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Mar 09 ALL Compressed.Pub EHC CELEBRATING COMMCOMMUNITYUNITY SINCE 1980 Ethnic Heritage Council M A R C H 2 0 0 9 EHC Annual Awards Dinner March 27, 2009 @ NHM Please join us for our 28 th Annual ers, Raman was trained in Carnatic Awards Dinner, Friday, March 27, music which he has performed and 2009, Celebrated at Nordic Heri- taught to 100’s of Indian kids, pro- th tage Museum, 3014 NW 67 St., viding a rare opportunity to those by Photo JalSchrof EHC © Seattle, WA 98117. Tickets: $40. that made this land their home to Pre-Paid Reservations Only. Reser- keep their heritage alive. vation Deadline: Friday, March The Aspasia Phoutrides Pulakis 20, 2009 . Reservation form: Memorial Award is given annually or Join us in honoring Martha Brice , to an individual who has contrib- call: 206-443-1410 to make your Peter Pawluskiewicz & Nat V. Raman , uted significantly to a Northwest reservation. at EHC’s 28th Annual Awards Dinner ethnic community. Photo above: Tlingit member, Gene Evening Schedule: 6pm - Social Tagaban, performing at EHC’s 2007 This year we have two honorees, Hour & Museum Tour; La Mez- Naturalization Ceremony. Martha is an Peter Pawluskiewicz of the Polish zanotte Strolling Musicians ; 7pm - adopted member of the Tlingit People. community, and Martha Brice , International Cuisine Dinner by adopted member of the Tlingit Peo- IKEA. Following Dinner: EHC Board ples. Peter Pawluskiewicz has Ethnic Heritage Council’s Introductions; Awards Ceremony; brought together people from his Cultural Performances & Raffle. birth land of Poland and those 28th Annual In 2009 we honor 3 members of our “Polish at heart” through music, Awards Dinner local ethnic communities—leaders language and laughter. Martha and role models who have taken the Brice , former managing Director of Friday, March 27, 2009 time to give something back to Red Eagle Soaring, established in @ Nordic Heritage Museum their own community and the com- 1990, is a believer in the RES mis- 206-443-1410; [email protected] munity at large, and we are ever so sion and has strived for that goal, grateful! “to empower American Indian and The Gordon Ekvall Tracie Memo- Alaskan Native Youth through tra- rial Award is given to an ethnic ditional and contemporary per- forming arts.” Safeco Insurance performing artist who has made significant contributions to the de- Please honor these three extraordi- FESTÁL velopment and presentation of the nary community members with us, at SEATTLE CENTER traditional arts in our community. March 27, 2009, at Nordic Heritage Museum. This year we honor Mr. Nat V. Ra- Irish Festival man , an accomplished classical mu- Do you have an item for our an- March 14-15 & 17 sician. Mr. Raman, (friends in Seat- nual raffle? A special item from tle simply call him Raman), born your worldly travels you can do- FREE! and raised in India, a civil and nate? If so, bring your item along structural engineer by training, to the dinner and we will add 206-684-7200 moved to Seattle in the 60’s. In- your special item to the raffle ta- spired by his grandmother and oth- ble! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Telling Our Stories EHC Annual Awards Dinner 1 Irish Week 2009 2 Discovering Our Heritage “Tell YOUR story”! Everyone has one! In doing so, you will be re- St. Urho Party minded of what has been and what is important to you. Your story is a Persian Nooroz Celebration 3 part of history - a story to be shared with your family and with others. Begin by thinking about your life… a special life experience; holiday Calendar of Ethnic Events 4-5 celebration; your immigration story (or that of your relative)… to name Frank DeMiero Jazz Festival 6 a few. Write it down or let us know when you are ready to share and we can even arrange an “assistant” to help you get it down on paper! EHC at Governor’s Mansion 7 ~ More Telling Our Stories to come in APRIL ~ Folk Arts in WA State Parks Join Us! 8 P AGE 2 E T HN I C H ERITAGE C OUNCIL — M A R C H 2 0 0 9 N EWSLETTER Irish Festival—March 14-15 & 17 @ Seattle Center Discover more … they wrote, "Wild Branch on the Olive Irish tunes, step dancing and the Tree," a book about their relation- festivals/festal/ Irish jig breathe Irish spirit and life ship. After the show ended, he and into the Irish Week Festival. Festival- Rabbi Levine founded Camp Brother- goers can participate in Gaelic hood outside M ount Vernon, a 200- Irish Week games, trace their own Irish history acre "family friendly" retreat where March 7-17, 2009 with the help of genealogists or take people from different faiths and eth- Saturday, March 7—Irish Irish language lessons. Enjoy Irish nic backgrounds learn from one an- Soda Bread Contest, 2pm, T movies, cultural exhibits and demon- other. Fr. Treacy still serves on its S McHugh's Restaurant, 1st & strations, mingle with Irish celebri- Board of Directors. Mercer, Seattle. ties and have a "great craic" (Gaelic Seattle Center’s Safeco Insurance Sunday, March 8—Irish Genealogy for "a great time"). Presented by the Festál presented by Seattle Center in Conference , 10:30 am - 6:30 pm, Sand Irish Heritage Club of Seattle. partnership with community organiza- Point Education Center, 6208 60th Ave Did you know? tions, is a year-long series of FREE NE, Seattle. Speakers from the Ulster events that honors the cultural richness Historical Foundation. Fr. William Treacy was born in Ire- land in 1919, entered the priesthood and diversity of the Pacific Northwest. Friday, March 13—Irish Week Procla- in 1944 and came to the Seattle area Safeco Insurance Festál plays a vital mation Luncheon , Noon. At F X in 1945, where he served as a parish part in Seattle Center efforts to connect McRory's Restaurant, Seattle Mayor our dynamic and varied communities. priest until, in 1960, he became the Greg Nickels and Ireland's Attorney This collection of 22 events is pre- Catholic representative on the inter- General Paul Gallagher SC other dig- sented with the generous support of nitaries will be in attendance to issue faith television program, "Challenge." Safeco Insurance, Wells Fargo, Verizon The program included a Jewish Rabbi City, State and County Proclamations Wireless and KUOW 94.9 Public Radio. of Irish Week 2009. and a Protestant clergyman and aired Additional support is provided by The for 14 years on KOMO-TV. Through Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, The Green Stripe Laying , 7 pm, on 4th Ave the program, Fr. Tracy and Rabbi Boeing Company, Seattle Center Fund from Jefferson. Raphael Levine, a Lithuanian by and the City of Seattle. Visit: Continued on page 7, Irish Week birth, became friends and together Munch, Crunch, Slurp! They’re Back!!! - March 20th Skandia & Katrilli Finnish Folkdancers taalta hiiteen!” In other words, partner as there will be many oppor- - St. Urho Party/Dance - Friday, “You, get the heck out of the vine- tunities to dance including the ele- March 20, 7:30pm, Cedar Valley yards of Finland or else! Shaking gant and ever so subtle Grange. with uncontrollable fear, the grass- “Grasshopper Humppa.” hoppers hastily left Finland. Once Munch, crunch, creep, crawl, munch There will be the usual intense com- again, the world was able to enjoy munch! Yummy, Finnish grapes are petition for the crowning of the new the premium wines from Finland. soooo good! Hey gang; look there is St. Urho and Urholiina. Practice the Prozac was no longer needed and a another vineyard with some more chant at home so that you may have sense of calm and happiness encom- serious munching! Life is good!!! an opportunity for this great honor. passed the world. (The recent elec- Wearing a crown of grapes is always As the hordes of grasshoppers deci- tions may have helped!) quite becoming. Unwanted door mated the vineyards of Finland, wine Skandia and Katrilli Finnish Folk- prizes and an array of tasty treats mavens throughout the world went dancers will honor this great hero, will be offered during the break. into a collective state of depression Friday, March 20 th , Cedar Valley Invite your friends and families are as they realized that Finnish wines Grange. Come at 7:30 p.m. to learn also encouraged to attend. The St. might never again make it into their some sprightly and fun Finnish mix- Urho party is a good way to intro- wine cellars. As the voracious ers and a grasshopper set dance. duce people to a Skandia event. Ad- creepy crawly green hoppers contin- Katrilli will also teach a mazurka that mission: $7 for members and $10 ued to dine off the succulent Finnish can be done with or without a part- for non-members. Cedar Valley grapes, the sales of Prozac skyrock- ner. You’ll have to come to see how Grange is located at 20526 52 nd W, eted. Without the precious wines this can be done! Folk Voice will be- Lynnwood, WA. Grasshoppers are from Finland, the world indeed was gin playing at 8:30 p.m. Folk Voice not invited! in a sad state. plays with a multitude of instru- Please pay appropriate homage to St. With fortitude and great courage, ments so the music will be varied Urho by wearing either purple or St.Urho came to the rescue. He was and ever so danceable. There will be green. For further information re- not one bit afraid of the green creepy lots of mixers, tangos, perhaps even garding proper attire or etiquette for marauding critters.
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