Poslovno Poročilo Rektorja 2012 Business Report by the Rector 2012

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Poslovno Poročilo Rektorja 2012 Business Report by the Rector 2012 Poslovno Univerza v Ljubljani v letu 2012 poročilo * University of Ljubljana rektorja in 2012 2012 Business Report by the Rector 2012 Poslovno poročilo rektorja 2012 Business Report by the Rector 2012 Kazalo Contents Nagovor rektorja 5 Rector's foreword 5 1 Odlični in ustvarjalni 8 1 Excellent and outstanding 8 Izstopajoči dosežki Univerze v Ljubljani 11 Outstanding achievements of the University of Ljubljana 11 Slavnostna seja senata Univerze v Ljubljani 15 Formal session of the University of Ljubljana Senate 15 Prešernove nagrade Univerze v Ljubljani 19 University of Ljubljana »Prešeren awards« 19 Zaslužni profesorji 2012 20 Professor Emeritus titles in 2012 20 Rektorjeva nagrada za naj inovacijo Univerze v Ljubljani 21 University of Ljubljana Rector's »Best innovation award« 21 Zoisovi nagrajenci z Univerze v Ljubljani 22 University of Ljubljana »Zois award« winners 22 Pomembnejši dogodki na Univerzi v Ljubljani 25 Outstanding events at the University of Ljubljana 25 Nagrade in priznanja profesorjev in študentov z Univerze v Ljubljani 29 Awards and prizes for professors and students at the Pomembnejši dosežki članic Univerze v Ljubljani 40 University of Ljubljana 29 Novogradnja objektov Univerze v Ljubljani, Fakultete za kemijo in Outstanding achivements of the University of Ljubljana kemijsko tehnologijo in Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko 63 Member Institutions 40 Povezovanje z gospodarstvom in javnim sektorjem 67 Investment project »Novogradnja UL FKKT in UL FRI« 63 Ljubljanski univerzitetni inkubator 74 Cooperation with the economy and the public sector 67 Karierni centri Univerze v Ljubljani 75 Ljubljana University Incubator 74 Šport na Univerzi v Ljubljani 78 University of Ljubljana Career Centres 75 Akademski pevski zbor Tone Tomšič Univerze v Ljubljani 79 Sport at the University of Ljubljana 78 University of Ljubljana Academic choir Tone Tomšič 79 2 Dejavnosti Univerze v Ljubljani 80 Izobraževanje 83 2 Activities of the University of Ljubljana 80 A/ Prva stopnja 85 Education 83 B/ Druga stopnja 86 A/ First cycle 85 C/ Doktorska šola 95 B/ Second cycle 86 Raziskovanje 99 C/ Doctoral school 95 Aktivnosti Univerze v Ljubljani v projektih Evropske unije 106 Research 99 Sedmi okvirni program in novo programsko obdobje 108 Activities of the University of Ljubljana in the European Union projects 106 Mednarodna dejavnost 113 Seventh Framework Programme and the new programming period 108 Knjižnična dejavnost 121 International activities 113 Podpora študentom s posebnimi potrebami in tutorstvo 128 Library activities 121 Študentski svet Univerze v Ljubljani 130 Suppport for students with special needs and tutoring 128 Zagotavljanje kakovosti 133 Universty of Ljubljana Students Council 130 Quality assurance 133 3 Upravljanje in poslovanje Univerze v Ljubljani 136 Univerza v Ljubljani v številkah 139 3 University of Ljubljana managment and operation 136 Organi Univerze v Ljubljani ter dekani in dekanje članic 146 University of Ljubljana numbers 139 Zaposleni 156 University of Ljubljana bodies and Deans 147 Poslovanje 159 Staff 156 Performance 159 Nagovor rektorja Rector's foreword eto 2012 je bilo eno izmed najbolj bur- he year of 2012 passed with an unt- nih let v času mojega rektorovanja. hinkable speed and was the most L Mislim, da je bilo tudi za Univerzo v T turbulent of all my mandate as the Ljubljani to eno najzahtevnejših let, ki pa jo University Rector. The year, which I estimate je še bolj povezalo in utrdilo v enotnosti. Vla- to be one of the most difficult for the unive- da je bila do Univerze neprizanesljiva. Nepre- risty, has strengthened its unity. The Gover- stano smo se soočali z izjavami, ki so bile nement was very hard on the university. We pogosto neresnične in škodljive za Univerzo, were constantly faced with harmful un- predvsem pa z neutemeljenimi in za Univer- truths, and above all, with unjustified and zo pogubnimi finančnimi rezi. Univerza se je destructive financial cuts, devastating for s svojo enotnostjo v tem obdobju izkazala za our university. In these circumstances, the močnega družbenega akterja. Večkrat sem jav- university once again proved to be a power- no poudaril, da Univerze v Ljubljani ne zani- ful social actor. I have frequently expressed ma preživetje, da se mora država zavedati in public that the best and the largest natio- pomena svoje najboljše in največje univerze nal university reaches beyond survival, ter jo kot tako tudi obravnavati in podpirati. which also has to be recognized and suppor- Bojim se, da so finančni ukrepi vlade naredili ted by the state. I fear that the financial cuts mnogo več škode, kot si jo lahko zamislimo ta harmed the university far beyond the pre- trenutek. Upad sredstev na področju pedago- sent analyses. Decrease of funds for educa- 5 ške in raziskovalne dejavnosti je oslabil tudi tional and research projects weakened the motivacijo. Oslabil, ne pa tudi uničil. Zato bi motivation. Weakened, but not destroyed. se rad zahvalil vsem profesorjem, študentom With this, I would like to thank all the profes- in administrativnemu osebju, ki so, kljub slab- sors, students and the administrative staff, BUSINESS ši klimi, nadaljevali svoje delo z enako zavze- whose work and responsibilities were not RECTOR 2012 REPORT BY THE tostjo in odgovornostjo. Zavedam se, da je bilo harmed and weakened by the disincentive mnogo dela opravljenega brez plačila, imelo climate. I am well aware that a lot of work pa je velik doprinos k ohranjanju naše alme was done without payment, yet substantial- mater in njene kakovosti. Žal mi je vseh do- ly contributing to maintenance and quality brih mladih sodelavcev, ki so bili zaradi fi- of our alma mater. I regret that some good nančnih rezov prisiljeni zapustiti naše vrste, young colleagues had to leave the university in tudi vseh dobrih pedagogov, ki smo jih due to the unfavourable financial situation predčasno upokojili in so zdaj izključeni iz and I regret that many good teachers were pedagoškega procesa. Univerza je morala v forced to retire and are now no longer a letu 2012 zaradi finančnih razmer odsloviti part of our education. The university had to 300 sodelavcev. Vsem želim vso srečo na nji- dismiss 300 employees. hovi življenjski poti in se jim opravičujem, če smo jim storili krivico. V takih trenutkih sem bil kot rektor pogosto v dilemi, Such moments often represented dilemas during my Vse omenjene akcije so strnile Univerzo v Ljubljani ter All the actions have joined forces of the University of kako postopati. Veliko sem razmišljal, se posvetoval in rectorship. I dedicated much of my thoughts and okrepile komunikacijo med članicami in rektoratom. Ljubljana and strengthened the internal communication. tehtal možne poteze. Prešel sem k dejanjem in sprego- consultations to finding soultions for these challenges. Tako smo še bolj okrepili celovitost Univerze in njeno The University of Ljubljana was reinforced in its unity voril besede, za katere sem ocenil, da niso prenagljene, I spoke without haste, but rather with an academic, socialno dimenzijo. and social dimension. temveč so akademske, apolitične in imajo težo. Pred- non-political and powerful words and I always acted vsem pa sem skrbel, da so bile moje poteze v korist in for the benefit and wellfare of the University of V letu 2012 smo s pridobljenimi evropskimi sredstvi za In 2012, we successfully and effectively carried out a dobrobit Univerze v Ljubljani. Ljubljana. novogradnjo Fakultete za kemijo in kemijsko tehnolo- public tender to select the contractors for the new gijo ter Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko uspe- premises of the UL Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Nekajkrat smo skupaj povzdignili glas proti škodljivim We have raised our voices together against the harmful šno in v kratkem času izpeljali razpis za gradbenega Engineering and the UL Faculty of Computer and finančnim ukrepom politike. Študenti in profesorji so financial measures of the politics a few times. Our izvajalca, ga izbrali, z njim podpisali pogodbo ter začeli Information Science, for which we obtained European pred parlamentom brali Cankarjeve Hlapce, z akcijo Po- students and professors read Cankar’s Hlapci in front z gradnjo. V letu 2012 smo nadaljevali tudi z aktivnost- Structural Funds. The construction started the same zor, znanje na cesti smo sodržavljane opozarjali na po- of the Parliament. With the action Caution, knowledge mi za pridobitev denacionaliziranega zemljišča za no- year. In 2012, we also continued our efforts to men Univerze v Ljubljani, na svoj nezavidljivi finančni on the street, our fellow citizens were reminded of the vogradnjo umetniških akademij. Ker nismo uspeli purchase the land in the process of denationalization in prostorski položaj so opominjale tudi umetniške aka- significance of the University of Ljubljana. The art zagotoviti potrebnih sredstev za izgradnjo, bomo mo- to start building the new art academies. Since we were demije, ko so konec novembra protestno prekinile izva- academies exposed to public the difficult financial and rali nemogoče prostorske razmere, v katerih delujejo not able to obtain sufficient funds for building new janje vseh svojih dejavnosti, imeli smo skupno sejo vseh spatial situation in which they work. Common sessions akademije, reševati tudi z iskanjem začasnih prostorov premises, we shall try to find temporary solutions by organov Univerze v Ljubljani ter podali skupne izjave na were organized on the level of all university bodies and za delovanje. renting new place to surpass the unbearable spatial ravni Rektorske
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