


Office 0/ the Registrar General, MlNISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 1954 I N T ROD U C T ION. ------·-.-·-.-.-.-.-._._._a_.

In pursuance . of Government policy there · was limited enumeration and tabulation of Castes in 1951 Census. Even in the case of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes, the figures of each Caste were not sGparc~tGly (!xtra(:ted; .~1ly thf~ group totals we re ascertained.. The Backward Classes Commission require the figures of population of each individual

Caste. In order t,o assist them Cill estimate o f population of each Caste in 1 951 ha~3 been made on the basis of the figures of the previous C E:;ilSUSC;S . 2. The figurfJ. have been pr'es8nt c:; d in four tables:- (i) Scheduled Castes; (ii) Scheduled Tribes; (iii) Backward Classes; and

(iv) Other Caste s, ~indus and 1-1uslims sepg.rately. Some minor adjustments have been made in the estimated figures of Scheduled Castes in order ~o make the total tally vvith the 1951 Census total of that group_ 3. Figures for 1911 ,1921 and 1941 could not be taken on account of t he following reasons:-

(a) Separate figures for the constituG4 ts

compri 5inf~ Borr.bay are no c, available in 1911 and 1921 Census tables.

(b) No Caste-wise figures are available for 1941 Census. The tllble s of 1941 Censu5 give figures for only a few ••lected Castes and these also for a. few selected districts. Extracts from 1921 Census Report explaining the causes ·for variations in t he figures or indi vidual Castss have been given in an Appendix. --000-- -: 2 :-


The figures giv en in this table rela t e to the territory of bomb Cty a s in 1951. 2. The table presents the figures of 3R Castes as spe cified in the President's Order,1950. The population given in this table refers only to the population of . 3. Column 5 o f the t abl e g ives the estimated population in 1951~ This has b e en determined by applying the percentage increa se of the general popula tion of the

State to the l ~ test a v a ilable Census figures of each Caste. The total estimated population in 1951 of these Castes shows a small excess over the 1951 Census total o:f this group. the estimated popul


------~---- Na me of Caste.

1. Age r 1 1 2. Asodi . * 1,c- .3 . Bakad * * 8,730 11,778 5. Bhangi 109,524 147,759 6 .. , Chakrawadya-Dasar 21 29

... ~ 7 •. Chalvadi ~.. * 8 • . Ghambhar, or Mochiga r, or 296,056 399,410 Samagar. 9•. Chena.-Dasaru 729 983 10.Ghuhar or Chuhr2.. * * 11.Pakaleru * ':0: 1 Z.I/hcgu.. lVlegu * * 'f).Ilhor 18,277 22,763 14.Garoda 9,6)0 12,.993 15.Halleer ~ >:0: 16.ijalsar, or Hasla r,or * * Huls

,,~ ~,. ;2~ . I"lclhyavanshi *

~~ 5. E:.;.ngarudi 4,334 5,846 . 26. i'JIe gil val, , or Me nghwar 42,397 57,199 t,c ~27 .I'Iini Hadig * _ /~ - ..

1 O,~_4 ~_.~__ ___6_J __ ,:A_J_ ,.__ 28. Mochie ~hrough ou t the S t a t e 10,546 14,228 ~f~~); Gujra t divi-

~. Mukri * 3 ,] . Nadia 6 22 839 31. ROhi t * 32. , or Shindhaya 9,843 13,279 33. Sh1ngdav, or Sh1ngadya '* 34. S oehl

345. T1ma11. 68 , 93 3 6 . Turi 4, 531 6,112 37. Va,nka r 107,96P.3 24.5, 687 38. Vi thalia :32(3 709

N ot G S~- '* F1gur ,)s not a vaila b i c; 'I;lH'! b ..,t a l c stj.t!:at ,::o d populat:ton'" 6£

S ch f-') d Ul8d Castes in 19 51 a ce ord:I!rig , to th (~ above table c ame t o 3,17-0;:'846

whi 1-2 the en U"'Il e r 3. t Qd pop ul a t i on ~ of' .

,Schodul.'c] C ~ st ,~~s in 19 51- j . $ 3,GOa,02~ Th Q e xcess has b,:, en prop c rtionatE31y

deducted from (:)li,ch Casto i n o r d 3r to

t a lly the tot a l w.Lth 19 '1' Cr.'';lSUS '

- figur ..] s. -.·5· .-


The table presents figures of 24 'tribe s as specified in the President's Order 1 1950. Out of these 24 tribes the population figures for tribe oneLviz., Pomla are not ava~lable in the previous Gensus tables. 2. The estimates of 1951 popula tion in this table have been ma de in t he same manner ,:::\.s in Table Z. The total e stimate d population in 1951 of these Castes shows a decrease over the 1951 Census total of Scheduled Tribe s. On account of wide variation in the two totals no attempt has been made to adjust-the estimated population figures.

:in] § 5 9 iJ 9:f1 tJ Jj - ,,~,,:,: '* -. 6 .-•

Table II Population of Schedu led Tribes ( notified under Fre s~d ent's order 1950) in the Censusa.,: et 1911... 1931 and es tima tS'J popula­ tion in 195J..

B 0 ~ ~ BAY. . in Est:imated

(J r~r-un o of Cr ·· t e po})ulat 10: .< ~~ . ~"~ ' -~, ,,_H 1921 1931 in 1961 ':. .1 ~L: ~ ' 'J, .1 I 2 3 , 4 I 5

. .!.. . 4 2 . Bavaoha 1,971 3 .. Bh i1 ( :L:: : c l.u ding Bh a g al :i,.a Bh il , Dho:t1 Bh11~r1 !full, D u ngri ·. Garasi~..? l',·?"naai ' Db 11 , Raval ~il and Tadvi Phil ) 74,789 106,530

4. Cl iO dh s r 8 84,068 119,747

5. Dh arlka 38,079 54,240

6 ~ -::)ho c1ia, 64,568 91,971

7. D'~b1 a 96.,105 ~0'1'~6 , 803';;J n ...) . Gam i .t or GClm ta 71,146 101,341 9 . non e) 562 801

10. Katho:Ji or l'\_"a.tkari 88~336 125,827

11 . Lonkna 73,741 105 ,037

12. K:) Ii ]')hor 15,923 22, 681

'1::;. Koli Na..'0adev 12,084: 17,213

1 e5""3 ,.:)"'3... L,r :1.7 ,48].

15 . :,' aikda or· lT ayak 13,762 19 , 60 3 16. Pardhi (in cluding .P. d vich --11') chcr and phaDse 'Pardhi ) 10,410 l L~ : , 828

J.'(" . Patalia 537 765 l '~ . Pomla 271 * * 2:). T~ c~ t l -: a V i a 7 10 -.• 7 .- .

1 2 3 4 5 6

~~ l . 'l'i1akur 109,721 156,288

-,q .- , Valva i 4.1U 5,100

V : :~ :~ lj_ .~ t' lie 294,737 ~: 4 . 23,322 33,2'20

~otes : ...., • ligures S!''G :DOt aval1a liL o • . . - ThQ to tal estimated population of SGhedu1ed Tr i be s in 1951 a ccord i n g to a oove table f3'M to 1,458 ,196

'.'.'h ile --t h e enumerateo population 0 f

the Scl1Gduled Tribe s in 1951 i ~ 3,359, 30 5. As ther -e i s wide variation in t h e tv.o total s no att empt has been made to a dj u s t

the estimated ~igures • . / -: $ :-

TAB L E - III. BACKWARD CLASSES. J i: • , • i .,. i i,.."., .;" .:.:i

This table pr esents figur es for 129 Castes which comprise the Ii st of f Backward Class~..s r prE~pilre d by the StQte Government . This list was us ed to elicit answer to one of the Census questions in t~h. c '1 '': >~

Census enumeration. 2 . The estimatesof 1951 populati on in this table h2'Ve been mc:.de in t .he same manner as in 'l'able I . The total estima ted popul&tion in 1951 of all

Castes shows a dccre

B a ckv..ra rd Cl·::::'ss8 s . On c:. c count of wide vc.riation in thE:: two total s no at:,ernpt hCl.s been m,,~de to adjust 'Chs estimated figures . · -... 9 :' .1It-


Population of Backward Classes in the Censuses of 1911 - 31 and estimated population in 1951. I . Na n'l e of Caste. Itt.(; r: l (, ~ r' _"~~:. " 1 • ) .-_2_!_ ~ . ./Lli tk.·3. r * 2. Bagri (Ivla rwar,Baori Gujrat Bari, Sala» * Waghari, Marvvar Waghari.

'j. Bahurupi 110 157 4. Bajania 6,)06 8,9$2 36 51

/ ) , BaYldi * ~:c 7. Bu.-t e al * i,( 8 . h:-'.. va 50 ,495 71,926 90 Bazigar ~:c .* 10~Bcdar ( ~~ rad, Naikma~kalu 205,627 292,897 naikwadi Talvar includ­ ing Kanade Talvar, Valmiki) 11.Beldar 11,4$4 16,358 12 . Bestar ( Bhampta,Ghatichor . * Pathrut 7 Tudug, Wadda~ Wadari" Takrri , Uchlia , Dong Dasar, Girni Wadda, Kallw~dar) . 13.Bhampta (Rajpllt) Pardeshi 2,634 3,752 Bnampta. 14. * f,o; 1S.Bharadi ( ~at h P~nthi, 4,272 6, 085 Dauri Gosavi) 16 . Bhav::1iya 1,299 1,850 17. Bhavin 2,456 3,498 18. Bhisti 101 144 -: 10 .- 1 • , 2. g 3. D 4· jf 5. 0 b. - 19. Bhoi .68,018 96,886 20. Bhute 120 171 21 • Budbudki * * 22. Burud 12,515 (a) 17,826

0 ') #._,.J. Crlar:rtha * * 24. Chandlagara * * 25. Charan 13,412 19, 104 26 . Charodi * * 27. Chhara (Kanjari, 194 276 Kanjar, Bhat,Sansia). 28. Chigaribetegar * * 29. Chitarakathi 542 772 30. Dasa '_ 24 34 31. Dabagar (in Gujrat) * * 32. Davari * * 33. DepaL;,. • ~ ) 4 .. Deva li * * 35. Devdig * * ,, '" ,"" J O e Dhiva r ( Magda} 9,709 - 13,830 37. Dholi * * 38. Domba ri. * ~( 39. Futgudi * * Lt-u• Gad~rap * * 41. Garudi (l\lad ikar) 5,767 8,21-5 42. Ghisadi 2,952 5,205 43. Golla 8,224 11,714 44. Gondhali 5, 827 8,300 45. Gopal 5,348 7,618 46. Halepaik * * 47 . Haranshikari * * L1-8 . He l a v * * .11 •

,- .,-----,"1.------, --r, 2. 1--- --3. r- -· 4-.--1--:--~ ' L 6.

.,. ~9 . Jagiasi (from Sind) * _'­ ,0 , Jajak (from Sind) * * 51. J::ltia :) 2. J ,:ltigar * * 5.3 • ,r D.vcrl (Johari) 21.3 54. Jogi 1,$96 2 , 70 1 55. J02, t1n

/0. Joshi 7,920 11 ,281 57 .. KahD.r 1 ,951 2,779 58. Kaikadi (Pamlor) 10,459 14, 898 , 59. Kammi * * 60. Kapdi * * , 61. Katabu ( Kiliket) * * 62. KattCli * 37,852 53,917 Kh ~t i (from Sind). - * * 65. Khelk.:J.ri (Kolhani) / 6 0 ":.) . Koli I\Ia lhar 51,720 73,67 / " i_) I • Ko]! Suryavanshi * 00. Kongadi 69. Korava (Kotwal) (Section of Kaikadi) * * 70 . Korcha (S ection of Kaikadi.) * "'1 Kocha r * ."-,. ·72. Kor i (from Sind) 73. Kotwalia 3,676 5,236 74. Kucchria (from Sind) * * 75 . Tilori (In the Ratnag;i:r:i Distt.) * 76. Kunch.L Koro.va *

77 e Lar!l3.ni (Lambada ) 48,645 69,290 7$. Machni (Tandel) 51,200 72 , 93 0 79. 1'·'12.i ral. 19 27 - 12 - -_.--_ 1 • I 2!_ _ Lb:I:_ 4. O· 5. I b.

80. Manbhav 2,202 3,137 81 • lVle * "r-'- 82. Mina * * or)3 • IVIochi(in Gujrat) 5,590 7,962 84. ~~ amdhari (Namdhari Paik) )~ * 85. Nandiwale "" ,~ 86. * * 87 N,,+h ,~ >';:: gS. Nirshikari * * 89. Ode (Vaddar) 102,1 09 145,445 90. ..,...,}- * 91. Padiar ':< * 92. Pangul 99 141 93. Patharvat 2,604 3,709 94. Patradavaru * * S!5. Phas e chari :;:' ':( 96 . Phudgi )~ ':c 97. Rachevar * -'-....' _,. 98. Raikari * -'- 99 . Pardhi 4,$34 6,886 100. Ramoshi 58,699 83,611

1 \] "1 • Ravalia 43,20 5 61,542 102. Sahdev Joshi ',--'- :>'"

1 1) 3. Salat 2,20 5 3,141 104. Sanga:' 5,448 7,760 .- 105. Saujogi 204 291 1060 Sarani a 654 932 107. Saroda * * 108. Sarvade 'f"-'- * , _liY '::II" ,_ Shikari * * 110. Shikkaliear 1,654 2,356 -! 13 :-

______,,;1~. ______• ...... 1~2.:JL:3-'-IC--.-~U~ · ~ ____I __2'-01.: __- L .6 •

11 ~ • Sudgad s i d d"1 * ':c 112. Sule r * * 11.3. Suppalig * *

~,I ... 114. Suthria (from Sind) * ~ 1 1 5. Taknn.kar. * ;;, 1 ·1 (., • Thdkar 20,747 29 ,552 ; , ) ' t1 • 'l'ir gar >:< >'.< 1 i~) . Tirrnali * ~~ 11 9 . Va di 1 ,507 2 ,1l.... 7 120. Vaghri 101,21 6 144,1 73 121. Va idu 1 ,332 1 , 897

122. Va iti >:C >:C 123. Vakal (in Kanara Distt.) ):c :>;( 124. Valhar 200" 567 125. Vi:lnja ri 144,223 205,433 , 126 . Vasu dev ... • 127. Vir * * 12:5 • Wag hti Pa r dhi * ~ 129. Wansfod a * ;::<

I'Jot e s : )~ Figure'S' a re not a v ~~ i I 2 blc . ( a ) Figure of Dist r ict Bar o d& includ e s

Vans toda. The total c st ill12. t e; d popul ation

of E~ c kwar d C l ~ sS G S according t o

ab ov ~ t abl e c a me t o 1, 613, 1 65 whil e t h e enwne r ated pop ulation of Backward Cl ass es i n 1951 i s 4 , 489 , 594. As t he rei s wi de

v a ria t ion i~ the two totals n o

at. 1..0ffi pt- has been mlide t o a djus t

the ostl~ted ~igures.

" -: 1~ :-


The table presents figures of 157 Castes. The list has been prepared with reference to the Castes given in 1951 Census after eliminating the Caste s given in Tables I, II and III. Out of these 1~7 Castes

1 -; 5 are included under Hindus and ~ under lVluslims. 2. The table has been presented in two pCtrts (i) Hindus; and (ii) • .3. The estimates of 1951 popUlation in this table hC:1VG been made in the sarre manner as in Table I. The totcll estimated population in 19 51 of these Cas tes shows a decrease over the 1951 Census t ot2 l of Other Castes . On account of VI_lode variation in the tvw totals. no att.ompt has been made to adjust the e stimated population figures. -: 1!i

TABLE - IV. '~'__'. • _.-_ .. _-_ ~._ . _--. ~ , _ , ,__, ...... _ . ---s....~

POf'UL;~TIOIJ UF OT'HbH CASTES n~ 1 HE CEN 3D S~S 1911 - 31. HN D ESTI MAT.sD POPUL1~TIO N I N 1 91:: 1 - (i) _-_-_-_-_-_H I N D U S. J

~ 2. !!.! 12 ~ y. -- - -

-- - "_ " ,, , ...~.-- .- ...... -- --- _·~~.· ·~.8 of CQ;:t.G . -:r71T"f---i;;.r~rIT~.....;__::;.o_~n--.o!::i-.un-f ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ n ( h e, i ld'~~ 0 • ... .-_ ...... _- " -_· · · --==~::::1.:_. _____.J~::..!_.....L_~--L.__1_~!±.4 .~:_ ·=--_!_p-B-_..L_2.5....:;...·1..:...... =_. _ _Jl---_· - · _· · · :6~.•:___

1 0 368,360 I • Lgri 258,6 5

2 . . .. h ir 59 , 114 84 , 20)

J . j~lik a r 38 54 38 , 459 54 ,781

5. Bania 103,770 147 , £5 11 .

/ 0 . :Chad Bh unja /.1- 10 584 Bhandari 265 377 '. DL.c:o. r thari 255 303 1 , 098 ') . 771

,,y \ , Lhar wad Dhang ar or Kurub 9L/-9,7\j9 1 ,3 52 ,775

; . .j3hat or Baro~ or 13ra.hm.a Bhat 23,352 33,263

'I 2 . B~la t ia 6 , 924 9 , 863 iJ i 3: L\llaV S .. Lr 0 r Chipa 22 ,5 9 32 , 062

14. B r ~ hm~ Kshatri 1 , 310 '1 ,866

1 :) . Brahrrk!.n ~ .L.l±.V 1 1 6 J

(1) r~ bot i ' 264 376

( ii ) JiD3.v&la 11 , 818 16, d3h

(iii) iiUdich 101,$73 145,1 09 ( i v) C:l i t .. pav an or Konb.1.nasth 123,1 50 175, 416

( v ) D8shastha 308 , 2Ld 4-39 , 064 (vi) Gaud 0araSvlat 60 , 256 85 , 829

(vii) G U i~Cl 1i 1, 513 2 ,1 55 (viii) lI '-!.vik 3-5,741 50 ,910

(ix ) ._I ambur 2 , 412 3 , -: 16 :- , ______1 _-___- -.. ______;_ 2. , 3.

(x) Ka nhada 2$,209 40 ,181 ( x iI Khc davlal 3,992 5, 686 ( xii) 1,Ie wada 5,075 7 , 22')

' ...) . ' i (xiii) Aodh 18, 81 1 ~ ',-. : ' (xiv) Nagar 14, $95 21 , 217

(xv) Pushk :~ rna 20 28 (xvi) SCiraswat (Prope r) 14, 959 21 ,30$ (xvii) Tapodhan 6 , 070 8, 646 (xviii) Othe r Brahman 296 , 926 422, 944

16. Chhappar Band 1 ,421 2, 024 17. Churlwdlia 8,185 11 , 659 \ 1 $. 96 1 1,369 19. Darji, Shimpi, and Mira ri 133,596 190,295 ., 20. Dhimo..r * * . 21~ Dholi, Pa rit , Agasa and Madlwal 78,167 111,342

22. Dis&Vlc.:.l 7~67 10,209

23 ~ Gh ;__:_n chi 14,300 20,369 24. Gola (Rice Pounder) 6,209 8,844 25 . Gossin (i) Gossin Sansari 14,069 20,033

~ i i) Go ssin Va iragi. 3.352 4 ,775

26 . Gugali. 1 ,513 2,155 27. Guj ur 620 883

2 t3 . Gurav .. 83 11 $ 29 . Gurkha 91 130 30. Hajam, Nhavi, Nadig and Kelasi 174,539 248, 61 5 31. Halwaki Wakkal. 22,04$ 31 ,40 5 32. Hijda 67 95 330 Bol a r 54 77 34" I ndian 24 34

3:5 . JamUu. 2,412 3,436 3 6 . J at 160 228 -l7-

1 • I 2. I 3. 0 4. I 5. 0 6. ·1 37. Jha rola 705 1,004

33. K~'1.chhia · $,144 11,600

) . .i ./ / . K' .~~.: i,~ Ku.rnbhar 1,946 2,772 4J. Kadwa Fatidar 219,140 312,145

r) r + ~ 41- Kalal 1,589 ~, . ~ . 42 . Krunalia $3 118

, ") !+ .J • 2,158 3,074

• t )' . ~ '>j_pol 2,535 3,611

... ;..:; . Karadia $,745 12,456

1.,. '.,1 0 l(;:l Silr 1 1 47 . Kathi 3,525 5,021 48. Kayasth 2,609 .3,716 .49 . KClyasth Prabhu 31 ,127 44,338

50. ~a 3,850 5,484 51- Khalpa 54,2$7 77,327 52 . Khcmt 4,427 6,.306 53. Kha rva 6,699 9,542 .. Khatri .3,125 4,451

. " 5 ." ,lava s ).583 5,104

• KhGdwa l 3,992 5,686 '; '7 . Kolhati or Dombari .3,673 5,232 )8. Kolis 1 ,685,301 2,400,560

- ,- \ 10,957 15, 607 ~ '; . Komti or ':C.)sthi, Hutgar, Jed 101,092 143,996 ,v..i.nkar or Devang l) 1 • Kumbh iir Sutria 1 ,280 1 ,823 62 . Kumbhar 221 ,127 314,976 6.3. Lad 7,754 11 ,045 64. Lev-lci P.:ltidar 225,386 321, 042 6 5. Ling2.Y·J.t or Veer Shiva 1 ,370,023 1,951,474

:_ JU ... Lbhu.r , Luhar or Kammar 108,813 154,994

~ ) 7 • Lohna or Luvana 47,490 67,645 -18-

______~1 ______t...__...,.._..;;:2;..;...• ._ _ Q__ ::::h_l_ . , __A~. _~a __.5. 1 6_

.. , 68. Mahrattas & Kunbi group. (i) Kunbi Kulwadi or Kanbi 909,645 1 ,295, 70T

~ (ii) Leva or Reva Kunbi or a7,050 123,995' Khc:.. n d esh (iii) J:Vlahra. tta 4,22$,112 6,022,565 (iv) Mahra tta Kunbi 545,766 777,395 (v) Tirole Kunbi of Khandesh 10$ ,091 153.966 . (vi) Kanbi Miscella.neous 6,086 8 , 6G:} (.,.-ii) :Mahratta Kashtrya 1 2, 164 17, ') 27 69. Makwana 23 33 7 J . Makwara 20,70 0 29,485 71. Mali & Phulmali 329,088 468,756 72. Matia Patidar 3,558 5,068 73. Mole salam 19 27 74. 2,299 3,275

-' 75. Oswal 3,50 5 4,993 76. Pagi 1 1 ~4, z:?"1 77 Panchal and Vishwa Brahman 59, 138 , ; 78. Panchkalashi and Somvanshi Kshatriya 23,174 33,009 79. Pater Wadia 20,778 29,596 80. Pntuna Prabhu 5,656 8,056 81. P c r wad 1 ,314 1 ,872 82. Prabhu 3,499 4,984 83. Ra d di 35,442 50,484 84. 464,275 66 1 ,318 85. Rani Pra j Unsp e cifie d 10 14 86. Sagu r 1,364 1, 943 87. Bali & Padamsali 75,442 107,460 $8 . Sa thwa r G. 6 ,550 9,330

b) . Sh ~ i k11 231 329 90 . Sh c:. ind e 8,60 9 12,26 3 9 1. Shri alIi 4, 637 6,60 5 92 .. S oni,Sunar,Akash and Daivdnya ' j~~, 209 262 ,389 Brahman -19-

1. I 2. I J. I 4. l 5. I 1

93 . Sut ar 1 8 ~,418 25~,a,8

94 . S '_Li::'V.r Luhar & Luha r Sutar 2,01.,,7 _2,916 20,817 29 , 652 :; • '1' 2Lka r i 482 637

/ <, . i' a l abda 59 ,566 84, 846

1 < 1 ' ~ I '"{ , ./v. l'a lavia 11.3, 632 c) , ~: .. ._" .' 99. Ta mboli 53 5 7,:J2 100. Targal a 4,902 6,982 126, 5 $ 2 180,)10

10 2 . l 'hal-carda 190 , 1 g7 270 J 904

103 . Th a kar Pa radesh i 711 1 , 0 1)

1 C) 4. Thori 56 80

1 \) 5 . Ucla Po.tida r 3 , i3"' 9'- ~). 5,554

106 . Uma d 1 , 233 1 ) 756

10 7.Vadi 775 1 ,104 5,175 7,371

10 9 . Val~nd (includ i ng Nayee 28, 035 39, 933 Brahma n) 110 . V a~ i (All Castes) 286,920 408,692

'11 j .. Van i a 4-1,5.3 8 59 ,1 67

1 " 2 .. Va nza 1,.375 1 ,959

"1 13~. Va sudeo 6 1 87

11 4.- ~ la n s f'o d a 664 946 115. Othe rs 2,1 0 7,21.3 .3,001,535

Note:- The tota l e s t i mat e d p o p ul~t ion of ,} ths r C[.( s tes ( hindu s <-i.ild .Muslims both) the ~ ac c o r d ing JcoL a b ove t abl e s C2.111e to 2:7 .7.47,216

while the e n ume r ated pop ulCit, i on of V:w

Oth e r Ca s tes i n 1951 is 25 ,1 04, 227. AS the r e i s wide v &riation in the t wo tota l s

no att empt h a s b een illa d e to adj u st the

e s t i mat e d Fi Gures . ----00 0----

Y ..,. f u , • TABLE ~ . IV •.


_B_ 0 _m_ b _Cl_ y_._

Name of Caste.

~,..-__"" '~~ _" . ,~ • ~.) i _......

1 • ,h.hmc. di 18 26 2. Arab 2,852 4,062 3. 1 ,732 2,467 4. -P il1och 3,298 .4,698 5. Bhedela 1,908 2,718 ,.. o . Bhangi 1,002 1,427

7. ~oh ra 121,1 04 172,502 8. Er ahui 217 309 9. padhi 537 765 10.Dhobi 439 625 11.Dudhw 2. 1a 419 597

-; 2 .Fak1r 6,495 ;~J, 252 13.G;:mdhrap 617 879

14. Ghar ~ chi 7,426 10,578 ·1 5. hajam 4, 935 7 , 0 29 16.Kasai 6,824 9 ,720 1-7 .Kasbat i (including ). 2,852 4,062 let; .Kha tki 1 , 11 5 1 ,588· 19 .Khatri 2,216 3,156 20 .. Khoj a 20,796 29,622 21. 970 1 }382 22 .Kumbhar 897 1 ,278

;~ 3 . l, ohar 92 131 :21+ . ;: ,la krani 3,020 4,302

2 5 ~ l!lu_lGk 11,206 15,962

:' :i -' ~ · '1 8 tl on • 33,566 47,$12 , • • 1


1 • 0 I I 4. I 5. I 6.

27.tlJ:iqna 425 605 2a.Moleslam 23,380 33,303' 2) . liIomin 40 ,770 58,073 30.lV1omna 19,325 27,527 3 1 • IvIughal 8,962 . 12,706

17 ' .,_~. ... 32.PClthcm. 122,434 . ;-,;.; 7V '"33.Pin,iari 28,40 9 40 ,466 34. Saiyad 9,590 13,660

35.S ~ rai (Jat) 530 755 -3 .6. Shaikh 26,073 37,139 37. Sindhi 9,681 ( a) 13, 790 ( a) 38. 8,172 11 ,640 39. 4,160 5,925 40.Teli 28,746 ---- 40,946 41.Vohra 28,355 40,389 42.0the rs. 1,441,004 2,052,581

i'J ote:-{a)Figures include those of HSindh Khaskheli,"

Sindhi Mohanatl , "Sindhi Saman~1 and "Sindhi Surnra. U

Please see note at page No ....l=.9=--. __

======~~======~======*****.******************* ********************* *************** ******* * LNS. ( lOO-C GPIES) Dt.29-9-19S4. Extr a cts from t,he pr evious Ce nsus Report. of Bomb ay for l.C21.


BHIL. The cast e f i ~ ur es for Bh i~ are fi&urs s fu r a l18 t erogeneous gr oup of tribes , a group whose external boundri e ~ arc by n o me ans d efinit e and whooe internal divis ions <:::. r G iDc:tdequcl t c Iy exc::.m ined .

1921 Bombay Report p§ge 181.

problem. In 1911 ·.in 2.ct enll)t waf:' nE, d e to enumer a t e &:ld t a buL.;_t c (' Sub C,-lstesl! oi' Kulis . Thi s attempt b roke down ov:ii'lg to t ]bJ.c u il c e r t'i. ~ iDty of the differ (:mt Dc.mes in

Gujarc..:. t.

Cc rt&i nly t,h8 bout-he r .1 Kolis , iJ. nd mo st IL rticula rly the Son Kolie:; , ':.l' (C Q[j p C:lr (; l1tly distinot from those of

No r th ::;;.nd have been unite d wi t.b. t.he.m in t..ba pa..s.t. t-l"lou.g..4 the c:.cc i d GD·t of hc~viDj ; the same name. Hm'H:: v er the

J(h::.tndQ sh Kulis fron a :. ' o~:; si ble conne ct ing l ink. 'l'tle

d ation e nd i s one to :i,-~ rds solut ions on which a long a nd c d. r oful 8 ,:.:rio s 0 1:' c1 nt i:l ropometric incasurOrllc nts should prove i nvc.lu&bl c .

B OTHE R CASTES . .------.

AHIR . - Th ~ r G exis t

t h ose trib c; i~ wh o p as s 0c1 into tho functi un ,,::, l C Cl~~ t(~ t ~'lI " J i_ l -23-

community of oc cupations ~ And in SJme case s the tradition of the tribe name is so strong that it • will b e r c t urn0d at the Ce nsus. Thus many functional c c:::. st e s conta in J-~h ir and Gu jar sections and it ma y a nd d oe s h appen thb. t ail i ... hir Chambhar, for instanc Eo) , will r e turn himse lf a s ill~ bhir. But the b a 12nce of the

Ahir tribe, th~ t is all those who had not be8L Qbsor- b e d into othe r Castes , bc cQIDe itse lf C<. c <..:. s to 1/r i i:, h the tra ditional occupation of cowhe rds. Consequently the

Chambha r is noL. onl y lost to h is ov,~n c [.ste , but is included w~on gly in the Ah~r Custe . For this r eason the stre n g th of Castvs like hhir is liabl e to show violent fluctu a tion s f rom Censu s t o Ce nsus.

BJ..Vl.'-'.. (B.1.C :(1,J....RD ), GUR •• V & HUGJI.R ( OTE:2..R C4. ~STES). -

ThE; P resi:3enc T ' Castes ShOvI n a tio n 2.1 cha nges. Castes in ~dh i ch vi ol::__;:-10! '- : _,, :1::':1 II o ccur ec r u - Bav iJ. (which is an occu_'J2 tion:J. l term) , Gura v c:,nd Hu g ar ( l-l<:::: r c the reduction is p ro babl y the f u ult of the me mbers of the Cast e , who will r ic.. t urn thf3 mse l v es - w~1o l ly o rrone ously - a s (the y probably g o t irito Khatri throu L:; h r Gtun1ing the mse lves a s Ks h a - t riya in 1 9 11 • )

LI NG~Y ~T. - In this p r esidency the o n ly i mpor tant problem raised by this t yps of Cnst e is the problem of

LingClyats . $. tC.::lstu T I'J1:1ich contu-ins wi thin itse lf touchablcs and u ntoucha bles is ,_j_ lmost a co nt r 3. c~ iction in t e rms. On the othl. r hand , it is to b 8 r cmel:1b 0 r o d that i f we r o l eg.s,t 8 the; entr y ~ L ingayat ' as a s (:;: ct of a nd r e cord the Castes, we sh&ll g2t n c ~8S -24-

l-Li<:c Dsvai:g , v[.hi eh 0 ceur &rrlong or'cIi'ffcf"i71f:i_ndus also

and these Ling..J.yat Dcvangs will be included with

their Hindu fellow3. If on the othor hand we; ke e p

Lingaya t as a main religion, then we c a n tabu l~t8

Hind u De v a n gs and Lin ~a yat De v a ngs sep2 r a tely, just

] 921 Bomb a y Report pap;(_; .1 d) •

./IJIhLI rtND G.i ... VLI. There is a doublo difficulty here. In the first place any particula r occupation

is nOIrJ - o.. -d::: ,ys b~' ~1 0 ;il.8Ci.DU confL:'l0d -co the Ca s t Eo; whi eh

tr :..~cl ition c.;. ll :,r pe~form ed it. ,'md it is G V0n doubtful

whctht:.: r in some ce.scs the rE: vnU3 ever a t ctil. y p ...- riod

cc clc6.rly de.f:incd ",n,ei exc .lusi V< _ C~ .... strtJ. o Cood instances . '- '.2110 f"' ali c ast o , as such, is a

;_ ~ r0up of Gll.clo'~~2. mous eli visions , unite d -' by litt 10 cxc c p·t t T'dd iti \In,,,, 1 0 c CU PC:'..I ~. ' ion. But beyond

-chc fringe of' thiG ,_:_; roup s ciT' .__ a l :.;" r :;,-'.; J:lumb, rS of

;a:rdoD.crs , \;) 110 bel on,sing t,cchnica lly to oth ': ~ r CG.3 t es,

vii 11, r e turn t,hcir castG as l ial i to th c C!lu J:].c r u.t,or.

T he sz::.me r en:arks appl y to Gavli.

1 921 BombCiY Report p::.::. :;e 182.

,1... HH..h.T Hno - T h(_; I·Io.hr a tbe;, ;:::; 0:::1. t_, hG ot,h c; r .!:-L,:;:'lCi

represent a COLPE.:.I ' <':.Lti vcly r e c cilt i,lixture of.' d iff e rent

b (.; c aE1C; c::_ . Hind u C';l-ste, _Via s political and. ;'i.o t , r f..::.c i a l.

The "'Tholo probl em of t:,he t (~b ul at ion of' H ahrat,has

and \'·,' as r aised in t.he uc, rly stagG s of tho

Census o~er~t ions and a l ~ r ge numb e r of opinions

c o lle ct E:;d . ThE:; p roblem W z:'lS wh <::; ther FLahr a t has ,

f Ivlahratha Kubis f other Kunbi, and Kunbis s hould b() tabulated together or separute ly, and Was -25-

«centua ted by the f'act the.:. t in 1901 pc rsons returning

as q jiahratha ~{unbis f w e re tabulated vdth i:lahretthas, but

in 1911 with Kunbis. I n 1911 an attempt was ma de to

record and t a bulate the 'Sub-Castes' of' Kunbis and

K Cl nbis, taking thes e two together.. ".lthough 44 Sub­

Caste n ':_LfIl8 S . W0 re r e turned (see pa ,-~e 21 5 of the 1911 report). Some of these contained only a handful of

individuuls, in two inst c<'YlccS only one indivi duc.. l. The l a rgest e ub-caste was the Leva Kanbis o r Gujrat with 505 thousand. But there was a 45th entry for

"Unspe e i fi '_ ::::"~I v ; ~:.. i~ ::" conta ined 638 t.housand. The rc is

reason t o think th i.:.',t the Ka nbis of Gujrat ~e~ r~cta1.1y

distinct from the Kunb is of t h e South, a nd have been

included If/ ith t h e m a t pre vious Censuse s :from the

a ccident G:f .; ,-,- vin g t h e s a me ns.me, - the names Kunbis

a nd K ::;_ nbi, D.. . _, a l s o Kurmi and Kul vadi indi eating , almost

c e rtainly i ·H-w.;._;-;::; .:i nd - ~ ;lan'lf, eve n though their exact

e tymolog y ib a Il l;:,... t t ,_; r of' doubt. KhClI1desh, as in the

c a s e of' Kolis, presente d a d ifficulty, sinc e it

s upplie p r··l ri .:Jus Z: unbi groups ,.. s orne o f whom are almost

certainly of Guj 2.. rat orig in, but others-al.l.ied to the

Deccan Kunbi s. i" urther in the caSE:) of the Kunbis and

IVlahratha s of the De ccan a:ld Kcnkanit s cums c e rtain thd t the bound ari,;:; s o:C the Maratha caste 2. rc l:,.... zy c,n d t, hat wu ll-t o -clo ,,';'_urbts ::lS.S U [J1t; ald r c t;____i n vlith o ut opposition the lilahra t, lia L klllLC.

J 3 21 Bomba y Re p ort p a ge 18~.

MUSALI'L.N:. - Many of the f'luctua t ions are 01' course

impossible a s f a cts, a n d a r e dUG sole ly to diffe r e nce s

in e nume rati o n or cla ssificu tions. T h is is pnrticula rly

t rue of s orne o f the Sind hi I·Iusalm:J.n s. 'B a loeh, Bra hui and

Patha n show reasonable change s and we rn a y th":=,, r e :fore

assume that the figures are correct enough f'or adrn inis- -26-

t rat i v u p urp l;,c;; (_; s. But .... r a b, Saman, Sumra, Iiflunana and Serai or J~t yi e ld no information of any Value a t all. Khaskhe li was n ot t abulated in 1911 and sta bility or instability Jf the figures c a nnot the refore be estimated. If' anyone wi s hes to know the nUr:J. be r of anyone of these Castes, he will have ~o worK ~n e stimates. The figures of' Bohra, and demon a ll show increGi. ses a t this Census, which could not possibly be d ue to n&t ur '~L l c a USE:: s. It must be assumed the r r:; f'ore tha t ~h6 1 ) 11 f i~u r es we r e too low, since it does not seem like ly tha t in the c ase of these particul~r Castes the re is ~nf d a nger of p e r s o ns gG ttin ~ wron ~l y included.

1921 - Bombay rl e port pa ~e 187.

P ... NCHK_'j,LSh I Hl,ID P .,JJCH, ... L. - There a re some funct ion21 g r o ups like the P al}-c hkalshis a nd Panchb.ls, vihose tradi- t ional occu pution is not 2 single trade but e mbrace s seve r a l. BerG a gain the r e is a t e n dency fo r the name of the p2. rtieular oeeupat~ion of th8 individual to b e return ~ d instead of the c aste n&mc . Thus a Panehal c a r p~nt e r 1dill r c,; tur n .suta r (his oCcupcltion) and Ii'Jill the n be t a bul ~ t ed in th o Sutar Caste . F rom t he abov e r e marks, it will be s cen t hat the figure s fo r &11 ~ ho funetion ~ l C ~S t 0S ~ r e oxee8dingly doubtf ul v a lue .

- BombJ.Y Report. p§_gE:.: 1 82 .

*~(~t:= ):C)!<::I.e >~ :;.:( >~ ~i' :::!C )~ ~iJ iJ~-tJ 5ffff~.tjDjJ