Bull's Head and Mermaid
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The Bernstein Project Booklet of the exhibition Bull’s Head and Mermaid Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg - Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 4 · D-70173 Stuttgart, Deutschland www.landesarchiv-bw.de/hstas.htm The History of Paper and Watermarks Bernstein – The Memory of Papers Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften from the Middle Ages to the Modern Period Donau-City Straße 1 · A-1220 Wien, Österreich www.bernstein.oeaw.ac.at/ Bull’s Head and Mermaid The History of Paper and Watermarks from the Middle Ages to Modern from Period Head and Mermaid The History of Paper Watermarks Bull’s ISBN 978-3-00-026960-8 Bull’s Head and Mermaid The History of Paper and Watermarks from the Middle Ages to the Modern Period Booklet and catalogue of the exhibiton presented by the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart and the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Kommission für Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters, Vienna Edited by the Bernstein Project © First edition: Ochsenkopf und Meerjungfrau. Wasserzeichen des Mittelalters, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart 2006. © Second, enlarged edition in Italian: La memoria della carta e delle filigrane dal medioevo al seicento, Landesar- chiv Baden-Württemberg, Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart 2007. © Third, enlarged edition: Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart and all institutions invol- ved. All rights reserved. The rights to the illustrations remain with the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg or the named institutions. Layout and printing: Gulde-Druck GmbH, Tübingen ISBN 978-3-00-026752-9 Bull’s Head and Mermaid The History of Paper and Watermarks from the Middle Ages to the Modern Period Booklet and catalogue of the exhibition presented by the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart and the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Kommission für Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters, Vienna. Edited by: Peter Rückert Sandra Hodecek ˇ Emanuel Wenger Stuttgart and Vienna 2009 Collaborators: Conception and general organisation: Peter Rückert Editorial staff: Peter Rückert, Sandra Hodecek, ˇ Georg Dietz, Emanuel Wenger Text contributors: Jan C. A. van der Lubbe, Héctor Moreu Otal (Delft); Marieke van Delft, Brit Hopmann, Gerard van Thie- nen (The Hague); Franco Mariani, Giorgio Pellegrini (Fabriano); Georg Dietz, Bert W. Meijer (Florence); Peter Krasser, André Perchthaler, Walter Schinnerl (Graz); Frieder Schmidt (Leipzig); Ezio Ornato (Paris), Mark Livesey, Paola F. Mu- nafò, Viviana Nicoletti (Rome); Erwin Frauenknecht, Jeannette Godau, Carmen Kämmerer, Carmen Partes, Peter Rückert (Stuttgart); Leonid Dimitrov, Alois Haidinger, Martin Haltrich, Sandra Hodeˇcek, Franz Lackner, Cynthia Peck-Kubaczek, Maria Stieglecker, Martin Wagendorfer, Emanuel Wenger (Vienna) Layout and design: Gulde-Druck GmbH, Tübingen The cover images are depictions of the watermarks ”Bull’s Head“ and ”Mermaid” from the ”Piccard” watermark collection at the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart. The exhibition was shown in Stuttgart (Hauptstaatsarchiv, December 2006 to February 2007), Vienna (Schotten- stift, March to June 2007), Fabriano (Museo della Carta e della Filigrana, July to August 2007), Rom (Istituto per la patologia del libro di Roma, September to October 2007), and Milan (Castello Sforzesco, Biblioteca Trivulziana, October bis December 2008). The initials in brackets at the end of each contribution following the sigla of the authors indicate the contributi- on’s translator. The complete names can be found in the list of authors and translators (p. 128). 4 Contents Preface 7 I Watermarks of the Middle Ages 9 Introduction 9 Bartolus de Saxoferrato 10 II The History of Paper and Paper Production in the Middle Ages to Modern Times 12 The History of Paper and Paper Production 12 Paper: from Fabriano to Europe 14 Dutch Paper Making 16 Paper Production in the Transition to the Industrial Revolution 20 Moulds and Wires 26 III The World in Watermarks 29 IV Watermarks and Research on Manuscripts 33 The Commercial Aspects of Paper 33 The Time Span of Paper Use 35 Different Monasteries – Identical Paper 37 Watermarks and their Variants 37 Sheets and Watermarks in Printed Books: the Example of Venice 40 Paper and Watermarks in Art History 41 Watermarks and Musicology 44 Watermarks and Cartography 47 The Significance of Manuscript Dating as Demonstrated by Codex 214 48 of the Schottenkloster in Vienna 48 V Watermarks Imaging Technologies, Watermark Collectors and their Collections 67 Imaging Technologies for Watermarks 67 Precision in width: A comparison of tracing and beta-radiography 70 Watermark collections 73 Watermark collectors 77 VI The Digitalization of Watermarks 87 Published Watermarks Collections and the World Wide Web 87 Piccard-Online 87 Watermarks of the Middle Ages (WZMA) 89 Watermarks in Incunabula printed in the Low Countries (WILC) 92 Watermarks in Incunabula printed in España (WIES) 94 Database of watermarks and paper used for prints and drawings developed by the 98 Dutch University Institute for Art History in Florence (NIKI) 5 Corpus Chartarum Italicarum (CCI) 97 Bernstein – The Memory of Paper 97 VII Bernstein 99 The Bernstein Project 99 Bernstein Technology 102 Piccard-Online and its Incorporation into the Bernstein-Workspace 104 Watermark Terminology 108 Digital Watermark Detection and Retrieval 109 A Selected Bibliography on Paper History and Watermarks 114 Glossary 124 Abbreviations 126 Lenders and Illustrations 127 Authors and Translators 127 6 Preface The exhibition “Ochsenkopf und Meerjungfrau. Wasserze- With this third expanded edition, the exhibit catalogue ichen des Mittelalters” has had an international “carreer”. has finally become an independent compendium. It‘s title, After it was shown at the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart from “Bull‘s Head and Mermaid. The History of Paper and Water- December 2006 to February 2007, it was shown from marks from the Middle Ages to the Modern Period”, is a di- March to June 2007 at the Schottenstift in Vienna. An ex- rect successor of the previous versions, but expands upon panded Italian version under the title “Testa di bue e sirena. them considerably. In addition to the longer time period, La memoria della carta e delle filigrane dal medioevo al sei- the focus of the previous volumes has been expanded with cento” moved to Italy, where it was presented from July to new articles and consolidated within the framework of the August 2007 at the Museo della Carta e della Filigrana in “Bernstein Project”. Paper production in the Netherlands Fabriano, followed by a show from September to October during the modern period is examined, as well as the tran- 2007 at the Istituto centrale per la patologia del libro in sition to the industrial production of paper. Contributions Rome. 2008 the exhibition is just presented at the Bibliote- dealing with methodology examine the relationships found ca Trivulziana (Castello Sforzesco) in Milan, before it moves between watermarks, as well as research on manuscripts 2009 to the Biblioteca Nazionale in Turin and – in an Eng- and incunabulum, and in musicology and cartography. The lish version – to the Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Hague. various means of recording watermarks is also dealt with in The exhibit was originally conceived as a joint project be- a separate article. The original list of watermark collections tween the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg and the Com- and collectors has been amended with additional relevant mission of Paleography and Codicology of Medieval Manu- names as well as watermark databases. scripts of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. Ac- A separate chapter is devoted to the Bernstein Project cordingly, the first edition of the accompanying catalogue and the groundwork it has laid. This includes an examina- focussed on watermarks of the Middle Ages. Nevertheless, tion of technical standards in watermark reproduction and the catalogue spanned a wide range of other topics as well, the “Bernstein Workspace”, which includes a newly revised including the history of paper and research on manuscripts, multi-language glossary of watermark terminology and a as well as a presentation of the major watermark collec- cartographical and statistical analysis of paper and water- tions, current watermark databases and digitized images. mark data. The selected bibliography has been expanded, After the exhibit was incorporated into the project “Bern- and has become a solid reference work for research on wa- stein – The Memory of Paper”, the exhibit and the cata- termarks. logue were expanded, as could already be seen in the Ital- This volume presents the Bernstein Project, its tasks and ian version: not only did it contain four prefaces instead of goals, its objectives and prospects. It also presents the indi- one, the topics being examined were also broadened with vidual work as well as the mutual efforts of the project‘s regard to the time period, the regions under consideration collaborators. Its sincere aim is not only to provide a solid and the methodology. The incorporation of artistic testimo- foundation for scholarly work on the history of paper and ny, drawings and prints, especially from the sixteenth centu- watermarks by describing the current interdisciplinary state ry, went hand in hand with a more comprehensive exami- of research, but also to motivate future collaborations with nation of the history of paper in Italy. In addition, the differ- regard to Europe‘s common cultural heritage. The study of ent technical possibilities