Diocesan SUMMER 2018 messenger


camp stevens 4 Going to Camp by Bishop Katharine 5 Embracing Your Wilderness by Kathy Wilder 6 Securing Roots by Emma Simons-Araya 7 Camp Sessions: Register Today 10 The Camp Stevens Food Philosophy 11 Summer Recipe: Kale Salad

summertime 8 Summer Calendar ORANGE YOU 12 Vacation Bible School GLAD YOU CAME? Campers enjoy the outdoors and healthy snacks at our dioce- san camp in Julian. diocesan news 13 Baptist Couple Visits St. Luke’s by Richard Anderson 14 General Convention 14 Diocesan Convention

FREEDOM! Surrounded by compassionate Camp Stevens staff, campers learn to show their goofy side and let go of inhibi- tions. 003 TIME SPENT OUTDOORS hen I was a kid, I spent a lot of opportunities to ex- time outdoors with my broth- perience God Wer. We would play in what we and to feel affectionately called the mudhole in our their own backyard. We would invite all the neigh- worth, borhood kids over for games involving lots to know of leaves, mud and bugs. We came away deeply at from those glorious afternoons thoroughly their core dirty and supremely happy. Now compel- that they ling research suggests that time spent in are uncon- nature reduces stress, inspires collabora- ditionally tive play, creates feelings of empathy for loved. Not only the non-human world, and facilitates better that, but campers learn physical and social development. skills that serve them throughout their Christians have sometimes whole lives: leadership, independence, opined that this world is not our home, but service to others, swimming, crafting, and close reading of scripture argues other- sports of all kinds. They grow in self-con- wise. Jesus connected intimately with fidence through talent shows and lip-sync natural elements, turning water into wine, battles. In the context of a safe, loving multiplying food, and embracing the heal- community, they might allow themselves ing power of mud. Our Israelite forebears to be goofy and uninhibited. As they expe- experienced God as primal elements: burn- rience this support and sense of belonging, ing flame and a pillar of cloud. One might they grow into whole-hearted adults who say that nature is the preeminent way we carry that unconditional love into their jobs, experience God, and begin to understand homes and communities. what it means to be human. If you haven’t yet been to Camp, Camp Stevens, our diocesan call today to make an appointment for a camp in Julian, knows well the restorative tour: 760-765-0028. + Hannah Wilder is properties of God’s creation. The staff also the Messenger editor: [email protected]. know that youth seem especially sensitive This issue is the second of six to highlight and open to God in nature. For over 60 diocesan ministries as part of Ministry years, Camp Stevens has offered safecamp and Together! open-ended learning activities for children in the natural world, providing them with messenger contact The Episcopal Diocesestevens of , 2083 Sunset Cliffs Blvd., San Diego, CA 92107 magazine info advertising EDITOR: Hannah Wilder This magazine has a circulation of about 619-481-5456 | [email protected] 13,000 and an approximate readership of 26,000. For more information or to receive submissions a copy of our rate card, email hwilder@ We welcome submissions of original arti- edsd.org cles, letters, poetry, art and photographs. Submissions should pertain in some way distribution to the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of This magazine is San Diego. It is advised to check with the a free publication editor prior to submitting, to ensure your for The Episcopal materials fit thematically and that there Diocese of San Diego is space. All submissions should be sent published 3-4 times via email: [email protected]. Include your per year. If you would name, congregation, phone and home ad- like to be added to dress. The editor reserves the right to edit our mailing list, send all material for length, clarity and accuracy. an email with your At this time, the magazine cannot provide name and address to: compensation for submissions. [email protected] 4 GOING TO CAMP: A PROFOUND EXPERIENCE

first went to overnight camp with my Girl Scout troop and Iseveral others when I was 6. During that week we practiced building campfires, wandered in the woods, hiked down stream- beds, and learned songs that still resonate, like “Make new friends, but keep the old – one is silver and the other gold.” I have lasting memories of peanut butter and honey sandwiches that had been made so far ahead that the hon- ey-soaked bread was crunchy. I also recall crying when it was time BISHOP BLESSING: With help from young friends, to go home – this was wonderful, our assisting bishop, the Rt. Rev. Katharine Jefferts and I wanted to stay! Schori, blessed Camp Stevens in December at the Going to camp is a pro- Bergstrom Lodge dedication. The new lodge fea- found opportunity to make new tures linen service, private rooms and reliable wifi. friends and try new things, chal- opportunities to move outside comfort zones, try lenge yourself and experience vul- new things, confront fears, and discover abilities nerability, and learn to appreciate that expand a sense of what is possible. Educators the wonder of the world around call that “building resilience,” but it’s really about us. Kids learn that not all families forming more truly human and creative people. function the same way and that It’s about building character and spiritual depth, there’s more than one way to deal learning to love yourself AND your neighbor, and with conflict and difference, and discovering that it’s all intrinsic to a good life. they learn about sharing chores Camp Stevens offers kids and adults a and living space. Imagine what peaceful place apart, a kind of creative sabbath the world would be like if every where growth can happen. When was the last time adult had that kind of experience! you went apart, turned off all the beeps and chirps The quintessential reality demanding your attention, and simply listened to of camp is about going apart the wind in the trees, the burbling of a brook, or for a time, to enter into a new the symphony of frogs and bees and crickets? It and surprising reality, filled with doesn’t just lower your blood pressure, it expands revelatory and unexpected truths. your heart and excites whispers of thanks and Like a retreat, summer camp awe and yearning. Some among us can find that offers a liminal experience, what peace-filled re-creation with dirt-stained hands in the Celts call a “thin place,” where a garden; some of us take off down the trail with the usual boundaries of normal a loaded backpack; and some sit on the beach or life fade away and a deeper sense surf its pounding waves. of the holy and sacred enters our The time and space apart comes in many awareness. We can go on retreat, guises, yet the sabbath task is only to choose or take long hikes alone to expe- one and enter in as fully as we are able: to rest, to rience the wonder of creation or get offline, to remember that we are not slaves or confront our own smallness in the automatons controlled by another. God’s people midst of vastness, yet something camped in the desert for 40 years to learn that even more surprising happens they were free, that they were made in the divine when we’re surrounded by others image, and that the response is always to be who are negotiating the unfamiliar thankful and creative. There’s an ancient rabbini- and engaging what might seem cal story about a man who asks what happens at overwhelming. the last judgment. The rabbi says that Moses will Camp means setting ask a person, “Did you enjoy everything God gave aside the familiar, whether it’s you to enjoy?” May you find Camp this year and turning off the electronics or experience and enjoy what you discover! + Con- eating new foods. Everybody gets tributed by Bishop Katharine, our assisting bishop. 5 EMBRACING YOUR WILDERNESS

ilderness represents to many report that camp helped them get to know an untamed world beyond our kids who were different from them and Wreach. To others, it is a myste- their families. 74% of campers reported do- rious and scary state of being. Dr. Brené ing things they were initially afraid to do. Brown, author and vulnerability researcher, Campers and their families are embracing found that while people describe their their wilderness! own wilderness as being uncontrolled Upon my return to Camp Stevens, and vast they also find it to be “a place of I have committed to sharing this gateway true belonging, and the bravest and most to wilderness and personal growth with as sacred place you will many kids and families ever stand.” When asked as possible, regardless about wilderness experi- “74% of campers of life circumstances or ence at Camp Stevens, a perceived barriers. Last summer camper stated, reported doing summer, along with our “At camp, I lose myself things they were general scholarship cam- and find myself all at initially afraid to do.” paign, we joined with our once.” Wilderness holds partner, RefugeeNet, to a balance of wonder and send almost 40 refugee struggle, gratitude and challenge, open- kids to camp, fully loaded with camping ness and fear, isolation and connection. gear, transportation, and great enthusi- Entering the wilderness is a core part of asm. We have committed to doing the the human experience. same this year, raising resources for this Camp Stevens serves as an partnership at the Campership Ingathering entry point to wilderness, through peace Sunday on either June 17 or 24, whichever and beauty as well as opportunities for your congregation chooses. challenge and personal discovery. Fam- Beyond generosity for others, we ilies, kids, teens and adults have come hope you will join us for a family camp, to our sacred space for both respite and send a child in your life to summer camp renewal. While campfires and climbing or come for a group or individual retreat. walls are meaningful activities, it’s the Together we can all embrace our wilder- transferable skills and experiences gained ness. + Contributed by Kathy Wilder, at camp that change lives. The American executive director: kathy@campstevens. Camp Association (ACA) reports that 70% org. Visit campstevens.org to learn about of camp parents report their child gaining programs and opportunities to visit. self-confidence at camp. 93% of campers 6 SECURING ROOTS: A CAMP LIFE LESSON n March I had the As a camper awesome oppor- at Camp Stevens Itunity to work I was eager to with the 10th grade show others I was class of San Diego’s blooming. During Waldorf School, and I team building ac- helped facilitate their tivities, my eager- SEEDS program. We ness to lead often worked on several prevented me from garden projects, in- listening to others cluding planting fruit – I was focusing trees on a hillside my energy on (by the cob chicken showing others coop) to help prevent that I knew what soil erosion. Shortly after the class planted to do. Some of the most important lessons them, they started to bloom! I’ve learned came from times when camp I remember a conversation I counselors challenged my adventure had with my coworker Lia while we were groups to focus our energy on listening to observing their buds. She told me she was everyone’s ideas and sharing leadership. sad to prune them because they were so Communication was our roots. pretty, but that we had to do it because Camp Stevens continues to show they were putting all their energy into flow- me that tending and pruning can some- ering and not rooting. In order for them to times feel challenging, but it can result have a long life they need to secure their in something beautiful and sustainable. roots in the ground early on, and then they + Contributed by Emma Simons-Araya, can direct their energy on blooming. Camp Stevens staff member. That resonated with me.

LEFT: Sunset singing ses- sions await at Camp Stevens. BELOW LEFT: Internation- al campers enjoy Southern ’s natural beauty. BELOW: The ropes course can build trust and courage. 7 COME TO CAMP THIS SUMMER! There’s still time to register

COUNSELOR ADVENTURE MINI CAMP TRAINING SESSIONS This four-day version of our An empowering leadership Dive into the pool. Sleep adventure session is perfect course for young counselors. under the stars. Take a shot at for first-time campers or Through group sessions, archery. Every moment gives experienced adventurers with hands-on practice and feedback, campers fun and eye-opening tight summer schedules. The attendees learn about com- experiences with new friends, mini camp session packs the munication, conflict resolution, kind staff and delicious food. fun of Camp Stevens into one effective listening and group Ages: 8 - 15 shorter week. Ages 7-12. development. Age requirement: PRICE: A. $730 B. $680 C. $630 PRICE: A. $370 B. $320 C. 16 and completed tenth grade. SESSION DATES: July 1-7; July $270 SESSION DATES: July 15 - 18 PRICE: A. $370 B. $300 C. $270 8-14; July 22-28; and July 29 - Aug 4 SESSIONS DATES: June 17 - 26

INTERNATION- SAND TO SEA REGISTER AL ODYSSEY Join us as we explore the county ONLINE Combine the magic of an ad- from the desert sands to the TODAY venture session with the unique sea with backpacking, rock Sessions are filling up! addition of cultural exchange. climbing, and ocean sports! To give your child a life- Students from Tokyo, Japan join All experience levels welcome. changing experience at camp American campers and staff Ages 13 - 18. this summer, register today: for a horizon-expanding week PRICE: A. $770 B. $720 C. $670 campstevens.org exploring together and building SESSION DATES: July 29 - connections. Ages 11 - 16. August 4

PRICE: A. $730 B. $680 C. $630 SESSION DATES: August 5 - 11 Ho+ TO


SUNDAY, JUNE 10 ECS’ ANNUAL MEETING Help Episcopal Community Services (ECS) celebrate another year of service to the San Diego community. Learn more about their work. Evensong and annual meeting followed by a light reception. TIME & PLACE: 4 p.m. St. Dunstan’s, 6556 Park Ridge Blvd., San Diego. SATURDAY, JULY 28 RSVP: evite.me/YebxTTJ2ue VITAL TEAMS JUNE 17 or 24 Sandra Montes and Kjerstin Besser will teach us how to transform a group of individual CAMPERSHIP parishioners into a vital team. The training INGATHERING SUNDAY will focus on four aspects of teamwork: Gather in donations clarity around purpose, strong relationships, for the annual improved meeting processes and a focus on refugee camp- results. Lunch included. ership drive TIME: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. to provide PLACE: St. John’s, 460 First Ave, Chula Vista refugee chil- COST: $20/person; scholarships available dren with the INFO: edsd.org/event/vitalteams experience of summer camp. A joint effort of THURSDAY - FRIDAY, JULY 5 - 13 RefugeeNet and GENERAL CONVENTION Camp Stevens. Our deputies and LOCATION: All churches in the diocese two alternates will travel to INFO: Kathy, [email protected] Austin, Texas this summer to participate JUNE 20 - 27 in the Episco- GUATEMALA HIGH pal Church’s SCHOOL MISSION TRIP 79th General High school youth Convention. This will complete sev- body meets once eral construc- every three years to pass tion projects resolutions, elect new leaders and give in Guatemala voice to the Church as a whole. Follow our this summer. deputies via the Facebook group: Their goal is facebook.com/groups/edsdgc or check to come home out their posts on the diocesan blog: sweaty, dirty edsd.org/blog. See article on page 15 for and tired with more information. hearts full of love LOCATION: Austin Convention Center for the people they have INFO: generalconvention.org served. Ages 15 - 18. INFO:Charlette Preslar, [email protected] Ho+ TO

0099 JULY 11 - 14 WALKING WITH ANGELS Diocesan middle schoolers will live first- hand among the signs, sounds, smells and textures of urban life in as we prepare and serve food, sort clothes, and more. During these hands-on minis- try opportunities, we hope to encounter the angels among us, whom we so often overlook. Youth entering grade 7 - exiting SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 grade 9. INFO: Alex, [email protected] STEWARDSHIP FOR THE HEART & SOUL JULY 13 - 14 Learn from reputed stewardship expert, the Rev. Lance Ousley, about a theological HEALING CONFERENCE and spiritual understanding of stewardship, Learn how to bring healing to yourself and how to construct a meaningful and effective others. The Rev. Mike Flynn, Episcopal annual pledge drive, and how to deepen priest and author, will teach participants your congregation’s year-round stewardship about modeling responsiveness to the awareness. Lunch included. Holy Spirit in life and ministry. COST: $10 before July 2; $15 after July 2 TIME: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. TIME: Friday, 5:30 p.m. - Saturday, 5 p.m. PLACE: St. Michael’s, 2775 Carlsbad Blvd. LOCATION: Good Shepherd, 3990 Bonita COST: $20/person; scholarships available Rd., Bonita INFO: edsd.org/event/stewardship18 INFO: Ted Parsons, 619-267-4760 or [email protected] FRIDAY - SATURDAY, SATURDAY, JULY 14 NOVEMBER 9 - 10 PRIDE PARADE DIOCESAN Bear witness to God’s CONVENTION fearless love by Like a mustard seed . . . Growing in Christ marching in San Come to our annual convention. Delegates Diego’s Gay vote on the budget and resolutions and Pride Parade. elect people to diocesan positions. The We hope to Rev. Deb Seles and the Rev. Mark Har- have a joyful greaves will lead us in an exploration of diocesan pres- authentic Episcopal evangelism, watering ence again this the seeds that have already been planted. year. Come early LOCATION: St. Dunstan’s, 6556 Park Ridge to participate in a Blvd., San Diego street Eucharist during the INFO: edsd.org/diocon staging time, walk the parade route and

enjoy a barbeque at the Cathedral. TIME: 12 p.m. parade start time, but our SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 group will gather at 10 a.m. ELECTING CONVENTION INFO: Jeff Martinhauk, Delegates will elect our fifth diocesan bish- [email protected] op on this historic day. LOCATION: St. Bartholomew’s, Poway FRIDAY, JULY 27 INFO: edsd.org

PADRES NIGHT SATURDAY, JUNE 15 Cheer the Padres as they take on the Ari- zona Diamondbacks! Come early to enjoy CONSECRATION & a diocesan-wide choir singing the national ORDINATION OF OUR anthem, the party in the park featuring live FIFTH BISHOP music, drink specials and a country theme, Our fifth diocesan bishop will be conse- and time with fellow Episcopalians! crated and ordained. TIME & PLACE: 5 p.m. Party in the Park. LOCATION: St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego 7:10 p.m. Game starts. Petco Park. INFO: edsd.org INFO: Sean Nickelsen, 619-795-5134 or [email protected] 10 THE CAMP STEVENS FOOD PHILOSOPHY

t Camp Stevens we take great care range or camp-raised hens. to prepare delicious and nutri- • We choose not to serve beef and Atious meals for our guests and pork due to the tremendous re- resident staff, carrying our respect for our sources required to produce a rela- Earth from the garden into the kitchen tively small amount of protein, plus and onto the table. We prefer to sit down the effect raising such livestock has together, family style in order to celebrate on our environment. the bounty and to promote a community • Our own gardens produce fresh, atmosphere. organic fruits and vegetables and A significant part of our environ- herbs, and we purchase locally mental stewardship revolves around the grown produce when available. camp kitchen. The types of food we serve, • The coffees and teas we offer are how they are prepared, stored and the re- roasted locally, and shade grown, use of waste products all affect the health organic, and fair trade contracted of our bodies and our planet. whenever possible. Our aim is to provide excellent • We purchase products in bulk to alternatives to the typical processed camp minimize excessive packaging. We style meals and to continue to satisfy all avoid non-recyclable materials, and appetites, from the summer camper to the we vigilantly recycle all cardboard, sophisticated palate. glass, metal, plastics, aluminum and tin containers. • We seek to support the most sus- • A great deal of thought goes into tainable food production methods planning meals to minimize waste by using organic products when- by preparing the correct amounts ever possible (free from harmful and using excess food safely and pesticides, fertilizers, preservatives creatively. and additives and non-genetically • We compost plate scrapings and modified). kitchen scraps, which in turn be- • We do our best to prepare meals comes our garden’s nutrient rich using healthy cooking methods to soil, which grows our wonderful preserve the nutritive value of the vegetables, fruits and herbs. food. The majority of our meals are prepared from scratch, using quality We invite you, the member of our products. We keep the fat, sugar diocese, to Camp Stevens to enjoy the and sodium content low and use food during a seasonal supper. These organic whole grains, milled flours, free, community meals celebrate each herbs and spices. season, and give you an opportunity to • There will always be a plant-based come to camp and share a meal with protein option available to every meal. friends, new and old. To learn more, • Our dairy products are mostly email [email protected] + organic, and the eggs are from free- 11 SUMMER RECIPE: KALE SALAD Combine the Braggs, lemon juice, and oil together in a bowl with a whisk. Place the onions in the bowl with the dressing. Allow the onions to marinate while you prepare the rest of the salad. Toast each of the seeds separate- ly in a skillet. It is important to toast them separately because they are different sizes and have different roasting times. Toast each seed until just golden and fragrant. Cool to room temperature. Toss the seeds and kale together with the marinated onions and as much dressing as necessary to lightly but not completely dress the kale. Massage the dressing into the kale with your hands, adding more dressing if necessary. his kale salad is a hearty, nutritent Cut the avocado into cubes and dense crowd-pleaser. The lemon place on top of the salad. Enjoy! Tjuice softens the kale leaves into Note: If you can’t find baby kale, you delectable morsels, and the toasted seeds can use full leaves of kale. Destem the give a fun little pop. Serves 4-6. kale by either using a knife to slice the leaves off the stem, or use one hand to Ingredients: hold the edge of the stem and use your 1/3 cup Bragg Liquid Aminos other hand to run along the stem, pulling 1/3 cup lemon juice off the leaf as your hand runs down the 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil stem. Stack the kale leaves and slice into 1/2 medium red onion, sliced into a 1/4-inch ribbon. This is the most impor- very thin half moons tant step, so take your time. The success 1/4 cup sunflower seeds of this recipe lies in cutting the kale into 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds small ribbons and in completely massag- 1/4 cup sesame seeds ing the kale with the dressing. + If you 1 pound baby kale have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask 1 avocado Food Service Director Laurie Wesp, laurie@ campstevens.org.

LOVELY LOAF: Every week, kitchen staff make the famous camp bread, an economical decision, and a delicious dimension of Camp Stevens. 12 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL JUNE 18 - 22 JULY 9 - 13 GOOD SHEPHERD ST. JAMES TimeLab Let Your Light Shine TIME: 5 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. AGES: 3 - 11 LOCATION: Good LOCATION: St. Shepherd, 3990 Bonita Rd., James, 743 Prospect Bonita, CA 91902 St., La Jolla, CA COST: $25 per camper, $25 92037 per parent, dinner included COST: $35, multi-child discount available REGISTER: Call the church office, INFO: [email protected], 858-459-3421 619-479-0943 extension 108 JUNE 18 - 22 JULY 18 - 22 ST. PETER’S Renew ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S AGES: K-4th grade Renew TIME: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. AGES: 3 years old - 5th LOCATION: St. Peter’s, Grade in Fall 334 14th St., Del Mar, CA TIME: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. COST: $75, Scholarships LOCATION: St. available Bartholomew’s, 16275 INFO: stpetersdelmar.net/vbs2018 or Pomerado Rd., Poway, [email protected] CA 92064 COST: $50 per child JUNE 25 - 29 $5 discount for each additional sibling ST. MICHAEL’S INFO: stbartschurch.org/vbs Shipwrecked TIME: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. AUGUST 6 - 10 LOCATION: St. Michael’s 2775 ALL SOULS’ Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad, CA Rolling River Rampage 92008 AGES: 3 years - 5th COST: $65 per camper, grade $35 per sibling TIME: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. REGISTER: stmichaelsbythesea.org/vbs LOCATION: All Souls’, 1475 Catalina Blvd., San JUNE 25 - 29 Diego, 92107 ST. DUNSTAN’S COST: $70 per camper, $120 for two, $150 Shipwrecked for three, includes Tshirt, CD, supplies, AGES: K - 5th grade snacks, scholarships available TIME: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. INFO: [email protected] LOCATION: St. Dunstan’s, 6556 Park AUGUST 6 - 10 Ridge Blvd., San Diego, CA 92120 ST. DAVID’S COST: $35, includes snacks and materials Joyful Noise Music REGISTER: stdunstans.org Camp for Kids AGES: 6 - 12 JUNE 25 - 29 TIME: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. ST. ANDREW’S LOCATION: St. Rolling River Rampage David’s, 5050 Milton TIME: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. St., San Diego, CA LOCATION: St. 92110 Andrew’s, 890 Balour COST: $200 per camper, before and after Dr., Encinitas, 92024 care available for $25 each COST: $95 per camper, $30 per sibling REGISTER: saintdavidschurch.com INFO: [email protected] 13 A BAPTIST COUPLE VISITS ST LUKE’S, NORTH PARK

BLESSED IN BAPTISM: The Rev. Laurel Mathewson, co-vicar of St. Luke’s, baptizes a new member of the congregation. St. Luke’s is one of the primary cultural centers for South Sudanese in San Diego. ean and Dona Fitzgerald usually worship at a Baptist Church. DBut one Sunday not long ago they were among those celebrat- ing the Lord’s Day at St. Luke’s, San Diego among people who had experienced dan- - North Park. Some of those in the pews ger, forced migration and other unsettling were South who forces in their lives. They spent 11 years in over the years or even recently had moved Jordan, followed by 29 years in Gaza. to southern California, seeking new life The Rev. Colin Mathewson and and refuge from war-torn countries. The his wife, the Rev. Laurel Mathewson, congregation also included Congolese ref- provide pastoral care and leadership at St. ugees, as well as some who have attended Luke’s. Colin spoke of “helping one of our the parish for a long time. immigrant families find housing. They are Dona described the welcome at a family of eight now living in two rooms St. Luke’s as “warm and in University Heights. friendly. It was wonder- The father is a janitor at a ful to worship with such “The Sudanese hotel. After the service last a varied congregation. now welcome the Sunday several parishion- The church was crowded Congolese into ers and I gathered with the with children who really family in the church. We seemed to feel at home in the congregation.” hoped to help them find a the place.” Her words echo place to live, but we also an invitation on the parish felt it was important just to website: “We dream to be a place where all be with them during this hard time.” people can enter into uncomfortable and The first immigrants from South brave spaces with others different from Sudan arrived in San Diego decades ago. themselves – different races, ethnicities, The children of that group are now in high classes, creeds, sexual orientations and school and college. They chose St. Luke’s gender identities – and find their perspec- because their church background was tives and hearts transformed.” Sponsored Anglican. Other Sudanese continue to as missionaries by the Southern Baptist arrive. A more recent refugee group is the Convention, Dean, a surgeon, and Dona, a Congolese. There are many cultural differ- registered nurse, had served many years ences as well as a difference in language ST LUKES, CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 14

DUTIFUL DEPUTIES: (Front L-R) Hanh Tran, Brenda Sol, Pauline Getz, Colin Mathewson. (Middle L-R) Craig Noble, Judy Brown, Penny Bridges, Gwynn Lynch. (Back L-R) Katharine Jefferts Schori, Andrew Green, Butch Glosson, Mark McKone-Sweet GENERAL CONVENTION This year’s and such marriages are permitted in 93 convention dioceses across the United States. will consider Other important issues at requiring convention will include a proposal for a that all comprehensive revision of the Book of dioceses Common Prayer (1979); examination of the distribute church’s disciplinary process for bish- a wedding ops, priests, and deacons; and a dispute liturgy for between the two governing bodies — the same-sex House of Bishops and the House of Dep- couples and uties — on whether the president of the allowing such deputies should be compensated for what ceremonies, over has always been a volunteer position. The the strong opposition of about a dozen 2018 convention will be held in Austin July bishops. The 2015 General Convention 5 to 13; some meetings will begin on July 3. approved the liturgy for trial use with the + Learn more: generalconvention.org. permission of the local bishop diocesan, DIOCESAN CONVENTION ur 45th Annual Diocesan Con- vention will take place Friday O- Saturday, November 9 - 10 at St. Dunstan’s, 6556 Park Ridge Blvd., San Diego, 92120. Our theme: Like a Mustard Seed . . . Growing in Christ. All are welcome to this annual gathering of Episcopal churches in our diocese, which spans San Diego and Im- perial Counties, parts of Riverside County and Yuma, Arizona. Delegates will elect leaders to They will speak about authentic Episcopal diocesan positions and vote on the budget evangelism. and resolutions to guide our common life Worship as one body. Share in the coming year. meals. Enjoy a festive cocktail hour on Fri- Our keynote presenters hail from day evening surrounded by dioesan minis- St. Margaret’s, Palm Desert (the Rev. Deb try displays. Come to diocesan convention. Seles, associate) and from St James, La + Register for convention on the diocesan Jolla (the Rev. Dr. Mark Hargreaves, rector). website: edsd.org/diocon. 15 ST LUKES, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 between these two groups. The Sudanese to be seen than the building. Offices and now welcome the Congolese into the activity rooms adjacent to the church parish, just as they experienced years are places of meeting for community ago. About 20% of the congregation live groups as well as a shelter for those who in the neighborhood. A great deal of effort are homeless. Neighbors are also aware is put forth at St. Luke’s to be inclusive of of the large open area just north of the all. While Sunday services are primarily in church building. It is an urban farm run by English from the Book of Common Prayer, City Heights high school students. Youth the announcements and the gospel read- FarmWorks is a paid internship program ing are in Swahili and Arabic as well. While sponsored by the International Rescue the prayer book liturgy is of the land where Committee (IRC). The students learn how the immigrant parishioners now live, the to plant, grow, harvest and sell vegetables. hymns are native to the lands where they They sell produce at the North Park farm- once lived. The music is joyous. English er’s market on Thursday afternoons or in translations of the words are printed in a front of the farm on Saturday mornings. leaflet for worshipers and some talented Another IRC program will move parishioners demonstrate that they know to St. Luke’s as soon as funds are raised how to make native drums to upgrade its commercial do what those drums were kitchen. This will provide a intended to do. “...Announcements paid hands-on work read- The North Park and the gospel iness program for low-lit- neighborhood developed eracy refugee women to as part of a post-World reading are in gain English communi- War I expansion. In 1923 Swahili and Arabic cation skills and formal several members of All as well.” work experience. There Saints’, San Diego organ- are only a few other such ized an Episcopal Sunday programs in San Diego school. It met for the first County. These programs time on St. Luke’s Day in 1923. The 1925 are two of the results of an ongoing part- journal of the Diocese of Los Angeles lists nership between the IRC, St. Luke’s and St. Luke’s as a mission congregation of All the North Park community. Contributions Saints’. St. Luke’s became a parish in 1939. to support the ministry are welcome – be The inclusive ministry now celebrated in touch with Colin Mathewson: colin@ there is the result of a cooperative effort stlukesnorthpark.org . by St. Luke’s, St. Paul’s Cathedral and the The laughter and happy voices Diocese of San Diego. The Mathewsons of children at St. Luke’s call attention to came to St. Luke’s after serving as curates a new play area dedicated last April. Ac- at the Cathedral. A representative of the cording to Laurel Mathewson it is a project North Park parish is a member of the Ca- begun by a Christian group known as the thedral chapter (vestry, or governing body). Genesis Church that shares worship space Cathedral parishioners participate on Sundays. Episcopal services take place at St. Luke’s in various ways. Bob Carney, at 7:45 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. The Genesis for example, assists in the children’s min- Church worships at 9:30 a.m. The Episco- istry on the third Sunday of each month. pal congregation’s joining in supporting “Since I was a public school teacher for 30 the new play area is a symbol of the com- years, creating and presenting my les- mon concern both congregations have for sons is left for me to decide. I have been a the people living east of Balboa Park. volunteer for more than a year. I know the Those members of All Saints’ children and their parents. Language is parish who attended that Sunday School often a challenge because some children class in 1923 had no idea, of course, arrive never having been exposed to that they were taking the initial steps English. This challenge does not linger, that would lead to today’s ministry at St. however, as the students learn English Luke’s. And those in ministry at St. Luke’s very quickly.” Bob describes three levels of now have no idea of what might result in learning for the children: pre-school, lower future years because of their current activ- primary, and upper primary groups. Dawn ities. As Dean Fitzgerald put it, “Ministry Stary is the children and family minister is a way of offering thanksgiving for the for the parish. present as well as an expression of hope The St. Luke’s church building for days to come.” + Contributed by the is easy to locate on Thirtieth Street just Rev. Richard Anderson of St. Paul’s Cathe- south of University Avenue. But those dral: [email protected]. living near the parish know there is more NON-PROFIT ORG DIOCESAN MESSENGER U.S. Postage The Official Magazine of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego PAID San Diego, CA Permit 1723 2083 Sunset Cliffs Blvd. San Diego, California 92107 619-291-5947 edsd.org

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