~ 0 ~ ~ ~ IN THE SUPREME COURT OF APPEAIB OF WEST Vm U,:,,~ ,:ec~ Q ~~~~, ] DOCKET No. 14-0998 SUPR~~~'~cs~r;~~~~~liEALS GARY W. RICH and LAW OFFICE OF GARY W. RICH, L.C., Plaintiffs/Counter Defendants/Third-Party Plaintiffs Below, From the United States District Petitioners Court for the Northern District of v. West Virginia (Civil Action No. 1: 12-cv-00012-IMK-JSK) JOSEPH SIMONI, Defendant/Counter Plaintiff Below, Respondent v. COCHRAN, CHERRY, GIVENS, SMITH, LANE & TAYLOR, P.C., Third Party Defendant/Counter-Claimant Below, Respondent v. LEVIN, PAPANTONIO, THOMAS, MITCHELL, RAFFERTY & PROCTOR, P.A., Third-Party Defendant/Counter Claimant Below, Respondent v. BARON AND BUDD, P.C., Third-Party Defendant/Counter-Claimant Below, Respondent BRIEF OF PETITIONERS ON CERTIFIED QUESTION Counsel for Petitioners, Richard W. Gallagher (Bar No. 1327) Tillman J. Finley (pro hac vice pending) E. Ryan Kennedy (BarNo. 10154) Counsel-of Record Counsel ofRecord Marino Finley PLLC Robinson & McElwee, PLLC 1100 New York Ave., N.W. Suite 700W 140 W. Main Street Suite # 300 Washington, D.C. 20005 Clarksburg, WV 26302-0128 (202) 223-8888 (304) 622-5022 tfinlevuv,marinofillley.com
[email protected] erk((i)ramlaw.com 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Certified Question Presented .....................................................1 II. Introduction and Relevant Procedural History .................................1 III. Statement ofFacts.................................................................3 IV. Summary ofArgument............................................................9