Jurnal AFKARUNA Vol. 16 No. 1 Juni 2020 The Da’i (Muslim Preachers) And So- cial Change Challenges: A Study Of Da’i Professionalism In Dumai, Riau DOI 10.18196/AIIJIS.2020.0113.58-81 TONI HARTONO1, MASDUKI2, IMRON ROSIDI3, PIPIR ROMADI4 Faculty of Da’wah and Communication,UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau1,2,3,4 Correspondence Email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT The development of information technology is one of the causes of social changes that occur and currently shows the complexity of the problems faced by people and preachers. This requires professional preachers to be able to become agents of change. This was then re- sponded to by the PMD in Dumai. This article examines the preacher’s professionalism in the dynamics of social change in the Dumai Muballigh (Muslim Preacher Association/ PMD). This study does not focus on whether the efforts done by the PMD to improve the professionalism of Muslim preachers in Dumai are successful or not. This article focuses on efforts done by the PMD to improve their professionalism. In preaching, the development of preaching resources is emphasized in various aspects such as material, mental, skills, knowledge, and psychic. This article used observation and interviews to collect data. The results showed that the effort to create professional preachers in the PMD is doing human resource development through mudhakarah (discussion on Islamic Issues) and preaching guidance to strengthen science and skills, training and use of IT (Information Technology) as a form of transformation, conducting preaching certification as an effort to assess and qualify the quality of preachers’ abilities, improving education levels through further education cooperation agreements among preachers and companies, universities and government, and the development of contemporary preaching material through the study of books, and hadith.