Raporti I Publikimeve Shkencore 2020
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UNIVERSITETI “UKSHIN HOTI’’PRIZREN Rruga e Shkronjave Nr.1, 20000 Prizren -Kosovë; Tel:+381 (0) 29- 232 140; Homepage: www.uni-prizren.com RAPORTI I PUBLIKIMEVE SHKENCORE 2020 Vërejtje: Publikimet Shkencore në këtë raport nuk kanë kaluar në procesin e verifikimit të vërtetësisë së revistave/botuesve. Prizren, 2020 1 PËRMBAJTJA Lista e Publikimeve Shkencore të Fakultetit Edukimit………………………………......Faqe 4- 7 Lista e Publikimeve Shkencore të Fakultetit Ekonomik…………………………..…….Faqe 9- 11 Lista e Publikimeve Shkencore të Fakultetit të Shkencave Kompjuterike.………….…Faqe13- 14 Lista e Publikimeve Shkencore të Fakultetit të Shkencave të Jetës dhe Mjedisit …....Faqe 16- 17 Lista e Publikimeve Shkencore të Fakultetit Juridik…………………………………..Faqe 19- 20 Lista e Publikimeve Shkencore të Fakultetit Filologjik………………………………..Faqe 22- 23 2 LISTAT E PUBLIKIMEVE SHKENCORE TË STAFIT AKADEMIK TË RREGULLT TË UNIVERSITETIT “UKSHIN HOTI” PRIZREN, 2020 1. Fakulteti Edukimit Mësimdhënësit të cilët do t’i gjeni Publikimet Shkencore: Prof. Ass. Dr. Ajka Aljilji Prof. Ass. Dr. Bajram Çupi Prof. Ass. Dr. Elsev Brina Lopar Prof. Ass. Dr. Fatmir Mehmeti Prof. Ass. Dr. Munevver Muyo Yildirim Prof. Ass. Dr. Pranvera Jetishi - Çollaku Prof. Asoc. Dr. Prof.Asoc.Dr. Ragip Gjoshi Prof. Asoc. Dr. Rifat Morina Prof. Ass. Dr. Shemsi Morina Prof. Ass.Dr Vedat Bajrami Prof. Asoc. Dr. Soner Yildirim Prof. Ass. Dr. Serdan Keravan Ass. Artan Reshani, Phd C. Ass. Albulena Alidema, Phd C. 3 UNIVERSITETI “UKSHIN HOTI’’ PRIZREN Rruga e Shkronjave Nr.1, 20000 Prizren -Kosovë; Tel:+381 (0) 29- 232 140; Homepage: www.uni-prizren.com Publikimet Shkencore për vitin 2020 Fakulteti Edukimit 1.Prof. Ass. Dr.Ajka Aljilji Aljilji, A., Mahmutović, O., Basic, H., & Prazina, N. (2020). Mechanical properties of dried fruit packaging materials. Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN), 8(4), 2547-2552. January 2020 Vol.: 14, Issue: 3. World Cat http://pen.ius.edu.ba/index.php/pen/article/viewFile/1487/736t 2.Prof. Ass. Dr. Bajram Çupi 2.1Cupi, B., & Cupi, A. (2020). Choral Singing and Solo Singing in the Conditions of the Society and the Education System of Our Schools. Available at SSRN 3718630. 2020 Pages: 176-184 WorldCat https://www.worldcat.org/search?qt=worldcat_org_all&q=bajram+cupi 2.2 Bajram, Ҫ. U. P. I., & MORINA, S. (2020). The Influential Power and the Importance of Music in Advertising and Marketing. Journal of Life Economics, 7(1), 17-28. Volume 7, Issue1, 2020, pp.17-28 WorldCat https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/961063 3.Prof. Asoc. Dr. Elsev Brina Lopar CENGİZ, A. K., & LOPAR, E. B. (2020). Tüketim ve Beslenme Antropolojisinin Bakışıyla Prizren’de Kahve ve Türk Kahvesi İçme Kültürü. Milli Folklor, 16(126), 210-222. 16(2020):210-222 Scopus https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/millifolklor/issue/55811/573424 4.Prof. Ass. Dr. Fatmir Mehmeti Mehmeti, F., & Balaj, H. (2020). ATTITUDES OF STUDENTS OF" UKSHIN HOTI" UNIVERSITY, PRIZREN REGARDING ONLINE LEARNING. Knowledge International Journal, 43(2), 417-421. 2020 Vol. 43 Nr.2 Fq. 417-422 EBSCO WorldCat ISSN 2545 – 4439 ISSN 1857 - 923X https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/article/view/4739 4 5.Prof. Ass. Dr. Munevver Muyo Yildirim 5.1Ozdemir, E. (2020). EXPECTATIONS AND FACTS FROM PROBLEM SOLVING IN MATHEMATICS: AN APPLICATION EXAMPLE. 2020, December; Vol: 3(2), pp:154-172 https://academicworks.livredelyon.com/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1034&context=edu_sci 5.2 Teachers 'and Prospective Teachers' Views on the Examination of Mathematics Textbooks Used in Primary Education Classroom Teaching 2020, December: Vol: 1(1); pp: 18-40. ISSN: 2710-0871 https://kerjournal.com/?mod=tammetin&makaleadi=&makaleurl=839ebe7b-a049-4ebd-8500- 99264d5cfecb.pdf&key=48611 (???) 5.3 Yildirim, M. M., & Vardari, L. (2020). Mathematical and financial literacy: A research with prizren University students. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 15(6), 1574-1586. 2020, December: Vol. 15(6): pp:1574-1586, SCOPUS DOAJ EBSCO https://doi.org/10.18844/cjes.v15i6.5318 6.Prof Ass Dr. Pranvera Jetishi – Çollaku Jetishi-Çollaku, P. (2020). CORRELATION OF FAMILY COHESION AND FLEXIBILITY WITH EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS IN KOSOVO ADOLESCENTS 11-18 YEARS OLD. Knowledge-International Journal, 41(6), 1233-1236. 2020, ISSN 1857-923X, ISSN 2545-4439, Vol. 41.6Fq. 1233-1236 EBSCO WORLDCAT https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/article/view/4401/4211 7.Prof. Asoc. Dr. Ragip Gjoshi 7.1Përpjekjet e mësimit të gjuhës shqipe në Kosovë gjatë viteve 1912-1918 Vol. 5 No.3 January EBSCO https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=784332 7.2 Educational and linguistic activity of Sali Gjuka. Vol. 4 No. 1 January, 2020 EBSCO ISSN 2519-1284 Acces online at www.iipccl.org European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences http://iipccl.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/178-187.pdf 8.Prof. Asoc. Dr. Rifat Morina 8.1 Sopjani, M., Morina, R., Uka, V., Xuan, N. T., & Dërmaku-Sopjani, M. (2020). JAK2-mediated Intracellular Signaling. Current Molecular Medicine. Current Molecular Medicine DOI : 10.2174/1566524020666201015144702 Volume 20, 10 Issues, 2020 Web of Science https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33059575/ 8.2 Hyseni, B., Ferati, F., Rexhepi, F., Morina, R., Baliu, Y., Hyseni, S., ... & Nikerel, E. (2020). Isolation and Characterization of Microorganisms for Protease Production from Soil Samples from Kosovo and Testing the Enzymes in Food Industry Application. Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, 8(2), 687-693. 2020, Volume 8, Issue 2, 687-693 Scopus 5 http://www.jett.dormaj.com/docs/Volume8/Issue%202/html/Isolation%20and%20Characterization%20of% 20Microorganisms%20for%20Protease%20Production%20from%20Soil%20Samples%20from%20Kosov o%20and%20Testing%20the%20Enzymes%20in%20Food%20Industry%20Application.html 9.Prof. Ass. Dr. Shemsi Morina 9.1 Hoxha, F., & Morina, S. (2020). Children with Special Educational Needs in Suhareka: Number, Characteristics and School Career. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(11B), 5888-5893. Volume 8, No 11B, 2020 f.6 SCOPUS https://www.hrpub.org/journals/article_info.php?aid=10021 9.2 Bajram, Ҫ. U. P. I., & MORINA, S. (2020). The Influential Power and the Importance of Music in Advertising and Marketing. Journal of Life Economics, 7(1), 17-28. Volume 7, Issue1, 2020, pp.17-28 DOAJ https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/961063 10. Prof. Ass. Dr. Vedat Bajrami 10.1 Vedat Bajrami , Bedir Šabotidb* ERPA International Congresses on Education 2020 ISBN: 978-605-83418-8-3 Relations of Cognitive Skills with Situational – Motor Skills in Sport Games https://www.erpacongress.com/upload/dosya/book-of-abstracts_with-isbn_15ebb9785e8666.pdf 10.2ACCEPTANCE AND OPENNESS TO CHANGES AS NEEDS IN TEACHER SELF EVALUATION Esad Kurejsepi Vedat Bajrami International Journal Knowledge ISSN 2545 – 4439 ISSN 1857 – 923 https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/article/view/4921/4687 11.Prof . Asoc. Dr. Soner Yildirim YILDIRIM, S., & Tezci, E. Factors That Influence Teachers' Multicultural Teaching Practices. OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 16(27), 1-1. 2020,16(27), 13-47 ISSN: 2528-9527 EBSCO https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/1210315 12.Prof Ass Dr. Serdan Keravan The Effect of Multilingualism on Education in Preschool Children (Kosovo Example).Brlayolli D. Serdan Kervan (2020) 1 (1), 71-86 Kosovo Educational Research Journal, https://kerjournal.com/?mod=tammetin&makaleadi=&makaleurl=4a59c98f-cc21-462e-b18b- 4c8559716044.pdf&key=48625 13. Ass. Artan Reshani, Phd C. 13.1Reshani, A., & Bajraktari, H. (2020). Contribution of the US Congressman Joseph John DioGuardi to human rights abuses in Kosovo during the 1990’s. Proceedings Book, 3, 25 2020 ICSS XXI Pages:25-19 Worldcat http://books.euser.org/files/proceedings/21st_ICSS_2019_Proceedings_Book_ISBN_9781648714498.pdf #page=25 6 13.2RESHANİ, A. (2020). The US Foreign Policy Role in Achieving the Rambouillet Agreement. Tarih ve Gelecek Dergisi, 6(2), 322-334. June 2020, Volume 6, Issue 2 Pages :322-334 DOAJ Worldcat https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/issue-full-file/55051 14.Ass. Albulena Alidema, Phd C. Alidema, A. (2020). NDIKIMI I TEKSTEVE SHKOLLORE PËR NXËNIEN E GJUHËS STANDARDE SHQIPE. ALBANOLOGJIA, 7(13-14), 56-63. Jurnal of Albanologjia Language https://eprints.unite.edu.mk/527/1/7.pdf 7 2.Fakulteti Ekonomik Mësimdhënësit të cilët do t’i gjeni Publikimet Shkencore: Prof. Asoc. Dr. Halil Kukaj Prof. Asoc. Dr. Hamdi HOTI Prof. Asoc. Dr.Behxhet Brajshori Prof. Asoc. Dr. Drita Krasniqi Prof. Asoc. Dr.Bekim BERISHA Prof. Ass. Dr. Demir LIMA Prof. Ass. Dr. Rifat Hoxha Prof. Ass. Dr. Nerimane Bajraktari Prof. Asoc. Dr. Shukri Maxhuni Prof. Asoc. Dr. Hysni Terziu Prof. Ass. Dr. Florije GOVORI Ass. Festim Tafolli Ass. Dafina Abdullahu Ass. Anera ALISHANI 8 UNIVERSITETI “UKSHINHOTI’’PRIZREN Rruga e Shkronjave Nr.1, 20000 Prizren -Kosovë; Tel:+381 (0) 29- 232 140; Homepage: www.uni-prizren.com Publikimet Shkencore për vitin 2020 Fakulteti Ekonomik 1.Prof. Asoc. Dr. Halil Kukaj, Kukaj, H., Morina, F., & Misir, V. (2020). Profitability analysis of banks: comparative study of domestic and foreign banks in Kosovo. Worldcat https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/322748669.pdf 2.Prof. Ass. Dr. Florije Govori, 2.1 Govori, F., & Fejzullahu, A. (2020). External Financial Flows and GDP Growth in Kosovo. Journal of Developing Societies, 36(1. 2020. Vol 36, Issue 1. page(s): 56-76 -Web of science -Scopus https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0169796X19898964 2.2 Govori, F., & Fejzullahu, A. (2020). The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment by Economic Activity on Gross Domestic Product Growth in Kosovo. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 9(6), 78-78. 2020. Vol 9 No 6.page(s): 78-88 -Scopus http://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/12287 3.Prof. Asoc. Dr. Hamdi Hoti, 3.1Hoti, H., LIMAJ, D., & KURHASKU-HOTI, E. (2020). Role of Nongovernment Organisations in the Development of the Kosovar Society. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 9(2), 115-115. (2020), ISSN: 2239-5938(print), EISSN: 2239-6101(online).