Brazilian Diplomatic Thought Policymakers and Agents of Foreign Policy (1750-1964) MINISTRY of FOREIGN AFFAIRS

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Brazilian Diplomatic Thought Policymakers and Agents of Foreign Policy (1750-1964) MINISTRY of FOREIGN AFFAIRS história diplomática BRAZILIAN DIPLOMATIC THOUGHT Policymakers and Agents of Foreign Policy (1750-1964) MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes Ferreira Secretary-General Ambassador Marcos Bezerra Abbott Galvão ALEXANDRE DE GUSMÃO FOUNDATION President Ambassador Sérgio Eduardo Moreira Lima Institute of Research on International Relations Director Minister Paulo Roberto de Almeida Center for Diplomatic History and Documents Director Ambassador Gelson Fonseca Junior Editorial Board of the Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation President Ambassador Sérgio Eduardo Moreira Lima Members Ambassador Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg Ambassador Jorio Dauster Magalhães e Silva Ambassador Gelson Fonseca Junior Ambassador José Estanislau do Amaral Souza Minister Paulo Roberto de Almeida Minister Luís Felipe Silvério Fortuna Minister Mauricio Carvalho Lyrio Professor Francisco Fernando Monteoliva Doratioto Professor José Flávio Sombra Saraiva Professor Eiiti Sato The Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation (Funag) was established in 1971. It is a public foundation linked to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs whose goal is to provide civil society with information concerning the international scenario and aspects of the Brazilian diplomatic agenda. The Foundation’s mission is to foster awareness of the domestic public opinion with regard to international relations issues and Brazilian foreign policy. José Vicente de Sá Pimentel editor HISTÓRIA DIPLOMÁTICA | 1 BRAZILIAN DIPLOMATIC THOUGHT Policymakers and Agents of Foreign Policy (1750-1964) Volume 3 Brasília – 2017 Copyright ©Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation Ministry of Foreign Affairs Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco H Anexo II, Térreo, Sala 1 70170-900 Brasília-DF Telefones: +55 (61) 2030-6033/6034 Fax: +55 (61) 2030-9125 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Printed in Brazil Originally published as Pensamento Diplomático Brasileiro – Formuladores e Agentes da Política Externa (1750-1964) ©Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, 2013 Editorial Staff: Eliane Miranda Paiva André Luiz Ventura Ferreira Fernanda Antunes Siqueira Gabriela Del Rio de Rezende Lívia Castelo Branco Marcos Milanez Luiz Antônio Gusmão Translation: Rodrigo Sardenberg Paul Sekcenski Graphic Design: Daniela Barbosa Layout: Gráfica e Editora Ideal Map of the front cover: Designed under Alexandre de Gusmão’s guidance, the so-called “Mapa das Cortes” served as the basis for the negotiations of the Treaty of Madrid (1750). Map of the back cover: World-map made by the Venitian Jeronimo Marini in 1512, the first one to insert the name Brazil in it. It is also unique in placing the Southern Hemisphere at the top. Printed in Brazil 2017 B827 Brazilian diplomatic thought : policymakers and agents of foreing policy (1750- 1964) / José Vicente de Sá Pimentel (editor); Rodrigo Sardenberg (translation). – Brasília: FUNAG, 2017. 3 v. – (História diplomática) Título original: Pensamento diplomático brasileiro: formuladores e agentes da política externa. ISBN 978-85-7631-547-6 1. Diplomata 2. Diplomacia brasileira. 3. Política externa - história - Brasil. 4. História diplomática - Brasil. I. Pimentel, Vicente de Sá. II. Série. CDD 327.2 Depósito Legal na Fundação Biblioteca Nacional conforme Lei n° 10.994, de 14/12/2004. CONTENTS Part III THE STATE REFORM AND THE MODERNIZATION OF DIPLOMACY Introduction to foreign policy and to the diplomatic ideas of modern Brazil .............................673 Eiiti Sato Oswaldo Aranha: in continuity of Rio Branco’s statemenship ...................................................................... 687 Paulo Roberto de Almeida; João Hermes Pereira de Araújo Cyro de Freitas-Valle: United Nations, Brazil first ..........................................................................733 Eugênio Vargas Garcia José Carlos Macedo Soares: liberal, nationalist and democrat ............................................ 769 Guilherme Frazão Conduru Admiral Álvaro Alberto: the pursuit of national development in science and technology .................817 Eiiti Sato Edmundo Penna Barbosa da Silva: from “Secos & Molhados” to multilateral economic diplomacy ........................................................ 861 Rogério de Souza Farias Helio Jaguaribe: the generation of national developmentalism ............................................................ 891 Antonio Carlos Lessa José Honório Rodrigues: historian of the national interest and africanism ..............................917 Paulo Visentini Afonso Arinos de Mello Franco: his times and paradox ........................................................................955 Samuel Pinheiro Guimarães Francisco Clementino San Tiago Dantas: the east-west conflict and the limits of the rational argument ........................................................1001 Gelson Fonseca Augusto Frederico Schmidt: the poet of acquiescent dependence ............................................. 1047 Carlos Eduardo Vidigal João Augusto de Araújo Castro: diplomat .......... 1081 Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg Authors ..............................................................................1119 PART III The State reform and the modernization of diplomacy INTRODUCTION TO FOREIGN POLICY AND TO THE DIPLOMATIC IDEAS OF MODERN BRAZIL Eiiti Sato The essays written in this part of the book refer to a period which spars over two decades remarkably plagued by turbulence and significant changes in the international order. Approximately 2,500 years ago, Thucydides started his History of the Peloponnesian War by saying that, “the Athenian Thucydides wrote the history of the war between the Peloponnesians and the Athenians, beginning from the first signs expecting that it would be bigger and more important than all the previous ones [...]”.1 Since then, many other authors, somehow, repeated such a feeling that the time which one lives in is always the most complex and the most crucial. In many respects, however, Thucydides was right since, in fact, the war between the Athenian League and Sparta’s allies was decisive for the decline, until the complete collapse of that world of City-States that formed classical Greece, which left to us the huge cultural heritage we learned to admire so much. Indeed we can 1 Thucydides.História da Guerra do Peloponeso. Editora UnB, IPRI/FUNAG, Official Press of the State of S. Paulo, 2001. Book I, p. 1. 673 Eiiti Sato Brazilian Diplomatic Thought say something similar about the period between the late 1930’s and the early 1960’s, which is the period covered by this part of the book. It was a time marked by lots of events and changes that produced a truly new world, with many unprecedented elements in history that reflected both in the content and in the form of doing diplomacy. Brazilian foreign relations in a changing world In the late 1930’s, the nations were still trying to find a way out of the Great Depression when the world was plunged into World War II. Then there was a period of reconstruction which brought about completely new initiatives in international relations, such as the Marshall Plan and the creation of the European Communities. The post-war period also witnessed the emergence of the phenomenon of a bipolarized world around opposing ideologies and where the power poles were no longer in the hands of the traditional European powers. By the end of the war, there was an international hierarchy in which, at the top, were the United States, the Soviet Union and Great Britain – the Big Three – the three powers that effectively commanded the arrangements of Yalta, Potsdam and San Francisco. However, only ten years later, the Suez crisis, of the mid-1950s, soon exposed the British inability to continue to be an actual global power. At the same time, the decolonization process in Africa and in Asia advanced quickly bringing along dozens of new nations with demands and values that substantially increased the complexity of the international order; not to mention the advent of the nuclear age in the field of international security and the incorporation of multilateralism as inherent components of the forms of doing diplomacy. 674 Introduction to foreign policy and to the diplomatic ideas of modern Brazil Those developments, among many other changes which were not mentioned, turned the period into an “interesting time” in the sense referred to by the Ancient Chinese wisdom: a time of change, novelties and many uncertainties, anxieties, and anguish. It became very difficult for the national governments to accompany the frenzy succession of new realities and untold initiatives in the international sphere. International integration intensified, but the national economic and political institutions still were not acquainted to multilateralism and to the coexistence with more structured international regimes. As a matter of fact, most of the acting rulers and diplomats were from a generation trained within a political culture in which the perceptions of the Victorian era, focused on permanence and stable instituitions, had not completely disappeared yet. Thus, the ministeries of foreign affairs had much difficulty to understand the most important outlines of a changing international order. Today, having in our favor the passage of time, which consolidated tendencies, transformed the facts into history and, especially, without the need to make decisions on the verge of events, we can analyze and identify the place that Brazil actually occupied in those times of change. The reading of the essays of this part of the book can lead us to understand that two developments
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