions through the pages of Craccum, would religious); we also need basic morals. Even now refrain from taking part in any future both these together are not adequate but Executive discussions relating to the merely ‘along the right track’. Probably they establishment and role of any Discipline need to be enforced by ‘strong’ government Committee formed. supported by a large ‘effective’ police force unaccountable to anyone except itself and the Yours faithfully M inister of Police. Chris Gosling. 7. Members are reminded that all donations and monies do not at all signify membership C.L.A.P. — ‘Reformist or even support of our unashamedly right- Opportunists’? wing policies (therefore feel free to give heaps!). Dear Editor, For more information contact ‘Big Al’. We should like to question the motives and wisdom of the ‘Stop the Cut’ campaign. Big A1 In this time of economic hardship, it is P.S. To Juliette Dalton: apparent that some effort is required for a a. what’s wrong with religious propaganda? nation to live within what may need to be a b. this is not a weirdo club. reduced budget. Given, then, that cuts in the c. there’s nothing wrong with compulsory economy are to be made, it is only associations, in fact membership of the commonsensical that these cuts should take National Club should be compulsory. place in activities that are less useful or d. all of the above. beneficial to the social good. It is commonly conceded that education does much for the social good, but it does not FASCISM vs FASCISM necessarily follow that students’ bursaries Dear Ed, should be high. University education caters With regard to Heather Worth’s for citizens who have reached a sufficient level contribution ‘A Night at the Fascists’, I must of attainment at school, and who are prepared express complete surprise that any individual for study of a more advanced nature. or group associated with this university can Statistics show us (even if we do not want actually be proud of going along to a public them to show us) that these people are meeting with the thinly disguised aim of predominantly those from more privileged disrupting it and then expect our sympathy backgrounds,and as such are more financially when they are unable to fully achieve this capable of paying for university study goal. From Ms Worth’s article, it would anyway. Those who cannot afford this appear that she and her associates interrupted education are not here : but not for financial and attempted to shout down the speaker, reasons, but because their academic attempted to ‘take over’ the microphone itself attainment is insufficient. and to destroy literature on sale. I don’t know If education budgets are to be expanded, about you but what immediately sprung to the areas of education which should receive mind upon reading the article was the increased budget should be pre-university similarity between Ms Worth’s and her education, that is, pre-school, primary and associates’ activities and those of Hitler’s secondary education. Given New Zealand’s notorious S.A. in the 1920s and 1930s who social climate, where it is claimed that family similarly disrupted public gatherings and WHOSE ARE THE instability causes much tension among our violently denied opponents the right to free FALKLANDS? youth, and where immigrants have constantly speech, freedom of opinion and freedom of to face lingual problems, a more association. Dear Ed, B E IN comprehensive youth education system could While the philosophy of the League of After some discussion with historians I find be of much help. Useful projects could be : Rights may be perverted and while they may that Argentina administered the Falkland special English language training for children deserve all they get, they are at least Islands for a total of about fifteen years! in whose homes English is the second consistent in their beliefs and not guilty of the When the Spanish gave Argentina BEFORE language; an effort to reduce the teacher-pupil disgusting selective values Ms Worth’s group ‘Independence’ a while back and the ratio at primary schools, where the proportion displayed; that is “you can say what you like Argentinians included the Falklands in this; of pupils whose language is much retarded so long as we agree with it”. What is even however it then fell into French hands when TH E R U SH (approaching Va) is alarming; and an effort to worse is that they actually seem to be proud they purchased it from Spain 15 years later. give secondary schools greater power to deal of this stance!! Then the French forced the Argentinians with teenage problems (why is it, for instance out, and later lost it themselves to the British that Auckland University should have a Yours in utter disbelief, in the Napoleonic Wars who have counselling service whereas secondary schools Andrew Bennetts administered it with British money since invariably have not). The Ungual problem is then. So after a large whaling community was in my opinion, one of the greatest : legal set up on South Georgia and then cut back Wed - Fri 5-7 May statistics show that much of our crime is A PEEP FROM I.J. BOSWELL earlier this century, a town built and a port with Graduation Specialists committed by racial minorities, to whom the (Stanley) on the Falklands - fill paid for by language barrier must be a constant source of Dear David (and William), British money - the Argentinians want it back frustration. I’m sorry to hear that A.Smith doesn’t like (although back is a doubtful term). anthony In opposition to this, one wonders of what rational, unemotional argument; because Whose are the Falklands? social help it is to spend money educating irrational, emotive arguments are just the henry people to a ‘BA’ standard: is the BA of more sort of things which I choose not to use. L. Douglas benefit to the holder or the society within A. Smith thinks the Maoris owned 100% of 477 Parnell Rd, Ph 774-554 which the holder must work? Is it more New Zealand land prior to 1840. Since he MORAL SUPPORT One of New Zealands Top Award important that we should feel secure while doesn’t want me to disprove this using Dear Sir, Photographers gaining a degree or that juvenile delinquency rational, logical argument I shall have to take It concerns me more than a little, that the should be reduced? Remember, too, that those a different tack. Let me therefore ask A. President and Aministrative Vice President of attending schools are to a large extent Smith these three questions: Auckland University, have been forced into a voiceless within our society, and are 1. If (prior to the coming of the pakeha), the position of self justification. In positions such dependent on their elders for concern and Maori owned 100% of New Zealand land; then as theirs, notoriety is inevitable and SMBICURV THEATRE protection. what percentage of New Zealand land was thankless, but this should not be. You are 1/ _ FRANCE ST. NEWTON owned by the Moriori, prior to the coming of The members of the poorer sectors of New indeed fortunate to have a President and AVP . 23 A pril-15 May Zealand are not even getting to University, the Maori? of such calibre and conscience. which is in consequence ehtist in nature, and 2. What forms of bargaining, contract, sale, By Maurice to ask for higher bursaries in the name of barter, or otherwise, did the Maori use to take Yours Shadbolt education’, while the rest of education is possession of the Moriori land, (or did the Kirsty Mathieson __GALLIPOLI - THE WAY IT WAS! ignored, seems nothing more than an example Maori simply kill them off)? (former student) MON & THRUS — 6 30 TUES. WED. FRI, SAT — 8.15 of reformist opportunism. 3. Does A. Smith support genocide, but not BOOKINGS: PHONE 33-869 treaty? CONSERVATION IS.... m e rTCUn c u r yI TWO I TYU ndllRainer Id VVdlld Werner ' Fassbinders ClOOUii O A Hugh Stevens Never mind answering, A. Smith, here are Chris Ritchie. the answers for you: Dear David and William, THE BITTER TEARS AF 1. 100%. 2. They killed them off. 3. God only Isn’t it lucky that the Truxtun is visiting MON THURS 9.00pm knows. Wellington again. That means that Auckland PETRA V^N KANT and Vic can bring out all the old stickers and TUES, WED. FRI. SAT — 6,30pm Yours sincerely, sell them. Well done Vic. (and Muldoon) - I.J. Boswell. conserve our valuable resources. 30 April — 15 May Craccum April 27 1982 • 25 Unclassifieds TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN HELP ! UNIVERSITY COUNCIL SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING Would the self-employed student who was STUDENT VOLUNTEERS ...... are Nominations are invited for the position of Notice is given that the Special General having problems with the Accident required by the Recreation Department of the AUSA Representative on the Council of the Meeting which has been called for 27 and 28 Compensation Commission please contact me CRIPPLED CHILDREN SOCIETY for May University of Auckland. April will instead be held on 28 and 29 April in again. I have some information from School Holiday Programmes for disabled The term of office is from 1 July 1982 to 30 the Recreation Centre from 1 pm on each day. N.Z.U.S.A. which might be of use but I have children and teenagers aged 8 -16 years. June 1984 and each candidate must be This meeting has been called to consider the mislaid your address. HOURS : To suit. Days and times flexible enrolled for a degree or diploma as a full-time following motion: over the holiday period - 18-23 May. Do you or part-time internal student of the University That a referendum be held whenever the Bob Lack have a couple of days to spare? Every little bit and shall before being appointed have been Executive in pursuit of AUSA policy allocates Secretary AUSA helps!! enrolled for at least two academic years at a more than $200 per annum (whether directly, A CTIVITIES: Your choice! We aim to m atch University or Universities in New Zealand. indirectly, or through an affiliated club) on CORRECTIONS up volunteers with a child who lives in their Nominations should be in writing using the any specific political matter. TO THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF area. Together you would decide what form available from the Association Political m atter is defined: MUSIC CONCERTS BROCHURE, 1982. activities to do, ranging from crafts and receptionist and nominations close with the 1. In AUSA policy booklet under hobbies in the home, to exploring the local Secretary at 5 pm on Tuesday 1 June. An international and national excluding Unfortunately two inaccurate dates appear shopping centre or going to the pictures. appointment will be made by the Executive “Overseas Students”. in the material inside the brochure. The QUALIFICATIONS TO BE A Committee at its first meeting held during 2. Any matter external to the functioning of Chronological List of Events on the back page VOLUNTEER: - Age 18 plus - Access to June. The date for this meeting has not yet the University and or the direct welfare of the is correct. transport - A responsible but fun loving been set. students of Auckland University. The two errors appear inside under the attitude. A training workshop will be held Further information concerning this column entitled CHORAL MUSIC under the prior to the holidays to give a background to position may be obtained from the President sub-heading UNIVERSITY CHORAL the children you will be working with and the or the Secretary in the Association office. A.U. MOTORCYCLE CLUB SOCIETY. programme itself. Club night Wed. 28 April Old Grad Bar The date for the Holy Trinity Cathedral EARNINGS : Loads of fun and the 7.30pm, films, videos, photos, future events concert should be Saturday (not Thursday), 24 satisfaction of doing something practical and N.Z.U.S.A. MAY COUNCIL beer wine? New members welcome. April. constructive while enjoying yourself. The date for the St. Patrick’s Cathedral INTERESTED? DO YOU KNOW Nominations are invited for positions as concert should be Thursday, 1 July (not 2 SOMEONE WHO MIGHT BE??? AUSA Representatives at the May Council TRAMPING CLUB July). If you would like to help, leave your name meeting of the New Zealand University We regret the inconvenience that such and contact number with MYRIAM Student Association to be held in Hamilton Search and Rescue Exercise next weekend. errors cause. HEYNEN, phone 32-106, extension 66, before during the May vacation. Watch noticeboard for May trips. FRIDAY 30 MAY. Two positions are available as chief P.D.H. Godfrey, P.S. Voluntary experience is of value for delegates plus two positions as delegates for Professor, future jobs! each of the following commissions: Head of Department Education Finance and Administration CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR FOR SALE: International DISARMAMENT KENNETH MAIDMENT National THEATRE Medium size, lightweight pack. Good Welfare condition. $30. Ring Brian Brennan 762-000 Meeting, Thurs 29 1 p.m., Rm 144. Sun 25 Apr. 7.30pm W omen’s • To plan action against the Truxton visit. U.M.G. concert. Instrumental Ensembles. (day) or 765-594 (evening). Nominations should be made in writing and The first concert in the University Music these close with the Secretary at 5 pm on Group series will be of BAROQUE MUSIC VALUES Wednesday 28 April. Appointments will be Watch woman Wine and Cheese played on instruments of the period. made at the Executive meeting to be held on Presented by Anthony Jennings, the Next meeting Wednesday May 5, Student Friday 30 April and candidates should Thurs 29 7.30, Rm 237 (above Women’s programme will feature PETER WALLS and Executive Lounge, 7.45pm. Also showing attend this meeting from 2.30 Common Room). ROBERT OLIVER of Wellington and Music “War Game” accidental nuclear blast with Come and write letters, discuss future plans School graduates FRANCES discussion to follow. for Watchwoman and drink wine with WARRINGTON, JAMES and SALLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU women’s music in the background. Franked TIBBLES. ANTI-RACISM MOVEMENT The employment bureau is now open from envelopes and letterheads will be provided. 10am - 3pm daily for student use. Come and make a chore fun by sharing it with Fri 30 A pr 1pm (ARM) MEETING other women. All women welcome. For more “FRIDAY AT ONE” The Conservatprium • Every Monday in the Exec lounge. 1pm info, ring Jane at 761-334. of Music present a free lunchtime concert. BASTION POINT • What is racism, how do we fight it? 30th April to 8 May (excl Sun) 8pm If you want to know about the background • Help organise films, forums and other “APPLAUSE A PPLA U SE” and conflict to this situation, come and learn activities GOLD BAR LOTTERY “ABUSE ABUSE” about Bastion Point and decide for yourself. • Apathy will never overcome racism. The 1982 University Capping Revue. April 29 7.30 pm: PUBLIC LECTURE by Will now be drawn on May 3. Results will be Guaranteed to offend just about everyone, Rangi Walker, Holy Sepulchre Marae, published in the Star and the Herald on 6th with solid satirical entertainment. Tickets PROGRESSIVE CLUB Burleigh St, (off Khyber Pass Rd) May. $5.50, students and unemployed $3.50. Come along; listen, learn and ask questions Thank you to all who supported it. Bookings Maidment Box Office between 12 - • Meeting every Tuesday 1pm in The Exec about Bastion Point. 2pm and telephone 793-474, Lounge. Get involved, meet people, discuss May 2nd 2pm: Open Day at Bastion Point. the latest issues, and organise events such as Ngati Whatua people will be showing the U.M.S.A. LITTLE THEATRE films, forums and workshops. public around the land. Learn about the Wed 28 Apr. 1pm. POETRY reading by • Beer and Politics. history and see the land. Bring your friends, The Union of Malaysian Students’ in Michael O’Leary. Admission free. Where the serious discussion really begins relatives, children and dogs. Auckland will be organising a Sport while people consume wine 80c and beer $1. May 7th 7.30 pm: March ! From CPO. Exchange with the International Students’ MAIDMENT LUNCHTIME Meet people -discuss, argue and talk about Followed by a dance. This is the big event, Club of Waikato University on the 22-23 of MOVIES the latest events. start telling all your friends, and relatives May (tentative). We’ll be staying one night in about it. People - power counts, so start Hamilton. The Games that will be played Mon. 3rd May 1.05pm advertising the march. include soccer, netball, volleyball, basketball “SILENT MOVIE”. A Mel Brooks comedy MAYDAY O ther Things to W atch O ut F o r: and badminton. Programmes other than starring Marty Feldman and Dom De Luise. • pickets at the court, when the Bastion Pt games include a Social Night to get to know Admission only $1.00. • The Themes for this year’s May Day are: people come up - every Tuesday & Thursday the overseas students in Hamilton better. Peace; Jobs; and Democratic Rights. If you 9.30 am. Those interested please inform Robert Ling WINDSURFING MEETING believe that these areas should be defended • fundraising events - dances; cakestalls, film (phone: 893-414). For more information please Windsurfing Club Meeting tonight then get involved in May Day. showings. refer to UMSA noticeboard. (Tuesday) at the Tamaki Yacht Club. Guest • May Day Rally - Sat 1 May 1982, Chief • Anti-Racism Movement meetings every speaker Des Delaney (Chica), on wave jumper Post Office 1pm. March to Aotea Square for Monday 1 pm Exec Lounge. board shaping.-Movie: Pan Am Cup (Hawaii), the rally. Speakers; street theatre; and lots of U.M.S.A. MAY CAMP Members 50c, non-members $1. people. N.B. T 'm often late with these notices so • After Rally Function UMSA LUNCH-TIME This year, the Camp will be held during the remember... Tuesday of every month! 3pm Social Hall Workingpersons’ Club GATHERING holidays from May 10-12. It will be at the St. Kitchener St. Concert; drink; food. Tickets at Bakat L-T-G is on this Thursday from 1 p.m. John Ambulance Camp at Parau, located in FOLK CLUB the rally. to 2 p. m. atRm 237. the foothills of the Waitakere Ranges on the Do you want peace; jobs; democratic rights? Bring your lunch and join the fun. Put up edge of the Manukau Harbour, about 25kms This week, Wednesday night, 28th, 6.30pm Then GET INVOLVED! an item if possible. from Auckland. Newman Hall. Flat-picking Guitar Workshop. For further details contact chee 769-414, The aims of the Camp are 1) To promote Free!! This week is a Club Night. Come and Zainuddin 604-151. friendship amongst members 2) promote sit by the fire and join us at Newman Hall. “GENERAL RHETORIC AND “Support your Bakat L-T-G ” unity among Malaysian students 3) enable the 8pm. students to know the Union better, 4) promote N.B. Membership only costs $2 for students. THE COLONELS OF social awareness. The programmes of the JO IN UP NOW. METAFICTION” Camp are wide-ranging and diversified. The P.S. Note the COMMITTEE has been SCM SCM SCM SCM A poetry reading featuring four poets — programmes include games, social and challenged to a game of basketball. Watch Iain Sharpe, Michael O’Leary, Sandra Bell Tuesday 27 April, 6pm: Dinner a la cultural nights and discussion. this space for time and place so you can join in and David Eggleton at the Maidment Arts MacLaurin Chapel. Friday 30 April 1pm: The Camp is an occasion for everyone to get the spectacle. Centre’s Little Theatre on Wednesday April Exec Lounge Lunchtime meeting. ‘Liberal to know others better as well as to enjoy EVANGELICAL UNION 28 at 1pm. Admission is free. Christianity and Evangelism?’ Contradiction oneself. Places are limited to 72; so be fast. or not? What do we have to offer? Those interested in attending please contact Tuesday 27 April, SRC 1.00 p.m. KHOR (phone: 864-234). Other enquiries David Burt LLM, BD, will speak on : LAW JEWISH SOCIETY please contact Benjamin Ling (phone:764-499) THE LEGISLATION OF MORALITY. FOR SALE or Liew Thien Lock (phone: 766-314). Invites all Students to celebrate Israel’s W ednesday 28 April 6.30 pm YAM AHA XT 500. Good Con. WOF. The cost has not been finalised yet but it We’re dining out at the Upper Room (upstairs 34th Year of Independence on April 28th. $1100. Ph 765-843. Venue: W.C.R. would be in the region of $12-$13. 1st year at the other end of the Strand). Derek Lind students will pay one or two dollars less. (and guitar) will provide the music. $7.50 will Time: 6.30 p.m. provide you with a ticket (for 3 courses plus Israeli food, wine, dancing and singing. FOR SALE FOR SALE coffee!). Enquiries to/tickets from Hugh Kenwood KD 1500 Belt drive turntable Kemp, 868-978, Duncdn McQueen, 457-563. Bachelors gown and real bunny trimmed $130 ono. Phone 765-843. hood with pink lining (BA colour). Excellent SOCIOLOGY SOCIETY cond. $150 Hood $20. Ph. 484-099 afternoons Photographic Society and evenings. ‘Chips, Chat, and A lcohol’ Harbour cruise this Sunday (May the 2nd) DID YOU KNOW that you can buy food and with th e A.U.P.S., a once-in-a-lifetime chance 5 p.m., Thursday, 29 April. Eighth floor(HSB), Common Room. softdrinks at the University Park (Merton Rd) on our privately chartered launch. See Kiosk on Saturday afternoons.______noticeboard for lots more details. $2. Members and friends welcome. 26 • Craccum April 27 1982 WORLD CUP NEWS In an attempt to confer legitimacy Brazil have more or less been seeded possess. 3. West Germany on a spiritually bankrupt military to meet West Germany in the final The Soviet Union will have been 4. England, ah England! Scraping regime, the multi-starred generals and are clear favourites to win the pleased at the ease with which Spain into Sapin with rare good fortune, who rule Argentina have hit on an Malaga-Seville Group. The overcame Scotland 3-0 in a recent England were immediately the old but successful formula, viz. Brazilians can look back on a friendly, for it allows the Russians centre of controversy when they outward expansion. If the Falkland successful recent tour of Europe, the confidence to assume that they were given top . seed by the Islands didn’t exist, General Galtieri they are a side of immense strength can do the same. Aside from the organising committee. Belgium, and would have had to invent them and skill, but above all they will be ethical questions raised by meeting especially France hissed loudly as because he knows that his junta terrified of New Zealand. If they fail the Soviet Union in any sporting the crowd-pulling Prodigals would otherwise crumble in July to beat us by fewer than three goals, arena, New Zealand may find this returned from across the Channel. when Argentina lose the World Cup. managerial heads will roll. New their hardest battle. Ask any As a prize for surrendering their To anybody who was in New Zealand are the black sheep of this Afghan. splendid isolation, the English have Zealand in 1981, the thesis that group, unknowns making their Teams to watch in other groups been given a group that everybody sport and politics are inextricably international debut against three Eire: expects them to win. France eclipsed knotted is quite familiar. It is a highly-rated sides. We are expected 1. Belgium, who were finalists in the the highly-regarded Dutch in a tense world that will be focussing its to lose every game four-nil, and 1980 European Championships, and qualifying group and I pick them to attention on the forthcoming World anything better than that will have who shouldn't be troubled by El follow England into the second Cup in Spain: will the semi-finals drunken Aucklanders in Spain Salvador or the lack-lustre round. throw Poland and the USSR ordering cheap champagne all night. Hungarians who were in Auckland Casting the net a bit further I together? Can England meet I canj| see Brazil failing to be and Christchurch recently. would keep an eye out for Austria, Argentina in the Final? amongst the two out of four who Argentina won the 1978 World Cup whom everybody (including me) is Leaving these frightening proceed to the second round. They with two lucky goals and twcrhours underrating, Italy who are seldom spectacles aside, let us look at what will almost certainly beat New of underarm tactics but I expect daring but always strong, and the Draw provides for New Zealand. Zealand, but I fancy the USSR Belgium to at least hold them to a Poland who with five hundred and This column will keep you only a few may bring them down. If we gain draw in the opening match of the fifty million Catholics praying for weeks behind the play, with any points from the three matches tournament (which is traditionally a them, will either stun Europe or background impressions of these are most likely to come in the tense, dismal 0-0 draw). disintegrate under the strain. conditions for the New Zealand opening game against Scotland. 2. Spain. In three of the last four players and supporters, direct from Despite having some superb World Cups the host country has World Cup Correspondent Malaga and Seville, where English individual players, the Scots have prevailed, and Spain must be treated Brian Brennan speakers can expect short shrift been dour and disappointing in the with great respect. Only Yugoslavia NEXT WEEK: THE THIRD from pan-Hispariics. last two World Cups and an early can prevent them topping Group WORLD’S WORLD CUP. However this is mere sophistry, goal by Steve Wooddin could easily Five, and they may well have only for New Zealand’s real opponents shatter the brittle veneer of good France and Austria to face in the are Brazil, Scotland and the USSR. humour that all Scots strive to second round. The theme music fades, Peter today’s pitch - with its mixture of Williams stares vacantly off to one fbtifics long grass, sheep droppings and side, idly picking his nose in a landmines - not to his liking. The manner reminiscent of Onny Parun need to wear full battle fatigues and in his hey-day between games at to drive around in a tank too, will Stanley Street. Williams inspects not help his usually nippy turning in his finger intently and is slowly the penalty area. raising it to his mouth when, Maradona aside, however, the rest glancing up, he notices the frantic smiles his thanks as Keith quickly Social Democrat, Roy Jenkins, with of the ARgentinian team - with its signalling of his cameraman and the exits camera shot). his often dynamic sidestepping pronounced bias towards the right glowing red light atop the camera Graeme (very slowly): Hello .... and... runs up the middle of the park, will wing of the park - is a mixed bag. indicating they are on air. Hurriedly wel-come to the... very Cold... undoubtedly cause the ARgentinian The talented Midfield trio of wiping his finger on the lapel of his Falkland Islands. It is very; cold.... ' defence no end of trouble. Lecpoldo, Fortunato and Galtieri - jacket (leaving a smear that, in the here. So fact, that*., one..... There are, however, a number of while currently enjoying great bright lights of the studio, glints (hiccup)... one often... feels like surprises in the England team. public support - may easily find their obscenely) Williams’ attitude seeking... comfort in a much— Anthony Benn, an out-and-out left collective heads on the chopping changes dramatically and, pausing warmer place... winger, has, quite incredibly to my block should England score an early only to clear his- throat and shuffle (Graeme is pissed) ^***^B[ way of thinking, been switched by goal. The choice of the spirit of Juan some papers, he launches into the .... out of... the very cold.... Thatcher to the right-wing in place Peron, too, may prove a mistake as witty repartee that is his winds. But now... of the injured Enoch Powell. his all too frequent handling errors trademark.... (hiccup).... Keith wants to say... Problems for Thatcher too with the may lead to unnecessary work for Willaims: Hello and welcome to this some., thing... sudden retirement of roving- his back four. truly international edition of Politics (Keith strides into camera shot diplomat Lord Carrington, a The referee for today’s battle is on One. A feast of political action and gives Graeme a look that retirement that has brought about Alexander Haig, an American with today ranging from Clay Pigeon matches the weather. Graeme the re-inclusion of Manchester wide international experience - Shooting as Mr Muldoon takes on hiccups and grins amiably while City’s Trevor Francis - a move though his inability to speak either the Parliamentary Press Gallery, to Keith launches into an animated which, while strengthening Spanish or English may prove a Cross Country as members of the tirade that is comparable only to England’s attack, could nonetheless drawback.... Reagan cabinet attempt to answer David Bellamy on amphetamines) weaken the centre of the field - an (Keith breaks off suddenly as a questions relating to that Keith: Well, yes indeed it is area in which the unfortunate heavily armed ARgentinian soldier government’s policy on the extremely cold here - similar Liberals, usually so strong here, enters camera shot. The soldier grins deployment of nuclear weapons in conditions in fact, to those the All have again been overlooked. devilishly, picks his teeth with a Europe, and canoeing from El Blacks encountered on the Parc des Over to the Argentinian team knife and stares at Keith) Salvador as, after the relent Princes in 1973. But the weather will then. If there is one drawback Keith: Look, do you mind? Can’t elections, we find ex-President just be one of the many factors that Argentina must face it is surely lack you see we are trying to do a T.V. Napoleon Duarte up the creek will affect today’s battle - wind, the of battle practice. While England programme?. without a paddle. state of the pitch and the was a semi-finalist in the 1939-1945 (Keith beckons towards the But of course the highlight of psychological lead up-to today will second World War Tournament, camera. The soldier stops picking today is undoubtedly our live all play their part. But let’s just look Argentina failed to qualify and thus his teeth and begins cleaning his coverage of warfare from the at the two teamS^ missed an important opportunity to fingernails) Falkland Islands as Argentina and Firstly England. Under the iron gain much needed early-season Soldier: Eet eez time yous left ze Britain fight it out for the chance to rule of manager Margaret Thatcher fitness - a factor which could prove island. go on and qualify for Group D of the and coach John Nott England have telling in the closing stages of Keith (gesticulating frantically): World Super-Powers Cup to be held put together an extremely robust today’s war. You cannot order us off the island! all over Western Europe sometime team willing to spill their guts for Argentina did however, gain some We are the international press! The in the very near future. And indeed Queen and Country. All memories of compensation in that several key bastions of freedom in this world.... it is over to the Falklands we go now the embarrassing 1-1 draw with members of the German team later Soldier (unshouldering his rifle for a preview of today’s Iceland in the so-called Cod War transferred to clubs in the and pointing it at Keith for added battleground, over to our men on the have been put behind them and, ARgentinian jungles. Indeed both emphasis): Eeet eez time yous left ze scene, Graeme Thorne and Keith under the captaincy of the manager of the current island. Quinn... Southampton’s Kevin Keegan, ARgentinian team, Adolfred Hiller, Keith: Great! Yeah sure, just on England must surely be a force to be and the coach, Norman Gearing, as our way.... (The camera now pans a bleak reckoned with. well as team physio, Joseph (The camera pans the bleak Falklandish scenario - wind, Players to watch for? Well, the Mengele, are ex-German players. Falklandish scenario-wind, seagulls, seagulls, rocks, the occasional sheep centre back pairing of Phil But where are the strengths in the rocks, the occasional sheep, Graeme and Greme Thome. Graeme tries to Thompson (Liverpool) and Prince ARgentinian team? Well, a lot is Thome staggering about in a say something but no noise follows. Andrew (Buckingham Palace) is as obviously going to depend on $9 minefield looking for the toilet, Keith Quinn steps hurriedly in to yet untried but on current form they million Boca Juniors striker Diego another occasional sheep.... adjust the microphone that Graeme should hold together well, while the Maradona. Although brilliant in his is holding at the wrong end. Graeme play of centre-forward day, Maradona may just find Jamie Griffen Craccum April 27 1982 • 27 Feed yer Face ( / GLENGARRY WINES i w . - - e l ^ o \ \(4& 'i H Single bottle purchases ... «, . v X or DISCOUNT rates for bulk purchases X / Retail Our Price Montana Blenheimer $7.98 $5.69 / 1.7 L Blenheim Dry H N S McWilliams 3 L Casks $14.50 $8.99 X Hock, Moselle, Claret. AV\ Selaks Dry Riesling $4.98 $3.39 750 mis P.B. Claret

Femtre Gully Apple Juice $2.49 $ MERCURY THEATRE li _ FRANCE ST. NEWTON Ormond 3L Casks $14.50 $9.95 I f •;.23 April-15 M ay Hassadean & Chandos HARD TO FIND MEXICAN FOOD . By Maurice IN AUCKLAND? Shadbolt Matua Valley Chablis $3.39 ______NOW______GALLIPOLI — THE WAY IT WAS! 750 mis MON & THRUS — 6 30 TUES. WED. FRI. SAT — 8 15 BOOKINGS: PHONE 33-869 MERCURYn\sVjr\ t TWO i tyv nauiciRainer Wernervvzfiiigi Fassbinders> aooon iuci o a SPECIALISES IN THE BITTER TEARS AF GLENGARRY WINES MON. THURS TACOS & ENCHILADAS PETRA V^N KANT 9.00pm AND PIZZAS & PASTAS. TUES, WED, FRI, SAT — 6.30pm Civic Wine Cellar Ponsonby Wine Cellar Herne Bay B.Y.O cnr Wellesley St, 187 Ponsonby Rd, Wine Market 26 HIGH ST, OPP. PLAZA AB£ADE,PH.734.681 30 April — 15 May Albert St. Ponsonby 54 Jervois Rd, Drive in. Herne Bay. MON-KRI ]2 -2 ,THDRS&PRI5 -9 P.M. Ph. 798-416 Ph. 764-236 Ph. 760-210 TAKEAWAYS TOO!

□ 5 Elliott St □ AUCKLAND — Creg^rie — Telephone 793-068 Lforence Mexican Restaurant. M Brittany style crapes B.Y.O LUNCHEON RESTAURANT BYO Background music Hrs: Lunch Tues-Fri 12-2pm Open for lunch — 11.30am-2.30pm Pates, salads, quiches and a tempting array Monday • Saturday Dinner Tues-Sunday 5.30-10pm Closed Mondays of desserts in friendly, informal surroundings. and dinner - from 6.00pm B.Y.O. Wed - Sat. Easy access for wheelchair users Hours: 11am - 3pm Weekdays. 5pm • 8pm Friday night. □ -—— 2 Osborne St, Newmarket ------Pancho's has a unique spicing system on a 1-10 scale. Please PH. 504-233 □ tell your waiter/waitress what scale of spicing you require. Epernay: 39 Elliot Street, City. Tel. 773-263

ect D u x b u r y s Telephone O’tOWNeuA 798-549 Round the world in 3 courses! 278-5006 KRl> hlNEf Fabulous food in intimate surroundings QUEEN STREET • BYO CK\ CauxtatC*. at reasonable prices. *\A- l<£av\, t - W K C lf 7 ^ - ^ ' ^ TUfci SUN NOW OPEN 6 - 10 pm £ u > e AKH4AC* / pP% 3 0 H 3 7 NIGHTS A WEEK. 25 Mount Eden Road LUNCH DINNER SUPPER PHONE 790 740 TUES-FRI • THURS-SAT • THURS-SAT 15 o ’c o m n e u . s r * E e r - a r y We cater for special functions 12-2 7-11 from 10 w Open every day from noon, till late. (\& @ ^ TROUPER Q Raj mask Restauzant COOPERS 117 SYMONDS ST, P » 798-661 o v _ BYO ' BYO Curry House open 10 am-midnight (closed monday)] LIVE MUSIC-wed-fri-sat-sun- OPEN Lunch Jlicentecl ^eit&urāni SUPERB VEGETARIAN American style eats & drinks MON—FRI 12 noon (hamburgers & cocktails our specialty) CUISINE and special desserts iDinner MON-SAT 6.30pm| Phone 796-120 SPECIAL 20% STUDENT DISCOUNTS 126 Vincent St, City 21 ELLIOTT STREET. CITY. Ph 795-113 -Make a date vows Parking at rear. 26 k M 28 • Craccum April 27 1982