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RELI VIJE R ELI VIARIJIK In Relikvije in relikviariji so zelo pomemben člen v verigi virov za preučevanje ljudske pobožnosti in duhovnosti. Vsi relikviariji, ki so predstavljeni v tej and VIARIJI RELI knjigi, so del velike zbirke cerkvenih predmetov RE IQUARIES RE in Oddelka za zgodovino in uporabno umetnost Narodnega muzeja Slovenije. Knjigo je avtor razdelil na dva dela. V prvem delu je študija o relikvijah in relikviarijih, v drugem, kataloškem delu knjige je predstavljen izbor iz zbirke relikviarijev od 13. stoletja do najnovejše L dobe. Vsi relikviariji so fotografirani. RE ICS Kataloški del je razdeljen na več skupin, znotraj Avtor mag. Darko Knez, zgodovinar, etnolog katerih so predmeti razdeljeni v podskupine glede in kulturni antropolog, je muzejski svetovalec RELI K VIJE na ikonografske, stilne in tipološke ter materialne v Narodnem muzeju Slovenije, kjer skrbi za podobnosti. Avtor je, kadar je bilo mogoče, zbirke cerkvenih predmetov, glasbil in glasbenih upošteval kronološko razvrstitev predmetov. avtomatov, ljudske kulture, tekstila in drugih predmetov zgodovinskega pomena. Vodi tudi Oddelek za zgodovino in uporabno umetnost. Relics and reliquaries are among the key material Že petindvajset let se ukvarja s preučevanjem sources for research of devotion and spirituality. The cerkvenih predmetov. Njegove raziskave segajo ones highlighted in this book are a part of a large od antike do sedanjosti in so bile predstavljene na collection of the religious objects in care of the različnih razstavah ter v številnih monografijah in Department of History and Applied Arts of drugih publikacijah. the National Museum of Slovenia. MUZEJA SLOVENIJE IZ ZBIRKE NARODNEGA The book consists of two parts, the first part of the book is the study The author Darko Knez, MA, a historian, on reliquaries, folloved by the fully ethnologist and cultural anthropologist, is Senior MUSEUM OF SLOVENIA OF THE NATIONAL THE FROM COLLECTION illustrated catalogue of a selected Curator at the National Museum of Slovenia. He reliquaries, dating from the thirteenth is responsible for the collections of the religious century to present. objects, musical instruments and the music The main groups of reliquaries in makers, folk culture, textiles and other objects catalogue have been subdivided of historical importance. He is the Head of the according to their iconographical, stylistic, Department of History and Applied Arts. typological and material similarities. His twentyfive-year research on the religious Chronological system was used, wherever Cena: 30,00 € DARKO KNEZ objects from antiquity to present is available to the possible. public via a range of exhibitions and publications. RELIKVIJE IN RELIKVIARIJI IZ ZBIRKE NARODNEGA MUZEJA SLOVENIJE Ljubljana 2014 2 3 RELI VIARIJI in RELI RELICS AND RELIQUARIES RELIKVIJE IN RELIKVIARIJI RE IQUARIES andRE RELI K VIJE REL ICS MUZEJA SLOVENIJE IZ ZBIRKE NARODNEGA MUSEUM OF SLOVENIA OF THE NATIONAL THE FROM COLLECTION 4 5 KAZALO CONTENTS KAZALO CONTENTS DARKO KNEZ DARKO KNEZ 6 Relikvije in relikviariji iz zbirke Narodnega muzeja 7 Relics and Reliquaries from the Collection of the National Slovenije Museum of Slovenia 8 Relikvije 9 Relics 14 Čaščenje relikvij 15 Veneration of Relics 28 Čaščenje relikvij danes 29 The enerationV of Relics Today 30 Relikviariji 31 Reliquaries 34 Križi relikviariji 35 Reliquary Crosses 36 Ampule 37 Ampoules 38 Breverli 39 Breverl 46 Avtentike 49 Authentics 50 Izdelovanje relikviarijev 51 The Making of Reliquaries 56 Samostansko delo 57 Monastic Work 62 Sklep 63 Conclusion 64 Viri in literatura 65 Resources and Bibliography NATAŠA NEMEČEK, MARIJAN NEČEMER, PETER KUMP NATAŠA NEMEČEK, MARIJAN NEČEMER, PETER KUMP 66 Naravoslovne raziskave ter konserviranje in 67 Scientific Analyses, Conservation and Restoration of restavriranje kovinskih relikviarijev Metal Reliquaries DARKO KNEZ DARKO KNEZ 82 Katalog 83 Catalogue 160 Kratice 160 Abbreviations 161 Slovar najpogosteje uporabljenih latinskih besed 161 Glossary of the Most Commonly Used Latin Words 163 Literatura in viri 163 Literature 168 Indeks mučencev, svetnikov in drugih imen 168 Index of Martyrs, Saints and Other Names 6 7 Darko Knez Darko Knez RELIKVIJE IN RELIKVIARIJI RELICS AND RELIQUARIES IZ ZBIRKE NARODNEGA MUZEJA SLOVENIJE FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE NATIONAL RELICS AND RELIQUARIES RELIKVIJE IN RELIKVIARIJI MUSEUM OF SLOVENIA Pričujoča publikacija je nastala kot nadaljevanje razstave Dotik Sl. 2 / Picture 2 This collection was compiled as a continuation of the exhibition In svetnikov, ki jo je pripravil Muzej krščanstva na Slovenskem iz Konservatorka­ Touch with the Saints, which was prepared by the Slovene Museum restavratorka NMS Stične s sodelovanjem Narodnega muzeja Slovenije. Razstava je Irma Langus Hribar of Christianity in Stična in collaboration with the National Museum bila v stiškem samostanu na ogled od jeseni 2008 do pomladi 2009. pri restavriranju of Slovenia. The exhibition was on display in the Stična monastery Na razstavi in v spremljajočem katalogu je bilo predstavljenih 654 relikviarija / from autumn 2008 until spring 2009. It exhibited 654 relics and Conservator­restorer th th relikvij in 69 relikviarijev, ki so bili kronološko razvrščeni od 17. do at the National 69 reliquaries, presented chronologically from the 17 to the 20 20. stoletja. Museum of Slovenia century. These were also all included in the accompanying catalogue. Irma Langus Hribar V tej publikaciji predstavljamo 204 relikvije in 65 relikviarijev, ki at work restoring a This publication presents 204 relics and 65 reliquaries, which are jih hrani Narodni muzej Slovenije v Zbirki cerkvenih predmetov. reliquary in the custody of the National museum of Slovenia as part of its Foto/ Photography: Nadaljnje sodelovanje Narodnega muzeja Slovenije z Muzejem kr­ Tomaž Lauko collection of devotional artefacts. As a result of further collaboration ščanstv a na Slovenskem bo rezultiralo še v skupni razstavi. Mu zeja, ki between the National Museum of hranita največji zbirki relikviarijev in relikvij v Sloveniji, nameravata Slovenia and the Slovene Museum of pripraviti skupno razstavo v Narodnem muzeju Slovenije – Metelkova. Christianity there is to be another joint exhibition. The museums, which house Sl. 1 / Picture 1 the two largest collections of reliquaries Pogled na razstavo and relics in Slovenia, are to prepare a Dotik svetnikov joint exhibition, which will be on display v Muzeju krščanstva na in the National Museum on Metelkova Slovenskem, Street. 2008 / A view of the exhibition Before being superbly photographed In Touch with by Tomaž Lauko, all reliquaries were the Saints at the disassembled, cleaned and restored by Slovene Museum of Christianity, excellent restorers from the Department 2008 of Conservation and Restoration – Irma Foto/ Photography: Tadej Trnovšek Langus Hribar and Nataša Nemček, MA. Previously, two of the Museum’s former restorers, Aleš Lah and Zdenka Kramar, were responsible for the protection of 8 Vse relikviarije sta pred fotografiranjem za objavo, kar je vrhunsko the reliquaries. Subsititute casings were built for those reliquaries 9 opravil mojster fotograf Tomaž Lauko, razstavili, očistili, konservirali without their own. Everyone involved also had time available to in restavri rali izjemni restavratorki z Oddelka za konserviranje in examine and study the open reliquaries and relics. restavriranje Narodnega muzeja Slovenije Irma Langus Hribar in mag. The museum’s restorers found numerous scratches on the backs or Nataša Nemeček, že prej pa sta za zaščito relikviarijev skrbela zdaj že on the hinges of the reliquaries. This tells us that the objects had been nekdanja muzejska restavratorja Aleš Lah in Zdenka Kramar. Relikvijam opened and closed frequently, which points to a strong desire on the brez ohišja so izdelali sekundarno ohišje. Vsi smo ob tem imeli čas za part of the relic’s owner to see, or even touch, the relic outside of its RELICS AND RELIQUARIES RELIKVIJE IN RELIKVIARIJI pregled in potrebno preučitev odprtih relikviarijev in relikvij. reliquary, or even out of the cloth it was wrapped in. Na zadnjih straneh relikviarijev oziroma na njihovih spojih so restav­ ratorji Narodnega muzeja Slovenije našli številne praske, kar pomeni, da so jih večkrat odpirali in znova zapirali. To nakazuje na močno RELICS željo tistega, ki je relikvijo posedoval, da bi jo videli zunaj relikviarija oziroma platna, v katerega je bila zavita, in se je celo dotaknil. Relics (Latin: reliquiae = mortal remains) are mortal remains or personal belongings of saints. True relics are divided into major relics and minor relics (reliquiae maiores seu insignes et reliquiae exiguae).1 A Major relic might be the complete body of a saint,2 or else individual RELIKVIJE body parts such as a head3, arm, leg, bone (humerus, ulna or femur4) Relíkvije (latinsko: reliquiae = posmrtni ostanki) so posmrtni or other body part that was affected during the saint’s martyrdome ostan ki svetnikov ali njihovi osebni predmeti. Med relikvijami v (a heart or a tongue if they have been miraculously preserved). A pra vem pomenu ločimo večje in manjše (reliquiae maiores seu reliquary can be only a part of a saint or a blessed whose cult is 5 insignes et reliquiae exiguae).1 Med večje relikvije prištevamo celo appro ved by the Church. Sometimes a relic is an object a saint svetnikovo telo2 ali del telesa (svetnikova glava3, roka, noga), lahko touched, such as a garment. These objects were venerated with the pa tudi kost (nadlahtnica, podlahtnica, stegnenica4) ali del telesa, approbation of the Church
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