NIDS Commentary No. 83

Commencement of the New Putin Administration and its Strategy Takeyuki Hasegawa ( Research Fellow, Regional Studies Department )

NIDS Commentary No. 83 January 16, 2019

entitled “On National Goals and Strategic Introduction2018 年 May 7 日の President inauguration Objectives of the Russian Federation The Putin administration, which is now in through to 2024.”2 Its main objectives are its fourth term overall, was inaugurated in a development of the stagnating social and presidential inauguration ceremony on May economic sectors and science and 5, 2018. It is no exaggeration to say that the technology sectors, and it instructed the previous administration from 2012 to 2018 federal government led by Prime Minister was characterized by an oppositional Medvedev to achieve specific national goals relationship with the Western countries, pertaining to the development of the Russian including the expulsion of from the Federation, including natural population G8 triggered by annexation of Crimea and growth, increased life expectancy, measures the Ukraine conflict, the resulting economic to fight poverty, improvement of housing sanctions on Russia, and military conditions, and guarantee of the rapid intervention in Syria, etc. introduction of digital technologies in the At a time when discussions anticipating economic and the social spheres, etc. 3 the post-Putin era 1 such as about Putin However, in Russia where so-called “becoming a lame duck” and “the decline of “modernization” 4 of the social and his leadership,” etc. are taking place due to economic spheres, namely diversification the presidential term limits under the and innovation of the industrial structure, has Russian Constitution and the age of been advocated for a long time, this President Putin, this essay presents a Executive Order does not necessarily discussion of the domestic and foreign policy include any groundbreaking content. under the new administration with the focus When the first term of the second on the newly-approved policy documents administration was inaugurated in May 2012, and personnel appointments and the trends 11 executive orders were issued on the day of Kremlin core. of the inauguration ceremony. The content of the series of executive orders ranged Declaration of the “New May Order” and broadly from foreign policy to education and policy directions social and economic policy and, regarding On the day of his inauguration ceremony, military security policy, the modernization of President Putin signed an Executive Order the military using the latest equipment and

1 NIDS Commentary No. 83 development of the nuclear deterrent were in which he can run state affairs directly. The mentioned. 5 These attracted attention as background to the fact that the recent “New the Майские указы (“May Orders”) and led May Order” is focused on social and to the basic policies of the administration economic policy is that Russia is aiming to being presented to both domestic and correct the course of the policy in the foreign audiences. previous administration which had an The recent Executive Order issued on the excessive emphasis on an assertive foreign day of the inauguration ceremony was policy and military security. reported as the “New May Order,”6 and it can be concluded that it is an important Reorganization of ministries and normative document for ascertaining the agencies and young cabinet ministers characteristics of the new administration in The reorganization of ministries and conjunction with the reorganization of the agencies was implemented in a form government organs and changes to the matching the policy directions shown in this personnel appointments. In particular the Executive Order, and changes in personnel basic perception of the new administration appointments were seen. Among the various with respect to the “modernization” policy organs of federal executive power under the followed from the Medvedev administration jurisdiction of the Prime Minister, the Ministry onwards was glaringly apparent in the of Telecom and Mass Communications was statement at the beginning of the Order: reorganized into the Ministry of Digital “development of the stagnating Russian Development, Communications and Mass science and technology, society and Media, and 39-year-old Konstantin Noskov economy.” The Medvedev administration was appointed the minister. After earning a inaugurated in May 2008 was under Master Degree at the Higher School pressure to handle the Georgia war in of Economics, he worked at the Ministry of August the same year and then the Economic Development and Trade worldwide financial crisis triggered in the (2001-2008), transferred to an internal United States, and following that in the first subdivision of the federal government under term of the second Putin administration, due the Medvedev administration, and served as to the Ukraine conflict and annexation of the Director of the Department of Information Crimea and the resulting tense relations with Technologies and Communications the Western countries, intervention in Syria, (2009-2011), the Head of the Analytical etc., the priorities of military security and Center for the Government of the Russian foreign policy were much higher than social Federation, etc., so he is an expert in and economic policy based on the economic and information and “modernization” policy. Furthermore, taking communications policy. 7 Maxim Oreshkin, into consideration presidential term limits who also graduated from the Moscow Higher under the federal constitution and the age of School of Economics, has been reappointed President Putin himself, he has limited time Minister for Economic Development. He was

2 NIDS Commentary No. 83 born in 1982 and is 36 years old. 8 infrastructure and application of information , who was newly appointed and communication technology. 12 Andrei the Minister for the Development of the Lipov (48 years old), who used to work in the Russian Far East, was born in 1981 and is Ministry of Communications and Mass Media 37 years old, and has experienced regional and is an expert in information and politics including serving as the Governor of communications policy, 13 is continuing to the Amur Region, etc. 9 Minister of serve as the Chief of the Presidential Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev is 40 years old Directorate. Furthermore, Dmitry Peskov14 and has joined the Cabinet for the first time, (42 years old) was appointed to the newly but he is the oldest son of the Security established position of Special Council of the Russian Federation (SCRF) Representative of the President of the Secretary 10 (discussed Russian Federation on Digital and later), and at 32 years old was appointed the Technological Development. He is an Chair of the Board of Directors of the education and social policy expert who Russian Agricultural Bank (Rosselkhozbank). majored in the political behavior of young In addition to the State University of people at Voronezh State University, and Management, he has received training at the then led the Center for Internet Policy at the Diplomatic Academy of the Foreign Ministry Moscow State Institute of International and the FSB Academy. 11 Therefore, he Relations (MGIMO) run by the Ministry of does not seem to be a pure expert in Foreign Affairs, served as the Director of the agricultural policy. His recent promotion to Young Professionals Division of the Agency Minister of Agriculture can be regarded as for Strategic Initiatives, and served as a nothing more than a reward for the good member of the Working Group of the work of his father, Secretary Nikolai Economic Council under the President of the Patrushev, in the Putin administration, and in Russian Federation in the area of “Social relation to the series of promotions of young Policy and Human Development,” etc.15 officials it can be interpreted as a personnel It can be concluded that the series of appointment that anticipates a post-Putin personnel appointments and reorganizations structure. of organizations were aimed at the solution In the Presidential Executive Office which of the policy issues raised in the “New May assists the President, the Presidential Order,” in particular “rapid introduction of Directorate for Application of Information digital technologies in the economic and Technology and the Development of social spheres,” but if the new administration E-Democracy was reorganized to establish intends to seriously tackle the development the Presidential Directorate for Development of Russia from a long-term perspective, of Information and Communication surely the improvement of diplomatic and Technology and Communication economic relations with the Western Infrastructure, and it was put in charge of the countries is the top priority issue. policies of the development of digital 3

NIDS Commentary No. 83

Development of National Security Office and Director of the Federal Security Council personnel and “NSC diplomacy” Service (FSB), etc.19 In the political reforms Turning our attention to the composition of from 2000 onwards the legal status and the Security Council of the Russian authority of the SCRF were strengthened, Federation (SCRF), which is equivalent to and Secretary Patrushev actively developed the National Security Council (NSC) in travelling meetings including regional Japan and the United States, and in inspections, 20 and meetings with NSC particular to the permanent members 16 counterparts (NSC diplomacy21). who have voting rights in the meetings, Two travelling meetings that are heads of military security, diplomacy, and particularly noteworthy were held at the intelligence sections such as Defence beginning of July. The first was held jointly Minister Sergei Shoigu, Foreign Minister with the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy Sergei Lavrov, Director of the Federal to the Far Eastern Federal District on July 3 Security Service Alexander Bortnikov, and and July 4 in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service the Kamchatka Krai, and on the first day Sergei Naryshkin stayed in office, so major discussions were held about environmental changes to the lineup of the NSC were not security, including the various problems seen.17 Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has related to transportation in that region and been in office for more than 14 years, and measures to combat illegal logging in SCRF Secretary Patrushev has reached his forests. 22 On the following day, July 4, tenth year since taking up his post. In the Secretary Patrushev visited the Pacific Fleet strategic cores of Russia such as the heads submarine base in Vilyuchinsk, and held of the various organs of federal executive discussions with the headquarters about the power under the jurisdiction of the President various problems related to modernization of that are responsible for diplomacy, the the military infrastructure and equipment military, and intelligence, the permanent using the latest weapons and military members of SCRF, etc., aging and technology, and held inspections of the new ossification is observed, and this model (Borei-class) nuclear-powered phenomenon is also seen in SCRF staff ballistic missile submarines Alexander organization18 (administrative organization) Nevsky and the border infrastructure top level personnel. facilities.23 SCRF Secretary Patrushev, who Due to the development of Arctic Ocean commands said SCRF staff organization and shipping routes and China's “Maritime Silk guarantees the activities of SCRF, was born Road” concept,24 the strategic importance in Leningrad () and formerly of the Kuril Islands and the Kamchatka worked at the KGB, so he is the closest of Peninsula is growing, so it is surmised that close advisors to President Putin, who had the Kremlin has a high level of interest in also served as the Chief of Main Control military equipment upgrades, the border Directorate in the Presidential Executive security structure, and the status of the

4 NIDS Commentary No. 83 development of port and harbor French Secretary General for Defence and infrastructure, etc. in that region. The recent National Security,28 so it can be surmised inspection by Secretary Patrushev, who is that Russia is using the NSC framework to the closest of close advisors to Putin, can implement policy coordination at the also be described as “supervision of the strategic core level. military by the Kremlin.” Conclusion The following week on July 9 and July 10 he visited the Crimean Peninsula which It can be concluded that the new Putin Russia annexed in 2014, and in Sevastopol administration is tackling priority measures in he held a travelling meeting, and a meeting the social and economic spheres in with the Commander of the Black Sea Fleet accordance with the “New May Order,” but was also included in his schedule.25 diversification and innovation of the In this way Secretary Patrushev has industrial structure cannot be achieved implemented a series of local inspections of overnight. At the end of July, a large-scale military bases and infrastructure important demonstration was held in Moscow, etc. over for national security on the East Asia front pension reforms,29 and due to the handling and the European front, and these of the administration the influence of inspections can be interpreted to be not only President Putin has declined; moreover, the the work of confirming the status of policy possibility that he is “becoming a lame duck” implementation by the Kremlin but also to cannot be denied. Furthermore, there is a have the function of information transmission possibility that this situation will increase the about the national security policy to domestic influence of the administration in terms of and foreign audiences through media reports diplomacy and military security, but at a time by the mass media in federal central and when stabilization of diplomatic and regional areas. economic relations with the Western Moreover, Secretary Patrushev has also countries is essential for the long-term actively pursued NSC diplomacy. On June development of the Russian economy and 22 he held a meeting with the Director of the society, there is an inherent limit to taking an National Security Office in the Blue House of assertive foreign policy, so the new South Korea, Chung Eui-yong, who was administration is under pressure to follow a visiting Moscow with President Moon, and difficult course. they held discussions about security In such a situation, formulation and cooperation between the two countries and coordination of a national security policy the situation on the Korean Peninsula.26 In based on a comprehensive and long-term addition to this, he has held meetings with perspective is required, and the SCRF (and some of his counterparts from Europe and staff organization), the control bodies, play a the United States, namely Assistant to the large role in this. Continuing on from the President for National Security Affairs John previous administration, Secretary Patrushev, Bolton of the United States 27 and the who is the closest of close advisors to Putin 5

NIDS Commentary No. 83 and leads the SCRF staff organization, is оборонно-промышленного комплекса», СЗРФ, 7 actively travelling around to domestic and мая 2012г., № 19, ст. 2340. 6 foreign destinations to inspect military bases РБК, 7 мая 2018г., «Новый майский указ Путина. Главные целевые показатели»: and tackle important diplomatic matters. At a [ time when “becoming a lame duck” and 472bc16ff1f9] 7 Сайт «Минкомсвязь России»: “decline of leadership” are becoming []; ТАСС, 18 мая 2018г., «Биография Константина Носкова: concerns of the new administration, it can be 18 мая Носков стал министром цифрового concluded that the importance of SCRF развития, связи и массовых коммуникаций РФ»: [] Secretary Patrushev, an “ally” Putin can trust, 8 Сайт «Правительство России»: will become greater than ever before from [] 9 Сайт «Правительство России»: the perspective of maintaining the political [] 10 influence of the Kremlin core led by This refers to Секретарь Совета Безопасности Российской Федерации. It is possible to translate President Putin. this as the Secretary-General, Secretary, or Director of the Security Council, but due to the nature of the (Completed July 31) published media, in this paper we employ the widely used translation “Secretary.” 11 Ведомости, 25 мая 2010г., «Россельхозбанк * The website access date for this paper is возглавил 32-летний сын секретаря Совета July 31, 2018. The ages of the cabinet безопасности»: [ ministers are also as of July 31, 2018 if not /rosselhozbank-vozglavil-32-letnij-syn-sekretarya-sov otherwise specified. eta-bezopasnosti]; Сайт «Правительство России»: []; his second son Andrey is also a graduate of the FSB Academy, and is an energy expert who stands at the 1 Shinji Hyodo (2018), President Putin's Leadership: top of a joint venture of and Lukoil, etc. РБК, Future of Russia's Assertive Foreign Policy, Journal of 1 марта 2017г., «Сын Патрушева возглавил совет International Security, Vol. 46 No. 1, p. 51-67. директоров СП «Газпрома» и ЛУКОЙЛа»: 2 Указ Президента РФ от 7 мая 2018г. № 204, «О [ национальных целях и стратегических задачах 7947f1a2310d9b]; ТАСС, 18 мая 2018г., развития Российской Федерации на период до «Биография Дмитрия Патрушева»: 2024 года», Собрание законодательства [] 12 Российской Федераций(СЗРФ), 14 мая 2018г., № 4-а, «Положение об Управлении Президента 20, ст. 2817. Российской Федерации по развитию 3 Пункт 1, Указ Президента РФ от 7 мая 2018г. № информационно-коммуникационных технологий и 204. Furthermore, Putin instructed the federal инфраструктуры связи», Указ Президента РФ от government to approve the federal government's 14 июня 2018г., № 334, «О мерах по оптимизации basic activities policy and forecasts for social and структуры Администрации Президента Российской economic development until 2024 taking into Федерации, СЗРФ, 18 июня 2018г., № 25, ст. consideration the need to ensure mechanisms and 3646. 13 resources to achieve the national targets by October РИА Новости, 12 июля 2012г., «Биография 1, 2018. «а» Пункт 2, № 204. Андрея Липова»: 4 “Modernization” is deemed to be not only [] 14 technological innovation but also building the This is a different person called Dmitry Peskov economic structure and the large-scale issues (Дмитрий Песков Николаевич) from the Dmitry pertaining to the means of building the economic Peskov who is Deputy Chief of Staff of the structure. Satoshi Mizobata (2013), Economic Policy Presidential Executive Office and Presidential Press of Modernization, Co-editor, The Political Economy of Secretary (Дмитрий Песков Сергеевич). 15 Russian Modernization, Bunrikaku, p. 41. Сайт «АО Российская венчурная компания»: 5 Указ Президента РФ от 7 мая 2012г., № 603, «О [ реализации планов (программ) строительства и v/]; ТАСС, 10 июля 2018г., «Путин назначил развития Вооруженных Сил Российской Пескова из АСИ своим спецпредставителем по Федерации, других войск, воинских формирований цифровому развитию»: и органов и модернизации [] 6 NIDS Commentary No. 83

16 For the basic structure, authority, and functions of 21 Here we are referring to diplomatic activities by the SCRF, refer to the following literature: Shinji top NSC administrators. Refer to the following Hyodo (2009), Chapter 4: Russian Security Council literature for the details: Hasegawa 2015, pp. 8-10, Yasuhiro Matsuda (ed.), NSC, National Security Footnote 38. Council: Comparative Studies of Crisis Management 22 Сайт «Совет Безопасности РФ»: and Security Policy Making Mechanisms, Sairyusha, [] pp. 136-172; Shinji Hyodo (2012), The Roles of 23 Российская Газета, 4 июля 2018г., «Николай National Security Council of Russian Federation in Патрушев проинспектировал базу подводников на the Decision Making Process of the National Security Камчатке»: Policy: The Revision of Federal Law on Security and [ the Regulations of National Security Council, inspektiroval-bazu-podvodnikov-na-kamchatke.html]; Cosmopolis, Program in International Relations in the Камчатский Край, 10 июля 2018г., «Вопросы Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University, безопасности обсудили на Камчатке»: pp. 1-10; Takeyuki Hasegawa (2015), A Study on [ Russian Security Council and Putin’s Political -obsudili-na-kamchatke.html]; Сайт «Совет Reforms, Russian and East European Studies, No. 43, Безопасности РФ»: pp. 69-88; Takeyuki Hasegawa (2016), A Study on [] Russian National Security Policy under Putin - the 24 Refer to the following studies for the details about role of Interdepartmental Commissions of the Russian the “Maritime Silk Road” and China-Russia relations: Security Council and “the Putin-Patrushev Line,” Shinji Yamaguchi (2018), The White Paper Entitled Russian Eurasian Economy & Society, No. 1009, pp. “China’s Arctic Policy”: the Third Silk Road Concept 2-21. and the Potential for China-Russia Cooperation, 17 Указ Президента РФ от 25 мая 2012г., № 715 NIDS Commentary, No. 69 (February 21, 2018) (ред. от 3 июля 2018г.), «Об утверждении состава [ Совета Безопасности Российской Федерации», df/commentary069.pdf]; Yoko Hirose (2018), Russia СЗРФ, 28 мая 2012г., № 22, ст. 2758. and China: Anti-American Strategy, Chikuma Shobo. 18 This corresponds to the National Security 25 In addition, he inspected the FSB Republic of Secretariat (NSS) in the Cabinet Secretariat of the Crimea Border Security Division and Belbek Airport. Government of Japan. Refer to the following analysis Сайт «Совет Безопасности РФ»: regarding dialogue between Japan and Russia []; through the NSC: Takeyuki Hasegawa (2018), New [] Development of Japan-Russia Relations under the 26 Сайт «Совет Безопасности РФ»: Second Abe Administration ― Focusing on the [] “Yachi-Patrushev Line” ―, HIROSHIMA RESEARCH 27 Secretary Patrushev was on a trip to the Republic NEWS, Vol. 21 No. 1, p. 5. of Angola so Assistant Bolton held a meeting with his 19 Refer to the following literature regarding the subordinate, Yury Averyanov, First Deputy Secretary relationship between President Putin and SCRF of the SCRF. Сайт «Совет Безопасности РФ»: Secretary Patrushev: Hasegawa (2015). []; 20 These are jointly held by the SCRF Secretary and [] a Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to a Federal 28 Сайт «Совет Безопасности РФ»: District in accordance with the instructions of the [] President, and it is thought that the SCRF Secretary 29 Ведомости, 29 июля 2018г., «В Москве прошел directly goes out to the regions to implement митинг против пенсионной реформы»: inspections, etc. of the progress of federal programs. [ Refer to the following literature for the details: Hyodo /776795-miting-protiv-pensionnoi-reformi] (2012); Hasegawa (2015).

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Takeyuki Hasegawa Planning and Coordination Office, The National Institute for Defense Studies Telephone (direct): 03-3260-3011 Fields of expertise: Russian politics and Telephone (general): 03-3268-3111 (ext. 29171) FAX: 03-3260-3034 security studies * National Institute for Defense Studies website: 7