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EHC CELEBRATING COMMCOMMUNITYUNITY SINCE 1980 Ethnic Heritage Council M A R C H 2 0 0 9 EHC Annual Awards Dinner March 27, 2009 @ NHM Please join us for our 28 th Annual ers, Raman was trained in Carnatic Awards Dinner, Friday, March 27, music which he has performed and 2009, Celebrated at Nordic Heri- taught to 100’s of Indian kids, pro- th tage Museum, 3014 NW 67 St., viding a rare opportunity to those by Photo JalSchrof EHC © Seattle, WA 98117. Tickets: $40. that made this land their home to Pre-Paid Reservations Only. Reser- keep their heritage alive. vation Deadline: Friday, March The Aspasia Phoutrides Pulakis 20, 2009 . Reservation form: Memorial Award is given annually or Join us in honoring Martha Brice , to an individual who has contrib- call: 206-443-1410 to make your Peter Pawluskiewicz & Nat V. Raman , uted significantly to a Northwest reservation. at EHC’s 28th Annual Awards Dinner ethnic community. Photo above: Tlingit member, Gene Evening Schedule: 6pm - Social Tagaban, performing at EHC’s 2007 This year we have two honorees, Hour & Museum Tour; La Mez- Naturalization Ceremony. Martha is an Peter Pawluskiewicz of the Polish zanotte Strolling Musicians ; 7pm - adopted member of the Tlingit People. community, and Martha Brice , International Cuisine Dinner by adopted member of the Tlingit Peo- IKEA. Following Dinner: EHC Board ples. Peter Pawluskiewicz has Ethnic Heritage Council’s Introductions; Awards Ceremony; brought together people from his Cultural Performances & Raffle. birth land of Poland and those 28th Annual In 2009 we honor 3 members of our “Polish at heart” through music, Awards Dinner local ethnic communities—leaders language and laughter.
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