VI. Detailed Data State and Religion

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VI. Detailed Data State and Religion I. Foreword ............................................................................................................... 06 II. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 07 III. Tribune Jack Lang ................................................................................................ 09 IV. Tribune Ludovic Pouille ........................................................................................ 11 V. Findings ... ............................................................................................................ 13 VI. Detailed data ........................................................................................................ 15 1. Demographics (Sample of respondents) ................................................................ 15 2. A common perception of culture, religion, ethnicity ............................................. 17 3. The feeling of belonging to French society ............................................................ 19 4. The impact on career prospects ........................................................................... 21 5. State and religion ................................................................................................ 22 6. Embracing secular values .................................................................................... 23 7. Knowledge of French history and society .............................................................. 25 VII. Appendices ......................................................................................................... 28 Arab News France communication : Email : [email protected] - @ 2020 Saudi Research & Publishing Company All rights of translation, reproduction and adaptation reserved for all countries. I. II. Foreword Introduction Is the sixth survey To offer a window to the Arab World and is part of a series M ore than ever, France is at the for French readers, Arab News, the lea- of polls commissioned heart of the discussion. Regardless of ding English language newspaper in the by Arab News, in collaboration its colossal internal challenges ranging Middle East, launched its French digital with YouGov from a weakening economy in times of edition in July 2020. Arab News en Fran- pandemic, to the necessity of achieving Faisal J. Abbas çais provides a daily digest of current the much contested reforms needed to Editor-in-Chief, Arab News events, cultural discoveries, and ana- lopments and rejuvenate their link with put the State’s fnancial back on track, lyses from and about the Arab region, an the Arabian heritage as France’s largest Macron’s “Hexagone” has seen a 180 de- the Nice attacks, share the same hor- ofen-misunderstood part of the world, minority group. grees shif in priorities that very sadly rifying style. to French readers across the globe. Arab News partnered with YouGov, lifed France to the top of the news head- Beyond the normal scenes of soli- The launch of Arab News en Fran- a world leader in online polls and stu- lines during the past two months. darity a nation witnesses in the afer- çais also gives an opportunity to engage dies, to lead a groundbreaking survey of Along the lines of the 2015 terrorist math of humanly shocking events, the French readers of Arab descent and help French of Arab origin and their percep- attacks trials taking place in the French fall of 2020, that has seriously wounded them better understand the global deve- tions of life in France. The sample was a capital, came three major attacks that France, will also be remembered as a representation of the online population shook not only France but the whole in- time where the very old and constant- of French of Arab descent residing in ternational public opinion. The non-or- ly adjourned debate on minorities and France. It involved 958 respondents from chestrated attacks that happened in integration re-emerged, amidst a very across France. The survey conducted less than 35 days had in common the passionate and polarized social and po- between the 8th and 14th of September re-publication of the offensive carica- litical context. 2020 is the sixth survey and is part of a tures, by the very controversial satirical Since its launch back in July 2020, series of polls commissioned by Arab magazine Charlie Hebdo. Two of them, Arab News en Français is part of the broa- News, in collaboration with YouGov that the beheading of school teacher Samuel der Arab News journey of pushing the has pioneered online surveys around Paty in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, and boundaries of journalism and creating a the world and has been delivering de- better understanding. At Arab News, we tailed studies and insights for more than are nurturing this culture of walking the two decades. Our initiative, tackling extra mile to get closer to our audience, The results of the new joint survey the issue of integration through providing our readers with bet- are enlightening. They provide informa- through conducting a survey on ter insights and credible research. tion on the crucial problems faced by the perception French citizen Our initiative, tackling the issue of France and its minorities. All details and of Arab origins have of their life integration through conducting a sur- fgures in this report are based on ano- in France, was launched a few vey on the perception French citizen of nymous survey responses and have been weeks before the last wave of Arab origins have of their life in France, statistically validated to an error margin attacks was launched a few weeks before the last of 3.17%. wave of attacks. The unfolding of the II. INtrOductION III. the beauty of our country While we tend to think lies in its ability to make that young generations of French from Arab descent, this colorful ensemble born in France, are more integrated than their elders, vey, Jews from Arab descent also believe into a united nation our survey shows the contrary their religion might be a social obstacle, while Christians of Arab descent do not share the same sentiment. events and their consequences were sim- Being decades old, the unresolved in- Jack Lang ply a confrmation that we are not only tegration debate appears to have a diffe- President of the Arab looking in the right direction, but also rent impact on different generations and World Institute pointing to the real problems. Backed results in an apparent generational gap, up with real data we hope to contribute according to our study. Icongratulate the management of the mate feeling about this, which may not to rationalizing what appears to become While we tend to think that young ge- Arab News for this excellent initiative. necessarily be scientifc. a highly emotional debate on minorities, nerations of French from Arab descent, The move will go a long way in conveying Despite the obstacles and diffculties, religion and integration. born in France, are more integrated the deep emotions and sentiments of France is a country that has always suc- The results of the survey conduc- than their elders, our survey shows citizens of Arab descent towards the ceeded in integrating and interweaving ted for Arab News en Français by You- the contrary: young generations have French Republic and their compatriots. different cultures, civilizations and be- Gov clearly show that the majority of a strong desire to connect with their This study, which should be appre- liefs. This country, in which we live, is a the French from Arab and Muslim des- ancestral roots, while the older ones ciated and deliberated, offers a great real melting pot and a “rainbow” nation, cent consider themselves broadly as are more attached to the values of the insight into the thoughts and conviction as Nelson Mandela used to say. integrated. They describe themselves French republic. of French citizens of Arab descent. I am It is true that our model sometimes as French citizens who adhere to the If this is to be used as an indicator, it delighted to know that a large number experiences setbacks. At present, the values of the French republic. The stu- surely points towards an endemic social of French citizens of Arab origin sup- integration of citizens of Arab descent dy however concludes that in terms of exclusion problem that no French go- port, promote and strictly follow the is being debated. Before World War II, perception, there is a certain level of vernment managed to resolve yet. values of our Republic, particularly the the focus was on the Italian workers. stigmatization within this community It also leads us to believe that this concept of «secularism», which some- Their infux sparked strong reactions in that constitutes the largest minority of generational gap comes with a commu- time is diffcult to understand outside France and in other countries. At times today’s France. This is exactly where nication gap between the French ins- our borders. they were quite intense and diffcult to the most important question comes into titutions and a large part of the young This poll, like all the polls, is relative. imagine today. play: Is integration in France a systemic French generations. As long as the youth However, I would like to convey my inti- The survey highlights one of the im- problem or a perception issue? are not heard, they will not listen. In to- portant points: We can no longer count No matter how many are the answers day’s widely open (social) media lands- the number of artists, writers,
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