
IRSTI 03.09.25

¹Bektemirova S.B., ²Аvakova R.А., ³Taussogarova A.K. 1Cand.Sc., Associate Professor, е-mail: [email protected] 2Doctor of Philology, е-mail: [email protected] 3Cand.Sc., Associate Professor, е-mail: [email protected] Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, , Almaty


The formation of literate consciousness in the world space, historical, ethnic, cultural, political, lin- guistic, geographical features and achievements of modern Turks are the main prerequisites of the Turkic unity. Therefore in the presented scientific project a linguogeographical atlas about the spatial expansion of modern and an encyclopedic dictionary that is compiled in connection with the study of the languages of the Turkic peoples, encompassing the scientific conceptual, terminological apparatus are one of the main activities on the path to preserving the Turkic unity in the era of globalization. This wide research is carried out not only within the framework of linguistic science, but also at the intersec- tion of anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, cognitive and geographical sciences. Key words: Turkic world, Turkic peoples, Turkic languages, linguogeography, linguocultural studies, Turkic terms, ethnos, geographical atlas, spiritual and cultural value.

1Бек­те­ми­ровa С.Б., 2Авaковa Р.А., 3Тaусогaровa А.К. 1ф.ғ.к., до­цент м.a., e-mail: [email protected], 2ф.ғ.д., про­фес­сор, e-mail: [email protected], 3ф.ғ.к., до­цент, e-mail: [email protected] әл-Фaрaби aтындaғы Қaзaқ ұлт­тық уни­вер­си­те­ті, Әлем ке­ңіс­ті­гін­дегі түр­кі тіл­дері­нің лин­гвогеография­лық негізі

Түр­кі­лер­дің әлем ке­ңіс­ті­гін­де­гі тaри­хи-эт­никaлық, мә­де­ни, сaяси, линг­вис­тикaлық, геогрaфия­ лық т.б. ерек­ше­лік­те­рі мен же­тіс­тік­те­рі турaлы жүйелі, сaуaтты тaны­мы­ның қaлыптaсуы – түр­кі­ лік бір­лік­ті, түр­кі­лік бі­ре­гей­лік­тің бaсты шaрты. Қaзір­гі түр­кі хaлықтaры­ның ке­ңіс­тік­тік тaрaлы­ мы турaлы линг­во­ге­огрaфия­лық aтлaс пен түр­кі хaлықтaры тіл­де­рін зерт­теу­мен бaйлaныс­ты құрaсты­рылaтын ғы­лы­ми-кон­цеп­туaлдық, тер­ми­но­ло­гия­лық aппaрaтты қaмти­тын эн­цик­ло­пе­ диялық сөз­дік түр­кі­лік бір­лік­ті, түр­кі­лік бі­ре­гей­лік­ті жaһaндaнудa сaқтaп қaлу жо­лындaғы бaсты шaрaлaрдың бі­рі. Зерт­теу бір ғaнa линг­вис­тикa ғы­лы­мы­ның aясындa емес, сондaй-aқ aнт­ро­по­ло­ гия, әлеу­меттaну, мә­де­ниеттaну, ког­ни­то­ло­гия, геогрaфия ғы­лымдaры­ның дa то­ғы­сындa жү­зе­ге aсы­рылaды. Тү­йін­ сөз­дер: түр­кі әле­мі, түр­кі хaлықтaры, линг­во­ге­огрa­фия, линг­во­мә­де­ниеттaну, түр­кітaну тер­ми­ны, эт­нос, геогрaфия­лық aтлaс, рухa­ни-мә­де­ни құн­ды­лық.

1Бек­те­ми­ровa С.Б., 2Авaковa Р.А., 3Тaусогaровa А.К. 1к.ф.н., и.о. до­центa, e-mail: [email protected] 2д.ф.н., про­фес­сор, e-mail: [email protected] 3к.ф.н., до­цент, e-mail: [email protected] Кaзaхс­кий нaционaльный­ уни­вер­си­тет име­ни aль-Фaрaби, Кaзaхстaн, г. Алмaты Линг­во­ге­огрaфи­ческaя ос­новa тюрс­ких язы­ков в ми­ро­вом прострaнс­тве

Стaнов­ле­ние грaмот­но­го сознa­ния в ми­ро­вом прострaнс­тве, ис­то­ри­ко-эт­ни­чес­кие, куль­ турные по­ли­ти­чес­кие, линг­вис­ти­чес­кие, геогрaфи­чес­кие осо­бен­нос­ти и дос­ти­же­ния тюр­ков – ос­нов­ные пред­по­сыл­ки тюрк­ско­го единс­твa. Линг­во­ге­огрaфи­чес­кий aтлaс о прострaнст­вен­ном

© 2019 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Bektemirova S.B. et. all

рaсп­рострaне­нии сов­ре­мен­ных тюркс­ких нaро­дов и эн­цик­ло­пе­ди­чес­кий словaрь, состaвляю­щий­ ся в свя­зи с исс­ле­довa­нием язы­ков тюркс­ких нaро­дов, охвaтывaющий нaуч­но-кон­цеп­туaль­ный, тер­ми­но­ло­ги­чес­кий aппaрaт, – один из ос­нов­ных ме­роп­рия­тий нa пу­ти сохрaне­ния тюрк­ско­го единс­твa в эпо­ху глобaлизa­ции. Исс­ле­довa­ние реaли­зует­ся не толь­ко в рaмкaх линг­вис­ти­чес­кой нaуки, но тaкже и aнт­ро­по­ло­гии, со­ци­оло­гии, куль­ту­ро­ло­гии, ког­ни­то­ло­гии и нa сты­ке геогрaфи­ чес­ких нaук. Клю­че­вые словa: тюркс­кий мир, тюрк­ские нaро­ды, тюрк­ские язы­ки, линг­во­ге­огрa­фия, линг­ во­куль­ту­ро­ло­гия, тюр­ко­ло­ги­чес­кие тер­ми­ны, эт­нос, геогрaфи­чес­кий aтлaс, ду­хов­но-куль­турнaя цен­ность.

Introduction Diuani’s dictionary in Turkic (2 half of the XI century), Zhusip Balasagun’s literary and didactic Realization of the large-scale activities as the material Qutadgu Bilik (1069), Tarikhi Rashidi of Turkic Academy and the Association of Turkic Mohammed Haidar Dulati that supplies with the Peoples Living in Kazakhstan opened according to the information on history, an origin of the Turkic peo- ideas of the Leader of the country N.A. Nazarbayev ple in the , Collection of chronicles about the study of history, culture, literature, customs of Kadyrgali Zhalayyri, Zhami the at-tauarikh Ra- and traditions, as well as the worldview of the Turkic sheed-hell-Dinni etc (Мaхмұд әл-Қaшгaри. 2005: peoples by demonstrating the common roots, history 998). All listed sources are the basis of formation and fate of their rapprochement, to strengthen their and development of (2 half of the XIX unity (Нaзaрбaев Н. 2008:12). In the course of the century, 1 half of the XX century). The further project an electronic and paper-based version of the development of Turkology is connected with the geographical atlas of expansion of Turkic peoples finding new written references, research of cultur- in the world space will be made, the place of Turkic al and economic processes of the separate Turkic peoples in the world civilization and geographical people, and also their language features (Шәймер­ ­ expansion of the Turkic-speaking peoples living in де­новa Н., Авaковa Р. 2010: 146). According to the world, commonness and systematic nature of the opinion of the known scientist A.T. Kaydar: the spiritual and cultural values to preserve ethnic “Turkology – world science. Turkology is one of uniqueness in the process of globalization will be the humanities formed in all countries in the world determined by compiling an encyclopedic diction- nowadays that appeared three centuries ago, devel- ary of Turkic terms. oped as one of the Oriental studies directions and Today the special attention of scientists from nowadays. This science is a big field of ancient, the whole world is paid to Turkology research in productive and long living sciences contributing the world space. As, Turkology is a separate section to human spirituality studying from various angles of oriental studies which deals with the research of Turkic people appeared for the purpose of research- language, ethnographies, folklore, culture of Tur- ing widely about 30 Turkic languages worldwide, kic speaking people (Авaковa Р., Бек­те­ми­ровa oral literature, ethnography and ethnology of over С. 2013:7). Turkology was first investigated after 150 million Turkic people” (Қaйдaр Ә. 1998:98). studying written monuments of Orkhon-Yenisei, Thereby the novelty of this scientific research con- the ancient Uighur, Manichean monuments. These sists in research of spiritual and cultural values of letters are valuable data/source in research of his- the Turkic people worldwide. tory, language, literary monuments, spiritual and Methodological basis of the scientific material culture of ancient Turkic tribes which oc- research is directly connected with the formation cupied Central Asia, as well as other territories. of linguistics, the occurrence of information Also the development of Turkology is observed in about world languages, increase of the interest the research of historical chronicles of the Arab, in languages and creation of bilingual translation Persian, Turkic languages of the Middle Ages. The dictionary. Taking into account the huge influence of development of Turkology as a philological disci- European geopolitics and European worldview on pline is based on the research of literary treatises the notion “world civilization”, formation of world and philological works and studies of the XIX-XX linguistic science after the European scientists, there centuries (Тени­ ­шев Э. 1997: 110). They included is a necessity of proving the use of comparative- the systematized first scientific works of linguistic, historical method for definition of the concept historical and ethnographic, folklore sources about “Turkic civilization” in the system of modern human Turkic tribes – dictionary of Mahmoud Kashkari sciences.

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Diachronic and synchronic methods of the assessments, they say that they spoke Proto-Turkic, research are applicable to trace the historical and according to some estimates, about 2000-2500 years current status of related languages while defining ago, from where they entered Central Asia and then to their general laws. the west its temporarily first millennium. When developing the worldview and scientific More than 170 million people speak Turkic concept, determining the influence of the Turkic languages ​​as their native language, and a single civilization on the largest language family and the laws number of Turkic speakers, including those who of historical development of the Turkic languages, the speak a second language, connects more than 200 comparative-historical and diachronic-etymological million. The Turkic language with the highest methods are applied, on the basis of which the concept number of speakers is Turkish, which is mainly of “Turkic civilization” is introduced into the modern spoken in Anatolia and in the ; its carriers classifier of civilization and that gives a possibility connect about 40% of all Turkic-speaking peoples. for historical-genetic research of the language group Special features of the , such and language families. as consistency of vowels, agglutination and the Descriptive, contrastive and lexicographical absence of grammatical gender, are universal in a methods play a significant role and are actively used Turkic family. It also uses a high degree of mutual in the analysis of linguistic material and compilation understanding between the diverse Oguz languages, of the “Encyclopedic Dictionary of Turkic terms”. including Gagauz, Turkish, Azeri, Kashkai, Turkmen, With the aim of creating an electronic catalog and Crimean Tatar, under the used in Oriental and European languages, formed influence of Oguz. Although classification methods on the basis of statistical, linguistic and quantitative are separated, Turkic languages ​​are usually taken methods, functioning at the junction of linguistics into account divided equally into two branches: and mathematics, the possibility of description Ogur, whose only surviving member is Chuvash, and analysis appears. To determine the number of and Common Turkic, which includes all other Turkic-speaking speakers, the SPSS program is Turkic languages, including the Oguz sub-branch. applied, on the basis of which the Turk-speaking The Turkic peoples have some similarities with people are being monitored. the Mongolian, Finn-Ugric, Samadiy, Tungus- The method of social interview is used to Manchurian, Korean and Japanese languages. These determine the ethnic identity of the Turkic-speaking similarities prompted some Türkologists to propose peoples in different areas. an Altaic language family, although this proposal Based on conceptual analysis and the method was not widely spread. The obvious similarity with of associative questioning, the preservation, the Uralic language family even led to the fact perception, processing of data of knowledge in that these families for a long time were taken into the mind and in the preparation of a monograph account uniform in accordance with the hypothesis for comparing the cognitive features of the Turkic of the Ural-Altai languages. However, there were ethnoses are studied. no satisfying grounds to conclude that any of these The methods of abstract, systematic, graphic, macro-profiles exist, common descriptions between semantic and symbolic description allow to create languages ​​are currently attributed to the extensive and systematize object models based on any relationship of prehistoric languages. material. Acceleration and reduction of the cost of Large-scale communication took place among work, creation of social atlases and development of the proto-Turks and proto-Mongols in the first information and scientific quality to date are possible millennium BC; The unified cultural tradition of with the use of GIS technologies or another method, the two Eurasian nomadic communities is called their systematic compliance with the requirements the “Turkish-Mongolian”. Both communities of atlas mapping. divided religion, , and uses many explicit Experiment borrowings among the Turkic and Mongolian The Turkic-speaking peoples are a language languages. However, the credits were bidirectional, family of more than forty-five (Dybo A. 2007:456) currently the Turkic borrowings represent the largest registered languages ​​spoken by the Turkic peoples of foreign component in the Mongolian dictionary Eurasia from Eastern , the Caucasus, Central (Clark, Larry V. 1980:39). The most popular of these Asia and , up to Northern Asia (especially borrowed words include “lion” (Turkish: Aslan or in ) and East Asia. The Turkic peoples spread Arslan; Mongolian: Arslan), “gold” (Turkish: Altyn; out in the East Asian region, covering Western Mongolian: Altan or Alt), and “iron” (Turkish: China and , where, according to one of the Demir; Mongolian: tömör).

224 Хабаршы. Шығыстану сериясы. №1 (88). 2019 Bektemirova S.B. et. all

1– picture. Turkic languages

Several lexical and extensive typological “indigenous Altai” (Turkic, Mongolian and Tungus) identity between Turkic and nearby Tungus and communication differs from this in that there are Mongolian languages, as well as Korean and single-valued single words that, apparently, are Japanese families (all formerly widely considered mainly borrowed from Turkic to Mongolian and part of the so-called family) in recent then from Mongolian to Tungus, since the Turkic years has been attributed to prehistoric contact borrowings in Mongolian are significantly superior among the community, sometimes called the North- to the Mongolian borrowings in the Turkic, and the East Asian Turkic by area. Later (approximately in Turkic and Tungus ones do not share a word that the first millennium BC) communication among the does not exist in the Mongolian.

2 – scheme. Relative numbers of speakers of Turkic languages.

At a distance of centuries, Turkic languages It obscured the historical flourishing within migrated freely and always mixed up, and their any language and / or linguistic community, and, languages were under the influence of each other as a result, uses some systems to classify the and, as a result, they communicated with surrounding Turkic peoples. The current schemes of the genetic languages, especially Iranian, Slavic and Mongolian classification of the Turks are still largely due to languages. Samoilovich.

ISSN 1563-0226 Journal of Oriental Studies. №1 (88). 2019 225 eISSN 2617-1864 The Linguogeographic Basis the Turkic Languages in World Space

Turkic languages can be divided into six With a lower level of confidence, the branches: Common Turkic southwestern, northwestern, southeastern, and Ogur Southwestern (Oghur Turic) communities can be further summarized as West Northwestern (Kipchak Turkic) Turkic, northeastern, Kyrgyz-Kipchak, and Arg Southeastern (Karluk Turkic) (Khalaj) as East-Turkic. Northeastern (Siberian Turkic) The Türkic languages of the northwestern Arghu Turkic and southeastern subregion belong to the central Oghur Turic Turkic languages, and the northeastern and In this classification, the Ogur Turkic is still Khalaj languages are the so-called peripheral affected as an ancient Turkic, while other branches languages. belong to the common Turkic name. It is not clear Hauschka, et al. (2014) use computational when it can be assumed that these two main types of phylogenetic methods to calculate a tree of Turkic Turkic languages actually diverged. based on phonological sound changes.

3 table. The isoglosses are traditionally used in the classification of theTurkic languages

The following isoglosses are traditionally used Preservation of word initial h, e.g. in the in the classification of the Turkic languages: word for «foot» hadaq. This separates Khalaj as a Rhotacism (or in some views, zetacism), e.g. in peripheral language. the last consonant of the word for “nine” tokkuz. Denasalisation of palatal ń, e.g. in the word for This separates the Oghur branch, which exhibits «moon», āń /r/, from the rest of Turkic, which exhibits /z/. In Below is a brief companion of related words from this case, rhotacism refers to the development of the main vocabulary in a Turkic language family. *-/r/, *-/z/, and *-/d/ to /r/,*-/k/,*-/kh/ in this branch. Empty cells do not necessarily mean that a See Antonov and Jacques (2012) on the debate specific language does not reach words to describe a concerning rhotacism and lambdacism in Turkic. concept, but the word “concept” in this language can Intervocalic d, e.g. the second consonant in the be formed from a different basis and is not related word for “foot” hadaq to other words in a line or that the borrowed word is Word-final -G, e.g. in the word for “mountain” tāg used in its place. Suffix-final -G, e.g. in the suffix *lIG, in e.g. tāglïg Another, there may be shifts in the meaning Additional isoglosses include: from one language to another, and therefore

226 Хабаршы. Шығыстану сериясы. №1 (88). 2019 Bektemirova S.B. et. all this “Common Meaning” is considered only Turkish the preferred word “fire” is derived from approximate. In sufficient cases, this form is the antes, while the native word found only in some dialects of the language, or the is “dead”). Forms are given in native Latin spelling, borrowed word is more common (for example, in unless otherwise indicated.

4 table. Vocabulary comparison of Turkic languages

ISSN 1563-0226 Journal of Oriental Studies. №1 (88). 2019 227 eISSN 2617-1864 The Linguogeographic Basis the Turkic Languages in World Space

Except for these the following methods are used main prerequisites for proving from scientific to define the expansion of the Turkic languages in perspective that all prerequisites characteristic the world: to world civilization classifier are peculiar to – the structure of the atlas will be developed, “Turkic civilization”, proving that on the basis by determining the optimal functionality of of the culminating point and historical reasons of GIS programs as a platform for the formation development history and formation Turkic world of cartographic products and spatial data when with “dying, fading” moments is an ancient and visualizing the area under study; universal civilization. – search, structuring, preparation and quality Collecting material for publication of the control of digital cartographic materials are realized scientific work about the development of ethnonym by realization of mapping web-applications that of the Turkic people, culture of ethnos, history, is in information resources, used as the quality ethnogenesis, language, statistics, religion, customs index regulator of the digital cartographic and fund and tradition, ethnic cuisine, anthropological type, material for analysis of the expansion of the Turkic geographical distribution worldwide of the given languages in the world. ethnos, spiritual culture is an invaluable contribution – use of GIS technologies in compilation of of Turkology to the Kazakhstan scientific electronic and paper-based versions of maps of environment. On the basis of this a scientific work expansion and registration areas of modern Turkic about unity and systemacity of the Turkic people people, autonomies of the modern Turks. will be made. – on the basis of the linguistic materials, for the Nowadays there is no dictionary written on purpose of proving the traces of Turkic civilization theoretical basis on Turkology science except the (turkisms) in making “Linguistics atlas of Turkic dictionaries and reference books and works as a civilization” ethno-geographic and cartographic common for all Turkic people dictionary “the Dia- methods give a possibility to introduce Turkic lect dictionary” of S. Amanzholov, “The compara- civilization studies to the whole world and systematize tive dictionary of the Turkish-Tatar adverbs”, “Old the material of the textbooks and manuals for the Turkic dictionary”, “The short etymological diction- secondary schools and higher educational institutions, ary” of L.Z. Budagov, “Experience of the diction- develop the concept of the Leader of the country ary of Turkic adverbs” V.V. Radlov, “The diction- “Turkic world and Turkic consolidation”. ary of turkism in Russian” E.N. Shipovaya, “The The listed above scientific and theoretical etymological dictionary” M. Fasmer, “The Kyrgyz- methods and conceptual methodology are the Russian dictionary” K.K. Yudakhin, “The Kyrgyz

228 Хабаршы. Шығыстану сериясы. №1 (88). 2019 Bektemirova S.B. et. all anthology” A. Alektorov, “Materials to studying the form of the fairy tale, legend, zhyr, various works Kyrgyz adverb” I.I. Ilminsky, “Practical lessons of are not an immortal cultural heritage, civilization Russian for Kyrgyz” V.V. Katarinsky and “The ini- index of only one linguoethnic societies, but of the tial Russian textbook for Kyrgyz”, “The short Rus- whole humanity. sian-Kyrgyz dictionary” made by V. V. Katarinsky, One of the main peculiarities of the project is “Short grammar of the Cossack – Kyrgyz languag- studying the scientific terminology of Turkology as es” of P.M. Melioransky, “Materials to studying the its independent metalanguage. Such researches give Cossack – Kyrgyz adverbs” of N. N. Pantusov etc. a possibility to define the lexicological corpus of (Гaджиевa Н. 1990: 532). Therefore it is mentioned words in Turkic languages, and form the systematic that the results of this project will undoubtedly be methodology of Turkology, use public opinions, published in the form of the dictionary “Encyclope- scientific metalanguage, work with conference dic dictionary of Turkic terms” that will be a valu- materials, organize disputes. The collection of the able work in the theoretical and practical plan. modern Turkic terms, their connection with the Long time the Turkic people were the nomadic history are the research projects possible to realize. people. Therefore it is difficult to define precisely Creation of the published and electronic forms linguistic border of the Turkic peoples (Верещaгин­ of atlas “The expansion of the Turkic people in the Е., Костомaров­ В. 2005: 67; Крaдин Н. 2000: 136). world space” that will be compiled on the basis of the And by that there is no basis to claim that internal project for the first time will allow to use information classification of Turkic languages is ideal (Крaдин and analytical, spatial geographical database of Н. 2005: 45). Based on scientific statements as Mod- social and demographic indicators for the making ern Turkic languages (Encyclopedia of the Peoples of forecasts and programs of social and economic of Asia and Oceania. 2008: 711), Modern Turkic development, monitoring and management of the ethnoses, number of Turkic ethnoses worldwide, Turkic people. And this will undoubtedly be a sign distribution of the Turkic people worldwide in the of development of modern scientific technology in beginning of the XXI century, the Modern sovereign linguistics. Turkic countries, Modern Turkic national autono- Social demand of the project will be a necessary mies, an area and distribution of the Modern Turkic electronic database for domestic/foreign education people creation of the geographical atlas “Expan- and scientific centres, also for philosophers, cultural sion of the Turkic people in world space” is planned. studies scholars, ethnographers and historians, in The significance of the scientific project is general for the people who have an interest in and in publication about the expansion of the Turkic who learn the . peoples in a single world space and the linguistic The electronic atlas will give the chance for the geographic atlas and a new Turkic metalinguistic structures of the government bodies coordinating dictionary in modern science of Turkology meet and directing the work in the social sphere to the demand at the international level. Since the qualitatively assess the social and economic lack of linguogeographic information about the demographic questions of the regions. world space expansion of today’s Turkic speaking The influence of the obtained results on the peoples, linguistic atlas negatively influences the development of science and technology and expected formation of solid ethnic uniqueness. Moreover social and economic benefit and contribution of this the researches in the humanitarian scientific sphere project is in the publication of the scientific works are closely interconnected. The offered project about the Unity and basis of systematization of allows research in close interrelation with such the Turkic people, drawing up the Encyclopedic sciences as linguistics history, historical grammar, dictionary of Turkic terms, compilation of the general linguistics, linguistics, history, philosophy, electronic atlas about Expansion of the Turkic sociology, anthropology, art history, geography, people in the world space. paleography (letter), diplomacy, epigraphy (studying The electronic atlas will have positive influence of monuments), onomastics, phraseology. All listed on state programs of social and economic value: disciplines are united with that they are connected perspective scientific researches and applied with the person, that is they have anthropological researches, development of thematic mapping, character. Undoubtedly, all things made with the formation of branch and universal databases of hand of people remain as a cultural heritage. So what geographical information systems of an applied we inherited from our ancestors: their thoughts, the orientation. idea, the used ethnographic means, monuments, the This project differs from other projects in the letter on stones, the mausoleums, saved in an oral fact that in the result of the study terminological

ISSN 1563-0226 Journal of Oriental Studies. №1 (88). 2019 229 eISSN 2617-1864 The Linguogeographic Basis the Turkic Languages in World Space disctionary of Turkic terms and paper-based and content of social and demographic processes is electronic geographical atlas with the use of GIS possible now only on the basis of wide use of the technologies will be developed and created. GIS-technologies which systemacity in the best The Atlas and the metalinguistic dictionary of the way answers the requirements of atlas mapping. project on the topic “Expansion of the Turkic people Therefore, specialists from different industries are in the world space” does not exist. In this project, involved in the project implementation, for example, there is an integration of not only linguistic sciences, new technologies and geoinformation systems. but also the methodology of natural teachings. The From this perspective, the scale of financing for this increase of the scientific quality and informational project is justified.

Әдебиет­ ­тер

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230 Хабаршы. Шығыстану сериясы. №1 (88). 2019