. *- .. i, ■ .

GROCER ONN WHEELS H FRIENDS INI DEEDI jg^LAIHAMTOURlRNEY ■ Delivety seiviciflce has lival TWn F alls'S t Vlr n H MjEhael Ericson wwins, . following espececlally among de Paul celebra II one of the many clclose elderly who nop longer,drive.I . 20,years of help E l . matches on day t\two, ■ - : I I IW W o m M ES9HH S|»ris,Bl CSood Homing —"— r w ^ "swuiaarr — :------^ ^ ]il|yl,2a06I . • , PartlK.c$ou^,wamiandd . DetdcA2 • i n s ^ S O c e 'n t s nddry. I . 1 N e w s n Rain skilows wildfire e s c o ) o l i i i k ,U Nevadala tow n sparered t t i m ( l E l k i Blowing as : creates newr hazard1

B yW ISilM ish and dustauscofblow- ( ■ Intcragency FjFire Center In Tlme»New« writer after the 1999 Boise, d e n ts o n 1-80 becaule 2005 Carlin The NIFCsa sale id th e Urc is cur* ELKO — The Suzie______FI in g a sh a n d d u st aftFire, which rently three: miles n north of • do v m b u t n o t o u t. W lih a Rose Fire and theicrcs i of sage- • Carlin, widi sm

Ddepressiontl T r a d : i ^ S;tudy:Thir t r d a s p i try r at drugr > e c k reatm ent Asteroid will R K raarelyw orlk s outside mooill pass just )on’s orbit Malcobn Ritter ByHatePoppiM ’ Asitoclated toe Prws writer______Tlme ^ Nftwt w riter______• NEW NE YORK — T h e larRC grour)iip 'of • l^;,:.; ’'W iNtALLS 4*O n ce a deprcjpression sufferers who ha'laven’t p a s s siirprisingJy c lo sc to I . rccovcovered with two common me(ledica- c again, an asteroid will But instead of panickir d o)ns n s stand Hide ciinnce of sueucccss dtjsk. w*y not try scdrchirto E arth. • fromjm a third drug, says the l£ Valley sky? :king or hiding under a latest . port fium the nadon's most arambU Tliat's what volunteer:hlng for It in tlie Magic W B B n tlo)us u s Istudy of depression treatme:lerit; H errett C e n te r fo r A n s a n d OnlOnly about IG percent of thosose in ;er astronomers at the doing early Monday moi th es study st became frce of sympti i n d Sc ie n ce w ill likely be ptoms 2004 X P14 p o sse s w ith in 2l ■ n v n ftcrer switching to a third drug. d just slightly more titanmorning t when asteroid n 260,000 miles of Earth, b e tw e e n o u r p la n e t a n d tli ConCombined wltli jirevious rep n die average distance sports Ilie asteroid will be br W fromm tdm project, the n wv finding • I tlic m o o n . gsug- ^^ecrctt Center telescope, r . gcst.st5t.s th a t a b o u t GO p e rc e n t o f pe<)copIe . Inches or more In dlamctci: bright .enougit for the w ho10 have li depression can gain com-c< - - .observatory coordinatorle. O Olid telescopes eight ------p le ie- •ic-rcmission-by-thctimc-dicrtcy’ve ----- etcrtoplckU up, Herrett uritl rnove ste ad ily a cro ss t iricd«1 thI re e d rugs. E ach year, about a t •stellat'ions in a b o u t o n er ho Chris Anderson said. It .■... 14.88 millionn American adults struiniggle ss d»e sky. crossing con- H ie a ste ro id Is believed t w ithih depressived Illness, ■ hour. ter- and a half^nile in dla Tlieriie sbc-ycar, S35 million treatntmciii c d to b e be tw ee n a quar- six tim e s fa in te r th a n Pluto, Xavier H ------1 ■ projcc}ject h a s y e t lo p u b lish Its Tmdl>dtji^ c lo sest, it \vlli still b e 100dlamcier. ti It is ctirrenlly f. Cliarter H Trf*-ri*4«>4A> fromm further treatment attemmpk, h u m a n e y e to see. uto. A nderson sold. At Its ifcttnarter indud:ludlng trying a fo u rth drug. T h e c en te r's Im aging 10can tlm is too faint for the B B r \ l m School ^ School Please see DEPRES^, Pag(ige.A2 , It canpick out much faintei w m m ■ ily be able to snap pinurc:camcnt is another story, The Xavier Charter, ftRTEC C harter nter objects and will eas« TheARl coasts.by. School Is a kinder­ ool will work with . w ...... Pleasesures o f th e a stero id os It . garten to eighth- K v School grade school, which '. _. K V the Twi. Hu[usbaiid plead le see AS1ER0I0, Page A2 uses the Harijor ' IV - . - District Method of Instruo- W- CollegeegcofSouthem Mrhi 10 to provide a ' IIUot I guilty in hii UonTThe Harbor ~ ' , • Idaho t , : ■;! Method uses direct engineering pro- Instruction In a corh- Two schoolss seek n for 12 to 18 1iin| TwinI FaRjlls stu d e n ts. dfe’sbeheadinn? trolled environment, courses will b e _ . ’ which It claims will , permissioi I Associated Press • promote accelerated • •nto sred In TWIn Falls . . - 2 2 ^ I School ^ ^ learning. qt >VLDWELL — A lofa T^ine, wh<'ho Is DperateinTwi/In Falls & ------— ------1 charRCirged with first-degree murdetlet in th e stayingsla of his estranged wife,. twho • ‘ ByJotbuPakMr Xa> Cavlcr O io r te r S chool h a s suu b b t m itted a peU tlo n w ass bbe e h ea d ed , h a s p le a d e d n o t g;uiity. u ■ Tlmat^towi writer ______to th( h e state D epartm ent of Educoiic ad o n to a lso o p e n Appiappearing b e fo re .3rd D istrict JuiJudge I a c h a barter school in the IWin Fallsdls area. K enaetae lioff on Thur^iay, Time woiiTorca 1 TW IN F ^ - I t w as o nily ly at m a tte r o f tim e. . H o I lowevcr, Xavier will not be: w,working with the red ppri riso n ]u m p su it a n d lum dcuffsiffs.: ■ IWo charter schools aree requestingr to open schot lool* dlstricti rather. It will11 \provide another Can;^nyon County prosccuiors's say sc h o o ls in IW ln Falls, a n d thhey e y may bc openlngas optio Jon for students In klndcrgorg anen through the theyy will' seek the e a rly as fall sem ester. eight] h th grad e. d e aith th p e n alty In th e — 3^e'ehancrSdiDol-roccccBtvcdTippiDval-froTn ------TCa xavtci'-pKUTcrsclroDrwiirTCTcpresciirsnmwcr- -joiiir-lO '15; 'sluyliig'oT '^^H pp thcTWih Fails School Board1 to operate< profession* good kI c h o lw fo r th e c h ild ren oflWln f Fails.” wrote Thercs2resa' Hme in ' Aneyeonf a!-tcdmlcal programs vrfthirthin the dlsftict. The Cind] I'l idy Fulcher, sp o k e sw o m an foifor Xavier Charter Namptnpa. Alofa Time's choncr school programs willvUl b e offered a t TWin Scho< Thh chart thowt where In U tool, in a le tte r to th e lW ln Fail:ails School D isu lc L trial1 Is scheduled to Falls H l^ School, and they willwil work qoopetatlve- “WId: Ic, X avier w ill h a v e be g in ( should be early Monday moi Idi only one class per grade,: ?n D a . 23,______ly with the College of Southerrle m Idaho. - th e fc TfllMCOpM «Vtt Inchw wid feci of a small school, yet willwill b e a n c h o re d iri Prosecutors ro s say The district estimates thattiat 12 to 18 students cxcell 9ble to see the asteroid, wh _ ( e lie n c c .' n ie reiresa s. Hioe’s head- m a y b e en ro lled In th e p ro gjra ra rm th is fall. - T hi tude 1 1 brightness at its cic lie charter school is cxpectcdcdtojUeanol^dal , ' less\ be b o d y WB^ f o u n d A m rdlhg to the charter request,req CSI,.the T i^ peddi th e b e p a n r a c n t o f . . d t eT r AAlofa I t o c . c ar- mal time to view It will bei tb< ^ s k y : ; Idon In July. According,lo ihe " - 1 Fdlls' SUibor Disirict andI the th Department of Educi I' 3:30 8.m. our tlm6. icadon. die local school boajoard will have 30 rylngig the severed Educadon “have been woridtieking logodier for thp dayst ' BecauM of the ipMd It willIn the sky 2004 XP14 c '8 to review the pcddon before.>rc it Is discussed In . headlrd in his Dodge Ram plcldip. delleiib- b e tte r p a r t o f tw o In am n ec ffo rt to im plem cnV ; a p u b need a good charter colnptjmorning. I Libllc m ee'tlne. :ely sw crvtid In to o n c o ^ g trairaffle, plans for a pre-m glhe^g;program." pn Iftl iapproveathepcd- In BoL wide or more should be 1: 'the IM nFtills School Boaidai ioise, colliding with a fedwI aand i should be. . . T\vin Falls School District:t administratorsai wore' don. I In dperadng In foil k»Hng ,whlchwlllbeamagnl- 1, Xavier Js cspcctcd to begin i ng S an^tha Nina Murphy. :36, • i closest point The opti- not ^ available for com m ent FtldFHday. -•-ofZOC:007. ' ...... a n dihadaug|uer.)aclynhe h q Grimeses.4. e between 2:30 and...... ^ Inip^ pf the uu^edIthe i • Buainmaod . ' ' .Ora Parent d to fly.;c^to (lie roadw ay. SefvlMdrectwy...... CIO ivlil 0« move, vlewers.wlll f h t s o f . TMn inW'BO^ wcoi^^dogreo m us ...... Oa»sJfleds...... C2-16 nputer G* to tell whore II' ^ rtriptetss s h a re IBSSstiSii ------C f i n t t a ' J en — n a H ivM i^ion ^ater-ftrimd'llienBTcsa ------; their t ■. dominatesc ' Uni^iiH i b o d y In'tH e garagegeof ,;8ndjc soflbaltworld. h o m e . Hu> C a n y o n County;^coi» f 6 - 1 jo y s, SOI s bfllco Is still try in g to d c te mmine il . J I M i l .Crottwon) I ...... J 2 t g t l S p O ftt h e r proptedsc cause of death. OetfM Hv...... M 5 lyuN m tS m GM«eSdes(42U»les)CU ^ ~Hwo»eopa ■ ...... *9------■ MactcVhn«y...... JU ■ . ' e ■ , \ Moyiss B9 ■ ObftailM ...... AS { OBWeo;...... >9 ,3 SMldojtai:...... C 3 • « M i

■ l M ^ r: Partly cloudy, warmvmonddry.’Hiohalow90a. J o d a y Tonight Suncfa lUesday Wedn 1 Lo Prep • ______-rtnl^ABtanynHjht.Loi*txwaupparSOi..-...... ' ItamenbwVVarmiii^dry.iry. HfghapOa., " ■ y y a r

. W i I w m I >«oar ^SQSEBBSSCSI I P Pat«yd«Kfy..«rm AttanynVrt Watmandinddry Atowdagiaea MoaBy sunny and Wamiwirnwimalaw .it^darW arm wRh a mtx’ofKof ^ s h i n a ood cloucts. Hiohs and«y eooiaf warm ckxdoudi ------■ {m^cc^^octab^aiKlind mostly cloor night. LowsSOo. LowI t o M /T a t» B 9 /W , 91/64 aflie fl/,5 7 Warm with survi)jryiy pwkxto. Highs uppor 80s to 3»ar90. . GS9i[&SBECSDS c Barometric SunriseIsaarKl ^ Potore n ^ Precipitation Hiiiu m io i ty ______P r e a s u r e- Suna ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ I BuiWw ■ »unrti»! a « * lllaunjjjjfcitPM au ^jaja LLEY, SU R RO U ND ING M TS. Id It shaplno up to tM IwitMac lor VWM IH i^gMrgreund. AMgMOunce olmountk m ■SHHIIBHHIHilil&M l m* •ctra bom dcyt. othwwtM warm arx aonyMdmnwgnSpmyMMnifr , ■»aatharl««n>«OK). ^*"nS5o5jn PhaaJI0 M S M o o n r l s e - U.V. INDEXEX. and Moonaet ______Low “0222^^ r 3h|^SL bS^E .Thd'Min liidinB 'ritn b« witit u» dtuy. Rtln L £ S 3 . iho«*(« will (tffltin tiuilvt. . Tod., ToMn Totfty Tonone* TeA Tomorrow r m r ...... °a:;g.T -c,— -miix-i>-m 1,0 w------■ NORTHERN UTAsy-a,—-.ti'iijK.ia H Ltta day ihundtrtlorn ac...iB.."4 i r* °^ II r, 1rfi” ” * T T - iKm;ntf!;sn m . " ti" . ■ ara aapactod Ihit w athtnd. Ttmparatuf ii|j][i Wjii; g » " ' I', i.;iT.r..F.i!i.riiiiiar...... r . a ■ ■ ■ £ & wilt tamtln vary wirm looks to ba hoi and;rr, dc BiiB...liiiKttiiiiiii jjigniia MTiiini j j i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M o n d a y and TUatday.I.;'” 2L 2 liiiB.KKti arfr._i„;„i M S -m a.fsrr, ...... ■WaMMMHVOTSSMBBaHa; !H iiiK'iiia ia .r.iS;ss a gssjaji...... EIPmo Ht j ?p K BB w »i g-a t ao u wMmfo^oc eo) ei M 7HI u « 0 O r 8>«»l i ?««»«!. taKiSitiiB a ...... ! i” - r “ r y y i j y y ; . ^ 0 ^ 5 0 ! . r r n s t ? e m r ^ . s i . ' . 80 90 100 110 ’

lrfii r t ii! tiS < H i T . Fronta * iiBBiiBiiiii «aa— w VMnlqr^aMibMnM:mac aatlwiliBn U*r • Cow .3 , 1 1 TT • .L!52?S57i2SSr£2L gferx : ':!]! Wanti

BKBauiffSIWIOip Itathmary f r i ll ■ii?iii»STiiiM T '' . . .a « a n M M M j.if.rn ri'r viiidioep.m.ioM>oo«y }ccludad . BM JI ■aar-g.3n.ir71, n r, Um:J'uOnn]L*wSST**

IN THE ■ A C R O3SS S i |i I:' I] I. IO i n 112 113 1 O ld e n1 dEd a y s ______J Asteroid ' a t I UV 5 V\jkitupu p : >" T o d al y ] M agic VAA bL/Cl 10 Mop upj p ------Coatknedfrrap«tAl , 14 P i s a 'sJ riverriv '“Wc could make a nicc 15'Perplexe' a L im ic ______Bxed ------a r “ " movie.' Anderson said. To haylave an event listed 1 6 F aint _iE = = r^— -Viewen shouldn’t expectc t any- It Jet ptease submit the name5 Ofof th e event, a brief descrlptioi thing too fancy. Unlike c co o m cts a n d Roll - - •place.'cost and contactt numbernu to Suze Browne by e^r th a t give ' o(T trails “ Hall olif RF a m e ™ -- ■ —PP sbrowne<9niagicvalley.com;om, fax to 734 -5 5 3 8 or mall tO' of gas and dirt, asteiteroid^ a rc h itee c t ------News. 1 3 2 lialrfield S t W., arc usually just small dots ofofiight. W., RO.BOX 5 4 8 . Twin [^lls, IDD 883303- ,g Soothingling lotion "Astronomy is often a thcac ate r o f . 0548. Deadline Is-noon.1, fourf( days in advance of the! e\event. 20 Parts of Iignition ^ ------the mind,” Anderson said.d. "You s y s te mm s . have 10 take satisfaction in ’Oh. m m 2 2 A d o • • m m m m m ilint little speck I saw is twiw o-bil. “Glv0 My Regards" coikoncert, featuring Debra ^ gwoner c 7 24 Some .ZZZM lion-year-old light fron3m a c a p a r t s . p .m ., L iberty T h e a te r inIn Hailey, $15 for reserved s quasar.” S ^ a l l ita ______■ The asteroid is part of 5 7 8 -9 1 2 2 . 29 Rani'si wwi ra p s . o f th e “Dogsbreath Devereaux,lUX," a m e lo d ra m a , 4 p .m ..,6 6 p.m. and . ar Sphere ______| H I H ^ Apollo family. 1.S89 astete ro id s ■0 !b M ------which cross the Earth’s orl)rbit at 8 p.m .. Wilson Theaterer on( the Square In Rupert,t, $ 5 fo r 3 4 "L ea d inin g g W ith • various |im c s. A ste ro id 2004M X P14- • adults and $2.50 for children,chi call 4364554. M y C hin"iln" comic M------is on an elliptical orbit tippiiped 33 ■ • sponsored 35 Pal of PoP o o h ______Buhl Sagebrush Days 18thIfi annual Tractor Pull, sp I degrees from the planet's, mn e an - live word “ ;bythe Magic Valley Antkntique Tractor Pullers. 7 p.m.m piihi 36 Nega ve 3 7 C k ^ s ing it orbits sligluly slower'cr a n d Rodeo Arena, no cost,t, ccall 326-5693. doesn’t always pass the Eanh 38 Cdmmittiilttee type 1 EE?I •di. 3 9 B o n k ei rs r s . '* * * I Astrohomers are already/ ses t t o . BEW f fITS r n AND FUNDRAISERS 40 DalebooJtook abbr. 7/1/06 cdetermine the asleroid’s a c tu a l size and shape (hrougli nidaJ a rs ig -. Klge #54, 9 Flallsnedn e d a t th e Puzzlo S o lv ed i Yard Sale, sponsored by th e W endell M a so n ic Lod{ nals. NASA plans to use its,ls 2 3 0 - • 5 Clergy . ' a.m. to 4 p.m.. at the5 MasonicM 72 North Idaho Sti ■ ■X |M |A | S M A |Vt^lL| f foot Goldstoiie radar foro r thC ' S'"" I" 42MaSstustuff up counterpart jW endell.call 53&6517.L7. t t L c L I c BI il I a Im I p M b To T a I I measurements. Located . 4 3 " T h e WWaste a j 6 Sphere starttrte r? ' r r r ' d in ...... - l ^ n d ' aauth. u 7 Letter-carriere rs ' p p . II e I s JBLIslYrElAlM lclRlsI C Oillfornia’s M ojave D e sc n , it isI die :mCHURCH E V B ^ 44 TV's GagCagney. org.* ^■TnTlT A R E S agency’s largest and most; sertsi-s vehicles 8 Gosh! tive radar in its Deep S p a c e "Rom Magic Valley to) M iracle Valley” CentennialialT ertt , Network. id 9 Scalp patch k o I p U h eieTu ^ Celebration service, spoisponsored by the W est EndIMInlslerial ^^“ So, W liile fears o f an a ste ro idIcoUid- ci :how lO'Openspot- B^R[_E[Q|U|ElN[T| ii ji .: Association, 7 p.m., BuhBuhl High School football stac■tadium in 49 confusess e s 11 Is e la te d ing witii liarth are ofteni over-*1 Buhl, no cost, call 5434 iHsiT U NlNjElDj J]-hyped.-astronomers do keec ep a n ...... 3 - 4 1 5 5 .- ...... 51'Burrowin!wing 12Sluggerr^ois)ises~ • ■ J ■ ■■ L T L B ro d e n tsIs 13 Spellers' eye on rocks large enoiigh to d e a l' EXHIBflS ______56-OutdOOr.«or-eatery— :— contests- - ilT^B p|S|A | lImI sslgnificaiit damoge. Tliey catalogca the rocks’ orbits and predictc tw h a t- 57 Visiblyr awedav 21 U-turn fromI TGlotO BlM lo^ A bstract paintings by JosephJot KuclnskI, art show a vat the 59 Rio makeakeup? WSW ■ N D effect liarth's gravity r i i i ^ t have.h i Herrett Center. Jean B.}. KKing gallery. College of Sol>outhem 60 Restingig 23 Cold War Anderson said 2004 XP144 isI big . Idaho campus, call 732-<3 2 -6 6 5 5 . . enou^i for localized damagegc. b u t. 61 Procrastlijstlnator's* letters iH lt A m J t j Jt I Nki Lu W Ee Lr LI „ tim e - 25 Specialized ' not miidi more. In comparlarison.* I ' Ia I n T g B t I I l o>| hy m t |j |.£|d|y|e| the ii rock (hat many sclere n d s ts - ■ jF E ^ f llS 62 ActressIS lin g o e s' •Row landJnds 26 In the rigging believe killed the dinosaurs hih a d 1 2 ' Malad Valley Welsh Fteti9stlval, celebrating W elsh culculture with 63 Week uniunits 27 Carries (Itim es th e d ia m e te r a n d 1 40 0 tim 1 e s ' : breakfast, workshops,, orciafts, music, food vendors,irs, fireworks 64 Coursee 28'Call on a popop-- 41 Folklore (lend 5 2 WellK>lled g rp .? tlie “ m ass. and more, 7 a.m. to 10::L0:30 p.m ., at the City Park,k, 100 West .65 OracleI . ______^up. perhaps!s;______45 Billiards stick ______53,rThe African . . It is extremely unlikely th d a t a ’ -similar asteroid, dr any at all in M aiad City, c o s t for' vvendors,o$.50 e for programsn s a n d 29 Edged alongig 4 7 Gold" Q u e e n ” . aU.will. ‘ smack into Earth In thee n e a r : salmon/chicken dlnner(S^r($7.50 for adults and $4.5(■SOforchll- . 4 3 0 T urkish titless (1 9 9 7 111m) . scriptwriter ® -future, Anderson s a id .' dren), call 76&4010...... 1- P ick u pp •...... 32 Thesaurus m man • 48 Judge’s aide •.. 54 Lilt- • • - -5 • sleallhllylily 3 3 T hin n a ils 49 Word with rock 55 German coal Astronomers" think they’ hi av e Buhl Sagebrush Days CeiCentennial, with concrete rot rodeo, 2 Locationon 35 Common o r rain region p~\ accounted “ for 75 to 90 pcrccc c n t o f. ; bingo, tractor pull. 10 a.t ' a.m. to 7 p.m. and a multi-dti-denomina- 3 Glitch c o n d im en t 50 Arp's art ■ 58 Long-nosed •—a ^ r o i d s d ia t co u ld h it th e p lai n e t.’ * tional revival at 7 p.m.,1., McCluskyt Park, W est Endd Seniori 4 Whirlwinc TfJhere is one with oiu-r n a m e ^Inds 39 Spiify duds 51 _ H ari . . -ish . „ Center and Bowers FooUjotball Field In Buhl, call 54 ^ a6 6 8 2 . on it.Thcrc’s a good chanccBvre’ve v a Rupert Centennial Celeblebfstlon, with train rides, fofoe o d I------already fo u n d it.” booths, Dutch oven coohook-off, horse racing, 'Sound:n d s o f n i Freedom,’ Rupert PBR Ei R Enterprise Tour Event andj mn o re . J | n ______v ' Depression beginning at 8:30 a.mf)., .. RI u p e rt S q u a re , R u p e rt DoiD ow ns an d T i m ^ ^ eews I E >eUM ier ciicuiaiionI ppliono lines wo open anawedfcnmpwM ______Ihairtinidoka-CountyL&irRalfgfQiinflQ, pall d '^ A J M n AI______------_xvc!ufrboU oved4}erorcr^T.The Jndjng also suggestsS t s All had storted outt w ith ; p.m., the H erett Center!:er for Arts and Science onithficam-. tli undan«h«...... p u H lt^ d ldaliyoil32R)lrf!eldSt. lha'hat patients should talk to Celexa, m a d e by F(F o re st- i.j- W., Vin liiili.Rill by Lee PuMlcailons , ‘ (heheir doctors about other - pus of,the College of SoiSouthern Idaho. $4 for adulUults, $3 for_ CbssHM'iIM UepMUHWI . . , Int. a »ub».ibsJdUuy or Lee Enterprises.. ler Laboratories and one! o1 f a !trategics. like taking a.combl- seniorcitizens. $2 for ssu tu d e n ts a n d $ 9 .for fam ille!lies (no chli- J paid otT-in Falls by The bl- widely used class of ddrugs- ...... 73J0931.exL2 lation of antidepresswts or dren iinder 4 years), calllall 732-6655. wj, Official c/iy end county or called SSRIs. If that d id n 't- a j ------■------» newspapefef |pursuant to Section 6C- boo)oosting the cffcct of an anti-id- work, djcy elUier swiu±ch e d to ______O itfM■ dM c p w im a i 108 oiihe« I Idaho Code. Th&rsday It dcpleprcssant by also taklng a dif- . Onlioa manacsr ilf- a n o d ie r a n tid e p re s s an t o r ' »lSnotedBS.thedayo>the'' . fcrcercnt kind of drug, he said.. continued with Celexaa a n d .. - CrefTaylor...... 7 3 5 ^ 0 5 • ' *Mk on wNwhlcn 1^ notices win be ____ p, _l!aYn.5aId.thatnuiybe3apefc-.— oddcdasccond'drug/------siJriKctf::’• 1 ccn . M o o n t m PPtoiM i baciw forSe^2 2 C k c M kM m O eparaM It • POTtmaster,ir, |please send change of • xnl " to 50 perrcnt of deprics-»- For die dilrd attempt.LlhB ‘ y'- Coatowaraanteai»aa a d ^ s s Ionrc«T>to:RO.Box548,1Wn lion patients treated with anti-id- were randomly assignee>ed to* The judge In the Juann (Carlos Fucntcs Pina. 3Z,, a O rst-dcgrec iMnRtOaand no 83303. dcpleprcssants will need to try^a a takocldicrminozaplneoro rn o r- , m uidcr tila! ordered a prepre-sentence Investigation onia n d t h e s e n - othararoa* . . . . b ird drug. CopyrtihtCo 0 2006 triptyllnc, wtdch ard solo ld I n ; te n d n g w U lb e o n S e p t. 222, 2 ,2 0 0 6 a t 9 a jn . Durterfiupan- The 16 perccm success rate ft**0 *Way...... -....6774042 . M«6lcV>: Valley Newspapers Inc.______, . >te g en eric fo rm by se v eralI c o m - T h e J ln u s-N e w s R e g reesttheerror st; ______|._AS_Is_‘pr«ty.conslstem with.whaL.iai_,.panlcs...... ___

■~-V- i ^ ------• '4 ' ' • • ' •______J_—: rt^M rltgw Thwll>w.fclir*, M ■': N a t

U.S.Ssoldierrs acctissedof]rape,n[nurdeir in Irai q

two soldiers kidIddnapped and the. suspects:ts iallegedly burned southwiwcst of Baghdad. r . — A M o d a t a d P iw witter w _killed south Of I n!5J>QUy-to.covec-up—^ T h e-j^jiiiiltiuy-haK-said-one-^ m o n th , sa id th eeofncial.w^ols o the attack,Ic, thet U.S. official and po;lossibly both of die slain 8EIII. Iraq - A grt group of dose to the Invesivestigation and said, SOldiCRsrs were tortured and American soldiers In.an i.aninsur- spoke on conditidilion of anon- In Bagdad,la d , th e U.S. m ilita ry beheadiid e d . T h e official sa id th e gcnt'riddlcd (own all allegedly ymity because of the sensftivi* issued a sparslarse statement, say- mutilatlation of the slain soldiers . noticed a young fraqi v qi w o m a n ty o f th e case, ing only ihatlat Maj. Gen. James stirredi feelings{ of guilt and led when -on pnirol and md later' One soldier• wasv arrested D. Thurman,an, commander of- at leastSt onei m em ber of the pla- ' returned |o rape her. acc according after admitting’ hishi role in the the 4th InfInfantry Division, toonwlo le v e a l th e rap e -slay in g to U ^. ofHcials Friday, lay; In an alleged attack onor the family, ordered a crlcriminal investiga- on JuneITC22. apparent cover*up at( attempt, the U.S. ofllciali said.« The oHi- lion inio the[le salleg e d sla y in g o f • A ccoiording to the senior she and three members lers of her cial said the rapeipe and killings a family of1 fofour In Mahmou- Army.olpm dal, die alleged inci* family then were killed a K lo n d h e r , a p p e a r to h a v e5 beenIx a 'crime diya. 20 mmiles south of dentwavas first rev e ale d by a sol- body was set on fire. of opportunity,"f." noting that Baglidadr " .dier duiluring a routine counsel-i Five U.S. soldiers arc arc being tha soldiers hatliad not been However;r. lithe U.S. ofilcial ing-typtpe session. Tlie ofllcial invesiigated. a U.S. m . military attacked by insdrgdrgenis but had sold the soldieIdlers were assigned said thehat spldier did not wit- official told The Asso ssociatcd noticed the vromi>man on previ- to the S02nd2nd Infantry Hegir ness the th incident but heard Pre5s. ous patrols, ______• meni. The offofllcial lold tlie AP alwutM- it______------ItLs-the-flfUn^endinidm g c ase C h e o n h e Tam:imily members that the suspuspects were from A secccond soldier,’ who also involving oUeRcd sloyii ayings.of they allegedly kkilled w as a . th e sa m e i»lati

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' ft Times^Neviw s SfflVRMY M ir'l;2 0 0 6 • VI city MEditor Matthtthew ■ M [ A G l I G > ^ A L ^ e ' ; ^ Brady 1 7 3 5 ^1234 2 :

— ^M O U M iTHEVAUt " H o 1 liquorf l i c ^ setranasferrei

^afaM’ . c h an gIn in g g in IVvin Falls — i^ d (o St. ! Luke’s Magic Valley' forSt.tuke's.“lnaddiaon.dI. die , and Cerberus b o u g l\t Tinn Falls firewo»orks- rt, witter •______w ith it, thI, th e o w n ersh ip o f local Regijgional Medical Center, c a te rin g d e p o rtin e h t wiU,II, con t t ddi rin k a n d Foils jcrtned Cindy Jesinjinger o f drive. Ketchum to bei)e c o m e If you have any qiq u e s tio n s Arrowmen in the Ma-Ia -I-S h u regarding the event, picplease coll - Lodge of the Order o f th e Staff Sgt. Craig Stotts aiIt 7: Anuw during a ccremoio n y a t Comp Bradley in Stanleycy- Gooding Denis hold Ed Jones of Go(io o d in g . b e c o m e a B ro th e rh o o di rm e m ­ tneeb'ng on Wedneaesday bcr, after serving a;o s an G O O D IN G — T h e (G o o d in g A rro w n io n fo r th e p ast ytyear. ’ C o u n ty D em o crats wjllII hhi o ld th e ir Tlie mission of the On}rder o f monthly meeting at die Arrow Lodge is to crc:re a te a Wednesday (July 5) in th e habit of hclpfuiness intoto a life Gooding County commis purpose of leadershi]h ip In • ______room .auhe.county buildoilding.------— cheerful' service'to o th e rs------— ; T opics fo r d isc u ssion includeii a through positive youthtl lead* CCpon on the state con ership, under the guidono n ce o f roles of precinct commit selected capoble a oc d u lts, sum m er activities and ca S c o u tin g ofllciais say. c am p a ig n s. • During the weekend,, OC rder County commissionein e r of the Arrow membersrs p re- d a te TVoy H urd will b e the tl guest pared Camp Bradley for:)r h u n ­ speaker. dreds of younger Scoutsts w ho ^ Refreshments will be will attend camp thisI su! m - a n d d o o r p iiz e s will be'av mer. Members readiedI camc p ■ The public Is invited. F or m o re sites, distributed got!orboge Information, call Kathiethie cons, posted signs, pointInted a Gooding County DcD e m o c ra t room, cleaned the trqrqd in g c h a irm a n , a t 934 -5 2 0 3 .' post and assisted feedinging th e 60-plus volunteers who10 p ar- Claw elected iHEsidetlent ticipatcd in opening C am p of Idaho cities associi•ciation Bradley. The 200&-2007 lodge;e ofn- • .TO TN FALLS - M em ccrs are Lodge Chief Grorayson the Association of Idohcoho Cities Alan Stpne oflW in FallsIs :High recently elected Mayory or L an c c - School, Vice-Chief ..P aul ...... _i.Clownewfirst presidentUfor2006-... fc •• Henderson-o/-Wendell1 IH igh ^ 2007. School, Vice-Chief B E rian Clow was elected andid litook the Steinke of, the Collegi;g e o f oath of ofllce June 16 duringdut the S o u th e rn Id ^h o a n d Seencrotary 59th Annual Associationm oof Idaho ■ Sean Carey of Jeromej 1 H igh Cities Conference in LeL ew iston, School. vtrherc about 290 delegate: repre- The election of officersirs w a s , senting cities around th e sta te led by outgoing Lodges C( hief were in attendance.' Aaron "Rirter. Members u n d e r Mayor Jon Anderson1 ol Duriey age 21 vote" for offlcersrs a n d ' w as elecied a s d irec to r o f those elected must, bc'u'u n d e r ______21. The Association of IdtihitihoCitics The officers will Ideile n d fy w as fo rm ed in 19-17. lt is a non- , public service oppor(\inu n id e s partisan, nonprofit corporp o ra tio n for members withinn th e organized to serve IdahJaho’s 200 •' Council's geographic a i re a, _ incorporated citles. jt innuencesinfl ^ which covers Stanleye y to policies and provid'es ed’ie d u c a tio n , P ■^','Vi. Jackpot and American F^[^allsto training and technical aass ssista n c e '''' Bliss. . • , lo stren(;tiien the abilitylity of city For information regor;ardlng elected ofllciais at^d staf!la ff m e m - Order of the Arrow or seiservice b e rs to serve th e ir com m u im unlties. Tnri* Smith,, ISIS, dMt ■ back ttip cm tlx nxM inIn orderv to nc ip « tfM h u t Wednttdi■di) at U iiliti U k i rn Ikln FilU.u TlThe M i^e Valley can opportunities, coll S teve -C om piled from fttfff ttf reports »p«ct m m tunihlnttui and hlfh temp«ratnm throiqrai^lnd«p«ndenctDar. Nelson. Council Scout Qxecu-qx tive, 01733-2067.

E l k s, cleLEANUP Celebnatethe CCentury iinRupeii r t I — For thB TlmBt-New« ------1 “It I ®a p .m . IsN A W ^ Weelieliend highlights tiTlic new Rodeo Queen cou RUPEHT - K upert's's trat d itio n a l _____ wveil ell as tlie. outgoinB royaltyt ^ w m ______1^ Fourtli of luly 'celebratica tio n h o n o r s Friday: Christ:ristmas Lighting ^ aippear p p i at the bullriding, the city's centennial year yea with its < Breakfast,. 6 to 10 a.m.. Rypert The Th Sounds of Freedom e ei n te r- them e ‘Celebrate the CenZentury.’ Square ; lainiainm ent starts at 6 p.m. with th e ------Tsmiwaysniic rive-d^''d a y c e le b ra - Saturday: MaMaster Gardenor’s Home snaJInakc niver Plots roiliwed byt'o e th e r ------tion began with thee C( h r is tm a s arid Gordon'm Tour. 1 to 5 p.m. perfiterformances In Rupert Squar« Lighting Dreakfust, froirrom ' 6 to 10 S u i^ y : Horsorsoraces, 2 p.m. at Three Tl performances of ' a.m. today in the Square.ire. i Rupert Down)wns . Brc.iIrc.nth Devcreaux' are sched • . Food booths will remremain open Monday: ‘DoiDog Breath Dovereaux, Tor□r Saturday,S at 4,6 and G p.m. around the square. Hie Dastardfsrdly Doctor or Nurses, Sunday's Su entcrtoinm ent Inclid u d e s Kids can visit the carni'rnival, w h ic h lulled Again!iln r will be presented at ' thlie e Ihorse races at Rupert Dowiwn s a t opened Thursday andid a^lU).Uz,BOIKtfto,Lefa a b le a t th e d o o t County.Falrgrirgrounds A Professional 'ill will open at 2 p.m. in

. - - ' 1- ■ n M ^ T W ta F a* b i,U * o M

. QBITUARI]aES . ~ Services arand death noticess ' . are on pepage AlO today. . F orobituaItuary rates and information, callca 7 3 5 -3 2 6 6 Monday, throughgh iSaturday. ■ D eadline Is 3 p.m. for next-day publlcatloitlon. The e-mail address for obitobituaries Is obltsdmaglcvalle;alley.com. Death notices are a free( service and can be placeciced until 4 p.m. ' every day. ToI viewvie or submit obituaries onllrmine, or to place a message In a n Individual We wish to expreiress our gratitude forr the online! guestbook,gu go to vww.maglcvacvalley.com and click on ‘Obltuar thoughts, prayers,rs, food and floral offtTerings Joa)sephine Francesi ‘Jo’‘ (Mason) Milte exterxded to usail i Ithis time of so: row for . ------‘^H U P E R T — = —Jo Joi se p h in e M i.v e m oin n .,) W ash., M ark (UsaJ - -the^family-of^fanlmkSoms^n—f , — Frances “Jo" (Mason) M iller, M iller >f. Hillsboro, . Ore.. 74; of Rupert. Idaho,ho, passed M a tth e w; (IVacy)(1 'Miller df away June 29. 2006, ' Family'Hi a t th e M e rid ian , Id ah o : ste p d au g h - Manxes M a^c Volley Regionaltial M edical ter$, Rebecca RcI ’ (Mark) Dianne, Kris, Gariary and Sara C e n te r In TV/in Falls, Idalio.Id Cohenourir ofc Lenexa. Kan., '. Jo w as b o rn M arch;h 19,1932,1 and Kathyly (Mike)(i Webster of Kliluss’ Sorenson inHnrdin.Mont.,U)cd)c d a u g h te r 'Hisiin, Callllallf.: sisters, Wilma " of Jack and Mary (Sw (S w etnam J ^ (Co)c) Watklatklns of 1\vln Falls, TWI-VIN FALLS - Russell R. Mason. She lived in1 KimKi berly. Idaho, . Hazel Ha Koren of "Russ"is" Sorenson. 70. o f TWhi Arco, Gooding. Dube 'a n d K im berly, Idaho,’ Juanita Falls. {(lied Thursday, June 29, y 1-Day Cabinel ReconditioninJngl Rupert, Idaho-.'On.Cn .O c t. 2 2 . Wright off ^& t Lake City, Pal 2006. t i. at his home surrounded ‘ / 2 - 3 D ay C a b in e t Rcfacing 1977, in Gooding, Idaho, Ida she • S to k es of 61 Tiiomaston, .bylilslIs loving family. married TlioniasMllleiiller. Jo was D |||||||||m |b Alabama. ShShirley Claiborn of HevSNVOS b o m D ec. 28. J9 3 5 , in ✓ 1-Day Floor Refinishlng a woman with a greatcat p a ssio n ' ■ Lexington.I. Va..Vi Zelda Mlchad Heybuburn. Idaho, die .son of / N e w C a b in e ts forlife.'Altliouglihampim p e red by • ■ . of Torringtngton, Conn.:' 16 Merlyiiyn and Rhoda Draper * d-takeii-on— ------Fniiichiie locally ouwtl^o^ ofwrtileii by . . | S S 6 S 6 B | ‘ —^ —i^^'grandchlldrcdron-and'twtrgfesi:— Sorchsh so K T h e fdmily m oved to I ft'ocl Ji Dhe was a ’ Riipcrt; sons. DDavid Eugene from 5-7 p.m. p.r at the I’arke's later In li ‘IXvin Falls. H e la te r woman of a great1 sense si of (Debbie) Masonon of Crescent Magic ValleyHey Funeral Home, workec:ed for Jim and Connie p" NACHO) I I right and wrong andind w o u ld Valley, Nev„ Uryai■yan S cott (Jane) 2551 K imnberly be Road, T\vin Sharkekey. drove ,for D oyle a n d < THE DEVIL defend her conviciioilions, but Mason of Cresreseeni Valley, Falls, Idaho.10. In1 lieu of Dowers, Deryl1 IM ason for 10 ye ars a n d L LIBRE l I J l l i*diUKkktrtrmMje»m»tm»dj I was (|uick to forgive,ve. Jo will Nev.: sicpsons. A nd re w (Lisa) th e fam ily’ rerec q u e sts tha'l dona* m o stI nrecently for Gary Amoih ' WEARS PRADI v n a:00 • 3:48 ^ T:3S • 9:10 (I(PO) always be rememberedred for the Miller of Orlande ido. l-la., David lions be madila d c to th e A m erican w ith Apex ; Containers, i le TOO . 4:00. 7d» « M l (P*l 1 ' . p ro fo u n d in flu e n ce.■ she si had (Pam) Miller of 1 3f Round Rock, GincerSocieic lety o r to th e chari- droveL* until die end of.April I B p B S D N □ v on her children, nieolieces and Texas, Tim (Lintinda) Miller of ly of one's cchi h o ic e in Jo's n a m e. 2006., wwhen 111 healUi forced his '. retiremimeni. He \vas justifiably ' Dona RaefAcaitiirri / p ro u d of his record of more CARSMcmM)> in iii Ftth/IStd AGE Mole fMnt,2 th a n 5 million miles \vitli no J0| 7:»0*ta»lPO) I OAKLHY — ' Don:o n a R ae I : acclderlenis. Russ enjoyed fish- =3v-|Bp D s D n n . Acaiturrl, a 77-year-olr-old resi- Ing. gardening. g! tending his . d e n t o f Oakley, died Iliursday, Hi J m J M andwasanaccompUshed | C T w w a Ju n e 29, 200G, al Sunun iyman. but the joj’ of his 8s Join us for ourir Granid Rc-Opemii n ” 5 I Q ire Si Rehabllii.ilion ini l\v ln w asa s his family. ' S 1-alls w ith h e r fam ilylly iiy h e r ' Is survived hy Ills %vife. i O p e n HHousei July 6-8 . Vada Sorenson S of ’I\vin Fidls; Dona was born MaiM arch 21, l i k th reeI children. Shawna 1929. In M urtauf^i, Idaho, Idal the ||^ ^ L (Dennlinl.s) L iuzon o f W liltefish. : • Now under Ne\NJew O w n e r s h i p . „ ^ ' daugliter of Unoch and im< Alice .vjBV M om..1.. Jimelle (I’eter) H u e fn e r gS • Completely RetR,'eiTtodcled ^------Dums-Daylcyr-Dbnn-\va'\v3s-mar-— — ofS c o ii mch-l’lainsrNJrmnd-Jcff— f •'New rnerchaiul;ndlse urrivin}; daily ' Biiuiuiiic ^ j ' Qolse, Terri (Allen)) LeeL of Briilgett RoscGoniomez. call at the cch h u rc h o n Sunday o f frieni;nds.’IIe was preceded in J iinil Gift Slii'ppc" Burley, Kim (Mike) IHiiIK m ter o f A vigil service: w ill b e held at p rio r to th e vl{ : vigil service and on death1 by his parents, one ; H30 B lue Likc< DK^I. N. Oakley, W endy (Rick) LLni nrson o f 6 p.m . Sunday, JulJuly 2. 2006, at Monday prioiirior to the. funeral brotJicre r a n d o n e sister, Twin Falls ID Hurley. Jeffrey Acaituilturiil' of the Little I'lowi3wer Catholic Mass. Arranrangements have Thec family would like to I . O p e n Mim-S;ii (20iil 7 )W ')7 I Oakley, and Micheal!al (Paul) C hurch, IGOl Oa!Oakley Ave. In been entrusiejsied to the care of expressss their deep appred'a- ■ • IO.im • 5t30pm U arnes of.M alia; Ki grat^randchll- Burley. 'Hie funerteral Mass will RasmassenV Funeral Fi Home in linn lo 1 0 Dr. Baker, the nurses at > W fW iW ffffM SA'M fM Viv . v w j . drcn; and 13 greai-gnuV^mdchil* be celebrated 1 ia t 11 a.m . Burley. ' M agic; ValleyV Regional Medical C enterrr on Tltird Floor N o rth . .C ------a n d diehe to the wonderful staff T Mary Lou (Turumer) Tolley a l H ospspice Vi.sions for th e Ipv-.. in g c aire n given to Russ during CALDWOI.L - Mla ar: ry Lou Caldwell. Id Ida ah o ; sister, Kay h is loststillness. i . (IVirner) Tolley, of OilC aldw ell, S (l\imer) Malllaiicfs (Norm): iwo llie‘ funeralfi will b e c o n d u ct- p a ssed a w a y o n JuneI2Q.200G,' 20, daughters. Debra I (Steve) ed 1 p.n1.m. M onday, July 3.2006,' i t su rro u n d e d by h e r lovinjving fam - McCain andnd Becky (Arden) attlielVl\vln Falls First Chureh of I • iiy. a fte r a cou ra g eo u s . W eintraub:: t^vot\vi grandchildren. - the Na:lazarene. with the Rev. w iili c a n c e r Kim (Chris)5) PhillipsI and Jeff Jerry Kesler ofliclating. to ? h a p ^ fo c-o»f von a n v t h lnl g l, A memorial service vwill b e (Qiandra) McCain:Mc( four great- Iniermen e n t will follow in S unset Mtuiy people don't know thattha you do not have to pay for•your yi ’ ’ held at 1 p.m. Monday,ay. July 3, grandchildren;ren; a special niece, MemoriDrial Park. F rien d s m a y (uneni! or cremation In advnidvnncc to prearrange. Parke'a M«Magic ’ • 2006, a t D ak an Funeral■ alC C hapd Stephanie FirFinn: and special ' callatWWlilie Monuary. "Chapel . Valley Funerai Home I* pleaiciaicd to m eet wiltti you and dltc uu u u liow ■ ' ■ in Qildwcll, with Pasteistor 'IVoy ncphe\v,.MIchiichael(Estella)Flnn by thej FPark." Sunday from 4-0 you w ant your arranaem en H o o p er o f a i d w d l CliiC hristian and children:en: and numerous p.m. Tlie T family. suggests nent* tiandled. M’c can record yoi . , Churqh oniclaiing.... nephews.. . m e m o)rials ri to H ospice Vi! ions. wUhc* to m ake it c u le r foror yyour family, and even dIscuM• >your ■ '*■ Mary Lou was born1 01o n June u's love and kind- 209 ShoIioup Ave. W , IVvin Falls, current life Inturancee pcpolicies with you. Don't pul off 10. 1929. to M ote a n di M ildred ! grea d y m issed. ID 8330301 ^ r 10 F Irst.C hitrch o f 'prearranging becauiete youyi a rc nirald of (he expense. (Welnkopf) ‘IWner Inn CCiierry \ Hy expresses their the Naz'azarene. 1231 W ashing- C o n t«I«et e i n* (odayl Uox. Mo. As a youngng child. '------1 - = ------nieces and liludetoallOiedoc-nef ton St..N N .,1\vin Falls. ID 03301. ■ •. Mary Lou traveled witwith her Don. were marriei s and staff; at Saint ' h M ' s " M a ry L o u ’s family ' to soiitheastit IId ah o . 22, 1953. T hey si: Magic Valley ' n e ss w ill b e grtC a n c e r In stitu te N(NC€D HCLP UJITH I Mary Lou graduateded from wonderful times tr Funeral HoiHome & Cremaior)- • The lamllyValley Medical M iin a u g l)H i(^ School3l in 1947. sp e n d in g lim e w ill il Kimberly Rd. sincere graiiiuimg with the dear . ({UJICKBOOKS^ l ' 2SS1KI After graduation, she was friends, Mary Lc ried on March tors, nursesb ar o n d e d w idi at th e ^ . n t n Falls, lb 83301 , --CJnployed m any yearsIS IIn the bowling, goldng ititute. In celebra- 1 1Lisa a t 737 0087 sh a re d m a n y A lp h o n su s Ci h eiilth c a re rield in 'IVvinWin Pulls, playing the orgo ning; Setup&.SuiK)RT ^ s ira%’cling and and Westlifc.donotlon»-may.«- .V T M t5 -0 0 1 1 , Boise and Caldwell, Marvlary Lou. bridge and visltin vith family and Center, alongto the Amerltron enjoyed the outdoors,ors. Her sisicrbanddauglili L o u e n jo y e d friends s h e loclety,bo i Shrlner's father taught her to hurhunt and Mary Lou was { ng. cooking. Cancer Instittir Children in Salt fish. Her motlier,shareared her death, by her par or Best Friend's jOT rgon. ploving tiondfh'erlife. best cooking recipes. MaiMary Lou and Alildred. Mary iting with her bo made actuary, 10 in Kanab, and her husband of 53 years, vived by her husbc filler's families. Cancer Sod r IS preceded in Hospital for C K parents. Mote Lake City or ' ■ The Next Stagege- ■ Karen Gier ary Lou is sur- Animal Sancti[British | j sband. Don of Utah. ‘ miFFAin Wyn— AftA ftinnm l riiHpgi» In R nkfi ttli service fo r K aren Gler,, 65'65-year- yeors before mart irPeter— - B o ld Bun*alo w o m am n ' who “Bud" Glimp In Qi passed away, al her horh o m e In ' o n Nov, 4,1961.Tlie wwni £ BuITalo on Saturday, JurJune 24, divorced, and Karer tiers dies I JdahoJbtnvo— C n iT ^ tr jy, July 5,_ \vitli th e Idalio Pow - will be held Wednesday, J anying Ralph * jp y T lm w H s Funeral’ with Kit Manufa 'a t 10 a.m . a t th e Adam s Fii Qover. Idaho. « Home Chapel, with the Rev. Boise. She was man Smithers, a.British nicy were lalcr N m ir h f Tom Saur.oIHclatIng.1j.-Burial 29,_1992. in Bol:Lren to o k a job d ip lo m a t__a n d , ____ will b e iiv d ie W illoww (Grove Newton, and theyow er a n d later Lo« Ancel«aling Tin gonlener who ;idc riles home.in Kaycee. I Ccmeteiy. with gravcjidc jf a c tu r in g in ' . I B ritish spy d u rin g .. ______scrviccsr awayin 1995.andKi t5 follow - th e s e r larricd on May Sir Peter SmII a n d w as said 10 ' ‘ m a d e In In to B uffala w lie re : Donations may be mai lolse to Ken__pq^liUcian._ flcdonal d character Johnson as a careglvcr unU Karen's m em ory to die Joh cy made their award-^WnnlngBond, the suave County Suokc Supponrt G roup, forced h e r to retire. 1 '■ In Ian Fleming - M, !. K en p a ssed w o rk e d a s a B r ^ o w o p e n I Funeral to dance, spend tin I Ju n e 8 . H e w as 92. ■ 9 :0 0(a.m. c - 1:00 p.m.1. on Saturdays! In care of the Adoins Fu 1 Karen moved World War II a , Buffalo, friends and decorati died at his hom e In Home, 351 N. Adams, Bu ire sh e w orjied in sp ire th e fict She was a memt ' V y,82834. mtU ill health of James Botoie, a village In L y n wo o o d • 1 3 2 9 F iler A ve • 208-73^7 3 4 -6 2 4 9 1. ' w h e re h e h a d Karen RiyGierwas borrtom Dec Johnson Count)re. K aren loved "Agent 007" In Stoistore H ours: L obby a n d Drive-ufe-up • • ’ ' ’ ------6rlM0,-ln-'IVvIn-FalIsrIdalIdahorto— SupponGroup.------»70.T haC ouncil o f — — ^ lime with her novels, died Jui ------,— ------M on® nd Edna She Is survived ideal organlzatioti .• A rnold **Sport“ G ler and r a te h e r h o m e . S m lth e rs die< plnFiler, couslnsandherdos FridaysI 9:30 a.m .- 6:00 p.mm. . < ' Jagels Gler.'Sljcpcwup In mber of the Vico Morcoie,h is d e a th o n Its from Buffalo. She was p )d n g th a t Sm lthers ■ ' SiS a tu r^ y s 9 K X )a .m .- 1KX)p.m.).m. • ' J Idaho, anb ^tluated niy Stroke Switzerland. • \ FUer H igh S chool f t ' 1958958. S h e d e a th by h e r husbaj .n.em toof.h= ,| ------^------rodrcd-ln4970, 6 Well» F«fBO B*'nk NX All right I r«j«f}s«rved.MemberFplC a tte rid e d Links Buji9ti$lness parents.:d by several Europe politia losefHendsln onnotmced hit I preceded In Web site, notlni band and her had bcen' a n - , ■ Council. btm ______Comics

B.C. ByJohnnyHart BabyBB l u e s , By Rick K rk m an & Jerr]rryS cott • THAFKWiwcwSTwcwiuoTI Iveimwmir \ \ OA. \ ^ |iFYWTCi«5n«6iWtfr v tm o t ...... W W 6He^Mfiy HUMSMN MtiANnB«) tT U1WM.J 4 a ? MOP4.TH£t'e0E&llfitoog»yy , U ie ciw V * ^U » ^ ! Oi>60NM«.J ' ^tUti^lTiifOW rrTr ‘titiASKSnjpiinjpiowesTtous. .Ml. (swf^il A P M i w s u M 2 :s ITUl»m \ I K ^i 1 U it S^TCfTU v r i ^ 'T ■■ ~ T

L , l - L ^ ^ - T L a

Baldo 8 y Hector D. Caniu ;andI Carlos'CastellanosCa . Brevity*y . - ' - ByGuyfiI & Rodd

j ! | i>ci*?wEX«rnym«TrH 'N H i lysMAmeMooKe >1 rT TW ^ TO t^YPEftSON n iGOWKWHjtllGCOWtP/ J m m ugwifegw.J ^ S MAY SEEM UKE JUST „ r . ^ >*■OUNKY LfTTLE HOUSE, • xl \ \(/^wtwrs^^^ [•' UT TT’S ACTUALLY A V I . -REALi;kLLY NtCE TREEHOUSE... COM'INVENIENTLY LOCATED i 3 i « .ON THE GROUND. * I V ) i x

L l ± flr«M,CW» :

. Dllbert By Scott Adams Doonese s b u r y By Garry TrTrudeau

I I I ...... ," I iP itK sxK vn . '£ S 5 5 * ' KXfMUfltT/MMMVC TOSAi _ tM U lO fTK fi= .fx m o o vv i-. fT ia o i r M fntM S iMiL i so m O O N T WORRY. ALICl i c e . I l ik e TO BEC JEGIN BY S ■JfiSlPfW r , NlOHTOaXJPo u p -n v tK m iy iStkrTTtKONLY - S y S 7SMAP ■ STINKY PETE IS HEREHEI RELEASING5 AALL OF f / \ •jter f I ac f/r IJ' | rierwM tKA m tn o . TO UlORK a O S E L V’ WWITH h\Y NEGAT iK K uvnsM ir [T 2 •ATSlT. ne/iT rro*f n.- L ‘ YOU ON TWAT TEO ! e n e r g y . ' ■■ . . NICAL PROOLCrA. .. . i r \ I j QI fp \ ' y-wTl I ^Sn^L-Ji

The Elderberries By Phil Fran!rank and Joe Troisc For Bel«tter or For W orse By Lynn Jotlohnston MAT A Muotet- Qoan. m n r nn v v MBMArmoteva foii.i r ^ o t y - " S ( u f c e ^ ^ in f£?Mch ^ . ...Hkr =»s lo»)eVl< r i d t r \ '^ c v S«M»^.V1WIAN. i eiVW rM l ABOUour T LCMlK MTUM'IK.I cvfe ' S S ^ ’ J ojffipwter > w fffi .♦■iic.'Wrld v id ail11 ^He, T \ on t/tc,cempVpia>ns-j e s r w e v e a v j rr. evecysMC has v^^t-dnrdneous comrnuT7i.im c a t o n - M - sewcoMwo, . KffiSE'.'-SSS’A T j To ioolated-; -i ' \\ . / T A ^ fOwrvJ^N ■an o l * ’’ y / S ^ /Otficrw/^e you'ro \ \ p n jtt/ go ad J f orson / c u r o F f fro rn lAlAt c i>uzz y a I civili?afrn9n ■ (UVlcimc V

' i f

Rank and Emest By Bob Thaves L u a n n1 • By Greg!g Evans

I If (X .U,LONSSTBA^i5et5fOBl0g\| H M£ IN PAgApE, U i i w J ^ o^o’ ; r » i r f ' \ r t u » UO O N t H e auLi TiM t X l y / 1 5 IN ______V “ " “ ■ n-tuc------35t ' j - f WIW£t; WlXJNITkJITUQE ' r u e c / e ' H T f l ai c c i e A T ,1 ^ ^ — v R t THE Rienr riM-ME, I I M • G O T I N T H H E 5 f f W C 0 N 6 L' - l il N e . . I ' 3 M S" ( A ^ : ...... n .. . r v . .■ TV...• • ruAvgy 7-1 .• H .

M allard FlUmore ■' ByE Bruce Tinsley P e a r l s} BI e f o re S w In e By Stephann IPastls '

w «s...ut'Re \ wciwot. Jo.ii.yA O.W. dew XX liiM K K NEXT tiWE.' 1: IPo H ( c r ^ ^ t t o T S ] ^ WUTuJO^ jwks-we { h*< A codhe \ I'n Po 1 I BwlT a f^ Z T«,vK.Nt NNDcef^r - — . ■—* t tjeeo A , I 00?C^>*CS I H6T YOU II PClKW , ll^OOR^eAtJO^PIt^« > « ; ) - y e ^ - c t v ruci're Dcss /amificp , nww'y/ ^^yuFE. / o ^ x a m w s <2 j Q l P t , _/> ,(W 6 A MCTM

P i c k l e s By ^rlan Crane Rose Is R o s e By.Pata t Brady______I OPAL HA&JUST F lfi-|-• I VE5. f f W A9 \ I |TMAP£MEF£EU I T aM ^ »^HeP50l»i6AWE£K OlFPlCOCTAT AACLOSEgAFPlMrtV J IHEAI TAMPmMAKri 5 S ^ WllW0 0 r 6 PEAWM&. RRST, eor TCT o D0 & 6 A^iP C/VrS. GROU s m ^ e e p w iT H 'A»o6er / -m■moii6rt..tHeV HAVE 4 C005 i , i o e w o i r r TOCOMMOWlCATe i “ V HM Wl-moOTTALKlMG, t ^— ^ c n ^ E n n a j '

l v ? SjwwmN(? 5 VT^r ) / > w cwWfrJElWe n — ^ 7 K £ R K I ? e ^ I ' / l \ ^ ^I

Z tts • By Jim Borgman ve offers boil)ith su g a r a nn d sp ice, A rii e s

/ " n c w c c w JLY 1 IS YOUR GIRTH- “ single. 'Ilierc could hardi;dly b e a | THERESNEJNEVB?.) —I ------^ DAY: Go.lood fonune smiles on H oroscope more perfect timn.to findd soi m e - ; M 'm iN G l I. ■ you in. il the coming year -and one special. If involveded. you •: V EATAR:^fx M ^ / V' >^,4«jav* l [ l | ‘ w ith cniilm tion in ja st a few ureas, JeraMlne Saunders could even tic the knot,Jt, or at • ; \ R E ^ r? P------— • you canin do no wrong. I^ng- I— — I’ lea.'ittclebraiuyourlove. ------■ term rclrelationships and your GEIMINI C (May 21-fune.20):!0): rSCORPIO (Oct. 23-Noii'ov. 21 ):' h o m e lire lit in g e n eral will b e LovLove Ls on the menu whedierh e r Don't ste:il .-ujy h e a rts youlu aren’t ^T7Tv^:?^=a=r~~._ especiiiUjlUy blessed laler in tlie , yt'ou’re o i ‘Single ‘O r'takchr^andmd • prcparcdtocarefor.Tliis'is week-” Bs- year. Ifcocontemplaiingmaninge. loday tod is not tlie iluy to holdold end Ls amazing for amou3ur. T h e . 11 L thLs couliuld be the time (d move bac3ack. Avoid small-scale ti^s;ffs: time Ls riglit now to takeike your j .^ i I______13 ntiead. TillsT summer and fall, dorJon’t vraste tills blessed time.:.A A relationship to u d e ep e r■leveL le ; takegrcaieat care in making Qnan- nevnew commitment and a chancenee SACrriARIUS (Nov. 2222-Dec. • „ . ^ _ . cinl iigngreemenis, as hidden . tolo mr e e t so m e o n e n e w arc, Imnth ih 21): 'L ove Ls all th e re is."" livI e n a ■ NoA Sequltur > By Wiley , Strange S t Brew BBy John Decimg „,„id,iiis 11s could becom e m o u n - . pos[)osslbllitles. surprise dopum ent wouldildn'tbe r — Ciiinoii.s< problems. I In general, CANCER C (June 21-Iuly 22):1: If too surpri-sing. Celebratelie w ith linglerTa-true-klridred-^lrit- - ihe job) (done ensures success, :ouIdc o l enter your life now. I_____c o F K e e :_____ ow. you’ve been looking for.)r. It’s a . ■ , , . - ^ k l c L ^ [ ■ Vigorousus physical activlty'with Dating Dal Moon Qiildren’ coulduld very special day. ^<< 7 J t ^ ' friends Olo r team m ates c an w ork ' >ec sec their relatloashlp get seri­:ri. CAPRICORN (Dec. ■22“2: -la n , ; ^ | a ■ / / ^ ' o u t anyy nerrous ener^es that ousous, and more committedle d 19): You arc feeling less dudubious - I f A \ .n ia y o o:op f up. Ihkc some time , Car3ancerians could find plans for and more trusting loday.ly. D on't . I - . j ( v - alone tlibIlls year to rest, relax -and :he the fu tu re m oving forw ard. ' l>e afraid to “rii*!!! in,~- as c th e ! \ cou ru y,'Durmanybltesings. o i LEO L (July 23-Aug. 22): M akeike angels will be rushing inin w ith ; . ______ARIESS (Mnidi 21-April .19): - dmim c for planning as well os for you. It is the pcrfoct tinIm c to r : / \ \ Love ofljRcrs both sugar and lowovc on4 romance. Some Leos[» s love to d e e p e n a n d solidif / '>'( ErEnjoy romance urith' a Tiay ma; ev en m a n y o n this blessed>ed - A Q U A R lU S .(Ja jL 2 q ^ ' u - 'li new loveve or move yout current Ja>i day Let your love pour out, asa s L c ^ c m a y d e fe a t ypu'novp w ,a n d ._ .;...... ' . a - , relallonslislilp to a hig h er levcL-Iii h this is fa a very' special tim e wit ith h you could ge t c a u g h t u p> inli will- ; ! ' o th e r mmatters, recheck your sartners par or with new ilaincs. o’-the-wlsp fears. Lci^gcgo a n d ' ■ '■ ! thinkingig to b e sure everything VIRGO V CAug. 2 3 -S « p t. 222): ): tnut Ute universe todad a y -th e ! y h as be en:n considered. - vtodcnitc M o your force.a blt-iff it energies are especially posittvept .. j TAURLRUS lApril 20-May 20): seeKcms that you arc loo over-CT- a n d loving, YOU a re?e incredibly mogncUe povxnverlng. It’s a. nlf^i for PISCES (Feb. 19-Matdcch 20): . a n d c ojmpeUing n now — use. ■ornance ron for both committedled Love is grand today, wti■vhrther reslstibility-to-bring-in-a— ar^cimd-5ingle-Vlrg<»-Let^‘ourhalrlalr— you-Wlooking-forcoziniin e s rp i------ame, or to move your lowii dov and enjoy this very spe-[>e- thriUs.Goforv«udwlthtruru elo v e r into deeper commit- ± dal iltim c . n ililV M l p a n n e r I or enjoy romance at anyly level I ■ r ' ' f Zvenan elopem ent is n o t' UBRA L (S«pL 23.0ct 22): Get3et Meet someone special n ' •)■ nfentCvc now L' feja^Ti - ■ ' T^j I possibility. )ut o u tand meet people if you are ' . . . 1 ' W bey o n d p a re you are alo n e a n d looking

' , ' ’ ' 7 ' ’ ' ''• ' . tihrt»fc»l.aOW-'Thwlliw,Tyir« M . c o)MTCS i :

Bertte Bailey' '. ' ByMofivyaiker ■ ^

-W I'M JUSTTRYINS \ I V RISHTINTHe ; « .W A T E R .' ^ ^ J Suipriseebirthd;lay partiies

7 - ^ - takeatuom-fer-tthewoT!St—

DEAR. ABBY: Wliai is your - I having a hard timeTie d ealin g V -= /T l kc on these two similar situ- ' . with the fact that I'rr'm taking b I a Ions? Wc were recently invit- . • trip wltliout them. a ‘°;1 to attend a-surprise bliih- \ Y ■ They are 16 andid 10, and] . Bkmdle By Dean!an Young & Stan Dfake ly party I for a m an in his late •Itave their fatiier anand grand-’ . ------‘ivS.■s- 16 mother to -look aftafter them . I > I'M IVOQKIN9'arrr~T ON ]j| 1 > sowutlAT j jj s y o u < Tfi} I (yfOU o u HAVE ALL) Rl tw. PROJECt.^ HE J ( o ^ % r AM H b u ^ • H Wu were at! to m ce( at a while I'm gone. roly restaurant. Somehow W Of course, my hhusband's* : h' ifound out the day berore ------1 m other didn't like thehe fact that d called each guest, sayingg The first man calledcd the I’d be gone for a wcweek. She's had “other plans and thee pan y off in enough timeIme so afraid she'll have to3 (do some- j U 0 I rty ■ is off." (A blatantt (hat h e did not inconvenieinience ' thing for one of the;lem In m y .. 3 ^ JR cuse.) . , » , any of the guests. absence. (She docs ninodilngall-. HQwiahouLanoihcL.grown_I ___ As-.to .your..neighbor.or. his.—weekbutshop.) . i 1 ' fTiaaan, my neighbor? I hadJ response was both immaimature My girls can lakeke care q t', I \ " f a ^ Invic/ited his family over for ai and ungracious. themselves, and myly 10-yeaf- *. g S c ‘ smullull, casual d inner at my/ One would think thatlat his old will be superviseised by my. ' • ’ g i S I . ^ - 1 hornime on his birthday,’. daughter or his wife wouldwo 16-year-oId and hercr father. I imediately upon entering, have warned you aboutJt i iiow am {usi upset that I':I’m getting • The Bom Lo8«r - B yBy Art Sansom , & Chip saw tlxp^cake, said, “I don'it strongly lie felt about birthIrthday dak about going to see my • , • lebrate my birtliday!"■ celebrations.' mother. >T Im O T O ^'■, so stop ind performance. You have! come. ' expecting them to thihink more icribed two individuals whoI I3ecause I don't work, 1I don'tdi about you ilinn thehem selves /e “birthday party issues."' like to ask my husbandnd for riglit now, ey probably have good rea­ vacation m oney for myimyself They will survive,, ttrust rhe." ls for them, and they are: ' alone. I le told her I couldid ggo.- And the respite willII be good ; |j?WCVWti» 7 t 4 ^ itled 10 their feelings. • My daughters, however,'er, are for all of you.

Hagarthe Horrible)le • By Chris Browne ’ -

I IF y o lTp l a n ______*-hw e'-m srydi JabamaSt;t a t e C o n s ttitU i tiQ IlilQ)lds^ _ PlFFePeNT FROM I he record!f o r l o n g - w/vindedness1 5 ■

:he ‘ Alabamo State I of using a chicken 10 li tell the i i i ( ' nstiiutioii contains more DM fuiuK. An alphabetIt board ,Is. . « / e W *hnnin 7-10 am endm ents and OP laid on the ground anim d a piece ),00P words, making li — at „ of corn laid on eachh Iletter. As - times tlie size of the U. S. the chicken pecks thelecorn.the’ I I H - / 1 ^ '' i Consnsilcutlon — the world's ictt uncovered letters aiare com- jest. HI, and lols By Chance Browne h|o' blned lo create words.Js. ■ Tiis day In history: On July Even little things; count:( If . f / A « e ^ o \} s e tT tMiM e GA " ■ ' ' " you Y W H U RRytJP, i MAY *~)| *- II89R, Teddy Itoosevelt you cuj just-lj0r r p . HAVe tO (3 E r< b e ca:ame r a national hero (and pended In the atm ospherere aand from your diet, you' th n w ^ J 6 / wc :he I}acde of Son Juan Hill, The average Americjrlcan Unfortunately, sinenee 1977.: ( w '' d4ipitei the batde's name, his' drinks'more ■ than 49 gallonsonsof the average Americrican has. I A( igli Riders actually charged carbonated < beverages a yeai/ear. added 03 c^orles a da;lay In sug- Kettle Hill. Someone mis- Early Russian cosmonaiinauts ars. Sodas and sugagary frujt d the map and the name landed i on solid grouround drinks account for 6616 of those . tI:k. Tlie Rough Riders was insteadi of into the oceanm li like extra calorics. «'■■ some;ledilng of a misnomer as Americanj astronauts. In 19B5, 191 ' Besides hum ans, the tli Asian •' 1 — composed largely of ' I Voskliod 2 missed its planninned elephant is the only ototlieranl- .. polo.,o-players from eastern col- landing I spot and the cosmjsmo- mal that can be traraihed to leges. ....inauts inside had-to fend ' Claulc Peanuts a. the-brave Httle-group id off stand on its head. • ■■ By C harles M. Schulz h a d1 tok charge on foot because Ihungry virolves for a day’ untilur If a phone numbeb«r spells ------11------^ ih e irIr horses1 had been delayed rescuers i reached them. out a word. It's called c a . . IwellTv o u d io it V7 i T ^ f'fOU AIM05T KILLEDjA oU w er e I I I STILLCAn'tV t the ship. World War II w as thec fifirst "num'erym." A6AIN,PIPN'TY0U? wUIA9 m e u k e n y o u s u p/ b0 LOCKIN6 RNP MY OTHER/'/^ VST ■'T^' the entire sky tias a deep 'war in which infectiouss ddis------^------W H fT ANOTHER LUiLUCKY . INTO HOME.. JJTHEPLATE, U SHOE,.. J ^ R kish tint, you know you're «eases claimed fewcBcosualtilalties Erin B q m t t a n d JaciacJtM/ngb". *_, HOMERUN.ANO vlars.Thereddustfromthc than i batUefleld Injuries. can be reached at fafi c tm o n - ■ . . RUINEPMYLirei^J on that planet gets sus- Alw tryom ancy is a m ethethod- gCTSf^inUigo-barrext.co:com. ■


Tfie Wizard of Id By Brant; ParkerPai & Johnny Hart

/ l t U W V E Tt H h T \ / — X m o . .- . / / T ^ r a S e r ) ------{ PI6•IB J / w r o u v a NOT S A r J : —/, 4ro I WANT Kine-sirg THE \ \ l^Esg ^ 1 ^ i| C U T C R 1 iL r a W iH E flueeN-/ ; . f ® s p u y V — — •-■-

ice ■ By Hank Ketcham " Dennis the Menace B '\ — ' jUy Uil K V ane | g g ^


“Our family's planeB titrip w as fiin, , v r K ciiwr.r.coutPRIPS’ 'cept for when wem ran Into > w fw rrecTriN 'w •o m a diBturbulc •iFtHAPACTKEUKC' THROUGH p u m f d w r PANWWET.* ,

.1 TinieffNee i w s . . - • -P»ge'^ s«nm iR M Y i i* « 1 : . 2 0 0 6 . A8 - ■Opinion -Editor Oavici Coopeir; O pW: l o r 7 3 3 ^ 9 3 1 , Ext. 2 4 6 ' e F w t i ib e ftie — EN C H E E R S to S e n . Bob B( Bennett of freedomsms to dissident speech is C H E E R Si tot the Departmetit of •* Mlnfdoka^ Internment JN atlo n Q l , . Utah, the only wcstcistern’ Republican worse. CGive points or political'‘ ' ' E n v lro n in eentoI'Quolity n i Stale Board, M h o n u m e n t.' s e n a to r to v o le againstInst Tuesday’s flag courage ;e to those who' s6e, the. ' fo r its rc c o m rm e n d a tio n to sta y o u t of'' • 'The NPS has iTCommcndided drop- burning amendmcmcnt to the ‘amendmcm e n t a s th e w ro n g p a th . J the.federalJ i)mercu^ cap and trade ping f the word imemmcnt« b'eqiusc Constitution. I B p ro g ra m . groups say it's more of a legalle term T h e U.S. S e n a te fellell o( n e v o te s h o r t. JE ^ R:S S tto th e la c k o f sta te f u n d in g , State Boardord members voted unani- than I a rcolistlc* historic te tc rm . T h e . with a 66<34‘V0te. of passing[ SIR 12 for adoleslescent addiction treatment. mouslythatleIt Id ah o sta y a w a y fro m th e .Minidoka ^ site, called IIuou n t C a m p ' this wee>:. Thercsolutiilution w o u ld h a v e T h e WjWalker Center iir> Gooding lercury program, which during ci Worid War II, w a s diedi< reloca- - . p u s h e d a n e w c o n stitutitutional amend-' anrlounccneed Iasi week thai it will,1 a llow s sta tecs s Iw ith p o w e r p la n ts e m it' tion' t: , center for thousas a n d s o f . menr banning dcsecsecration of the close itsIS adoltisrentj treatment unit.t. ■ • ■ ting mercuryjry to trade credits' with AmericansA of Japanesev.iV. d e s c tn t- .flog. ' T lie reasoisons.werc twofold: ^tate dol­I- a v aila b le fo r th o s e 18 and a r older in other statesBS under EPA standards. - ' AlthoughA it was known asi t th e H u n t Momentum to pas:lass the amend* lars are'se-short arid the center Was.IS Gooding.. But for the youilunger crowd Idalio has no large coal-flrcd plants C C a m p locally, th e official nana m e o f t h e , m cnt has grown.slgnifi;nificantly s in c e It u n a b le todraw'enougl^clienis;'to ' ' struggling with ifddlctlu:lun, finding that Tit into0 tithat category. And once camp c at die. tim e of die Intintemment - • ------^gut a vote In theSonotinote in-2000.------It’s-h oiBrd-to-believe'the-rutlonah;— rt e— help willbeatoughcrToaoadto;Tccov'~wc oprinto»th th e federal m e rc u ry tn id c ~—was-thc-M -w inidoka-W ar-Reflelocatlon ------But It was Bennett'sttt's vote that was behind both.he U cal law enforcementIt ' ery. Ciinyon View lYeatmment Center program, youou cannot opt out. CenterT C probably the most impressive. In Not . officials areai constantly battling drugg J n 'IW in ra ils w ill p ro v id e detoxc treat-- The DHQ'sJ's se1 v en m e m b e rs all rec- Som<; critics Insisted onm a d d in g only docs Bennett representrep a rock- abuse cas:ases. many of which lead to0 ment for young addicts.s. Blit it was oinmendedd abstalnltig1 from cap- "concentration “i camp" to th e n a m e , ribbed conservative'e ted i state, but methampTiphetamine crimes. Last:t 'the* residential treatmeni;nt that was and-trade untilun more study can be b b u t th a t s e e m s a n excessivee mi e a su re the amendment’s sponsor spo was his year's,IdaIdaho Youth Risk UehaviorT signlficandy important to th is are^a. d o n e . Gov. Jim JIi Risch'now needs to when w. death, torture and genen o c ld e a re Utah colleogue, Sen.:n. Orrln Hatch.- Survey alsalso'showed 17.1 percent ofif "lu's sad for us- to seisec that'go, follow iheirler lead, and keep Idaho out attached a to that phrase fromm th e N azi bennett's opposition>n to. amend* Idalio stuiitudents said they had .usedil because it's soniething5 we see as as the federaera! deadline for-joining e e; x p erien c e. B ut m a k in g thithe site a ment. howc'/er. hasi bebeen his stance . marijuanama in the previous 30 days;]i;| . addressing a need andd w e m a d e arrive.'s th is falfall. ■ • "national "I historic site" andI ddropping fo r years, 39.B perci.•rcent drank alcohol In thee referhils to it frequenUy,ly." sa id Rill ■ 'intem m ent'' Is a histo ric al1 cicle a n sin g As a b h o rr e n t a s flaflag burning is. previousIS 303 days. Southwick, director of3f behavior JEERS to NNi a tio n a l P a rk S c rv lc c for . actai that ignore.'s the painful le sso n s o f weokenlng the Constliistltutlon and Its Trearmiment options will remain1 lit'ahh at Magic Valley Rege g io n al. .a p r o p o s e d name change to the lost Ic liberties at Hunt. A mud: h - n e e d e dd ^ — ^ J L E T TTERS Ebertieties are left under ■ ■ shield!f o r r e p o rL lC ld thewatcbcfI of U'S. citizens ournalises reporting ndeperidence Day liigli-proR le legalilorpollt- oi HTHEOI^RE!B [ . OLSON I w ith o u r free- ' leal co n tro v e rsies•s cannotcj '------^------' ^ d o m s n o w/ erie ro d in g alm o st on J function effectU’ely’ely^vith• tion to journalistssts a n d d ie ir a w eekly basi;lasis, otie has to . o u t offe rin g so m e nicasic asu re o f so u rc e s fo r 30 ,'ears.yea Yet n o ' w o n d e r w hyhy l the citizens of confidenilality to their.‘Ir _ such protectionI existse; in fed- -this countryry 1let it g et tills far. so u rce s. 'Iliu ir ability’ to do so e n il law. T h u s repn's le tte r p rin te d Ju n e . a a n r d w h ere th e y a re lo c ate dil soso"' reflising to be liev e theresrels- ' . - ‘ ' ;? u i you will get il litiuiyiiy ofc therefore, provide:le any basis Like I mention ilo iied before.*, fea r 27 . 1 :ancai understand her diat di we can’make to cfi’ort to any -bad" in the world.i. i^ b ig u ity . fordelayliig'orrejeejecting this is the biggest v ist w ei^on of mass - point of view, but I think It fix fb things. REV. JOEY CREWS • J li e a n sw e r m a y dbperpend on __ needed legisjalion. I in dic.w orld.. >' ..•.._.:wasjaltiiUI ill ig n o ran c e. I'm n o t M sJ:rIc.so n se e m s tei ■ . IWln Falls wWcli'court issutjd tRee sub'-‘h ■ Thislegislatibnn isi: lo n g over- • p o e n a o r th e pred ilec tiotiofisof f - due and should beb e e n a c le d . It ‘ ' ' the judge before whomII the(I will not. contraryytoitsoppo- t< re p o rte r is su m m o n e dJ. . StateSi nents' arguments. I cbuns have their mless aar n d law e n fo rce in e n t. 'f A ^ O UL i r t s a y s in o t o i m ]i p e r i a l p) ] r e s i d e n c f^eral courts have anoti:lother slates and the Distiistrlct of c y s e t of sta n d a rd s th a t dlffciirfer Columbia that havilave su c h p ro - T n its decisit :isio n H a m d a n v. U a d ^ in(^y,-dieaccusedandhis. • - -• p re sid c n d a l clalm , swepi!pt a sid e ■ fKjm one part of tHelioutountry tectlon have experileriencedno ' Uum.sfeld, I RV EY S lL V E R G A T E | ‘"J I Id, th e S u p re m e civilian lawyer do not even- all of the procedural banirriers to^ inotiier. T lia t m e a nIS s tlthat diminution of laww ienforce- J L C o u rt sen t Lint a c le a r m essage hha av e a right to b e p rese n t. YetI'et in o rd e r to get to d ie heoe o n of the journalist cannot telltell ment efl'orts as aI reresult of 10 theWliite:* Mo.useM( on behalf that the le c o u rt w ent.out o f iLs tlie iln m ajority d id n o t say th e m a tte r n a * U nitedI S tate s • . splirces wliether promiseilses of these shield laws,s. o f itself an d a C , a C o n g re ss reluc- w ay 10) confirmc one principle w wl h e th e r It w o u ld insist on re m a in s a constitutlbimlal l (^fidentlality have anyny Nor will it give: rereporters tant lo assert it n its tjw n pow ers . a b o v e allal eilhers: Hie United s suu c h a rig lu in th e a b se n c e of republic itetli.... — •- a n y sp e cia l licenseise Reyon{l — -and obligation! ---- . lonstW e'reflllln ------S ta ie s .e, cvi;n in tim esofnadon--' CCc ongrtss* say-so.- ’ ...... 'Ilie sp e cific riglits o ffe e n e m y 1 And that. In turn, meancans die type of conimon o n -se n se th is iwir oil te n terror together. • al stress',ss; Is ru n liy a system T lie c o u rt clearly w as rea ct­ct- combatants, war crimiricrials tW t Information vital tolo thet protection we alrearea d y a c c o rd a n d efforts l)y.t iiy.the president to coniposiused oft-xecuiive. leg- in Inj g to tlie c h alle n g e p o se d by a n d o th e rs c a p tu n x l a nid d tried- p ^ lic concerning the liuliuegri* to communication;[jns b e tw e e n ru n It a lo n ewill wil not be lolefiit- , islaiiveii L* an d judicial bran c h es, the thi president's attem pt to inthewnrontemirwilllII have ( y p f govurnm eni, o r ofif thill e . law yers a n d clients,[Its. p e n ite n ts ed. a n d a nly y a tte m p t by d ie execu- b by ypass d ie ro les o f th e courtsIS to b e w o rk e d o u t, case bybj case. ■ ____ :-^tatii2MLi>a5ijau.uiiajLitca tc tta :____ imdiJcrics. doctorsors and . In other wortvotds. the Suprcmc--- tive brai; aiich to sideline either. . , and an Congress, lliejusdctts ■• - as d ie c o n flict wlUi ai-Qa3a id a ■■■ ■■ sefc th e liglit o f dny.- ...... patient.? nnd-nm onio n g spou-ses - C o u rt's nilingIg was niejnTahout • oftheot o th e r tw o b ran c h es w ill understood un diat the prtsi- unfolds. W hat die SuprerB m e • (t certainly doesn't havimveto ■ — where'we believieve th a t th e prerogativetives a n d p o w ers of- b e m e t v I with judicial reslstane;e, ' dent’s de makeshift system of C ourt h a s e stab lish ed Inin d ie K rth is way. R ep o rters ddo o n o t s o m e d e g re e o f conronfidentiall- the branches.ols.of government even wh k-hen C ongress lacks th e military m l commission hearingsigs llnm eli a n d H am d an c aauses Is . - c te e c t to b e ab o v e th e! law.lav ty o f co m m u n lc atioulons fur- than the riglitsh is iu»d liberties o f ' grir to flf figlit for it.s place. .. w wa as p a n o f a la rg e r stra teg y’ in that these extraordinary■ygov- | • ■ *uut they should beaccciccord- ' thers broad social11 ggoals. captured enemicm y c o m b a ta n ts l\v o si siim m e ri ago. th e c o u rt which wh the Bush adrnlnistra- e rn m e n th l po w ers will bbe e c x e r- eitsom e protection soi thatthr The same is tnielie 1for jo u r- su c h a s Salimm A Alim e d ■ ' • Issued it! iLs first m ajor decfaion d tio o n sougK t to a s s e n p residen- en ­ cised o n a sh a re d basis,I, nr o t by ' tfj^ can perforin theirr pupublic nalists and their sources.SOI We 1 lamdan. who i h o is b e in g held at In ’th is aar re n a w h en it de cla re d tial tia: su p rem ac y e v e n in areas-s nn imperial presidency. sp iv ic e in e n su rin g th e: freefrt all know of storiesrs thatt we the'U.S. deicniie n tlo n facility at ' in M :und ndl V. Rumsfeld tinit the ' w wh h e re C ongress a n d th e ceiurtsuns . TheimpUcadonsofthih is id------might-never-l»ave-h(^heard-l)u^—------Guuni«mi«mo4} exposing fraud, dishonestlesty for hard-working'r re e p o rte r s ru n . this judlcio llclal protection of ' reviewclaim cl s by G u an tan a m o ' th tlu a t cou ld a ch ie v e th e a d min- in ­ for fu tu re b a ttle s over, foifor '' aW im proper conductI wiwith- who pried vital infoiformation the separation i o n a n d b a lan c e o f capdves.,*s. T liat o p in io n e s t a b - • ' istration's Isti goals. example, the Nadon’alSeSecurity oXK being exposed (.0 anin from reluctant^sourlurces. governmentallal pf o w ers c o u ld . llsheel a t a dLstressingly low level Forexample. I the Uamdl ' A gency's elec tro n ic survcveil- imimticipaied jail sentencence. A Watergate, of coursiuse. is die do more to proi lirotect libeny'tlian ofprocet:edural riglits for the opinion op: established the prece­ce- lance program, conductc: t e d ' fn?5 society depends onn ^ most memorable> anar d im p o r- a n y single opin: pinion eibout die accnsed;d a t en em y -co m b ata n t - d dei e n t u n d e r w h ld i I la m d a n • with neither congressioiiKiol •uxcss to Inform ation andondo'h tant example, butt o01 th e rs riglits o f atiy> oon n e g ro u p . hearings, g.s, b u t it also m a d e c lea r w w as a de cla re d a n e n e m y comn-- - •' authorization nor Judlda-M a;frce and robust pressi wwi: illing o c c u r ev ery day, W riting forr th e five-justice th e juriscIsdictionoftlie courts to . b bai a ta n t a n d coulcl liav e b e e n» oversight. It m a y bo d iaitw t' e . .. toilig out the truth andd : T lie rc Is u tte rly m 'n o v a l u e ____ majority,Justicenice John I^ul njviewpiprlsone,T claims. lo loc ck ed u p w ith o u t a'trial w o n |tb e a b le to rely onrth U o ■ spread It around. served by the currer Tent state of Stevens invalid!illdated I»residcnt Tliesa sa m e p a tte rn em erg es . Indefinitely Inti for die: duradonI of S u p re m e C o u rt to enfororce .fb is requires some abillibillty confusion regardlnp in g w h e n a .. Bush's o rd e r thtliu a t alleg e d a l - ■ fro m Tl) lji u r ^ a y 's o p in io n In the ih c war on terror. Why, then,I, c o n s d tu d o n a l rig h ts In th e t^dcal from time to timTie e' with meaningful promlstilseofconfl- Qaldawarcrlm: rimlnals could be •. Hamdanin's case. Tlie Supreme . d did id d ie p re sid e n t se c fit to facc ofllberty-rcstricdngig d e fl-' so u rc e s w ho, fo r o n e rea.s( ;a.son • ^ e n tia llty m a y h e; m a d e, o r trie d by th e ppre; resid en t's jerry- ‘ C o u rt Jlddie n o t spell ou t a litan y c chx h arg e H a m d a n w ith w ar - a n c c fro m th e o th e r twoo o r o n o th iir. re q u ire th e c apa | a c- " w h e n it w ill sim p ly I lybea prel- built militaryycommLssioru co . • ofconsdiidtuUoiia! riglits. . . ■ aciim i t c s a n d risk a c o n fro n ia - branches of governmentI t B u t: ■ i ^ t o sp e a k freely h u t ano:m ony-" u d e to a jail se n te:n n c e for a ra th e r th a n by a Ijy a lo n g -cx k tin g , en jo y edd by 1 th o se Ihilng fried • doidon wldi the courts, especiallylily Thursday's bold dedsion>n tells roously. coris4 entious repor>orter. ’• congressionally ally established for war• crimes: ci Instead, it w wh h en , w ere H a m d a n to b e u s th a t th e p re sid e n t willlU h e ed ; This is not a novel of ‘ ------procedure, suchu c h a s a c o u rt- . ^ in sistedd that t the procedures conviaed,.his cor prison term firm co n g re ssio n a l suppop o rt tW eatenlng. concept. Fort)o rty- ■ VieodonOison.fci. fo r m e r marUal, Inwhfcrhfcfi d e fe n d a n ts u se d bb e e i n u m e ra te d by ■ w oould likely b e 10 ye a rs o r ' b efo re th e ju d ic ia ry will j( nloe states and the Distric rccs.tojnaIccJLaihrccsi e so m e ______------firtumWa-haytrlawsjirotCim e e t:------Sunes;:has'dcfl!nae{t'cdTeporrers-,------TWdnfra stele p b a ck to se c die UistahcejVaj7lhal even d e ^ d a n t s -toioiKlsquesdon t is.diat Bush Ii)^ th e co n fid e n tia lity of a n ii neivs organU■atlonsfrom atl ■ pattern In diisis blizb za rd o f _ **- a t coi^.S ' ts-niardiilfiavcconsld- , was wa; seeking to establish the ' • Harvey Silwrglate iSA re p o rte rs ' so u rce s. T h e luJus stlcc subpoenas seekingg uto fo rce th e w o rd s (d ie sbcbe o O] p in io n s In th o '. e ra b ty m i more rights dum do [act faci d ia t h e a lo n e co u ld cxer-r- Boston-based cnrrilnai-tkdefense ^EM^anment has had inter ite m a l . dlsciosure ofconflJe.id en tia l 'caseconsiunedle d 177 p a g es o f ' su b je c:s ts o 1 f a I)ush m ilita ry :Isc else su c h esctraordlnory povnsr.rer. and civiNiberties lawxertrra n d sl^dards provldingproteto tec- , sources. ofteii.tur^d texttext), it's evident cuiiuiiLss-sslon. w here, a sto n ish - ' The T court, reacdng to diisI writer. tt ^ v '

______U M ti

M ag ic Va l.LEY:: • — ■ •: 1Letters OFTTHANKS — r . • p a rtfd p a ted in th Fhrngfarcate 1 th e p ro g ra m . d o n a tio ns s aa n r d 2 3 6 food ite m s . Boy!ly so n d Girls Q u b 'o f Magic | Prdm beauties appncfartedted \lk a n ia lb ineiiciiaiiis( s i i Im) •IvnciitailonlMedlkM l Vbumadeforag]a great n ig h t fo r bein g coUecth x te d for d ie Id ah o Valley;y; Bureau of Land - • — - J Ml »».«. « . those who attendmded. There.was • Foodbank,wt w h ic h will b e dU -, M anaglagcm ent: C ascade help ‘ from Cfndeiielt Houseuse m^ieaminrai^fpr» U h A v ey special thank' nkyiuto anexcelltottumiimout and p«v irihntivl mothp.hiingiy4n3Win-^Lands< ih lscapinghGollege^>f------^ Advantage Signinndiw jac c k pleandbusSi^ - -W e atthe^n'derclhrHonsijost; ------CorvGS-forWbminrDl•ofTWti ir - ’ - ' - . jsso were very RiUs County,nry. ' Sbudiehem Idalioadiledcs. fish • v . Stevens T^Prcparatioitio n f o r • generous. I w an t ' w o n t to give Q ur th a n k s a n d Falls Relay for Life tc aim n v ra u ld int to ex p ress m y T h a n k si to to id ie TVvinBills h atchhery, c } a a Q u b a n d p a ra - . ^ d o n a tin g slg n s to th e Fi . g ratitu d e to all d io se p e o ppie- le . like to n k die m e rcc h an ts IB Filer . sincere thanksI forfoi d ie d o n a - C ou n ty Fairlir BI oard a n d Coca- m e d ic Senior Hovcn. ics; Dairy Queen: Dell who v donated formal dresses,ses, and members who dono n a ted tionsm adebyO.10 .L E vans Bonk. Cola for dicirheirdonadons. • , Compi Thankyousornuch. iputers; Department of shoes, s jtw 'lo'. makeup, pursu rs- ' .ite m s for o u r silent auciicdoniW fc c h . lEA. d ie Paul FireTrcDepartmcnt Byfar,diclhe largest coniribu- Health LAURIE KEELEY ih aiid Welfare; D.L Uvans es, c nc ce sso ries a n d m oney^y ' . raised $1,735; all pro cw% cd sg o andthemanylncIndividuals w h o tio n w as dh ie e 'ta i le n t a n d Rcn- . Bank:c: FarmI Manogemeiii; , C . Executhe Director Our thanks to I’am Maughantian, to diis year’s Americann IC a n ce r \ ir dug deep into thetheir pockets. ■ erosity ofall all diei bands diat / aarkK Flier Senior Haven ( Kauilman Fanning; Bob wv ho sta rte d d iis p ro jec t a n d . . Socicty Relay for Life. n • Atota!of$230(^ w as raised 10 p la y e d Ou u r rs special th a n k s lo^ H ansir sing; l=errler G em . had h it tronsfenvd i6 us. ' Sooper/U K Lavynscai , H le r - h d p w ith Stacey’siy s m e d ica l bills, th e m em b ers a p e s , JcrsofFoolsbane, Hquiprpmcm (John Deere); A speciiil d ian ^ to Babbel' , , , Thankyou/ori bel's I^iJette Reese. Peasantn t Valley oryourgenerosi- lasonRamseirtsey.lhicey Emery, Healthihy Progression: Idaho Cleaners, C which’gave us free UbntylnoktdetMMVM ty and support. Y( ree ■ Coif. Susan Stallings, ShjS h a n n o n '.. ;. You have all D.I.Wlnnett.Bit. D avid C h a m b e rs ' i lo mle e H : ealiii a n d H ospice; ■ v• service S' throughout'the pro- ' hdpedou/afami 0 -■ . Neville. Ruth Bryan, Ola a t u d e nWi help from VDtagfa imilyinneed andChnsWliWlersema.Also, I ^ Idaliol0 Legends R a d n g ; Idulio . gnini. g V ogue Q e a h e rs gave U! THOMSTIMPJ e u s Brown's, N aom i Am es..Montana' K • IP S O N . w o u ld likeJ to to .th a n k d ie m om - MoUoiio n P icture l> roductions; bags. b Big d o n a tio n s c a m e fro A b ig th o n k ^ u toicverybtie TheSInglnglar fro m Steaklioase, Curves o fTWIn I \ ;. Janitor bersofUndyiidyiiig Confessions, IdaliofD Nadonal G uard; Id ah o ’ th d e M ustard S eed, S alvadon w ho h e lp e d m a k e thic e ISII d i . R u p e rt. 3n New Image Salon.,i.ADay • » AndySlietler,tier, D on M acD onald Power;•nK& T Steel: K im Kelley; A Twin Falls Public librarirary A rm y a n d St. V incent d e I’aul*aul. Spa, Ilverybody’s Buslne:le ss. S e w -• • . .. . andTV cMliller; ille m e m b ers of KMVl)TyijimbWesionLConA^ti:. .1 — ------F oun d atJo n "U sed Book .TUx uiid.Gowus.gave.us.livii.ini------.^Special. I la n d s On,-Java-a ;Ju ic e ,-* — o o k S a le — MolllCOltlirilfH(eslhal~’— '— DicanttBoiRobMcmcErGeoff, Magic'i successful; c Valley Speedway:'Magic n ew dresses. Alice Wade's, Farm Bureifcau Hrin? . Devon, Cody)dy and Ruliten Vallcy'lyibiving; M n^c Valley O u r vo lu n te er b o o,,„nen, k si W ^KgloloW P ro m se a so n is a b o u t over.ver. Insurance. Spoke &Whetie d . , ■ * . m e m b e rs oofNot-Our-Own. f 1 Region; worked oil yeotto )nal M edical (^>nter H om e We V had donations of 233 for-I'or- Arctic Cirde. Safe Kids eparefor , The Shoshonele School { ChorlcsDawsawsori, Chris UulUier Healthih & 1 lo sp ice a n d p a m - ii this event, especially Be mals, 100 pamihose, purseses Coalition, Fran Ma.son,.T 7 h cG ift 'Bee and Distrlasuperintcntendent andCiidyRreBrommen and die medics ics; SouUi C entral D istric t' V a a; n d shoes. W e issu e d d resseses s . Bam, Moss Grcenliouse,w, Leslie . C urtis S tew a rt S ue Pack'ackand Mdvin Wisemanmondi^Uy j ^membersofl ofLoveCrymes. Health;ih; IW iii F ^ City street ’ : a ii; n d acc esso rie s to 49 very Youjift DcEide's Moral. P Beverly S ttii^ . AboutatSOvol- 5 Chapman wouldId likeI to dia n k • B ra n d o n Rogi • Pat. ilogers, Peter Meitos sweepeper; IWin Falls School h h a p p y girls fo r a sm all d o nla a -­ McKenzie, Jan Johanson, unteers worked the saleadc. ■ the community fc )n. r for making our ondlbrahimaim a Faye. D isuictic«;-nmcs-News;TWpleC tion ti a n d so m e tim e s free; ' Stetson Clark of Scou(B u tlV o o p M ulticultural Cele Wilson Bates. BUl'sAutoromotive, * lelebraU on a big S^L\N E P FPEThONE * ConcreTcte; IW in Falls City Ihrougli I’ the off season, die 90 c o U e ae d m o re th a n 400< success. M ore lh a le M r.W ash. Willa H im ple,e ,C < l's . iian250ddzerts Concert Ort Organizer and Police;'c; IW in Falls C o u n ty siiulio si a i Rock C reek b ooks a n d m aterials aas s Ipart of enjoyed wondcrft Fram e & Gallery, M iddldiekauff, •. :rful varieties of Musldon, • Shorlir’:ff’s D ep a rtm en t; Steve C c: o m m u n ity C h u rc h w ill b e h is Eagle Scout projcct.«t. food and entertali e Connie Lancaster,,MillieJe taInm'ent.A ' Buhl ) Doltl^w rg. VTond nestaurant,.Ibrahia h im a R iye a n d follow ing teacteach ers for d ie ir ' GEIAlANNE CHOATE die Hmcs-Ncws generat ELAINECLAIBORNEIE ira tc d b a n d . M onzerathth M1 ag an a •. p a rti d p a tlo n ;in o u r - ^ SHATARON BEHRENS ’ 0 special pre-sale publidtj Crews came tliiougli on ' TWinlitUs !dty. Mexican dancegroup. gr( Kadiy Ahiericanismsm E ssay contest: ElemarentTeachcr g e n ero u s su p p o rt a s weUwell. Aoi, Shoshone Sch>choo.l c u sto d ia l M rs.V oghtani Uemlli donations a n d h e r fifth-grade naiqrs from each city, all die'1C' O rganization w ould likece to T h an k s to everyone2 wlwho staff, food scrvicc!:c stair and die class, and frorFrom East Minico , ITieT !l\v in Falls C h a p te r o f churches, cl die Hoy Scouts, tlieJie th a n k th e following busljsln e sse s c a m e a n d pu rch a sed booksbo< student council, Middle School lool, Mrs. Merrill. dieldalialioCommtmityAcUon Girl Gi Scouts, th e 4-11 groups,i. a n d fam ilies for tiieir ger;eherous and other items. Pleasesecohtin* c Once again, thaih a n k y o u for Also a big ill giliankstoolloflhe Neiworljrk w an t to express o u r . the th youtli groups, vjirious suppon of our annual M a d t , u e to d o n a te yo u r u se!d d booksb your involvement)n t a n d su p p o rt kids d ia l w rou T O ie the essays. heartfcliclt appreciation to die bu In sin e sse s a n d all liie in d ivvid- id ­ Niglit a n d Chili Feed. to guarantee another gregreat sale ofdio Shoshone} schools.sc Tliey were all ( ^ g o o d ! ______M agic;Vollcy-arca V t^a'iinesses • uals. u: Special thanlcs lo the Solo C up C a , Solid Roc:ock In 2007. Melvin wisEMEMAN CH RIS NiOlliOTLEY______a n d con ommunityforthevron- . IVvin IV Fidls 1 lighw ay District,t, QistomStb'lie Engraving, CHERYL LEFORGEE£ Superintendent;nt DOUGGRII IRIFFITHS______d e rfu lrtresponse of dnnntions IVvin IV Falls O in a l Co. a n d d iele Winco.OKAuto^iems,IS, a n d th e IW in Falls PubPublic AndtiieAdmlnLInlstraUon Chairmen !n ■ ■ a n d conuntribuiions m a d e to Uiis c cc o u n ty for th e ir truclcs a n d • . Independent M eat Ca", RudyijRl L ib rary F o u n d a d o n1 BB< oard . S h o sh o n eS d iolool c District • Rupert.______. organizfization for our dance dr — An>nW’ttt>nr>fH«^» fTnn ' ■' —Shoshone ''' iny o n ------3sw v OiL ions a u b f o r ^ l i e lu n d i d o3na- n a Springs Golf Course, Kimm a n d Benefit concert was Ca™"""'*''WheelsOay “vourfr generosity and willing- lions. lir Brian at Ih e IkHHliilis Cif af e , WvbgoxHii'FFeedHie cnised easiy □ assist a re deep ly ap p re - We apprc-ciate ihe Soudiernern Interstate Amusement. TcTony ■ nudepoisailebgfnun)any Need'benefit con ’'I'*®'**’ = a n d m a d e fo r a su c ce ss- Id Id; ah o Solid W aste S ystem s for andlhideSduoeder.Scacarrow - ■ •n,e-M„F^1 Falls School fulcveni-•nt. acaccepting die loads. . Meat, Maxie’s!>iz2a o fKambe*riy. ir . t w o u ld like to give attbig bi • • Thanks to everycryone who District clenici mentiirycounwlors Tlianln ks so m u ch . lAMES GOSE-EELLS ,:tnd M ark a n d Natalie Glajlardina. th a n k y o u to th o se w lio10 p a rtid p a te d in “Fe

-NATIONS Boise, Idaho^^ . . TwinT w Falls, Idaho inday-Saturday 10 a.m.-6::6:30 p.m. Monday-Sa•Saturday 10 a .m .-6 : 3 0 p .mtn. . Sunday Noon-5 p.m.n. . S)unday u n Nodn-5 p.m. Fcdcial Way on the corncf of findicy!y & OidiTiond '■ iOH Blue takes Blvd. iunRive aciosj the slicct fiom Ficd Mcyei CiCi' In11he ih c WinCo Shopping Ccnici s ■ The Reaial W’ ood Furniture Sto 3 8 9 -9 9 4 ^ ^ — 734-3243 m . ^ ------I K m

I Twinn Mattress $$99 Queen Setsts $249 Beds: JTwin $148, Qmieen$199,_Kining$299

I y Computer Armoin,Ire £”Kntertainment Center . TV Stand...... drobe...... ' ' Clear, Maple or Cho fear, Maple or Chocolate FinishfA Clear, Maple or Chocolatlau Fmiih lor«f£nlm«Ttainmeni Center Clear,r. Mapleft or Chocolate Finish *U 'asS425 NowS345 Clear, & Chootocolaie Finish $S42S4- NowS34S . aocchtt Finish a ~ i ______' Now S4tO J — S2SS . ^

- 1. CAeif Drauawers Maple or ChOiiioco/are Finish | _ ------. Y 6 Drawer Dretter —;------tDrtnaerNO\o m m ------I Cleart Maple or Chocolate\ateBnish 1 Drawer N0\ 2 Drawer Nightstand $129 ¥ 1 Trorfj;? NowS299 ■ 3 Drawer Nightstand fJ59, KrUtal Panel '

w p i • Bed $499

2 DrawerMuU-dien------~^^^7hrawer Dri Clear, U aplt or Chocolate j $334 ■ j Mirror $199 J . Liiigfrit Chest ) NowSm l i I f w -M new n«nM. NglA VknCc ( vkoCo, he. noUmd M tM us. M OCM COMM. ■ raapKM mmm. R « M iMn HKitan u KMtvntn^rnovtmutfmlnino < Ocawntfyai*r a**(IMd «m may M M MMMilD pwr' MOK. M y w n q n tt. M i n M)f parcMH M l « R d tOMty am tn mkM). RtgUM pnM «• ti «ami9»»«w«<«t«caiaH(>ai»owMm»>no< ,tWM«wlKrHMlee».t«n Sanpncwvski 99 ' J MfflCck M t«iAw M ngMM triMiM 01 vki )euB» IIM ■■ KM IW a tw CM — ------— 1— 1.

I . il-M TliH lllw t W if i

: m a g i c : "^Va l le y ■

— G O M mm Events1 ------— ■ , ; kTimees-News ' . B I D q iB c a ts ^ for sbnh, KcKathy Rooney and Driverr SafetySb Program will be routeddelivers Tbchannen umd- hddfron r.bbw M kty'pm■ M ^ l e y rom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. July' M a d eU n e Sowaya Sc and Mary B at the Nazarcne Church, : RUPERT — TlxeHie. B7 Bridge A nnS l^.I. 1231 WiVashingtoii as St. N. ' ' the exttracash ------. - :— ■ q ub-haa-annotmirtmcad-weddy ------h n r 2 « :~TlrsTrRilCjrfinrlon F l . Uasses 'ah! geared lor any- .'w in n e rs: and Reneo« iBulchcn second, oneages:Jes SO a n d a b o v e, t h o u ^ pu need; June 27: North/s yp h /80uth: First, Doiutldandid .:Ruth Rah'e: third, yoimger5cr peoplej anj wdcome. George and Nan80. Need extra cash for a prizedf possession? A TiniK-NewsTii newspaper nroute : Merrigan and Veraera Moi: third. , the Moosee Lodge.I 03S Falls puts .you on the roadI tot< extra cash. Ail over‘ ththe area, o.ur paper carrle'iers are S teve S a m s a n d lOintl&r Gillespie: and Ir 't p.m. Saturday at PaulHid«gh School Ahmnd running their own bus ^ and fourthr Janee KKelcher and 2679 .Pole ,L1U n e R oad E. All usinesses. They're up earlarly and are usually, done''e'with D o n n a M o o r e ' bridge'playCryCrs a re invited. F or nw *” ™on * set• for July 8 their work day by 6:00W a r n . - G am es a re lieldeld at 1 p.m. partners andind more informa- PAULL -■ Thi! Piul High Being a Tmes-News distributor is challengiiging and rewarding workr k . And 1\jcsdays at theJ R upert Elks, tlo n , .call MoMax Thompson at _ SchoolAlilA lu m n i R e u n jo n wil! be it's surprisingly4 >roAtaitable. Experience the freereedoin of being your owrvnboss. All bridge playcre-jire are Civitedr ''735-8308 or'or DatHd Stoker at held Julyuly fl" a t' th e ^ u l ' O ty For partners, andd morec infor- 736-3840. Park, vylihylth on Ice cream sodal If you've been looking:Ig for a part-time businesiless to pick up some extra■a cash, . matlon. calf sieves/c Sams at 878 fro m I to 4■ p.m . call 735-3346. 3 997 o r V era M ai'ai a-ai43C4i63. BSssFIoirer,«r, Garden D innerler will follow, at 6 p.m. , There's.pientyofexlixlra money to be made- - There will no play ph on the Qub hostS nor'sCafiS. Times-New;vs F o u rth o f July. .pdluck picnic ~ more informaUon, call before si\nrise. magkvalley.iitom BU SS —- 1The Bliss Rower -138.5862,162, M.V.DnpOcateBtiBridge and Gardenn 1/^ of Jerome, died lliurliursday. June Louise Orahoolood. 90. o f Buriey. 29. 2006, at St.1. RenedicfsI died Thursdaylay, lune 29. 2006,. Family Mcdical C en ter in a t th e BurleyyCarc C Center. • E H l Ii m s s B Jerom e. The funeralral will be held at — The funeral willI be conduct- 11 a.m. Tliursdrsduy.July6. 2006. ed at 3 p.m. Mond:nday, July 3. at the Burkirley LDS Stake •N iW -L -M ' I 2006, a t th e St. Piiul'sul’s Lutheran Center. 205050. Normal Ave.. rwiih Pasior with Bishojito p U u ic e ------, B a ld w in C a m in olo fn ciatin g . L o v elan d offli>fflciuting. Burial . r* •RfuAii •lU W I U k Viewing will bef conductedC( will be in the:he {Peasant View ^^^H ertx Price „ '■ - t™ fro m 6 to n p.mi. . SSunday, at C e m e tery inI BiBurley. ' HovC'Robunson Funeral I-riends maylay call from 6 to 9 Chapel in Jerome. p .m . WWednesday ed at 1,995. Rasmussen I- ; i 9 Velda Marie PhniipsUpS I350E. IGthStI St. in Buriey. and I M K I D D B ■ 'r from 10 to 10:'15 a.m . • ■ • RUPEHT — Veld’eld a M arie ^ T h u rsd ay a t thethi churcli. jjjj^nPI • G re in e r I’hiillps. l3. og f Rupert, died ’niursdiiy. Jmieif(..29,2006 Everett Lee SmithSn = at KoscKn Assisted!d Living1 in a Pocatello, • JEROM E — - Evereir Lee ' M I • N i S n i • I S n W .U l ’Ilie funeral will bobe held at 2 Smith. 90, of of Jerome, died -----•UliiOuw------p.m.- W ednesday, Julyluly 5, 200G. ITiursdivy. J ulie n e : 2006, tile •a> ‘at the Rupertri ■ United St. Benedict'si loh n g T erm Q irc b Methodist Church,I, G05G( I! Sfi. U nit in Jerom e.- f e l w id i th e Hev. Jerry SteiSteele ofilcl-' -A gr.-iveside i e service will be ^T H ertr Price ating. A graveside setservice will conducted at a 10 a.ni; W m m m follow ill th e R upertrt C(!mctery.C W ednesday, Julyuly5,2006, at the. Memorials may be>e madei to Jerome Cemet'letery. with the ^ 5 ^ 9 9 5 ) » — i die Rupert United1 MW ediodist .Rev. P e te r Page;e ofliciating.( i H H m a a i i Church or Rupettett Senior No viewingng is planned. C itizens C e n te r In lieu of flow- Arrangcrhents:s a i re u n d e r th e . ers. Arrangementsi are ar under direction )f of the Hove- the direction of theihe Hansen Robertson Fumuneral Chapel in Mortuary Rupert ChiiiIhapel. Jerome. isssaBi , . •[SrtScin , •PnW UI — ••TiIXtjik tSERVICES_- S •-C'’ k ,S s ; g ; S i : S*. .-.RoiAif .. - Mcriene Boatrig tright of 2 p.m. todayy atj the I'rlniiy •T,wrV| • Centennial. Colo.,. grdvesideg Lutheran Chunlurch= in Rupert. •W «i. . in iJm m en l iit 10:30 a.j 4 ) a.m . today F rie n d s' a n d faifamily may call at Sunset Memorialial Park in from'noon loJ I p.m. today at 1 : ^ 9 9 5 'l\vin rails; luncheonin forfi family th e I la n sen MeMonuary Ruperir i f c ,9 9 5 and friends followsws at 279B Cliapel.710SUUUUi Si. . • I ■ ■ ■ E l B n D D ChaparriU Circle in IWlIWJn Fallt. • H elen Re'nie^dla Priluclk D ona LeVcrc ^ e)crt r t Allen of Hunnlcutt of BuBulil. funeral at Wendell, funeral at 11 arm. p.m. today att Ti I'arm er I-uneral r o w i i i g i . _ today at the WendellULDS Li Stoke .aiapelinUuliL I H E 9 SS Center. fiOS N. Idiihaiihu; family - and friqnds may callill frurnfl 9:30 N ila E lizabetbeth McAfec o f ...... • U b ...... to 10:30 a :m .'lo dJay a y {It the Boise, funeral aia i: 2 p.m . today ^11 t - . church’(Jsirnswdnhh NMonuary Demaray'sWend 5 • C m * indell Chapel; vLs- •'V hch' , f ■ *C D in Jerome), Itation one hoihour before ' fu n eral a t d ie mem onuary, 1^ . Elsie Pearl Hamiltonto n of Buhl. B Hertz Price I S n H P H e r t z Price funeral at 11 a.m. iodcoday at the Marion Conncm e r B u d P e a k of ' Free Will Bapiisi.ChChurch in Jerome- memonorial Mass at ' m $ 2 1 .9 9 5 ^ BuliHFarmerTuneral■ aiaiapel). C ,10:30 a .m . MeMonday at St. ‘9 9 5 ■ Jerome’s Cathollilollc a iu r e h , 216 B M B H H i l iIHHIDBB] l T h o m a s D. Revnln l rook C lubhouse. ■ 1:15 p.m. today at the ^ p T Z u u d > S»TdtA>i*' • the Rupert 5601' WiIlowla>'lawn Way in ■^einniw^CDain*rt 1 *00 ' •Cemetery? memorialU so>«ewi' ' a 9 9 5 J______•IMsFallsPs labile Ubrary , will b e dosc-d. ' : TWIN FALLS — - Many • The Collegefge of Southern olTIces and facilitiese s will b e . Id a h o w ill b e d:losed. « closed for Independcndcnce Day • The YMCA/HL/lV^n Falls City- o n July 4. Pool will be 0|ki|xn from 1 to 5 VCSCT ouumusniMntSwii ______« City and county ofllccsofll will p.m. ^ b e closed, • Magic Valleyley^Mall w iliT c ~ ^ ^ y Y • State and federalrat o fllccs o p e n fro m 10 d.ir to 6 p.m . . 1 ^ 0 8 ^ B - . «wUl b e closed. •T h ish will nlOt o t 'b e pick ed up : • • P o st ofllccs w ill b» e dosed.c mish collectionn willw be one day |||||^ ^ ^ | • L ocal b a n k s w ill b e i b e d o se d , later. V ’Uwnw m nuo w ran wi. ItaN M HOt MOMm • « Ad 4,900*. A nan m UMUBON on — — J-T-;:— ^------,I------—

------' ------’ - I m i e s ^News ' Section ...... < SAnimMY I Jii|yl,2006 B ' S p o rts Editor: Mike S i R T f ' Christensen; 735-^239 POI S 9 ' . -stinMing'maitdii Narrco w w in s ^ H j R ; ■ markcDay2 of Latitham y - ' M ■ • Matcl:hPlay

"ByEricLanw Otke Of tiM stretdws for a shot frooBeUitts’.fro MaxMimyimyi dutiflc their Men's Slnilts, tlilrd-ni-tound mattii • oa th eC:«iTtre tn t Court at Wmbltiioa on Fridir. ■IWIN I-ALLS —- TIliree holes up wiih four lo go7 Tliai’s a prultyJlty comfortable match-play lead. O nt: u p o n llie No. lUiceTNoisomuch. « ivorites fa ’IXvin 1-alls golferfer Michacl liricson plungedd his lee Jnco chc turf,urf. placed and nddressedlils boll, knowing iliaiIt hish once-comfortable leadd o v e r M niiljcw Robiniblnson during Friday’s men's's Wimbledion championship Oightght quarterflnal match of the 18th Annual Bob)b Latham Sr. Match Play y n c ^ a n , Chanipioiisliips wa;was one stroke away from gis, Blake, Nalban .becom ing nothingg mni o re th a n history. T lien, h e c ru sh e d h is d r iv e- -d dlrecd l y in to th e I’nr-S .lflth’s Kuzn(netsova drop mati t c h e s j fairvvay hunker. The AssocIsoclated Press______Needing only to0 lieti< the hole widi Hobinson lo take the match,1, liricsonI- placed his second■i WIMUl.:lULEDpN. England - After I shot onihe fringet aan n d rini.shed w ith a h ird le fo r four days' without,It. a signillcani upset, four lo ...... heller Hohinson's; parpa and advance to.today’s w ere dtliminated im at Wimbledon on sctnifuials with a iwo-up iwi victory, It wasn't the in c lu d ining g fo rm er c h a m p io n M a rtin a I con\?incing win the tl former Utah State I H ingis. - H ingis,;is, IheI 19‘'7 w in n e r w ho Is in ih University.golfer loollooked 10 he shaping earlier,' th e m id s t o f li'comebaiiback afte r th ree years off tiie loi h u t it w as d ie w in1 heh e needed, nonetheless. lour, squnn- d e re .la1.3-0 3 - le a d in th e th ird sei a n d fe "I'm definitely cxtn!xtreuu‘ly relieved riglu now," fell 7-.'). 3-G, G -4to|:‘ip:lapan’sAiSiigiyamc. . Cricson said, -n iai’sai’s probably ihe most nerv- ' th-seeded David Nalbandian, r oils I'vi* b e d ! playiiaying golf for a long time. , n in n e r-u p jjlll^^ & Llost7.(i 6r2_m 301tiHh-miikfil idoVerdadCo of .Spain in the ihir four holes. Il wasIS Ihigh-stress. ihc last few lird round. len's No. 5 Svetlana.Kuzneisova, holes, especially." «i. a former pen champion and finalist at tl 'Ilie m a tc h w as inilindicative of Friday’s action, the French hree woel's ago. was ousted 3-(J-(j. G-2; G-3 as fellow championioaship fllglit seniifinalisis h y IJ Nla, w ho b e ca m e th e ilr.-.t C hines .MarcVedderuiidAar^ a ro n G u riii scnijJed ^ w iih ic-sewoman ; UM.' V to re a ch theil fourdi round at Wlinhledc . one-up wins; whilelile Andres llegdah] 'bbsted1 d o n . . Uighth-:th-seeded lanier-Hliikc fadet Uric* I’eie rs e n twivo-and-one. o- liricson and ietl a g a in st .... ;.• / --Sard-rankim ke d Max M irnyi o f B elarus ai . Hohlnson golfed to iII dead lieai through the and lost In' • ..five sets-IS — exten'ding the American’s ' tu rn , w ith e a c h w inniInnin g iw o holes. T h e golfers I’s record In V .i*r '• fiw -sx 'tteIters r to 0;>). Blake.won just nine trad e d w ins o n UoI«loltij 10 and II before die (le p o in ts In ' ’ • th e l.isiI scset as Mirnyi pulled away for j wheels came off fofor Hobinson. An oui-of- ira,G-4,3-R, 4-fi,6-l,f).I. G-0 victory. hounds lee shot ono n No. 12 IchI to H obinson •H e w•vas as te d h o i at th e sta n . h e w as i conceding ihe holele toK Ericson and a bogey on IS red h o t .it iTr. ,, the end,",d,",B|.ake said. "Max Mirnyi re d h o t on No. 13 gave liricsonon a iwo-hple lead. On ihe — -grass-m- not a lot of guys are going lo b I‘ar-3 1-idi, liricsonin .stucks his tec shot wiiliin ' beat him."— ------. T lie 12tli2th>seeded Hingis was one ofo two feel for an easyisy birdle,putt and a three-, f on ly th ree t’s champions in the draw, altalong with hole lead. I'ohinsonjn >would rebound however, imTioMwrnii'i^ women’s < three-limeiine winner Venus Williams a.ind 2001 - ■ taking advantage o f f: uti. E ricson th re e -p u t o n’ KlchaelErktea chips the bill ttpdiIP dutifls Day 2 of Um 18tb AnnulI 8(Bob Utfaim Sr, H itdi Pl«r Ch«M<> c h a m p M aaria Sharapova. S he h a s m a d i No. 15 a n d p a rin g No. 17 U) dnivv near, M l Falls Hanldpal Coif Courw• wm FfH iy. d e a sfro n g r e tu rn sine "I got ihree up on I ;ince h e r long layoff du e lo foott as n d an k le in him with four holes to go> foufand it was good toseelce he didn't give up. strokee on the back nine. A piipin-tracking injuries. . andldon'tknowifllo1 lo st focus o r ju st w a n te d to' H e k e p t p u s h in g a n d grinding linganditwasfun.a approaiMch sh o t o n No, IB le d to .in easy two- But Hinslingis couldn't pu(aw,iy the intlnth-seeded . get it over, hui he camecai back and played the • good match." p u tt and an victory for Vedder, us Litham's Li tee ' Sugiyam.irti.i3vho h a d lost slXTif hcrp ru v,lD lc ur5C ven------last four holes realtyiilly solid." Ericson said. “It As w a s V edder's victory ovc oyer.percnni.ll con- .shot nilat.for this year's tiuee- witli I itli Ihe exception of one squadad, “dear enough and didn'tin't leave a n y 1110 o’niynIy sur}irlse came when Feded e re r w as cycling’s biggest, giveSivM the higli week, 2.272 272-nUle trek across allI rearci cte d q i^ ck ly Friday, tcUiniing doubt." he said, refusingIng to e lab o - b ro k en foo r tith e first lim e In d ie to u m a m c protlie of the riders ar n e n ta s h e s a n d th e large F ra n c e a ni d neighboringni countries, tlieirie ir rac ers th e y w ere out. rate. , ^ Please se e TEHNB,S ,P a g e B 2

G ( ^ aany wearss d k j w i i Aigentina, r , \ ^ s i h sshootoutttoadvan ThBAMOdrttdPrm I______O liver:r NeuvUle, Michael BoUack.k. Z am b ro tia. Italy held off theheUbrid Cup. L ukasP'odolski od a n d 71m Borow skl h aid d new com er. BEnUN - Gcrmaimany relentlessly no troubleble with Franco In the shootout.It. One minute after Zambribrotta kicked wore''down Argentina,na, scored a tying RubenoA> Ayala, w h o sc o re d in th e 49thh a ball off hls'own goal lihline to quash goal in the 80lh' mlnuInute Friday, then . minute,, ata n d E ste b an C am blasso were.rc. U kraine's lost h o p e o f a nI upset, i Luca vran it 4-2 In a penalty*kty-klck^ootout as stoppedibyLchmaruL ’ Ibnl scored his Cist Woiltiild-Cup goal goalkeeper lens Lchmoimann stopped two When1 L eh m an n m a d e th e final save■e w ith a header and added!ed a second '■ -shots and tlic hosts; nm ^ d c iill four of- bydivingt r-■ wlie^ho^IhZambrotta'sa'sposslnUic. ------thclra. ‘— — ’-cre.wrtW9eJfltoodaitri-lh'ami oh'the Odd,1, 69thrnlnuia Rather than ^ttingigdesperate d w to i sprintedJ totc m o b h lm . Z am b ro tta m a d e a $lxth-ih-mliiuicrun th e y Cell Eriday b e h inid d forfi Ihe Qrsi time Argontixiitina pul Germany bdiind forir on the ri^ t. setting Up a one-twon o w ith • fn the ' toumamcni,it. the- Germans, tho firstt Utime in the toimioment on,n,, playmakerFhmcescoTbttl.II and finish- pressed the at tack andid beatb Argentina’s Ayala’s houtfive n U b tit^ iU tc jr 'a c6]I[-i-;. ''siop.'-'' W orld C u p — o n MiroslaosIavKlose'shcad- slonwlthi h Ita tilt qiartHflMl W«M ^ soeeKcar I never came dose on anyanj of t^ shots. an assistist fro m d e fe n d e r G lanlucaa worry until the final whistle. Ic-. . ■ tte h b tto MI a(UfwoT e i and AiicMthu at tiM Myai S l a t e li Bsrihh G tn u ir, Frfdaj.Fd ! — ^ i r

. H yihi

GowbbioysA33 - 0 i n BtoiseW ( / h i t e S oDxclobli b e r C i l tb s CHICICAGO (AP) — luan g said. T h e y ’re thhe e cardiK kldk doubleheadeiider against Idaho Uribet homeredI and liad five H --- ^------UWa5anugly.gaiprncrm injnsy-TflnnjTrarcrtticrtcoirtcglonljasin- -R B Is^ ...------BOISE - The TWinwin Falls find a way to banMtUe a n d g e t it ball a c tio n FridayFri< a fte rn o o n . b e a t th(the Qiicago Cubs 6-2 on ' ■ Cowboys A squad Just[ust. w o n 't d o n e . It^ b e tte r: th a n losiiig." T h e B obcatscats took the opener Fridayy after the two central I ■ .* give in. going 3*0 at the Boise On Thutsday, thet Cowboys byacountoflofl0-6.whileftdllng combatlalants in a brawl earlier ■ Ttaumamcnt at BorahhH F l^in (17-7) took a 3-23- win over in die nJghtcajtcap,21-4. thisseiieiison chatted and shook I Boise. , Borah and won'on 10*7- over "Theyplayeiaycd well in th e first hands, I . ‘Friday fii^t. the CoCowboys .CapltaL.They faaace TTmberline game," saidi BiBurley coach Matt Cubsbs' catcher Michael H *' narrowly defeated TVeastire TVi at 9 a.m. and MouiountainVlewat Peierson.-"WeWe kind of ran out Barretttt apparently apologized H VaUey 11-10 bcfon: the gome . 5 p.m. On Sundinday. th e lo p o f gas in th e scse co n d gam e." ' . to A I.I. P ierzynski in th e out- e n d e d in th e six th Itinl]onlngdue three teams frommeachpodwill < ■ In tho operpencr, the Bobcats field bebefore the game and the C th e tim e lim iL ‘ . c o n tin u e play, , , scored‘five! tittimes .in the sev- two weivere seen shaking hands.. I TWin Falls was tiedle d a t 10 enth inningg iclo pull ahead for' Barretttt punched Pierzynski in ^ with TYcjlgurc Valley iwiyrio, ihewin. d ie Jawaw after the Wliile Sox L Connor Watkins rcachc “W e c a mne e through with a. catchcrcr ran him over at the M a fte r b e in g h it by a plltch. itd then bimchofhlG.Jts, which is nice to plate on i May 20. Barrett ■ . sto ic s c c o n d . A sa c flyly p u t him MimiwMtw.cMit see, P ete rsoson n said of the sev- returnened Friday from the E — ^------on-third-and-Ke-then-:en-scorcd~i^MurMi:»-MiTMf;n — endilnning.-g.- -— ...... — - resultinIng 10-gnme suspension. I the winning run on a i p a ssed Steve Andrcjd rea sen p itc h e d th e - baU. 3,knii2 full seven inniinnings to earn the r« ens :7 , Pirates 6 I • D e sp ite th e w in . h etrad a d coach JJ*'* JuosSooo win for Burleyrley. He allowed the Devin Kunz wasn'tt p le a se d six runs onI ci;eight h its, and-Q n- P1TT2TSBUllGIl — Carlos '■ t ;■ w ith th e m ^ o n s to ge ttth th e re . - ish e d w ith tw«aust: of ft with Upperer •Valley will get Plttsbuilurgli Its H th loss in 15 “ tlie walks," h e sa id ; D uri u n d e r w ay aat t rnoon. games.s. • wldi wi "nimpa Bay. I le struck outo«i In two runs and IH anley', • lop of the flfth. the CoC ow boys iwi-KM Curtiirtis Granderson singled elglit el( and walked three. Ramirez and Dan Uggligla e ac h , JV Ha*. *•*<«. I'M Qg g av e u p fo u r ru n s to blofblowa8-5 w? scored to start the third, scored twice to hel]e lp th e • le ad . ‘ " ih e n pprotected n a onc-run lead Reds R( 9 , Indians 8 Marlins -snap Boston'>n’s' 12- The Cowboys’ bats! w(w ere h o t e»oee4.i*i by makaking a leaping catch of game winning .itreak. I as they put togetherr a dozen BobCfltS SpIlt Honnyy Paulino’s line drive to • ’ CINCINNATI ' - Adan-la m hits. Brodle Hall,wentIt 2-2-3 w ith' left-ceni:nter to end the elglnh Dunti’s Di grand slam w th tw twc o Braves 5, Orioles 3. ' atloublc and Tyicr Longong’slone 81lu8iH)r31l8Is ' ' ' 0* h e po te n tia l tying m n o n outs ou in the bottom of the tilntlInth a t-b a t w as a three-RDJI I ddo u b le . IDAHO F A U SS - —-The Burley • • inning ini off closer Bob Wickiiiarnan ATLANTA Marcusus Giles •"T his g a m e c c h o c sI wh at I’ve B obcats c a p p e d1 a tw o-day trip i vavaulted ClnclnndtU»' ovei3ver broke a sixth-inning ticiew id ia ' been' saying all' year,’ar,’ Kunz to Idaho Falls willvidi a split of a 12? Yankeeees2,Met$0 Cleveland,ci which wa.s victimllm- two-run single and (Chuck iziized again by a threadbarilare . James won his second straightst NLTA'A' YORK — 1-ive p itc h ers bubullpen. . . sta rt for th e Bnivc*s. , c om bin'ined on a one-liitter for The Reds trailed 7-0 afteiifter Matches.S . ______theY aiiliikees, and lason Giambi sev sei en in n in g s,, u n a b le to gee gei Twins 8, Brewers 2 M MKnMwcM liomercired In a rain-delayed 2-0 ananything going against starteiirter " • ' c h o ip p lp n sh ip filgllight’s consola- ■y o v e r th e s u d d e n ly I’llI’aul By^.Tlien, one of die ADAli MINNEAPOLIS — lustlA K K i r . S ' ^ forced him lo scram blele forfi par. lion title, >ingMet.s. ■- leale a st-d e p e n d a b le b u llp c n si let lei Morneau a'nd'Torii Humin te r hit F or V ediier. sin k in g (hithat big Today's action)n starts with ly C havez’s le ad o fl single it get( away. consecutive home run;m s a n d ' •birdie p u tt.a fic r a shakyiky round . men's eighthsfllgllight semifinal gSSSSST?!!!?;ffifflx..- , ,;.Ksixth i inning against Kon . Brad Radke sailed th ro u g h with theshort stick wasas a relief, contests at 8 a.m;n; and will run iS IS lS ^ ■ VlUoiiee (2 - 1) w a s th e only h it BlueJays8;PhlIliesl. Bll seven inniiigs as Minrn n e s o ia ' ^ • ■"That was ihe nememesis all through tlie metncn-s champi- gSS5 rSS“>i!S iK SSS’rS.'ffl. e visiUng Met.s. lie w as won its elgluhstraigliL day" Vedder. whu recenl:entlyfin- onship .flight title ti match, - fMfMM pickedJ I off first, and the Meis TORON'I'O — Lyle O verbajrbay Terry Tlffee hit a tw o -ru n . Ished his senior sease a s o n a l w h ic h will ]& ely'S sti ta rt afte r 2:30 manage another hoh o m e re d tw ic e a n d h a d five fivi homtfrforthelWlns.wht'h o hav e - . . . L ew is-O ark S tale Cblleg.Ucge,said' prm. k ||„‘||, , r_|j biisemnLiniier. lUlRBIs'ln the first two Innings|s asa; won Ifl of 20 — includlidlng 11 '. o f his p u ttin g . "Yeah, il'sit’s oi n e o f rMMhnntMjtL Andyly P hillips a d d e d an lUll ■IbroritoIh won its season-higlligl) straiglu at the Metrodoilo m e — ' ih o se th in g s. You liit enom o u g lio f obLothamSr. sin sle,', s e n d in g tJie M ets to foifourth straiglu. Overbay Wttit Ja and improved to 14-2 iii Inier- o la n ^ t _, ourthstrtiiglit defeat;— — tilltliree-run-horner-off-Adair lum—•leng«e-pliiy.-Iheir-2«-l0 jO^mark-: ------cMMC m w rSsssss;;^— y ou've d o n e fo r all y ourlife." u r I UeU ernero (0- 1) in a foiir-run-firsifirst at honic is Laseball's beslesi, and Vedder look back-tec-to -b a ck nMriM l)evil fuRays 11, Nationals 1 iminning, and added a (wo-rurrun this is their second eight-ht-gam e’ • OwiytoMlupMRAM^ lio tL ^o n No. 11 a n d 12, si s s s » s E I a «cnMlT«i1W«lce4U.MM • ciz* HVr(ln M Mmt - t.rACI ■ shot Shi ofi’ Bcrtiero in a four-rut;run winning streak in thg lastast three a big, bending birdieJ ppi u tt on h S io E J S T ’ S S S s i l T o S n iN G T O N — C a r l; sc(se co n d . weeks, . , • . • 11 and sticking his appapproach ' Sl2!&^Y3wl!2!'.6&i ScMuckMMMtHc^ , Crawfoi■ord h it tw o tw o -ru n Eric I I lin s k e a lso . hoTnerecl.•red sh o t 10 w ith in in d iees s oi f th e S r tu r di a a /I / i ^ tim e s h o m e rsrs and 'Rocco Baldelll. for foi the Iljue jays. who havelave Rangers 3, Astros 1 c u p o n 12. In all, h e erasirased the _ lo rg e iC a n tu a n d . D'am'on won wc seven of iiint: to movee tcto two-hole defidi by lakink in g fo u r . S.ii& 'SS.'i.'SSi • '|"II‘“IS a ls o ■ h o m e re d for il II games above .50Q(45-34).n . . ARUNGTON, T e x a s-- M ark , holes to Latham's one‘C 0o " ‘h e gssjiaiirssi'i , l a n i pa a lBay,, w h ic h se t a seaso n 'IWpceira sco red th e go-o-aliee d • h a c k nin e . ‘iS .'S S.” ™ ’ ” ” " ' IllBll t™for runs and tied their M< run -after ending the I(lo n g e st • MUrtt^KMnbM' fTwymiruViy Mariins-5,Red^x2 ; ■Honestly on ihc bad)ack. all I » r!2 ur!Yir!lilw2« 5l'£w1£51iuo5otin. ■ n Ib e st w ith 17 hits. hidess streak since the* starts of' ■ planed to do is 1 realizeliz e d y o u s s s s a .k-MlHtAheUnMn; ' d fimI CCorceiran (2-0) allowed MIAMI 1 — Dontrelle Willijnils his career and Texas ene n d e d a - I, ta k e all o f yo u r tim e piracticing r a c ... . iiiiiifSy hits in seven sinitout yielded yic twcr-runs in.severven season-worst five-gamele lo s li^ - - playing at school,, ppi la y in g * oMnMUftiMMivMM ZZT2E: ;?s in his th ird c aree r start Innings. Int Miguel Cabrera drovt•ove streak. ------e v e ry w h e re - ' J u s f t rtry ^ : ta s -tru-si w h a t you 're d o in g t Cra(L«IUm N|U2;U). KnlBhnMnn.tailkn ;n u k in g sw ings, h ittinBS1.0 g si .S I sssiasssiri:iM OeolM M IM ' ; ’rK HRk fS S “ *'^ c lp s c it([to u t. Nalharidian, I wlui was beat-:*at- stra ig h t se ts in Ih e F re n ch ...... sat there on that chairi r oo n th e - skmw»s*4. - ealized early on that I en en by Ueyton-Hiiwitt in th the e 'O p e n final o n jiir\e. 10. ------lOlh tee und suid, 'Youbu knuw-cuMMM»«>«w«M-^ irZltoiS.TCtwa— ------w a n te: d ' to be the dominant 2002 20i final,- had never lostlost' U Is only the stse c o n d w h at, screw h . I’ve got to fol cu s.,, ..... _ p la y e r_r__fro n i__th e _bas;elliu,*,__bbefore e the rotind of 1(5 in tjirceirce C h in ese player to get thislis fa ra t I've got to d o It shot-lTy>sly.shot.‘lt u-su. iiitii'nifliUitk •...... wKehevit:ver there’s a riilly'froni previous pri attempts at' at any Grand Siam; Zlie'ile n g )le imkHufltKMMx OatrflamNvHiNllniti- s o u n d s clich<5, b iit shot-by.s Ik jS!*aCwS!S'*£ta.rwwlHMliKKnM •TWaclmDMn.KiilK d i e b aiseline. s e that I'm in com- W Wi im bledon. made it to the fourth rototuidq^' •. shot, one-by-one, sec;ce w h a t CMwUeenMMMi.ltiii.)tffiM»i«»w.j«itrwa«r: • m and,"!," I'ederer said. "I tried to "I didn’t play good." he suid.aid. the 2004 Prendi Open. h a p p e n s. A nd I figurcddicould- I c 'nnira« sta y bacack a little hit more often "I "I couldn't( return any serves.,■5.1 I Second-seeded Kim Glljsters.G1 ^^ScMMDMCm . ChmtMtfViOTAuk- . n't hit a whole lot worsto r s c p u is n»i<>Mf3U:t4Nart.Liii-^>w»n»n.tm* ------.m a id u "u"------_ „ - p lp £ la y e d _ 0 K . H e’ didn't^ jxlayday_ --nlng 6-3. .B-2 in tliee th ird . .. goiten’worse." ' I'edenerer will next face 13th- great. grc I just lost by myself." round. Another Clilrieses e play. rdSoSSrtw • Curtis found his wayayionic i ffiK ssssaa se e d e d Tomas• Herdych of the Despitevhis I higli seeding,ing. ' er, Peng Shual, faces> IFl^via ' se m is-afte r trailing m o st s to f th e L .. CMoMMunAuk-fc - Czech. KiRepublic, who outlasted Nalbandian Na was not consid­sld- P e n n e ita o f Italy o n Satuitu rd u y ..' day to Jamie I’eriinski.,U . A few " G erm auny's n T om m y H aas, 2-(>, , erede ri among the chief con­on-' llenin-llafdenne, sise e d e d , itOiMtMtMUZAn P e rlin sk i e rro rs la te- li 'O. DMMKUiFMikmWU].) ■ Iin i» ng* 7 - 5 ,7-(i•() 17), 4-6, H*G. extending tenders tei to unseat I'ederer.rer. No. 3,' was the first pla;layer, to Curtis’, one-up win. o om ne. th a t ^ i «» - ro rd in five-setters loB.-O. liewitt lie and Andy Roddick are reach the fourth round,d . b eat- • •- • Curtis fecFs a little.luclucti^ to s a s s i s ' n . B crdydich beat! I'ederer «i the view vie ed a s th e m a in threats. ing 34ih-ranked ' A n n a . h ave. nm ri0 « 2001 All\tliens Olympics, hut the . Kuznetsova,-the I 2004 U.S.J.S. Chakvetadze of Russia, 6-2,6-36- : "To be honest, yeali.all. Yes I .-Swiss starSI has won (he last Open Op champion, reached UieU»e in 65 m in u tes. do." Gunis said. "He deserveddes SnS ffflS K .* Mmto Hfnrnm n. H«l(i FtU. to win more than I didlid today.'i jgSJJJSSi'?” !" ; Definitely." : Still, it's Vedder • » a{ E j n sl W e c a n 1h e lp y o i]u ! __ /_ ------^Ericson- ■and~Curti?” ai ^)S«'nwii : ; ...... Hegdahl today for theh e 1 1 :3 0 ' a.m. semifinal pairingsr ig s .- m e >i>taa*li>i«>n.UiVM VX, winners will go on to ththe e tour* tawaaw: Y ou have quelestions, We h a ii^ answerrs- nament’s champiop io n s h lp — match, played this afterh e m o o n . ------— D c b r a L rr G G a t c s w r Ericson, the' 2004I LLt ad iam w N H Vl2nd~A * niiuii F/rsf Choice i-lospiceH chainpion, Friday’s highigh-pres- . , H om e H ealth Professiis s io n i ils sure.m atdi is great pract 3 -D h -3 he considers turning prr ketball T ournti o i h e n t ^ h is a m a te u r su m m e r scsch h ed u le ' . -is.completed. "It's really good.” EtE ricson at Shoshone Old Schocto o l I I R o d D o i g s a id . “T h e c o m p e titionaroi{hd n aj Thrive Inin C o n j u n c l i o n - w j |h MnfffiiljM iflCo. Rec, . h e re is really go o d a n dll I j ji u s t t r y — -JefiseirJeu’^en to play in as many eveni/e n ts a s I July;aiN |p|H iS. I® R i n g M a k e r I can. H l^-pressuie situaItuatlons. iSB Ro« 0 It makes you more relo)elaxed in S T ^ Dr.M cCc those situatioiis andin d b ig :Co|nas ^H H jjjj|||||j events, it just makes youproum bre I . M . D . IFACS comfortable in them." H i - ...... — *___ Southern.’rnJiiaho. ■ — '.The womenfrchampiopionship - ^ ./jr .*7 E A .fli^t.sem lfUuils werere pres- '.VI 1 Comprehensive Veiti Care ' s u re -p a c k e d , b u t n o t neaneartyas | W. V'c ciri m C a r e dose as the men^ quajluaxterfl-■ (SM 7 ^ * ? . 5 ^ • log on lo www.mamagicvolley.com '' hals. Lost year’s runner*u|fupand 5sT •• I ^ P • Click on Ask ihoI E>Expert 200 4 c h a m p io n . IK ar^ n m ^ * Submit your quesliiislion online and Danington waltzed to:o ia 8bt- X T ^ and-flve vlcto^ overer Abby A '*' ' w ilhIKwK^pOi ahopplri^W' .. 'a loco! export will'ill a n s w e r it fo r you 'w ith I ' McNelcy. whUe- ^hawnff■Shi J ‘' ^W w ' octeond speodlI ■ lajuon 'also won sk-siu — ->loyer ■ dgfendlng. cham ^ ; i ) ______C n J H E JJNEORMATJON— b jaagtt¥aU-H »y.tca Stephanie Slmnm m 'o iu . infcrmaHon1 ccall • . * rimafiimOnSiie Darringtoh and lansonio n w ill W ' YOU NiEEDHOWl E I ? m eet today dt 11:30 a.ra.ID. to ' X 410-0837» 7 T.For more inFormolion aboutPi ofilinoo qdvorfising opporlun detennlne who is dxam;a m p io n , iuni(i8j on.moglcYalloy,com,, .c< a ll. Greg Taylor, online Saloi/M< .%«lilto'Huinah McNeley^ B nd _ ^ r • Markeling M onoger for thee TiTime»4'Jews, at 20&.735-323 2 0 5 - j R m d l F b c h e r wlU v ie^ fo r d « _ . oor r email ' fltoylorOmaaicvalloyjley.com . —, ------1------4 • V . • I* - S iM « H 1.20M - TtatMm, Irfi i s '

<■ GOREB(OARD ______: " A u t o r a c i nn c g " I cnmp 0 00 ODMpd IIlO O Jl . bMW - tr.7t- nd>,lpMf7. • NASCAR ^ 5K.",i8!.8Ja..!!,!!!! tSSr - -, SS:"i-rgE™ B M d lS w lM cr.r P tA N WIiuvOlxto2GO a - ® HI - t . KMMM 7J-7I- ;;nr‘ tvscheduu raaler TnBAaHwMMynatanCM. a i S r 7*4*-.i f i S S (Oitt MJ M MMf AMHn ' Kontas City Clattlc. second .10»* LHMk* 73-71-StiSS ■ S S S ffiS iiS ■ - H I ■' lM>m3 LlMMr 73-70-; jsrii■"HtHWan.______nymd.nl CMiflandpnriUton ggBffiKBuLcMi««.10J, V----- r r ‘ SHttU“ FcfhWlaOne'.QuoK55*5^ ^ HOBSIMCIIM. [mi»SSS-li3 *J BMKM.MIonwOaiK'JHIIiM i - . ■ _ . ■ Prl>.QllndU>nspoUs .'73.143 O - RMfc(4»2.»Z, . ESPN-fmiA.SotMtan V H i n.... w ta !i:!i;l1-74-144 *4 0M M tocdal.lU ^2^^ ^ . MlUflM*. ■ ^ IPJB. ' Kandcoo. at Qmont. N,y. arv iMINm speed — NASCAR, Cransma • CashCallWiielmiajtlonal . 's e . !.!! 8,i •IHii •} tn«>i«iiI.7'»(SU«Ul,7-«(: ■ ■ Krasr” ”'-”" ' • Tnx* Serte*. O’ReilV Auio 84 ,j 0 0!■ afS*" t b , sia70.T4-1 JiW•jKtonmw*.: • ■ ■ ■ ■ Stake*, at Inglevwd. CalH.«. ' s s r - ' ! ! J ! 8 SassasK: Puts 2S0.‘8t Kansos City. K ' PlUUOfl L£AOtIE W K BMIA a . N s s $ 3 8:30pjTi. *30 'kS!? "IjIu!:!Ka:! isstscsaffisIQ.*'. •: ' FOX-NASCAR. NMtol Cup, mrMi 8 ■ f a 0 FOX-RetfonaIcoswnge.N.1N.V, 1 0 0 0. 10 , • fas“ SS!f i j ! ;! !«.I- iwMbrUMMwa'euiiarsSST ■ I ">• . Popot Dayiooa Bext ! i i I S t i If jW^JinnOitmMllQ, Flo. ' . i , . » « "• M#t^atN,Y,m»nk«s.Oiia«“ 80 MKMriut 1 3 i i 0 ijT tu <« Wiite So* ai Chicago Cubt. I 1^7(5r74 u m winiii w*ii,faSio3.umo< BOXINO Houston « Texas SaSSSiSSiSKS.hll -Issr- . alt!: ' t ! s ; s ■ ^ . Spjn. WP-Wttmpg. . . S S S K S M t e , - - ip jtu |-ii|:r S sw ssrss u. a^U rtfctotiSttw c .lU O ^ SHO - HoovyMlgriU. CNuz . FOX-Regionalcowrage.LALA. ^p5wSqS!5n$«sisf- - tS : E1 U. SI ?!*? 1* ^ . ^ " • • Vmr>efS(»ooll2* 01 Kl/MtMM.- * ^ eiKMOJUJ^ ^ OKMOjJU^L> JwgePow.if.(»00)vs. 1 2 ? s I S S ^ mII t i : ji ! ! ■ , Armond Horn (13-1-0) o( a s . !8 ssss; i i T.-147 • 0 0 MonistM. Mich, 12:84 pjiL u m lb OS ocmtfrrf ■'s;r io< !ss~, . 'iliSi ' s:bEass3.S “ CVCUNO ESPN — FIM. World Cup. quar«»■ ss." Si 8S».“ Mi S!!!: ■ iS sS 'S !* terfirul. DraAKihana winner« steag ssffiisl i i l i i i03 9-JOajn. .S!5.“ .iSi .! MCM m mc 3 0NM)( 4 go00 OLN —Touf OoFTOnc«.pfO- SpalnfiTwce winner, at p y ji IIigiii jijisiiSSwliwJfSSjj.uo*? - FranklWt. Cemiany ' UKUW. U (nt Jm Med. FM n. toMM. 0 0 logw.otS(m}t)ourg.Frwic« esiii a a s iiW Sw 7M3^i< . 4 p jn .. iSVjSi00 ooiF , ■ a £ f f i £ * i f , r a 77-73-K t l GiiMdp I ocnp 0 00 ESPN2-MLS,New>W(at - UiinM (341 tt- « W ^ i UL O-W 31 milMSMK0>m«M.M U4ML 00 TGC-EurooeonPOATour. • New England ^ EIHsi. i! S S E ’u!;^.! Jfe S I iSsIs!22 Open de France, third round. I I - *0 ^ f i s r - Pant liig It , j s s a , ■ M Ip jtl. NOC —WimbJedon . s ; S o c c e r t AOC -PG A Tour, Ouiek Chantpiortshlps. earty round. ( SffiS!S5S'^«- . . , . . . K s a i * . 0 0 Ciumpionship. third round,^ ot London (sanKMioy tape) . s s » , f ! S ! !? 1 ,, Cronnwll. Conn. Ip jn . rrJJ0.iU«SJ«5(}*,937». CirWiw llOi Smm. M Om Chx NOC - USGA, U.S. women:* ESPN2 —WitrWedon g o f s s S ^ S f ” "™ Si?) t .'’ j •^ . Open Championstiip. thirdJ Championships, eoity round. 0 GOLF 5351****"^® ^"" 1 .3 . rtHtfid, ot Newport. R,l. • London (somwJay tape) - PQATourBuIck SSSsSfK; niu k a ’------■■ Cham^gtenthlp m m f AoMMiMAmiCiittKUtfaA ■ • a S S * — - sssttsias:^tm. C-Blnm«|l).lOMUraitiM4,li»Mt*<»i. tL AMEBICyi ^ U E _^ ~ S r i ! ;0 g ,I-J.4J.fc-«,4ij(4».4Ml , „ tK !4tS teiMp 30 OOCmp 100 { ' IHwM St47-1]5 nr«*aM< taua » t3i • - CMUOOO OUOvrc* .1 00 c ■UM I I SW.JP’ SMU.M. i s r -g g IS J an-!! !ta!!!S Ty T I !! I ! III 1 tl&.b}b OO.OMU«», 31 3 k. ii ' is Kfin«a ______7m -«5>13«: § i T E N N I SS , K W I S W „■S/PWI ______- U UaiSt 00 ORMtrtau 3 1 -5 t------SSm M ------7— —-a-. ””a-4““ gpf" I 0 ' B.Dld«Mn CM7-13St J t ' i — ' ------WtiiUiit e Rawft------l-)io«te(ii iOB-T«T«rtn>. ■=' SSSfTiTSS^li Tg S m ^ lU ^ 0 0 0 0'nil sstffl ■ ■ ------(la>M«rlC>ftMOtm/>M(n?mToOS.S- ' - ! £. s s 1 =i ““ Jffis .kiss I pSSSsS! i r ii is* ii i g r ^ s s s W DOrip 0 0 OPmep 0 0 0g Unigltrt-Hyiw.To,^ lUiidUW; tlrM,Ljkn *t KTna SS'71-1]«I13< “z=i=: *«fe* mill niniiiii cS3Si?«om6?6^?? MM -S.BMKA 7 -«^13«13« ' . . iM m ?= S.Sj. 7 , , , , . , X '; !8 8r ^ . ; ; g sg l^4VW J?g4MJMi.“ '**t^ i,u > o .. . e -«s-ui131 -■ • * S r LtoST’ ' -•K.N1M11 SM7-13S .iMCMIgMtf ' o' R3r*"frOO oSS?’ “080 o“ ’ , l 1 H 7 ,r i l W » ,.. ■ • B- !! i li 1I ssr 1 ! i i i i isj ■ ■ L « « ^ 35 43 Mi V 0 0 ocnon . fm uutw T S ■ iltH! J ' K i l ? * ° « i " s - R.CMMt • 714«-137 -3-. bntmdt 1 OIDDUd 43 IM- 7245-137 NATIOMA^ - I n*>a3S4 0 ombenu 50 M.M. \ •S— . S a a . S g a i r5 - r \ » ! J ! s n “ ?! ■■ f £ S r tm M ■ - '■ nmMiJ*! i a S S S ftJi 5 ^ 'H u T - T J '■“ S - - n a “s 1i: ■ -iii01 rrr Ssfessra:? i^ u a . I ig,- - aAMMt «M»-13tJM 5SS3lJIm?S2S»j^^74l91.M, ...... ar-1 ” SniSl; MI8LUS. - ■j ill i i s S s - . ■ sHtiilg! t 0 ’ ■ S m . ' •“ "! ' £’!! Sii? J ywwvQo . « ’ 7 3 ,3 'S eM ail’s B' •5 ■ ” EE,'„!! iM ■ i i Ssr,’ 88 Kktl. ' li ^ a I- a - SrliisS? ! ' t RMMip 0 0 S«iH4« 41' JT a t - ! K assiasat-^ «»e, CctoMo 40 .U JU -1 SS;?!Si !K » ! ° ! SMand,UAC>biM4ilr.niM.tnuS«miia y fp' P 40 U 3U 1 “ 0 T-3:33,»-34,Ml|M.05U iSI3vM5r%*!toiS?3«.34.S-LM.. S«iFrracs 40 3t 513 I 1 Mib Ul? IhUti »U0( ____ J (J). DMhSfl L L M ^ Mnnt 37. 4} .<« •* » ;; ■ a_a ;i." zi S*•* “ ISMto »7.7a-U9 ------liU^^u^JuSSSiWL'^ TRANSACTIO M ^ M P T , MmM4u(lj.KR*f)i4unn(lltSi«(n HOiOl 71-«»-139 9M ■?!____...... 7M»-13» ■ (tSLniiaiuiiiOLSMw...... : szs?,!Si;iss^x 1 I ■ » H T n ii K- t!S: SStS!?l M'iSiP to lnt»t(U20 OMIMIU 401 1' , R.D«im 70«»-139 ^ S S S S a M “ “ « DfVnn It 4 1 0 Titki U 4 11 0 iy7*l3l («t«4,KT.M>2 ------S.- -ssssssfeasi PMM^«.BMra«0 ...... J» (3U*«i«M.7<(5t5-7.74 4IID1M “afVU««BS5jE5*4«SBt«M FKD ' 1 0 0 0 T- 1 =■!! iSCi!!I ■ Sg ! !” « ! ttnn. CMmHLKm u OIi S “ ««• S a S .“1KS!“»‘6s:RMiM; S . !.j! r? n niiMCMti 'URywCKMrmBuntie. S s s i ' j s s I £ S 5 ‘' I N I 0 0 4 3■ S ' Sit is »«SOUlVilW.-WIrttMOf$h«Uumai ] MMtM OU 00« 000 - g B. KMIt <9.71- 40 Apln»jRMmiaj.Mtim3.ltYH«tiO '•i 2wS!JSi^mFSruioIJSi as, '! 8!wf-ruw. 8! 4■ - |I4Hfft»*->lwnt. n VMk FW. Ut>t> ItUi iat,"*.AiifD>> ■ ta-73-ffitil 40 >L—_ * H ■ a n F 10 ■■'-/■sssr;-FMMLtoMM} ■.. 1 .OaCr(M OF AnttI h JUUMlK(tiMn3 } Viw* Sweet Cut 6ew,tH«,Oh»* I-:34.*.17JU(M.5MJ " • * 1 > J » ; s r ■' - S K S i E r " * (MM«t7« ( 4 1 1 1- S T-].«4.iU37JU(3t.4H|. I olw tm ruKootSmw w'0 ou « ------OtuAjUt 1 O O P 1 ’0 <«#ci>l. HmwxdOatlrnmRMtMlHIIlHPBrlw Ji. — WH.KIUiUI 7447! 41 < ' “ , S5S*?jJSI3,' ii . euvnA»^^^e»emm asniri !». 3. 41«I!: 74 0l.»2. S M O IU O ^n l!^ ^ WNM36 0 ” lCUto»431 0 . u & Q ^ 73-«». 41•1 .• MflHwrn^MSMACnctiRmM Siagr.i!?jttR BnnlM .1PUIIS3» 3 11. 1^.19.A-<0,177(4(.tU|.-- SSJbi ‘ _ „ tUWTMU^ , JwMncf OIUiMe 3 01 3cte»“ 5 3I 4 ' 7447- 41It • M,U.74(1LK N.V.HM>(TrKi>MlMjiiN.T.MM ------OCMrtfrt 4 00 _____tuunn.iiiiiim (RJtMmMllUOtm. IkSU ' 0MMWU411 ------mSwj" 4 1' 0M36 S 0i !0 i i f c s ; SlCncti «^''hJ»ilOeM 7'2Ii2?" ■. WtTDM . nO«M NcWnR$CY)inMtaaM4H««t»niMONtr - • • W l ItI 1 LHM 43| i• : . Cia»tf *3 10 OIURmiitt 3 3 0 , 0 ■ 'a i M <>■ 3- 13 • ^ bS5.w o n S « -4 11 UnRl7»401 OUtf<» J'31 0 1 5.-6M 70- 3- 43 • Sui hMCkn iciti Ml« Sm OM(i ttrOMu 3 00 11A«.1I)311 oSSdp. 0 00 0 ' 222Jf^ M * S 3 I IleW* O tJ I 1”! S ”n,i•S kgsu JiSiil!:: M » 4 0 1 OH*?lh o o i o ' ^ittpM*!! CHaicowsHJt»«i(M«r?tfoi#n • --Ss! ! 5Sa-! i!1 0 - B.6n ...... 71. 1- 43 •: to*MTnnliM«a«ainBnup»«>». • ■ m iiiiii- o» »40 »> -! "■'vjit.tic 4 0 0 OMO.J* 301 3 ' ...... ______,5»:3-43.: Northwewestern foeotbaU coa(ich Rand)iy Walker’ss death shhocks tearm KVANST0N,IU.(AP) —^ rNortliwesi^rn football __ 1. - Magic Vallel U ^ y T r , coach Randy, Walker’s sudden su death left the H school stunned Fridoy, willw ith pla y ers p ro b in g tlic H torts ShoOnS B t e R v 3 m<111-3 n hoops tourney nearsr s ’ ' ; 32-ycar-old os un insplraslration^ leader whose 'EllR Y — T h e fifdi a n n u al Dig RiRay 3 -, ^ Innucnco re a d ie d fa r bcyoizyond tlie flcld. ■ N a t i omal n md Magic Valleyeybriefe w llT o u riia m en t will b e held Juilyily 4 « : ' ...... “111 ne v er Jo rg ct c p acich h Walken' kicker Joel ■ G letuts Ferryr aQi t y i ^ R egistration will b ecfronii’ f llowdls said ai alsombcrjcr ncnvs confcrencc on shared thtthe Big Tbn tide in 2000 and! wentwi to die 8-9 a.m. Withh gamcJig staning-at 9. Cost forbr tlie- c am p u s. "He's h a d a h u gge e tim p a c t o n .m y life the A lam o 00*Jowl. ______' : - double-eliminatInation tournam ent is $40 pern ti c a m ______H ast four or live years. If yc ~ W d ik!r er w astho first Wildcats coachicITto guide foragtsfPTloHidnn 550 pcrleam forageslS aiidnd’up.” d o n 't know how y o u w oulduldn't remember him.' tl\c te amn to four seasons with at leasi:ast six wins A percentage: of the proceeds will go to die1C Ray- y of -an apparent heart Walker-died Tliursday q M. Hollister In 1899-1902. . •Hansen MemorTiorial S cholarship F und. Call1 ‘599-. . attack, after feeling chcstSt ppains around 10 p.m. 7239or599-lI6(1160 for m ore information. • at his suburban Chicago0 hhi o m e , said M ike Wolf, ■ Ck)llege?e Football d ie sd io b l's a ssista n t athlelhledc director for media t.F. Triathlonon appiDaches ‘services, C a I Q B t t us coold be applied to .,, I Levy suspended for ope ______l!£Vt5rything he. ta u g h t us P ® 0® ^,------—IWINFAUS-LS— YMCAof-TWin Falls, d ie MiM a g ic ------; a d i said. "You can't real- ■ lodtam ton tW miHjr »Mi«r p tmt Ud U ^ W K o i ^ BERKEL life,” U ncbacker ;^lck R o a d i ELEY, Calif. — C alifornia qquanerback u t Valley Marlins,IS, IWinn Falls Parks and Rccnaitladon ly m casuro so m e th in g likek c tht a t." rtiM^ DfttUT at t u n u t i Nkk R u d ^ « - StHVoLcvy;vy w as'su sp e n d ed fo r th e teaiTam 's se a so n 'a n d th e TVvinI FoilsFa! M asters Swim T ta m vrtllilhost*. i * ' .• thwrestemgavcWalkera ' b«k ...... l\v o m o n th s ngo, N onhw K kir, taOa about tlH u d ^ ^i of I opener FrIFrlday.for hls involvemcm innabarflght a tli&lVvin I^ -Tb-lHadiloh and Dicrkes Lake-hr M lte * ------; . four-year extension throug)u g h th e 2011 se'asori — foott ceKh Rudy W iftir d s h g aBomeeofifwca M ' lostweekekend. , Sw im o n Saiurdurday. July 8. The race beginssate> 1 I to lead the Wildcats to piUi , he was the only coach to liday k E m s te o . Of. S c M effidaliliuUWaRMr,52, u . Levy, n isenior who led the Goldenen Boars to am ., wld) n.*gisBgistratlon starting at 7 a-m..’..T h e . ■ . xr joined the school In ji^. tiiree bowl games. Walker M i f n a p H n r t h u r t a tta d M ThvThmdv. season-eri<2r»dingwins ovcif-Stanftird andnd Orl^am triadilon consistslsts of a half-mile swim in Dietierkes: MlamiofOhid 1999 a fte r n in e ye ars a t M il • YounglasiIS t season, pleaded not guiltytylhursday. 1 Lake,a 17.2-mllcn lle bike ride, a n d a S.25-m ilc rurun. • V - fe a n d I th in k h is te am s W -HewasrcsUienrinlifea Walker was out of thcf hospitalJital in two days, to fdonyy assault; charges stemmingig Ifrom die Partidpantss csc a n sig n u p a s te am s o r indiviIvidu-' a th le tic dlrcctoc M ark ' a n d to o k o n th a t personality,” a nd said he was taking a hewr approachap to his bi wlw hich h e allegedly th re w a pp in in t glass a t als. T lie co st iss SSa« pe r te a m a n d S30 p e r IndhdM d.- " d ielet t a n d w o rk sc h ed u le . Murphy sold. - ■ •' -'•abouncer'er’s face after getdng into onn aargument- ual.Theone-mllimile swim is a separate event b>cgln.- « • ------^ - -in Odober2004rW alker;er 46> an d m a d e th re e o f h is sene n lo r y e a r.' c o a c h JeCf T tdfcdford said, tlon, contact Jeffat736-7655.,.JeO common olln}cnt, and is \\isually caused by a bow:owl'gamu, going 7>5 last seasors o n a fte r a 50-38 "F u rth e r acdon.a If warhmted, will beb e dic d d ed •f". loss>ss -to UCLA in'the Sun Bowl. 1 virus. ■ .'■: ■ vl. N o rth w e ste rn u p o n afteer r resolution of his situation."I." • ICoM«lfnMiMMd«iRnvip o rtt

I . b ____ W 8

SAIUnM)m r " J i « i , 2 0906 0 e B4 Business Ultor: ^«ndy [ONJEY Miller, 73& 32S}4 4 M aitetVM ch M --Bank-blockidng—^ D im J o m legislation i i ^ f T tlHe g o gaining, Hbiluse iis s x - SFen09 ' I lawmaker sslays »a»‘ ^ 'iH- ■ ■ ■ R utM ii ^M njrSonlw ■ . '■■ 2 0 0 0 ■ I AP ButlneM Wrttar ^ 724,fl7 WASHINGTON— WidId iW a lv . Stodaoflocdititerei I - M a n a n d H o m c D e p o t: ojam o n g . ■ tto** • , o w a record number of coc o m p a - M BSSBBBRSnnS \ ~ — niesavralting federal apjpproVal • ' ConAgra 22.11 A .2 M ' to open bonks, leglslatiiitio n to blo c k tills sp e cia l k in d ofo fb o n k Is gaining momentum,. as s e n - Idacorp 3 4 .2 9 ▲ .2 lor Mouse lawmaker:r sa id mwssaB^^^ACTti ■ F rid a y . Micron 1 5 .0 6 ▼ .0.06 Thirteen companleiie s, a O p f f i a ^ W ' A : i record number, have JoJi in ed controvcrsy-stifring Wal''al-M art ' Commodities Store's Inc. In the plpelirlin e for CUM ' cruniCh4Kt« approval from the FcFederal- , Oil. by barrel 7 3 .5 ▲ .4 ■ ' Deposit Insurance Coro rp . to ■ (Aug.; light sweet crude) establish what Is coliclied a n ■ I industrial loan corponira d o n , Uve cattle 84.7 a .7 ■ I agency records show.«. T h e 2 7 ;0 ■ I • Home Depot Inc., W a n c n P tg tC ' m I Buffett's Berkshire Hathth a w ay I In c.,a n d Uie o d ie rs arc se cctcdd tito resciac with its I ■ dulteryfee.ToiTo place an homebounjnd and uiiable to wlinteiitever you w.'int to drink. - • • clouded, however. ' a ffect tlic c o m p a n y ’s goalal oof delivery service for t herself, she wouldn't and1 •• here'sI: something real'.‘. 'I f the FDIC begins gnu-anting .emerging from Chapter 1 )8-7989 • r find it difficult to go • I have anyththing lo put on her nice.'" new ILC charters, “thencn th e b a n k ru p tc y p ro te c tio n1 iiin shop for ihemselve.s,/es. la b le w iththoiit the delivery Swei,vensen said a lth o u g li dic7 pressure is going to incrI crease , the first haif of next year.r. Recently, the groi pcery store home and unloat:o a d it." . service. Sheh e n m i s only lo look . basicalically serve the 'Rvin Falls very significantly" for conjIngres, Delta said that, amonjlong had Its van leitcred ed lo adver- Customers are an contacied over Sweni‘nmari’s ads in ihe area,.I. iheyI also have sevenil rr sional action. Frank saidid I n a other tilings, it wants mon lore Use the service. Thehey’ve been on Uiesday andid FridayF morn- newspaper,er. select and order deliververles oiitside city limits. te le p h o n e interview . time to address its pensiorslon offering the servicc 'ice for ivvo ings to p ro cesss Iheir, ill orders. A what she neetls.ni and her gro- I’or these tl customers, the The FDIC has not c o m - p la n obligation.<;. T h e airlin’ is delivered by fi1 ^).ni.n.i Ihe sam e — but m ayllybe it's a g ood ihing Sweivensen said they are con- m a n , w as n o t ask ed d u rinn gf h e r last five years, filed fo r baink- n k ' not a new conce|)t,!|)t, ri'iailers day. I’aymeiil is IS accepted al Icai)’i."shele s a id , “You jusi b u y sid ering rin offering the same Senate confirmation heacarin g ru p tc y p ro ie c tio n in get re q u e sts fo r it fromfroi tim e lO th e tim e o f tielivei livery. ih e th in g4 s you y almost h'ave io serviceice in ij^e e ast e n d o f th e fo r h e r view s o n *vVal-MM a rt’s September. - tim e. , A m in im u m S n S20 ordcr^ is have.".' 'M a g;i(-Viilley i c ' from th e ir store bank application nor on)n th e “There’s definitd)lely a neeiL .retiuired. and th 1 th e re is .a - S 4 ------D o ro th yy A n d ersen . 7f). o f i n l ’aul,ju l. ------— - '■^m adcrissue of whetherrc c o m - id out there for this ser\-icL-SCI ihal delivery fee lo cc _____ ?olf scram ble planned ) cover costs of .1\vin Falls,Is. sa id b e c a u se o f. “Ifr SQmeone’sJiomsc ebound. _- rtTmerdalr! companies shoultold b e 7 — we're providing,'' he said, ■|iiboraiultransp'osportatlon. health prolroblems she is not and forfo r th e m to b e a b le to buy allowed to own banks. fbr Friday aftemoofl . . "Whatwe’refindingilg is there's a Uarhani Bailey, ley. 79. o f ’IWin allo w ed o to drive. She orders groceriieries. they’ve got to find There are now 61 Indusustrial TWlNFALLS-TlleMogjcQgic ' w id e s p e c in im o f ppe eople. I)ui I'alls. h as ta k e n a n adva.niage'of groceries forfo herself and her . someoieone to take thdm Into - lo a n c o rp o ra tio n s in tlie ccc o u n - . Valley Builders AssociationJon for the most partI there'stl ihe the service ever sli r .since il began, husband wwl h o is ill. as w ell a s tow n1 aiand help them through try vtrith a to ta l o f a ro u n di$ i 1 4 1 Golf Scramble will be 1 p.m,].m. . elderly • populationo n th a t is a n d sa id sh e is ini] impressed with • for iheir fiiiiiriy friends,' the, sto:store’." he said, "’iliere’s a billion In assets and $98)8 b i]., Friday at tlie Canyon Springsngs either not able loget;et out prji's ^ihecoiiflesypfihi'theyoungmeni_ , “I have f(i four llitl.e d o g s a n d lot oif f titime and a lot ofeffon lion in deposits. 'Thlrty-tl•three*' GolfCourse;...... " very'difncultforthenlem lo gei in who shop for lierher e v ery w eek, tw o c ats, aiii m d so m e llm es I m n involveIved th e re a n d w e're ofl'er- are* b a se d in U tah, o n e oif f only( The aftenioon will th e c a r a n d go to Ihehe slore. do She said she can't iui't say enougl) out of food.’d." she said; ing to0 cdrop it ofi'at their door seven states that grant cd h a r­ include a picnic dinnerr at all of the shopping ng-aiul get about how muduch they have And.wheiten company siiows — soJ it'sit' a n ic e service." Ccntennliil Park. te rs fo r th e m . 'rhe ILCs are allowede d to .The cost is $70'per playerm r O ■ or $275 for a team of foiir. Issue credit cards, ta t k e rs.^>s include golf, g“lf cart, deposits and make loiloons. prizes'aifd dinner and bev­ What they c^n p t do Is1 oEferc erages at the picnic. DinnerI FitnesSS guru gip v ^ e s w e i jighttow;i r a U d n g star^dard checking accounin ts 'if .onlyisSlO. their assets exceed $100) mi il. H on. • Proceeds will benefit Uie tlie By Claire Hoffman ' Itt-resistant exercise but V\W-Mart's bid to own1 oi n e . nonprofit' Magic ValleyIley Lm Angoles TImos • i m s i fdtodt)dd when she took ht;r - - - BuiIdersAs>ocintinnandwillwill - — — which has been beforere th e m o rnling in walks in BevcHy FDIC for more* than a yeaje a r — • help keep Us membershiph ip LO.S ANGI;I.1-S — riln e s s H ills,, S:saddled with weights sparked a vrave of opposilsiUon fees down and affordableMO to gu’ru Debbie • Rockerker doesn’t, " 'j tMw Stnippeiped.to her chest, ankles from banks, urilons, lawm (weiyohe. said ' Christinai n a ' ■ h a v e to d o n ia rk e t re*research lo rmak* W S S m a n d bw a cck. Gonzales, executive ollicercer ■ know that baby booioomers are ers, and, consumer and acom * e wanted to develop a munity organizations. T ’ h e oftheAssociation, ..still fat^itlcal a b o u tt (li (liness. All - w orkouiout os easy und natural world’s largest retollcr Ina lb sign up, call Gonzales'lies' th e 48-)-ear-Q taiieud; lo do is ' n slsts for peeople o f a s ... w alking. th a t It h a s n o p la n s to com p a t 736-0991 o r e-m a il h e r aat t look in th e m irro r. • n p e te S h eB . thought of the mvba@magicvalley-fy- The .inventor i , with community banksI ai n d th e u nw lbldtidy system that she'd lmilders.org. WalkVest - a forn has pledged to the FDICIC to c o b b ledled together lor her, stay out of bhmch .bank weighted vest thatlat creates nkln g w alks1 andai set out to improve a n d c o n stm ie r lending. Natiaiul confem tce addcil resistance for' on a n d w alkers alik e — Rather.the nevrty charteic r c d . — Rocker . By20(2000, Rocker had worked on renewable eneigy markets hersdf us ti of bank would be used to hona n d le w ith a host of physical - WASHINGTON -'.U .Sl.S. . uber-coach for an agingag gen- the 140 million credit, d d( e b it . pists, atliletes. at surgeons and • ■ Depafthfciit-orTCgrlcOllQreQr«i em iron o fg y m n ifs. Aii card and electronic checkcpayr p IS to get ’her Invention * • Secretary M ike Jo h a n n s aind n d ner herself, liocker j IW bi. Rocker tnvente.Hited WilkVett,'a velgMed gansent t • ■ me n ts it p ro c e sse s e a c h yiyear. Jglit. Depending on the U.S. Department of Energyrgy device provides justSt i th e kind ilk »>«* e ^ ' • •W al-Nfart says.- • w alker'sjr's ambition, the vest ’The 14 companies wv, ith • • Secretary Samuel Bodmantan of low-impaci. weightih t-b e arin g h e ld by m a n y o)f f tlie tl 78.2 m il- re a c h in g mi< aiddle age and arc couldI bebt modified to carry as ^'industrial bonking appHsllca- announced the. agenciesies exercise necessaryy t t(? avoid lion A m ericans bornboi between inierested ii _ in staying Inde- little as half a pound or as lions before the FDIC ^ r e - win host a qatIona^rc^cw-•V/-' k n ee a n d h ip replacenrem e n ts. 19-16 n n d 19G4 w w h o m a k e u p p e n d e n t ‘ c and physically muchI aas s 16 p o u n d s o f weight, sent the largest number' evere able energy conference Oct.•ct. Ori a r e c e n t n:m o rn in g , tlie b a h y -b o o m generation.get , healthy." In thhe e beginning, lacking an • pending at the same dme,ie ,M • 10-12 In St. Louis, Mo, ------Rocker hiked swiiwiftly up Hie research is onc Rocker's Colin Mllm Iner.thechiefcxec-, adverds‘Using budget, Rocker examination of agency nJco The conference,ce, Runyon Canyon ‘In the side. Accordinging to the utlve of th the International had to0 beb creative to get peo- show s. T h e preccdjcnt w ass firstf “Advancing Renewoble utpacing a Intemaifonal Hcallcalthi Racquet Council on >n A ctive -Aging, - p le t oiphyattenrion p r to her fit- reported Thursday by D ow Energy: An Ani'eHc^ Ruralral- • reporter two'decadese s h I e r ju n - TSj Sporisciub Asw\$ so c ia tlo n , a w h ic h bills iti itselfa.itheworid’s ‘ ness device. de She contacted Jo n e s N ew sw ires. O f th e ap| Rcnalssancc." will help cre­re- lor as she mused onin why ) her quarter of all gym;ym members , largest senloi lor fitness associa- the crui<-uise line and a spa. She c a n ts, fo u r h a v e b e e n aw a it . a te p a rtn 6rs h ip s a n d strute-IC- g e n eratio n h a s b e com o m e s o fix- • to d a y are ov e r the'clie'oge of 55 — tion. agreed. s S i- w o rk eed d with osteoporosis . approval for at Ictist 11 monsn th s ■ gJes necessary to accelerateite '■ • ated on working out.t. iui increast^'Of■ 5625C percent ’ "Tijerc is5 ta huge need out . preventJi ntion programs in hos* — longer than any comptipany ■ • commercialization of "People now wantn t to slay frp m 20 ye ars ago.?o. - , ' th e re . As w e b e all know th e ^jab y p ita ls around a r the country, os has waited since the ageijency renevrable energy Indus­IS* . healtliy In to d ie lr 50s,3s, 60s a n d " T h ey a c tu ailly lly are the boomersare'i :cgcttlhgoldcrand well aIS s'( gyms and college flt- b e g a n a p p rtn in g ILCs in 1911984. tries, according'to a newsvs 70s," said Rocker. “ThiTheyvrant fastest growingI h h e a lth - c lu b . th e y a re flgi ighting the clock nesscen:en tcrs..A n d s h e w e n t to The hopefuls also indtd u d e release from USDA Rural•al real fitn ess a t th aI t age, a but demographic." said sa Brookc cvcrvstcp.0tl )tth c.w ay Z lh eattid ___alQ Lof.u>f.tiadc.shows,------r------—Tbe-Bluy-Cross -- and-BIBlm r—~ — ^ ' D ev e lo p m e n t. tliey also want to"T lo oot like C orreia, n, spokcsvrosw onion fo r R oclscr's Ii In v e n tio n w a s a Ail thihot a n e tw o rk in g p a id off:. ' Siildd AssodaUon. autonurook- . . More Information will beijc , they a rc In th e ir 30s."." ' th e a.ssociatlon. "Thiire "T are a product ofhi "her own perspim- Rocker;r sayss die WalkVest nov/ crs Ford Motor Ca a n d ’ available at www.usda.govov Rocker's company,ly, Beverly lot of baby boomerTiers and they tion_ In the le late 1990s, she sells itsc:tself—more than 10.000 DaimlerChrysler AG, a n d a n d w w w .ene ^ . gov. Hllls-based Dare to10 be Fit. are Incredlbjy savvy ss con- started-to fe feel beat-up tdter were sold so last year on her Information services provi iti wants to tap into thatliat desire, sumers. They get il v id e r • ct it. ThcVTini— herndng-ninins. She began Website,' C c rid io n C orp. -----;------...... r _ ‘ • . ______M b * •. .Mq3NEY]

Closing Fim ■ M te. DM M ll bW l» .0 itoci ut 141 .01 «)«• H ii'.a .i«(Mitiii JTURES “ °ng~K. •91s -09 NTMOin .M C0W to ‘B M Ifemta*: 1- Ublpigi) .H KIWJI 70 .O .SoWp 917 .a Mut^AMIIr 1 sn -a CMMI; ^2JU .O M■STS. ■!??.« is s r ar; 3 Br.»arw s¥M n i9 .12 M tA u a-.a wi^-29a .'r-“. ■' iffl-rs M 'ji-i• hMK ^ nWilUM .H ?M> 910 . b TMC>«}<39 •• ■ ' ^!®liii!? 7(1 .11 BuOAM?lr<3 M ’ ua ta?s?.» ■sf?r= s'ss^Is'Ssis'la'ir; m SroM l«31 I4W< 1*9: , SI :S ttKi"!, SS! 'I!!'., s S 3:IS ffi:sS ‘.>£ »^-i2lC7 On SfoM 1«WSLI)MI» wEjntl:? ir.'ffi.. SKT:, as3!S!:S SS^'L! ; S.IS:? s^:g;5's.'n« HS.HS !&r ■" 0*9'i <))i >0) cetcM hr -a I id )0 .a RitiCeOM.a .a n l‘S:!S!! M : 5 SSrjsr;.f :S g * ;; :S sMk/f 199 . Ci»<0> a .1] gJI .94 ^ Mg .a J«M 3U ■iMiiliim IM D»04 M l iia ’]a .01 OMMsas •« M U m a i: hhcrg.xH',]i M ^0 .a hiM'Mi SS,'5j!:S^SLSr •” S « 5 S :S IKSR s a; 5 : s S vl Bii" Eiii p\ ^ 'ii* » 1° I Ji .J .0 oofll »n..a rtu. I] SS5! ’S 55; ! .1. ®«5"tjo -a ,227^2 •" Jgy •*t*t l>24 .21 J ‘' ^ "» .' l!S:S ISS.?55;S S(hwS 1019 .C9 Ik*t 14 -D i' m la CftWBDM >19 isu» . iSiM : S 3 1 s--5iU“ m ag *2 uajcgncj. -ci ^ , , } { | .» J?0x 1 IU9 .eg [W4IIIP .« £ 2 ., 2 ■"SS.I s ■ ■ipi ' sk : k sH ;S itfVtiSu 1“ to ??• « .* a ''i M i i i ? H '3 m-'ii! :s r liat) .J I'Wiie.r >.i ,» as :.S E's!'!" ^ ? .a : s ^ . v ^ : s z ■ES””:E'ui:s!M Com - KM liM. IW ■s.’fflf'." ttn,. j7« Ij' . Sw tat* jMft. lilt . lu 15 :S ’S5S£.I.«« iS fr<4cnEa .K ~SS^ SS^S! sfl la o3n .8 b !K ? ii .41 ^ ™g:« gifi'gig iss:;s!:l g I ' t SssSHilS 5?:?.'srr= .0.arf.\« s 11 a £Si 3S KS SB»! !:!S s “j sii:: s It) .a CM fiO >r !tnt *!« .1] 9MS3"s:S~£.;! S, ! 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SSS.:5 S ...... 10» MM-WJ K,=‘3-:3 »'.I!5';S SST.r75. » :S fcs-S S ' - ••’■ u Kwui,^ n«r Mco na ai-i; SIZ a l-:5 £S S d a i) -a UAIK J9B .4} M t a M Ica^s isfr,, .a ^Ts‘ rtO 'rlp .2 Kt « J i 9190 »u: S S !S ..S n ih BFsTi’s SSfsii" l'4a*-9. ®!E :i! ss??,r:s H ls IMibMNK imu>iW'2Ib m S&'i5:S X ‘.;i; :5 W !5 liii s i SSsl .'.iS Si */n itc ciso .a a m imsigSwSiES h i Sfi?'” Sf,SS:5 S s sxs/L; ■ ; s a ,!” ■» a: 15 i iw )S9 .eg 9^11979 .0 K & M ^ r . r j g »“■" SS'SSii SSS'‘' Xr*‘“ 3393 .S ;»«•• K^SS:5 b ; , 3 :S g * » _ » » .« jt:9 .)J SniUB'.'O .;t S" s. a; EsiiiSiS i ':'ii H S C ’ sLue'lu SI H»1SS 'S' red '1997 . 24 ii: 3; :S r-y tr ® ss, n«tt»iF4i. v3 ■() 0^ '"*as mwiajo .71 <•«» . a,!!:!! a K r T . * , ' IJu ! w ftSlW" 5 •» .k k ” iSiiS.;” a Wyrawj' • 2f KS: , !iS 1}» lij; .0} . 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Si>riSMx»f')!i .a IHJUII !S! i; SS’.'a'’:3 >c*eu*,.4S eu«im)tM- iS K^S^r7:sS:?!i5s sw o u s .a 'Si. ,,,, ktEi-S2 . ill 3 S!:55:«3W*'IU. em * ‘amVU 0)2 suwiiJD >a 2 r Uli l!K;.i5:“ ggi’™: Volp <13 HTEb t}t! iSr’-Siolp £:?3IS;S WT m ' Valley GraiAINS !K'5S .= S SS iSS :S ST'l! :S S “S ... « £S!2S E^in^aa -a .S vw s r • ■V04 m ..p Kt aTMt M> Cutfid: niM 115. .ei 1 ^ 1 171 .« WJ««119 .91 ^ ■ ■° ST""-’ s l :: ■" c a m o s n .a tu a .d li .a niCMc - ^r-” Es; is « t .03 MroiaH -t» «>• 'jn -!1 ~ Ci> T.f <13 » S l’’"* feiS ® II Sil ii'if I (90 S4S -a *<'> H!■; j|' K"i! 3 ra5:SSST"•»' Rsa .* l'«*cnM>^eiinenct 9>v: K'lii'>^i>*< i n ' " ''‘t '<'> 'H 14^ itti !» 'v la Mvtf;. ro M l. >vllntil!0 <13 muwrM fc S g a^ * * ' iU’ b ') Iji ^ ' J i* • Ccnipii)) .0 KzacMin .a u»s«'it? .' ttnrt.M79i««» rrvwr^)unt«k ' -'Olp u r .3 C«i>i 4tr U>Te ON .0 M0> 49S7 .X TOtVI MC? • CMKICKIJ .U Se'c* ’)I4 -Cl St'nS'Cr • • r<.:|(r4GCKa<-t ccn. 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FMM«Nli' M w il'u l ^iiliiiiinin (Mo Ki) -;i 9Ktfei)a10 -I -Cl Crr>; 2Sr .M .';«W;iSvr{io ■HiMIl'* UH -X as9 TMMei::i .a Anaintjs .IS nai t» i .jg ut«crai:r-cIm Hts± Hn» 921 ,0 UWJ "M. 117IM OMMtCl^WMC^ t/l«28 U«r*s 31. .Cl *».*( »)i .« tM:i<](91(9 .1.Cl K ^ (tjn .Cl .jfwn-'iw-B kc? — ■ H ^ ii ti«7 . » KiinrfaiKt » ii .)? KefiMiniimr .17 i ^ f i i f v n n a 37l« .11 KCIOjeirt. 77.70 .141 RsinvQpg . iia .04 OlvLMt'Cha Ctre/ta tj477 -.49 49 uca .101 rwM ■S70 .}J .' >9 IIU .19 HCIuau .14 MM.IJ.I.M1 I I I CenttM . UO9 ..19..I rtrlt. 19(0 .03 nc 44 41 97 >42 n tjo tfwc U MX OmtC 49 034! .I.-2 K t ^ l N «40' p.■■SEHBI Mo9TAcnvE(ti ««1 MOSTActtvi (ll«MeM) «ciWCtWi ■ I9M . a towc ’ 14399 .19rl K4W M t9» .1. (WgMOr *jv*n 3U} Onerv S C a a * VOUWI') iMt ti Cho K«m> VaHQOI U it ClChg Hmt VoUDOl Uil Cho AMW » a . a Can: 9a1 .'}.1 K«v^ 14N .S9 ■>«. 'C> ^SSs;§!i5 uwyu.io “ 40J9.UI EMCCp «730S7 10 Aimac _ 1U0 09 Com SSu!7IJ1 .03 .{ K»rC» 191 .C2 IVttCt S “ '“ SS Jll t o J 7 10.97 -3S tSrfliJOQOSTOiea 71.73 .....49 Uvtrj 867510 '4.44 .34 avib.AVIB6 .. JTS >02 CndSn ,. IM8 -n .( «rt«n 3109 .4J o.riV« 440 . .SiiS ;5 ffis’.i i a j j ! ap*itt*,io«44z 9« . « ForaM -fl« «1 i 693 e . 53 SPOR -490954 17123 -.1-.04 NMi.0OTr777O69 38.77 -.19 acAuoolt«c» Ui4(« .37 CtftCM 3M0 .11 .1 in 701 .c« AlcMMn . I «r4Tniu r « ‘••i» 0Tfl>(M4n> ?!2 0"’^® “»*«8 29.79.2.aS» Cov»aCmnl?31J5 201 -.-.1C MiewoR 600157 23.» -.17 *«»w - IM -JO • IMJ .02 .( Urfticn 44 77..to n«rt?'0S.. C'Tnl90S5S :s- r »i:;j;!! | S 32.9# -.31 IntitJAP 1S0604 1.0S ... SuiMioo 538499 4.15 * 01 S«wn) * ||M ^ 0«W« 9n) - a UXa 919 .10 *am*nX» MS . a DiA» •« 5 2.42 -03 SPEnjy 112S93 5«.75 ImnSll _ ,i» .41 M-Juoi 24(C9W r'Ol D ^ n '!»1M »“ 'h *“ ^W I 3 !>« »««5, 2 ..19 l«»l . 506075 19 00 .-.32 SAoton o - i aoo .Ml UC M»A^I«toIM »is .» inma m sw iKcwM' 474j; .« laACoi -_ ai4 .144 UMSr MJ9 .04 mpn2 'Ot 212 IMJ, .« - 444 .J4. U kc liV ' . <>3M) » MJS -r3 JgMn JIM .M 0,oj» U|m« . oaoo .ICS OM H49 .1 °!g ------LMt_ChCriB xcrifl Komo Uot Cha %Cftf»B Horn* U«l Chfl %Chfl «W ,04 Mwn . 4«;.'i! .i KS;..'5S.:£ »» V*og a iJO) .IW Oinfr. *14” ‘5 iS S « m1 '‘w W AnpMM. tM - la 0»nC7M .19 b n g 444 .Q MMnll9 MM ’ CaU) 40u 2jJ“ - 'JS.!2 WM»c«ih : <125 .159 CoiUiPp 3.00 .42 .103 .10 nSASoe 27.10 .4 22 .184 1 - a Ujemn 2iS2 .9) |J7toJ *tnin 7IX -u U icm ia. Vnwv> MM «<* •e«r ' »!> >B i.<4pSM»>a4« .01 D nn 9«9’ *S .3' Jin I" •" W j touiaa .77 i»w«o*"»ii««7 *1^ b^72>4!n.ia ^ .L08En8(t2Mi20MMOM) Loser s (t2o« 90*9) . Is 'il ^I5SS:S gS,S‘I 19 isw .m lion . ;4j -oj ^ I) Loser s (nonMOM) «rct/tt« ^ M >m :» MM *:i tmrO I?» . *e“ Cfr •Chfl Homo U«t Chfl Who ^mrU» 1999 .37 DnMi 410. •« .4] ” i’,:: -i ^ ' 5 •rmvt 9104 .41 EffrfM l»la »w . II9 wunn.n x«i .r ^SokmCoiUi'aH .U Ookii* 17.43 -349-10 -3i 2 AuftytOOn 4.00-..44 .9■9.9 Al>}panN«l 2.42 -1.2J -34.1 A&itiiSc*i a 97? .17 EF9 ago :S .u is r ■ ?}«“-iS .^ '-\, WIMltftt* n n ‘CO CrMnilTO370 41U' . n liCU^t ]7U .lit SMM ^ ta <997 .21 CompSd 4aS6 -7.J2 -7.3 -13.1 Atom 3.9« -.42 .•9.S 9. EuioTocii 2.99 -.82 .21.4 £tf-7fteJ3>»Ji .» • Omnovo 5.ee -8 -80 -12.3 FImSoK/ 2.4S -23 -8-96 SaOoSon 546 . 1.49 -21.4 MCM - l a .J( Cram ~ 9U .'fl;srs5ss:;E ''in I« »r£» » Sa ’w CfSSS SSS« ; :S a .'.5 S S .a g -«.12 rlO.1 Soovoe SM -.20 -8.-8.0 aooXlng 9.75 -2.50 -204 Mffli 049 . a E«yi«p en .19 .uvcnrioa gu . u Cntj* ii« n« ;a n .07 un««i n jirr .19 ^ i?2 *S sdo'.-^*p 3,« -.4 ' IT^ . U4937 .171 DttfTpn 9}M .10} « « • M HOI .*9 CrsjWJSSSa 4409. ..0 UiriroMKV o v . a ^ -.44 -10.1 FujknTI 2.00 -.17 -7.-7.0 SOMi 339. -63 -15.7 ZS,OMlV 07J . a CAjrCof* J90 •■” .M S-'Hi-'ii Esr-.,! 2490 MnCclW wol . n C/Wiagiot9 04 MJ4 ! .10 u ^ z „ M ij; .V^ SW /adnAi . SU] -M CriW . «U .01 >r .31 Uirvic Xt) >90' Sun 2.312 AArancsd 71 S ES"^ " «m nn 44 44 (7 .44 EncOo I9ca .:i Unco M n94 .0' SS?Sim » iS5 ’'If **««M 715 AOvsnwd 1,024 JS[So o . 9^97 I n UoM^Hr ^ I s . •MUnt M 4?e» .t« ?»n 1i»M -X uiuCe:9i> 1170 •» SWMU sw- OM I n D«*o#d ' 1,034 Dodmod . 293 2a Doctoiod • - 1.231 iS S l a 4i9« -14 aaif: lu : XKMI90 1 0 49 .*3 CktS* t}9B'.04 » • J s . ’i ‘tS 5 -'I? ; 19] 9991 .]l UmrOn 4909 ttOttGul 9ia .171 Uncfungod <17 Unchone«d 74 7 UnetUngM 120 kdK J777 .IW C««*n . t4» I .«k N«in IM la ^ ‘ ------w r • --19 £iTiflM-in177 44n..<27 . . 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Otrmtn . I ^lMt«M.11J mm« . mv . P n o «9>"l x a .M CM»|.* . 264 . II ORMbi - in 09 ^ I ■ PC um CUfl %Chn Htmt DI P6 ’TO ,»iT« .. toM - a Cu m .19 70. IBHCd 10} MU .10 GarOint K» uB S *!o iISS iitJ “ “ 'ot !'* ' aCm 014 .09 Gu9» 4I9M .lu>iU Tiom n SH -11 M&uc* « JI94 .or I<™tr. M» .B AatlHEn S 1-15 ... 34J0 ... .22.3 Xoycorp , 1.39 13 35.69 - 01 .8.4 w.j^^s is ^.;si40IAIU -00 l«x> 109 4IM .14 ! 790 .C«.09 PHCta _ 140 .M 24-mMU ni r s ■' Dm* 40UII40 -17 auttiuiioiIII 197$II .99 ICtaiC» 44, MS .30 Tta» 12O0 ... 19.09 -.04 .32.0 CHlUrnctriUuUM .IM H«K>ln _ 117 »19 ..19 fMSaU. « O) Wi" 9191® i» Do-jT l«M -10 > :s i s a ,;S i; • ... 27 1508 -.06 .13.1 S«rs S .'' I3S7 .09 MMltn . 40M .449•449 Paxa i2C»i«M .M U.PIU) Ti ;i l E ^ - ion .04 InmM n9-4i»-4|-m ‘.B7 M>as« 64 BH IS WIK; .60 ... 40.75 . 40 .60.7 2 2 ' .M PKtlan - a il .157 UtOm . (»»1W |7« EI7 .!» |:<. ■* M JI “ « 'i ! BotodPi...... S ■-■■S:S K;»5S ■:!! 10 PintKi - 1119-U9 U'Sm 7 CW|ig Hi »H .19 I'-oScKi »X » .J4 IBTR(ai.-Q»<09 MM ) 12 48.10 -.50 .42 • .36 44 1595 . 09 .169 gk>n S „ 171}' .14 IWrCan tOTg ..a Pnoa 412 -l» IM ^-i «4}. &OWAIIJ 71M -M 0 -bSO.IM.M90U9D .04 IMO 130 97CO .99 USO 1 19 22,11 .22. .90 Swilrt .60 21 20 91 . 25 .168 CM.p • S Pum’cn 1271 . a U*(n - 4M <■ Vo* , • M B f H Tta .19 QM A lI.- ^119 ] . a S 2 ” f isJ] 57,13 -03 .15.5 S»yW»sl .12 12 24 80 . 21 -7.7 CMtxrtJtMrtie- 4M..4M Itinr&i>-'27U. .19 Pauii.. j.'i.aoi. tmarCui i7 U K i«i£ou . a (kMsr«M 9i i 33 40.62 ..97 .09 TnaAn -. 15 13.93 -.16 -4.4 C«i5 -14-14 ftftmt 04 M« .«) U09I 1 ciuon m r a «o oouno k x t 21 29J7 -.32 -.7.0 Tutvwo .ra-TC- 19 09 -.13 -12.1 »Tit 2 a .04 WCtWI »» CaHKf » ’74 I 17 35.15 . 25 . 5.2 uSDMdni Mtl a n .19 ‘XTBlk I9M -IlI]! N ^ ' ' . !m II9 ■ ^ m s z micein* a e >9 oa»*£>4?no E’fis ;i S ,'l S 1.32 12 30 66 -.10 .3.3 S S I .11 PlrfTKh . 990 -0} VACta J )lm .» « 0 IS2 923J . 2 A.0.£()»r4«9 .» ) 11 10 5532 ..72 .19.1 . .40 37 24« ..40 .32.7 c*)n\ cw 04 3070 . » (ktenr n M m ’* m J . . S m . t i F»«*n»l» .4«I 34 J- -40 29 . 02 0.0 ;m t u(7(J . » tnniCn 31) -19 -IJ PiniD 17 1910 .27 , J CSX U 7044 .IM ICAK «a#o StonpiSMM .to HW>CiP' 1-701 242‘ 20.74 . 06 .4.6 .671 19 48.17 -.54 .2.9 PK»*a - lo r -M Vmr .-31? . t ■» cvsce I* »7o . a »«»i 00go 742174 .49 OtoUu U 4on .40 rtn' - 90.10 .404 B*e»Wl - 1097 ^77..77 i;u .M VMPti . M.;M.7I-.4H 4749 «9 W£0(«J0 4»J1 .15 ^aaml « 7DI2 .77 1.401t 22Z 4122 .JO .22.2 WMhFwt .821 14 23.19 -.06 ..9 CiP*’ • 29 31.60 iiO>s 9 a .1} tOMtfh . 94; .10.10 Ptaifc . UI .41 VCJI i-. Cmxte 7J J7tl !.■» »4>k4l W 9409 . 64 Wn. IH 042 Mj .32 « -M 1IO.7 W^bCOT ...... S.97 . 02 04 6 SS?*tCm . MJ UO Intftm 4U ‘.ii. CM4WM «4» . a llanirc tU19 7119 71 . O l**l*lW* 01 *47t . a HonioOp .60I 13 i: 35.79 -.97 -11.6 WobFgo :2241 15 07.08- .-.32 .68 SPort E ai7M -74 IHO. 1419 .M.M PluwSy . 12 04 .11 IK^rAl 14: cmn.40 «|7 .» 10 «1911 .00 PCUCtllS Ma .(7 tmIrm i in UM . » kltavp . 1.20I 22Z •34 29 ..29 .17.0 ZonBcp 1.44 15 77.94 -.20 0.1 ciMAJnOAXn. Ul -.4* BSI 99< .24.24 PcVKiO 90 09V . a WiOcin 91 H rgi i.io nanM m km .im 's; ;£ lO M74 . 00 PPG le t MCI) .M Uwrf «* _ «9 04.iin-In vmm H«tftB*S25mO(I moM Ktfi* Meckton Bm MliE«iMnB«.«M400moMio- a , ;4Pto-.M «uv, 1.1I9C0 -07 OMtlkig _ in .IM W t------T33T3W,;M ------CMJi lltl MOO .11 Hn*> 19 SrfTffl «5 r2 aq Nottnil MMutt wM 100 nta« Mdhw 0 iKn ' 9137 .04 >«i|im l> , 7*4 -.79 0«iw » » 009 ^ Ujjjr 2a ^ S9S7 I 74 Pmtb. 219 S*I Ta " ‘5 52 .:5 M.«a>rt..,.i.iiil.llSlMDwLSledalnboklchMwxlSD MKCi-9171 .IM n a n ' ' ijig rs.gi„:;s ■«>' :s ,170 I« I0>£2H .24 PmCol20l 900* .M ^aw■«(«« 44 a4i . a D >iM . a FW>n a »eo -.it ... a n . a jj» «ra ^tom'lW n a ^M HsiS«L»iM.8>4UD .IH PMSrt 1449 -B u— hlM fflt (nolKiabbrMMsa).. C 144 n» 00910 *97 Pwonioo* M3I •14} I (Mdf up .of H W i a m ir « Ow >m) - 1077 .07 J«»rti . }«^ n i ^ .. M« .13 .yl75 .LI ■ £S&.*2.S5’f5 !sa"“II « » .M Pt««l7»« MM .» Ml dvhMnd IM b M on I! ora - 11*4 .|.l« JMMI 1214 .M Ocnn 1.t» «»7 .40 H iq ... ,« ^ n 'lW iM Im d!d^acMS!!^ci«MoeMx*tMtao»«lid ' CocaCC 3*.xyr .44 >«St aOR .’.17 IT-»lOl.n1ftl9 Il9 ^ CocO l« 3 « .04 I m ndng-K'SttMn MaAw«u«oMd lor I Cm> - U1 0 ( ■<»£> *1!”*' Ig! pSm” ,S ‘IS C ^ w " “ htoih>«>w.N8 dMno»indk»MJw..B.^ .....■ i i ..: crntMim a n •»> - »' IU««204 MCI .» w Hy Lm9 Chg ifm'.S m ' » :S M l 97) 4(17 .54 FimdNMMtNMne'o .11 «ft2CC073>7in .49 M M n . k JSi.SS! ;s ^gS'. 9912 . 92 n>mU2n 4i«7 .N M ----- U t ^ tntMfliTQ. u a .14 .SS CctBtd - a Fno>l4l» M9D '*H VMM rhiwoSS^tSbiidSisiiis I f M»ym04ti4i^7..iM b” » a I « n .17 k7C».i« III a S i £. ' ''!S ^ CaU IX 4444 .ca X !v!g "I I?i SJ5d outtfM I n i t IlMMA ' I'Ti Im sp « c 42> N24SS.;lf ■ ■■ Co«tfn>9l94U .91 1 a n ■•77 PnaOnl.24l99M.IM a«cal sssms^ss, !s"- IS ■; - '* ^12 iSmS '■ 3M Itt SPCnSI ^O. 941)«l» sl2 OU>B - MJS wwwcraitfiowBii.fcB .|^^ S S S S H i H ^ SwSl : :S» NOng .'. 4M .09 M 9*79 t SM .30 PogCeg W STI . a MM S ' l \ . c5*^‘*rt?!*!2 sS fJ^ S ? m~*rTfiiTin i n I’li t t w itii (■’■OouS: a :s ss, . s . , ;.11 . i " la SS9I 9I >-01 ■HMM 90H .« MtfgnMMMwrrToSM . sa iS*:!! r ’il!25.a, RST5 iS -SpM »4 s 7m •.>! T«)i It, SU3 ■.....ComtM - I « .1J» N h U * ^ «! Sassgp^ a S g S ; M o iW Bo>4042.117 sPi.«.ias«aaJ » ■ I. » HM i 5 S S S C * w5 .Im •l«ti Ml s a cn M 4U7 . a !2;"NO i n 4441 .41 » a n -, 201 .to OiEWEIIloCOM .91 170 >J1 Cfl t 0 MN . .** Otrgf» 4«r .09 ffJ5SJ55i5!al«» ■1 S : sU9 .IM OflHatnA n e - ^ ■)■*" -•5S.;.S M< 3So’"f75:S SSS £Stfi.ii5",I?r IS n«9r« •» ------•DTI— ta-«7»—i.T«- )-Mn—.a - Ri)fMMdOD»M900->lt- « « r- ta .Jl-IM >U. aAl0CEa4949OM-..i9-.«- A M ------4M-_.k- lin« .t,.> . M29 DMCICt 40M .74 «n*01»I «m«U .74 m m .. tM .xn' imHam u n 90J7 ^ .11 I - - - ’ ^^^M w^wonM SSS"M . 77» 11} 0AXmiCa>7U7 .9797 FMMffleOa «4«1 .42 WMmT 17 7« Mg .. 4(9 .M Sraxc029«71JI .94 "■—* - 117 -M <1— 9 ■>9< ^------„ 1 _ '"’u"' ^ ■ . • '

. ■ 'D m eS 'N ewr i e ■ SAninMy : B66.: 1 W 1 , 2 0 0 6 , Section Editoflltor Steve ■ Crump: 735-:3 5 -3223 “ ■REI ;io iN _ __ ,•__ ‘-V O ULIG R UR BMTH • YOUR'CHURCH - • YOUR u re en Jesus beholding hi]lim loved him, and sasaid unto him, 'One! tlthing thou lackest .

treasure Jnheav€reh: and come, take!up u the cross andfoUc)Ilowme.”’ =Frt — M a r i i K U l in deetI d | TwinFallUs’ St. Vinecent M ijjiiii .'.-j

dePau]il celebratetes yy. 20 year!rsofhelpiiing

B y S tm C n m p ate in an era wherlen the pour Tlme»WewB vwtter ' ______were left to fend fo r th e m - selves. • TWIN FALLS — Give uus; s y o u r . “O u r goal is to bribring people Jlrwl and your poor, say the to an understandingingofthelove Tolks a t St. V in c cn t d ce I’aul's of Jesus Christ," s: P haryl ' th rift sto re , b u t n o t clotheshes th a t M esaros, Hick’s wife, you wouldn't let yourj r o w n T lie local St. Vinceic e m 's c e n te r W .child wear. also has home mini “O u r feeling is (h a t pcoiijople in prayer groijps, but >i prim a ry need deserve dignity:y a n d w ork locally is m ceti::eting tempo- resflcct.’' said Kick Mcsiilesaros. ral needs, n u rv iw ta ih e :m a n a g e r o f St. Vlncrovidcd it." „ pie living in Paris. The primary.!iry.figure behind th e group's founund-' opunetl on a shoestringng and lywidiustofillneL'd:c'ds,“hesaid. • laundered beforefore It’s turned - T oday,; mn a n y o f tlie indivldu* P Ing w as Frederick Ozanam . aI FrtFrench lawyer, author and profe;fes- thrived on the kindnes;less of Needs such as funFurniture a n d over to the hrlflthflfl store.R>r------a l s - a n dIrfamllles-who-walk - l ------^ sor in th e Sorbo'rihei strangers. a p p lia n c e s fo r tte m p o ra ry • Information, callcall 734-9143. througli theth door are victims of ^ "A guy w alk ed In the store s homes for familiess who would • ' m e th a mip p l h c ta m in e — users o r The ^ht society took St. Vincent de Paul as its patron under thee influence of Sister Rosalie Rentlendu, who was a member of thehe one dny years ago and saicsaid. 'Is otherwise be Ih o m e le s s. 20tfl b\t u llle s. T liey o ften gtJt this a cult?’“ Mesaros said.sait "I Robinette says, jwMsy' ;i;s ;Simedlate nec-ds meet, Daughters Da of Charity of St. Vine/incent d e Paul, a group of reli- sn id no. a n d sa t h im do wwnand n In addition to:> iiiii n.onti. celelll!0F3wn iiomimetimes referrals to gious 8^^ women who take vows> to serve the poor. explained what we, try to do, square-fool sales:s flo o r,' St. th o se w hoho c a n h e lp overcom e The group is part of the Vincent:entian ftmily, which also includedes Wljen I was finished, heJ said'Isa Vincent's facilityY on Main Come help StL VincentV de. their addicJic tlo n s. the tht Congregation of the Misslorslon (Vincenllari p riests and brotl•oth- just wanted to know,’ and he Avenue includes? ;a sorting Paul's TWin l^lls^lls center cele- “Tlie beliest p a rt o f th is jo b is crs, cr! also founded by St. Vincencent de f^aul), d a u g h ters of look an envelope out of his room for clothingjandasior- ai brate Its 20lti;h anniversarya w h e n .somm e b o d y c o m es in a n d Charity, Ch I jd ie s 'o f Chatity (organganlzation.of Iaywomen who help5lp' pocket with several humlundred age,^a'a for donatedled iicms, as on July 15. Icece ccream and s“ys ‘Do1 y o u re m e m b e r m e?"' the thf poor, founded by St. VIncencent de Paul), Sisters of Charityy inI • dollars Inside," ’ w ell a s a food b ank, -soda pop willII beW served all Mesaros■ ssa y s.-“I'll ,say, 'Sorry, the thi Sctonian tradition (foundedjed by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton],), M oney — alo n g w ith moun*m o Mesaros has enoli]oliiil, M.oi.cT dayallhethrl(tinit store, M 4 [>1111 don't.I't,’ and they'll say, ‘You Vincentian Vii Service Corp. aridd severals( others, Including somele raias of donated clothing,)g, fur- to hire only a Ikiliandf.il of s. h e lp e d mn ce o u t, a n d now I have religious rel groups who are part-o'rt-of the Anglican Corpmunion. niturv, ap{)liances and books bo employees, so tiuicluch of the m y life baclack.” The society numbers at)0ut 95C950,000 In 130 countries, whosi>se — goes to assist m o ree thtl a n w ork Is d o n e by v(volunteers. I re mcmber'onc e r time we members m{ operate through so-ceDialled 'conferences.'; A confer-Jr- • - l,()UO local fam ilies e a c:h h year > Prayer is a big pan )art of their Mary Nutting,ing, part of the gave a fellellow a pair of shoes cnce may be’based in a-churchirch, commuiiitycenter. school or that are un the brink. e xperience, b u t rell;'eligion isn't group that organgani?.cd the local and pants: Ls s o he could go out to hospital u. and is composed off CsCatholic volunteers who dedicai:a te “We se e b a b ies in h e re: wear*w i imposed on anyonele \w h o .seek-s. St. V in c en t’s and anc a longtime find a job,’l),“ N u ttin g said. "'IWo their time and resources to hel|help those In need in their com- in g only a d ia p er a n d w ithth visi-v help, he says. employee at tinthe store, says years later,er, he came back into . !>• munities. Non-Catholics mayjoi/Join. llie cigarette burns,“ Mesalc*saros " To th e best o ff oour ability .help lias conno m e fro m ^ th e th e sto re( anda handed us S2 to In Idaho, there a rc St. VincentIt ddc Paul centers — thrift store:res. said. "It breaks your heart,in. We and by God's grace,e. \we're here Catholic commiluminlty in the pay for liislis s h o e s a n d pants." soup kitchens and home minlstnistries — In Twin Falls, Boise, do whiil vvecan." tohelp.’'hesaid. Uvin l-alls a re a — a n d b e y o n d . ------H ie y d o so u n d e r d ie leleg; g a c y • In 20 years, St. ViniVincent's h a s , O d ie r IWin l-:illsills i c h u rc h e s a n d T im c s-N■News wrifcr Srcf’e Nampa, Lewiston. C ouer d ’Aleniilene. Kellogg. Caldwell, BJac[ot. ~ «if St. V incent d e I’nul. a 17thI -glwn awaymanyicnicns ofihoin-^chnrch. .groupsps-havc-oftcn • — C n i m p cJinbcn'acfic((at735- a i - Idaho l^lls and Pocatello. century rrencli priest1 w h o sa n d s o f dollars In ca:cash, goods come to St. Viiiciincent’s aid over 3223. or w riic to Sources: wlklpedl>edia.com and (he Ofocese of Bol:Oise ...... -minisiered i» the truly dcspIcsper- and scrvlcps, Mcsaro'iro ssa y s...... thcyears...... '' 5crH«i/;0Hi^riMgicrallcy. There's a mTieetin’ hereHonight:', Buh]ilchuircheij s s t a jLgete;ntrejvival1

______BtBW rJtoch______; MTi-if f s . thij HL‘V-M»rila rc u liiF ------„ ------^—------IT h e -re:eviv^ x is just onc-of__ d iec—^W — ttsl_I:cid--Mlnisterial—il— raryrWill bo represented soo tht a t ‘ • Tlnw»Wcws correspondentIt_____ pastor of the Spanisnish baptist |f yO|]I 0EO ■■■ m a n y w ayslys t h a t d ie m in isterial Assocsoclatlon churches, th e re will b e so m e th in g for3r th e ■ C h u rc h , is th e scheduled si ** associntioion can reach out. ronight, Tor ’I'he Jordan Riverr w hole fam ily to enjoy. - BUm. — In lilll! thee Uuhlli speaker, The W est EndI MbUftarial'Ml open up aur n d m e n to r pc*opIe to B andnd is slated to lead theL* *We don't want to leave; any-a ■ Church of the Naziirenele was\ "Some of. Ilulil's's ci h u rc h e s Association’s te rn t revival Is live o th er tllian in crime," said revivi/ival, according to, the Rev./. b o d y o u t o r ta k e avray frfro m ; c h artere d , m aking j| an offiiofficial were started after tentten revivals . tonight and Sunciundayat Sheridan,1. w h o is a lso Bulil's T edIId I ledrick, p a sto r o f tlie Ulrstt anyone’s Wors{ilj].expeiien(:nce," ' ip U ic e ofw orsliij). fi w asfouifound- a n d w e are h o p in g to reach thi^ - Bower Reid atSt BuhlBi High mayor, -riiniroughoufthe event Calvaivary Assembly of God andi ' Hedrick said. j;'Chere is' a:i ite al ■ ed after a successfulI tentt community in a similarsin way School. will be foct)cuslng on bring peo- orgarjanizpr of-tlie celebnition’ss _ c^Il to step across denoml.nlna* ------revival—th(.— prc\'i«us—y«—year:— vvjth-a-cclcbration“ilrihis-yrar" ------AftoniaiH7T(’ o'clock'setv- plctoehri; —“ tlonol lines and let it bo-knonow n—;------■ a cc o rd in g to its pastor, Ihelie Rev.I said th e Rev. Ken Baklakor paslor |co, The Jordanan RiverI Band , !■> onlcrur to do that, montlis “Tliey "11 wiir appeal to every*• we arc worshiping the sa m e C harles Sheridan. of the lluhl l-irstrsi Uapiisi . .^iiperforaiandm d the Rev. of prcpanilration and hard work body,dy," E ledrick said, “l l i e b a n di G od." • Sheridan and other past lastors -Church and WIiMA \ will h e th e h a v e .g one. u t into making the 11 will play some traditionalI It’s important for all ofIf th e in the West l-nd Ministeisterii^l “We aa- bringing bad " esu S r",, '.re v iv a l a SUsu c ce ss. muslholm

r - — r : r ^ W » y ■ . ^ eHea'of • and India’.-—- ,.:^tf^4mreU0p(i8.8aM(ias .CiiaitfM^Anndln d l M a n a i ^ {i792r ' ' .Coii actly»mefl4er&•f8 0t.e«lh': ,.,.1875);c8ll«lod *Ameflca'8 forem ost ' .' ' w ':' ’.jfeur body and-prb^R; » w p s e o u l ^ : , revlvBllst.* wwaa a a'tnq/or leadef of the, v .' Moi : ^ tt to Join, .TheM maetiDgi G reatja t Awakening In Aiperica.

Of oheU » : nlteti'S t4eiv;r> :-h’'=Cl».-ii

' T f ot ] rwprwtjlcti 18, designed to . ______■

- - ' ~ ReligiHON ; A dayjr fo r J iv/ingyol]u r p r in iiciples I

ohn Adam sJidn't|t^iiaTC hi I ' . ~ 1 ‘ W e h o ldd tlthesetrutiis tn hff nrinnt •anythlngngalnsfTht J .self-evident,nt, ttiiat all men are ' - tute newtSovemmcnts.ne laying il F o u rth o f July. H e Ju c re a te d e qlual, u a l th a t th e y are Its fouru n d a tio n o n su c h p r ln d - '* ^ that Ji was two days too J o s e p h e n d o w e d bby y tth e ir C re ato r w itii p ics andan organizing Its po w ers . ’}■ *1116 se c o n d d a y o f Ju V J k i irc D certain tmollcalienable Rights, .iri suchch form, as to tiiem shall. f j . 1776, w ill b e th e m o s t rr WALKER thatamongtligtiieseareUfe.. seemnI m o st likely to offect-tiieir rab le e p o c h In th e hisioi Liberty andd tttiie p u rsitit o f Safetyy a i n d H ap p in ess. S America,*^Adorns wrote Happiness.—*T h a t to se cu re P ru dence, e n in d e ^ , w ill d ic ta te . w ife, A b ig a il'I a m a p t tl ------1 these ri^ts.ts. GC o v ern m e n ts a re tiia t Gojo v e m m e n ts lo n g e su ib - i i • b e l i e f th a t It w ill b e celebrot-cel in stitu te d amongam i Men. deriv-. llshedsi sh o u ld n o t b e ch a n g e d 1 ed by succeeding gencn le ra tio n s A ccording to'n nc o less o f an in g th e ir ju1st s t powersj from tiie forlighi^ t a n d ^ s l e n t cau se s; ■] a s th e great annivCTsaty iJoleM Hotoon, iL'HoSn atyfesti. authoritythanThThomas consent of■the the governed..." andacciccordingly all experience J val. It oim}» to b c c o m ir SuitOD>'Andenob»> Eiic.B«. BM icft: jotui jooepior .anal- mmemo- Jefretson. the voteoteforinde- leffctsonwi1 w ro te th o se h a tiissh h e w n th a t m a n k in d a re ' ;'I • ratedosthcdayofdeUvi:liver- pendenccwasAd. EU e.G an^ tp Adams'baby. Inspired wordb rd s (n o t c o u n tin g m o re ddl isp o se d to suffer, w h ile A o n ce, by so le m n a c ts ofdevo-o f i He worked dreles; a paiztoticnEc n i e d % lesslyandtcna- a little tinkcrii;eringbytho . evils arean sufferable tiia n to ^ tlo n to G od Alm ighty.’.It It oughti clously, putting{downxlis- d( Congress). AAn n d th e d a y th e y rig h t th . to b e so le m n iz ed w ith p themselves by abolishing ^ h pomp ^igreement. disserse n t a n d ev en w e re fln a llyy aapproved-again [ ■ tiieforrirm s to w hich th e y a re • j'S and parade, with shows, ws,- > outri^t rebelliono n be tw ee n th 6 ' u n a n im o u sly (again with New accustoitom ed. * . • g am es, sp o rts, g u n s, bell a wflf ’prwBift bells, state represQntatitatives (not to York abstalnirin in g ) - b e c a m e Uie “B uIt ti w h e n a long tra in o f :.C bonOres, and lUumlnatications, mention the occa:xaslonal petu- oinclalDayof/of Independence abuses; ■ fro m o n e e n d o f th e con s and usurpations, pur- ^piDgtBinn m ^ be many hsijsl-CutlA\ ■; M n tin e n i la n t o u tb u rs t froo mn B c n fo r th e U n iteited d S tate s o f su in g: InvariablyIn th e sa m e ; « to th e other, fro m th is tii s ti m e 'F ran k lin , w h o kepcept muttering America. O bject:t evinces( a d e sig n to forward forever more." th in g s like "a po2t>ny ru rav e d Is a A dam s w/a as s a p p a re n tiy co m - red u c:e e tiiem1 u n d e r ab so lu te So h e h a d th e r i ^ t idc I d e a - p e n n y e a rn e d " andan Insisting fonablewithttiitiicdiolce.I - Despoti otism , It Is th e ir rig h t. It is and an tiiose self-evident truths:is: p le d g e d "o u r Lives, o u r ju st th e w ro n g day. th a t th e tu rk ey wouldwo be a tiiinkhcundeiderstood that tlie their du duty, to throw o ff su c h Life, Lil L iberty a n d th e pu rsu itt .ofof F o n u rie s a n d o u r sacred ------O fc o u r8 c ,y o u h a v p to k e e p b e tte r n a tio n a l sysyi m b o l th a n a c tu ^ a ct o f A j d ______jf America's Inde- Gbvemim m c n t, a n d to pro v id e H He ap p in ess. H onor." In m in d th a t h e w ro te[} th is let- • th e eagle), pendencefrorFrom Great Britain new Gu Guards for tiieir fu tu re T h at is w h o t cou n tlcss.b raave v c Tliey believed it. Tliey7 c r c a t - (er to his beloved Abigailgoil o n It's n o w o n d er,T, tht e n , tiiat o n w as less Imiportant poi than tiie security ity-“ patriots pa tiirough tlie yeors e d it. A nd th e y lived It tto o i h e _ July 3. Doubtless he vrasvas still - July 3 Adams belie:lic v e d th a t p rin cip les o f fi of freedom that • Wedcd on 't w orry m u c h a b o u t have ha fought a n d d ie d for. 'ihhat a t la st d a y o f th e ir lives, f c < ^ g a b it o f a ru s h fromfro: the July 2 would becoi c o m e d rove th e octiciction - p rin cip les G roat (iritain(ii th e se days Is Is< w hot drives tiio se “h iid d led miraculous events of the pre- , America's Indepen ed -Which, for Adams andi d ■ • . Jc n d en c e Day, th a t w ere pcrfilerfectiyencapsu- (unless;is you co u n t th e ex p lo its mosses mi yearning to breathe . v io u s day, d u rin g w h icch h theI complete with par le ffe rso n , h a p p e n e d toI b e t i i e p arades, pic - la ted w ith inn th e w o rd s o f tiie o f Davievid B eckham a n d P o sh free" fre to o u r sh o res. T h a t is C o n tin en tal C o n g re ss) vvo o te d nics, b a rb e cu e s. lIi e x ac t s a m e d a y in 1826.). :. fireworks and Declaration1 of Independence: Spice),I, sos you w on't h e a r what wl; Illuminates every fire­ un a n im o u sly {not countiunting ■ carnivals with mat l l i e F o u n h o f July. narglnaliy safe “Tliat whomicncver any Form muchaianti-England rhetoric work wo shot Into the summ er NcwYorlc's a b sie n tio nI) ) fcfo r rides. B ut th e n aloalong came ;of Govemmenlent becomes on Indc| Jependence Day. Instead sky skj ori th e ’Fo u n h o f July, A ndid , Joseph Walker is a frech•clatice ■ In d e p e n d e n c e fro m Grcti3reat July 4. w ith Its wi/ondrously o r destructive oof f tiic1 se e n d s, it is w e celcl icbrate America-the ' that tht Is th e c a u se for.w hich ti’rile rfr o tu A nierican Foi^ r k . ■ [ Britain. worded Declaratioition: th e Riglit o f till f th e P e o p le lo a lter country.ry. and tiie concept - A Ad dam s, }c!Tc'rson a n d o th e rs! UMft.

The Magigic Valley CChurch of ClChrist offerringevangi^elismsemjMnarJtilyS5 - 9

TW IN FALLS— T hle e MI ogic ' - - sp e ak o n "Indo ndependence Day." servedI aafte r w orship. at^at 7 p.m. Sunday at the church.ch. worship. Valley Church’ of Chris .ta k e n fro m lohn lo: 0:31-32 and Visitor nist will Church N lors arc W elcome. . lO'llO IW .B S t. W eb‘Coleman has beb e e n I n ■ . host an evangelism s sei e m in a r ______— Psalms 130.0. I Congregational July 8-9 ministry for 2H years.r s . T h e lU b e le d by Fred S h o f thIhouse l celebrab'ng Centering Ce Prayer C o le m a n s h a v e fo u r childi l d r e n . Guesc speaker wii bQicry be Duggan to singng 'Exultate C o^b^ri. willwith Wllla Fowler at Tbllm an. A g ra d u a te o f S KWi birthday W W( e d n e sd ^ ^ Ascension International Bible Schc lubilate’ onSui ™ Evangelical Free hosD s t i n g : : ler Study group will TWINN FALLS — A re c e p tio n TW 1 IN FALLS C e n te rin g L ubbock, Texas, a n d Rlochesier o d TWIN FALLS S - Becky be held tills week.we to honoi)or tile SGtii b irth d a y o f Prayer Pra will b e h e ld a t 7:30 p.mS . Teen Survival CampP College in R ochester, MVlich.,hc ic l\jrner Dugganin will sing Vacation BBib ible sc h o o l will b e C leo Shi ihorthouse will be held Wednesday We at the Ascensionion JEROME—llic Magic'IcValley .. left a successful engine:ineering- “Exultate Jubilate"e" >during wor- . held July 24-281-28 In c o n ju n ctio n a fte r w wt o rs h ip |7q | Episcopal Church, 371J71 E v an g e lic al F re e C hu r c h I s ______------car ec £-3Q-years-ago-to-piD-preach— ship oi-10-a:mrSu•SundayaMhe— with ------t h c ~ y - a r U i L - M P B M —EaTdaifa'Drnsn Eas sp o tis o rin g a le e n SuiJ u r v ^ v a ] the gospel. First Presbyt-erianian Church. 209 Adventist Churhurch. • First Clu Ilvistian I r 'sfH July's ji topic Is P a n 1 o f "T"he he C a m p fro m July9througlig l i l 3 a t TMlman has served aas s ci v an - Fifth Ave. N. h Fop m o re In ; Information, call Church.h.. 601 ly, Spirituality Spl of Money." based!cd Camp Kumbayah In the I gclist to th e C h u rc h o f ChiChrist in Duggan - Is ■ e S o u t h - . 734-5268. S h o s h o rn e St. on on materials from . theIhe Hills. Rochester for 24 years,y the daughter ■ m h o u s e Contemplative Coi Life program.im. The camp Is deslgni authored a book, devclo|eloped a of . Revis H ; n e d t o Rev. Lauraa (Rockwell a s a n Ponlclpants Poi will begin an challenge and equip youo u t h t o . . video series and is travtraveling 'himeronwin' H mill the exploration cxf of their rc'lation-jn- be survivors and champlc •the NonhwesE at thislis time. Falls. She Is a B ordained as elder lions of , c o n - ship shi with money to increase the^challenges and tene m p t a - introducing his metnethods music special- H lEBOM E — — The Rev. Laura gregatioi ' th the e ir aw a re n ess o f ho w m oneyle y - lio n s in th e ir lives. Cost is through worksliop seminininars.. l$t - with H i s s n o . Ann Rockwell./ell, poster at tiie _ Wor:rsh'lp SbortiwuM Is i s :a^pan of their rclatlonship!iip p e r p e rso n , The TWin Falls seminaiInar will schools in H Jero m e U n iteled d ^.beginsi at 10 . wit ^ witii God. noL'scparate fromlit. it. Interested -youth sis h o u l d . be held from 9 a.m.-nooroon ond Boise. " Methodist Pastor Jim I'ubbs will 'Hriick session will look at ourjur meet at the church. G2l1E.AVC. E •• from 1-4 p.m. on Julyy 8 a n d T h e Rev. /a s sp e a k Tamer ' C h u rc h , w a s on "Liberated to people's pec relationship withith H .. a t 9:30 a.m . July 9 .'nh ie e y w i l r - from 10 a.m.-noon ona JulyJi 9. Phil. Price will ordained an F reedomtm." from G.'ilutians 5:1. money mo as it Impacts their ener-er- depan for the camp aftere r w o r - .- C all th e Rev. Jason Scocltockton, speak on 'GoodI 01or Bad Body elder In the he .Tlie'choiloir will sin g a n arran g e - 1,7 gy centers< of security, controlrol ship. B ring a sa ck lu n c hI ffc o r t h e pastor at the Magic: ValleyV -Language." Scriptiptures arc 2 United d of ' “America, the anilm d affection. first day, a Bible and p pc e n o r Church of Christ,- at 735-'35-5016 S a m u e l 1:1. 17-2727 and Mark Methodist St Beautifuful.“ with accompani- A Centering Prayer practiceice pencil, sleeping bag andn d p i l - M m o re in fo rm atio n . 5:21-43. •Church by b y m e n t by b trombonist Allon ses‘session is included. low. flashlight, water b bi o t t i e , . The church is locateated ot Summer Sundayioy school for -Bishop Robert en W DeVries^s in honor of Anyone A Interc*stcd in’ towel, soap and QthcrO r t o l - 2002 Filer Ave. e ; ages 4 through thehe third grade Hoshibata at a ‘ “ S' •--<^1 Indepeni:ndence D.iy. ., ■ Cen:entering Prayer is Invited.:d. letries. N o C D phiyers or r v\ i d e o ’ .. and nursery carei aiarc available worship serv­ AdnVdmission is free. games, please, M agic Valley G ospel61 • during worship, ice June 9 in ^ Specialal Independence For more information, callall For more Information,i n . c a l l inififlt Refreshments wilwill be served Nampa.’ She: Is uie pastor and « amie Kelley at 734-9499 or O ptypetfonningtoni]iiii&iii worship In the or -M arkat358-0455. - th e feiloMfship - p re a c h e s ut 20 10 u.mi Sundays at Hay SGFervices.announced Soyce BiUlanl a t 733-8801. T W IN PALLS — T h e V c Magic ■ hall. ' the Jerome UnitedUn Melhodlsi HAGOlOllMAN - T h e In - _ ___Valley Gospel Opry willill ic e lc - ____E v e ^ o n e js wclcoIcom c. _ C hurch, 21 I SS. . Buchanan.I . dependc:Jence _.Day.-. holiday -T ll{ „:Calvary Chapel’s . bnite "God ohd Couritry" [he First Church ...... ;ry" at'7 For more irifonrI'rinatlon. call Hoshibata Is the bishop of \yeekendid will be commemo- -«ir 'p.m. today at the First 733-7023. the Oregon-ldalIdaho annual con- rated with' wl special services eviyal July 8-9 VBS starts July 10 Assembly of God Qiurch. S u n d a y’inllagerman. it fi­JEROME - The FlrslSI JEROM E - Calvniy C Cll h o p d L ocust St. N. . Higher Ground t . Hockwcll has 1 to have has a bachelor of _ Momlnling worship at 11 a.m. Chulliurch of God will hold a N o n h Valley will h o ld Vaci The special musical celc i c o t i o n in d e a f stu d ie s a't th e H I ag e rm an C h ristia n . revl'cvlval.July,8 and 9 at thele Bible School from 9 to 1 tion includes Riley' D ■sig'dedicafion!« service ' 111:45'. Vorthridge .nnd a Center, 2750 2 S. 900 E.. will . chuihurch. 131 E Ave. E a.m. July iO-14 at tiie dh u u r c h . sin ^ g tiie National Anilinihem. TWIN FAU^ — - H ig h e r m a ste r o f divinl kinlty degree from remind participants[ of their OiOn July 8. th e ev en t b e g in s at 900 N. Uncoln. “SonlVeae o s u r e • children from Ligluhressofpcc.?30 EMM ,ain ------Gibson, Don Bailey,, C Cory .TWIN FALLS -— The Rock Community ♦ ♦ P re sb y te ria n 6140. Stan:a n s a t 9:45 a.m . a n d m o rn in g St.. Burley. ID 83318. Deadlidlin e . « Stone, Sam Samuelson')n a n d C reek Communityy-Church, Ci 131 C hurch. 2461 Ce CentralAvc. ’ _ ’ . orship with the ColemapsIS is 5 p.m . Wednesday for pul>itbll- G reg Avery. Grandview Drive,i:, w ill c elc - M ead's to p ic I« icis-AHcmtukc Eveningg service set . ■ SL'glns a t 11 a .m . M usic w ill b e c a tio n o n th e Sa tu rd a y rvli^•Upon The public Is Invin v ite d . b ru te Sw eet Tboth S» \ S u n d a y tills David'SH" S c rip tu rovided by H arold B lades a n dji Admission is free. Free'reewlll week.' ” ■ ' b e 1 S a m u e l forEpisiiscopal church flullne i Hildreth. Nursery will o f fe rin g w ill b e oc^epted.:‘d. Worsliip begins a 5 at 10 a.m. Psalms 139; Elde:IderCM .Lanting- . SHOSHiHO N E — C h ris t b e2 pprovided for ages 3 andd more information,)n, call Communion will1 bbe served, of Hollister w/ill ill: lead the serv- Episcopalal Church will hold a undeider.' 733-5349. Tlie Rev. Dale Me vietzger will Ice.’ Refrcshmcim e n ts w ill b e special evievening prayer service A ipotluck dinner will followV • , ■

NewHarinsenchu] irchhosts 5 ’ — — LETTER-

T h e r e a r e many words froni fafalse proph^ first servvice this SundayS Hvlngworc The Bible tells us5 ttiiot'Jesus and someonee ( else,, for tiiere are many Tim—New*______' ______; p a sto r. He‘le reccntiy retired as directorr of John the Baptist werere tiiM w o _ ^ a t- vrords fn?nipmfolse prophesics.^-,^ > CHRISTIAN BOOKSTOFDRE ■...... • -missions'fs'for'the-M o^cvailcyBaptlsttist est prophets ever b(born. The'Rev. ■■ Iii'Bible3le ddj^i theiB were mdfiyf— SEE OUR GREAT SELECnOIO N ' ------HANSEN — The.newicwly ontanlzcd~ Assodatlorlpn._More. recently, he>crvedI os Jerry talwell has ofteften Said eitiier • people w who . called' tiiemselvcs.’ .: •• ’GH ftlSTlAN ITEMSrtS • Hansen Baptist Fellowshipihip Chucch will interim-p<■ pastor, of the Goodfng FirstIrsi , Jesu s w as real o r elS'•Isc he was tiie prophets.s. Tbday,1 vre silU have some ■ hold Its first ^rshipJ ■ — I S o u th e mn BB aptist C hurch. greatest fraud that cever v walked the ■ that call1 tiltiiemselves fonune tellers.' , • BOOKS •BIBLES:s service Sunday. I . ■ . A m in isuister for 54 years; he has stiuicdte d e a rth . No o n e c a n callall ;e su s a fraud^ S o m e ever ven used a deck a cands. .^sJSaD .EQ S^U SlC <:nte.congre^U6h willI Ini||||i^-48.m isslonion-churdies ln-Iddho.-HaVmfimfi— werdo-rioe havt!I Bomj-word tiiat— Evrtlcmly“i;rUiedecn)Tairas-Rhbws' meet at 4 p.m. at old a tyf I and Colorsorado. The flist was in Glennsms Jesus or John the IBaptist wrote more thanin thet fortune Idler. ‘ • G I F T S Hall building on Main\ I Ferry whenlenMaxwcDwasig. tilemsclves; WILUANAMHAFFNER INFANTS TO S tre e t I H e h a silii liv ed in Id ah o sihc» a g e 3. Ifanyonewasafrau'lu d , it h a d to b e IW ln '■ails The new church is3 R ' 'H iscaUlU ii lng ha s been and still is churchrch ^ ______. GRANDPARENTS - -HH n g i __p ln n ttn g,",*Rn|ri

'A t 7 2 ,1 have to mnakeallm e yjicksco:ount" . ■ . - MISSION — ------^ m y Fohvtn CalMtoserBlVff GOODING — Elded e f Jo sh u a I - David Jensen has be<>cen called k _ ------in .SBrvR fl inlflslQnn _ f o r_ T h e ' cV 'V e /J.V le /IL h r f Church of p— Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the ' F 10 r I da M I Jacksonville IB i n p3U lp|lt o f V l i a c hl u r c h ■ Mission. ■ J e n s e n ■ graduated from Gooding ^ i B tS m LWMy U m m schedulei th a t h e k e p t fo r 10 y e a n a n d . H ig h S c h o o l' li Awodrtad Prm wrttdft o f ' nd . In 2005 and' n o w says5 hehi realizes was costly to the ty to God he has earned his Duty ch u rc h aJld n d th e university.' a id s. H e is •LYNCHBURG, Va. -— T h e. Rev. Jc n y and Eagle Scout awan c omgregailon n s was behind him. i d B renda Fahvell’s conservativetive politics have diough. m. the' son of David and cafncd lUm both fricnc a n d K in ends and enemies__ -T liey believedbcl th a t h is voice w as a n Jensen of Gooding oj in's lon& public carcc f d .H e w U i ' xcer — but there's Im p o rtanIt t voice, and If that meantan , tile' Gooding Zhd Wifd n o d e n y in g he 's b e e n a lY a ln in g n a successful p a s- sharing lilnhim with other people theyint enter the Mission 1 tor. »y- were willlrlllng to do It." said Mark:cy Center on Wednesday. Joined by thousandslids' o f su p p o rte rs, DcMoss, hishi cxccutive assistant from w elcom es Fnlwell will mark thithe half-century im The Times-Netvs w 1984 l o ‘91.)1. ssionaries. anniversary of Thoma;mas Road Baptist news of church missi ^ Falwcll1 waswi able to travel tutenslvely to Ellen C h u ^ ^ n S u n d a y witliv ith a daylong cel- Jly S e n d in fo r m a tio n tt and still lealead a congregation, DcMoss nes-News. ■ beg in s wwi( ith a service In a iss . Thomason. The Time soicj. b ecausausche nevcrstopped being a Falls. lo ­ >>LvBe!oOO-seat sa n ctu;tuary. a ? a • 1*0. Box 548. l\vin F pastor. an. S o u th T fic sa n c tu a ry Is juistasmallpanofa st J , 83303. or Trena Tbgar aas s busy as his schedule was, 1 millionAZ, Bolivia (AP)P I— T lic another potential po GOP contender, re m in d e r of (he ch urch'sch's beginnings. d e n t Evo Virginia Senlen. George Allen, has beenr. ■■ g o v c n iin en t o f Preside .rrcshoui-ofBaptis'tt BiBible College in re^ligious invited to spspeak at Sunday's fesiivliics,n M onlles w anLs'io e n d re Sptingfield, Mo., a 22-ye:-year-oId Falwcll : sc h o o ls Falwell carriirries the weight of being s,a educatinn in public s returned to his home(o\^(owt) and s(arted iholicism polarizing; figure. Even among evan-a and strike Roman Cathi his church with 35 memiembers in an old - icial reli* gelicals tfho share his views, he isI- a s th e c o u n try 's officii , D d n ald D uck so d a hottlilittlfng plant. . to meet ' so m etim ess considered c tacdess in hisIs . gi'o'n,- a p ro p o sal a p t .« “W c sc ra p e d .syrup o ff Ith e floors a n d p ublic c o mn m n e n is. Is g reat resistance. vrall.'i.’' h e said d u rin g a recent inter- jr m law After th e An education jefori view. e Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, M o rales' Falwell irily b l^ e d the tragcdy*nn5, . being prepared by M Falwell. whose counterite n a n c e is jovial 1 rep la ce gro u p s' hat “tried to seciilarizen administration would r even when talking aboui sub- n pu b lic W America," singling out pagains. abor-e Catholic education in jecis.. built his congriigregation. with ch in g o f ' ' feminists, fer gays and the , schools with tlie teach knuckles and shoe leatl b c g a n „ J u c a tio n — A m erieun-Gi'•Givil-Liberries-Unionr"God— e * Indian languages, Edu knocking on I00doorsa'17 Jr - i!i a Ilawyer whp manages the •• n u m b e r Z-l.OOO. w ith several scv hundred 'i ■■ Tlie leftist govemmen c m , in • r tfl (jriKhbun. Vi„ JUM 20, FitveO,, ioiiioined by bit nany thousands of foD■nitnwiin >01 finances, whiA-hile./onathon preaches at e v an g e lists goin g d o o nr:td-doorlncen- lo ' t its efl'orts to rid Boliviala o f th e fciH-etrtnry w nhrm uy ol T lnaut Reti h e five re g u la r S u n d a y .serv- last that ' , tMg virgJnlaT ' Retd Baptist Church m Sunday vith vestiges o f fi co lo n ial pa; i s f th e r-Falwell sdll tieUeves; in reading bid «brttloo tlutJu t beglni wftb 1 unrlct In • n«* 6,IKKl,000-sdng renovated. F alw ell'sU's in flu e n c e m o v e d fro m le c o n - \ so-called religious right in ir A m erica," 9.G00 student;mis on campus and anoth-: public debate in the ■ W ithin a fc>w weeksi of starting the strictly religious reli matters to politics i)n th e ; said the Rev Barry Lynnm. executive er 15,000 inn iLsi( distance learning pro- • stituent assembly on dm rch, Falwell found awaytoexpanda w in the 1970s, 19 with the Supreme". r state," !'•

, Iglcsifl Centro D IA Z S3K bracionyAlabai ' H j H S L y j j i Leslnvita ASusServiciosi o s . ? Sunday SSei e rv ic e s H Ttxla» Uk M artci.’ y 3 Sunday School*ol« 9:30am 3 ; .•^kuliwA.Uis 7;00j*n-Pimi W orjhip • 10:10:30jjn',ii . ^ T Evening Servicc • Oniii Scrvlcio t :todc th Wednesday!lyService ft/' AJpracioii a l « GiOOprOpni K f M;d.W«k s«tvi(cvi(c7:00pm ^ tOiir jcrvi, c.'arc ItiUnRUj \I Homeol Ftqgninu n d k l 1480. S1S!^!^_ ■J*' Tw in Fal Toikw k*\ S-'kuli-; V IX'inlnj-n*i^ y S ^'^Hrlstian Acj —StindajrWonhip-SmtwlOim r l>c liilOOpm,. 2:00pm ^ Daycare, Ptc-S Fdlcjwjliip following wiinliip'P Smiil Giniipi IV'nJf; U'l.«0>Avr.fjof1hOrth W andK-IZ^C y u ' ■ AvaiUblc diitinn (hf week mu wnflwu] . ' • W o rs h ijrifti! jyburnAve. E .^ ■ P eacefiefully and together B T 1 . Prayer' 6:0( slls.-ID 83301 ComtWo\Vonhip tbe Lord with us mmssmsam KLIX-1310AM n eteltodaiuill idoy School 10;00ato SBBdiytfi}10,2l>«.m. ' ! ■ 5 . 9 •' ------I8I-Morrisdn — W”/oTjhtrSonrttTOO------KMK VTTChnnnelTP^IH 733-625 . Wed;B: Bible Study 6:30pm SBi»Uyi60 9i4o»jn. U ^ P a s to r G a n U d r

7 ' ' ; ...... ’ ’ ' ' r ' . t . •V ______lit e * r*,lM . »«:• . N athon; :

NewlaiLw sthatkiickintods[ay tackle bullies,I bi)ird flii^ linority Leade ^«r Dina Titus, mioeffect:e ct SatuW ay, while sonie take efft o u t d ie to x o n ic e .T h e comupro- pi Iran, North Itorca, SU'Sudan a i ^ from West Virgin-ginia to because it ha; afredJan.1or90daysafter' * has^ become a nassaoeje . . . , mis'? was to consider crushushed Syria. The law has alrciready bees h a d pa id . yyears and graduated from)m a in to 'law , say in g d o g lovovers a n d least a half-dozen statelates pass- bullying, wldi thi the state ACLU Sen. Mike JorJorgenson. Wesiest Virginia'cut taxes for. ssta le higli school. their pets Should “1“h a v e .a- ing tougher laws to pupunish or lobbyist warning Ing that h is a Thxcsremaim a in e d . a s d w a y s, a fa rih r‘ equipment, vehicles.' "It’s about treating the;ihese brewsid togedier, haveive a' hot. trade sex offenders. IdaIdaho can cridi^ problem f Tl fo r im m ig ra n t lo p c o n c em rn . . • . c ro p sIS 1 and livestock that's esd- ' students just, like othiJther dog togedicr or whate\tever thoy pass along offenders’rs’ names children, panJcu icuJa/ly Muslim Tlu breaksik$ ivon suppon (his m a iid^ '( b save farmers overall Sistudents wlio graduallu a te w a n t o u td o o r s .... (t /usilist seem s, . and addresses to radirad io Sla* girls w h o >year h e headscarves. year, includiuding a change in aboutJt $550,000 a year. A n d In hhlgli school in Nebraska,’' salsaid like It’s a small diingg b u t It's tJons; South Carolinaa can« now , Idaho gave sch school supcrin- Nevada‘that[lai sharply reduces N^omiming, lawmakers agreed SSen. DiAnha Schlmek, who wh going to be an Imjm p o rta n t e x e c u tc . cw ice-cor convicted tendonts, priririricipals and the propertyerty taxes for golf to a ftwo-year repeal of the h a d sp e n t flve ye a rs w orkingn g toi thing."

NASAaimns to avoid VI/ultuie-shuttlide crash G]alif.hlghco]ourtOKstee]ens’lesbianssuit

SAN FRANCISCO (Al») -• the students’ lawsuit to go' to L u d ie ra n Synod, whicilich ow ns IwAfeleaTlinw VO teens expelled from a.I. -irial.TliesuitfiledlnRiversicrside. the school, considersrs homo-: - — Hubblele eye blinks beDackon Sidieranhigli school becauset County Superior Coun secseeks sexuality a sin. CAPE CANAVERALU 1Fla. - o f aan i alleged lesbian relation-• readmlsslon foe the studendents, T lie n a m e s of d ie ^^ I s , b o d i Sitfcy Sims, chief of -1 J f -NASA's BALTIMOREE (AP) — The news," saidlid Ed Rultberg, shiplip can sue die school even1 unspedfled damages andnd an juniors, were wlthhb h e ld In road'kili posse, was ct s .cruising m dn camera onor the Hubble deputy assoc!sociate director for thouougli it is u p riv ate relig io u si • injunction barring the t coun docurhcnts.Thclleirattor- , the mist-shrouded Hig Hi^ways Space Tele^ptipe camc back tlic Astrophy:ihysics Division at instistitution, the CaliforniaI Wildomar school from fro neys would not say' wv h eth er •--- that surround the spactla re e h m - to life Frid a yfor for d ie flrst tim e NASA’s G o^ard d d t Space night Supiiprem e C o u rt ruled.______ex.cluding£ny5.andJcsbiatuians. ____ Ihtfy aro Itishhni; ------tieiaimch'^slicwh'UnireT le spotted in nearly two'o wecKs afier Center inI G C re e n b e li. “W e ■'If'ilie court refused to con- California Lutheran, whiwhich- The lawsuit allege!ges th a t , the mashed remainsi of a roc- NASA engineers ers switched to were corifid'indent we could sideier California LutheranI has 142 students, arguedd thd a t p rin c ip a l G regory Boriork a cte d c o o n . a backup, powerver systeni, the* work througjugli the camera HlglIgh School's appeal of aI as a religious o^anlzadonion It on thlrdliand iiifonormation. . A flock o f big. b la ck VI k vultures- sp a ce ag cn c y announced.a n issue, andI nowni we can get lowckver c o u rt’s ruling" th a t th e! ■’ ' h a d a First A m e n d m en tI riglit rig ‘.when he questioned1 tlieil girls. . watched from nearbyby power The Advanced:ed Camera for back i6 doin(alng more Incredl- 16-y;-year-old girls’ civil rifthts> to exclude g a y s tu d e n tss and aj about dielr reladonshiihlp. Bork lines, like' hungry dinenlers wait: Surveys shut dc d o w n Ju h e 19 blcsdencewiiwithdie'cainera." mayay have b e e n vio lated w h e nI that it was nol subjccit- to a th e n w ro te th e stu dlints’ e n par.- ing for their favorite resu ■estaunint' after. , voltageige readings . The camerale ra is sc h e d u le d to theyey were kicked out inI state law prohibillrig busl- bu ents. saying the teens’is’ behav- to o p e n . exceeded the le -acceptable resume obseriservadons-Sunday Septptem ber. nesses from discririiinati,lating ior violated schoolol .ru le s 'O h , th is is a lovely jobjob," said range. The swjtc ^tchover to die night. Odierer instrumentsi on In In declining Wednesday to> beciiase of sexual orientatlcatlon. against condua diatt Isi “con- Sims as he scoopedd upu the backup sysic stem ■ ' began die c)rbitingtig telescope have takeke die case, jusdces clearedI • W isco n sin Evangelic;ellcal trary to Christian deceicency." , • , d e a d a n im a l w id i a shovhovel and Thursday aftemi!moon and was continuedto to operate during threw it Into the backick of his completed Fridiriday m o r n in g ,' th e ou ta g e. . . truck, depriving die birds bi of NASA said. itwa0 the gras^ roadsides::cssodie thcscarc4'to6-p<>-pound birds," — raccooroons, possums, v u ltu n s co iild c a t in ppeace. e a flight director JohnJol Shannon armadillos,. alalligators and the .. All that ended. aftciftcr the said . Thursday/ . while- dls-- oddwildhog.'3g. which can weigh • space shuttle Discoveryery hit a . cussing preparilarations for. 100 poundss oior more. “When a . v u ltu re os it lifted o ff fromfroi Pad Saturday's schedusduled la u n c h , galor g e ls lit,h it, it’s not too bad," 39B last year. In video:leos. die “Wc laugh aboutJI it,1 but it is a Sims said. ‘W‘ W h en , a h o g gets . bird could be seen boubouncing serious risk." - hit. It’s p re ttyty rnasty." ' o ff th e lo p o f th e extemimaifuel i The NadonalJ Aeronauticsj In April, NANASA began a bird tank several hundredred feet and Space AdmirdJnistraUon will abatement: piprogram to thin - above the groimd. TVvoWo o th e r u s e ra d a r to trarack c die birds out the vulturIture populadon. at ^ ^ 3 3ted dur- before liftoff. If tooto< many vul> Kennedy Splice Spji Center by w u in g th e la u n c h . lures ^ deemedxi too dose to denying diems m f o o d . ^ MB HONDA ACCORD VP 2006 HONDA CRVIX FWD-D-- —2006HONDAODYSSEYEY EX------Although the birdss missed n theshutde, thedatdam "will allow “Tlie No. 1 cobjecdve In pest “'*» wve. iVTtc 1 ta r.p-.«9"t ✓ Smin •cawrwtl g>« Ml ^ Ul >••«« itdc »■«■« CD crew, ihe event oiarmedicdNASA. about holding theth( launch to source,” saidlid G le n n WlUls, a ' ✓ [!•<»»« *(t« N«M bwtUlwt lAi managers, who, in 2003,03, sa w a give d ie m tim e to fly1 o u t.” s&id p e st c o n tcd oI l specialist with ^ t-KhMtthMnMcntri ✓ UJO i«M tM> I«tii low UR w «nr lot >] cu 1.7-pound piece of foamaminsu- shutde launch director dii Mike SGS/Yang En Enterprises Inc., ✓ a«mlocktiMknti rrtxn lation from the shuttle's:es cxter-i Lclnbach. which manageagesdieday-to-day MdMiiuifx'Mcr-w *'✓ fUiiiioitgtiMaccvtKomtmo nai fuel tank strike Coluo lu m b ia, ' Since th e 'C o lu m u n b la d isa ste r, o p e ra d o n s oof f tdie spacc center. ^ utM4i« lamti IM ev en tu a lly c a u sin g (ts de:destruc* N / ^ h a s s p e n t billionsbll trying “We patrol diethe roads luid pick. :all seven ,^to-cnsurc^nothin[Ung h i 'i . th e - ^ u p c ^ o n ai s fafl s t a s w e can .” ✓ tc» »t«rr rnng ««. hlTa ul, ••tig srockin ^ " - - - ■ - W0(f.l«l«MM1»UW J,"SK23439 ' w a s > 3 1 3 9

,4te_orS^9/m o.___ S2 m . ------I. 526,530 or S319/mBO. .

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.LkcdCors ■ h : 200311JS' HONDA ODYSSEY EX-L The Honda 'S2006 HONDA CIVIC HYBI'BRID I ; ✓rr».rremMtiwta

KcilltMt ^ 9


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I ' *'^<24,980 ^

now«r»19,880" I now *22,980

^ MIDDLEH g o A ( 0 :: I I lu i iiEDanii! I B I O h o n h k . y - .. ■ i W 2 0 8 7 3 3 . ™roo 1:800.548^81 .. _ ■. __ _ - ' - i V ■ , l - l l iw ■ JCE..-'':- All firew/vofks ^Antssmarch,rsdentist! a re ilteijgal o n publicF la-incl; IjrEitaabi a d ju sted ttheir calculations of the: ncnervous system controls lo> A n g rtt Tim*hn— howmanjuiy steps It took to get leg mimovement to figure out h o m e onemd b(^aved just like howV th e s te p c o u n te r vrarks. 'A • i ______W ith n o th intut g 1but a feature* normal .aan m a______- Be-Gautidus-ar ^ le» expanse ofor sand around .Wblf saiisaid his group is going and-aw are------them, Saharann desertd< ants can ' jp'uso thelhelrknowledgeofhow still figure outIt howh for away • from home the>hey arc using a . ■ U se firewororks in a cleared sophisticated internalInii odome- mW lM B; o r plaved a ' area . : ■ ter. GerTnan scicicicntists report* B m BWB e d Friday. The ants take a ke a meandering Q fi|S B H a v e w a t e: r o n h a n d y i ro u te fro m th esir ir in e st In se arch offood, butwheirhen it Is time to |||H |||||| . come home the)they are able to UUTiFYWOOD ' ' ' calculm o th e mn o s st d ire c t ro u te Y6u will be h e l d ' back: EHCES& DECKS financially respo Scienlistsknewicwthedirection ionsible\i^;|^5iff componenc off th e a n ts ' navi> tor starting a wiA ^ild fire gacion system1 rcrelied on the sun, but (hey' diddi not know h o w th e a n ts OguOgured out how far 10 go. ■ A te a m le d byyneurobiojogist ni H arold W olf of the ih University. of Ubn In Germarmany hypothe- iMTJ.i-iJOal sized that the aniants essenUolly ' ^ y \ : c o u n te d th e ir step To test their:ir theory, the H a v e a salife and fire-^ f r e e researchers alterelered the length ILlKIH-.LVM'JI ' of-the ants’ stepsteps by giving Indeperjn d e n c e Da y them either stillslilts made from 1BIRI6BT.STABTBEBE. pig bristles or am 28 Main Ave. South C amputating dte win F a lls • 7 3 6 -0 0 8 0 To Report Wildfire, colln il-800-974-2373 1 cr cell #fF((FIRE ' ^ bottoms of theireir legs, leaving UR9: M0N.-9AT. B p.m. S - th e m w ith stu m p s _ 8UNDA|M0jJn^£jrnj^^_ A Reminder from Tw'in1 FallsF District BureoO of LandLoi M an ag em en t " ' i n ' y The theory wawas that with altered step size;izes — but an Internally set targt irg e t n u m b e r of I -1 i k ■■ - N steps — tlie antsnts with longer J'..'.-.:- . .//■••i , — > legs w o u ld go to00 o lfar in looking for the nest. whIwhile the ants v w ith sh o r te r tegsJS wv o u ld n o t go • far enougli, T h e results, pub:)ublished in ilie • journal Science,e, sshowed just ' ■ ' • S m m th a t. / O n ce tliey w e r e ; . to their new legs,leg the ants 4.3qliakeshshakes , soudieastcncm Idaho Hjj|| V Fi ■ . saJ t la k e e:nV r r (Ai>) — A BB NDfiI 4.3 magnitude iearthquake . shook southeasteritem Idalio on Friday, the Univcrjversity of Utah ...... E a rth q u a k e C e nIter te r said, The light (luakeke occurredi at IDL 1 n r J UU l F 4 ^ 10:5S a.m., said sal Walter Arabasz, directora t of< the uni- . versity’s seismognijgn ip h sta tio n s. I Tlie epicenter waiw as 11 m ile s ^ west-southwest o o o Georgetown. Idaho.iho. ^ , \ * .People repory.‘ded feeling the ,-4 ^* 1 I quake In the Id^ilaho towns of \ i . . • : Thatcher, Montpcitpelier, .Paris r'-W '^V llJ a n d P re sto n , h e saidsai< ownPayitieniIts S *fi > • * r * m h

^ ^ e ^ I W e S n 0tdy700 . 9i m onthly PajriitKllt^ wM(jwr>Cars (0) Dt FAlaTuw14-tS. In Slerw Sucteund! ------r.; Superman Retuw isouy) • O^^TMFniaTMirXletumsio) . • ^fl aa««o Suffocrd12M I .400 . 730 H Q lntfterest Click ii3jo*^rotflJgWflti____ t215.?M.44^700-SIS InStwwSutfOufid!1 . 4 4 5 . 7 0 0 - S I S FasfarFOnousiTo’

S I T " W i t ^ ■ Q Q n H s ■ lotdogs 3 for $1 & Free Coki PtfslMotitwCanl Dsad M n Che^-OCanKwanm i - 1 . I | sjocationd^^

Supemian Relui - Too»r'2«-12»-2(M.e i u m s ( i 3 ) 2 M - 3 .3 0 - 3 4 5 P RViwi)T»iUTi2»-}«i-a( Tom Hank* Da Vinti:i-aoo-740.>w C /•! FREE FBEEWK rM>r dCodei.j), Over Ihe Hedge dge(POI ■ fj,:'- . j — *r.3V3.9ty .-...-J - - OMTiCsrs (C) Toi9«f i a*riMS-ioo ^ . X -M en :T h e l^ s tS l * /vji/i^U vjS . Tfldwiw-an.ix-?.it Stand (11) ' ' J M j ^ MBIEMs Gaifield2;TailofTwi Two Kitties - - C lick (13) T

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.Fast 4 Furious 3: Toy - • An Inconvenient Ta I p p 3 ' ... .. >00-115.r last In whi ionlsBesi . The O m enU iRi S s F ? m ' L ' Tod«t100.«00.7M. “ surIPERSrORESlMUIIEI|IR HOURS: : -The Break Up (« p (pou)' - ,lloii.-FrL 9ajB.-7r f p M . - - ':S ; r n t m c i i m wFir: See sionTOM'WR'DETAIW. « T he Lake House I6ar,t?45.iW.g-1>.7:use (f^i . •• |tam-6|Hii*.$nn.. mI a w t S p r n ^ Nacho Libre (p( H M H i ^OO^RBI [ \ j . ^ www.wllsonbai i ' . i p ' - ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ - - ■ •*;:! ! • • ‘ filcoNVEi/E N IE N T WV IM ' * U L O C AU T lO N S GUAKANTEW CRBOIT 7U-7U4w ate£qm iipl gujMnrStditoTD O pen SimdaQvI c o M n M iJ u ru i ii»M ^ . j.. txnmmum»§rZmnmi I ^------— 1— _—f— ^ - 'r - ■ - • f ■ ' ,■ ■■

. .. . ’ M I. IM . MmMHi M ; l i M mmiI -— ^ ...... ■ L a ill.- T r — N A S e2AR i IMS WEEK- Qualeeseekslkeytoqi]uidkqusalining• : w m G U P effort to dry th e tracljck. , P^»I400 Next race: USG Sheei>etn)ck400,,.. gfUifaBHBiw 8K« Daytona Beach, R a., July 9 . Joliet, III. . — Schfidule^S8tu^^ayrfacfriR»i r o t - . ------,5:30 p.m.). '■ -• TWINFALLS~BaB ru c e Q u ale i» a Camll- ' CRAFISMWTIntiicKS^: I tw k : Daytona lntematk>nai ior nam e to m o s t l y at die Magic Valley . ■ O’lMay Auto Panirts280 : •8peedM v(trkival,2.5 miles, Speedway. After allL QiQuale has been racing ■>®8. s it e : K an sa s City. Kara n .. s ■ 3 1 degrees banfdng In turns) ■ at MVS for m ore thanhan 16 years now, cap- H '^91- S ch ed u le: Saturday, rsrace ' Race distance: 400 miles, 16 turing his first of>f f fiv e tr a c k c h a m p l- ■ • Iw (Speed Channel, noor>ori)., laps.- o n s h ip s in 1994. QUaihlale also w on the fea* Tfaek: Kansas Speedvtdway (tr*- - ture division champmplonship at MVS in H - Last nee: Jeff Gordon com­ oval, 1.5 miles. 15 dack In Milwaukee 2 0 0 . Bens - G uy"ly" wasn't given in jest. Quajuale has besides whoeverrer said nIcc gu ^ always 10. Kevin Harvlck . 1,94.,945 (lie) John Andretti 1.711 I ' “We’ve learned Ihatihai diere Is a faster camcmed his well deserved respccp e c t fro m fin ish la st h iu nI’t ’t mi e t B ruce Q uale. 11. Denny Hamlin • 1,93.,936 14. Burney Lamar 1,710 l2j)W6-4usch 1,929 2 5 1 5 . M hto n Lewis 1.704 - 13TCartE^rds • 1.87 14. Kurt Busch 1,78■f^ Craftsman Trurucks 1. Todd Bodlns ,1,758 ^ 15. Casey Mears 1,76 2. David RBUllmann __1.632______t — 16rJamle’McMurray— 1773 ^ _ R a c m ggactionJ 1 ,6 2 8 : heats-up)at-M¥Si TOft 2- Benson 17. Ryan Newman' ' 1.73 -'30 4. Ted Musgrave 1,560 BytWaBrittai race. 18 . Clint Bowyer l,6 € -^ 5 5_ Jack Sprague 1.502 TfcnM Ncw> cocTwponiteii■tent • MVS Point Standingsn Balaalonccd Rock Eccuic and ' 1 9 . Elllon Sadler . 1,64 Je’s Electronics will present - ” 5 6 . Mike Bliss 1 ,483 I'Premier. . 7. RandyGnjGrubbs 278 20. Brian Vickers 1,61 TW IN FALLS — TUrr[\iming the PepsfP radng acdon at die Magic 7. Dennis Setzer • 1,463 page of the,calendar•tolulPnot to 1. Steve Jones,iS 4 2 4 8 . Dustin WilsonWII: 254 vUleyey Speedway tonight wldi Busch Series' 8. Rick Crawford 1 ,4 6 1 . ' only signals th e Qisi fuUfullmonih 2.BobbyLathanlarh - 420- 9. Shawp Nice..Nlc . 254 uieragates opening at 4'p.m .-and-- • 1 . Kevin Harvlck 2,641,647— 9.-Davld.Starr------—:— 1 .4 5 8 ------ofsummer. but alsosonsomeoTtHe 3. TJWoodhallill 3B0 1 0 . Oliver■Phipps Phi 222 ^ n flag radng at 7:05. 2. Denny Hamlin 2,30!,303 10. Ron Homaday 1.433 h o tte st la d n g a ctio nI of th e se a - 3 , Mike Sudden!enhagen 380 ll..Bruce1 HenryHe 222 son at the Ma^cglc VaUcy 5. Rob Vest 3 4 4 M sgfcCfcValleyPipe h b ^ m d w a y . ' 6 . Mike G re cy o - ...... -322 - . TbuMMinder Stoeks tills flm Saturday ofo f d1 ie n q w 6 . David F^tricKcK '3 2 2 1 . Craig Nuthluthak 374 ' month the Rocky Mrcck in die division^ delays in d ie rtice. ' tw o-thirds o f thle e iracc.bcfore17 points battlettle after a win last "W c go t in a w reck: at lop 30, WbodhaU nailedd hhis fiist win of dmcout'andjndJoshPitzlndicNa - ' b u t .u n bdlevably flnisiwIshed sev- the season afterfUddngovcrthe tx 47 car hasas moved In right e n th In th e rac e becausel u s e ltw a s le a d In ih e finalHaps. lo] ' . behind him.ilm. Jason Whiled shortened," Newhousouse ex- ■^werorcallyiily good bccause dropped frtinro m .'first to d ilrd In plained. we actually modeid e a lo n g run." d ie p o in t sti:standings after an ^ *Q'06 1/2 Toii Crew Cab I^dng at the Magicigic Valley Greco said of lalast* Saturday’s elghdi placece f finish in die June [. ‘0 7 C h e v y T a h o e Speedway this weekendaid. New- performance. *So'So far dlls year I7race. for 6 years or „ | house hopes to tum1 h is lu d : w c hhvcn't be ennoble al to moke a Randy Grutirubbs, driver of the E,‘\ 0% Financing ' ^^R cbates as higli^Sv- a ro u n d a n d th is couMivcrywdl ve nmllketluiLWestsstlllhaveacou- Na 26 ponyny : stock cor, took a Available - |j| be die place for It to[> happen,h pie diingswe needMdioteplaceon licking in diethe main event race ■ . i M > 5 0 0 M Nol only Is MVS Is hoirlometovm thecar.butoncev»wedothatdie two weekscs a g o a fte r a fte r U ll^ , for 3 Years V turf, but Ncwhouse wtwon die carwUIbeawtson:«me."headded. poundingdiedie fro n t stie tc h wall. pnrdous RMCS race heihere May Steve Jones3 and Bobby 'but sdll maiia;onaged to finish flfdi 13. Lath^.condnueue to step over, all-bc-itfromimawhcds-upposl* '06 Chevy CQbaltt - "We're looking forwiirward to each odier for diidie points lead , tionashcsUd^ d a lo n g th e asp h alt h o v ln g a track dust^ a littlelittli m o re fro m w eek to weeleekdilstirnelt^ for several yaiyards afier crossing for 6 years ^ racer-friendly,'' he saidid iregard- Jones who Is on top in the the finish line,ln e .G m b b s h a s be en or j m i ing tonight^ race. sta n d in g s com ingnglntoto'ni^t's putdnginoloalotofhouisrcf^- Rebates,of Quale came thiough'gh widi a 'race. Not/far behiishlndjonuand Ing the car :to to g e t it r a c e - r e a ^ - M , o o o m seventh place finish attSallLake Sa liiUiambmodUleiIfleddri^M ike fortoni^tbu:,butisconfielentthat a ty and an elfljidi placelace finish Buddenhagen andan( late-m&del eveiydiing wUw ill be* a g o fo r this in last week^d's race^ ra at driver Wtoodhall.U. i w h o a re d e d -evetilng% esplsode p b of tte Pony Meridian despite receiving rec for third In the stantandlngs follow- Stock division:Ion race. ^06 6 2500 Duram ax Diesc ‘06 Ch^yy Equinoxc damage to his ctf inin cone of ing '.Woodhall^1^ win and"* 'nicnswlllbill b e a n o th e r show ------many mishaps-duriniiring the Buddenhagen'sfadtfaohpl&cefinish— down in theK! ^M agic Vhlley Pipe 1 ^ 0 % for 6 . e v e n t • inlastwed^d^ci e v e n t . T h u n d er Stocku x k division l o n i ^ t | \ 0 % for 6 Xeara.^ D avid M l n e ^ o f Boisiioise,who. Bo(hLaiham;an;and Ne>^unise as the drivenCIS icondnue to fi^ t - B o r sta k ed h i- d a l m to flrstSt plapi ce In o re tentaU vely scheduled si to^- fortheirtumlrnlnthewinnerSdr- I Ig r Rebates^ \ the- stantUngB In thele Rocky drive in both diethe RMCS and de. Brian LopezLc^ won his first' I ■ * 2 ^ 0 0 I M ountain • Challenge;e Scries PremlerScricsevejiventstoni^ main eventt racera last Sattudoy I -H after taking the .winwin lost *X3sttimeoutwtwedkiifthave Qlgh(lndie.dhsdMslon'whlle Craig • f W Saturday n l ^ hiu ahvayvaysbeen our car set-up fofordieRocl^ Nudiak. drivertveroftheNa36car. L H . •Btot^cG^)etltoratI^MVSand Mountain Series."{."Ladumsald. 1 estendedhlslils le a d In d ie p o in t' ■ should.gtve the.locolil i driveiB:_ "ThlsdrncAvetagolgoing to bring t(^lstandiag9.afia It HATOTirt p)afy_ ple n ty .(o d e al w id t inI tonight^toi g u n to .a g u n flghtEhtlnsteadofa OnlsLNuduklok now hdds a 14- ■ i H / f N S i TS-bp main ewent race.e. knlfis.* point lead overovc 2005 Ihunder I 1 2 2 1 W . M a i n St.i f B o d e; • 208^7S-2221il ’ |xaiNAMMm'3 ShUtlng gears to die[he Pepsi' ' IheNAPAPonySlyStodawfflbe ...Stock dhdstonton champion DesI ■ Premier division. Mikela Grora let loose on the tntcladconceagaln .^ Ahrens. >«4ii]|4iUp Jim Howard 424&OneM a*l• Rapert*208<436.900i . drh«r of the No. 70 carr hhs a d o iM th is ev en in g b u ttthem th are^-', oco^es thele. t d ilrd sp o t in d ie B n i i of his best finishes In rei c e n t nlte ly n o runahvayfflyslndiedtvi* / staiidlngs ^^olng'lnto tonl^ti. H H ■ n a i ^

- > <- - 4 ------. ft ■ - ''4 Ml Mt, M*e' Martyr, )

I 1 L HI I B S SI Fow l} aBni$ifii|>ii>ap - Emptoyrowt-^ 10 ^ ™ I 9 FOUND TorchCh cutting agricultural AUTOMOTIVE COCONSTRUCT! w l CONSTRFr uctton system, Ploai f o h m u l a t o h for rc 'Auto Body Technician B»Bsckhoe Operators. • Experkincin cod C oncrete / . tact Tvrii^ Fails PUBlUBLIC NOinCE PUBUC NOTICE Ills County ,0^01 food mill Is look-loot Full-Umo. bonelils. LiLaborers and Truck Coostn>tructk>n w oriters. Actions planned and taken by. yourKoaroo..™™™ Ing for someone with wil Poy DOE. Coll tor 0Drivers needed. Poy WogeSi:Sl2-S25/hr OOE I iod(- appointment D irasumeto j Jorotno Ctiooso Com^ompany.'Jofomo, 10. will hold |oting in accordance lo IDAPA 1your right to know and lo be Infornformed ol what by female, uo Lakes od. ability to mult tors. Call Corky at *5B.01.0t.213.02(a)i(a) at 4:00 PM on July 13,2006 1your govarnmont Is doing. As soilself-govommonl lost . on Bluo rRUCnON ' diargos oil dlizons to bo Informixrmod, this news- Blvd S .'P inkink collar, task, good peopl AUTOMOTIVE 2°208-733-1017 or at ^ O N ^ al ir>o Bosi Wostomitom Sawtooth Inn, 2653 South ‘ liod, Mainlononce 4 light 21208-280-1560 Gombroi^oi Constructk>n paper ur|}os ovory cilizon to read rooi ond study . Indoorcot.212’12*1625 organlzoc kMking lor ; Lincoln. Jorotno., ID. TTio purposo er (ho mooting those.noticos. Wo advise those > ^------Benefits ' and pay pa body work ID Collision — ISO citttons who ' 77= — — — CONSTRUCTION Concralrala FInlatiera . will bo to discussss Joromo . Chooso Company's aoek , further information to exercise Ing dog, oOE. Please senMnd Coil for appt 733-8514 CC ; .PormtlloConstruchucl opplication for planned work ) wrt blue resume to: Concrete Lead Form and ULaborera. Pay I access public records and publicic n>mootings, collar. 3 mikis 1 (UlhoirJoromolacili'acility. )s south of P.O. Box 830 ^BOOKKEEPER setter and Rnlsher DOE CrCall 731-9230. I IMPORTANT Eden. ’Answer r . 'Local dairy feed mill '' wanted. ^ Coil 206-731- ' !u<^'°Cafl Wsndell, ID.TO15S Ploose address all legal odvertisingng 10:I nome of *Luc ____ seeking full-time 6172or206.260-1064a rn u c n o N ^ I : 'POBUSH:July1.2.32 .3 .4 and 5,2006 LEGAL ADVERTtSING ry Equipment ING 208-825-5729» ______[' = ' n Bdokkaeper. ■ Must The Times-News I have proficient ability CONSTRUCTION CG . Operator,or. & LatMrara PO Box'546 • LOST tovoblrd. jondoblo with • ProlecVNEP4EPA Availability U at am w ers to^ '• i S y ’! Issubjocttotho, for oil otfk:o & book- Drywall on Finisher wiih Twin Falls, Idaho ' )tienco. Please near Aceqmquia on • newspaper's keeping functk>ns. 3-5 . expertonco 0: heeded In oxporic 63303-0548 years accounting / h isumo 733-3460 7710, Buroau. of Land Loi Monagomont's Burtoy. 6/1SA)6, Rev Haikjy, Top poy. Coil '•m all to . . leword H standani of bookkeeping export- jj ::oll 260-0316 .Srwshono and Jorbiartiidgo Flokf Offices announce • found. 208-4:,-^^1740 oceopfonce. ■ enco preferred, Fast °2^94i:7607 , I S o ^ l . ■ itho availability of-lhiif-tho qoanoriy list ol proposed Doadlino n, lor legal ads: 3 days prtor ptloi to publico- 0^208-436-17: , Tho Vmos-Nows3 lOamer. dolail oriont- IBUCnON Nalional Environmoiimonlal Policy Act projects and tion, , noon on WoCnesdoy for Sundiunday. noon on LOST Torrlor.ar. male, reserves tho tighl'fo to ed, stellar attitude 10 cO « Tech COL .ouUK>ri2Qtlons. To0 rocoivoro a copy ol this list you ■; CONSTRUCTION IB Required, Thursday lor Monday, noon on FridayFrid lor Tuos- black, groy & white, odit. obbnvialo, . work in fast paced Experienced ( Steel m v ^ may call'pr wfitoito Iho Fiokl Manager al Ihe day c ond Wodnostfay, noon on Monday for waring collar > casual environment, « yfor lop person!' doclinoorproperiy Siders ond Helpers, in 206-320-2570 fpUowing e for elderly couple. - jobs, 1. Burloy. Rupert Dairy 1 400W.FStTMt srd. Call nowspaper Weekend doy shifts, J,, 352 'FOUND R cor key for a LOST Als and Pocatello,' noedoi« ' S . ■ • Shoshone, ID 633S2 ^ assum es lull Must bo honest & do- q . {208) 732-7200, Cadillac in Ihe area ol muio in Call 206-436-4927 work, torepairs, molnto- Hlland-ond-16*-St.T— oroa.-Fer•FomaIo.-2-3yr». 104.',,.,’< ' ; rosponslbmiylor-X- • - pendobie, Roferoncos ■ ------nonce! 1tTMChanlcond . ' ------' : J .I thef/uthrufcoofonfjnf roquirod,'SmokoA cO Jarbldg* FM d bmtIce.BLM c a !Burk>y;CalIlo identify, old, mcmostly block. ^ .--p iU w in s ! CONSTRUCTION milkinking. Housing ... 208-2600397.______Green,fi cc cotlor. Sho Is ■- w * : o t Iheir ed ’^/tlseror dmg Ireo onvirotT Experienced e , Framers ' availalilablo. salary .. 2536 KImborly.Rosda d ------.ment; 208-530-6860 ' - snd g, Laborers heeded "DOE.A;Apply wlth Brion ' ' FOUND Dogs Yellow ii„ ,n«i„. Twin FbIIs ,.10 63301301 F< In tho Twin Falls area, ot 258 LobI pup « a block ird $200. Plooso heanocled and ■= CARPENTRY ' 588 E 3500 N (208) 73S-2350 ^0a-6S4-2819. W ages DOE TWI Win FaBa tLob mix obout 3 yrs. ' • Looking AsUng Custom furniture 208-316-0198 . 208-:8-732-0576 Th'oso lists may also alsi bo found in each Fiokl ‘ok) & Gokfon Relriov- l q s t BBasseto: Hound, omoh 48- OuM tlona « manufadurer looking __ Olflco's main onlramranco or ar\jnlornol search can e < r pup on - intoretate -Lujy g©BootsTSyoara iSthe.out- . Conduct public for Experienced . bo conducfod usinging Ihe following soarch words: bflhveen f Oocio & Bur- qhj or Flnlsher/Bulkler. BmTHDATPHO^> T O S : Burloy NEPA, Sho;Shoshono NEPA. or Jarbidgo ley. J; Mile marker 213. block & w Woge DOE. Catl Coli208-431-4758. |y gone 4234001 o r 431-0719 Have you NEPA Kie through hip f flW TO JR?? ■ ' ^ S r ' - Dalo: Juno 22,200606 ■ FC iry. very distin- L - i ' 1 ' I " SALESIII forgotten to pickup yourbi'b irth d a y FOUND keys, on Foils Ing scar on hind >f«Cy.. Slrk:tly reseorch. . /s / Kon Millor V•Ave. E.. neor Twin Classified photos? r We have some pip h o to s w e diAioy Fiold Olfico ManagerMa. fFalls'lolls, Rob Green ors w/shaved n y iM > ' $7.00 lo$9.00/hour Roolly friendly. A Cosualwork P rivate are su re you don't w ant uui s to loss, /S/Lorf Armstrong keyh hoWor. Call to cqI?m P arty A ds aliar. lost by City PREGNANCYt CRISISC environment. T h ese can b e p ic k e di u 1 p a t : Shoshono Rold Ollicoilico Manager . i< RewordI Pkinse Free Tests. Always Fkixibto ovoning,' | /s/RickVandorVoQl« Use Ihe Ciossiriods WoShingtlington Park Froo Consukultotlon ot your diosms In mo Formal soalod bidsIs wwill be rocelvod.by State, oi. V, 733-0931 ext,2______Apts. 206-212-0576208 Colt 1-668-68686-2390. ctoMHWas. 733-0931 CLERICAL Idaho Military Oivislovision, al room 104. 4040 Wosi 1 ------Full-time posltton ...... Guard Slreot. Sois«loisa Idaho 83707-5004 untU knowledge of general '3:30 P.M. local. tintimo. on July' 20. 2006 lor otfico procedures, '0 Pro)ocl;-Twin FallsIs AAfmory-Ro-roof. Bids will bo some accounting ; oponod and publiclyiciy rood ot Iho above hour and H - knowledge helpful !}{as opEt\itt(^iJot tftefo’bffctving l (ioto In room 104.04. 4040 Wost Guard Street.. ™ must have ability lo positiojis.for suttimer cmpltpCoyment : Boiso1dah(>83707-5J7-5004. 'u se Word and Excel ------:------^Tho.proioci..locotoel9j , _ _ .Fails, Idaho. 63301?OUconsistp of soloctivo domo- puibr'”8klll's, Miui rd-"' ‘ •IITion and now coflsxmsinjctkx) of removal ol por- sume to Box 95498 • Trpnt(D es^'Attei^.enaants ' lio n s ol oxisling rool roo stnicluro ond mechanical CO 71)0 TlmoB'New* • C o o ^ _unlts lo ptovido1 for foi installation of now roof. P0BOXS46 ■ ■ 'Romovo oxiulingI wood wo polo ontonrmo and flag C Twin Falls, ID 83303 Apply online att ' • polo. Install now faitfoitory linlshod standing soam VAVw.mountainvillage}e.c6m . ' - I motal rooting systoiritom and a now entry with rool- CLERICAL ~ V ' ' ■ .trussos. slud wallsills and extortor finish syslom, Part-time Receptionist or fax resum e to gutters ond downswnspouts. columns, lootings, ' for low Tirm 8om-12pm (208)774-36477 boams and ossodat)datod mechanical and oloctri- submit Rocumo to Limited housing is avalmailable. ■ . . • woih. Tho projon«ral C o n tracto n , 1415 someone out there woivould love last j u J U ...... rwnRnlno. «nd riportng ptant KeKeypMtomanc^ Rllmoro. 703A,Twinrwin FaOs, W oho,83301 Ph: itorytnnaaE«Bn*.*r (206)734-1631 week’s model.- . )eu|pl stej; inct pwtarnlno MwrrrMMdduttwai rs • Mtx*y Took«y Arch.rch. LLP, 2417 Bank Dr. Suite : 302. Boiso, IdahoJ 83705K Ph: (2O8)-344-0:QOO »'«■ ftnri a dtgrM In Accewitlng andTort ' Bid'forms and intormi)rmation are available from Mr. Ina « qttiif r«l«t»d fiM; dwwM stid ' .Ctaylon Andorsonjn iCall. Room 104, Buikling Reserve your spai}ace today...... 600, Oowon Flow.k>. Bolso.'Waho.{ Phono (206)' 422-6752 or FAX12C;t206) 422-6769...... •.Abldbondfof S%oflof Iho total bkl amount, in d u d -' Ing sdd altomalos>s isIs requlnxf. Contractors and S ^ a l t y Conlracloiictors must hove a State ol : ' k W Public •Worksrks'Commctors lluonso appro- priatoforthoyrtKk.k. • d v p l j M Ouostions regardinging SHa visit, Stotemont of yew tMum Work. otc. con bo tiddroswd by conlocting d - l ^ l ffieds • . Mr. Joll Hill at (208208) 422-375Z ar FAX . (206; - ■ . -•422-3736of»-maiij«iiljeff.hiliOk>.ngb.army.mll. ' J m n * .Mr. Joff Hill win ooncin d u c t contractor lour of Ihe 733-0931 e x t 2 • FajiFax 734-5538 ' projcct, site to becom tamHlarUAd wHh l^o wprk 800-658-3^61J'ext2"- ‘ " ' at10;30amkxaltimitime, July 13,2Q06. ThoMdmatodcostlsjtlsS607.OOO 132 Fairfield S t W.: >- TWin Falls : Clayton B. Andorwn.>n. Contrading( Officer, Slate of twinadOmagicvail«iley,com -r - ktahoMUltaiyDlvfstotlaton I l O D S - ' / p.^BU8 H; July 1 andtxie,2006 e . l i

____ I, ...... ______I . • . ______^ U^atlrti^^il^y ta 1 .2 0 0 1 TImiNiwi.1e,TiiHM s,l^ M
