BY F7-6-4 AITORNEY Patented Jan
Jan. 15, 1935. G, VON ARCO 1,988,097 "FREQUENCY MULTIPLICATION Filed Dec. 10, 1929 w R S. a s n INVENTOR GEORG Wo ARCO BY f7-6-4 AITORNEY Patented Jan. 15, 1935 1988,097 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 1988,097 FREQUENCY MULTIPLICATION Georg von Arco, Berlin, Germany, assignor to Telefunken Geselschaft fir Drahtlose Tele graphie m. b. H., Berlin, Germany Application December 10, 1929, Serial No. 412,962 Renewed April 9, 1932 2 Claims. (C. 250-36) In my copending United States patent appli multiplier for use with my present invention cation Serial Number 70,729, fled November 23, although it is to be clearly understood that this 1925, now United States Patent 1,744,711, pat frequency multiplier or harmonic producer may ented January 21, 1930, I have disclosed an s efficient arrangement for frequency multiplying have wide application in the radio frequency or energy consisting of a master oscillator, means cognate arts rather than be limited to use in for splitting the phase of currents generated the System herein described. More specifically by the master oscillator and means for utilizing in connection with my harmonic oscillation gen the split phase currents to produce energy of erator, an object of my present invention is to O provide an electron discharge device having a multiplied frequency relative to the master OS parallel tuned circuit tuned to a harmonic fre 10 cillator frequency, by impulse excitation. In quency connected between its anode and cath that application, I referred to the efficient use of ode, and a Source of fundamental frequency en the System in directive transmitting arrange ergy connected or coupled to the control elec 5 ments, and this case which is a continuation in trode and cathode of the tube, the control elec part thereof, describes in detail how the ar trode or grid being so biased negatively that 5 rangement may be carried out.
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