Teory and Practice in Literacy and Development Teory and Practice in Literacy and Development Papers from the BALID Informal Literacy Discussions Edited by Juliet McCafery and Brian Street Uppingham Press on behalf of the British Association for Literacy in Development Uppingham Press Warren House, 68 Whiting Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 1NR
[email protected] The British Association for Literacy in Development c/o Feed the Minds, The Foundry, 17 Oval Way, London SE11 5RR United Kingdom http://balid.org.uk ISBN 978-0-9542114-8-6 First published in the United Kingdom 2016 Second edition 2017 Compilation © BALID 2016 Individual chapters © Individual contributors 2016 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means without prior permission from the British Association for Literacy in Development,
[email protected] Dedicated to Brian Street Distinguished professor, inspirational scholar, teacher, mentor and friend Brian Street, co-editor of this book, sadly died shortly before the second edition was published. Brian challenged conventional thinking on literacy and championed a social and cultural practice approach. He was the President of BALID for many years and a committed participant in the BALID Informal Literacy Discussions, valuing the opportunity to engage in dialogue on literacy and to bridge the gap between research and practice, as exemplified in this book Contents I Policies Introduction 1 1. International Advocacy on Literacy and Development: 3 Challenges and Opportunities David Archer 2. Adult Literacy: Policies and Structures 13 Lalage Bown 3. Skills Development and Literacy for Adults: a Failed Experiment 20 Alan Rogers 4.