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MM I99 KINGSToN RoAD LoNDON SW}g TeI,OI_540 oasi.. l 'rv MM" ,/ lJttA) fln; #-{ tru'rtterry Xffm-ry*LSS.e.Re.ffiS. seeffixss eg-ge"k&R"-4ffi *es-e cherry Red Recolds r. the Lond,on baeed, independ.ont Record. conpanyr have slgned, a three yo&r llce,'se a,greenent wtth the Sristol based gecords. Eeartbeat cherr! n"a sill-be marke! ?"d. prornote arl Eeartbeat product whicb wtli i*clud.ed, ritb cherry Redrs d,istriiutlon d.ear rriu-fp"rtan Rec ordg r First new release und,er the agreement nill be a l2,r track single by 3ristol. band. t0LAX0 4 $ersht6$ho"'A}n3.1'"]';f;i".;i'i:}'ix$i*;';;'kgr+BABrEsr wh,Lch iE rereased of stoqk for ine rait i;;; rsonthE. said raln Mc$ay on behar.f ol cherry Red,r?here are talented acts energlng f:rom tnl gristor so&e vexy will retaia totarTeY coirtioi-over &r€*r seaibeat conplo tetv ret'ain tbeir i"u*i-ii-"iiti.tbatr A. arrd, R. gid,e and havo the ad.vantage fiowever, they irr.rl 'ow of nationar *riirruutron asd havE il:fffr,tronotionaL and' markotlns raciriii.u ;;-*;;; i*,*r" ].lore luformatioa lain Uc$ay on 540 6g5I. ilrrsct*r: IeenMclrlry Registered Office, fr* S*uth .&udi*y Stre*t, fu*nc3*n W I t{u*r,r*+xl b€gK\S* €.ft*Jz-lr{ & Glaxo Babies : rliine Ilionths to the liscot (Cherry Red./ Heartbeat) Of all the new bands spawned in the Sristol area over the last few years, very few have had any lasting effect on the national scener most having dissolved into a mediochre pop/p.p soup. But a few the Pop Qroup stand. out as the most obviously influential. Uthers, such as Gard.ez Darlr and the Gl-axos seem to be rather overshadowed by them -.but a hearing of this elpee ought to convinee anyone (unless theytre absolutely certain that the U.K.Srrbs ar" the future of rockrnrroll: wait and see; kids) that the Glaxo Babies are not to be swept under the carpet with the rest of the -post-punk l-eftovers The band" have considerably changed, in style and presentation since their earlier recorded work (an -e1F, a single, and a track on 'Avon Callingr ), not least because of lineup changes - they now lack a proper vocalist. For one thing, much of tire acessibility and the accepted I songr structures of the earlier tracks have gone out of the window - not that there should. be anything rrrrong viith that - though the d,rivingr nuscular rhythms remaint a;1d. funk/diseo i.nflusnces are more prominent than ever. Any comparisons nust be inadequater but there are touehes of Pere Ubur Pop Groupr George C1inton, and even (aeep breath) 'Ihrobbing Gristle, just to give you an idea. The end result is varied., interesting (not i.nplying 'bosingr ) and often very amusing;. Quite honestly I'm not sure about their attitud.e on this album - especially towards disco - whether love, or hatel. or a mi.xture of both. Certainty the final track rshake (the Found.ations)'is an excellent pastiche brainless boogie, more than a little tongue-in- of bland Radio 1 formula rl'iine cheek; but other trachs seem to treat the genre with more respect. I;jonths to the1liscor and rlriaximum Sexual Joyr are good examples. The strai$rt funAfdisco rhythn is usecl a a base for a collage of voices, guitars, saxest piano, electrorricsl tapesl.,o lou name it. It is an album that I find confusing - although pleasantly so - in its, but perhaps thatrs just because lrm not clever enough to work out the subtleties... or hxperhaps because there aren't an.y subtleties. Any- wayr hear it for yourself - you ought to enjoy it. f rm off .r. Ili1r headrs killing me ... n^c_A ntr Tdg CrT n€ F&x}Z*rhJL able fcrurul-a pitched at a buyers btqning public who crcwd. arour,il narket, its effort concentrated 'ihe [Ner'ilAvs" r their tag not nine - cacophony, section of record ttshake on making it sounC dramatic in stores achially feel obliged to a woodwind racket. The poise and nechanicgl in tone,3ut pockets Foundations" is an accomplish€d, tfl,{etaureticfr dip into their for such is not aii poap and pigeorholeC ordinary slab of hard, drivlng ttTidal an LP because of its s trrrc tr.ire . Tracks like ilnew wavel conno'rationsn because firnk, (better than the Average 'rTaveil |tBluned and Cirltf are sub- the goepel of Jch-n Peel plays '. lrite Sand), well removed fron tler €8si1y nelodic ideas where snd reconnends it, because ag the shadowy extrenes of dance synthesizers are used synpathet- rrnew mrsic handled elsewhere on ttre part of tbe ravet oarket tt0onsciencen ically as instnrnents and not as nore worthwhile product album. is a jumbled itts e - ilThe s;rrthetic fill"ingr percussively irrespective of i.ts nerits - than arld P$ish workort. Tea rnore fertile in rhythn - as is nusic created outsi<ie the |tnew :Uaster And The Assassinn is s zatt and 'riyletal Seattr than waverf vecuun, be-cause grouprs wierd , disquie "Fla - the .rhe anything }Tlrnan t s done. Ttre effori nane, the LPfs title and its over an eapty vibration and here is concentrated on. naking cover iook j.nteresting or becau- title track is a scratched tape music. There the contr)arisons se people genuine\r like it? Itd J,oop acting ss pacernaker to a ree1ly end. John Fo:cc has nanaged love to To those who ''vould hotchpotch of fleeting, tattered to create a sorxld that treads a say Sine l{onths to fhe Disco j.s nois es that interrupt and rico- rf chet around. synthipop ( f ; " line on 'rlierv Kind odd, diffarent, and adventurous fhe nos.t inieresting tf -. pi.eces are ttDinosaur 0f ]'{antr, I{o One Drivingtt with I worrld agree. 3ut.. '... Discc i{eets its rip-off of The l,lotcrts tfAiT- T{ith the accent on experimentat- ii:.e Swanpsstomptt, which sounds t'Touch portrr raelody - and And Cott ion lmd without any obvious fi'aine two stegpsaunus singing and rrhich is strangely reniniscent of to work to and arorrnd. iCe- farting *n the bath while a pte-. t rfDance -work XfC s Bandft. Those three as and their end product cen rrl rodac'i,yi gargles in the swamp, iracks convinced ne of one thLng. rife anrl out of controL end it {urd frThis Is Your Vendetta'f Tith John F'c'x:r wants to let the mach- i can all be nede to sound rra?tJl'il its loping bass, emBty stmcture ines talk but keeps a tight rein and tf escapist'r and breaking new alrd Fanorana lnterrriew tacked and open nrinC on how they utter ground just onto the end. The question is by being cild, diff- lrwho the:.r pearls of wi$tlom. Gary ltru- erent and sounding urccriy€ntion- is the creaturett and ttwhose noan wants the nachines to talk al. 3ut vhere and when does it rendeita ls it aqlnray?tr. But but often souncis a,s if he is sh- stop and become fornless, rstrsic- where t s the owner? Yes. The outed down and told wha'b to ,ilo. al self-indulgence? Itrg an ev- albumt s certainly odd, differenr" tsut having said that, r'}te tana tic'l eryone to their own judpment adventurous. like a pile of is stili in the nain f.Lawless, again. And iightLy so. rrlline bricks ln the itra tional Gallerlf - t nanicured ebb of sioek assembly irlonths [o The Discor is the Gia-- i t s new, uncclru-en tional and Line eiecironics end serioif,s, xo Sabies debut albun. The group art. Is it? TIeIi, tha t t s up to textbook vocal .- ihe nionetone have lost singer..Rob Chapnan vho Xor4r fe 'tl{ Monihs Tq T}e Dis- set!! - thatts not alwa3-s Sood pemed trltrs lrretional't on the co 'r a vortex of smrg noise or a but never bad or unllstenabLe. oAvon Callingt' Bristol conpilat- clever, brave primal pursuit ? t 5'oxrc proves that he s a ciever icn and rrffiro (il-led Bnrce Lee?tt Fer$onal}y, I think the sun of who ideas greater the crafsrnan nay not nake 1980 on the "Irabels Unlimited'r si.nil- the are than the year of the synthesizer but ar excercige and with for:nder randon parts. 3ut the project is who -qont t be shoi riown fcr not mernber Don Catsis of the Pop not to be sneered at even if , ai trying. Jus t a couple cf things Group involved, therers been a tines, rt does sound like This though. T/iry ooes eLectrcnj.c firlis- change of directicn and enphasis. I{ea t. ic handled like tbis so''rnd so 'rA fusion to extend the nodern 'tNine i,{onths To The Discot'. soulLess Brrd huno';rl.ess, uevciC dancerr their record label bh.rrb Certainly ccnceived by The Clai:o of war"nth alrd feeling? Surel}' it says. I\rsion ! l,Iot so suie. flre Eabies. doesntt al.ways heve to be buili; tone of ttre alburn is prinai, nu- Eut is it a phantom pr€gnaricf ? with such steely, colo scaffoti.- tant dlsco rilythns :r:nning for ing arorrnd it? And why conssious- colter under a stark, deliberat- GRAHA}.,{ NEIJfSO$. ly om:it et1y other conventi'cnai e1y gutted sound that is usecl as lnstnrnenis (apart from ihe fr-in- a roesh to filter through disjoin- ctionall.y rxrob tnrsive bass ) ? it ted, ranshackle ideas and noises.
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    The magazine of Calendar of Events THE COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA EDITOR March 25, 1961 SQUARE DANCE - DICK FORSCHER & CLIFF BULLARD THE May Gadd (in cooperation with the McBurney YMCA), New York C.D.S. ASSISTANT EDITORS April or May C.D.S. THEATER BENEFIT, New York. Details counTRY A.C. King Diana Lockard Maxwell Reiskind to be announced. DAnCER CONTRIBUTING EDITORS April 6 - 8 26th ANNUAL MOUNTAIN FOLK FESTIVAL, Berea, Penn Elizabeth Schrader Evelyn K. Wells Ky. The Festival is affiliated with the J. Donnell Tilghman Roberta Yerkes Country Dance Society o! America. April 14 - 16 C.D.S. SPRING HOUSE PARTY WEEKEND, Hudson ART EDITOR Guild Farm, Andover, New Jersey. Genevieve Shimer April 29 tentative C.D.S. SPRING FrnTIVAL in New York THE COUNTRY DANCER is published twice a year. Subscription is June 2.3 - 26 DANCE WEEKEND at PII{E)iOODS, Boston C.D.S. by membership in the Country Dance Society of America (annual Centre. dues $5, educational institutions and libraries $3.) Inquiries and subscriptions should be sent to the Secretary, Country Dance August 6 - 20 PllmUOODS CAMP: 'lWO DANCE WEEKS, National Society of America, 55 Christopher Street, New York 14, N.Y. C.D.S., Buzzards Bay, Mass. Tel: ALgonquin 5-8895. August 20 - 27 PIN»>OODS CAMP: FOLK MUSIC AND ~ORDER WEEK, Copyright 1961 by the Country Dance Society Inc. National C.D.S., Buzzards Bay, Mass. , Table of Contents lll@llll§lll§lll§lll§lll§lll§lll§ lll§lll§lll§lll§lll§lll§ Page PICTURE CREDITS By Gloria Berchielli, New York: Jack-in-the­ Calendar of Events •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Green, p.8.
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