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Wm` Mabel 14 01111a, Librarian Calilornia Stnta Library Saosaninto 9, Calitottia .1.) DEBATERS SX/1 490if State &liege , _ "r4.14`4,yri1/41 MK , siE WILL DEFEND REP4ACES THIRD PARTY MISS ROOSE Henry Wallace and the Third S artan Dail Mrs. Bill Elam replaced Miss Party will occupy the attention FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE OF UNITED PRESS Josephine Roose at veterans' co- of college orators during debate ordinator without a hitch in op- tryouts this afternoon at 3:30, Entered as second class maittir in the San Jose Post Office. The Press of the Globe Printing Co., San Jose, Calif. erations yesterday. Wilbur Luick, debating coach, re- Volume XXXVI SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1948 Number 114 Miss Roose left Friday to be- ported yesterday. come the bride of Carl G. Arf- The Forensic Squad, the debat- wedson of Redondo Beach April ing team, will uphold the affirma- 15. tive side of the question, "Re- The new veterans' representa- solved, that a third party is de- NOMINATIONS ASB SCHEDULED tive has been working in the of- sirable in American politics" fice she now heads for the last against the University of Califor- year and one-half. She is the wife nia debaters next Monday. The of Bill Elam, varsity right half- debate will be held before the FOR 2 : 3 0 TOMORROW; MELITA back last season. She is a native International Relations club here. of Oregon and attended Oregon Speakers to _represent this State college. school will be chosen after the HALL SUCCEEDS BEVERLY CLAY Veterans' affairs and the Job tryouts. Tryouts will also be held Shop will still be handled in room Thursday afternoon at 1:00. 18. Veterans applying for loans San Jose will uphold the nega- By GEORGE GUNTER will see Miss Virginia .Silver in tive side of the debate in a con- room 34, instead SE TO HOST The Student Council last night PRESIDENT WILL of going to the test with the U. C. team at Berke- Veterans' office as before. ley in the near future. set 2:30 tomorrow afternoon as the time for nominations of the John Caezza, sophomore, Rob- HOME EC GROUP Associated Student Body officers SET PRECEDEN1 ert MacCormick, senior, Paul Two hundred home economics and elected Melita Hall to the of- "The amazing thing about NEW CHAIRMAN Von Hafften, senior, and Paul teachers from the Bay area will fice of senior class representative 'Senior stravaganza' is that it Gormley, sophomore are entering meet at San Jose State college succeeding Beverly Clay. will start on time," announced FOR SENIOR BALL the tryouts. Saturday for a section meeting of Bill Ellsworth, senior class presi- Petitions for the four executive Patsy Young, senior, was ap- the California Home Economics dent. The senior show, slated offices will be accepted in the for pointed chairman of the Senior association. the Morris Dailey April 23, will Business office natil noon tomor- Ball for 1048, announced Class CIO ENDORSES feature a variety of talent. -che House-Furnishing and row. Nominations from the floor President Bill Ellsworth recently. "Students have textiles" will be the subject of will be valid. A813 President "Doc" complained in HAL SEYFERTH the past, and At a meeting today the senior the conference which is under the Arends asked that both the stu- rightly so, about starting time of shows council will appoint a committee Harold H. Seyferth, San Jose direction of Miss Martha E. Tho- dent council and the Student on cam- pus. We seniors plan for aiding the class to select a State college student who is a mas of the San Jose State col- Court be present at the assembly on establish- ing a precedent," gift for the college, Ellsworth candidate for a seat in the State lege Home Economics department in the Morris Dailey auditorium. Ellsworth con- tinued. stated. He added that discussion Legislature from the 29th assem- and Miss Agnes McClelland of Sal Milian and Hank Imsen One of the senior gift and possibly a bly district, yesterday received the University of California. were also on the ballot but failed , of the outstanding things of the decisive vote will take place at the endorsement of the California to receive the necessary number show, according to the The conference is scheduled to president, the regular meeting in senior ori- CIO Council. of votes. Miss Hall took her seat will be the presenta- open at 10:30 a.m. in room Al. tion of entation Thursday at 11:30 a.m. The week-end endorsement con- at the council table and immedi- the Mascot of 1948. Also Miss Lucretia Nelson, associate in ference was attended by 200 dele- ately assumed the duties of her . the show will be professional professor of design at the Univer- and gates from 100 CIO locals. office. collegiate talent. James I. sity of California, will speak on "Tickets are now on sale in the Psych Seminar Daugherty, state di- In a report from G. Hall Lan- rector of the Utility Workers "Changing Concepts of Space and Business office for $1.00 per per- dry, chairman, the WSSF drive! Their Effect on Architecture," son," said Ellsworth. "It will be Series Scheduled Union, was elected council presi- has during and Min Hope M. Gladding, pro- netted $1776 a period strictly first come, first serve, dent to succeed Motris Zusman, A series of three Psychology fessor of decorative art and de- ending at 5 p.m. yesterday. He I with no reserved seats." who resigned. department seminar meetings has sign at the University of Califor- told the council that the College I Twelve numbers are scheduled been arranged nia, will discuss "The American of Pacific had collected $2400 in for this quarter, I for the program which will last announces Heritage in Interiors and Tex- their drive. Dr. Burton Henry, approximately two hours. Emcee chairman of the Pan-American Day tiles." Hal Riddle proposed that 12 program corh- for the show will be Ellsworth. mittee. The meetings members of the student council will be held Exhibited will be old and new Serving on the auditioning on April 20, May Exhibit in Library attend the 4, and May 18. textiles in arrangement with home National Student As- board which selected the array of Students walking down sociation regionat convention This quarter, for the li- furnishings of various types. at stars were Bill McFarland, Ethel the first time, brary hall this week will find an UCLA April 24 and 25 and that Dodge, Dick Morton, and Ells- upper division psychology majors exhibit placed there to draw their Luncheon will be held in the their expenses be paid. This was worth. The board went to San and minors will be in attendance attention to Pan-American Day. college cafeteria at 12:30 p.m. voted upon and passed. The pur- Francisco where they heard many at the seminars. Formerly the Mexico, El Salvadore, Colombia, under the direction of Mrs. Fern pose of the trip is to further ac- stars from the bay area. The final meetings were attended only by Guatemala, Puerto Rico and Pan- G. Wendt. quaint them with the aims and selections were made this week. members of the Psychology de- ama are all represented in the policies of the NSA. partment faculty. display. These articles are shown No decision was made concern- "The purpose of the seminars," in such a way that it is easily ap- Journalism Prof ing the combining of Revelries SWIM SHOW CAST states Dr. Henry, "is to arouse are used for. parent what they with Spardi Grasthe matter will intellectual curiosity and discus- the more interesting Charles V. Kappen will take up Dress rehearsal tonight begin- Some of be taken up at a later date. sion of important matters in the from Pan- his duties as assistant professor ning at 8:30. Promptnexm is urg- exhibits are a costume Harry Plett, social affairs chair- field of psychology." of journalism next fall, according ed. ama called a "Montuno Pane- man, reported that the constitu- to Mr. Dwight Bentel, Journal- Dr. Joseph Cooper will lead the meno"; a handkerchief made from tion revision of that organization ism department head. discussion in the April 20 meet- cactus fiber; also there are two was not ready to be submitted to ing. His topic will be in the field wedding chains from Guatemala, Kappen, who is at present the council. Movies Sold Out of learning. and a machete from El Salvadore. teaching journalism at the Uni- The May 4 meeting The Alpha Omicron Pi constitu- The will be under Roberta Held, Eade Jordan and versity of Tulsa, and who has Wednesday night movie the leadership of tion was prese'nted and accepted. club series is sold out Dr. Ruth Tiedeman, who Josephine Mayayo put up the ex- taught journalism at the Univer- and no more will re- In a letter from the Student membership cards are port on her work in teach-stu- hibit while Hugo Molina, Ada sity of Oklahoma, has an impres- available, Union Board, it was recommend- the Speech arid Drama dent understanding. Dr. Tiede- Vera, Gloria VMasenor, Milo sive newspaper record. He was depart- ed that the student body vote up- ment reported man is on of the leaders in this Minssen, Mary Garey, Miss Clara sports editor of the Fayetteville yesterday. on the issue of smoking in the "The Wind," featuring field in the states of Arkansas Ilinze, and Roberta Held lend the (Ark.) Daily Leader and acting Lillian Student Union offices and lounge. Gish, will be presented and Maryland. Midby Roberts, articles which are on display.