______“The Future is being Created Today: New Vectors for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the RF” December 5, 2018 10:00 – 11:30 Plenary Session ______The current decade for the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation is the time of key decisions, the implementation of large-scale infrastructure and mining projects, the growing role of the Northern Sea Route, a significant reorientation of state policy to the social sphere, the definition of a special role of the Arctic both at the legislative level and within state regulation. The future of the Russian Arctic should be based on the systemic interaction of the state, business, science, financial institutions, non-profit organizations, civil society and international non-governmental organizations. Their coherence and effectiveness results in implementation of the key investment projects, preservation of the fragile nature and finding solutions to social problems in the macroregion.

Issues for discussion: State policy and the improvement of Arctic legislation Mechanisms for improving the quality of life in the polar region Creation an enabling environment for investment and business in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Priorities for scientific study of the Arctic Creation of conditions for improving the quality of life of the population of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation The development of volunteerism in the Arctic. Support for young people working in the region.


Conference “The Northern Sea Route”

The development of the transport and logistics potential of the Northern Sea Route plays a key role in the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The Northern Sea Route is the only highway linking all the subarctic and arctic regions of , providing domestic transportation - northern delivery, the operation of oil and gas fields and industrial projects in the Arctic, as well as the development of freight traffic between the Far East and the European part of the country. The importance of the Northern Sea Route as a transit corridor and the shortest route between Europe and Asia is growing - for the first time in the history of Arctic navigation in September 2018 a container ship passed through the main line. The most important issue is the development of a management system and strategy for the development of the Northern Sea Route, as well as the establishment of effective interaction between the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM and the Ministry of Transport of Russia to ensure safe use of the water area of the NSR, the development of port infrastructure and freight traffic.

______Part 1. Panel Session “The Northern Sea Route Management System and Ensuring Navigation Safety December 5, 2018 12:00 – 13:30 Under the Arctic Conditions” ______

Issues for discussion: Current status and attractiveness of the Northern Sea Route Security concerns of shipping and navigation in the Arctic Improvement of icebreaking of vessels in the Arctic Ways to improve the quality of shipping in Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Optimization of the maritime operations management process Expansion of navigation season along the Northern Sea Route Navigational safety of shipping in the Arctic ______

Part 2. Panel Session «Development of Cargo December 5, 2018 Transportation Along the Northern Sea Route» 14:30 – 16:00 ______

Issues for discussion:

Mechanisms for increasing cargo transportation along the Northern Sea Route Development of infrastructure of the Northern Sea Route The Northern Sea Route as an International Transport Corridor Transit potential of the Arctic ports. Modernization of port infrastructure


Invited to participate:

EVGENY DITRICH Minister of Transport of Russia

Deputy Director General, Director for the Northern Sea Route VYACHESLAV RUKSHA Directorate of ROSATOM

ALEXANDR KOZLOV Minister for the development of the Russian Far East

Chairman of the Federation Committee for the Federal Organization, OLEG MELNICHENKO Regional Policy, Local Government and the affairs of the North

EVGENY MOSKVICHEV Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Transport and Construction

Member of the Committee of the Federation Council on federal IGOR CHERNYSHENKO structure, regional politics, local government and affairs of the North The Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation – The Head YURY TSVETKOV of the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport

DENIS KHRAMOV First Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology

VIKTOR BASARGIN Head of Federal service for transport oversight

ANDREY LAVRISHCHEV General Director of FSUE “Rosmorport”

ALEXEY TYUKAVIN First Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Oblast

VIKTOR IKONNIKOV Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Arkhangelsk Oblast

SERGEY FRANK Chief Executive Officer of Sovcomflot

DMITRY PURIM General Director of PJSC «Sovfracht»

ALEKSANDRS ISURINS Chairman of the Board of “FESCO”

RAVIL NASYBULLOV Director of Logistics of “Norilsk Nickel”



MAXIM KUZYUK Chief Executive Officer of JSC «RTI»



“Geological Exploration in the Russian Arctic Sector” December 5, 2018 12:00 – 13:30 Working Session ______Integrated exploration programs are the key to the further development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, but this process is hampered by a lack of funds in the state program "Reproduction and use of natural resources". The solution to this problem is to increase the volume of geophysical studies of mineral resources within the framework of budgetary financing and public-private partnerships, as well as to increase the investment attractiveness of geological study of the Arctic subsoil.

Issues for discussion: Features of geological exploration in the Arctic Increase of geological study of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Mechanisms of increasing the investment attractiveness of geological study of the Arctic subsoil Innovative technologies and equipment for geological exploration in the Arctic

Invited to participate:

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian EVGENY KISELEV Federation, Head of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use

EVGENY FOMENKO Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Arkhangelsk Oblast

ANATOLY TSYKALOV Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Krai

Deputy Governor of the Tyumen Oblast, Director of the Department of VLADIMIR CHEIMETOV agro-industrial complex

ROMAN PANOV Chief Executive Officer of JSC ROSGEO

Deputy Director of the Department of Scientific and Technological Development OLEG SOCHNEV and Innovation


______“Science as the Driver of Innovative Development of the Arctic” December 5, 2018 12:00 – 13:30 Working Session ______Conducting scientific research is an integral part of the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The Russian science pays special attention to environmental issues aimed at preserving the unique natural environment of the Arctic, oil and gas resources and the development of expeditionary activities in order to implement large-scale scientific projects in the Arctic. The research is also aimed at the development of materials adapted to the natural and climatic conditions of the Arctic, the introduction of technical facilities and instruments designed for polar scientific research.

Within the framework of the section there will be a meeting of the Public Commission of the IPO "Association of Polar Explorers" on “Science and Higher School” direction

Issues for discussion: Achievements and priority scientific research aimed at ensuring sustainable social and economic development of the Russian Arctic zone Development of logistics base for Arctic research Support of scientific research on Arctic topics Interaction of Arctic enterprises and universities for the commercialization of the results of fundamental and applied research

Invited to participate:

MIKHAIL KOTYUKOV Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

OLGA VASILIEVA Minister of Education of the Russian Federation

IRINA KOVSHIRA Minister of Education and Science of the Murmansk Oblast

ANDREY MAXIMOV Chairman of the Committee on Science and Higher School of St. Petersburg

VLADIMIR NIKITIN General Director of Krylov State Research Centre

EDUARD GALAZHINSKIY Rector of Тomsk State University

ELENA KUDRYASHOVA Rector of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

KONSTANTIN ZAIKOV Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

ALEXANDR SABUROV Director of the Arctic Center for Strategic Studies of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov


______“Accumulated Environmental Damage in the Arctic: It will be Late Tomorrow” December 5, 2018 12:00 – 13:30 Panel session ______On the territory of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, 102 objects of accumulated environmental damage have been identified, which not only have a negative impact on nature, but also interfere with the life of the population and the development of the Arctic. The importance of eliminating accumulated damage in northern latitudes is reflected in the national project “Clean Country”, and the problem itself is made on a global scale. The issue of accumulated harm can be resolved only due to the cooperation of public corporations between the Arctic regions and large industrial companies where the state should not play only the role of a funds source, but, first of all, create conditions for the participation of business in the cleaning of the Arctic.

Issues for discussion: The problem of hazardous waste disposal in the Arctic zone of Russia Updating of environmental legislation in the field of liquidation of accumulated environmental damage in the Russian Arctic Economic incentives for the elimination of objects of accumulated environmental damage Establishment of an efficient Arctic waste management and treatment system: specifics and solutions Liquidation of accumulated environmental damage from industrial and military activities in the Arctic. Experience of attracting volunteers

Invited to participate:

DMITRY KOBYLKIN Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

Head of Metallurgy and Materials Department of the Ministry of Industry PAVEL SERVATINSKIY and Trade of the Russian Federation

ALEXEY SITNIKOV First Deputy Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

EVGENY NIKORA Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Oblast

DENIS BELOZEROV Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the ROMAN POLSHVEDKIN Republic of Komi Deputy Director on Science Work of National Research Center “Kurchatov ANDREY KOROLEV Institute” Advisor (head of service) of environmental safety at the Logistics Support ALEXEY PETROV Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian Ministry of Defense)


______“Energy Supply in the Arctic: Technologies and Innovative Solutions” December 5, 2018 12:00 – 13:30 Panel session ______Energy is one of the key industries, which is important both for the economy of the Arctic and for the social sphere. Traditional supply patterns of electricity from large power plants through networks in the Arctic have extremely limited application, and the development of the Arctic territories of Russia requires reliable sources of electricity, and due to the geographical features the region needs new solutions and technologies. Within the framework of the panel session, issues of modernization and expansion of the existing power grid facilities, the use of distributed generation, including renewable energy sources, will be raised.

Issues for discussion: Integrated development of the Arctic energy system Small nuclear power. Development Prospects for Floating NPPs Prospects for the use of renewable energy in the Arctic Improvement of legislation in the field of energy and tariff regulation

Invited to participate:

ALEKSEI TEKSLER the First Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation

SERGEY YESYAKOV First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy

First Deputy Minister of Housing and Public Utilities and Energy of the Republic NIKOLAY DURAEV of Sakha (Yakutia) REPRESENTATIVE The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM

REPRESENTATIVE PJSC ROSSETI Director of the Higher School of Power Engineering, Oil and Gas, Northern PAVEL MARIANDYSHEV (Arctic) Federal University ANDREY BAKAEV Chairman of the Association RAPET


______“Points of Growth in the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Polar Region” December 5, 2018 12:00 – 13:30 Working session ______The Arctic region has not only the capacity to provide environment-friendly products of high quality but also a high potential for exporting unique food products. For the development of the agro-industrial complex of the polar regions, measures of state support and new approaches and opportunities are needed, primarily through innovation, the creation of territorial clusters for the development of Arctic rural areas and support for traditional sectors of the economy - these issues will form the basis of discussions at the working session.

Issues for discussion: Current state and capacity of the AIC of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Innovative projects and technologies for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the macroregion Prospects for Artic fisheries Traditional crafts of the Arctic region

Invited to participate:

DMITRY PATRUSHEV Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

ILIA SHESTAKOV Head of the Federal Agency for Fishery Member of the Federation Council Committee of the RF on Agrarian-food IGOR ZUBAREV Policy and Nature Management the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the RF on VLADIMIR PLOTNIKOV Agrarian Green Issues and Environmental Conservation IRINA BAZHANOVA Minister of Agriculture and Trade of the Arkhangelsk Oblast

ALEXANDR ATLASOV Acting Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

IVAN SLEPTSOV Rector of Yakut State Agricultural Academy

VASILII GONCHAROV Director of the FSBI Arctic Agriculture and Ecology Research Institute


______“Creation of Equipment and Technologies for Development of the Mineral and Resource Potential of the Arctic” December 5, 2018 14:30 – 16:00 Working session ______The imposition of sanctions has led to limited access for Russian companies to modern foreign technologies and equipment, which negatively affected the pace of development of the mineral and resource potential of the Arctic, however, at the same time las led to creation of unique conditions for the implementation of domestic high-tech and innovative projects. The critical challenge in this direction is to establish the correspondence between the capabilities of the domestic industry and the needs of large companies that operate in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

Issues for discussion: Productive capacity of Russian enterprises and the implementation of import substitution policy Innovative developments for exploration, mining and mineral processing in the Arctic (including on the shelf) Creating testing ground for new equipment and technologies for work in the Arctic

Invited to participate:

OLEG RYAZANTSEV Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

First Deputy Governor of the Arkhangelsk Oblast - Chairman of the Government ALEXEY ALSUFEV of the Arkhangelsk Oblast

OLGA KUZNETSOVA Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Oblast

IGOR SHAKALO Acting Vice-President of JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation"

ANDREI SHATOKHIN General Director, JSC “Concern “Oceanpribor”

ANASTASIA SAVKINA Head of Commercial Service of JSC "Bryansk Automobile Plant"

Deputy Head of the Scientific and Technical Complex of the System and ALEXANDER NIKITIN Coordinate-Time Support Facilities for Satellite and Integrated Systems of theRussian Institute of Radionavigation and Time Executive Director of the Association “Composite Cluster of St. VADIM ZAZIMKO Petersburg”


______“Development and deepening of the International Arctic Scientific Cooperation” December 5, 2018 14:30 – 16:00 Working session ______Cooperation in the study of the Arctic is becoming increasingly urgent due to the fact that only a scientific understanding of the macro-region will allow it to be more effectively explored, while maintaining a fragile ecosystem and ensuring its sustainable development. At present, scientific cooperation is not only the most important element of the state policy of the circumpolar countries, but also it stimulates great interest among other states. Due to the active interaction of all interested parties, it is possible to organize scientific research that meets the complexity of the tasks set for the development of the Arctic.

Issues for discussion: International scientific and educational projects aimed at exploring the Arctic Simplification of the mechanisms of the conduction of the international research in the Arctic Expeditionary development Expanding circumpolar mobility

Invited to participate:

VLADIMIR PAVLENKO Vice-President of the International Arctic Scientific Committee

MIKHAIL KOTYUKOV Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Sakha FEODOSIA GABYSHEVA (Yakutia), Chairman of the Working Group on Education and Science of the Northern Forum Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Arctic Affairs of St. Petersburg, Head of ANDREY LOBANOV the Department of International, Scientific, Educational and Design Work Director of the Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and VLADISLAV PETROV Geochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences ANATOLY LUKIN Head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Federal Selection and Genetic Center for Fish Farming" SVETLANA MALYAVSKAYA Vice Rector of the Northern State Medical University ALENA RYBKINA Deputy Director of the Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ANDREY POPOPLEKIN Leading Researcher of Federal Research Center for Integrated Studies of the Arctic, Russian Academy of Sciences MARKKU KULMALA Director of the Institute of Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), University of Helsinki SERGEY ZILITINKEVICH Professor of the Finnish Meteorological Institute ANDREI PETROV President of the International Arctic Social Sciences Association

ALEXEI BAMBULYAK Head of Russian and Eastern European Department, Akvaplan-Niva, Norway


______“Arctic LNG Projects as Locomotives of Macroregion Growth” December 5, 2018 14:30 – 16:00 Working session ______Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Projects are not only energy projects, but also major supporting infrastructure projects aimed at the development of the region, transport and logistics opportunities in the Arctic. “Yamal LNG” and “Arctic LNG-2” are also elements of the development of international cooperation, attraction of foreign investment and the participation of the Artic countries in infrastructure development of the macro-region.

Issues for discussion: Features of the production of liquefied natural gas Implementation of “Yamal LNG” and “Arctic LNG-2”as the projects key for the gas industry Payback and competitiveness of Russian LNG projects Export of liquefied natural gas: problems of transportation and markets Prospects for the use of liquefied natural gas in the Arctic.

Invited to participate:

ALEKSEI TEKSLER the First Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian EVGENII KISELEV Federation, Head of the Federal Agency for Mineral Resources

PAVEL ZAVALNY State Duma Deputy, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy

DMITRY ARTYUKHOV Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Leader of Ecological Policy Program for Fuel and Energy Complex of World ALEKSEI KNIZHNIKOV Wildlife Fund (WWF) REPRESENTATIVE NOVATEK


NIKOLAI PEGIN General Director, JSC “Development Corporation of Kamchatka”


______“Tourism as the Driver of the Growth of the Arctic December 5, 2018 Regions” 14:30 – 16:00 ______Working session The Arctic is one of the most promising areas for the development of inbound and domestic tourism in Russia. In the past few years, the federal authorities of the Russian Federation have implemented a number of initiatives aimed at increasing the accessibility of the Arctic to Russian and foreign tourists. A special emphasis is put on Arctic tourism within the framework of the Federal Programme “Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2019-2025)”. Tourism in the Arctic may become a driver for employment creation, development of small and medium-sized businesses and remote Arctic territories, and a source of significant revenues to the federal and regional budgets.

Issues for discussion: Updating the regulatory framework for the development of tourism in the Arctic Development of investment attractiveness of the Arctic tourism for business Ways to reduce the production costs of travel services in the Arctic Successful practices of creating and developing tourist routes in the Arctic

Invited to participate:

OLEG SAFONOV Head of the Federal Agency for Tourism

VERONIKA YANICHEK Minister of Culture of the Arkhangelsk Oblast

Minister of Industry Development and Entrepreneurship of the Murmansk DMITRY FILIPPOV Oblast

SERGEI EMELIANOV Minister of Culture, Tourism and Archiving Affairs of the Republic of Komi

NIKOLAY PEGIN General Director of JSC "Development Corporation of Kamchatka"

SERGEY SHPILKO President of the Russian Union of Travel Industry

ALEXANDER OSAULENKO Director of the Association “TourAssist”


______“Economic Incentives for Development of Small and Medium Business in the Arctic” December 5, 2018 14:30 – 16:00 Working session ______Creating favorable conditions for small and medium-sized businesses is one of the requirements for the development of the Arctic zone. This will create additional jobs, improve the standard of living of the population and will contribute to the introduction of new technologies in the Arctic. At the moment, business in the Arctic is faced with issues of high cost of resources, underdeveloped business support infrastructure, lack of qualified personnel, and lack of markets for products. During the working session, it is planned to discuss promising areas for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, conditions for upgrading the infrastructure for supporting small and medium- sized enterprises in the Arctic and developing the exchange of the advanced practices in entrepreneurship.

Issues for discussion: Assessment of the business climate of the arctic regions of the country Increasing the investment attractiveness of the Russian Arctic zone subjects Tax relief and incentives for investment in the Arctic Support for business activities of small indigenous peoples Development of social entrepreneurship in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Invited to participate:

Head of Department of Regional Industrial Policy of the Ministry of Industry SERGEY BEZRUKOV and Trade of the Russian Federation Member of the Committee of the Federation Council on Federal Structure, VIKTOR PAVLENKO Regional Politics, Local Government and Affairs of the North Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovation, DENIS KRAVCHENKO and Entrepreneurship MARINA ANISIMOVA Minister of Economy of the Republic of Komi Deputy Minister of Industry and Entrepreneurship Development of the OLEG KOSTENKO Murmansk Oblast Department for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses REPRESENTATIVE and Competition

REPRESENTATIVE Joint-stock company «Russian Small and Medium Business Corporation»

OLGA PLOTNIKOVA Director of the Chukotka Development Fund ANDREY BRYKSENKOV Deputy Director of the Representative Office of RSHU in TIMO RAUTAJOKI President of Lapland Chamber of Commerce


______“Potential of Russian Shipyards: Fleet Renewal and New Technologies” December 5, 2018 16:30 – 18:00 Panel session ______For the Arctic shipbuilding is one of the most dynamic areas of development of the industry in Russia. The implementation of industrial projects and the increase in loading of the Northern Sea Route require a significant increase and renewal of the icebreaker fleet, the creation of powerful ice-class tankers and supply vessels. There is also a pressing issue of loading and upgrading plants, competition and cooperation with Korean, Chinese and European shipyards. On January 1, 2019, a ban on the passage of foreign-made vessels along the Northern Sea Route will enter into force, which imposes additional responsibility on domestic shipbuilders. The section will hold a discussion of the current projects in the field of shipbuilding, production of technologies and equipment for operation in the northern seas, as well as federal and regional support measures to attract investment in shipbuilding.

Issues for discussion: Prospects for Russian shipbuilding in the Arctic Increasing the competitiveness of domestic shipbuilding enterprises and ship repairing Creation of modern ships for arctic conditions Icebreaking support for hydrocarbon projects Mechanisms of state support for shipbuilding

Invited to participate:

OLEG RYAZANTSEV Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the RF on VLADIMIR GUTENEV Economic Policy, Industrial, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurism ANDREY SHESTAKOV Minister of Industry and Construction of the Arkhangelsk Oblast

MAXIM TERESHCHENKO Minister of Industry and Geology of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

IGOR SHAKALO Acting Vice-President of JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation"

MUSTAFA KASHKA Acting General Director of FSUE Atomflot

ALEKSEI KADILOV General Director of JSC Baltic Shipyard

VLADIMIR NIKITIN General Director of Krylov State Research Centre



“Integrated Security in the Polar Region” December 5, 2018 16:30 – 18:00 Panel session ______Due to the increasing rates of development of the Arctic, the importance of ensuring integrated security in the polar region increases. In the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, special attention is paid to ensuring leadership in the development of the resources of the World Ocean and the Arctic. The unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations in the Russian Arctic is being improved, providing for the risks of emergency situations taking into account regional peculiarities. New models of equipment adapted for use in the Arctic are being developed. Special attention is paid to the work and improvement of the quality of interaction between the units of the Russian Guard, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Federal Security Service of Russia.

Issues for discussion: Building a comprehensive system of security and protection of territories, population and critical infrastructure of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Features of the prevention and elimination of emergency situations in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation The main challenges and new threats to security in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Development of rescue technologies for the needs of the Arctic Providing transportation in the Russian Arctic International and cross-border security cooperation in the Arctic

Invited to participate:

YEVGENY ZINICHEV Minister for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief

VLADIMIR KOLOKOLTSEV Russian Minister of Internal Affairs

VIKTOR ZOLOTOV Director of the National Guard of Russia (Rosgvardiya)

DMITRII BULGAKOV Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Member of the State Duma Committee on Security and GEORGII KARLOV Corruption Control NIKOLAY EVMENOV Commander of the Northern Fleet MAKSIM KUZIUK General Director of the OJSC Concern RTI System GEORGII KORZHAVIN General Director, JSC “Concern “Granit-Electron”


______“Young People of the Arctic – the Future of the December 5, 2018 Macroregion” 16:30 – 18:00 ______Conference The development of the Arctic is impossible without the projects implementation with the participation of young people that are the most active part of society and are able to find answers to the challenges of the modern world. In order to provide the Arctic with young professional personnel and maintain the population of the northern regions, it is now important to determine the life strategies of today's youth in the Arctic and create suitable conditions for their professional and social self-realization.

Issues for discussion: Life strategies of modern youth in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Creating conditions for professional and social self-realization of young people in the Arctic Volunteering as an opportunity for self-realization of young people in the Arctic region

Invited to participate:

ALEXANDR BUGAEV Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs

MAXIM TOPILIN Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of the Russian Federation

IVAN LUTSKAN Minister of Youth and Family Policy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

NATALIA Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Komi - Minister of MIKHALCHENKOVA Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Republic of Komi

RENATA ABDULINA Chairman of the Committee on Youth Policy of St. Petersburg

Rector of Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. ELENA KUDRIASHOVA Lomonosov

ALEXEY RUDKOVSKY Chairman of the Interregional public eco-sociological organization "Green Arctic"

VICTORIA LUKINA President of the Association "Talented Youth"


______“Features of the Health Care Organization in the Arctic Regions of Russia” December 5, 2018 16:30 – 18:00 Working session ______The socio-economic development of the Arctic and the pace of its development largely depend on the quality of life of both the indigenous population and people coming to the northern regions who need acclimatization and adaptation. Important tasks in this area relate to increasing life expectancy, reducing morbidity, increasing the availability of medical care, promoting healthy lifestyles. At the same time, low population density, inadequate infrastructure and difficult climatic conditions require the development of new methods, technologies and ways to preserve human health in the Arctic.

Issues for discussion: Availability and quality of medical care in the polar regions Development of education and medical science to improve the quality of life of the population of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation New technologies and approaches in arctic medicine Support to the specialists working in the regions of the Russian Arctic

Invited to participate:

VERONIKA SKVORTSOVA Minister of Health of the Russian Federation

IGOR MOSIAGIN Chief Medical Officer of the Chief Command of the Russian Navy

TATIANA KUSAIKO Member of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy

FEDOT TUMUSOV First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection

ANTON KARPUNOV Minister of HealthCare of the Arkhangelsk Oblast

Director of State Scientific-Research Institute of Physiology and Basic LUBOMIR AFTANAS Medicine

Head of the Department Competitive Analisis of Prospective Projects on VADIM MIKHEEV Helicopter’s Equipment and Marketing, Russian Нelicopters, JSC

Leader on Management of Health Care and Environmental Medicine Scientific Field, FSBI “Scientific and Research Institute of Human Ecology IGOR BOBROVNITSKII and Hygiene of Environment n.a. A.N. Sytin”, Chairman of ASPOL Public Commission on the Specialization of “Arctic Medicine”


______“The Development of Hydrocarbon Fields in the Arctic” December 5, 2018 16:30 – 18:00 Panel session ______The Arctic is considered one of the main growth drivers for the oil and gas industry in the coming decades. In the List of projects implemented (proposed for implementation) on the territory of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation formed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, more than one third of them are associated with the extraction and processing of mineral resources, primarily hydrocarbons. These projects are also the most ambitious and capital-intensive. Of particular importance are projects for the development of the Arctic shelf, requiring increased geological knowledge of the shelf and the development of opportunities for attracting private capital to its development.

Issues for discussion:

Current state, strategy and prospects for the development of oil and gas in the Arctic Priority projects for the development of hydrocarbon deposits in the Arctic Expansion of hydrocarbon production on the Arctic shelf Prospects for cooperation between Russia and foreign partners in the extraction and processing of oil and gas in the Arctic

Invited to participate:

PAVEL SOROKIN Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the RF on IGOR ANANSKIKH Energy Deputy Head of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision SVETLANA RADIONOVA Service of Russia Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Field of ANDREY KOLODKIN Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation ALEXEY SITNIKOV First Deputy Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug


DAY 2 DECEMBER 6, 2018 ______

“The Arctic today: the key role of the regions” December 6, 2018 10.00-11.30 Plenary Session ______The strategic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation is based on the special role of the regions as decision-making centers and the practical implementation of state policy. In all the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation, each of which has its own territorial peculiarities, key projects for the northern latitudes are being implemented. It is at the regional level that the coordination of interaction between the federal government, businesses and non-Arctic subjects as a source of technologies and competences is largely coordinated. The regional policy is implemented in line with current development trends, such as the digital transformation of the economy, the development of volunteering and international non-governmental cooperation, attraction to the northern regions and the education of the young generation.

Issues for discussion: Arctic regions: resources and opportunities, strategic potential, prospects and development goals International non-governmental cooperation in the northern regions: agenda, formats, participants Tasks and practice of mentoring and educating the younger generation in the Arctic regions Actual directions of volunteering in the Arctic Features of the digital transformation of the economy in the Arctic regions

Invited to participate:

MARINA KOVTUN Governor of the Murmansk Oblast IGOR ORLOV Governor of Arkhangelsk Oblast ARTUR PARFENCHIKOV Head of the Republic of Karelia AYSEN NIKOLAEV Head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) ALEKSANDR TSYBULSKII Governor of the Nenets Autonomous District ROMAN KOPIN Governor - Chairman of the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug DMITRY ARTYUKHOV Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug SERGEI GAPLIKOV Head of the Republic of Komi ALEKSANDR USS Governor of Krasnoyarsk Krai


______“Searching for Stability: International Cooperation in the Arctic” December 6, 2018 12:00 – 13:30 Panel session ______The Arctic has an important geopolitical and resource value, so every year the interest in the region increases both in Russia and in the world. Despite the growing competition, both between the Arctic and non-Arctic countries, it is worth considering the fact that the realization of national interests in the Arctic, including Russian ones, is fully possible only under the condition of close cooperation and interaction between the countries. An important tool for the development of international cooperation and the preservation of peace in the Arctic is Russia's participation in the institutions of international partnership and the development of international non-governmental cooperation, as well as in cooperation in the implementation of major scientific, infrastructure and environmental projects in the Arctic.

Issues for discussion: International projects in the Arctic region Russia's participation in the institutions of international partnership Foreign economic relations of the subjects of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Cross-border cooperation with the Arctic countries The Arctic agenda of the "third countries"

Invited to participate:

VLADIMIR TITOV First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

VLADIMIR BARBIN Ambassador at Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

ANDREI KORTUNOV General Director of the Russian International Affairs Council

ELENA TIKHONOVA Minister of the Economic Development of the Murmansk Region

MARGOT WALLSTRÖM Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Chairman of the Barents Region

RIIKKA OITTINEN Programme Manager of CBC Kolarctic 2014-2020

GILLES BRETON Chairman of the Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association

REPRESENTATIVES Diplomatic missions of foreign countries


______“Creation of Telecommunication Infrastructure and Equipment for the Arctic” December 6, 2018 12:00 – 13:30 Panel session ______The low population in the regions of the Far North, з the significant cost of line infrastructure and communication centers, the complexity of operating communication facilities in Arctic condition imposes special requirements on development of information and telecommunication infrastructure in the Arctic zone and the formation of a unified concept of communications development in the Arctic. At the same time, an increase in navigation along the NSR requires the improvement of communication systems for navigation, and without creating telecommunications support for the development of the digital economy, it is impossible to imagine an improvement in the quality of life of the population and ensuring high rates of sustainable economic growth in the Russian Arctic.

Issues for discussion: Creating a modern information and telecommunication infrastructure of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Satellite communication system for providing services in the Arctic. Prospects for the creation of a cluster of communications spacecraft in high-elliptical orbits The development of fiber-optic communications in the Arctic Telecommunications equipment for the Arctic

Invited to participate:

KONSTANTIN NOSKOV Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of Russia

IGOR CHURSIN Deputy Head of the Federal Agency of Communications General Director of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Digital EVGENII KOVNIR Economy” Director of the Information Technology and Communications Department of OLEG EFREMOV the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Minister of Communications and Information Technologies of the Arkhangelsk NIKOLAY RODICHEV Oblast TATYANA MOKHOVA General Director of “Edinstvo”

Deputy General Designer for Space Systems Development, Spacecraft ALEXANDER KUZOVNIKOV General Engineering and Control of the JSC Academician M.F. Reshetnev «Information Satellite Systems» Head of RSCC Department for Implementing Innovative Projects of «Russian MIKHAIL GLINKA Satellite Communications Company»


KONSTANTIN LUKIN Director for Telecommunications Projects of Supertel DALS STC HBRTS, JSC


______“Conservation of Arctic Biodiversity” December 6, 2018 12:00 – 13:30 Working session ______Currently, businesses operating in the Arctic regions are facing changes in legislation in the field of environmental supervision and environmental responsibility. This increases the costs of companies, but at the same time gives an advantage to innovative, high-tech industries and opens up opportunities for participation in the development of environmental protection systems in the Arctic. The working session will be devoted to the SPNR system development in the Arctic, improving the regulatory framework in the field of environmental protection, environmental policies of Arctic companies.

Issues for discussion: Reducing the negative anthropogenic impact on the environment in the Arctic Environmental policy of companies operating in the macroregion Assessment of the state and threat to the Arctic marine ecosystem The role of specially protected natural areas in the conservation of biological diversity in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Invited to participate:

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian SERGEY YASTREBOV Federation ILIA SHESTAKOV Head of the Federal Agency for Fishery

Acting Head of the Department of Natural Resources, Ecology and MIKHAIL FERIN Agriculture of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

INGVILD ALEKSANDERSEN Governor of Finnmark, Norway

IGOR CHESTIN Director of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Russia



“Educating and Staffing for the Arctic” December 6, 2018 12:00 – 13:30 Panel session ______Personnel training for the Arctic region is identified as one of the state priorities of the Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation. According to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the need for specialists in the North annually amounts to 25 thousand people. The Arctic regions are facing the problem of university graduates outflow from the northern territories, as well as engaging specialists from non-Arctic regions. At the same time, the volume and quality of training in universities does not always meet the needs of companies operating in the Arctic.

Issues for discussion: Panel session "Education and staffing for the Arctic" Staffing mechanisms for enterprises of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Innovative educational programs and projects oriented on the Arctic Evaluation of staffing of Arctic projects Increasing the attractiveness of the Arctic for highly qualified specialists Standards and improved training for the work in the Arctic Mentoring development in the industrial enterprises of the Arctic Interaction of enterprises, universities and authorities in the field of training for the Arctic

Invited to participate:

MIKHAIL KOTYUKOV Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

OLGA VASILIEVA Minister of Education of the Russian Federation

VSEVOLOD BUKOLOV Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

IRINA KOVSHIRA Minister of Education and Science of the Murmansk Oblast

GERMAN SHIROKOV Chairman of the Committee for the Arctic Affairs of St. Petersburg

MARINA KRAVETS Director of the Department of Education of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

ELENA KUDRIASHOVA Rector of Northern Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Vice-Rector for international affairs and external relations of the Ukhta State GEORGIY KORSHUNOV Technical University



______“Interregional Interaction and Potential of Non-Arctic Regions” December 6, 2018 12:00 – 13:30 Panel session ______The challenges facing the state in the development of the Arctic zone require the consolidation of efforts of all regions of Russia. According to experts, interregional cooperation in the development of the Russian Arctic can become a growth point for many subjects, if they find the right application to their capabilities in the context of the needs of the Arctic regions. The working session will be devoted to discussing the main promising areas of interregional cooperation, creating and strengthening mechanisms of interaction between the Arctic and non-Arctic regions of the Russian Federation.

Issues for discussion: Perspective directions of interaction of polar regions with non-arctic subjects Products and services of Russian regions for the needs of the Arctic Successful practices of inter-regional interaction

Invited to participate:

Director of the Regional Development Department of the Ministry of Economic IGOR EGOROV Development of the Russian Federation

Head of Department of Regional Industrial Policy of the Ministry of Industry SERGEY BEZRUKOV and Trade of the Russian Federation

REPRESENTATIVES Subjects of the Russian Federation


______“Overcoming the Boundaries: Development of Air Communications in the Arctic Zone of Russia” December 6, 2018 12:00 – 13:30 Working session ______Providing affordable air travel is a vital issue for the population of the Arctic regions, as only aviation provides year-round transport links to residents of remote communities. Nevertheless, there are enough problems in this area: there are not enough routes, high prices for tickets, lack of equipment and deterioration of ground infrastructure. Currently, issues are being addressed - the process of restoring polar aviation is in progress: the process of restoring polar aviation is in progress: the aircraft fleet is being updated, airports are being reconstructed, a system of federal public enterprises is being developed – there were built “Airports of Chukotka” and “Airports of the North”. The working session will hold a discussion on how to provide residents of the Arctic with reliable air traffic.

Issues for discussion: The development of air traffic in the Russian Arctic Subsidizing passenger flights in the Russian Arctic. Support for intraregional (local) traffic Aircraft for the needs of the Arctic Passenger transport by helicopters in the Arctic Reconstruction of airports in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Invited to participate:

Director of the Public Policy in Civil Aviation Department of the Ministry SVETLANA PETROVA of Transport of the RF ALEXANDER NERADKO Head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Director of the Aviation Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and RAVIL KHAKIMOV Trade of the Russian Federation Member of the Committee of the Federation Council on federal structure, ALEXANDER ERMAKOV regional politics, local self-government and affairs of the North KONSTANTIN DIMITROV Minister of Transport of the Krasnoyarsk Krai

SEMYON VINOKUROV Minister of Transport and Road Management of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Head of the Department Competitive Analisis of Prospective Projects on VADIM MIKHEEV Helicopter’s Equipment and Marketing, Russian Нelicopters, JSC

SERGEI ANTSIFEROV General Director, Vityaz Avia Corporation

LEONID MOKHOV General Director, NordStar Airlines




“Climate Change and Melting of Permafrost Thaw” December 6, 2018 14:30 – 16:00 Working session ______Large-scale climate change in the Arctic calls into question the effectiveness of long-term strategies for the development of the macro-region, which do not take into account climatic factors. The “Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation” notes that the Arctic region, which is most important for studying the causes and mechanisms of climate change, is still unavailable for continuous hydrometeorological research. In these conditions, the formation of a separate climate doctrine of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation can be a solution of these difficulties. The section will consider the impact of climate change on the Arctic region, and great attention will be paid to the problem of cryolithozone degradation.

Issues for discussion: The impact of Arctic climate change on human activities in the region International cooperation on climate change issues Cryolithozone degradation. Creating a national permafrost monitoring network Legal basis of state policy in the field of permafrost protection

Invited to participate:

Head of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental MAXIM YAKOVENKO Monitoring of the Russian Federation Chairman of the State Assembly (Il Tumen) Standing Committee of the VLADIMIR PROKOPIEV Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) on Land Matters, Natural Recourses and Ecology Director General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature INGER ANDERSEN and Natural Resources Honorary President of the European Geo Sciences Union, Founder of the ANDRÉ BERGER International Polar Foundation

ALEKSEI KOKORIN Head of the Climate and Energy Program, WWF Russia

VLADIMIR KATSOV Director of Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory

Head of the Climate Change Research Department, State Hydrological OLEG ANISIMOV Institute


______“Development of Robotic and Unmanned Technologies for the Arctic” December 6, 2018 14:30 – 16:00 Working session ______The Arctic is one of the key regions for the use of robotic systems due to the fact that in the north the machines are more suitable for functioning without people. Currently, several different agencies have announced that they plan to create fully automated transport and other vehicles for use in the Arctic. The emergence of vehicles that operate without human intervention means increasing efficiency, increasing safety and, in the long term, reducing the cost of core activities. During the working session it is planned to discuss projects and prospects for the use of unmanned vehicles and robotics for the implementation of large-scale projects in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

Issues for discussion: Features of the use of UAVs in the Russian Arctic Prospects for the use of unmanned and robotic systems in the enterprises of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Underwater robots to search for hydrocarbons in the Arctic Creation of a robotic complex for underwater drilling on the Arctic shelf

Invited to participate:

Director of the Aviation Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry RAVIL KHAKIMOV and Trade of the Russian Federation Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the RF on Economic Policy, SERGEI ZHIGAREV Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship


Executive Director of OJSC “NGO “Experimental Design Bureau named after DARIA GUSCHINA M.P. Simonov”

ANDREY PANASYUK Director of Advanced Development Programs, Russian Нelicopters, JSC

KIRILL SEMENIKHIN Director of Innopolis University


______“Creating Transport Accessibility: Land and Inland Water Transport in the Arctic” December 6, 2018 14:30 – 16:00 Working session ______During the debate about the prospects of the Northern Sea Route, we must not forget about the need to create a full-fledged Arctic transport system. The construction of railways and highways, the modernization of the infrastructure of inland waterways are necessary to ensure the loading of ports on the route of the Northern Sea Route, full communication with non-Arctic regions of Russia and free movement of residents of the northern regions. In August 2018, an order of the Government of the Russian Federation on a concession agreement for the financing, construction and operation of the railway infrastructure “Obskaya - Salekhard – Nadym” (the section of the Northern Latitudinal Railway) was signed. The cargo base and prospects of “Belkomur” and “Barentskomur” are being discussed. Attracting private investment and the use of PPP mechanisms is the issue which requires the closest attention in these processes.

Issues for discussion: The development of railway infrastructure in the Russian Arctic Construction and reconstruction of roads in the Arctic Infrastructure development of inland waterways in the Russian Arctic Mechanisms for attracting investment in infrastructure projects Construction and modernization technologies of the transport infrastructure in the Arctic Vehicles for use under extreme climatic conditions

Invited to participate:

VLADIMIR CHEPETS Head of the Federal Agency for Rail Transport

ANDREY KOSTIUK Head of Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor)

VIKTOR VOVK Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport

ALEKSANDR MISHARIN the First Vice-President, Russian Railways (JSCo "RZD")

VLADISLAV ONISHCHENKO Head of the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation

YURI BAKERKIN Head of Investment Department of Russian Railways

DMITRY SOSNIN Minister of Transport and Road Management of the Murmansk Oblast Director of the Department of Transport and Road Management of the MAXIM PERSHIKOV Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug


______“Mining Industry Complex of the Arctic Zone of the RF: New Frontiers and Solutions” December 6, 2018 14:30 – 16:00 Panel session ______The mining complex is one of the pivot points of the socio-economic development of the Arctic. Diamond, nickel, cobalt, copper, coal, gold and other mineral deposits are concentrated in the region. In turn, the realization of the high investment potential of the industry (the cost of mineral resources in the Arctic subsoil is about two trillion dollars) requires solving a number of key issues: from increasing the geological knowledge of the subsoil to creating an infrastructure for transporting solid minerals and training qualified personnel.

Issues for discussion: Development of the mineral resource base of the Arctic region The main problems of the development of mining enterprises Construction of new facilities and the introduction of promising technologies for the development of mineral deposits Improving the regulatory framework for subsoil use

Invited to participate:

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian EVGENII KISELEV Federation, Head of the Federal Agency for Mineral Resources

MAXIM TERESHCHENKO Minister of Industry and Geology of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Member of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Ownership ALEXANDER ISCHENKO and Land Relations

OLGA KUZNETSOVA Deputy Governor of the Murmansk region

MAXIM TERESHCHENKO Minister of Industry and Geology of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


______“Arctic Municipalities: from Survival to Sustainable Development” December 6, 2018 14:30 – 16:00 Round table ______Arctic settlements differ greatly in the composition of population, specialization, level and development prospects. But all settlements in the Arctic are to deal with a common task, which is creating comfortable conditions for their residents. In this work they face similar problems: deterioration of the infrastructure complex, including housing and public utilities and the social sphere, low birth rate and population outflow, problems with attracting investments, insufficient development of transport. The round table will discuss the models of socio-economic development of Arctic cities, the prospects for retaining and attracting the working population, the experience of building a favorable business environment and a comfortable quality of life.

Issues for discussion: Features of the development of Arctic cities and settlements Support mechanisms for municipalities of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Attracting investment in the Arctic territories Effective interaction of city-forming enterprises and the urban community Volunteering development in arctic settlements

Invited to participate:

ANDREI CHIBIS Deputy Minister of Construction of the Russian Federation

ANATOLY SHIROKOV Member of the Committee of the Federation Council on federal structure, regional politics, local self-government and affairs of the North VIKTOR PAVLENKO Member of the Committee of the Federation Council on federal structure, regional politics, local self-government and affairs of the North

IGOR SHPEKTOR President of the Union of Arctic Circle and High North Towns Head of the Department of Regional Development of Ministry of IGOR EGOROV Economic Development of the RF Director of the Department of Employment of the Ministry of Labor and MIKHAIL KIRSANOV Social Protection of the Russian Federation IGOR SUKHOTIN Head of the Charity Programmes Department of the Social Policy Department of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel REPRESENTATIVE EuroChem

REPRESENTATIVE State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM



______“Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic: Traditions and Modernity. Finding a Balance” December 6, 2018 14:30 – 16:00 Working session ______The situation of the small peoples of the North in recent decades has been complicated by the unsuitability of their traditional way of life to modern economic conditions. Low competitiveness of traditional types of economic activity is due to low production volumes, high transport costs, the lack of modern enterprises and technologies for the integrated processing of raw materials and biological resources. In order to ensure sustainable development in modern conditions, it is necessary to strengthen the socio-economic potential of indigenous peoples, preserve the original habitat, traditional lifestyle and cultural values based on targeted state support and mobilizing the internal resources of the peoples themselves in the interests of contemporaries and future generations.

Issues for discussion: Preservation and development of the traditional way of life, management and crafts of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic Legal regulation of issues related to the use of natural resources and land by indigenous peoples of the North Monitoring of the socio-economic situation of the indigenous minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation Support for young indigenous peoples of the North Reindeer breeding as an integral part of the traditional lifestyle of the indigenous people

Invited to participate:

IGOR BARINOV Head of the Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs

ANNA OTKE Member of the Federation Council Committee of the RF on Social Policy

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Regional Policy and Problems of NIKOLAI KHARITONOV North and Far East

President of the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, GRIGORII LEDKOV Siberia and Russian Far East

GALINA GABUSHEVA Minister of National Policy of the Republic of Komi

GLEB SHINKARCHUK Minister of Internal Policy and Mass Communications of the Murmansk Oblast

Chairman of the Standing Committee of the State Assembly ELENA GOLOMAREVA (Il Tumen) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Director of the Department of Indigenous Minorities of the North of the INNA SOTRUEVA Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug


______“Features of Construction and Operation of Buildings in the Arctic” December 6, 2018 16:30 – 18:00 Working session ______The adverse climatic conditions of the permafrost zone negatively affect the infrastructure of the Arctic regions. This significantly increases the cost of construction and operation of buildings and structures and constantly requires carrying out searches of new approaches and technologies for the construction of infrastructure to ensure their sustainability. For this reason, by 2020, the Ministry of Construction of Russia plans to develop, new regulations for construction in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

Issues for discussion: Improving the regulatory framework related to construction in the polar macro-region Ensuring the safe operation of residential buildings and facilities in the Russian Arctic The impact of permafrost on the construction of roads, buildings and structures in the Arctic Modern development for construction in a harsh climate Use of unconventional materials for construction in the Arctic

Invited to participate:

VLADIMIR YAKUSHEV Minister of Construction and Housing of the Russian Federation

First Deputy Governor - Chairman of the Government of the Chukotka LEONID NIKOLAEV Autonomous Okrug, Head of Department

ALEKSEI SITNIKOV the First Deputy Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Chairman of the State Assembly (Il Tumen) Standing Committee of the VLADIMIR PROKOPIEV Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) on Land Matters, Natural Recourses and Ecology President of the Union of Arctic Circle and High North Towns, Chairman of IGOR SHPEKTOR the Commission on Housing and Public Utilities, Construction and Roads of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation

ALEXANDER PESTRYAKOV Chairman of the Norilsk Council of Deputies

Head of the Laboratory of Frozen Soil Mechanics and Base Calculation of ANDREY ALEKSEEV JSC Research Center of Construction Director of the Center for Arctic Innovation Technologies of St. Petersburg ANATOLY ALEXASHIN State Marine Technical University


______“Protection and Management of Forests of the Arctic Zone of the RF” December 6, 2018 16:30 – 18:00 Working session ______Northern forests are an important part of the Arctic ecosystem. Ensuring environmental safety is one of the priorities of state policy in the region. The active industrial development of the region necessitates the development of high-tech industries and the development of an environmental monitoring system in the northern territories. The state program "Development of Forestry" provides measures to develop forest areas in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The main objectives of the program are increasing the efficiency of the use, protection, conservation and reproduction of forests, as well as ensuring the stable satisfaction of social needs for resources and beneficial properties of forests while maintaining economic and ecological potential, as well as global functions of forests.

Issues for discussion: Features of the use and reproduction of forests of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Protection of forests of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Boreal forests and climate change in the polar region Preservation of environmental and socio-economic functions of tundra forest International cooperation on the boreal forests

Invited to participate:

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian IVAN VALENTIK Federation - Head of the Federal Agency for Forestry Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry Complex of the Arkhangelsk SERGEY SHEVELEV Oblast Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Property NIKOLAY NIKOLAEV and Land Member of the Council of the Federation Committee on Agrarian and TATYANA GIGEL Food Policy and Environmental Management

DMITRY RUUSALEP Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Murmansk Oblast

DIMITRI MASLODUDOV Acting Minister of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Krai


Head of silviculture and forest management department of the Northern SERGEY KOPTEV (Arctic) Federal University


______“My Home is the Arctic. How Can the Quality of Life in December 6, 2018 the Northern Region be Improved?” 16:30 – 18:00 ______Round table The Arctic zone of Russia is not only a resource base and a region of special strategic importance for the state, but also a home for more than 2 million people. Complex development and development of the Arctic is possible only if people feel comfortable in the north - they will be ready to live and work in the harsh conditions of the Arctic. Creating the conditions and developing mechanisms to ensure comfortable living in the Arctic regions is a key factor in reducing the outflow of the indigenous population and attracting young qualified specialists to the Russian Arctic Also, preservation and development of the culture and traditions of the Arctic as the basis for the formation of a northern identity plays an important role.

Issues for discussion: Mechanisms for creating favorable conditions for comfortable living in the polar region. Social policy of the state and business Stimulating internal labor migration and reducing the outflow of qualified personnel Food security in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Social support for children in the Arctic Involving veterans in Arctic-related social processes The legacy of the Arctic as a basis for educating the younger generation

Invited to participate:

Director of the Department of Labor Conditions and Labor Protection of VALERY KORZH the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Acting Director of the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage ROMAN RYBALO of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Management of youth projects and programs of the Federal Agency for GRIGORY GUROV Youth Affairs Member of the Committee of the Federation Council on federal structure, IGOR CHERNYSHENKO regional politics, local self-government and affairs of the North Member of the State Duma Committee on Regional Policy and the SERGEY KOTKIN Problems of the North and the Far East

REPRESENTATIVE Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Head of the Charity Programmes of the Social Policy Department of MMC IGOR SUKHOTIN Norilsk Nickel

REPRESENTATIVE State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom



______“International Aspects of Environmental Safety in the Polar Region” December 6, 2018 16:30 – 18:00 Working session ______Considering the uniqueness of the Arctic environment, the vulnerability of its natural components and the interest of individual states in using the economic potential of the Arctic, the international community consciously seeks to preserve the environment of the macroregion and to protect it as much as possible from negative impacts. The Russian Federation as a leading Arctic power can become a coordinator of this process.

Issues for discussion: Preserving and ensuring the protection of the Arctic environment: common problems and ways out International obligations of the Arctic countries in the field of ecology Joint environmental projects and programs in the field of nature conservation. Development of international volunteering

Invited to participate:

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian MURAD KERIMOV Federation Head of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent ELEONORA MITROFANOVA States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation EVGENY NIKORA Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Oblast

INGVILD ALEKSANDERSEN Governor of Finnmark, Norway

IGOR CHESTIN Director of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Russia Executive Director of the office of the international non-governmental SERGEY TSYPLENKOV organization Greenpeace Russia Professor of Practice in Science Diplomacy, the Fletcher School of Law PAUL A. BERKMAN and Diplomacy, Tufts University (USA)


December 6, 2018 ASPOL Boarding Meeting 16:30 – 18:00 ______

*subject to change without notice