
Council Clerk to Parish Council: Mrs. Sally Maynard, Marles Farm, Awliscombe, , , EX14 3PJ Tel: 07810 442355 email: [email protected]


1. PRESENT: Cllrs. S. Snell (Chairman), L. White, S. Kastner, S. Loud, County Councillor M. Shaw, District Councillor G. Godbeer, S. Maynard (Clerk).

APOLOGIES: There were none.

2. REPORT FROM COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS: Cllr Shaw reported that a meeting had been arranged in the Beehive, Honiton on January 18th for the Honiton Health Matters. This is to discuss the future of health and well-being of local residents. A budget of £47,000 has been set to cover road and pot-hole repairs for the coming financial year (2018/19) but this is to cover 9 . District Cllr Godbeer reported that there will be a rise in the Council Tax for EDDC which will equate to approximately £5 per household per year based on Band D property. The figures for the recycling over the Christmas period increased to over 400 tonnes and we are one of the top districts in the country. The Chinese have stopped taking plastic but there is now a new plant at Greendale which will be able to take this. The Council offices are going up in Honiton to open at the beginning of 2019. offices are now open to cover the housing situation. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: There were none.

4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the last parish council meeting held on 14th November 2017 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

5. CORRESPONDENCE: There were none.

6. HIGHWAYS: Following on from the meeting with Stephen Kelly the Chairman said that no further correspondence had been received from him regarding the work that needed to be carried out. The Clerk to chase up.

7. PARISHES TOGETHER FUND UPDATE: As the next deadline for the funding was going to be the beginning of February the use of the money was discussed. A new noticeboard outside the church was discussed but would cost in the region of £450 and was not in desperate need of repair. The defibrillator was discussed and it was agreed by all members present that this would be a good use of the money. The Clerk reported that another parish would need to be asked to join and she would contact and for help.

8. COMMUNITY LAND TRUST UPDATE: Richard thanked the Council for the £60 cheque that went towards administration fees and that things were ticking along for the development in Northleigh.

9. DEFIBRILLATOR UPDATE: This had been discussed in agenda item 7 as the council had suggested to try and use the Parishes Together Fund money to put towards it. Cllr Loud suggested that if this was not possible that other groups and clubs in the village could be approached to fund raise for this.

Farway Parish Council Clerk to Parish Council: Mrs. Sally Maynard, Marles Farm, Awliscombe, Honiton, Devon, EX14 3PJ Tel: 07810 442355 email: [email protected]

10. FINANCIAL REPORT – To discuss and set Precept. It was proposed by Cllr Loud to keep the Precept at £2,000 for the 2018/19 financial year. This was seconded by Cllr Kastner-Walmsley. All in favour. 11. PLANNING APPLICATION: 17/2825/FUL – Mr H. Bricknell, 5, Valley View, Farway -Erection of garage to the side and conservatory to front elevation. – Council Support b) 17/2715/FUL - Mr & Mrs Graham and Sue Gough and Medder, The Pavillions, Farway - Replacement dwelling and new garage – Council Support.

12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Tuesday 13th March 2018 in Netherton Club Rooms of Farway Village Hall.

Signed: ………………………………………………….. Dated:……………………………