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PT. V. Hoover Radio Corporation of America Electronic Components and Devices Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Summary Shielded-Grid

Tvpical illustrative examples are cited The shielded-grid , shown in Fig. 1, for the use of grid-controlled power tubes has been employed in particle-accelerator in the various classes of particle acceler- service for more than a decade, dating from ators, e.p., cyclotrons, synchrocyclotrons, the beginnings of the Livermore LINACS (e.g., proton synchrotrons, electron synchrotrons, A-La). The original prototype sample of a and linear accelerators, A state-of-the- shielded-grid triode has provided the rf art review of triode and tetrcde power-tube power to the Derkeley Bevatron2 for the past technology is nresented, together with some eleven years and has operated for more than anparent trends in the design and develop- bh,OOO hours. ment of new tubes. The use of triodes and Shielded-grid triodes, described earlier with integral cavity-resonators in the literaturej, are capable of producing enhances the feasibility of their use at continuous power (cw) up to 700 kilowatts and increasingly higher freauencies and/or power pulsed peak power up to 2 megawatts. The levels. In addition to their use as radio- single-ended version of the shielded-grid freouency generators in