256 Ahmadiyya, 99, 100, 106N11 Aksi Bela
Index Note: Page numbers followed by “n” refer to endnotes. A April 2018 Indonesian Peoples Act of Killing, The (2012), 256 Movement Congress (KGRI), Ahmadiyya, 99, 100, 106n11 18, 19 Aksi Bela Islam, 93, 94, 101–3, 106n10 armed civilian group, 218 Alatas, Ali, 201, 206 armed criminal group, 218 Ali, Marzuki, 188 Article 15, election of the governor, aliran, 30 172 Alius, Suhardi, 94 Article 16, election of regents and Amany, Tsamara, 139 mayors, 172–173 Amien Rais, 8, 35 Article 18, Paragraph (4) of 1945 Amien Rais–Siswono Yudo Husodo Constitution, 173–74 (PAN), 35 Article 22 of the constitution, 90 Amnesty International Indonesia Article 28E of the constitution, 90 (AII), 223, 224, 226–27 Article 28I of the constitution, 90 Amrozi, 103 Article 29 of the constitution, 90 “Anatomy of Papuan Separatists”, Article 214 of Law No. 10/2008, 31 228 Asas Tunggal, 87, 105n6 Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Asian financial crisis, 1997, 3 Daerah (APBD), 187 Asmat health crisis, 216 Ansor Youth Movement, 251 Association for Elections and anti-Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, 102 Democracy, 162n6 anti-blasphemy law, 95, 100 asymmetrical decentralization, 151 Anti Corruption Commission, 38 Awom, Herman, 230 anti-dictatorship movement, 2, 3, 6 Azhar, Antasari, 188 anti-LGBT statement, 251 arrest of, 188, 192n16 anti-Pancasila, 102 anti-politics, 129, 142 B anti-regime resistance, 240–44 Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Anti-terrorism Assistance Program, Terorisme (BNPT), 17 205 Badan Urusan Logistik (Bulog), 184 263 12 ch12-Cont&Chg AfterInoReform-Index-1P.indd 263 12/3/19 11:17 am 264 Index Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), legacy of 1999–2013, 149–52 180, 184, 185 local entrepreneurs, 157–59 bad Muslims, 92 political space for initiatives, Bakrie, Aburizal, 52, 65 159–61 Banjarsari PKL, relocation, 119 provinces establishment, 162n2 Bank Umum Koperasi Indonesia restructuring, 152 (Bukopin), 184 structuring, 149 Bantuan Pendidikan Masyarakat transformation, 149 Kota Surakarta (BPMKS), 118 Chosiyah, Ratu Atut, 179 Bantuan Sosial, Bansos, 180–81 Cicak (Gecko) vs.
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