
2 1 and many public, have become incidents calls. close numerous have been there that shown has research Historic simple. too is that areasoning may be future in the happen not will past in the happened not has what that Yet, assuming simply accident. by occurred explosion any has nuclear once Not explosions). for test (except detonation weapon any nuclear with confronted been never has world in 1945 the and of bombings nuclear the Since 1 Report, April 2014. April Report, policy for options and use nuclear Aghlani, and Pelopidas Sasan Williams, Benoît Heather Lewis, Patricia York 2013; New Books, Penguin safety of illusion the and Incident, Damascus . Nuclear , the Schlosser, Eric 1993; Princeton Press, University and weapons nuclear accidents, D. Sagan, Scott 2018. April Alert, Clingendael 11 options use: policy weapons nuclear of risks Meer, der van Sico as: published For detailed overviews of past incidents, see: see: incidents, past of overviews detailed For earlier was publication this of summary A 2-page states to further reduce the risks of nuclear weapons being used. being weapons of nuclear risks the reduce further to states weapon the nuclear by any of be implemented might which identified are options accident. by or purpose –on used being from them prevent to made be should efforts exist, weapons nuclear as long As 2 Many examples of weapon of nuclear examples Many A menu of 11 policy options risks weapons nuclear Reducing JUNE 2018 Too close for comfort. Cases of near near of Cases comfort. for Too close The limits of safety. Organizations, Organizations, safety. of limits The , Princeton , Princeton , Chatham House House , Chatham Reducing the In this publication eleven categories of policy of policy categories eleven publication In this , , possibilities of such risk-reduction options. of risk-reduction such possibilities the reviewing worth is it states), weapon nuclear short: (in weapons nuclear possessing ninein many states of the rhetoric political and spending, communications, strategic in weapons of nuclear status in the increase recent the Considering accident. by or purpose –on anuclear prevent to measures to given was War thought much Cold the during Especially used. being from them prevent to made be should efforts exist, weapons nuclear as long As – – – distinguished: be can risks weapons of nuclear categories three purposes, analytical For publicly. known not supposedly are more

misunderstandings or misperceptions). or misunderstandings information, upon incorrect based be to appears later which use (authorized assumptions incorrect on based use Intended error); atechnical to due or accident by example, (for use Unintended authorization); official without weapon a nuclear using (someone use Unauthorized 1

Sico van der Meer Policy Brief Clingendael Policy Brief

This publication will not offer an overview practices’, including safety violations and of all options that have been previously misconduct, play a role in such incidents.3 proposed, yet it aims to identify some of The continuous training of all those who are the most practical and relevant options that involved in nuclear weapons’ infrastructure, might be implemented by any of the nuclear within the scientific, military and political weapon states. Simply structuring the most realm, is therefore a crucial element in appropriate options that are available may risk reduction, especially with regard to be helpful in shaping any dialogue or policy preventing the unintended use of nuclear discussion on nuclear weapon risk reduction weapons.4 and may function as a starting point for more detailed explorations. Such explorations Although one may argue that such training alone may already be considered as is already common in all nuclear weapon a confidence-building measure between states, the many examples of dangerous nuclear weapon states. incidents in the (recent) past show that one can never receive enough training. The menu of choice offered here consists Training could include, for example, safety of 11 categories of policy options. To procedures, cyber hygiene, as well as summarize, those options are: Training; stress testing and simulation exercises Transparency; Communication; De-targeting; with far-fetched scenarios in which various Increasing the security of launching systems; complications need to be taken into account De-alerting; Increasing decision time; Raising at the same time in nuclear weapon decision- the threshold for use; Eliminating certain making. Training based on past failures and types; Limiting numbers and locations; incidents may be helpful and may prevent and . similar mishaps.

The order of this (non-exhaustive) overview Joint training programmes in which people of potential policy options is not static. from various nuclear weapon states Although the list starts with the seemingly cooperate and share experiences and ‘best least fundamental step and ends with the practices’, for example on how to prevent most complicated option, parallel and miscommunications and misperceptions, synchronised steps are certainly possible. could be worthwhile as well. Moreover, some Some of the options may already be (partly) transparency concerning training procedures implemented by various nuclear weapon may function as a confidence-building states, but to what extent is often unknown. measure in which nuclear weapon states The report will finish with a brief exploration show that they take this issue seriously.5 of the venues that could be used to discuss and implement any of the risk reduction policies identified here. 2. Increased transparency

While any information related to nuclear 1. Training for nuclear weapons is generally highly confidential, emergencies increasing transparency concerning some

The risk reduction policy that may be the least complicated to implement is increasing 3 Lewis etc., Too close for comfort, 29. attention and transparency regarding the 4 Albert Carnesale, Joseph S. Nye Jr., and Graham T. training of personnel involved in nuclear Allison, ‘An agenda for action’, in: Graham T. Allison, weapons’ infrastructure. A key factor in Albert Carnesale, and Joseph S. Nye Jr. (eds.), almost all known nuclear weapon incidents Hawks, doves, and owls. An agenda for avoiding nuclear war, W.W. Norton, New York & is the people who are involved. From 1985, 237. technicians and operators to military and 5 Beyza Unal and Patricia Lewis, Cybersecurity of political decision-makers: at any moment nuclear weapons systems. Threats, vulnerabilities they could be involved in causing or and consequences, Chatham House Research preventing such incidents. Regularly, ‘sloppy Paper, January 2018, 5-9 & 21.

2 Clingendael Policy Brief

issues would be helpful in reducing the risks Increased transparency concerning issues of any (unintended) use. which are not directly related to nuclear weapons, but could influence decisions First of all, increased transparency regarding regarding their use, could also be effective nuclear capabilities, doctrines, postures in reducing the risk of (pre-emptive) nuclear and other related policies is a viable risk- attacks as a consequence of miscalculations reducing policy option. In this way, the or misperceptions. An important step in predictability of the use of nuclear weapons this regard could be increased information could be increased to some extent, in turn exchange on military exercises, which in the decreasing the risk of misperceptions, past sometimes resulted in concerns and misunderstandings, and miscommunications alarm with the use of nuclear weapons being (especially in times of crisis and stress). seriously considered as a consequence.8 Although some nuclear weapon states prefer a certain level of opacity to increase the deterrent effect of their nuclear weapons, 3. Improving communications changes in the balance between deterrence and risk reduction might be possible.6 One of the main risks with regard to the potential use of nuclear weapons is Second, but possibly less feasible, is more intended use based on miscommunications. transparency on past nuclear weapon Such miscommunications could create incidents. Increased openness about such misperceptions among decision-makers incidents, as well as about the prevention of who could then act based on incorrect actual because of these incidents, assumptions. Clear, unambiguous lines of could be useful in learning from and sharing communication on several levels can prevent lessons on what could possibly go wrong reliance on incorrect information, especially and how to prevent such incidents. Nuclear (but not only) in times of tension, stress and weapon states are generally not very willing chaos. As long as there will be a shared to make such incidents public because they understanding of the reality of any (crisis) are bad publicity and could provide insights situation among (potential) adversaries, into their secret procedures. Nevertheless, the risk of the inadvertent use of nuclear venues and procedures could be explored to weapons will decrease.9 share the lessons learned between nuclear weapon states, preferably in the form of comprehensive accounts of such incidents and their follow-up actions without making public any technical details which could be misused by potential adversaries.7 8 Daniel Frei and Christian Catrina, Risks of unintentional nuclear war, UNIDIR, Geneva 1982, 177; Lewis etc., Too close for comfort, 29; Nate Jones, . The secret history of the NATO exercise that almost triggered nuclear war, The New Press, London & New York, 2016. 9 Frei & Catrina, Risks of unintentional nuclear war, 6 Bruce Blair, Victor Esin, Matthew McKinzie, Valery 198-199; David Krieger, Preventing accidental Yarynich and Pavel Zolotarev, ‘Smaller and safer. nuclear war, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Santa A new plan for nuclear postures’, Foreign Affairs, Barbara 1984, 12; Zafar Nawaz Jaspal, Nuclear Vol. 89, No. 5, September/October 2010, 9-16; John risk reduction measures and regime in Borrie, Tim Caughley and Wilfred Wan, ‘Reducing South , Regional Centre for Strategic Studies, nuclear weapons risks’, in: John Borrie, Tim Colombo, 2004, 85; Tughral Yamin, ‘Nuclear Caughley, and Wilfred Wan (eds.), Understanding Risk Reduction (NRR) in ’, Journal of nuclear weapons risks, UNIDIR Resources, 2017, Contemporary Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2, Winter 2012, 101; Lewis etc., Too close for comfort, 29. 87; Borrie etc., ‘Reducing nuclear weapons risks’, 7 Stewart Britten, The invisible event. An assessment 96; John Gower, The dangerous illogic of twenty- of the risk of accidental or unauthorised detonation first-century deterrence through planning for nuclear of nuclear weapons and of war by miscalculation, warfighting, Carnegie Endowment for International Menard Press, London 1983, 43. Peace, 6 March 2018, 3-4.

3 Clingendael Policy Brief

More than ever before, technical weapon states as possible participate, possibilities nowadays exist to manipulate particularly focussing on this kind of communications, for example using cyber information sharing. More far-fetched, but tools to disturb communication channels or not impossible, is establishing joint early creating and spreading fake information on warning centres in which potential (nuclear) several decision-making levels – also making missile launches are monitored globally. use of media or social media to influence With from several nuclear weapon public and political opinions. Methods that states cooperating in the same centre, could affect decision-making processes communication lines would be short if regarding the launching of nuclear weapons unexpected events were to occur.11 could include data manipulation, the cyber jamming of communication channels, or even cyber spoofing (changing information 4. De-targeting in digital systems). Such technological possibilities make reliable, direct Little public knowledge is available about communication lines even more important.10 the potential predefined targeting of nuclear weapons in the nine nuclear weapon states. The establishment of swift and reliable If a nuclear missile is accidentally launched, direct communication links between nuclear will it automatically hit its predefined target, weapon states could also be beneficial in which may well be a densely populated the case of (probable) errors in warning area? After the end of the two of systems signalling incoming missiles, or in the nuclear weapon states, and the the ultimate case of any accidental launch , mutually agreed to change the of a nuclear missile. Both incidents could default targeting of their nuclear weapons be misinterpreted as the start of nuclear to open-ocean targets. This was done as warfare; quick communications to clarify a confidence-building measure, and is not the actual situation may at least prevent an being verified, yet it is an important signal escalation into a fully-fledged nuclear war. that predefined targets cannot be too easily destroyed by accident.12 The other nuclear Various, but not all, nuclear weapon weapon states could implement a similar states have already established special policy – or make it public if it has already communication channels between been implemented. Such a policy will their leaderships (often called ‘hot particularly limit the consequences of any lines’). Increasing the number of such unintended use. communication links could be encouraged. Additionally, agreements not to manipulate De-targeting will also increase the decision or interfere with such communication time for using nuclear weapons; although mechanisms are conceivable as well. one may assume that retargeting to another target will take only a few minutes, any Next to improved (emergency) communi­ additional minute during which decision- cation possibilities between nuclear weapon makers can weigh all the information that states, increased threat and intelligence they have can be crucial in preventing sharing regarding the risks of nuclear the use of nuclear weapons because of weapons may be helpful – for example, miscommunications, misperceptions or sharing information on non-state actors misunderstandings (see also Category 7 trying to interfere with digital infrastructure on increasing decision time). In this related to nuclear weapons command and way, de-targeting may also limit the risk control systems. A possibility would be to of intended use because of incorrect establish a framework, such as a technical assumptions. working group in which as many nuclear

10 Unal & Lewis, Cybersecurity of nuclear weapons 11 Bruce Blair etc., ‘Smaller and safer’, 16. systems, 3-4; Gower, The dangerous illogic, 4-6. 12 Lewis etc., Too close for comfort, 28.

4 Clingendael Policy Brief

5. Increasing the security of the cyber domain are very rapid and the launching systems often-heard argument that the infrastructure related to nuclear weapons is not connected to any external networks can no longer Launching systems for nuclear weapons be sufficient; even the most ‘air-gapped’ are generally complex and consist of facilities have proven to be vulnerable to various sub-systems. Simplified, they involve cyber-attacks – think of the Stuxnet virus tightly coupled warning, communications, damaging the highly securitized and command and control systems. enrichment programme of .15 In this These complex systems can be susceptible context, nuclear weapon states may also to technical errors, human errors and consider implementing guarantees, as a manipulation. confidence-building measure, that they will not try to execute cyber-attacks against the Various technical options are available nuclear missile launching systems of their to prevent unintended use because of adversaries. failing (components of) launching systems. An important risk reduction measure is Another risk reduction measure regarding including redundancies in these systems. launching systems is the inclusion of Redundancy measures ensure that if any mechanisms to destroy accidently launched component fails, the system would continue nuclear missiles before they hit their target.16 to function through back-up components. As far as is known, none of the nuclear This means that launching will always be weapon states has implemented such a possible, but halting a launching procedure mechanism, probably because they that has already commenced will also that such mechanisms may be vulnerable to be possible. An important redundancy (cyber) manipulation by adversaries, which measure is the inclusion of a combination could ultimately make (the deterrent effect of digital and analogue command and of) their nuclear weapons useless. Yet, with control mechanisms, so that problems in the sufficient security measures having been cyber domain can be circumvented via the implemented, such tools could be able to analogue option.13 limit the eventual consequences of a nuclear missile that has been accidentally launched. Launching systems should always include human decision factors next to automated Last but not least, increased transparency systems as well. Even though it is regularly concerning security measures related to claimed that automated systems make fewer nuclear missile launching systems can errors than humans, past nuclear weapons be thought of. It may be the case that incidents show that human judgment is many of these options have already been vital in decision-making. Only humans can implemented by nuclear weapon states, incorporate ethics, doubt as to the accuracy but in most of these states the lack of of certain information, and disregard transparency (often because of security inappropriate orders from hierarchical concerns) prevents any public knowledge superiors.14 about such measures. For both nuclear and non-nuclear weapon states it is Increased attention being given to the currently only possible to merely hope cyber security of launching systems is also that all launching systems in the nuclear required. Technological developments in weapon states are safe, while a little more transparency – within the limits of military

13 Unal & Lewis, Cybersecurity of nuclear weapons systems, 21. 15 Kim Zetter, Countdown to Zero Day. Stuxnet and 14 Alan Borning, ‘Computer System Reliability and the launch of the world’s first digital weapon, Nuclear War’, Communications of the Association Crown Publishers, New York 2014; Borrie etc., for Computing Machinery, Vol. 30 No. 2, February ‘Reducing nuclear weapons risks’, 99; Unal & Lewis, 1987, 112-131; Unal & Lewis, Cybersecurity of Cybersecurity of nuclear weapons systems. nuclear weapons systems, 5-9. 16 Sagan, The limits of safety, 276-277.

5 Clingendael Policy Brief

confidentiality – could provide them with More transparency by all nuclear weapon a higher level of assurance in this regard. states concerning their alert status and the accessory risk mitigation measures is important as well, because information 6. De-alerting regarding this topic is currently scarce and generally lacks any official confirmation.18 Some nuclear weapon states are presumed to keep some of their nuclear weapons on high alert, ready to be launched within 7. Increasing decision time a few minutes. This high-alert status – often called ‘hair-trigger alert’ or ‘launch on As was stated above, the more time warning’ status – is considered to allow decision-makers have to ensure any nuclear missiles to be launched very quickly perceived need to launch nuclear weapons after receiving a warning of an incoming in times of stress and (potential) emergency, nuclear attack, and before the attacking the less risk there is of decisions being based missiles will hit their targets.17 The decision on misinformation, miscommunication and time in the case of a warning of incoming misperceptions. missiles is so short that misperceptions because of technical failures, human Some policy options that could increase errors, miscommunication, etc., may occur decision time were already identified above: more easily and there is less time to check de-targeting and de-alerting have such information and to adjust any misperceptions. an effect to some extent. Yet, increasing Moreover, the (cyber) manipulation of decision time for nuclear weapon use could automated warning systems coupled to be considered more broadly. Nuclear weapon the launching systems of these high-alert states could ensure that there is enough weapons may create more serious problems time for consideration in their launching compared to those of nuclear weapons procedures in – and be transparent which are not on high alert. on this point.

To reduce the risk of the unintended use An option to build in more time is, for of nuclear weapons, or of intended use example, to remove warheads from missiles based upon incorrect information, any state and to store them separately, and/or to with nuclear weapons on high alert could store nuclear payloads in isolation from adjust this status, if deemed necessary detonation devices. Along the same lines through a phased approach. Adjusting the are measures like de-activating mechanisms alert status is meant to increase the time that automatically open missile silo covers in which decision-makers have to digest or adding safety switches on missile silos. incoming information on which they have to Also possible is a policy measure to move base a decision to launch or not to launch with nuclear weapons far any nuclear weapon (see also Category 7). enough away from any adversaries’ coasts Although the alert status of nuclear weapons to increase the amount of time between any will be almost impossible to verify, adjusting launch of these missiles and the moment it will be at least a confidence-building they would arrive at their targets, so there is measure.

18 Pavel Podvig, Reducing the risk of accidental launch. Time for a new approach?, PONARS Policy Memo, No. 328, February 2005; Anthony M. Barrett, Seth D. 17 Hans M. Kristensen and Matthew McKinzie, Baum and Kelly Hostetler, ‘Analyzing and reducing ‘De-alerting nuclear forces’, Bulletin of the Atomic the risks of inadvertent nuclear war between Scientists, 19 June 2013; Lewis etc., Too close the United States and Russia’, Science & Global for comfort, 28; Union of Concerned Scientists, Security, Vol. 21, 2013, 127; Lewis etc., Too close Reducing the Risk of Nuclear War. Taking Nuclear for comfort, 28; Union of Concerned Scientists, Weapons Off High Alert, UCS Report, 2016, 1-3. Reducing the Risk of Nuclear War, 1-3.

6 Clingendael Policy Brief

plenty of time to communicate in the case of line between nuclear and conventional unintended launches.19 warfighting should be very clear. In this regard, one could also think of ‘’ All these policy options are intended to policies and negative security assurances, add more activities to the actual launching posturing that nuclear weapons will not be procedures of nuclear missiles, and thus to used against non-nuclear weapon states add more decision moments and more time and/or as a response to non-nuclear attacks. for decision-makers to demonstrate prudent Currently, only two of the nine nuclear judgment, to resolve potential misperceptions weapon states ( and ) have and to receive all vital pieces of information publicly declared that they have a ‘No First relating to the perceived need to launch Use’ policy. Of course, the transparency of missiles. Although one could question the doctrines and postures is important in this credibility of such policies, since verification respect as well.21 Next to unilateral No-First- seems to be almost impossible, considering Use declarations, one could even think of them at least as confidence-building establishing a multilateral No-First-Use measures is already a useful step. Treaty. 22

Raising the nuclear threshold in doctrines 8. Raising the threshold for use and postures may to some extent be perceived as a symbolic measure, because it An important risk reduction measure is cannot be verified whether decision-makers keeping the threshold for the intended use will actually behave like their (published) of nuclear weapons as high as possible. policy documents postulate. Nevertheless, Especially since some nuclear weapon states it can again be considered as an important currently seem to be moving in the direction confidence-building measure. of accepting so-called ‘limited nuclear warfighting’ as a realistic military option and are planning to (re)introduce sub-strategic 9. Eliminating certain types nuclear weapon capabilities, the threshold actually appears to be lowering. The lower Closely related to raising the nuclear the (perceived) threshold, the more likely it threshold is the elimination of nuclear is that the use of nuclear weapons will be weapon types which by their nature lower seriously considered.20 the threshold for use and could create confusion between conventional and nuclear To raise the threshold for use, nuclear weapons during crisis situations. Examples weapon states could limit the circumstances of such weapon types are cruise missiles in which nuclear weapons may be used in with nuclear warheads, short-range and/ their doctrines and postures. The doctrinal or intermediate-range missiles with nuclear warheads in general, and/or tactical nuclear weapons all together.

19 Ashton B. Carter, ‘Sources of error and uncertainty’, Those types of nuclear weapons have two in: Ashton B. Carter, John D. Steinbruner and characteristics that may increase the risk that Charles A. Zraket (eds), Managing nuclear they are actually used. First, they could be operations, Brookings Institution, Washington DC 1987, 638-639; Sagan, The limits of safety, 276-277; Podvig, Reducing the risk of accidental launch; Barrett etc., ‘Analyzing and reducing the risks of 21 Frei & Catrina, Risks of unintentional nuclear war, inadvertent nuclear war’, 127; Lewis etc., Too close 226-227; Lewis etc., Too close for comfort, 28-29; for comfort, 28; Borrie etc., ‘Reducing nuclear Borrie etc., ‘Reducing nuclear weapons risks’, 95. weapons risks’, 94-95. 22 Ken Berry, ‘Draft Treaty of Non-First-Use of 20 Borrie etc., ‘Reducing nuclear weapons risks’, 94; Nuclear Weapons’, Research Paper, International Gower, The dangerous illogic, 2; Dick Zandee and Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Sico van der Meer, Trump’s . Disarmament, June 2009; Gulshan Luthra, ‘India A new rift between Europe and the US?, Clingendael suggests global No First Use of Nuclear Weapons’, Policy Brief, February 2018. India Strategic, April 2014.

7 Clingendael Policy Brief

perceived as more ‘usable’ in actual warfare; States and Russia, have proven to be very their lower yield may facilitate a political effective in the past (treaties such as SALT, acceptance of their real use in operations, START, and New START). These agreements, including in scenarios that are often limiting the maximum number of deployed described as ‘limited nuclear war’. Yet, it nuclear warheads, caused the global total of is easy to envision how a ‘limited’ nuclear nuclear weapons to drop from almost 70,000 weapons exchange could spiral out of in the 1980s to some 15,000 nowadays.26 control, resulting in a rapid escalation of the conflict to higher-yield nuclear weapons and Apart from reducing the number of having true devastation as a consequence. (deployed) nuclear weapons, limiting the number of locations in which they are stored Second, dual-capable weapon systems may may be helpful as well. Fewer locations cause misunderstanding and miscalculation will decrease the risks of complications resulting in . The difficulty regarding, for example, communication and of recognizing whether an incoming missile command problems, misperceptions about is nuclear armed or conventional before the other activities at such locations, and harmful moment of impact may result in responses to activities by outsiders. conventional missile launches as if they were nuclear first-strike attempts. Removing nuclear weapons deployed in border regions between (potential) Eliminating such types of nuclear weapons adversaries may also contribute to risk – multilaterally, bilaterally, or unilaterally – reduction. Particularly in the case of relatively could contribute to raising the nuclear low-yield tactical nuclear weapons in (tense) threshold as well as to reducing the risk border regions, one may speculate that the of the use of nuclear weapons because of threshold for their use could be considered misunderstandings and misperceptions.23 somewhat lower compared to strategic nuclear weapons or tactical nuclear weapons deployed further away from borders. The 10. Limiting numbers and risk of use, unauthorized use (for example, locations if local military commanders themselves are allowed to decide to use these weapons in crisis situations), or unintended use may be Currently there are some 15,000 nuclear higher. Specific border areas where (as far as weapons in the world.24 Each one entails is known) currently tactical nuclear weapons a risk of being used – on purpose or by are deployed are the border regions between accident. Not surprisingly, limiting the India and and between Russian and number of (deployed) nuclear weapons and/ NATO territory (including forward deployed or the number of locations in which they are US nuclear weapons in European states). stored is one of the most effective measures to reduce the risk of them being used.25 11. Nuclear Disarmament In this regard, bilateral arms control agreements between the world’s biggest The ultimate risk reduction option is, without nuclear weapon possessors, the United doubt, complete nuclear disarmament. The nuclear weapon states should seriously cooperate in working towards this goal, including issues such as the reliable 23 Sico van der Meer and Christine Parthemore, verification of disarmament. Even though ‘Revive arms control and start with nuclear-armed nuclear disarmament may be a long-term cruise missiles’, War on the Rocks, 8 June 2016; process, the nuclear weapon states could Gower, The dangerous illogic, 5. at least show their willingness to move 24 Shannon N. Kile and Hans M. Kristensen, Trends in world nuclear forces, 2017, SIPRI Fact Sheet, July 2017. 25 Jaspal, Nuclear risk reduction measures, 84; Blair etc., ‘Smaller and safer’, 9-16. 26 Kile & Kristensen, Trends in world nuclear forces.

8 Clingendael Policy Brief

forward by smaller steps in this regard. which India and Pakistan also participate, A few examples of policy options within might be an even better forum as it includes this category of small steps towards actual seven of the nine nuclear weapon states in disarmament are banning the production of the discussion. fissile materials or a moratorium on nuclear weapons modernisation.27 The Conference on Disarmament may be an appropriate forum for promoting dialogue Also feasible is a (joint) exploration of and fostering informative debates, yet it is alternative means to deter adversaries which not the most promising forum for generating do not entail the global catastrophic risks action since it has not been able to come involved with nuclear weapons. A search for to any important decision for decades. bold, creative approaches to alternatives to Various forums within the nuclear deterrence in the longer term could context could also be useful to generate be stimulated. In addition, as was already ideas and openly share questions and stated in the 1980s by respected academics concerns. The same applies to some extent like Joseph S. Nye and Graham T. Allison: to regional security organisations such as the “In particular, the community of defense and Organisation for Cooperation and Security foreign policy specialists must resist cynicism in Europe (OSCE) and the North Atlantic toward non-traditional concepts, misplaced Treaty Organisation (NATO). In any case, an confidence that all of the important ideas exploratory phase within such venues could have been examined, and condescension to later be followed by concrete measures or newcomers from other fields.”28 agreements by (any number of) nuclear weapon states.

Which venues? If none of these multilateral venues are deemed , or if they start robust Risk reduction measures relating to nuclear international discussions that subsequently weapons can be implemented in many need to be built upon in a less restrictive ways: unilaterally, bilaterally, trilaterally, or environment, a group of interested countries multilaterally. Yet, an important consideration could create an ad hoc forum (some sort while discussing the various options is of ‘coalition of the willing’) that focuses on that they can only be implemented by the single issue of nuclear weapons risk nuclear weapon states themselves. Non- reduction measures. nuclear weapon states could play a role as initiators or brokers in working towards One could also think of bilateral, trilateral, the implementation of such policies, but in or multilateral agreements between nuclear general their influence concerning this issue weapon states. Examples of how these could is very limited. look like are the ‘Agreement on Measures to Reduce the Risk of Outbreak of Nuclear War’, There are various multilateral options to concluded between the United States and discuss nuclear weapon risk reduction the in 1971, and the ‘Agreement measures. First of all, the various existing on the Prevention of Nuclear War’ between forums and institutions can be thought of. the same two states dating from 1973.29 The five permanent members of the United These two bilateral agreements were merely Nations Security Council (the P5), which are confidence-building measures in which also the five acknowledged nuclear weapon both parties promised to implement some states within the Non-Proliferation Treaty, organizational and technical measures to could serve as a forum for deliberating such diminish the risk of nuclear weapons being measures. The so-called P5 Plus Group, in used.

27 Sico van der Meer, Accelerating global nuclear disarmament. A menu of 16 policy options, Clingendael Policy Brief, February 2016. 29 Frei & Catrina, Risks of unintentional nuclear war, 28 Carnesale etc., ‘An agenda for action’. 199-200 & 210-211.

9 Clingendael Policy Brief

Last but not least, most of the risk reduction measures identified here can be implemented unilaterally as well. Any nuclear weapon state could announce and implement one or more of those policies on its own. Even though verification would often be problematic, the announcement and the signalling of the intention behind it may already function as a valuable confidence- building measure towards other nuclear weapon states as well as towards non- nuclear weapon states.


Any policies that could realistically contribute to limiting the risk of nuclear weapons being used – on purpose or by accident – can only be encouraged. Above, eleven categories of policy options have been identified which nuclear weapon states could implement to reduce this risk.

Some of the options will be difficult to accomplish in the short term considering the various security dilemmas that are involved. Yet many options, especially the first ones listed in the ‘menu of choice’, are relatively less complicated to implement. Many of them could be considered as confidence-building measures, and transparency is a returning feature as well. Such options often do not require complicated and sensitive verification mechanisms.

Risk reduction policy measures can be implemented via various venues. The more nuclear weapon states implement any of these policies, the better. They will not only limit the risks of nuclear incidents for themselves; it is also a gesture towards the rest of the world, which itself has no options to directly reduce the global risks of a category of weapons owned by only a few states.

10 About the Clingendael Institute Clingendael – the Institute of International Relations – is a leading think tank and academy on international affairs. Through our analyses, training and public debate we aim to inspire and equip governments, businesses, and civil society in order to contribute to a secure, sustainable and just world. www.clingendael.org  @clingendaelorg [email protected]  The Clingendael Institute +31 70 324 53 84  The Clingendael Institute

About the author

Sico van der Meer is a Research Fellow at the Clingendael Institute. His research focusses on non-conventional weapons like Weapons of Mass Destruction and cyber weapons from a strategic policy perspective. He graduated from the Radboud University Nijmegen with a Master’s degree in History. Before joining the Clingendael Institute, he worked as a journalist and as a Fellow of a think tank on civil-military relations.

This publication is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ministry.