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Librarian: Martin Morris McGill University

1. exp Maternal Health/ 2. exp Maternal Welfare/ 3. exp Maternal Health Services/ 4. exp Pregnancy/ 5. exp Pregnancy Complications/ 6. exp Midwifery/ 7. (maternal or maternity or mother? or midwif* or (birth adj1 attendant?) or doula?).tw,kf. 8. pregnan*.ti. 9. or/1-8 10. exp American Native Continental Ancestry Group/ 11. exp Health Services, Indigenous/ 12. (aborigine? or aboriginal?).tw,kf. 13. indigenous.tw. 14. natives.tw. 15. (tribe* or tribal*).tw. 16. autochton*.tw. 17. or/11-16 18. "*** COMMENT: North America ***".sm. 19. native american?.tw. 20. american indian?.tw. 21. first nation?.tw. 22. alaska* native*.tw. 23. (athabascan or ahtna or aleut* or alutor or chelkancy or chukchi or chulymcy or chuvancy or koryak or nanaicy or manci or kumadincy or negidalcy or nenets or orochi or nganasan or nivkhy or oroki or sa?mi or selkup or shorcy or soioty or tazy or telengity or teleuty or tofolar or tubolar or tuvin-todjin or udege or ukagiry or ulchi or veps or "deg hit?an" or dena?ina or holikachuk or kolchan or koyukon or tanacross or eyak or haida or tlingit or tsimshian* or inupiat or yup?ik or cup?ik or sugpiaq or alutiiq or alutiqu or chugach or koniag or unanga? or yup?ik or cree or mohawk or salish or or kimsquit or tallheo or stuie or kwatna or or sechelt or squamish or Skwxwu7mesh or qualicum or comox or sliammon or comos or or or cowichan or or s?amuna? or quw?utsun or or clemclemalut* or l?uml?umulut* or comiaken or qwum?yiqun? or khenipsen or hinupsum or kilpahla* or tl?ulpalu* or koksilah or hwulqwselu or or lamalcha or musqueam or snuneymuxw or tsleil-waututh or ts?ailes or chehali* or sto?lo or aitchelitz or matsqui or popkum or skway or skawahlook or skowkale or squiala or sumas or tzeachten or yakweakwioose or chawathil or cheam or kawaw-kawaw-apilt or scowlitz or scaulit* or shxw?ow?hamel or soowahlie or or kwantlen or kwikwetlem or tsawwassen or songhee* or t?souke or sooke or semiahmoo or malahat or tsartlip or tsawout or esquimalt or tsimshian* or gitxsan or nisga?a or haida or nuu-chah-nulth or nootka or mowachaht* or ahousaht or ehattesaht or hesquiaht or cheklesahht or kyuquot or nuchatlaht or huu-ay-aht or ohiaht or hupacasath or opetchesaht or

Sarmiento I, et al. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e037922. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037922 BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) BMJ Open

toqaht or tseshaht or uchucklesaht or ucluelet or ditidaht or pacheedaht or kwakwaka?wakw or laich-kwil-tach or euclataws or yuculta or weewaikai or wewaykum or koskimo or namgis or haisla or kiamaat or henaksiala or heiltsuk or wuikinuxv or owekeeno or tlingit or (("aa tlein" or deisleen) adj2 kwaan) or athapaskan or dakelh or wet?suwet?en or dene-thah or dene- thah or slavey or tsilhqot?in or chilcotin or sekani or dunne-za or tahltan or "kaska dena" or nlaka?pamux or okanagan or secwepemc or shuswap or sinixt or st?at?imc or lillooet or lil?wat or stl?atl?imx or skatin or semahquam or xa?xtsa or nequatque or ktunaxa or kootenay or ashinaabe or plains_ojibwa or blackfoot or kainai or peigan or siksika or dene or chipewyan or nakoda or assiniboine or ((plains or oji or "james bay") adj1 cree) or "eeyou istchee" or tasttine or "tsuu t?ina" or ktunaxa or sahtu or "tli cho" or yellowknives or dunne?za or gwich?in or kutchin or loucheaux or han or kaska or tagish or tutchone or anishinaabe or algonquin or nipissing or ojibwa or mississaugas or saulteaux or potawatomi or cree or innu or montagnais or naskapi or or maliseet or mi?kmaq or passamaquoddy or iroquois or haudenosaunee or cayuga or guyohkohnyo or kanien?kehaka or oneida or onayotekaono or on?ndaga* or tuscarora or wyandot or huron or onondowahgah or ganonsyoni or seneca).tw. 24. or/19-23 25. "*** COMMENT: Central and Meso- America ***".sm. 26. (" jonaz" or "huastec teenek" or achi or amuzgo or tzjon or tzotyio or nanncue or aztecan or bokota or boruca or bribri or cabecar or chorti or chatino or chibchan or chinantec or choc?o or ngiwai or ixcatec or chontal or chorotega or mangue or mankeme or chuj or cora or naayarite or corachol or cuicatec or guaymi or waimi or huave or huichol or wixarita* or itza or ixil or jakalteki or popti or kiche or kaqchikel or kuna or dule or tule or lacandon or "hach winik" or lenca or maleku or mamean or manguean or matlatzinca or maya? or mazahua or tetjo or mazatec or miskit? or misumalpan or ayuukjaay or * or mopan or nahua* or teribe or "tjer di" or ngabe-bugle or oto-manguean or oto-pamean or otomi or popoloca? or poqom* or qanjob* or qeqchi or qichea* or sumalpan or mayangna or talamancal or tarascan or tequistlatecan or "chontal de oaxaca" or tlapanec or tojolabal or tolupan or jicaque or * or tutunacu or trique or tzutujil or tzeltal or tzotzil or uto-aztecan or votic or xin?a or yucatec* or zambo or cafuso or zapotec* or zoque).tw,kf. 27. "*** COMMENT: ***".sm. 28. (abip?n or achagua or or or aguaruna or akawaio or akurio or or amany? or amorua or andaqu? or andoque or araona or or or ijka or ash?ninka or atacama or atacame?o or or atorada or auak? or av? guaran? or aw?-guaj? or aymara or or or bara or or or baure or betoye or bora or bor?ro or botocudo or cabiyar? or callawalla or ca?ari or candoshi or canelos-quichua or canichana or caranqui or carapana or carib or or cashibo or cat?o or cavine?a or cayambi or cayubaba or ch?cobo or or or charr?a or chimbuelo or chimila or chincha or chipaya or or chiricoa or chirip? or cholones or chorote or chulupi or ?ocama or or coconuco or cof?n or kof?n or comeching?n or coreguaje or cubeo or cuiba or curripaco or desano or or ebytoso or ember? or "" or "ese ejja" or guahibo or or misak or guana or guane or guaran? or guarayu or guat? or guayabero or or or or or or hupda or ignaciano or inga or ingarik? or itene or itonama or jaoi or or jivaro or jor? or kadiw?u or or kali?na or kalina or kamayur? or kams? or kankuamo or karaj? or kawaskhar or kaxinaw? or or kogui or k?ggaba or kokama or kolla or or kubeo or kulina or kuna or leco or letuama or or or or or maimar? or maina or makaguaje or

Sarmiento I, et al. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e037922. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037922 BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) BMJ Open

makuna or makuxi or mapidian or or " aymara" or mashco-piro or masiguare or matap? or mats?s or mawayana or mayoruna or mbay? or mbya* or mira?a or mocov? or mokan? or "motilone bar?" or movima or muinane or or or or nepuyo or nivacl? or nonuya or or oca?na or ofay? or omaguaca or orealla or otavale?os or pacabuy or pacahuara or p?ez or nasa or "" or pai-tavyter or or pampa or panar? or panche or pankararu or panzaleo or patamona or patax? or paunaka or or or piapoco or piaroa or pichincha or pijao or pilag? or piraha or piratapuyo or pitsamira or or puinave or puruh? or q?ero or qu?chua or querand? or quijos-quichua or rankulche or "rapa nui" or reyesano or salasacan or s?liba or sanapan? or sanavir?n or saraguro or saraveca or "sater? maw?" or or shapra or shinabo or shipibo-conibo or or or siona or or sirion? or "suru? do par?" or sutagao or tacana or taiwano or tanimuka or tapiet? or tapirape or tariano or tatuyo or tehuelche or terena or ti?una or tiriy? or toba or tom?raho or tonocote or toromona or totor? or trememb? or trinitario or tsiman? or tugua or tukano or tungurahua or tupi or "tup? guaran?" or tuyuca or u?wa or tunebo or umbr? or or uru or vilela or waiwai or wanano or waorani or or wapixana or waranka or warao or or or wayu? or wich? or or huitoto or uitoto or wiwa or sanh? or wounaan or xakriab? or or xukuru or ya?nomam? or yaghan or or yaminaw? or yanacona or yanesha? or or yarigui or yaruro or ye?kuana or yine or yukpa or yuko or yukuna* or or yuracare or yuri or yurut? or zamuco or zaparo or zenu).tw,kf. 29. exp Qualitative Research/ 30. (qualitative adj (research or stud$3)).ti,ab,kf. 31. (mixed adj (method* or studies)).ti,ab,kf. 32. "Surveys and Questionnaires"/ 33. exp Interviews as Topic/ 34. interview*.ti,ab,kf. 35. focus groups/ 36. focus group*.ti,ab,kf. 37. self report/ 38. ((action or participatory) and research).ti,ab,kf. 39. exp Community-Based Participatory Research/ 40. grounded theory/ 41. grounded theory.ti,ab,kf. 42. phenomenolog*.ti,ab,kf. 43. exp Narration/ 44. narrat*.ti,ab,kf. 45. conversation*.ti,ab,kf. 46. discourse*.ti,ab,kf. 47. (ethnograph* or ethnomethodolog* or ethno methodolog* or autoethnograph*).ti,ab,kf. 48. hermeneutic*.ti,ab,kf. 49. constructivis*.ti,ab,kf. 50. ((case or field) adj (study or studies)).ti,ab,kf. 51. ((participant* or field) adj observ*).ti,ab,kf. 52. ((purpos* or theoretical or judg?ment or "maximum variation" or convenience or "critical case" or "deviant case" or "key informant" or snowball or cluster) adj sampl*).ti,ab,kf. 53. (experience* or perspective* or perception* or meaning* or view? or viewpoint*).ti. 54. ((lived or life or personal* or patient? or survivor*) adj3 (experience* or perspective* or perception* or meaning* or view? or viewpoint*)).ti,ab,kf. 55. ((thematic or content) adj analys*).ti,ab,kf.

Sarmiento I, et al. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e037922. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037922 BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) BMJ Open

56. "group discussion*".ti,ab,kf. 57. (cope or copes or coping or thrive or thrives or thriving).ti,ab,kf. 58. finding?.ti,ab,kf. 59. or/29-58 60. 17 or 24 or 26 or 28 61. 9 and 59 and 60 62. (traditional* adj3 (birth adj1 (attendant? or midwi* or doula?))).tw,kf. 63. 60 and 62 64. ((randomized controlled trial or controlled clinical trial).pt. or randomized.ab. or randomised.ab. or placebo.ab. or drug therapy.fs. or randomly.ab. or trial.ab. or groups.ab.) not (exp animals/ not humans.sh.) 65. Epidemiologic studies/ or exp case control studies/ or exp cohort studies/ or (Case control or (cohort adj (study or studies)) or cohort analy$ or (Follow up adj (study or studies)) or (observational adj (study or studies)) or longitudinal or retrospective or cross sectional).tw. 66. 9 and (59 or 64 or 65) and 60

Sarmiento I, et al. BMJ Open 2020; 10:e037922. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037922