BETWEEN POLARISATION and MODERATION a Closer Look at French President Macron and His “Third Way”

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BETWEEN POLARISATION and MODERATION a Closer Look at French President Macron and His “Third Way” BETWEEN POLARISATION AND MODERATION A Closer Look at French President Macron and his “Third Way” Dr. Daniela Kallinich ANALYSE Publication Credits Published by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom European Dialogue Programme, Brussels Avenue de Cortenbergh 71 B - 1000 Brussels, Belgium Phone +32 2 28209-35 Fax +32 2 28209-31 / /fnf.europe /fnfeurope Author Dr. Daniela Kallinich Editorial team European Dialogue Programme Jeanette Süß Produktion COMDOK GmbH Contact Phone +49 30 220126-34 Fax +49 30 690881-02 Email [email protected] Last update November 2020 Note on the use of this publication This publication is provided by the Friedrich Naumann Founda- tion for Freedom for information purposes. It can be obtained free of charge and is not intended for sale. It may not be used by political parties or election workers as election advertising during an election campaign (German state, parliamentary or local elections or elections for the European Parliament). Table of contents FOREWORD 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 INTRODUCTION 6 FROM OUTSIDER TO PRESIDENT 7 The 2016/2017 Election Campaign 7 Government Formation and Parliamentary Majority 8 Interim Conclusion 8 CENTRISM IN FRANCE – WHAT IS IT? 10 THE MEANING OF LIBERALISM IN FRANCE 12 THE FRENCH POLITICAL CENTRE – PLAYERS, POLITICAL WEIGHT AND OBJECTIVES 13 The MoDem – Trailblazers for an Independent Centre in France 17 The UDI – Melting Pot of the Centre-Right 18 Les Centristes – Faithful Allies of the Républicains 19 Mouvement Radical – Torn between Left and Right 19 Alliance Centriste – Macron‘s Last-Second Friends 20 Agir – between the Centre and the Républicains 21 Interim Conclusion 21 AND MACRON? 23 LREM – the President’s Start-Up 23 The President’s Realm of Ideas 23 A Passion for Europe – but Which One? 25 Interim Conclusion: New Players in the Centre? 26 FRANCE, QUO VADIS? 28 4 Between Polarisation and Moderation Foreword Emmanuel Macron‘s victory in the Presidential and Legislative In this connection, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Elections in May and June of 2017 with his political movement Freedom acts as a mediator between the political, economic La République en Marche (LREM), which he founded in 2016, and civil society levels and strives to support the reform path was nothing less than a political earthquake. With its first- taken by France since Macron’s election by setting up and ex- past-the-post electoral system, France’s political landscape panding a German-French-European network and providing had, to that point, been characterised by a classic dichoto- analyses and insight. With this publication, the Foundation’s my of the socialist Parti Socialiste (PS) and the conservative European Dialogue Programme seeks to contribute to a better Les Républicains (LR, UMP until 2015). Macron’s movement understanding of the political compass behind Macron’s and ended up forming a coalition with the other centrist parties, the other centrist parties’ current policies. The study provides Mouvement Démocrate and Agir. This new situation also an overview of the different centrist players and thus of a raises the question of which one of these players can be a lesser known aspect of France’s party system. It particularly natural partner for the German Liberals. This political shift aims to clarify the French understanding of the term “libera- further had an effect on the cooperation on European policy: lism”, which is often misunderstood by Germans. It is mainly the coming together of several French centrist parties in the intended for Francophile policymakers as well as – in line “Renaissance” list in the European Parliament Elections, has with our mission to civil and political education – for a wider created a new French voice within the Renew Europe group. audience with an interest in France. The liberal-centrist group has overall increased in numbers, but has also become more diversified. In addition, the rena- We are convinced that well-functioning cooperation within ming of the former ALDE group to Renew Europe showed that the German-French relations overall and the protection and the term “liberalism” is understood differently in France, which support of liberal values in particular can only be successful needs to be explained. when we achieve a clear and in-depth understanding of the other’s positions. Jeanette Süß, European Affairs Manager and Head of France Activities within the European Dialogue Programme of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Brussels 5 Executive summary French President Emmanuel Macron’s election campaign Given that he ran with a pro-European, centrist and social- and first half of term can be described as ambitious, liberal liberal platform, Macron’s victory as well as the parliamen- and centrist. What is far harder to read, on the other hand, is tary majority for En Marche! were surprising in themselves. what side of the political spectrum the young President can Never before had a political newcomer managed to achieve be placed on, what the golden thread of his politics looks the highest public office in the Fifth French Republic out of like, what “his liberalism” is about and, most of all, what nowhere and without any fixed affiliation to a specific camp. direction his politics will take. For the first time, the voters opted for a representative of a Third Way, a politician who consciously intended to work This is not least due to the fact that the attributes that are with all camps except the extremes. It thus hardly comes as frequently used to describe Macron already leave much a surprise that the representatives of the traditional political room for interpretation and mean something very different centre, first and foremost the Mouvement Démocrate, saw in France than they do in Germany. For instance, the poli- Macron as the embodiment of their long-held ambitions to tical centre is not only a vague concept that, already as a achieve an independent centre capable of governing. Since theoretical idea, hardly provides any clues as to what a cent- he was elected, Macron has been cooperating with them rist party is exactly. In the reality of political life in France, and other smaller centrist parties to implement his policies, the centre takes many shapes, is quite varied and very fluid. achieve a governing majority, create a joint list for the Euro- Although there are some rather consistent party traditions pean Parliament Elections and form a new and expanded in the centre of the political landscape, such as Christian group in the European Parliament with Renew Europe. Sup- democracy, political radicalism and liberalism, the centre is ported by many centrist, but also moderate forces from both forever changing with renamed, splintering off, merging or camps, the governments under Édouard Philippe and Jean newly founded parties. Different names of the groups in the Castex started to put their ambitious reform programme into Senate and the National Assembly and within the parties as practice. However, this not only caused one of the largest well as very frequent changes of positions increase this con- protest movements France has seen in the past decades, fusion even more. Moreover, it has recently been attempted the gilets jaunes, but also a general debate about the overall to classify Emmanuel Macron and the movement founded state of democracy in France and the political leanings of by him, En Marche!, as centrist – an approach that is quite the government and the President in particular. All too many understandable given some similarities in agendas, e.g. re- reform proposals were seen as business-friendly and thus, garding the pro-European attitudes, but which has failed to from a French perspective, neoliberal right wing politics. Pai- yield unequivocal results. red with some verbal gaffes on part of the President, he was quickly labelled a “President of the rich”. His progressive, Another aspect is that the French interpret the term “libera- social and socio-political projects barely sufficed to change lism” in different ways. For some it is a “dirty word”, and for this impression and to uphold his positive image with the others, so it seems based on surveys, it is an empty “plastic more centrist or even moderately left voters. word‘ that can describe both economic policy and socio- political positions. While an economically liberal attitude is Nonetheless, even in this can new nuances be observed, generally associated with the conservative right wing, soci- especially in most recent times. The management of the al-liberal values are associated with the left. The centre, on consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, which put a the other hand, is seen as home for some kind of liberal eco- strong state and the mitigation of social hardships into fo- nomic world view with a social touch and values somewhere cus in France, changed the economic priorities as well. At between strictly conservative and libertarian. This makes the same time, the appointment of the new Prime Minister Macron’s allocation to the left/right scale all the more diffi- Jean Castex, who took office in the summer of 2020, and cult, as he seems to lean towards both forms of liberalism. It some reforms have shifted the government’s profile to the is therefore hardly surprising that politicians on the German right. A political classification of Macron and his govern- side of the border see Macron as some kind of “storybook ment thus still poses a challenge and raises the question of liberal”, especially when considering his economic policies. how the second half of his term and the 2022 Presidential Election campaign will look like. 6 Between Polarisation and Moderation Introduction COVID-19, terrorist attacks, devastating natural disasters – Many German political players are also looking to classify the list of challenges that cast their shadows over France in the current French government, as Macron’s labelling and/ 2020 is long.
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