SO MUCH MORE Unlocking opera for all.

© Jonathan Vanderweit Unlocking opera for all. OPERA AT THE CENTER.

Everyone has their reasons for loving opera: spectacle, dramatic theater, expressive music, soaring vocals. What’s your reason? Opera is an ultimate expression of the human condition: despair, heartache, Photo © NBBJ, Illustration by MOTYW injustice, joy, humor, love. It celebrates Seattle Opera is ready to do so much more in how we share this incredible art. While where we’ve been, we present our performances and programs in the dazzling Marion Oliver McCaw who we are, and Hall and throughout the community, our administrative and production spaces are currently in a building at the end of its useful life. After careful consideration, Seattle who we want to be. Opera’s Board of Directors has found a solution: to replace , an unused Whatever opera building now blighting the campus, with a world-class civic home for means to you, it’s opera adjacent to McCaw Hall and at the heart of our Theatre District. With a new important to us. community resource on the former Mercer Arena site, Seattle Opera can:

• Serve thousands more with dedicated space for dynamic Education and Community Engagement programs to meet the growing needs of our broad community. • Create an environment for world-class artistry in a new, purpose-built facility. • Establish a welcoming and accessible community resource on the Seattle Center campus; inviting visitors to explore our city’s arts and cultural home.


SEATTLEOPERA.ORG/ATTHECENTER 2 TODAY? WHO IS SEATTLE OPERA and four continents. earned aninternational reputation thathasdelighted people from 50 states, 33 countries, For 53 years, Seattle Opera has enriched thecultural landscape of the Pacific Northwest and in thearts. outstanding city, thanks innosmallpart to key investments has translated into real benefits forthecityasawhole. But asthequote from theSuper Bowl parade suggests,thismission excellence andcompellingtheater hasbeen ourguidingcompass. cultural attractions. Since1963,SeattleOpera’s commitment to musical best for itsopera. Alongtime resident from thecrowd said,“We have the 2014 Super Bowl victoryandour12thManparade, Seattle wasnoted In thesame Ring cycle inthe world,” goingon topointoutour many artsand New York Times York New

© Jonathan Vanderweit articlethatcovered Seattle’s incredible • • • • • Seattle Opera Deeply embeddedinthecommunity, we explore Our Education and Community Engagement Radio broadcasts onKingFM reach more than the Seattle Monorail! Theatre. Theseartisanseven fixed thedoorson organizations like MoPOP andthe5thAvenue costume artisansregularly build elements for Symphony Orchestras, andourscenic and programs withMOHAI andtheSeattle Youth Symphony inourpit,develop integrated youth community Pacific Northwest duringWWII. stories ofJapanese-Americans interned inthe created by Seattle Opera andbased on thetrue world premiere of audiences. InAugust 2015 we presented the new ways to engage loyal supporters andnew this growth. new space isessential to maintainandincrease Hall from 2012 to 2015 (from 25,000 to 80,000), children andadults served ages 2to 102. programs serve opera lovers andopera novices 800,000 listeners eachseason. live opera performance atMcCaw Hall. More than 95,000 people ayear . We employ theSeattle After triplingthenumberof supports theentire arts SEATTLEOPERA.ORG/ATTHECENTER An American Dream Seattle isan outsideofMcCaw experience a , awork

3 IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS ONSTAGE. Seattle Opera is a pillar of our community, affecting both civic life and our regional economy as the largest arts employer in the state. A forecast prepared by Professor William B. Beyers of the University of estimated that Seattle Opera’s 2013 Ring had a total economic impact of $39 million, supporting 755 jobs. Opera lovers came to Seattle for an unforgettable experience and supported our economy through travel, dining, accommodations, and other related expenditures.

OUR CITY IS GROWING. All of this makes Seattle Opera important in the life of our city. We’ve all watched the redevelopment of the South Lake Union neighborhood with smart offices for the innovations of tomorrow. More people than ever before call Seattle home, with 2012 census data revealing that urban growth is now outpacing that of the suburbs. Growth provides opportunities to do things differently – to experiment and to invest. Smart growth propels us forward, making a better place for everyone in our community. The company that made Seattle a world-class destination for opera is ready to be at the heart of this transformation.

“It was interesting to hear how this production affected so many of my students emotionally, even my big rough and tough manly guys. The live orchestra, sets, costumes, lighting and vocal performance were incredibly powerful.”

­— David Miser, a stagecraft teacher at Shelton Schools sharing about his students’ participation in Seattle Opera’s Experience Opera program for La Bohème. © Alan Alabastro, 2011 Alabastro, © Alan

SEATTLEOPERA.ORG/ATTHECENTER 4 You probably connect Seattle Opera with our performing DAY-TO-DAY OPERATIONS TAKE home in McCaw Hall. But our day-to-day operations take PLACE IN A BUILDING AT THE END place in the Fred Rogers Building, a partially-converted OF ITS USEFUL LIFE. warehouse in South Lake Union. • Most rehearsals take place in a converted warehouse where acoustics are subpar and the space is less than half the size of the McCaw Hall stage with its superb, purpose-built facilities. • By reducing 200 travel miles each season, we will reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 4,400 lbs. • Artists make more than 350 trips per production between rehearsal venues, requiring the services of an army of volunteers and managing staff. • Our Wig Department has no dedicated space; they conduct fittings with artists from around the world in a hallway next to a freight elevator. • Every season more than 30 52-foot semi-trucks filled with supplies are packed, shipped, and unloaded repeatedly at venues across the city. , Elise Bakketun 2013 , Elise Bakketun La bohème La

“One winter we enjoyed a production with a large chorus, a beautiful set, and captivating dancers. With only two rooms large enough to accommodate each of the three groups, the chorus had to rehearse in an unheated section of the warehouse in the winter.” ­ — Vinnie Feraudo, Seattle Opera Director of Production SEATTLEOPERA.ORG/ATTHECENTER 5 OUR VISION

This project opens many doors for Seattle Opera and for our great city. With a purpose-built home on the Seattle Center campus, we can do more than ever before to unlock opera for all.

Our new facilities will allow Seattle Opera to vastly INTEGRATED improve its day-to-day operations and long-term OPERATIONS partnership opportunities. The centralized location will enable Seattle Opera both to support other local arts and non-profit organizations (such as KCTS, EMP, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Pacific Northwest Ballet, and Seattle Repertory Theatre) and to work with performance companies from across the country, generating additional economic opportunity for our city.

Not only does this project secure an improved community A CORNERSTONE resource facility for Seattle Opera; it brings a whole host TO THE THEATER of creative enterprises to Seattle Center’s Theatre District. With additional capacity that goes beyond Seattle Opera’s DISTRICT needs, partnerships and opportunities are being explored with leaders in the creative sector including both non-profit and for-profit organizations.

Photo © NBBJ, Illustration by MOTYW

SEATTLEOPERA.ORG/ATTHECENTER 6 Our most active and accessible Education and Community community-wide service, our Education Engagement Programs and Community Engagement programs, People Directly Served are bursting at the seams! Total live attendance, excluding radio audiences, is 250K up dramatically to 80,000 in the 2014/15 season alone. And we have plans to grow 200K our service to reach 200,000 by 2018. Seattle Opera at the Center allows more 150K people to experience the magic of opera. With a modern, versatile facility we can 100K serve opera lovers and opera novices through programs of discovery, creation, 50K play, and performance. 0 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY18

Arts and cultural institutions like Seattle Opera are fundamental in helping a region to grow with inventiveness and purpose. Investing in Seattle Opera is an investment in all of Seattle. • Annually, Seattle Opera generates more than $24 million for our region in direct economic impact from ticket sales, employment, products and services consumed, and an estimated $3 million in secondary expenditures, such as hotel, parking, restaurant, and taxi fares. Seattle Opera at the Center allows for more opera and community interaction, which in turn generates more economic impact in our region.*

*Source: Americans for the Arts Arts & Economic Prosperity IV Calculator.

Lilly, age 10, loves the “creative costumes and cool sets” that she sees at Family Day for operas like Cinderella and The Daughter of the Regiment. When she goes home, she’s inspired to design her own fantastic costumes, like the one you see here. Opera unleashes Lilly’s imagination, and offers the mother-daughter time that Ellen, her mom, treasures.

SEATTLEOPERA.ORG/ATTHECENTER 7 Education and Community Engagement: INVESTING IN ARTS FOR ALL As a leading arts organization in both the Puget Sound region and international arts arena, Seattle Opera has a civic responsibility to enrich the lives of our community to our utmost capacity. However, we are limited in advancing this mission because of our current facilities. With a new purpose-built community resource, we can make aggressive strides in the growth and development of our Education and Community Engagement programs.

Our programs: • Reflect and inspire creativity • Foster lifelong learning • Provide multiple points of entry into the world of opera • Facilitate meaningful exchange • Build capacity for opera These guidelines take those we serve beyond traditional classroom and dress rehearsal settings, and into the heart of community connection. A new, purpose-built space will act as a “home base” for further developing our wonderful education programs.


• Elementary students exploring music and natural sciences by participating in Seattle Opera’s Our Earth © Jonathan Vanderweit children’s opera • High school teens learning hands-on stagecraft and performance technique in our opera camps and workshops • Community members of all ages joining in our Adult Education & Trivia series with Seattle University. With your help, Seattle Opera at the Center will foster elements of discovery, creation, play, and performance through new and expanded programs, providing more diversity in the ways our community members can connect to the arts and to each other.


We benefit today from the generous community investments made throughout Speight Jenkins’ extraordinary, three-decade tenure as General Director. Now, building on this strong artistic foundation, our new General Director Aidan Lang has a vision to take Seattle Opera beyond the mainstage. We aim to connect every child and adult in our region to the magic of opera. But our facilities stand in the way of making these dreams a reality.

• We are unable to provide year-round LACK OF PURPOSE- programming. Without suitable BUILT, RELIABLE SPACE space for opera camps, youth chorus rehearsals, discussion groups, recitals, FOR EDUCATION AND workshops, etc., every initiative COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT requires a unique search for a venue PROGRAMS that too often is not an ideal setting. • Due to obscure and inconvenient access, the main administrative and rehearsal spaces are challenging for those with mobility concerns. • Youth programs require the transportation of children, a costly and liability prone endeavor. • Synergy is limited without a central space for all programs. When offerings do not take place where the art is created, we miss opportunities to inspire and educate our community. • Partnerships are uneven as we cannot offer space to co-host programs with our colleagues in the arts and non- profit communities. Philip Newton

SEATTLEOPERA.ORG/ATTHECENTER 9 • A THE CENTER INCLUDE: BENEFITS OFSEATTLE OPERA AT to connect withourcommunity like never before! And withtheadvantages ofanewbuilding, we willbeable no oneisturnedaway due to budget oropportunity gaps. learning. Withfree andaffordable programs, we ensure that livelihood through artistic collaboration andlifelong Seattle Opera’s commitment to improving theregion’s level ofaccess andinclusion can beachieved through through direct engagement programs by 2018. Thishigher Our goal isto reach atleast 200,000 children andadults • • • • Collaborative programs andservices through Upgraded andadditional Multiple coaching rooms, to partnership openness andaccessibility to ourneighborsandvisitors. Visibility event settings. our professional operatic services andprovide improved and artistic growth. in mindfor diverse programming andengagement. multimedia community room into thebuilding, upholding ourprinciples of withothercommunity organizations. rehearsal space enhance individuallearning , designedwithflexibility , to advance SEATTLEOPERA.ORG/ATTHECENTER

© Jonathan Vanderweit such asthisone... through programs age-appropriate accessible and in a way thatis experience thearts “Students needto program. Opera’s Hills Elementary, onSeattle Music Specialist atLakeland ­— Sarah Samuelson, the future.” experiences in more positive arts sets thestage for future learning, and It prepares themfor Opera Goesto School

10 a desirable placeto live. We want to keep itthat way.” “The Opera isanessential partoftheartslandscape. That’s a bigreason why Seattleissuch • todoor ourartistichome.There hasnever been abetter time to act: the company’s operations inonecentralized, efficient location next Since McCaw Hallopened in2003,there hasbeen adesire to unite IS NOW IS THE TIME Das Rheingold, Seattle Opera, © 2013 Elise Bakketun Two critical lease agreements require action. Rogers Building expires. resource for Seattle Opera before thelease ontheFred opportunity to transform thelocation into awelcoming to prevent dramatic rate increases. Thisprovides the possession oftheMercer Arena site onJuly 1,2014 And theBoard ofDirectors voted unanimously to take Street) willexpire in2018 withnoviable optionto renew. facility (theFred Rogers Building located at1020 John Opera’s lease onitsmainadministrative andrehearsal — Dow Constantine, King County Executive, Seattle Opera subscriber and donorsince 2005 Seattle • SDOT’s completion oftheMercer Corridor project in in large part dueto theshuttered Mercer Arena. With north endofcampus feels disconnected andlifeless, the center ofourregion’s artsandcultural life. Butthe entered itsnext 50 years, ready to continue itsrole at at thesamepace asthecommunity Seattle Opera attheCenter willhelpgrow ourservice Center willunlock opera for all. dwellers ofLower QueenAnne, Seattle Opera atthe expand, from theGates Foundation to theapartment many visitingthecampus. As ourneighborsgrow and extending theTheatre District to thepointofentryfor Opera attheCenter alignsclosely withthisopportunity, will beopento more visitors thanever before. Seattle 2018, Seattle Center, andespecially itsTheatre District, SEATTLEOPERA.ORG/ATTHECENTER .

Seattle Center has 11 For more information, email [email protected] orcall 206-389-7669. throughimpact lasting shared our experiences art. in operaand community to ensure a futurebright for our families. Together, makecan a we Your support is essential. We can’t wait to joinwith forces you and rest the our of revitalize theSeattle Center Theatre District. Itwillmake ourcitymore livable andeachofourlives more vibrant. Opera attheCenter willpropel your opera company into itsnext50 years, revolutionize service to ourcommunity, and This opportunityisaboutjoiningtogether to secure Seattle Opera asaworld-class company inaworld-class city. Seattle COMMUNITY’S FUTURE A WISE INVESTMENT INOUR SEATTLEOPERA.ORG/ATTHECENTER 12

© Alan Alabastro