
Workout A – Upper Body

Chin Up Progressions 1. Hang a rope, suspension trainer, or sheet over/in between a object. Grab the handles or the ends and position yourself in a supine position hanging from the straps. Your body should be straight, with hips, shoulders, and ears in line. Flex the elbows and retract shoulder blades as you pull your chest to your hands. Pause at top, and return to starting position.

Regression: Step feet backward to decrease angle

2. Progression: Step feet forward to increase angle; Place feet on a small step so body is parallel to ground 3. Seated Vertical Chin Up Pull: Sit with knees bent and feet close to the hip directly under an implement like a TRX or smith bar machine. Grab onto the implement and pull your chest to the bar/handles, keeping your shoulders packed down, using your feet and legs as little as possible. Extend back to the ground slowly, using your lats to resist gravity.

4. Band-assisted Chin Up: Loop a band around an anchor point and place your knee or foot inside the bottom loop of the band. Assume a hanging position. Brace abs and glutes, pack the shoulders down and pull the chest to the bar, and the elbows to the rib cage. 5. Negative Chin Up: Standing below a pull up bar, jump up and grab the bar in a chin up position. Pack the shoulders and squeeze the lats, very slowly lowering into extension. Take 15-30 seconds to lower.

6. Chin Up: Grab onto a pull up bar in a neutral or underhand grip position. Assume a hanging position. Brace the abs and the glutes and pull your chest to the bar. Lower yourself in a controlled manner back to hanging position. Incline Bench Press: On an incline bench, grab barbell from a racked position, arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower the back down to the chest until elbows at 90 degrees extended from shoulders. Press barbell up by driving elbows toward each other until arms are extended. Slowly lower back down and repeat.

Regression: Dumbbell Incline Press: On an incline bench or stability ball, set dumbbells resting on legs. Kick weights to shoulders and recline back. Place dumbbells at the sides of chest with the DB's over the elbows, elbows at 90 degrees extended from shoulders. Press dumbbells up and push elbows toward each other until arms are extended. Slowly lower back down and repeat. Bent-Over Row Grab a bar at about shoulder-width apart, and push the hips back to lower the chest. Knees should be slightly bent, and abs braces. Contract the upper back muscles to bring the bar up to the chest, squeeze the scapula together, and slowly lower.

Regression: Perform with Dumbbells: Push hips back to lower chest, and keep the abs braced. Knees are slightly bench. Contracting the upper back muscles, bring the weights up to the ribcage, squeeze the scapulae together, and extend back down.

Push Up: start in a high plank position with hands in line or slightly above shoulders. Tighten the abs and glutes, and lower the body toward the ground, elbows flaring out to the sides. Push with the chest to come back up, pressing the elbows toward each other to straighten the arms. Progression: place feet on an elevated surface; perform band resisted push up by looping a resistance band across the back

Regression: Place hands on an elevated surface for an incline push up. The higher the surface, the easier it will make it.

Alternating Hammer Curl : Keep elbows to the side and abs braced as you curl each weight to the shoulder, and bring back into full extension - in a neutral grip.

Farmer’s Carry: Hold two heavy weights in each hand at your sides. Walk 30-40 yds with long, quick strides, keeping the abs engaged and low ribs tucked in.

Progression: carry only one heavy weight and complete on right and then left side, for an offset position.

Dead Bug: In a supine position, press the low back all the way to the ground, and keep it there for the entire duration of the exercise by bracing the abs and pulling the belly button down to the spine. Extend arms up and legs up, knees bent. Extend opposite arm and leg behind and in front of you. Progression: Keep legs straight. Pledge Plank: From a push up position, bring one hand up to the chest, pause, and switch, making sure to keep hips and shoulders square to the ground.

Regression: Bring knees to the ground Progression: lift one leg off of the ground, and half way through, lift the opposite leg.

Battling Ropes: Holding an end of a battling rope in each hand, pump the arms left in right, standing in an athletic stance.

No battling rope option: sprint, or high knees

Plyometric Lunges: In a lunge position, jump up in the air, switching positions of the feet, going into another lunge as you land. Workout B – Lower Body

Sumo Deadlift: Load a barbell on the floor, and assume a wide stance, with toes pointed out at a 45 degree angle. The bar should be touching the shins, or almost touching. Keeping the knees pressed out, grab the bar inside the legs. Brace the abs, pack the shoulders, and drive the heels through the ground to the hips forward.

Regression: use a kettlebell or dumbbell held vertically

Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat: Stand facing away from a bench or chair with one foot extended behind you, top of the foot on the bench. Hold a weight in goblet position. Squat down by flexing the knee and hip of the front leg. Drive through the front heel and squeeze glutes to return to starting position. Regression: Omit weight Progression: Barbell front-loaded RFESS: Assume a front-loaded position with the barbell, with your rear leg on a sturdy, elevated surface. Bend the front knee and sink down with the entire foot pressed into the ground, making sure the knee doesn't go beyond the toe.

Hip Thrust: Place back of shoulders across a sturdy bench or step. With heels pressed into the floor directly under the knees, press the hips up by contracting the glutes. Slowly lower back to the ground and repeat.

Progression 1: Add weight across hips Progression 2: Place heels on elevated surface

Walking Lunges: Stand with your hands either held at your chest or at your sides. Take a large step forward, allowing the front and back legs to bend to 90 degrees. Keep the front heel pressed into the ground, and push through the heel to come back to standing. Take a step with the opposite leg.

Regression: perform a reverse lunge if walking lunges are hard on your knees. Progression 1: Hold dumbbells at your sides: Progression 2: Bring a plate or dumbbell overhead, keeping abs braced and low ribs tucked in.

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: Hold 2 dumbbells in your hands in a standing position, framing one leg. Hinge at the hips and push the hips back and the non working leg behind you. Make sure to squeeze the glute in the non-working leg and keep the hips square to the floor - keeping the extended leg's foot internally rotated. Squeeze the glutes of the working leg and push the hips forward to stand.

Regression: Omit weights; Progression: Increase weight, use a barbell Back Extension: On a back extension implement or a stability ball, brace the abs, and contract the glutes and quads. Push hips forward to extend at the hips while squeezing the glutes and quads.. Slowly return to starting, and repeat.

Progression: Hold a weight across the chest, or loop a band around the bottom of the implement for a band-resisted back extension

Lateral Oblique Hold: Secure your feet under a sturdy object like a bench or a couch on your side with hips and shoulders square forward. Contract the abs to lift your shoulders several inches toward the ceiling and hold. Regression: Lateral Oblique Crunch: Secure your feet under a sturdy object like a bench or a couch on your side with hips and shoulders square forward. Contract the abs to lift your shoulders several inches toward the ceiling. Return to starting and repeat.

Progression: Lateral Oblique Pulse: Grab a small weight and secure your feet under a sturdy object like a bench or a couch on your side with hips and shoulders square forward. Contract the abs to lift your shoulders several inches toward the ceiling. Extend arms and weight in front of you, and bring back to chest, repeating for the determined amount of reps.

Dumbbell Complex: Click on this link to view the dumbbell complex finisher for Workout B Workout C – Full Body

Front Squat Hold a bar in front-loaded positioning, with elbows pointed straight forward, and the bar resting on the shoulders. Feet should be hip to shoulder-width apart, with toes pointing slightly out. Pull the shoulders back, brace the abs, and push hips back and bend the knees to lower into a squat. Press through the heels to drive the hips and knees back into extension and standing.

Regression: Bring a dumbbell to each shoulder, elbows pointing forward, feet hip to shoulder- width apart. Push hips back and bend the knees to descend into a squat. Push into the heels to stand back up.

Progression: Increase weight

Chin Up Progression See above Front-Loaded Reverse Lunge: Hold a barbell in front-loaded position, resting on the shoulders, with elbows pointing straight forward. Take a large step back, flexing the glute of the leg that’s stepping backward. Allow both knees to bend to 90 degrees, and then quickly push back to standing through the front heel.

Regression: Use dumbbells at front squat position, or offset position, with only one weight at the shoulder, stepping back with the opposite leg.

Progression: Increase weight Supine Dumbbell Pull Over Lying on a bench or ground with feet flat on the ground, draw the low back to the bench and bring a dumbbell held in a vertical position with both hands directly over the shoulders. Brace the abs as you extend the arms over head, feeling a stretch in the lats. Use lats to bring weight back over shoulders.

Regression: decrease weight Progression: Increase weight

Overhead Squat: Grab a barbell or 2 dumbbells with a wide grip and bring straight over the shoulders. With feet shoulder-width apart and toes slightly pointed outward, push hips back into a squat, keeping your hands directly over the shoulders the entire time.

Regression: Use a broomstick, dowel, or TRX. Push Up See above

Hip Thrust: See above

Side Plank: Bring elbow directly under shoulder, and hips and shoulders square to the front of you. Hips, shoulders, and legs should form one straight line.

Regression: Bring lower knee to ground

Progression: Lift top leg

Rotation/Anti-Rotation Complex Finisher: See link here. Cardio 2

For your conditioning workout for the next 2 weeks, complete this interval workout.