
: 1798 - 1966

1798 – Invades Egypt; 1801 – The British drive the French out of Egypt 1805 – Ottoman Albanian commander Muhammad Ali establishes a dynasty that goes on to reign until 1953, although nominally part of the . 1859-69 – built, but it and other projects nearly bankrupt Egypt. Suez opens in 1969. 1863 – The accession of the Isma‘il in Egypt (Khedive was the of Egypt under Ottoman rule from 1867–1914) 1875 – The Khedive has amassed great debt; Britain buys the Khedive’s shares of the to alleviate this debt leading to a gradual British takeover. 1879 – The Khedive Isma‘il is deposed; his son, Tawfiq succeeds him. 1882 – British troops defeat and take control of country. 1914 – Egypt formally becomes a British . 1922 – Fuad I becomes king and Egypt “officially” gains independence, although in reality British influence remains significant until the . 1948 – Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and attack the new state of . Egyptian army's poor performance increases unpopularity of King Farouk. 1949 –Military coup overthrows the in Egypt and declares a republic. 1954 – becomes prime minister and in 1956 president, ruling until 1970. 1954 – British forces, who began a gradual withdrawal under a 1936 treaty, finally leave Egypt. 1956 July – Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal to fund the Aswan High Dam, after Britain and US withdraw financing. October-November – “Tripartite Aggression” or “”: Israel, Britain and France invade Egypt over the of the Suez Canal. Nasser's stand against foreign intervention increases his standing in Egypt and across the . 1958 – Nasser steps up a campaign to promote pan-Arab unity (“Panarabism”), most visibly in a short- lived including Syria (1958-61). 1961-66 – President Nasser adopts socialist policies, including nationalization of industry and an ambitious welfare program, combined with repression of the and leftist opponents, attempting to boost the economy and his government’s popularity.