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Review R167

Histidine and two-component systems Michael C Pirrung

The phosphorylation of is the first step in many signal Introduction transduction cascades in bacteria, yeast and higher plants. The Two-component signaling systems are involved in a transfer of a very reactive phosphoryl group from variety of responses to the extracellular environment, and phosphorylated histidine .to art acceptor is an essential have most often been found in prokaryotes [1-3]. These step in many cellular signaling responses. systems include a first protein, usually bearing a mem- brane-spanning region, containing a -250 amino acid Address: Department of Chemistry, Levine Science Research Center, Box 90317, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0317, USA. carboxy-terminal histidine kinase domain that is autophos- phorylated on a histidine residue. An aspartate residue in a E-mail: [email protected] -120 amino-acid amino-terminal domain in a second, cytosolic protein is phosphorylated by Chemistry & Biology June 1999, 6:R167-R175 the phosphohistidine in the first protein. Some response regulators bear DNA-binding domains that can activate © Elsevier Science Ltd ISSN 1074-5521 downstream responses, for example as transcription factors (Figure 1). Signal transduction in antimicrobial peptide production, osmoregulation, virulence factor production, sporulation, xenobiotic metabolism, cell-wall production, antibiotic resistance and chemotaxis is initiated by histi- dine kinases. Protein kinases and phosphatases (involving phosphorylated tyrosine, serine or threonine hydroxyl groups) have long been recognized as tremendously important elements of signal transduction. In contrast, phosphorylation of other heteroatoms in amino-acid sidechains is less known [4]. This review describes histi- dine kinases and phosphatases in general and their rela- tion to the two-component signal transducing systems.

Chemistry of histidine phosphates Any protein that participates in phosphoryl transfer could potentially use a phosphohistidine intermediate, gener- ated by a nucleophilic mechanism. that use a phosphohistidine intermediate include nucleoside diphosphate kinase [5-8], pyruvate phosphate dikinase [9], phospholipase D [10], succinyl-CoA synthetase [11], G-protein 13 subunits [12], mannitol-l-phosphatase [13] and fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase [14,15]. Sugar transport across the cell membrane is also associated with phospho- histidine intermediates (see below) [16]. The phosphate transfer potential (AG ° of transfer) of phosphohistidine is estimated to be -12 to -14 kcal/mol [17].

Phosphohistidine was first isolated from mitochondria (which was later shown to reflect ATP synthesis in the citric acid cycle via succinyl-CoA synthetase) [18]. By treating histidine with phosphoramidate, Boyer and coworkers [19] prepared both isomers, 1-phosphohisti- dine and 3-phosphohistidine (Figure 2a). The latter is thermodynamically more stable. Although both isomers are fairly stable to base, they are quite unstable in the presence of acid. They also differ significantly in their hydrolysis rate -- 1-phosphohistidine has a 5 minute half- life at pH 2.4 (46°C) and 3-phosphohistidine has a R168 Chemistry& Biology1999, Vol 6 No 6

Figure 1 A modelfor two-componentsignaling systems.

~ N~ ~~ /~'~'Binding of ~ N~ ~ ~ ' Kinase~> ligand dimerization

"hc =hc

1 I Autophosphorylation| / Bindingof ~4h [t1=1 p..H....] r...... p rre;PlOatse


phofPhsO;ylat ,on - ~ oD;Ss°c2at2°n h P""'~h, regulator Hh c regulator

DNAor protein binding C~DIP~Np N

Dephosphorylationh c Chemistry&Biology

25 minute half-life. Many studies of phosphohistidines in histidine kinases can often be prepared in vitro by treat- proteins do not distinguish between these isomers. ment with ATP, phosphoramidate or acetyl phosphate Because they show different hydrolytic reactivity in vitro, (Figure 2b). Clearly, the target histidine is especially it is certainly expected they would show biochemically reactive, as not all of the in the protein become different rates of phosphoryl transfer to acceptor groups, phosphorylated. Although nuclear magnetic resonance which might have physiological consequences. The (NMR) properties of phosphohistidines might be used to hydrolytic reactivity of phosphohistidine has been used to distinguish between the isomers, the differences are infer its presence in a protein, and even the particular usually smaller than other environmental influences on isomer present. Hydrolysis is enhanced by hydroxylamine the resonances [7]. In CheA, 3-phosphohistidine has been or pyridine, which has also been used as a diagnostic test identified by its more positive phosphorous chemical to distinguish between phosphohistidine and other acid- shift (by -1 ppm) [21]. Separation methods for phospho- labile protein phosphates. histidine, its peptides and proteins have been developed to deal with its acid lability [22-24]. Methods for preparing histidine-phosphorylated peptides have involved conventional synthesis followed by phos- Histidine kinases in two-component signaling phoramidate phosphorylation [20]. As in the phosphoryla- systems in bacteria tion of histidine itself, these give initially a mixture of Two-component signaling systems are extremely common isomers that equilibrates to primarily 3-phosphohistidine. in bacteria (Table 1). In the genome of Escherichia coil These peptides can be analyzed by mass spectrometry alone, genes encoding 32 histidine kinases have been using a negative ion matrix-assisted laser desorption/ion- identified [25]. A number of histidine kinases have been ization (MALDI) mode. The phosphorylated forms of subjected to biochemical study, and can be separated into Review Histidine kinases and two-component signal transduction systems Pirrung R169

a few major classes (Figure 3). One group comprises the Figure 2 classical two-component signaling systems, in which the histidine kinase is at the carboxyl terminus of the protein. (a) PO3= Another group comprises 'hybrid' proteins that also / N contain response regulator or receiver domains within their sequences, and in some cases even additional histidine =O3p~N~ 0 phosphorylation sites [26]. For example, internal transfer o of phosphate from histidine to an aspartate in a receiver domain in ArcB has been established [27], which is appar- ently required to enable further histidine phosphorylation, jNH leading ultimately to the transfer of phosphate to the jNH response regulator. A special subclass of the hybrid signal- ing systems is best exemplified by the well-characterized 3-phosphohistidine 1-phosphohistidine CheA (see below), which is not itself a membrane protein (b) O~ but is associated with a membrane . H2N--PO3= / PO3= o Histidine kinases include a sensor domain, usually in an Phosphoramidate Acetyl phosphate extracellular loop, a domain, containing the phos- Chemistry& Biology phorylated histidine, and a catalytic region, which binds ATP. Some histidine kinases, like ArcB, also contain HPt (a) Phosphohistidines in proteins and (b) reagents used for chemical (histidine-containing phosphotransfer) domains that are phosphorylation. homologous to the HPr (histidine-containing protein) in sugar transport. Recent research on histidine kinases has also identified a conserved coiled-coil domain in the linker The role of the histidine kinase might, alternatively, be the between the second transmembrane helix and the kinase maintenance of the response regulator in its phosphory- domain [28]. In an earlier study, a fragment of VanS pre- lated form, which prevents it from triggering cellular dicted to include this coiled-coil domain was able to inhibit responses. The dephosphorylated response regulator the phosphorylation of a response regulator by Vans in vivo might, in fact, be the species that promotes subsequent [29], which suggests that the coiled-coil domain might be events. Given the natural hydrolytic instability of an responsible for receptor dimerization. The cytoplasmic sig- aspartyl phosphate, this might be the case more often than naling domain of EnvZ has been subdivided into a short not, although a sufficient number of systems have not been dimerization domain in the linker region, which also con- studied to establish this trend. tains the phosphorylated histidine, and the catalytic domain [30] (Figure 4). CheA, the histidine kinase involved in bacterial chemo- taxis, has been extensively studied, providing information It is important to keep in mind, when considering the for evaluation of more recently identified proteins. actions of two-component signaling systems, that phospho- Several accessory proteins are also associated with CheA, rylation of the response regulator does not necessarily lead complicating the analysis of this system. Autophosphoryla- to the downstream response, as might easily be assumed. tion occurs between two juxtaposed subunits of a kinase

Table 1

Some bacterial two-component signaling system histidine kinases.

Histidine kinase Controi function Source Receiver

CheA Chemotaxis, flagellar motor E. coil CheY EnvZ Osmosensing, outer membrane proteins E. coil OmpR VanS Cell-wall biosynthesis Enterococcus faecium VanR KinA Osmosensing E. coil SpoOF PhoR Phosphate metabolism E. coil PhoB FrzE Fruiting body formation Myxococcus xanthus FrzE (internal receiver) RscC Cell capsule synthesis E. coil RscC (internal receiver) VirA Host recognition, transformation Agrobacter tumefaciens VirA (internal receiver) ArcB Anaerobiosis E. coil ArcB (internal receiver) and ArcA BvgS Virulence Bordetella pertussis BvgS (internal receiver) R170 Chemistry & Biology 1999, Vol 6 No 6

Figure 3

(a) Xmtr domain Classes of histidine kinases and representative examples of two-component EnvZ N--I'I'--It---- C signaling systems. (a) Classical, (b) hybrid OmpR N ~~~--C and (c) cytoplasmic. Blue, transmitter domains; red, protein- or DNA-binding regions; purple, transmembrane helices; (b) Xmtr domain Rcvr domain HPt domain yellow, transferring phosphohistidine. AroB N--I-I~( D ~c ArcA N [ D Receiver }~~-~ C

(c) CheA N C N "~'~-D Receiver )--~~-~ c CheY Chemistry & Biology

dimer, which has a K S value -0.2 l-tM [21]. The autophos- not phosphorylated by VanS, however, suggesting that phorylation activity of CheA is reduced when an attractant other factors determine catalytic specificity. occupies the sensor site. CheW can influence the activity of CheA, and proteins in another branch of the chemo- One of the most compelling reasons to study bacterial taxis-response system, like CheB, can also be influenced two-component signaling is its involvement in resistance by CheA by their state of phosphorylation. A complex to the antibiotic vancomycin and related glycopeptides. forms between phosphorylated CheA (P-CheA) and CheY Vancomycin is used as a last-resort defense against hospi- (KD-30 nM) that triggers phosphate transfer, which in tal-acquired infections. Researchers had supposed that it turn prompts dissociation of P-CheY. The functional would be difficult for bacteria to become resistant to domains of CheA include the phosphorylation site at the vancomycin on the basis of its mode of action -- binding amino terminus and a middle region involved in dimeriza- to the D-Ala-D-AIa intermediate in the cross-linking reac- tion. Interestingly, it appears that the that cat- tion that forms bacterial cell-wall peptidoglycans (which alyzes phosphorylation is composed from residues in both are required for cell viability). Naturally, Darwin taught subunits of the dimer. Studies of heterodimers show mod- better, and three classes of vancomycin-resistant entero- ified kinetics when mutations are introduced into the cocci have been identified. High level and inducible gly- subunit undergoing phosphorylation [31]. copeptide resistance is classified as either VanA or VanB and results from the bacteria synthesizing modified pepti- An interesting feature of two-component signaling systems doglycan precursors that terminate in D-Ala-D-Lac, for is that transfer from the phosphohistidine is in some cases which vancomycin has a thousand-fold lower affinity. The not limited to the cognate response regulator. The struc- distinction between the A and B strains is related to the tural similarities of the transmitter domain of CheA and ability of the Vans to respond to only vancomycin (B) or to the HPt domain of ArcB (Figure 3b) have provoked inves- both vancomycin and its relative teicoplanin (A). VanC tigation of the ability of the latter to phosphorylate the resistance is constitutive and results from the substitution CheY response regulator [32]. It was demonstrated both in of D-serine for D-lactate in the peptidoglycan termini. vitro and in vivo that the HPt domain of ArcB can phos- phorylate the CheY response regulator. In another The pathway by which resistance is expressed involves example, the cytoplasmic domain of Vans can, albeit at a genes that can be transmitted through transposon 104-fold slower rate, phosphorylate the E. coil response Tn1546. The Vans protein is a histidine kinase that regulator PhoB both in vitro and in vivo [29,33]. Several responds to the presence of the glycopeptide, phospho- other response regulators (ArcA, OmpR, and CreB) with rylating the response regulator VanR. Phosphorylation of comparable levels of sequence homology to VanR were VanR enhances its binding capacity for the vanH and

Figure 4

Subdomain organization of a representative EnvZ NDI |--~~~--{His Kinase G1 G2) c classical two-component signaling system 1 16- 163- 24a 373-4o3- 4~o histidine kinase, EnvZ. 47 179 377 405 Chemistry & Biology Review Histidine kinases and two-component signal transduction systems Pirrung R171

Figure 5 that acts on the phosphorylated form of VanR through a pathway that does not involve the active-site His164 (a) (b) (Vans mutants lacking His164 still have phosphatase 0 ~ 0 0 = 0 activity). Given their involvement in closely analogous signal transduction pathways, it might be expected that cross-talk between the two response regulators in activat- 0 ing the others' promoters would occur, but to date no such D-Ala-D-Ala D-Ala-D-Lac activity has been observed. Chemistry & Biology Using a reporter-gene assay in a VanA-type enteroccoci Muramyl dipeptide cell-wall peptidoglycan termini in strains of (a) wild- strain, over 6000 compounds were screened for their type and (b) vancomycin-resistantenterococci. ability to induce the expression of the vancomycin-resis- tance genes [38]. Interestingly, beyond the glycopeptides vanR promoter regions, so phosphorylation induces tran- to which this system obviously responds, other cell-wall scription of these and other Van genes involved in the biosynthesis inhibitors, cyclic peptide antibiotics, as well synthesis and incorporation of D-lactate into peptidogly- as a macrocyclic lactone antibiotic induced expression of can. The distinction between the VanA and VanB phe- these genes (Figure 6). The only obvious common notypes is related to the ability of the Vans kinase to denominator between these compounds is hydrophobic- respond to only one or both of the glycopeptides [34] ity -- determining why these compounds stimulate this (see below). system might provide insight into the mechanism of resistance itself. Regulation of the VanS/VanR system has been studied in the Wanner and Walsh laboratories [35-37]. Model The relevance of two-component signaling systems to systems constructed in E. coli show that P-VanR activates antibacterials is not limited to vancomycin-rcsistant Ente- transcription of vanH and itself in VanA-type strains, but rococci, as the resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae to peni- only vanH in VanB-type strains. VanS is a phosphatase cillin is also based on a histidine kinase [39].

Figure 6

Compounds that induced expressionof vancomycin-resistancegenes in a VanA-type Bacitracin / Z Vancomycin OH enterococci strain. Bacitracin, which inhibits cell-wall biosynthesis,acts on the undecaprenyl o. phosphate carrier required for transport of peptidoglycan precursor disaccharide pentapeptides across the plasma membrane. Moenomycin,which also inhibits cell-wall biosynthesis, inhibits transglycosylationof the undecaprenyl-pyrophosphate-disaccharide .o..A#- = , LYoX O. pentapeptide substrate. The mechanism of ' H H A034113 is unknown. ,,% .H o 2 "?T'N .... C T'NT T',N~ I + .., U OH o HO~'=~ 6~ 1

Moenomycin o Ho.TL~z~OONH2 ~'~O CO2H OH . I II w~ H2N / 0 ' O.~,,,,J'~ A/~,,,-k~ A ~ A ~ ~ A ~ / "~"~ O..'W "P" O ~ v --~ "X" v v -..y v ~.y O O NHAc ~ / \ I I ,

Figure 7 coordinately saturated and unable to accept an olefin ligand. If the dimer were to 'breathe' to nonmetalated and metalated monomers (perhaps with the addition of a weak ligand such as water, to maintain copper in a 16-electron state), however, ethylene binding could occur, preventing re-association of the dimer (Figure 8). Ethylene would thereby stop signaling. The genetic evidence (a dominant mutation) indicates that ETR1 actively signals in the unbound state (keeps response pathways off) and that eth- ylene binding in the wild-type turns signaling off. The dominant mutations do not bind ethylene (or even copper) but apparently continue to signal an 'off' state to the response pathways. Although this model cannot vv 2 , Chemistry & Biology account for the agonist/antagonist properties of a number of different olefins, it provides a provocative starting point A helical network model for the ethylene-binding domain of ETR1 developed by comparing with a number of plant-derived hybrid for study. histidine kinases. The essential cysteine and histidine residues are shown in red. Black circles indicate nonconserved residues; conserved NMR structures of phosphohistidine proteins residues are designated in single-letter amino-acid code. The structures of many phosphohistidine-containing pro- teins have been determined using X-ray crystallography (see above). No structure of a histidine kinase from a two- Phosphohistidine in two-component signaling component system has been solved, however, although systems in plants histidine phosphotransfer domains have been solved using The fascinating discovery that the putative receptor for NMR [43]. the plant hormone ethylene is a two-component signaling system was made in 1993 [40]. Dominant negative muta- Two proteins from the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-sugar tions in the ETR1 gone of Arabidopsis cause insensitivity system, which does not involve a histi- to ethylene. ETR1 contains both histidine-kinase and dine kinase per se, have been studied [44]. This system response-regulator regions like the hybrid bacterial histi- operates as shown in Figure 9, with a first protein dine kinases, suggesting that there may be further histi- I undergoing phosphorylation on His189 by PEP and dine or aspartate phosphorelays involved in transduction transferring its phosphate to Hisl5 of HPr, which then of the ethylene signal. Secondary structure prediction on phosphorylates enzyme IIA, and so on down a cascade ETR1 has identified several subdomains, including the that eventually leads to sugar transport. Some of the phos- putative transmembrane region (Figure 7). The cytoplas- phohistidine intermediates in this phosphotransferase mic domain of ETR1 has recently been shown to have his- system are the 1-isomers, whereas others are the tidine kinase activity [41]. Structure-function studies have 3-isomers. Enzyme I is too large for its structure to be pointed to a putative ethylene- in the trans- solved directly, but the structure of its amino-terminal membrane region composed from a copper ion ligated by domain, containing the phosphorylation site, has been essential cysteine and histidine residues [42]. reported [45]. It consists of an m-helical domain (residues 33-143) flanked by an ~/[~ domain (residues 1-20 and This structural information provides a challenge to explain 148-230), with the active site His189 located at the inter- how ethylene triggers signaling. A copper involved in face between the two domains. An NMR structure is also olefin binding would be expected to exist in the +1 oxida- available for HPr [46]. Its phosphoprotein form is fairly tion state, giving it 10 d-electrons. If the metal-binding unstable towards hydrolysis, with a half life of only a few site is composed from a histidine kinase dimer, each could minutes, but it can be maintained in a phosphorylated contribute two 2-electron ligands to copper, making it form by an in situ regeneration system via PEP and

Figure 8

A postulated mechanism for ethylene- Cysa-S x,bO H 2 triggered histidine-kinase signaling. Cysa-S~ ,,~\\S.CySb Cys-S) \.-:, H .CG' ~ Cu' OH 2 Hisa-N H~~/ Hisa-N/ ~N'HiSb His-N H Chemistry & Biology Review Histidine kinases and two-component signal transduction systems Pirrung R1 73

enzyme I. HPr experiences only local structural changes Figure 9 upon histidine phosphorylation, which primarily relate to hydrogen bonding of the phosphate to contiguous amide PEP + Enzyme I P-Enzyme I + Pyruvate protons at the amino terminus of a helix. Finally, the structure of the complex between the amino terminus of P-Enzyme I + HPr Enzyme I + P-HPr enzyme I and Hpr has recently been solved, supporting the expected structural complementarity between the two protein surfaces [47]. P-HPr + IIA sugar HPr + P-IIA sugar

The two-component osmosensor EnvZ from E. coil has two functional domains in its cytoplasmic carboxyl termi- nus: domain A contains the site of phosphorylation, whereas domain B contains the catalytic residues, includ- Chemistry & Biology ing several regions highly conserved among histidine kinases (Figure 4). The structure of domain B of EnvZ has Phosphosugar system. been solved [48]; it adopts an (x/l~ sandwich fold. ATP is bound through two glycine-rich regions with its y-phos- phate exposed on the protein surface, ready for transfer to terminus that is a putative nucleophilic phosphoacceptor. the histidine in domain A. Another of the ATP-binding This sequence is essential for activity, and is homologous residues, Asn347, binds to the 13 phosphate and a Mg +z. to sequences in other phosphatases, such as fructose-2,6- When Asn347 is mutated to aspartate, ATP binding and bisphosphatase. Natural eukaryotic histidine phos- ATP-dependent autophosphorylation activity are lost. phatases are also known, including PP1, PP2A and PP2C This Asn347--~Asp mutant retains the ability to phospho- [53,54]. These are generally thought of as protein serine- rylate a response regulator, however. The overall structure or threonine-phosphatases, but in fact have even greater is distinct from the serine/threonine/tyrosine protein activity on phosphohistidine. kinases, and has surprising similarity to heat-shock protein 90 and DNA gyrase B. Two-component signaling systems in other eukaryotes Low-resolution structures of two subd0mains of the CheA Only recently has a histidine kinase been identified in a protein have been determined [49,50]. The amino-termi- eukaryote other than plants. Yeast Slnl is a hybrid nal domain containing the phosphorylation site is mainly a kinase-response regulator involved in osmosensing [55]. four-helix bundle with the target histidine at a helix inter- By study of suppression of its otherwise lethal deletion, it face. Similar to earlier observations [46], only small pertur- has been possible to identify its connection to mitogen- bations to the overall protein structure occur upon activated protein kinases (MAPKs) [56]. phosphorylation. The carboxy-terminal domain responsi- ble for interactions with the receiver CheY is structurally P-Selectin has been shown to undergo histidine phospho- composed of a [3-sandwich motif [51 ]. rylation in its cytoplasmic tail upon platelet activation [57]. The half-life of this histidine phosphate is extremely short A useful compilation of structural information and analysis (< 15 s). It has not been shown that a response regulator is of histidine active sites determined using NMR is associated with this histidine kinase, however, and it is reported by McEvoy and Dahlquist [1]. One theme in the unclear, given the very short cytoplasmic tail of P-selectin, phosphosugar-transport system is the location of the phos- whether autophosphorylation would be possible. phorylated histidine at the amino terminus of a helix, where the helix dipole can contribute to stabilization of Inhibitors of histidine kinases the charge of the phosphate group. No such trend is seen The novelty of histidine kinases has left little opportunity in the two-component regulators, however. for accidental or directed discovery, of compounds that inhibit them. Workers at R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Phosphatases for phosphohistidine proteins Research Institute have discovered two classes of histidine- Natural pathways for of the histidine of kinase inhibitors [58-60]. Using a radioactive ATP incorpo- two-component histidine kinases include transfer to the ration assay and KinA (involved in osmosensing in E. toll) as response regulator and autolysis. In some cases, a specific the target they identified closantel, a veterinary anti- phosphatase may exist. One unambiguous demonstration helminthic, and tetrachlorosalicylanilide, a topical antibac- of two-component phosphohistidine phosphatase activity terial (Figure 10), as kinase inhibitors. Some optimization of is in the SixA protein [52]. SixA dephosphorylates the his- these structures led to dichlorodiiodosalicylanilide, which is tidine kinase of ArcB in the anaerobiosis system in E. coli. about twice as potent (IC50 = 21 btM) as either of the 'lead' SixA has an Arg-His-Gly (RHG) sequence at its amino compounds. Dichlorodiiodosalicylanilide has a minimal R174 Chemistry & Biology 1999, Vol 6 No 6

Figure 10 kinases will be discovered through screening, rational design and combinatorial chemistry efforts. The resulting reagents could provide further mechanistic insight into CI CN OH O r'~'~ CI the operation of these fascinating signal transduction OH 0 systems, as well as provide an avenue to antibacterials with a novel mode of action. I~1 H CH a I CI Closantel Dichlorodiiodosalicylanilide References 1. McEvoy, M.M. & Dahlquist, F.W. (1997). Phosphohistidines in bacterial signaling. Curr. Opin. Struct. BioL 7, 793-797. 2. Hoch, J.A. & Silhavy, TJ. (1995). Two-Component Signal o~..~ NH Transduction. ASM Press, Washington, D.C. 3. Swanson, R.V., Alex, L.A., & Simon, M.I. (1994). Histidine and aspartate phosphorylation: two-component systems and the limits of homology. Trends Biochem. ScL 19, 485-490 RWJ-49815 Chemistry& Biology 4. Matthews, H.R. (1995). 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