Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99 (2016) 235–246

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Gondwanian relicts and oceanic dispersal in a cosmopolitan radiation of euedaphic ground q ⇑ Carmelo Andújar a,b, , Arnaud Faille c, Sergio Pérez-González d, Juan P. Zaballos d, Alfried P. Vogler a,b, Ignacio Ribera e a Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK b Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, Silwood Park Campus, Ascot SL5 7PY, UK c Zoologische Staatssammlung München, Münchhausenstraße 21, 81247 Munich, Germany d Departamento de Zoología y Antropología Física, Facultad de Biología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain e Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (CSIC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Passeig Maritim de la Barceloneta 37-49, 08003 Barcelona, Spain article info abstract

Article history: Anillini are a tribe of minute, euedaphic ground beetles (Carabidae) characterized by the loss of eyes, loss Received 26 October 2015 of wings and high levels of local endemism. Despite their presumed low dispersal, they have a nearly Revised 18 February 2016 cosmopolitan distribution, including isolated islands such as New Zealand and New Caledonia. We used Accepted 11 March 2016 a time calibrated molecular phylogeny to test, first, if the tribe as currently understood is monophyletic Available online 26 March 2016 and, second, whether the time of divergence is compatible with an early vicariant diversification after the breakup of Gondwana. We sequenced portions of 6 mitochondrial and 3 nuclear genes for 66 specimens Keywords: in 17 genera of Anillini plus 39 outgroups. The resulting phylogenetic tree was used to estimate the time Anillini of diversification using two independent calibration schemes, by applying molecular rates for the related Endogean beetles Tectonic vicariance genus Carabus or by dating the tree with fossil and geological information. Rates of molecular evolution Molecular clock calibration and lineage ages were mostly concordant between both calibration schemes. The monophyly of Anillini Molecular phylogeny was well-supported, and its age was consistent with a Gondwanian origin of the main lineages and an initial diversification at ca. 100 Ma representing the split between the eyed Nesamblyops (New Zealand) and the remaining Anillini. The subsequent diversification, including the split of the Nearctic and the subsequent splits of Palaearctic lineages, was dated to between 80 and 100 Ma and thus was also compatible with a tectonic vicariant origin. On the contrary, the estimated age of the New Caledonian blind Orthotyphlus at ca. 30 ± 20 Ma was incompatible with a vicariant origin, suggesting the possibility of trans-oceanic dispersal in these endogean beetles. Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction endogeans sensu Giachino and Vailati, 2010) show varying degrees of adaptation to the conditions underground, with a general trend Soils have been described as one of the remaining biotic fron- to size reduction, depigmentation, shortening of extremities, loss tiers (André et al., 1994), harboring an astonishing amount of life of eyes and loss of flight capacity (Eisenbeis and Wichard, 1987; that may hold more than 1/4 of species diversity on Earth Gisin, 1943). (Decaëns et al., 2006). A poorly known portion of this diversity is For many euedaphic , and particularly beetles, taxo- found in the deep layers of the soil (Jeffery et al., 2010), a complex nomic studies have shown a clear pattern of high diversity and and heterogeneous environment characterized by the absence of micro-endemicity. Illustrative cases are found within the Leptoty- light, a water-saturated atmosphere and buffered temperature phlini (Staphylinidae; Fancello et al., 2009), Bothrideridae (Dajoz, fluctuations (Eisenbeis and Wichard, 1987). Species inhabiting this 1977), Reicheini (Carabidae; Casale, 2009) and Anillini (Carabidae; environment (euedaphics sensu Eisenbeis and Wichard, 1987; Jeannel, 1963; Giachino and Vailati, 2011; Pérez-González and Zaballos, 2013; Sokolov and Kavanaugh, 2014; Giachino, 2015). Phylogenetic community analyses based on molecular data have q This paper was edited by the Associate Editor Francesco Frati. also shown that the adaptation to the deep soil layers promotes ⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK. community phylogenetic clustering and high levels of local E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Andújar). endemicity (Andújar et al., 2015). In other groups such as 1055-7903/Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 236 C. Andújar et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99 (2016) 235–246 collembolans and annelids, thought to include few species with Jeannel (1963) (Phanerodontes and Aphaenodontes) and subtribes wider distributions, recent molecular work has also revealed high proposed by Jeanne (1973) (Typhlocharina, Scotodipnina and cryptic diversity and strong geographical structure (Cicconardi Anillina). Most genera (11) are from the west Palearctic region et al., 2013). (from the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco to Turkey), with further Despite this general trend to form geographically isolated enti- exemplars from USA, Mexico, Tanzania, New Caledonia and ties, some euedaphic groups show transcontinental or even world- New Zealand. We newly sequenced 54 specimens from 14 genera, wide distributions when considering larger clades. This is the case whereas sequences for the remaining taxa were retrieved from of the endogean ground beetles of the tribe Anillini (subfamily Genbank, including Nesamblyops from New Zealand. Thirty-eight ), which are distributed through all continents but additional taxa were included as outgroups, including Bembidini, Antarctica, including isolated islands such as Madagascar, New Tachyini, , Zolini, Xystosomina and Pogonini, which repre- Zealand, New Caledonia, Hawaii, Galapagos, the Seychelles and sent major lineages within the subfamily Trechinae that includes some Mediterranean islands. In the last global taxonomic revision Anillini. Ildobates neboti Español, 1966 (Carabidae, Harpalinae, of Anillini, Jeannel (1963) divided the then 139 known species in Zuphiini) was used to root the tree (Ribera et al., 2006; Hunt two main ‘‘divisions” (Phanerodontes and Aphaenodontes) and et al., 2007). Specimens were generally collected from soil samples 11 morphological lineages, a classification subsequently modified using extraction methods (Berlese, 1905; Normand, 1909) or sift- by Jeanne (1973) and extended to 12 lineages by Vigna-Taglianti ing forest litter and directly placed in absolute ethanol, either by (1973). Currently, approximately 520 species of Anillini are known the authors or provided by collaborators (see Tables S1 and S2 in (JPZ, unpublished data). All known Anillini are flightless, and only Appendix S1 for details). four species retain eyes, of which two belong to the genus Nesamblyops from New Zealand; the other two are Microdipnodes 2.2. DNA extraction and sequencing tshuapanus Basilewsky 1960 and Cryptorites scotti Jeannel 1950, both from central Africa and placed by Jeannel in the large lineage DNA was extracted non-destructively from whole specimens of Microtyphlus, distributed over most of Africa, Europe and using Qiagen extraction kits (Hilden, Germany). Voucher speci- Australia. mens and DNA aliquots are kept in the IBE (CSIC-UPF, Barcelona) How the Anillini have reached their current distribution is and NHM (London). Four DNA fragments were PCR amplified and intriguing. For other taxa with subterranean species and similar sequenced, including: (i) the 30 end of the cox1 gene (753 bp); continent-wide distributions, such as the Molopini ground beetles (ii) the 30 end of the rrnL gene plus the complete trnL and the 50 (Casale and Ribera, 2008) or the Leptodirini cave beetles (Fresneda end of nad1 (779 bp); (iii) a fragment of the SSU nuclear et al., 2011), it has been shown that the traditionally recognized ribosomal gene (630 bp); and (iv) a fragment of the LSU nuclear taxa were polyphyletic due to the inclusion of unrelated lineages ribosomal gene (1000 bp). PCRs were made using PuReTaq exhibiting similar morphologies resulting from convergence. In Ready-To-Go PCR beads (GE Healthcare, UK) or Biotaq Polymerase the case of Anillini, Jeannel (1937, 1963) proposed the monophyly (Bioline, London, UK), with 39 cycles using 48–52 °C as the anneal- of the group and a Gondwanian origin, a proposal that has been ing temperature. The primers used for each gene fragment are generally accepted by other authors, although sometimes ques- given in Table S3 in Appendix S1. Additional sequences for tioned (e.g. Erwin, 1982). Based on this hypothesis, the Anillini the above markers and for two additional gene fragments were would have diversified following tectonic vicariance after the retrieved from Genbank, including: (v) the 30 end of cox1, trnL breakup of Gondwana, with subsequent dispersion only possible and the initial portion of cox2 (641 bp); and (vi) the nuclear inter- through temporary land bridges from sea level changes and tec- nal transcriber spacer 2 (ITS2)(448 bp). Altogether, 203 new tonic movements or by overseas dispersion among continents sequences were generated (194 for the ingroup) and 109 were and islands. obtained from public repositories (10 for the ingroup) (Andújar We conducted a molecular phylogenetic analysis of Anillini et al., 2011; Contreras-Díaz et al., 2007; Faille et al., 2010, 2013, including 9 of the 12 main lineages proposed by Jeannel (1963) 2012, 2011; Maddison and Ober, 2011; Maddison et al., 1999; and Vigna-Taglianti (1973), and representatives of the American, Maddison, 2012; Ribera et al., 2006; Sokolov, 2007). Sequence Palaearctic, African, New Zealand and New Caledonian fauna, to accession numbers are provided in Table S1 in Appendix S1. test whether (i) the tribe Anillini as currently understood is monophyletic; (ii) the main lineages proposed by Jeannel form 2.3. Alignment and dataset concatenation monophyletic entities; (iii) the estimated ages of divergence are compatible with a Gondwanian origin of Anillini and the vicariant Sequences were aligned using the online version of MAFFT diversification after the breakup of Gondwana; and (iv) the 6.240 (Katoh and Toh, 2008a; Katoh et al., 2002), with the L-INS-i Mediterranean taxa and the species from New Zealand and New algorithm for the protein coding genes and Q-INS-i for ribosomal Caledonia show divergence times compatible with the tectonic fragments (Katoh and Toh, 2008b). The correct translation to scenario. Studying the phylogeny, biogeography and lineage ages amino acids was checked in MEGA 6 (Tamura et al., 2013). Two in Anillini will provide a better understanding of the systematics datasets were generated: (a) the all taxa data set included all and evolution of the group, and ultimately on the processes driving ingroup (Anillini) and outgroup (Trechinae + Ildobates) taxa for the high biodiversity of euedaphic mesofauna. the six gene fragments (105 specimens, 4570 nt); and (b) the ingroup dataset included cox1, rrnL, SSU and LSU sequences for only the ingroup taxa (66 specimens, 3210 nt). The all taxa data set 2. Material and methods included some combined conspecific sequences from different studies (Table S1 in Appendix S1). The gene fragments cox1-trnL- 2.1. Sampling cox2 and ITS2 were only sampled for the outgroup taxa of the all taxa data set. We included sequences from 66 specimens of 50 species, cover- ing 17 of the 68 described genera and nine of the 12 main lineages 2.4. Phylogenetic analyses of Anillini (Jeannel, 1963; Vigna-Taglianti, 1973). These taxa include several representatives within each of the main groups of All phylogenetic and calibration analyses were conducted using Anillini proposed by Jeannel (1937) (Scotodipnines and Anillines), the CIPRES Science Gateway (Miller et al., 2010). Data matrices C. Andújar et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99 (2016) 235–246 237 were analyzed with maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian infer- second codon positions; Andújar et al., 2012). A Yule speciation ence (BI) phylogenetic methods. ML trees were obtained using prior was applied and analyses were run for 30 million generations RAxML 7.2.7 (Stamatakis, 2006). Data sets were partitioned by sampling one tree every 5000 generations. In the molecular clock gene and the fragment for the protein-coding gene cox1 was addi- settings only gene partitions were considered, and three indepen- tionally partitioned into two codon partitions, combining first and dent analyses were conducted under three alternative molecular second codon positions (Andújar et al., 2012). An independent GTR clock hypotheses, applying (1) an uncorrelated lognormal (ULN) +G model was applied to each data partition. For the analyses of or (2) a strict clock (SC) to all genes, or alternatively (3) using an the ingroup data set we rooted the trees according to the results ULN for nuclear and a SC for mitochondrial genes. For each of these, of the all taxa dataset. The best scoring ML tree was selected among two independent runs in BEAST were conducted. Alternative 100 searches on the original alignment with different randomized molecular clock settings were compared with Bayes factors as esti- parsimony starting trees. Support values were obtained with 1000 mated with the stepping-stone and the path-sampling algorithms bootstrap replicates (Felsenstein, 1985). BI was run in MrBayes in BEAST (Baele et al., 2013) and with the SHM estimator in 3.2.3 (Huelsenbeck et al., 2001). Combined data were partitioned TRACER 1.6. Consensus trees were estimated with TreeAnnotator by gene and codon position as before, and for each partition the (Drummond et al., 2012) discarding the 50% initial trees as a optimal substitution model was selected using the Akaike informa- burn-in fraction, after checking ESS of likelihood, evolutionary tion criterion (AIC) in jModelTest 2.1.7 (Darriba et al., 2012). BI rates and root age values, and ensuring that the tree likelihood val- consisted of two independent runs, each with three hot and one ues had reached a plateau. Posterior probabilities were considered cold chain, for 20 million generations, whereby trees were sampled as a measure of node support. every 1000 generations. The standard deviation of split frequencies For the all taxa data set under the calibration scheme 1, Ildobates was checked to assess the convergence of results, as well as the neboti was used to root the tree, whereas for the analyses on the mean and effective sampled size (ESS) of likelihood values com- calibration scheme 2, due to convergence problems a starting tree puted with TRACER 1.6 (Rambaut et al., 2013). The 50% majority was used as a fixed topology only allowing for the estimation of rule and strict consensus trees were calculated excluding 25% of branch lengths (by removing the operators arrowExchange, wideEx- the initial trees as a conservative burn-in, ensuring that the plateau change, wilsonBalding, subtreeSlide). The consensus tree obtained in tree likelihood values had been reached. Trees were visualized from the analysis under the calibration scheme 1 showing the best using FigTree 1.4.2 (Rambaut, 2012), and node posterior probabil- Bayes Factor value was used as the fixed topology. All calibration ities were interpreted as support values. analyses on the all taxa data set (for both calibration schemes) were duplicated with and without an additional minimum age 2.5. Calibration analyses prior of 136.4 Ma on the root, based on the oldest known fossil for the subfamily Harpalinae (included as outgroup) We used Bayesian phylogenetic analyses in BEAST 1.8 (Behrensmeyer and Turner, 2013; Fujiyama, 1978). For the ingroup (Drummond et al., 2012) to simultaneously estimate an ultramet- data set trees were rooted according to the results of the all taxa ric phylogenetic tree and ages of diversification. Two independent dataset. No other topological constraints were applied. calibration schemes were used, based on rates of evolution for the genus Carabus (calibration scheme 1; applied to both the all taxa and the ingroup data sets) and fossil and geological information 3. Results (calibration scheme 2; applied only to the all taxa data set). Calibration scheme 1. We used as calibration priors the rates of The best fitting models of evolution as estimated in jModeltest molecular evolution obtained for the same DNA fragments (cox1, for each gene fragment and data set alignment (all taxa data set: rrnL+trnL+nad1 and LSU genes) and analytical settings for the genus 105 taxa, 4570 bp; ingroup data set: 66 taxa, 3210 bp) are shown Carabus, which is the closest con-familial relative in the Carabidae in Table 1. Trees obtained for the different datasets and phyloge- with evolutionary rate estimates available for the studied genes netic methods were highly congruent, and the incomplete sam- (Andújar et al., 2014, 2012). A uniform function prior on the mean pling for the cox1-trnL-cox2 and ITS2 gene fragments did not substitution rate was applied for each gene, with maximum and produce any obvious artefacts in the tree searches or the topologies minimum bounds matching the 95% confidence interval of the obtained. For the all taxa dataset, all ML and Bayesian analyses rates obtained in Andújar et al. (2012). with both MrBayes and BEAST consistently resulted in a poly- Calibration scheme 2. We applied priors on the ages for three phyletic due to the distant position of the genera nodes: (i) the age of the origin of the genus was Sinechostichus and Erwiniana, and well supported monophyletic restricted to a minimum age of 56.7 Ma (Uniform function: max Trechini, Zolini, Tachyini and Anillini, but with very weak support 300, min 55.8) based on the fossil of yBembidium cyaneomicans for the relationships among them and with the single representa- Piton, 1940 collected in Menat (Auvergne, France) and dated from tives of Xystosomini and Pogonini (Figs. 1 and 2). the Thanetian (58.7–55.8 Ma) (Behrensmeyer and Turner, 2013; All analyses conducted on the all taxa dataset resulted in a Piton, 1940); (ii) the age of the node clustering the endemic species monophyletic Anillini, with Nesamblyops (clade P1) as sister to of from the volcanic island of Madeira (represented by T. custos Wollaston, 1854; T. flavomarginatus Wollaston, 1854 and T. decolor Jeannel, 1938) was restricted to a maximum age of Table 1 Best fitting model of nucleotide change as estimated in JModeltest using the AIC 14 Ma (Uniform function: max 14, min 1) based on the age of criterion for the all taxa and the ingroup datasets. emergence of the island (Contreras-Díaz et al., 2007); and simi- larly, the emergence of the island of La Gomera around 9.5 Ma All taxa dataset Ingroup dataset ago was used as a maximum age for the colonization of the Trechus cox1 GTR+I+G GTR+I+G species from La Gomera (T. gomerensis Franz, 1986) and from the cox1 (1st + 2nd positions) GTR + I + G GTR + I + G cox1 (3rd positions) GTR + G GTR + G younger region of Anaga in Tenerife (T. cabrerai Jeannel, 1936); rrnL + trnL + nad1 GTR + I + G GTR + G Uniform function: max 9.5, min 1) (Contreras-Díaz et al., 2007). LSU GTR+I+G GTR+I+G For each dataset and calibration scheme, analyses were con- SSU SYM+I+G GTR+I+G ducted applying the best fitting model of substitution to each gene cox1 + trnL + cox2 GTR + I + G n.a. and codon position partition (cox1 fragment; combined first and ITS2 HKY + G n.a. 238 C. Andújar et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99 (2016) 235–246

Fig. 1. Bayesian 50% majority rule consensus tree from the all taxa dataset including Anillini and other Trechinae lineages as obtained in MrBayes. Solid circles in nodes represent posterior probabilities and bootstrap values for Bayesian and maximum-likelihood analyses for both all taxa and the ingroup datasets (see legend in figure). Text labels on nodes indicate main lineages as referred in the text. Right bars represent classification into Anilliennes/Scotodipniennes (Jeannel, 1937), Phanerodontes/ Aphaenodontes (Jeannel, 1963) and Anillina/Scotodipnina/Typhlocharina (Jeanne, 1973) as defined by the labial tooth and the umbilicate series. Voucher numbers are indicated in brackets. the remaining taxa. Nesamblyops was consequently used to root the internal relationships of Anillini between both datasets (Figs. 1 the trees of Anillini in all subsequent analyses without outgroups and 2; Figs. S1–S6 in Appendix S1). The North American Anillinus (ingroup data set). We also obtained highly consistent results for + Serranillus were found as a well supported clade (P2) as sister C. Andújar et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99 (2016) 235–246 239

Fig. 2. Ultrametric time-calibrated tree from the all taxa dataset including Anillini and other Trechinae lineages as obtained in BEAST for the Calibration scheme 2 (node age calibration priors on Bembidion and Trechus lineages) together with the additional prior on the root age (split between Trechinae and Harpalinae; see text for details). Solid circles in nodes represent posterior probabilities. Text labels on nodes indicate main lineages as defined in the text. The image corresponds to sp. voucher number BMNH1041887. Palaeogeographic maps for 120 Ma, 105 Ma, 90 Ma and 65 Ma have been obtained from ÓRon Blakey, Colorado Plateau Geosystems. Voucher numbers are indicated in brackets. to the remaining Anillini. Within the latter, we found six well sup- and P7 were recovered as a clade independently of the phyloge- ported clades (or single-species lineages) with poorly resolved netic method and dataset, but always with weak support. Within relationships among them, corresponding to (i) Geocharis (P3); clade A we found Pseudanillus (A1) as sister to the remaining taxa (ii) (P4); (iii) Iberanillus (P5); (iv) Rhegmatobius (P6); (Clade A2). Within clade A2, we found (i) a clade with Parvocaecus (v) Anillus (P7); and (vi) a large clade (Clade A) including all (A2.1); (ii) a clade clustering Geocharidius, Orthotyphlus and Pelono- ’aphaenodontes’ (Jeannel, 1963) and Geocharidius. Lineages P5, P6 mites (A2.2), only supported in the all taxa dataset and the Bayesian 240 C. Andújar et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99 (2016) 235–246 inferences; and (iii) a supported clade (A2.3) including a mono- similar to those previously reported for the genus Carabus (Andújar phyletic Scotodipnus + Binaghites (clade A2.3a), Hypotyphlus et al., 2012) and used here as priors in the calibration scheme1 (A2.3b), and Microtyphlus (A2.3c) (Fig. 1). (Table 3). On the other hand, the rate estimated for the gene cox1 Results from the 15 alternative calibration analyses (12 for the was higher than that reported in some recent studies (Andújar all taxa and 3 for the ingroup dataset) are summarized in Figs. 3 et al., 2012; Papadopoulou et al., 2010; see Section 4). and 4 and Tables 2, S4 and S5 in Appendix S1. For the different cal- Ages of diversification and rates of molecular evolution ibration schemes and datasets, the ULN clock was always favoured, obtained for the ULN and the SC-ULN clocks were similar (when but representing only a minor improvement in the BF value over the other parameters were the same), with a large overlap on their dis- combined application of SC and ULN to the mitochondrial and tributions but higher variances for the ULN clock (Figs. 3 and 4). nuclear genes respectively (SC-ULN clock) (Table 2). The use of The alternative calibration schemes had an important effect on the SC for all genes always resulted in a major decrease of the BF the results when the age of the root was not constrained, resulting value, accompanied by major differences in the estimates of both in younger ages and higher evolutionary rates for scheme 2 (inter- ages of diversification and rates of molecular evolution (Table 2). nal calibration points based on fossil and biogeographic informa- BF results were consistent among the estimation methods used tion) than for scheme 1 (rates extrapolated from the ground (Stepping Stone, Path Sampling and Marginal Likelihood; Table S4 beetle genus Carabus). Hence, the additional constraint of the root in Appendix S1). age based on the fossil information had the main effect of increas- For the all taxa dataset under the favoured ULN clock, both cal- ing the ages of diversification, lowering the rates of molecular evo- ibration schemes resulted in highly congruent results when the age lution. This resulted in very similar ages and rates for both of the root was constrained. Based on the calibration scheme 2, the calibration schemes. time for the common ancestor of Anillini was estimated at Calibration analyses conducted on the ingroup dataset esti- 100.4 Ma (95% HPD: 70.4–134.5 Ma), representing the split mated older ages for the diversification of the Anillini (Fig. 3). Nev- between the fully eyed Nesamblyops from New Zealand and the ertheless, the notable increment of the variance resulted in a large remaining Anillini. The subsequent diversification into the main overlap with the ages obtained for the all taxa dataset. lineages P2, P3, P4, (P5 + P6 + P7) and A was dated to between 77.7 and 96.9 Ma (95% HPD: 53.5–129.8 Ma), and the split of Pseu- 4. Discussion danillus (A1) from the remaining ’aphaenodontes’ + Geocharidius (A2) was dated at 69.6 Ma (95% HPD: 47.7–91.7 Ma). The split of 4.1. Are Anillini monophyletic? the New Caledonian Orthotyphlus was dated at 30.5 Ma (95% HPD: 9.9–53.3 Ma). Rates of molecular evolution estimated with From our results we can clearly conclude that Anillini is a the calibration scheme 2 for the genes rrnL, ITS2 and LSU were very monophyletic lineage with a trans-continental distribution of

Fig. 3. Violin plots (Hintze and Nelson, 1998) obtained in R with the library vioplot representing the mean (white dot), standard deviation (sd; black bar), 2⁄sd (black line) and the density distribution (gray shape) for the root age (split between Trechinae and Harpalinae) and for the time of the most recent ancestor (TMRCA) of Anillini as obtained in the calibration analyses conducted with BEAST after discarding the burn-in fraction. The vertical axes represent million years before present. The calibration analysis represented in Fig. 2 is marked with an asterisk. SC: Strict molecular clock applied to all genes; ULN: Uncorrelated log-normal clock applied to all genes; SC_ULN: Strict clock applied to mitochondrial genes uncorrelated log-normal to nuclear genes; CaP: Age calibration priors as in calibration scheme 2; RaC: Rate calibration priors as in calibration scheme 1; NoAR: Root age prior not included; FossAR: Fossil root age priors included; AllDS: All taxa data set; IngDS: ingroup data set; Tfix: Tree topology constrained; Tfree: Tree topology non-constrained. C. Andújar et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99 (2016) 235–246 241

Fig. 4. Violin plots for the rates of molecular evolution of cox1, cox1-cox2, rrnL, SSU, LSU and ITS2 gene fragments as obtained in the calibration analyses with BEAST. The vertical axes represent substitutions per site per million years per lineage (subs/s/Ma/l). The calibration analysis represented in Fig. 2 is marked with an asterisk. Details on graph and acronyms as in Fig. 3. mostly endogean species. This is in agreement with the current Molopini (Casale and Ribera, 2008) and Leptodirini (Fresneda treatment of the group and in contrast with other formerly recog- et al., 2011). nized widespread taxa including subterranean lineages shown to The monophyly of the tribe Anillini was first proposed in the be polyphyletic by recent molecular data, e.g. beetles in the tribe early studies of Jeannel (1937, 1963), and although since then it 242 C. Andújar et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99 (2016) 235–246

Table 2 Bayes factor values obtained in BEAST using the Step-Stone sampling method for the 30 calibration analyses conducted.

SC SC SC_ULN SC_ULN ULN ULN CaP;NoAR; AllDS;Tfix 40377.81 40378.04 39986.90 39970.94 39922.88 39911.67 CaP;FossAR; AllDS;TFix 40381.53 39985.23 39974.80 39985.29 39917.30 39928.02 RaC;NoAR; AllDS;Tfree 40750.54 40760.92 40434.48 40425.77 40392.50 40381.53 RaC;FossAR; AllDS;Tfree 40725.29 40729.63 40422.55 40425.72 40356.27 40363.04 RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree 23651.03 23660.36 23533.38 23526.92 23488.33 23496.57

CaP: age calibration priors (Calibration scheme 2); RaC: rates of Carabus priors (Calibration scheme 1); NoAR: no root age prior; FossAR: Fossil root age priors; AllDS: All taxa data set; IngDS: Ingroup data set; Tfix: tree topology fixed; Tfree: tree topology free.

Table 3 Rates of molecular evolution for Trechinae and other coleopteran lineages for the genes cox1, rrnL, ITS2 and LSU. Values correspond to substitutions per site per million years per lineage (subs/s/Ma/l) for the mean and 95% HPD interval as obtained in BEAST.

Trechinaea Carabus (Andújar et al., 2012) Tenebrionidae Leptodirini (Ribera et al., 2010) (Papadopoulou et al., 2010) rrnL 0.00178 (0.00117–0.00248) 0.0016 (0.001–0.0022) 0.0054 (0.0036–0.0072)b cox1 0.0719 (0.0472–0.0999) 0.0126 (0.0074–0.0177)c 0.0145 (0.01–0.0198) 0.0177 (0.0139–0.0215)b 0.0204 (0.0151–0.0260) ITS2 0.00338 (0.00122–0.00866) 0.0057 (0.0035–0.0081) LSU 0.00168 (0.00111–0.00242) 0.0013 (0.0007–0.002)

a Here obtained with the Calibration Scheme 2, root constraint and ULN clock model. b Interval represents 2⁄standard deviation. c Rate obtained with no codon position partitioning for the cox1 gene. See Section 4.

has been rarely questioned, Erwin (1982) suggested that Anillini of the labial tooth could thus be considered as a plesiomorphic were most likely a grade within a related tribe (Tachyiini), related character state, found also in most other Trechinae and retained to , Paratachys and other genera representing putatively in the early lineages within Anillini. The loss of the labial tooth is early splits in the evolution of the lineage. Anillini are minute, a derived character showing two reversals to the ancestral charac- depigmented, apterous and almost always eyeless ground beetles, ter state among the sampled taxa: one in the genus Geocharidius usually separated from other closely related groups by characters and another in some species of the genus Microtyphlus, in both which are not exclusive, such as the narrow and minute terminal cases explaining the misplacement of these taxa in the classifica- segment of the palpi and the lack of recurrent striola at the apex tion of Jeannel (1963). In the case of Geocharidius, Vigna-Taglianti of the elytra (Jeannel, 1963). These characters are considered to (1973) proposed this genus as an independent phyletic series, dis- be prone to convergent evolution correlated with adaptation to tinct from that of Geocharis where it was placed by Jeannel (1963). the deep soil layers or a reduction in body size. The anophthalmia, Similarly, the division within the genus Microtyphlus proposed by depigmentation and lack of wings are equally found in organisms Jeannel (1963) according to the presence/absence of labial tooth living in subterranean environments, or even in forest litter, and was not accepted by many authors (Jeanne, 1973; Español, many other lineages show these traits among the Trechinae 1974). Other cases of morphologically related taxa including spe- (Faille et al., 2013). cies with and without labial tooth have been proposed in recent The only diagnostic morphological character of Anillini, the publications (Moore, 1980; Giachino, 2008; Giachino and Vailati, widely opened and straight shape of the basal bulb of the aedeagus, 2011; Pérez-González and Zaballos, 2013), demonstrating the has been recently found also in the tribe Lovriciini (Giachino et al., lability of the character. 2011). This shared character has led to the recent proposal of a sis- The morphology of the labial tooth of Anillini is more complex ter relationship of Anillini and Lovriciini, a hypothesis we could not than initially considered, and we have identified four character test here. Our results reject other taxa traditionally considered as states: (i) fully developed tooth; (ii) total absence of the tooth, potential sister groups to Anillini, including Lymnastini (proposed (iii) tooth with different degree of development within a genus, by Jeannel, 1963)orParatachys (Erwin, 1982), corroborating previ- or even within a single species; (iv) presence of a hyaline tooth, ous conclusions based on larval morphology and molecular data not fully visible with light microscopy. The latter situation could (Grebennikov and Maddison, 2005; Maddison and Ober, 2011). be problematic, since species reported as ‘‘toothless” may indeed Nevertheless, our phylogenetic analysis does not establish the sister have a hyaline labial tooth (Zaballos and Casale, 1997). taxon to Anillini unambiguously, as relationships between the main Some of the main lineages recovered are in good agreement lineages of Trechinae were not strongly supported and not all rele- with Jeannel’s Series, such as clades P1 (Series ’Zeanillus’), P2 (Ser- vant taxa were sampled (e.g. Lovriciini), which leaves some uncer- ies ’Anillinus’) or P4 (Series ’Typhlocharis’), but with some excep- tainty about the origin and age of the lineage. tions to the monophyly of Series ’Geocharis’ (clade P3) and The internal phylogeny of Anillini according to our results is ’Microtyphlus’ (nested within clade A). The sequencing of additional characterized by several ancient lineages and a general structure genera within the ’Aphaenodontes’ will be key to further test the mostly concordant with an arrangement in ‘‘Phyletic Series” pro- validity of these clades. Of particular interest are the oculated spe- posed by Jeannel (1963), although the main characters he proposed cies from central Africa, which Jeannel (1963) placed without hesi- (presence/absence of a labial tooth or the pattern on the elytral tation in the Series ’Microtyphlus’. umbilicate series) cannot be reliably used for a systematic subdivi- sion of the group into monophyletic entities. The first five splits in 4.2. Origin and diversification of Anillini: Gondwanian relicts or the phylogeny (clades P1, P2, P3, P4, and (P5 + P6 + P7)) include oceanic dispersal? only Jeannel’s ’Phanerodontes’ (species with a labial tooth), whereas the derived clade A includes all of the ’Aphaenodontes’ Our estimated age for the common ancestor of Anillini (around together with two additional taxa with labial tooth. The presence 103 Ma, in the middle Cretaceous) is early enough for a C. Andújar et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99 (2016) 235–246 243

Gondwanian origin, as originally proposed by Jeannel (1963). The et al., 2012; Grandcolas et al., 2008; Papadopoulou et al., 2013), assumption of the monophyly of Anillini, together with the convic- and also with geological evidence indicating that all of New Cale- tion that the current species could not disperse over sea barriers, donia must have been submerged during part of the Eocene, with led this author to propose the ancient origin of the group. He also its final emersion at 37 Ma (Pelletier, 2007; Schellart et al., 2006). hypothesized that an humiculous, fully eyed and winged ancestor Indeed, Orthotyphlus was included in the derived clade A, together would have allowed the initial dispersion of the lineage, leading to with Pelonomites and Pseudanillus from Central and North Africa subsequent local diversifications and multiple independent coloni- respectively, Geocharidius from Central America and the Mediter- sations of the endogean environment. Erwin (1982) agreed in the ranean representatives of the Microtyphlus Series. Even if relation- need of a winged ancestor, but disagreed about the monophyly ships within this clade may be uncertain, the estimated age for the and age of the Anillini. The requirement of ancient ages for the ori- initial diversification of this group (clade A: ca. 69 Ma; confidence gin of a monophyletic Anillini was one of the arguments for his interval: 50–90 Ma) requires long range overseas dispersal of sev- proposal of their para- or polyphyly. Our results are suggestive of eral taxa to explain its presence in South America, Africa, Eurasia an ancient origin and a complex evolutionary history, involving and New Caledonia (and probably in Australia, of which no repre- both vicariance facilitated by plate tectonics and long distance col- sentative could be obtained). onization events. Different mechanisms have been proposed for the long distance The basal split separated the endemic New Zealand genus colonization of minute soil organisms, most prominently within Nesamblyops from the rest of the Anillini. Jeannel (1963) placed soil among roots of rafting vegetation that drift with oceanic cur- Nesamblyops into Series Zeanillus, which included only New Zeal- rents (Fraser et al., 2011; Holzapfel and Harrell, 1968; Nikula and representatives. Nesamblyops is one of the few Anillini with et al., 2013). Passive or active aerial dispersion seems a less likely eyes, consistent with an early split of the lineage retaining the ple- option, although the possibility of winged species within the Anil- siomorphic state. The estimated age of 103 Ma (range 135–70 Ma) lini (or among the ancestral species) cannot be dismissed entirely. is consistent with a Gondwanian origin and the separation of New Two genera from central Africa (Cryptorites and Microdipnodes) that Zealand from the continent during the late Cretaceous, starting at were unambiguously assigned to the Microtyphlus phyletic series around 83 Ma with the formation of the Tasman Sea (Neall and by Jeannel (1963) maintain functional and even fully developed Trewick, 2008). Other non related genus within Anillini, Pelodiae- eyes, despite being wingless (no data is available about this char- todes Moore, 1980 has also been proposed as a Gondwanian relict acter for Microdipnodes). The confirmation of the phylogenetic based on its morphological affinities to other genera from Australia position of the eyed African genera within the Microtyphlus lineage and Madagascar (Sokolov, 2015). There has been much dispute would suggest a scenario where the evolutionary loss of eyes about the origin of the New Zealand biota and the relative roles occurred multiple times independently as a result of the adapta- of vicariance (Craw et al., 1999) and long distance dispersal tion to life below ground. Molecular data on these taxa, together (Landis et al., 2008; Pole, 1994). The alleged total or partial sub- with further sampling of Southern hemisphere lineages including mersion of the island during the Eocene (Waters and Craw, 2006) representatives of the Malagasian, Indian, South American and would imply a recent origin of the biota through overseas disper- Australian faunas, will be key for further understanding the colo- sal, a hypothesis corroborated with molecular data in some groups nization routes of the Anillini. (e.g. Hurr et al., 1999; Winkworth et al., 2002; De Queiroz, 2005) including Coleoptera (Pons et al., 2011). However, recent molecular 4.3. The molecular clock in Anillini studies have also provided well documented cases of ancient vicariance (Carr et al., 2015; Giribet and Boyer, 2010; Murienne Our conclusions are contingent on the estimations of the age of et al., 2014). Overall, data support a dual scenario, as initially pro- divergence of the main lineages of Anillini. There is an increased posed by Fleming (1962), with both vicariance and long distance use of Bayesian dating methods that provide the opportunity to dispersal operating for different groups (Carr et al., 2015). The Anil- introduce priors on the ages of diversification of particular taxa lini provide an additional example of an ancient lineage inhabiting and the rates of molecular evolution, and allow for the simultane- New Zealand with a putative Gondwanian origin. ous optimization of the topology, the substitution rates and the Other early splits in the phylogeny of Anillini are also compat- time frame for the evolution of lineages (Drummond et al., ible with a vicariant origin due to plate fragmentation. Thus, the 2006). This approach facilitates complex calibration analyses, but North American Anillinus group was estimated to date from ca. the results from the combination of different priors, and their 95 Ma (confidence interval: 68–130 Ma), compatible with the early effect on the topology and the estimated ages are not always well Tertiary break-up of the north Atlantic (Ziegler, 1988). Subsequent understood when using actual, rather than simulated data splits occurred mostly within Palaearctic lineages, with some (Andújar et al., 2012; Duchêne et al., 2014; Ho and Duchêne, Mediterranean genera among the oldest lineages dating from 78 2014). We have addressed these uncertainties by exploring the to 97 Ma. This includes the Sardinian Rhegmatobius, sister to the effect of different combinations of calibration priors (constraints genus Iberanillus in the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian penin- in diversification ages vs. constraints in substitution rates) and sula. Both the age of the separation (early Eocene) and the geo- molecular clock priors (strict vs. uncorrelated lognormal clocks). graphic distribution of the two genera are compatible with a Our results were in general consistent with previous studies, show- vicariant split due to the tectonic separation of the tyrrhenian ing a marked effect of the calibration schemes and priors in the plates during the early Oligocene (Schettino and Turco, 2006), as final results. In spite of this variation, and with the exception of has been reported for other groups of subterranean Coleoptera the analyses conducted with the unfavoured SC in the calibration (e.g. Ribera et al., 2010). scheme 1, all calibration analyses were compatible with a Gondwa- On the contrary, the estimated phylogenetic position and age of nian origin of Anillini. Similarly, calibration analyses resulted in the New Caledonian Orthotyphlus (ca. 35 Ma; confidence interval: estimates for the split of Orthotyphlus to be more recent than the 10–55 Ma) are incompatible with a vicariant origin resulting from initial tectonic separation of New Caledonia, with only the ingroup the fragmentation of New Caledonia and the Australian plate ca. dataset resulting in confidence intervals old enough for a tectonic 83 Ma (Neall and Trewick, 2008). This result is in good agreement vicariant origin of Orthotyphlus. In general, we found a trend with molecular data suggesting a recent origin for the New Caledo- toward older age estimates when the rates of molecular evolution nian fauna and flora through long distance colonization (Cruaud were constrained (using rates estimated in related groups of 244 C. Andújar et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99 (2016) 235–246

Coleoptera), and younger age estimations when only recent cali- Andújar, C., Hernando, C., Ribera, I., 2011. A new endogean, anophthalmous species bration points were used. The need to include age priors for the of Parazuphium Jeannel from Northern Morocco (Coleoptera, Carabidae), with new molecular data for the tribe Zuphiini. Zookeys 62, 49–62. root or some deep nodes to increase the accuracy of the calibration 10.3897/zookeys.103.1124. has already been suggested (Duchêne et al., 2014), probably to Andújar, C., Serrano, J., Gómez-Zurita, J., 2012. Winding up the molecular clock in reduce the errors arising from the saturation of the model of the genus Carabus (Coleoptera: Carabidae): assessment of methodological decisions on rate and node age estimation. BMC Evol. Biol. 12, 40. http://dx.doi. nucleotide substitution. Our results here point in the same direc- org/10.1186/1471-2148-12-40. tion. 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Gondwanian relicts and oceanic dispersal in a cosmopolitan radiation of euedaphic ground beetles

Carmelo Andújar, Arnaud Faille, Sergio Pérez, Juan Zaballos, Alfried P. Vogler, Ignacio Ribera


Table S1. Specimens and Genbank accession number.

Table S2. Localities and collectors

Table S3. Primers used in the study. F, forward; R, reverse.

Table S4. Data on Marginal Likelihood , AICM and ages of nodes of interest obtained for the alternative calibration analyses conducted in BEAST.

Table S5a. Rates of molecular evolution for the cox1, cox1-cox2 and rrnL mitochondrial gene fragments.

Table S5b. Rates of molecular evolution for the SSU, LSU and its2 nuclear ribosomal gene fragments.


Figure S1. Maximun Likelihood tree obtained in RAxML for the all taxa dataset.

Figure S2. Maximun Likelihood tree obtained in RAxML for the ingroup dataset.

Figure S3. Bayesian 50% majority rule consensus tree from the all taxa dataset obtained in MrBayes.

Figure S4. Bayesian 50% majority rule consensus tree from the ingroup dataset obtained in MrBayes.

Figure S5. Ultrametric time-calibrated tree from the all taxa dataset obtained in BEAST for the Calibration scheme 1.

Figure S6. Ultrametric time-calibrated tree from the all taxa dataset obtained in BEAST for the Calibration scheme 2.

Table S1. Specimens and Genbank accession number.

Specie voucher I/O cox1(PJ) rrnL LSU SSU cox2 its2 Source cerberus MNHN_AF20 O FR733895 FR729563 FR733991 FR733948 2 curtum DRM_DNA0267 O GU556078 AF002792 7, 1 Bembidarenas reicheellum DRMaddison_DNA2213 O JN170274 JN170140 4 Bembidion connivens DRM_DNA1759 O JN170319 JN170165 4 Bembidion laetum DRM_DNA1424 O JN170369 JN170191 4, DRM_DNA0896&DNA0895 O JN170398 JN170208 4, 1 Bembidion sp CA62 O KU978643 KU978734 KU978688 This paper Bembidion sp CA65 O KU976310 KU978736 KU978690 This paper Bembidion variegatum DRM_DNA1469 O JN170458 JN170245 4 DRM_DNA1422 O JN170461 JN170247 4 obesulus DRM_DNA0411 O GU556092 GU556136 1 Erwiniana hilaris DRM_DNA0409 O GU556095 1 Iberotrechus bolivari MNHNxAF111&i3CP O GQ293679, AM230788 GQ293735 GQ293615 FR733984 AM230788 5, 6, 2 Ildobates neboti MNCNx6409 O JF778792 JF778808 AM051084 DQ130051 10, 11 Lymnastis sp DRM_DNA0988 O GU556098 GU556137 1 Omalodera limbata DRM_DNA0571 O GU556104 GU556140 1 helmsi DRM_DNA0354 O GU556132 AF002787 7, 1 Paratrechus sp DRM_DNA1076 O GU556107 1 areolatus MNHN_AF113 O GQ293688 FR729593 GQ293625 GQ293503 2,5 chalceus DRM_DNA1711 O GU556114 GU556144 1 Sinechostictus elongatus DRM_DNA1349 O JN170479 JN170260 4 Sloaneana lamingtonensis DRM_DNA2312 O JN170481 JN170263 4 Tachyini sp CA64 O KU976309 KU978644 KU978735 KU978689 This paper longicornis IBExAF7 O FR733929 FR734008 2 Trechinotus flavocinctus DRM_DNA0575 O GU556125 GU556149 1 Trechodes bipartitus DRM_DNA0705 O GU556126 GU556150 1 Trechus cabrerai T2xDZUL O AM230723 AM230723 AM231214 6 Trechus custos MA6xDZUL O AM230778 AM230778 AM231251 6 Trechus decolor MA22xDZUL O AM230784 AM230784 AM231250 6 Trechus flavocinctus H9xHPxDZUL O AM230736 AM230736 AM231217 6 Trechus flavolimbatus C2xDZUL O AM230725 AM230725 AM231209 6 Trechus flavomarginatus MA18xDZUL O AM230783 AM230783 AM231247 6 MNHN_AF98 O HE817938 GQ293729 GQ293613 FR733972 2,3,5 Trechus fulvus MNHNxAF98&CM O HE817938 GQ293729 GQ293613 FR733972 AM230766 5, 6, 2, 3 Trechus gomerensis G8xDZUL O AM230743 AM230743 AM231233 6 Trechus obtusus IBExAF2&T14xDZUL O HE817937 FR729579 FR733997 FR733976 AM230759 AM231238 2, 6, 3 Trechus quadristriatus L39&i2SG O HG514650 HG514528 HG514881 HG514768 AM230755 8, 6 Trechus quadristriatus TurbIBE O FR733908 GQ293743 GQ293619 GQ293534 2,5 Trechus schaufussi MNHNxAF101&i3PC O AM230764 GQ293737 GQ293620 GQ293532 AM230764 5, 6 Anillinus cieglerae EF460865 I EF460865 9 Anillinus daggyi EF460868 I EF460868 9 Anillinus erwini EF460870 I EF460870 9 Anillinus langdoni EF460871 I EF460871 9 Anillinus pusillus EF460869 I EF460869 9 Anillinus sp IBE_AI1146 I KU976327 KU978656 KU978752 KU978703 This paper Anillus cebennicus CA84 I KU978745 This paper Anillus cebennicus CA85 I KU976321 KU978652 KU978746 KU978698 This paper Anillus cebennicus CA86 I KU978747 This paper Anillus cebennicus IBE_RA975 I KU976336 KU978665 This paper Anillus sp1 BMNH1424487 I KU978627 KU978718 KU978672 This paper Binaghites subalpinus CA51 I KU976303 KU978636 KU978729 KU978683 This paper Geocharidius sp DRM_DNA1763 I JN170466 JN170251 4 Geocharis sp1 BMNH1041887 I KU976285 KU978620 KU978710 This paper Geocharis sp2 BMNH1041939 I KU976286 KU978621 KU978711 This paper Geocharis sp3 BMNH1046115 I KU976287 KU978622 KU978712 KU978666 This paper Geocharis sp4 CA91 I KU976324 KU978654 KU978749 KU978700 This paper Geocharis sp5 CA94 I KU976325 KU978750 KU978701 This paper Hypotyphlus navaricus BMNH1424478 I KU976292 KU978626 KU978717 KU978671 This paper Hypotyphlus navaricus CA48 I KU976300 KU978633 KU978726 KU978680 This paper Hypotyphlus navaricus IBE_AI1244 I KU976330 KU978659 KU978755 KU978706 This paper Hypotyphlus pandellei CA49 I KU976301 KU978634 KU978727 KU978681 This paper Hypotyphlus pandellei CA76 I KU976316 KU978649 KU978742 KU978696 This paper Iberanillus vinyasi CA60 I KU976308 KU978641 KU978733 KU978687 This paper Iberanillus vinyasi CA61 I KU978642 This paper Microtyphlus alegrei CA82 I KU976319 This paper Microtyphlus alegrei CA83 I KU976320 KU978651 KU978744 This paper Microtyphlus bateti IBE_AI1254 I KU976332 KU978661 KU978757 KU978708 This paper Microtyphlus serratensis IBE_AI1252 I KU976331 KU978660 KU978756 KU978707 This paper Microtyphlus virgilii CA70 I KU976311 This paper Microtyphlus virgilii CA71 I KU976312 KU978646 KU978738 KU978692 This paper Microtyphlus aubei BMNH1424488 I KU976293 KU978719 KU978673 This paper Microtyphlus aubei CA72 I KU976313 KU978739 KU978693 This paper Microtyphlus fideli CA69 I KU978645 KU978737 KU978691 This paper Microtyphlus sp1 BMNH1424473 I KU976291 KU978625 KU978716 KU978670 This paper Microtyphlus sp2 CA77 I KU976317 KU978650 KU978743 KU978697 This paper Microtyphlus sp2 CA78 I KU976318 This paper Microtyphlus sp3 CA73 I KU976314 KU978647 KU978740 KU978694 This paper Microtyphlus sp3 CA88 I KU976322 This paper Microtyphlus sp3 CA89 I KU976323 KU978653 KU978748 KU978699 This paper Microtyphlus sp4 IBE_RA980 I KU978762 This paper Nesamblyops sp DRMaddison_DNA0696 I GU556102 1 Orthotyphlus franzi CA50 I KU976302 KU978635 KU978728 KU978682 This paper Parvocaecus sp1 CA52 I KU976304 KU978637 KU978730 KU978684 This paper Parvocaecus sp2 IBE_RA972 I KU978663 KU978760 This paper Parvocaecus sp2 IBE_RA973 I KU976334 KU978761 This paper Parvocaecus sp3 IBE_RA974 I KU976335 KU978664 This paper Pelonomites sp IBE_RA781 I KU978758 This paper Pseudanillus sp CA96 I KU976326 KU978655 KU978751 KU978702 This paper Rhegmatobius sp CA58 I KU976306 KU978639 KU978732 KU978686 This paper Rhegmatobius sp CA59 I KU976307 KU978640 This paper Scotodipnus glaber CA57 I KU976305 KU978638 KU978731 KU978685 This paper Scotodipnus glaber CA75 I KU976315 KU978648 KU978741 KU978695 This paper Serranillus sp DRMaddison_DNA1084 I GU556116 GU556145 1 Typhlocharis armata CA33 I KU976297 KU978630 KU978723 KU978677 This paper Typhlocharis diecki CA47 I KU976299 KU978632 KU978725 KU978679 This paper Typhlocharis estrellae BMNH1046257 I KU976290 KU978624 KU978715 KU978669 This paper Typhlocharis estrellae IBE_AI1188 I KU976329 KU978658 KU978754 KU978705 This paper Typhlocharis josabelae CA3 I KU976295 KU978629 KU978721 KU978675 This paper Typhlocharis martini BMNH1046222 I KU976288 KU978713 KU978667 This paper Typhlocharis martini CA30 I KU976296 KU978722 KU978676 This paper Typhlocharis monasticus IBE_RA882 I KU976333 KU978662 KU978759 KU978709 This paper Typhlocharis silvanoides BMNH1046245 I KU976289 KU978623 KU978714 KU978668 This paper Typhlocharis silvanoides CA35 I KU976298 KU978631 KU978724 KU978678 This paper Typhlocharis sp1 IBE_AI1186 I KU976328 KU978657 KU978753 KU978704 This paper Typhlocharis toletana CA27 I KU976294 KU978628 KU978720 KU978674 This paper I: Ingroup; O: Outgroup. (1) Maddison, D. R., & Ober, K. A. (2011). Phylogeny of minute carabid beetles and their relatives based upon DNA sequence data (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechitae). ZooKeys, 260(147), 229–60. (2) Faille, A., Casale, A., & Ribera, I. (2011). Phylogenetic relationships of Western Mediterranean subterranean Trechini groundbeetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zoologica Scripta, 40(3), 282–295. (3) Faille, A., Bourdeau, C., & Fresneda, J. (2012). Molecular phylogeny of the Trechus brucki group, with description of two new species from the Pyreneo-Cantabrian area (France, Spain) (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae). ZooKeys, 51(217), 11–51. (4) Maddison, D. R. (2012). Phylogeny of Bembidion and related ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini: Bembidiina). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 63(3), 533–76. (5) Faille, A, Ribera, I., Deharveng, L., Bourdeau, C., Garnery, L., Quéinnec, E., & Deuve, T. (2010). A molecular phylogeny shows the single origin of the Pyrenean subterranean Trechini ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 54(1), 97–106. (6) Contreras-Díaz, H. G., Moya, O., Oromí, P., & Juan, C. (2007). Evolution and diversification of the forest and hypogean ground-beetle genus Trechus in the Canary Islands. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 42(3), 687–99. (7) Maddison, D. R., Baker, M. D. & Ober, K. A. (1999). Phylogeny of carabid beetles as inferred from 18S ribosomal DNA (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Systematic Entomology, 24(2), 103–138. (8) Faille, A., Casale, A., Balke, M., & Ribera, I. (2013). A molecular phylogeny of Alpine subterranean Trechini (Coleoptera: Carabidae). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 13, 248. (9) Sokolov, I. M. (2007). New species of Anillinus Casey ( Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini ) from Great Smoky Mountains National Park, U.S.A. and phylogeography of the A. langdoni species group. Zootaxa, 1542, 1–20. (10) Andújar, C., Hernando, C., & Ribera, I. (2011). A new endogean, anophthalmous species of Parazuphium Jeannel from Northern Morocco (Coleoptera, Carabidae), with new molecular data for the tribe Zuphiini. ZooKeys, 62(103), 49–62. (11) Ribera, I., Montagud, S., Teruel, S., & Bellés, X. (2006). Molecular data supports the inclusion of Ildobates neboti Español in Zuphiini ( Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalinae ). Entomologica Fennica, 17, 207-2013. Table S2. Localities and collectors.

Specie voucher Locality Country Collector Geocharis sp1 BMNH1041887 Arroyo del Espino-Arroyo del Sieso, El Bosque, Cádiz Spain Andújar & Arribas leg. Geocharis sp2 BMNH1041939 La Dehesilla, Benaocaz, Cádiz Spain Andújar & Arribas leg. Geocharis sp3 BMNH1046115 Regato de las Tomasas, Herrera de Alcántara, Cáceres Spain Zaballos, Pérez, Lencina & Andújar leg. Typhlocharis martini BMNH1046222 Alcadima, Liétor, Albacete Spain Andújar, Arribas & Lencina leg. Typhlocharis silvanoides BMNH1046245 Santuario de la Virgen de la Luz, Tarifa, Cádiz Spain Andújar & Arribas leg. Typhlocharis estrellae BMNH1046257 Arroyo Becea, La Fuencaliente, Ciudad Real Spain Lencina&Andújar leg. Microtyphlus sp1 BMNH1424473 Camí dels Segalasos, Poblet, Tarragona Spain Andújar, Arribas & Hernando leg. Hypotyphlus navaricus BMNH1424478 Río Calcón, Sierra de Guara, Huesca Spain Andújar & Arribas leg. Anillus sp1 BMNH1424487 Cubieres sur Cinoble, Aude, France Andújar & Arribas leg. Microtyphlus aubei BMNH1424488 Villes sur Auzon, Vaucluse, France Andújar & Arribas leg. Typhlocharis toletana CA27 Arroyo de Vitoria, Villarrubia de Santiago, Toledo Spain Lencina & Andújar leg. Typhlocharis martini CA30 Fuente del Prado, Liétor, Albacete Spain Lencina & Andújar leg. Typhlocharis armata CA33 Santuario de la Virgen de la Luz, Tarifa, Cádiz Spain Andújar & Arribas leg. Typhlocharis silvanoides CA35 Larache, Larache, Larache Morocco Andújar, Hernado & Ribera leg. Typhlocharis josabelae CA3 Fuente de Alcántara, Sella, Alicante Spain Andújar leg. Typhlocharis diecki CA47 Sesma, Sesma, Navarra Spain Andújar leg. Hypotyphlus navaricus CA48 Nagore, Navarra Spain Andújar & Arribas leg. Hypotyphlus pandellei CA49 Digne France Faille leg. Orthotyphlus franzi CA50 New Caledonia New Caledony Faille leg. Binaghites subalpinus CA51 Piemont, Valone bousset, Gias de Ischietto, Entrácque, Cuneo Italy Brachat leg. Parvocaecus sp1 CA52 Sultan Daglari, Aksehir, Turkey Assing leg. Scotodipnus glaber CA57 Emilia, Berceto, Parma Italy Fancello leg. Rhegmatobius sp CA58 Sedilo, Oristan, Sardinia Italy Fancello leg. Rhegmatobius sp CA59 Sedilo, Oristan, Sardinia Italy Fancello leg. Iberanillus vinyasi CA60 Cova de Mas d´Abat, Coves de Vinromá, Castellón Spain Fadrique leg. Iberanillus vinyasi CA61 Cova de Mas d´Abat, Coves de Vinromá, Castellón Spain Fadrique leg. Microtyphlus fideli CA69 Sima Catonero, Lasvellove, Teruel, Lasvellove, Teruel Spain Fadrique leg. Microtyphlus virgilii CA70 Cova Bonica, Serra de Godall, Ulldecona, Tarragona Spain Fadrique leg. Microtyphlus virgilii CA71 Cova Bonica, Serra de Godall, Ulldecona, Tarragona Spain Fadrique leg. Microtyphlus aubei CA72 F. am Drap , Bois des Croves, France Lemaire leg. Microtyphlus sp3 CA73 Les Gaverres, Mas Vidal, Madremanya, Girona Spain Hernando leg. Scotodipnus glaber CA75 Contes, Vallon du Destey, Contes France Lemaire leg. Hypotyphlus pandellei CA76 Moulis, B. De Liqué inf. , Moulis, France Bourdeau & Fresneda leg. Microtyphlus sp2 CA77 Road Jalón-Bernia, Jalón, Alicante Spain Andujar & Faille leg. Microtyphlus sp2 CA78 Road Jalón-Bernia, Jalón, Alicante Spain Andujar & Faille leg. Microtyphlus alegrei CA82 Cueva Dones, Millares, Valencia Spain Faille, Hidalgo, Andújar & Arribas leg. Microtyphlus alegrei CA83 Cueva Dones, Millares, Valencia Spain Faille, Hidalgo, Andújar & Arribas leg. Anillus cebennicus CA84 5km East Mejanes le Clap, Gard, France Andújar & Arribas leg. Anillus cebennicus CA85 5km East Mejanes le Clap, Gard, France Andújar & Arribas leg. Anillus cebennicus CA86 5km East Mejanes le Clap, Gard, France Andújar & Arribas leg. Microtyphlus sp3 CA88 Font de la Vila, Vilanova de Alcolea, Castellón Spain Faille, Hidalgo, Andújar & Arribas leg. Microtyphlus sp3 CA89 Font de la Vila, Vilanova de Alcolea, Castellón Spain Faille, Hidalgo, Andújar & Arribas leg. Geocharis sp4 CA91 Cortijo de Salomón, San Roque, Cádiz Spain Andújar & Arribas leg. Geocharis sp5 CA94 Santuario de la Virgen de la Luz, Tarifa, Cádiz Spain Andújar & Arribas leg. Pseudanillus sp CA96 Âit-Iftene, Anti-Atlas Morocco Andújar, Arribas, Ribera & Hernando leg. Anillinus sp IBE_AI1146 Marlinton, Watoga S.P., Beaver Creek, Pocahontas, West USA Hernando leg. Virginia Typhlocharis sp1 IBE_AI1186 Río Estena, CM-4106 km 40, Helechosa de los Montes, Spain Lencina & Andújar leg. Badajoz Typhlocharis estrellae IBE_AI1188 Arroyo Becea, La Fuencaliente, Ciudad Real Spain Lencina & Andújar leg. Hypotyphlus navaricus IBE_AI1244 Izki NP, Apellaniz, Araba Spain Hernando leg. Microtyphlus IBE_AI1252 Montserrat ca. Coll de Can Maçana, Marganell, Barcelona Spain Hernando leg. serratensis Microtyphlus bateti IBE_AI1254 Serra de Montnegre, Roureda d'en Preses, St. Celoni, Spain Hernando leg. Barcelona Pelonomites sp IBE_RA781 E Usambara Mts., Amani NR, , Tanzania Grebennikov leg. Typhlocharis IBE_RA882 Urquiola NP, Mañana-Mugarra, Bizkaia Spain Hernando leg. monasticus Parvocaecus sp2 IBE_RA972 Sütçüler, 10 km SE, Isparta, Isparta Turkey Assing leg. Parvocaecus sp2 IBE_RA973 Sütçüler, 10 km SE, Isparta, Isparta Turkey Assing leg. Parvocaecus sp3 IBE_RA974 Sultan Daglari, Aksehir, Isparta Turkey Assing leg. Anillus cebennicus IBE_RA975 Mejanes le Clap, 4 km W, , Gard France Andújar & Arribas leg. Microtyphlus sp4 IBE_RA980 Rambla del Tejar, La Pesquera, Cuenca Spain Andújar, Arribas & Lencina leg. Bembidion sp CA62 Marraut, Et-Ianine, Pays Zaer Zaine Morocco Andújar, Hernando & Ribera leg. Tachyini sp CA64 Marraut, Et-Ianine, Pays Zaer Zaine Morocco Andújar, Hernando & Ribera leg. Bembidion sp CA65 Marraut, Et-Ianine, Pays Zaer Zaine Morocco Andújar, Hernando & Ribera leg. Table S3. Primers used in the study. F, forward; R, reverse.

Type DNA Gene Primer S Primer sequence (5’- 3’) Described in:

Mitochondrial Cox1 Jerry (M202) F CAACATTTATTTTGATTTTTTGG (Simon et al., 1994) protein coding Pat (M70) R TCCA(A)TGCACTAATCTGCCATATTA (Simon et al., 1994) Mitochondrial rrnL 16SaR (M14) F CGCCTGTTTAWCAAAAACAT (Simon et al., 1994) ribosomal 16s-ND1a R GGTCCCTTACGAATTTGAATATATCCT (Simon et al., 1994) (M223) Nuclear LSU LS58F (D1) F GGGAGGAAAAGAAACTAAC (Ober, 2002) ribosomal LS998R (D3) R GCATAGTTCACCATCTTTC (Ober, 2002) Nuclear SSU 5' F GACAACCTGGTTGATCCTGCCAGT (Shull et al. 2001) ribosomal b5.0 R TAACCGCAACAACTTTAAT (Shull et al. 2001)

Table S4. Data on Marginal Likelihood , AICM and ages of nodes of interest obtained for the alternative calibration analyses conducted in BEAST.

Analysis Parameter SC SC SC_ULN SC_ULN ULN ULN CaP;NoAR;AllDas;TFix marg L (SS) -40378.51 -40378.56 -39988.16 -39967.24 -39915.84 -39905.31 CaP;NoAR;AllDas;TFix marg L (PS) -40377.81 -40378.04 -39986.90 -39970.94 -39922.88 -39911.67 CaP;NoAR;AllDas;TFix marg L (HM) -40052.45 -40051.28 -39499.20 -39497.49 -39375.24 -39380.13 CaP;NoAR;AllDas;TFix AICM 80223.26 80226.38 79404.16 79374.28 79261.81 79338.51 105.0 [86.1- 105.0 [84.9-145.5] 110.5 [82.5-162.5] 108.9 [81.2-159.4] 99.7 [67.4-154] 105.5 [66.5-169.9] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;TFix Root age 147.1] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;TFix TMRCA(Anillini) 51.4 [42.9-72] 51.3 [43.8-72.4] 70.8 [54.6-101.9] 70.4 [55.4-100.6] 69.8 [53.3-102.5] 72.6 [51.4-121.6] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;TFix TMRCA(Typhlocharis) 25.9 [21.4-36.3] 26 [21.3-36.8] 47.5 [36.3-68.7] 46.9 [36.4-68.4] 43.3 [28.7-64] 45.8 [30.4-77.4] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;TFix TMRCA(Geocharis) 5 [3.7-7.2] 5.1 [3.7-7.2] 11.7 [7.9-17.7] 11.6 [7.8-17.5] 9.4 [5.8-15.6] 10.1 [5.5-17.1] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;TFix TMRCA(Microtyphlus) 11 [8.5-15.7] 11 [8.3-15.6] 22.4 [16.2-33.1] 22.3 [16.5-32.3] 17.7 [11.3-27.3] 19.3 [11-31.9] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;TFix TMRCA(Hypotyphlus) 11.7 [8.6-16.4] 11.6 [8.9-16.7] 20.2 [13.4-30.4] 20.1 [13.3-30.2] 16 [9.3-25.6] 17 [7.9-29.3] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;TFix marg L (SS) -40381.88 -39747.05 -39975.13 -39985.71 -39913.89 -39926.14 CaP;FossAR;AllDas;TFix marg L (PS) -40381.53 -39985.23 -39974.80 -39985.29 -39917.30 -39928.02 CaP;FossAR;AllDas;TFix marg L (HM) -40050.87 -40062.49 -39485.04 -39496.81 -39378.48 -39369.40 CaP;FossAR;AllDas;TFix AICM 80230.25 80226.99 79342.28 79377.21 79238.80 79233.42 150.6 [136.4- 150.9 [136.4- 151.0 [136.4- 151.9 [136.4- 151.0 [136.4- 152.4 [136.4- CaP;FossAR;AllDas;TFix Root age 202] 204.6] 191.8] 196.9] 198.9] 206.6] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;TFix TMRCA(Anillini) 73.2 [59.1-100.8] 73.8 [59.3-100.9] 96 [77.4-124.9] 96.1 [75.8-124.4] 100.4 [70.4-134.5] 99.5 [69.8-136.5] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;TFix TMRCA(Typhlocharis) 36.9 [28.8-50.1] 37.2 [29.2-51.2] 63.9 [49.8-83.1] 64.6 [50-84.1] 61.3 [41.7-84.1] 60.6 [41.9-84.5] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;TFix TMRCA(Geocharis) 7.2 [5.3-10.4] 7.3 [5.4-10.3] 15.5 [11.5-22.2] 16.1 [11.9-22.5] 13.1 [7.3-20.4] 13 [7.6-20.5] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;TFix TMRCA(Microtyphlus) 15.6 [12.2-21.9] 15.8 [12-21.7] 30.3 [23.3-40.3] 30.5 [23.1-40.7] 26 [16.8-38] 25.2 [16.1-36.4] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;TFix TMRCA(Hypotyphlus) 16.5 [12.4-23.4] 16.7 [12.2-23.5] 27.3 [18.8-36.9] 27.3 [19.8-38.1] 22.6 [12.9-34] 23.2 [13.9-35.2] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree marg L (SS) -40751.46 -40765.31 -40437.54 -40417.80 -40399.10 -40385.56 RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree marg L (PS) -40750.54 -40760.92 -40434.48 -40425.77 -40392.50 -40381.53 RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree marg L (HM) -39986.13 -39981.44 -39525.41 -39532.05 -39406.89 -39411.94 RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree AICM 80120.01 80114.21 79425.33 79431.45 79378.53 79327.74 254.9 [199.4- 254.3 [197.7- 135.2 [104.1- 131.8 [102.7- 139.9 [100.3- 140.6 [102.2- RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree Root age 322.8] 321.5] 178.3] 176.6] 195.4] 200.5] 118.2 [91.6- RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree TMRCA(Anillini) 117.8 [91.7-145.2] 85.6 [66.3-110] 84.3 [66.7-112.3] 93.9 [72.2-124.6] 96.6 [74.6-130.3] 146.4] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree TMRCA(Typhlocharis) 60.6 [48.4-76] 60.4 [47.9-76] 54.9 [42.6-70.8] 53.9 [43.6-71.7] 57 [42.2-75.9] 59.5 [43.5-80.8] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree TMRCA(Geocharis) 12.2 [9-15.4] 12.1 [9.1-15.6] 13.6 [9.8-18.7] 13.3 [9.5-18.3] 12.3 [7.6-19.2] 13 [7.6-20.3] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree TMRCA(Microtyphlus) 27.1 [21.2-34.4] 26.9 [20.6-34.1] 27.4 [20.7-36] 27 [20.5-36.4] 23.9 [16.8-33.7] 24.5 [16.8-34.7] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree TMRCA(Hypotyphlus) 28.7 [21.6-36.8] 28.5 [20.9-36] 25.5 [18.5-34.4] 25.3 [18.1-35.1] 22.2 [14.2-32.8] 22.4 [13.8-33.9] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree marg L (SS) -40726.18 -40731.03 -40424.13 -40427.42 -40360.78 -40365.97 RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree marg L (PS) -40725.29 -40729.63 -40422.55 -40425.72 -40356.27 -40363.04 RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree marg L (HM) -39980.35 -39988.01 -39519.00 -39521.50 -39398.58 -39393.47 RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree AICM 80121.97 80124.76 79443.50 79467.49 79376.21 79356.98 255.2 [201.1- 253.5 [195.5- 150.1 [136.4- 150.2 [136.4- 153.0 [136.4- 153.7 [136.4- RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree Root age 320.9] 321.2] 186.9] 186.9] 200.9] 198.6] 118.1 [93.2- 116.7 [91.7-147.7] 95.1 [77.2-119.9] 95.1 [76.2-121.8] 104.7 [79.3-138.9] 105.8 [80.7-137.3] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree TMRCA(Anillini) 145.9] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree TMRCA(Typhlocharis) 60.7 [47.6-75.4] 60.3 [47-75.4] 60.6 [48.9-77.9] 60.3 [47.8-76.3] 64.3 [46.7-88] 63.4 [47-84.7] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree TMRCA(Geocharis) 12.1 [9-15.5] 12.2 [9.1-15.5] 15 [10.8-19.8] 14.9 [10.9-19.8] 13.6 [8.2-21.3] 13.5 [8.1-20.4] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree TMRCA(Microtyphlus) 27 [21.1-34.2] 27 [20.3-34.3] 30.2 [23.6-39.2] 30.4 [23.5-39.6] 26.6 [17.9-37.1] 26.3 [17.2-36.7] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree TMRCA(Hypotyphlus) 28.7 [21.4-36.4] 28.5 [21.5-37] 27.9 [20.2-37.4] 27.8 [19.5-37.1] 24.5 [14.7-37.4] 24.2 [15.8-35.3] RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree marg L (SS) -23650.48 -23664.00 -23534.63 -23530.10 -23491.81 -23498.43 RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree marg L (PS) -23651.03 -23660.36 -23533.38 -23526.92 -23488.33 -23496.57 RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree marg L (HM) -23193.01 -23190.42 -22989.53 -22999.65 -22888.63 -22888.94 RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree AICM 46469.68 46472.29 46238.88 46214.62 46118.88 46138.70 RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree Root age n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a 139.3 [110.3- 138.6 [108.1- 110.5 [71.6-164.3] 104.5 [70.7-153.4] 139.6 [95.8-192.6] 141.3 [97.6-198.1] RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree TMRCA(Anillini) 169.5] 166.1] RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree TMRCA(Typhlocharis) 70.2 [55.9-85.1] 69.9 [54.5-83.2] 64.4 [45.3-91.9] 60.6 [44.3-83.4] 79.8 [57.4-103.6] 81 [57.4-107.4] RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree TMRCA(Geocharis) 13.6 [10.1-17.1] 13.5 [10.1-17] 15.4 [10.3-22.5] 14.5 [10.4-21.2] 18.2 [11.1-26.5] 18.8 [12-27.4] RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree TMRCA(Microtyphlus) 31.2 [23.9-38.7] 30.9 [24.3-39.3] 32.1 [22.4-46.9] 30.3 [21.4-42] 34.4 [22.8-45.8] 34.7 [23.8-47.3] RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree TMRCA(Hypotyphlus) 33.6 [25.9-42.5] 33.3 [24.7-41.8] 30.5 [19.8-45.3] 28.7 [19.5-41.1] 35.1 [22.7-50.6] 35.8 [23.6-51.5] CaP: Calibration points; RaC: Rates Carabus; NoAR: No root age; FossAR: Fossil root age; AllDas: All taxa data set; IngDS: Ingroup data set; Tfix:Tree fixed; Tfree:Tree free. marg L: Marginal Likelihood; SS: step stone sampling; PS: pathway sampling; HM: Harmonic mean estimator. TMRCA: Time of the most recent common ancestor for the indicated taxa.

Table S5a. Rates of molecular evolution for the cox1, cox1-cox2 and rrnL mitochondrial gene fragments.

Analysis cox1a cox1-cox2 rrnL CaP;FossAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC 0.0389 [0.0253, 0.0537] 0.006 [3.4355E-3, 9.5147E-3] 0.00259 [1.7359E-3, 3.3621E-3] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC 0.0382 [0.0247, 0.0516] 0.00599 [3.5933E-3, 9.6061E-3] 0.00255 [1.7303E-3, 3.3898E-3] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC 0.0555 [0.0357, 0.0748] 0.00849 [5.0578E-3, 0.0133] 0.00371 [2.4559E-3, 4.8421E-3] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC 0.0555 [0.0349, 0.076] 0.00849 [4.7896E-3, 0.0129] 0.00373 [2.491E-3, 4.8666E-3] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC_ULN 0.0816 [0.058, 0.1] 0.00366 [2.2342E-3, 6.0925E-3] 0.00152 [1.1134E-3, 1.8724E-3] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC_ULN 0.0818 [0.0583, 0.0998] 0.00408 [2.2953E-3, 6.8974E-3] 0.00152 [1.0889E-3, 1.8781E-3] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC_ULN 0.0877 [0.0628, 0.1] 0.00475 [2.5503E-3, 7.5263E-3] 0.00204 [1.3165E-3, 2.6145E-3] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC_ULN 0.0869 [0.0629, 0.1] 0.00486 [2.5993E-3, 7.7478E-3] 0.00207 [1.3588E-3, 2.6282E-3] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;Tfix;ULN* 0.0719 [0.0472, 0.0999] 0.00431 [2.1954E-3, 7.1641E-3] 0.00178 [1.1711E-3, 2.4791E-3] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;Tfix;ULN 0.0768 [0.0449, 0.1] 0.0044 [2.2476E-3, 7.9892E-3] 0.00177 [1.168E-3, 2.5246E-3] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;Tfix;ULN 0.0879 [0.0628, 0.1] 0.00607 [3.0477E-3, 0.0106] 0.00254 [1.5571E-3, 3.4548E-3] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;Tfix;ULN 0.0798 [0.0246, 0.1] 0.00554 [2.3986E-3, 9.5151E-3] 0.00239 [1.2747E-3, 3.3702E-3] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC 0.0191 [0.017, 0.0198] 0.00431 [2.4518E-3, 6.7006E-3] 0.00159 [1.1992E-3, 2.0009E-3] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC 0.0191 [0.017, 0.0198] 0.00435 [2.8059E-3, 7.0861E-3] 0.00152 [1.1216E-3, 1.9185E-3] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC 0.0191 [0.0171, 0.0198] 0.00421 [2.6301E-3, 6.6158E-3] 0.00154 [1.1573E-3, 1.9639E-3] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC 0.0191 [0.017, 0.0198] 0.00434 [2.7582E-3, 6.987E-3] 0.00153 [1.1383E-3, 1.9379E-3] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC_ULN 0.0168 [0.0131, 0.0198] 0.00375 [2.228E-3, 6.0383E-3] 0.00152 [1.136E-3, 1.8492E-3] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC_ULN 0.0168 [0.0129, 0.0198] 0.00357 [2.1342E-3, 5.7362E-3] 0.00151 [1.1278E-3, 1.8476E-3] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC_ULN 0.0178 [0.014, 0.0198] 0.00403 [2.3548E-3, 6.7022E-3] 0.00167 [1.2454E-3, 2.0742E-3] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC_ULN 0.0176 [0.0135, 0.0198] 0.00395 [2.4701E-3, 6.2942E-3] 0.00169 [1.2808E-3, 2.143E-3] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree;ULN 0.0168 [0.0126, 0.0198] 0.00396 [2.0128E-3, 6.7591E-3] 0.00166 [1.1896E-3, 2.1144E-3] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree;ULN 0.0172 [0.0132, 0.0198] 0.00427 [2.1545E-3, 7.5446E-3] 0.00166 [1.2231E-3, 2.1614E-3] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree;ULN 0.018 [0.0143, 0.0198] 0.00458 [2.4806E-3, 7.6912E-3] 0.00184 [1.3963E-3, 2.1996E-3] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree;ULN 0.0179 [0.0137, 0.0198] 0.00438 [2.3568E-3, 7.1924E-3] 0.00182 [1.3556E-3, 2.1999E-3] RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree;SC 0.0184 [0.0154, 0.0198] n.a. 0.00141 [1.135E-3, 1.7728E-3] RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree;SC 0.0185 [0.0153, 0.0198] n.a. 0.00142 [1.1117E-3, 1.7847E-3] RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree;SC_ULN 0.0178 [0.0133, 0.0198] n.a. 0.00154 [1.0009E-3, 2.0269E-3] RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree;SC_ULN 0.0175 [0.013, 0.0198] n.a. 0.00163 [1.1741E-3, 2.1382E-3] RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree;ULN 0.0185 [0.0153, 0.0198] n.a. 0.00131 [1.0003E-3, 1.6892E-3] RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree;ULN 0.0185 [0.015, 0.0198] n.a. 0.00129 [1.0027E-3, 1.6934E-3] CaP: Calibration points; RaC: Rates Carabus; NoAR: No root age; FossAR: Fossil root age; AllDas: All taxa data set; IngDS: Ingroup data set; Tfix:Tree fixed; Tfree:Tree free.

Table S5b. Rates of molecular evolution for the SSU, LSU and its2 nuclear ribosomal gene fragments.

Analysis SSU LSU its2 CaP;FossAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC 0.0004 [2.6926E-4, 5.4134E-4] 0.00196 [1.3708E-3, 2.3598E-3] 0.00414 [2.3574E-3, 6.2164E-3] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC 0.0004 [2.5955E-4, 5.192E-4] 0.00195 [1.3885E-3, 2.3883E-3] 0.00411 [2.2694E-3, 6.2144E-3] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC 0.00057 [3.8589E-4, 7.6392E-4] 0.00279 [1.9498E-3, 3.2855E-3] 0.0058 [3.4094E-3, 8.8438E-3] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC 0.00058 [3.7695E-4, 7.5326E-4] 0.0028 [1.9609E-3, 3.3138E-3] 0.00589 [3.0801E-3, 8.8561E-3] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC_ULN 0.0003 [1.9235E-4, 4.4501E-4] 0.00168 [1.1541E-3, 2.2174E-3] 0.00304 [1.1229E-3, 7.7798E-3] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC_ULN 0.0003 [1.807E-4, 4.4836E-4] 0.00176 [1.1511E-3, 2.5216E-3] 0.00299 [1.1824E-3, 8.3616E-3] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC_ULN 0.0004 [2.4425E-4, 6.0818E-4] 0.00227 [1.4065E-3, 3.0928E-3] 0.00374 [1.2436E-3, 9.2669E-3] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;Tfix;SC_ULN 0.00041 [2.227E-4, 6.2099E-4] 0.00229 [1.371E-3, 3.2229E-3] 0.00389 [1.4722E-3, 9.79E-3] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;Tfix;ULN* 0.0003 [1.7839E-4, 4.547E-4] 0.00168 [1.1059E-3, 2.4219E-3] 0.00338 [1.2214E-3, 8.6856E-3] CaP;FossAR;AllDas;Tfix;ULN 0.0003 [1.8257E-4, 4.5059E-4] 0.0016 [1.0045E-3, 2.2272E-3] 0.00358 [1.1047E-3, 0.0108] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;Tfix;ULN 0.00045 [2.5948E-4, 6.6632E-4] 0.0023 [1.4547E-3, 3.1236E-3] 0.00498 [1.4316E-3, 0.0141] CaP;NoAR;AllDas;Tfix;ULN 0.00041 [2.0374E-4, 6.6027E-4] 0.0021 [1.0904E-3, 3.044E-3] 0.0044 [1.3565E-3, 0.0101] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC 0.00024 [1.6689E-4, 3.1917E-4] 0.00111 [8.4997E-4, 1.3553E-3] 0.00372 [3.5003E-3, 4.3954E-3] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC 0.00024 [1.7429E-4, 3.2189E-4] 0.00112 [8.5219E-4, 1.3888E-3] 0.00371 [3.5001E-3, 4.4193E-3] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC 0.00024 [1.7499E-4, 3.2458E-4] 0.00111 [8.62E-4, 1.3855E-3] 0.00372 [3.5E-3, 4.4176E-3] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC 0.00024 [1.6885E-4, 3.1809E-4] 0.00112 [8.6611E-4, 1.3889E-3] 0.00371 [3.5001E-3, 4.424E-3] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC_ULN 0.0003 [2.0042E-4, 4.3637E-4] 0.00167 [1.2928E-3, 1.9999E-3] 0.00428 [3.5002E-3, 7.0203E-3] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC_ULN 0.00031 [1.9221E-4, 4.4631E-4] 0.00167 [1.2864E-3, 1.9995E-3] 0.00424 [3.5003E-3, 6.9554E-3] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC_ULN 0.00035 [2.1987E-4, 5.158E-4] 0.00177 [1.379E-3, 2E-3] 0.00432 [3.5003E-3, 7.014E-3] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree;SC_ULN 0.00034 [2.0859E-4, 5.0379E-4] 0.00178 [1.3787E-3, 1.9999E-3] 0.00426 [3.5001E-3, 6.8425E-3] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree;ULN 0.00029 [1.7831E-4, 4.2711E-4] 0.00151 [1.0769E-3, 1.9347E-3] 0.00433 [3.5001E-3, 6.9871E-3] RaC;FossAR;AllDas;Tfree;ULN 0.00029 [1.8001E-4, 4.1234E-4] 0.00153 [1.1408E-3, 1.9948E-3] 0.00436 [3.5003E-3, 7.1124E-3] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree;ULN 0.00032 [1.9836E-4, 4.5169E-4] 0.00163 [1.1944E-3, 1.9937E-3] 0.00432 [3.5E-3, 6.9152E-3] RaC;NoAR;AllDas;Tfree;ULN 0.00031 [1.9759E-4, 4.5901E-4] 0.00164 [1.2196E-3, 1.9998E-3] 0.00432 [3.5002E-3, 6.8852E-3] RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree;SC 0.00022 [1.5288E-4, 3.0012E-4] 0.00079 [7.0004E-4, 9.801E-4] n.a. RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree;SC 0.00022 [1.5013E-4, 3.0173E-4] 0.00079 [7.0001E-4, 9.8149E-4] n.a. RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree;SC_ULN 0.00032 [1.4704E-4, 6.4196E-4] 0.00099 [7.0024E-4, 1.4402E-3] n.a. RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree;SC_ULN 0.00032 [1.6704E-4, 6.2707E-4] 0.00104 [7.0043E-4, 1.5095E-3] n.a. RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree;ULN 0.00024 [1.2758E-4, 4.3576E-4] 0.00081 [7.0006E-4, 1.107E-3] n.a. RaC;NoAR;IngDS;Tfree;ULN 0.00026 [1.3844E-4, 5.0018E-4] 0.00082 [7.0003E-4, 1.1524E-3] n.a. CaP: Calibration points; RaC: Rates Carabus; NoAR: No root age; FossAR: Fossil root age; AllDas: All taxa data set; IngDS: Ingroup data set; Tfix:Tree fixed; Tfree:Tree free.

Figure S1. Maximum Likelihood tree obtained in RAxML for the All taxa dataset. The data set was partitioned by gene and the fragment for the protein-coding gene cox1 was additionally partitioned into two codon partitions, combining first and second codon positions. An independent GTR+G model was applied to each data partition; Ildobates was used as outgroup. The best scoring ML tree was selected among 100 searches on the original alignment with different randomized parsimony starting trees. Numbers on nodes indicate support values as obtained with 1000 bootstrap replicates. Voucher numbers are indicated in brackets.

Figure S2. Maximum Likelihood tree obtained in RAxML for the ingroup dataset rooted with Nesamblyops sp. according to the results of the all taxa dataset. The data set was partitioned by gene and the fragment for the protein-coding gene cox1 was additionally partitioned into two codon partitions, combining first and second codon positions. An independent GTR+G model was applied to each data partition; Ildobates was used as outgroup. The best scoring ML tree was selected among 100 searches on the original alignment with different randomized parsimony starting trees. Numbers on nodes indicate support values as obtained with 1000 bootstrap replicates. Voucher numbers are indicated in brackets.

Figure S3. Bayesian 50% majority rule consensus tree from the all taxa dataset including Anillini and other Trechinae lineages as obtained in MrBayes. Number on nodes represent posterior probabilities. The data set was partitioned by gene and the fragment for the protein-coding gene cox1 was additionally partitioned into two codon partitions, combining first and second codon positions. For each partition the optimal substitution model was applied as selected in jModelTest 2.1.7. BI consisted of two independent runs, each with three hot and one cold chain, for 20 million generations, whereby trees were sampled every 1000 generations. The 50% majority rule consensus trees were calculated excluding 25% of the initial trees as burn-in. Voucher numbers are indicated in brackets.

Figure S3. Bayesian 50% majority rule consensus tree from the ingroup dataset as obtained in MrBayes. Number on nodes represent posterior probabilities. The data set was partitioned by gene and the fragment for the protein-coding gene cox1 was additionally partitioned into two codon partitions, combining first and second codon positions. For each partition the optimal substitution model was applied as selected in jModelTest 2.1.7. BI consisted of two independent runs, each with three hot and one cold chain, for 20 million generations, whereby trees were sampled every 1000 generations. The 50% majority rule consensus trees were calculated excluding 25% of the initial trees as burn-in. Voucher numbers are indicated in brackets.

Figure S5. Consensus ultrametric time-calibrated tree from the all taxa dataset obtained in BEAST for the Calibration scheme 1 (rates of molecular evolution extrapolated for the same DNA fragments of the cox1, rrnL and LSU genes from Andújar et al. 2012) together with the additional prior on the root age (split between Trechinae and Harpalinae; see text for details). Number on nodes represent posterior probabilities. Analyses were conducted applying the best fitting model of substitution to each gene and codon position partition (cox1 fragment; combined first and second codon positions), a Yule speciation prior and ULN relaxed clock. Analyses were run for 30 million generations sampling one tree every 5,000 generations. Voucher numbers are indicated in brackets.

Figure S6. Consensus ultrametric time-calibrated tree from the all taxa dataset obtained in BEAST for the Calibration scheme 2 (node age calibration priors on Bembidion and Trechus lineages) together with the additional prior on the root age (split between Trechinae and Harpalinae; see text for details). Tree topology was fixed to that obtained for the calibration scheme 1 and showed in figure S5. Analyses were conducted applying the best fitting model of substitution to each gene and codon position partition (cox1 fragment; combined first and second codon positions), a Yule speciation prior and ULN relaxed clock. Analyses were run for 30 million generations sampling one tree every 5,000 generations. Voucher numbers are indicated in brackets.