Reflections on China. Volume I. 1962

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Reflections on China. Volume I. 1962 The electronic version of the book is created by ************************ ENVER HOXHA FIRST SECRETARY OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE PARTY OF LABOUR OF ALBANIA «Reflections on China» consists of ex• cerpts from the Political Diary of Comrade Enver Hoxha. The notes included in this volume belong to the period 1962-1972. This volume and a second one, which extends to December 1977, were first pub• lished and distributed within the Party in January 1978. Now these two volumes are made available to the public in Albanian and foreign languages. In these notes the zigzags of the Chi• nese leadership, its revisionist, anti-social• ist and anti-Albanian course, are revealed. From these notes and others which may be published later, the reader will be able to see the analysis the PLA has made and the principled stands it has taken in de• fence of Marxism-Leninism. ENVER HOXHA REFLECTIONS ON CHINA I 1962 — 1972 EXTRACTS FROM THE POLITICAL DIARY TIRANA, 1979 THE INSTITUTE OF MARXIST-LENINIST STUDIES AT THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE PARTY OF LABOUR OF ALBANIA Original title SHËNIME PËR KINËN THE «8 NËNTORI» PUBLISHING HOUSE FOREWORD In the first two volumes of «Reflections on China» opinions have been expressed on and assessments made of the various stands and actions of the Chinese leadership from the beginning of 1962 to December 1977, proceeding from the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism which the Party of Labour of Albania consistently applies. These opinions and assessments are based on facts and events of which we have been informed by the Chinese and foreign press, by the Albanian Embassy in Peking and on rare occasions, officially, by the Chinese leaders themselves. Since the Chinese leaders have not informed us even of the most important problems of the situation in China and the activity of their party, the facts at our disposal have been incomplete and inadequate, and we have had to make suppositions from which to draw conclusions and express our opinions on the Chinese policy as well as on the consequences of this policy, which has always been characterized by vacillations and opportunism. Our assessments of the various stands and actions of the Chinese leaders, written in the form of a diary, have been made day to day, at the time they occurred or when we learned of them. The reader should keep this fact in mind in order to properly understand the process by which the Chinese line became known to us, as well as the dialectic of the Marxist-Leninist stands of the Party of Labour of Albania. Loyal to the principles of proletarian internationalism, 3 the Party of Labour of Albania has defended the Com• munist Party of China and the People's Republic of China both when the Khrushchevite, Titoite and other modern revisionists attacked them, and during the Cultural Revolution, when the Chinese ultra-revisionists, headed by Liu Shao-chi and Teng Hsiao-ping, posed a serious threat to the CP of China and Mao Tsetung. At the same time, our Party has followed with concern the anti- Marxist stands and actions taken by the Chinese leaders on many occasions, and to the extent that was realistically possible, has expressed critical opinions about what was going on in China. It has also expressed these opinions at the proper time to the Chinese leadership in the hope that it would put itself on the right course. This hope is reflected in the notes included in these two volumes. Unfortunately, however, revisionism in China grew stead• ily stronger day by day. At its 7th Congress and at the 2nd and 3rd Plenums of the CC, the Party of Labour of Albania made a thorough analysis of the anti-Marxist stand and counterrevolution• ary actions of the Chinese revisionist leadership, without excluding Mao's responsibility for the situation created. These notes may assist the communists, cadres and other readers to supplement their knowledge of the course of development of Chinese revisionism and the struggle of the PLA against it. The Author May 1979 4 1962 TUESDAY APRIL 3, 1962 THE REVOLUTIONARY COMMUNISTS EXPECT CHINA TO COME OUT OPENLY AGAINST KHRUSHCHEVITE REVISIONISM The revolutionary communists in all the communist and workers' parties of the world expect the Communist Party of China to take an open and direct stand condemning Khrushchevite revisionism which is spreading and causing damage and which has encountered only one open oppo• nent: the Party of Labour of Albania. They are all in soli• darity with, and support the correct line of our Party, admire its courage, but quite correctly expect the Com• munist Party of China to come out openly. The tactic of the ideological struggle which China is following against the Khrushchevites does not encourage the revolutionary elements, while it gives the waverers the pretext to say: «See, China is not moving openly for the sake of unity, we should not move either, for otherwise we would split, and that is not good». And this at a time when the revi• sionists, on their part, are acting openly and covertly, attacking, slandering, etc. This is an important problem, but up to now, the Chinese have not had any contact at all with us to discuss these things. Were our enemies to know that between us there is no consultation at all about the fight against the modern revisionists, they would be astonished. They would never believe it. But that is how things stand. 7 THURSDAY APRIL 5, 1962 TIME IS WORKING FOR US, BUT TIME GOES VERY SLOWLY FOR THE CHINESE The tactic followed by the Communist Party of China against Khrushchevite revisionism, in my opinion, is not completely correct. It seems to me that, regardless of any consideration (as for instance, China's economic and mili• tary potential inferior to that of the Soviet Union, its temporary economic difficulties, the difficult situation created by American imperialism, the eventual accusations that may be made and in fact are being made about «Chinese great-state chauvinism», or about the Chinese being «the splitters of the communist movement», etc.), the Communist Party of China must maintain an open militant stand in defence of Marxism-Leninism. When you see that the disease is grave, that the enemies are not only incorrigible but also actively organizing, slander• ing, attacking and fighting, it is neither revolutionary nor right to keep silent for the alleged purpose of preserving the rotten unity of the communist movement, or the socialist camp. Khrushchev cannot mend his ways any more than Tito; where Tito went, Khrushchev will go, or has already gone. You call Tito traitor, and for «tactical» reasons you call Khrushchev «comrade». Time is working for us, but we must help it flow in a revolutionary way. It seems to me that, for the Chinese time goes very slowly. 8 FRIDAY APRIL 6, 1962 THE CHINESE ARE GIVING KHRUSHCHEV A HAND The Chinese ambassador came to transmit to me a message from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania which, in substance, says: The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is of the opinion that a meeting should be held with the Soviets on the basis of the proposals of the parties of Indonesia, Vietnam and New Zealand, in order to iron out differences and strengthen the unity of the socialist camp. We must take the initiative, say the Chinese comrades, and uphold the banner of unity. They add that the conditions we have laid down for this meeting are understandable to the Chinese, but will not be accepted by the other parties, therefore, for its part, the Communist Party of China lays down no preconditions. It proposes that we exchange party delegations to discuss the issue. We shall reply to them. We accept the exchange of delegations with the Communist Party of China, but we will not alter our stand in the least in regard to the pro• posed meeting with the Soviet revisionists. This is a wrong course the Chinese comrades are trying to lead us on to, it is an opportunist road of vacillat• ions and concessions to the Khrushchev traitor group which finds itself in grave difficulties, and is intriguing in order to escape defeat. The Chinese comrades are giving it a hand to pull it out of the mire, giving it the possibility to streng• then its positions and go on the attack again. 9 TUESDAY APRIL 10, 1962 WHY ALL THESE WAVERINGS TOWARDS THE SOVIET REVISIONISTS? Apparently, the talk I had on April 6 with the ambas• sador Lo Shi-gao has obliged the Chinese comrades to hand our ambassador copies of the letters exchanged between the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Communist Party of China. The content of these letters is new to us, because the Chinese comrades said not a word about this correspondence in the message they handed us. My talk caused the revelation of this corres• pondence which, it seems, the Chinese comrades did not intend to disclose to us. This is the beginning of an incorrect stand towards us, since we are referred to in these letters. It would have been considered correct for the Communist Party of China, before replying to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, to have informed us about the content of the letter it would send to that party, and possibly to have sought our opinion, too (since we were referred to). Then, whether or not our opinion was taken into consideration, is another question.
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